Muhammad West – NZ Tragedy

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a group of individuals struggling with various struggles, including financial struggles, disease and fear, and anger. They express frustration with these struggles and the need to prepare for potential moments of harm. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a jumbled mix of popular and political statements. The speakers discuss issues related to religion, including pride and anger, and the responsibility of religion in addressing harm and harm. They also mention the importance of avoiding religion and avoiding anger in addressing issues of pride and anger. The conversation is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled text.
AI: Transcript ©
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out of alignment to shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala should have been able to sit here and say and I'm humbled him either early he or SOFIA Germain, my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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All praise and worship and thanks be to Allah subhanho wa Taala Oh creator, sustainer Masha Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, we witnessed that none has the right to be worshipped besides Allah subhanho wa taala. We thank Allah in all situations in times of prosperity, and times of hardship, even when our hearts are breaking on the inside the tongue only says that which pleases Allah subhanaw taala and we send our love and salutations and greetings to our beloved Debbie Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious and pure family to his companions, and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless us and bless this Omar blobby Muhammad

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Sallallahu wasallam to God to grant us the hidayah to be upon His guidance. May Allah subhanaw taala alleviate our hardships. May Allah subhana wa Taala make right the faults in this ummah, ALLAH forgive our sins and guide us and it has to be a better Ummah, so that we can be united with Him in janitorial dose. I mean, well, hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah it's good to be back home. So I was gone. I don't know if you noticed, I wasn't here last week, if you didn't notice, there's a problem. So I wasn't here And Alhamdulillah. I was actually in, in Australia, this past week delivering a lecture on Islamic finance. But of course the the issue, the one thing that has been on all our minds a week

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ago, basically, really just a week ago, the tragedy we all know of the events that occurred in New Zealand. And it's something that we need to reflect on some things to talk about. And I'm sure all of you have heard lots of lectures on this already. By now, a lot of you have seen and read things well hamdulillah and we have to reflect on these things. And subhanAllah last week, I was fortunate enough to give Juma in a masjid, which was in Brisbane stablished by the South African Muslims that move away. And just as I was about to begin, the news reached them. So New Zealand, of course, a little earlier. So the Jamaat just completed and we were about to start. And so we heard the news

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that something happened at that time, there wasn't much information. We didn't know how many people were killed, what was the motive? What was the reason, and you could feel the tension was something else. Everyone was agitated, you didn't know if it was an isolated event, that if anyone could just walk in the police that were parolee patrolling the area. So it was a very difficult time. And it was obviously the pain is felt throughout the Ummah throughout the world, really not only the Muslim community, but of course being close to New Zealand, the people they felt it even even worse. And so we need to mention a few points for us. And the first thing I want to come, the first thing that we

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mentioned, and as you saw the clip being played, that was the Jumar today, the whole of New Zealand of course basically came to a standstill for Joomla first time in the history of the country. And the Imam recited these verses and these are the verses we recite in times of calamity when Allah Subhana Allah says, and give glad tidings to the one who is patient and levena either a Saba to masiva the one who is struck with disaster, whether it is a small disaster or a big one, whether it is you've, you've got sick, you've lost some money, you were in a car accident, someone that you love has passed away, a Lavina either a Sabra to masiva give glad tidings to the one who when he

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experiences calamity, he says in the law, he were in Iraq June, vividly from Allah, indeed we belong to Allah, and unto Him is our return. Now this isn't just a DUA. This isn't something we just recite. Like when you're into the toilet, there's a dua This is meant to make you feel make me feel a sense of relief when you're going through hardship. Allah Subhana Allah says, nothing is really lost. When you lose your wealth, you lose something that you love. When you lose a loved one, nothing is lost. Everything comes from Allah, everything belongs to Allah. And ultimately it goes back to Allah. The fact that this life is the journey away. For some of us, the journey is short,

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and for some of us, we will have a longer journey. But at the end of the day, everyone's destination is the same. You know, once a hobby, he came back from jihad, and He left with his wife, his son, he had one son, and the son passed away without him knowing. So when he got home, his wife,

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he asked, where's my son? And she said, Don't worry, they see the kid, you know, we'll talk about that later. She beautified herself, she looked after him, she pampered him, and then the next day he said, okay, but now it's my son. And then she said these words

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He says, if you if someone linked you something, you know your neighbor lent you the lawn mower, and then the neighbor comes and collects the lawn mower, do you feel bad about it? So he said no, it was never mind to begin with. So he said the same thing Allah had link gave us a son. And now Allah has taken that back. The man was very upset. And you went to the Rasulullah saw Salaam and complained about his wife. And the Prophet also says Your wife has spoken the truth that when we hear these if and it's difficult and it's difficult, when we go through calamity, to say that this is will this belongs to Allah and to Allah is the return. And I mentioned that when we speak to children when

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they Eman is very pure. When someone dies or something bad happens we say they went back to Allah granule and back to Allah and they feel happy, okay, I feel calm because Allah is good. And that is the kind of sincere Iman that when someone passes away we say it has. Ultimately all this belongs to Allah and to Allah is the return. And Allah says when you say that and you believe that then Allah says, Allah, Allah him Salah to me, Robbie Marama upon them is Salawat blessings not from whom, from the Lord Allah sin Salawat on you, like we said, Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Allah sins Salawat upon you, in your times of calamity and Rama, where Allah Iike human

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doing that they are on right guidance and other Hadith. The Prophet Solomon says that Allah Himself says, Oh, son of Adam, when you are struck with calamity, if only you restrain yourself at that moment, the minute you receive that bad news, you just held back and you're patient, you did that, then I will not Allah says I will not be happy with compensating you with anything other than Jana, that that suburb that summer, in times of hardship is truly, you know, sincere, deep Iman the fear of the believer, as it also says, when his son was dying, Ibrahim Subhan, Allah Rasulullah wasallam buried all his children except one, all his kids he buried two of his wives he made Khadija is

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beloved, how many Sahaba he buried, there was no person No calamity that was struck on a beat on a person, except that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam felt it. And when he was beating this last child in his 60s, he saw all of them die one by one this hope he perhaps hope that I only had a few years to live that this little boy Ibrahim will outlive me, maybe this one is going to survive. And of course, Ibrahim died. And so the Prophet Solomon began to cry Sahaba never saw dynamicism cry very often says what is the status with all of these tears? And he said these tears are not ungratefulness to Allah we are we are grateful to Allah, the heart is said and the eyes are said,

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but the tongue only has his hand and sugar. Even as we are dying, we say Alhamdulillah this is of your mercy and your Rama and which we can understand. So calamities will come. Good days will come bad days will come. And as time progresses the visa Salam tells us that the time will come in tribulation will be one upon the other Subhanallah we're just about to you know, come to terms with one tribulation, and then a disaster hits Mozambique. We were just talking about two weeks ago Kashmir and that was our series, but now we've changed again, because tribulation and calamity upon calamity and all we can do in times like this. You say in law you are in a garage you own and have

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sobered up to the best of our abilities. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us patients when his decree befalls us, may Allah make it easy for those that are going through hardship there are those of us who are struggling with disease. There are those of us who are struggling with financial burdens. They are those who are going through very, very difficult things. Many of us sitting here we come to the masjid even though we are dying on the inside, but we come and we make sudo to Allah and we give sugar to Allah, Allah make it easy. And there is no as we said, one of the great rewards. One of the greatest things when I was speaks about the EU will assume that we will assume

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are the elite Ambia the elite Ambia what separates them from the rest was the ability to be calamity, what made them the elite was that they were afflicted with the most calamity and that the most patients in times of calamity when Allah says that this is asmin Amora V, this is the most difficult of things is to be patient with calamity. So may Allah grant us the ability to be patient with him.

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After that, we need to realize that we need to prepare these things are eye openers for us. A number of things for us to be mindful of. As one commentator said

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people came to Masjid

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many of them perhaps had work on the mind. As some of you might you just came from work. You still have meetings and things on your mind. You might be on your mind planning the weekend. Some of us we come to Joomla we just sort of go into hibernation mode. We allow the Hatim to push us into stream land and then we can wake up again. It's just the time out. We never know you

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Never come to the masjid and think that your janazah is going to be on that day.

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You never know when the decree of Allah is going to come. We never know that.

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We sometimes and I said it's the end of the week, we Subhanallah need to prepare for the calamities. And yes, we have patience for it when it comes, but we also prepare for it. And something to be mindful. We don't know when that decree of Allah subhanaw taala befalls us. On the same day at the same place someone three years old, someone's 70 years old, molecule Mota had all those names on his list. And so all we can do is we can make dua that when we when our time comes, Allah subhanho wa Taala takes take us away, in a moment of goodness.

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May Allah subhanho wa taala, we can't avoid death, we can't run from it, we can't hide from it, the only thing we can do is hope that when it reaches us, we are prepared for it. We are prepared for it and some Subhan Allah with envy, we see some dying in a state of piety. And Allah gone that for us. But if the death depends on how we live, we don't just reach that bliss, a death by accident, you earn it through life, and therefore we prepare for this inevitable day. We feel sad for these people, but be it but also remember you and I, it can be a car accident, just when we leave the Masjid. It can be 50 years from now, due to cancer, it can be Allah, Allah, um, how the time is

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going to come. All we can do is prepared for that prepare ourselves for that for that moment. And beyond just preparing ourselves personally, one message that has come out across the world and hamdulillah a part of group chats with different scholars, we need to make our masajid or modalities safe. We need to prepay that they are individuals that mean us harm. And it's irresponsible for us not to not to be ready for that. Like we prepare this fire last summer Hala. But it's a reality. We must prepare ourselves our misogyny, that it could be an attack like this crusade hatred exists everywhere. Even though in South Africa, maybe we become a little complacent. And yes, things are

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better in South Africa than other parts of the world. Some hot teams, I mean, some people said that it's a part of life in Canada, a place like Canada, which you think is quite a safe place, that they have to have security guards outside because it's regular that someone will drive past and shoot through the windows on Allah. So this is something we need to be aware of those of us that are part of the masjid, we need to look into these things. As you said, you have kids that goes to school madrasahs and all these things, we need to be vigilant, we live in a new kind of world. So part of the decree of Allah we accept but we also have to tie the camel and the conversation needs to begin

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now that are we safe and always secure. But yes, we will continue to come to the masjid irrespective of you know what's happening, but we also need to do our part in making it secure.

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a theme that has come through many many commentators about this thing

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how do we respond because we are angry? This anger, this frustration, because this was not an attack on a people in New Zealand. It was against the entire ummah. And it could have been anybody could have been you could have been me in fact, a crime what was the crime the crime was La ilaha illallah and that they had brown skin and that's you That's me, can be this machine. It can be any of them as you're on Earth. So how do we respond with this kind of hatred? Allah subhana wa Tada tells us Yeah, you will Adina almond or cuckoo, Amina Lilla, Yeshua Bill kissed whether I actually mana commission and who call me Allah. Allah Allah Tadeu de Loup, Acropolis, taqwa what took Allah in Allah habito

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Mata Ramadan, Allah Subhana. Allah says, oh you believe, be persistently standing firm for Allah wouldn't being witnesses to justice. And do not let the hatred of one people prevent you from being just don't take your frustration out on the wrong people. We see sadly, and we hope that this is not the case that certain groups out of the frustration, they take it out on any group of people or any group of any religion. This is not how we do things in Islam, they might blame the crimes of one Muslim, they blame the whole ummah. That's not how we do things, that no one bears the burden of the crime except the criminal himself. Specifically what I'm saying insha Allah and also relevant to us

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here, but in other parts of the world, where you've been abused for many, many years, where you've been a second class citizen, it is easy now to give into vengeance and anger to take up harm and harm a synagogue or a church. That is haram. That is the same crime like this crime. Yeah. We do not blame a religion, because this is not done. Even in the name of a religion. It's not done for religion.

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No religion on earth promotes the killing of children, no religion on earth. And we don't even blame a certain culture, or a certain group of people. We don't blame white people or white males. We don't blame Christians, because it's not part of the culture. It's not part of the religion, that this is someone who has been radicalized, and we blame him and those who have preached hatred. So as Muslims, we will never ever declare war and take out our frustrations on a group of people. So this idea came down. Why did this idea come down? When the Muslims the Sahaba, the Rasulillah, Salam wanted to perform Amara, they were stopped by the crush the idol worship as they stopped them didn't

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allow them to come to Makkah. So when they went back to Medina, another group of pagans were coming for Amara on their way to Makkah, and they were passing by Medina. So some Sahaba said, well, they stopped us, so we're going to stop them. And Allah revealed this ayah No, you don't do that. You don't take your frustration out. And you don't punish someone who didn't commit the crime. So now is the time part of that summer is to be patient. Part of that patience, is that we don't give in to extremism. And this is this is the sad reality of the world, one extreme will give rise to the opposite extreme, we as Muslims will always be in the middle. We don't give into Islamic extremism.

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We don't give into white extremism, black extremism, whatever it might be, we are always going to be sure that because this is that middle road, we will always be just whether it is for us or against us, we will stand for justice, whether it is our own people that have been harmed, we stand for justice, this is what we need to do. So never ever give into voices of, of extremism, and also important for us. We should not be apologetic when from within ourselves, these kinds of crimes happen. So we saw, for example, and brings us to the next point, hate mongers. We see, for example, when these crimes happen, people will say you know what, it was bad. But they had it coming. But

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it's sort of justified, they give justification, right? And we become upset. We shouldn't do the same thing. So when we see, for example, someone of the Muslim name, bombs, a place of worship of another community, or he killed civilians, we don't say it's wrong what he did. But if they didn't attack Syria, or if they didn't harm us in Palestine, this wouldn't happen. No, we don't give justification to that. Yes, it's complex. But we never ever justify the killing of someone who is innocent. They are those who need to take blame for this. And I think one of the big stories that came out, so the big, apart from the tragedy, apart from the sadness, what came out from this is

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that this guy, and we won't say his name, and I hope none of you watch that video. And if you have it deleted, we don't spread this part of what he wants. That's data. You want to spread fear.

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This person didn't appear out of a vacuum. He wasn't some crazy person that became radicalized. It was years of listening to a certain type of Dawa was certain type of rhetoric, a certain type of conversation. They are coming, they are taking our lands, they are invading our country, our people will disappear, that they need to be stopped. He heard this over and over and you build a sense of paranoia. And some of you might our older brothers here uncle's yellow will know the Black Swan, how far you can you can get decent people to do the most evil things by making them constantly paranoid and fearful. They're coming for you. They're coming from your land, you know, who did this founded

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the SubhanAllah. If you look in the Quran, Quran says to his people, we need to continue to oppress Bani Israel and kill the sons. Why? Because they want to take over our way of living. They are coming for us, we are the victims, we are only defending ourselves and people out of fear will end up doing the worst of things. So the real criminals, the people that should really take responsibility are those who preach hatred.

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For the sake of votes, to win elections, it's easy. Now, if you look at Europe, subhanAllah how many parties that didn't exist * parties. You only heard this kind of language 100 years ago when the Nazi parties were in Europe. And they use the Jews as the scapegoats that if you don't vote us in, these Jews are going to take over the country. Few years later, if you don't vote us in, these communists are going to take over the country. You don't have those threats anymore. Islam is the new three immigrants, these people coming from Pakistan, India, Somalia, Syria, they will take over your country. So they use this constant fear mongering. And these are the people that they have

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blood on their hands. Because this man if you look at what he's ideology, and he actually mentioned some of them, Donald Trump, for example, he admires these people that this this ideology is what they need to do to protect white, white kids.

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culture or European culture that we are invading the lands. And it's quite ironic that a white male in Australia speaks about invading of lands and removing complete cultures out. Because Subhanallah if any group of people is really has history, you know, against them, it's that that culture. So this is becoming more and more of an issue today, even I saw in the news, I think, Netherlands, another party, a fringe, right wing party, there are winning votes. So it's not just that there are few people making a noise, there are people voting for them, and the people that are supporting this kind of ideology, so that hatred is across the world. And it's rising, and it's rising for the sake

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of winning votes. It's rising. And naturally, as a consequence, you're going to get this is the consequence of that. Similarly, so we ask, we ask those people who are in power, the same way you have come down hard on Islamic hate preachers, those who spoke about killing the non believers in the kuffar wherever you find them, the same way you how you went off to them and lock them up, we'll go off to those who speak hatred against other groups of people, the same way you ask questions, well, how did they get the training? Where did they learn to use guns? We didn't get the funding, we ask, are there any training camps in Australia, New Zealand? Where did this guy get his training

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from? So now for 1718 years, we've seen the war on terror, we want to see that war on terror continuing now, against all its faces, whether it can't be just when it's a Muslim, it's a terrorist. This person, as we know, is exactly the extremist view of ours, we say radical Islam. Now Subhanallah, something I want to point out here,

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this ideology of this man, do you know who if you read their ideology, very similar to the ideology of Islamic extremists? When you read the way they read the Quran, we are constantly at war with every non believer, they're on the same page actually, extremism, they're actually on the same page with each other, and what they want more than anything else, if you ask if he looks in his manifesto, he said, the thing I want from this is that there should be a a further, he wants the Muslims to get riled up and respond and so it escalates into into violence. And we will not do that. Subhanallah we will not do that. Because our our deen is we don't give into hatred. And we don't

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respond out of hatred. We only do things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. But those voices, whether they are from within Islam, they have the names of Islam or outside, they are the ones that need to be silenced. They are the ones that need to be need to need to be brought to justice. And it's very sad and scary. When you see comments. And you look at you when people make these kinds of speeches, anti Islamic speeches, or anti Muslim speeches or even Muslims giving hatred speaking hatred. When you look at the comments down the that yes, it's justified, yes, we should remove them. Yes, we should kick them out. This is scary. And it makes us Subhanallah us decent people.

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To you need to do that extra effort in preaching, love and harmony. Who our Dawa is to make sure that when we interact with any person that they should know what they see on the news is not the reality, that I can't accept what this man is saying on the TV about Muslims, when my good friend Muhammad or Aisha is such a good person, I can never accept that. That becomes our responsibility. And subhanAllah. I see this again and many, many times, South Africa, we have been shielded from that kind of extremism, because of our interaction and integration in this country, and we should continue doing it.

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But we have other kinds of extremism here in South Africa,

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maybe not against Muslims, but against rich against poor who are against rich, racist extremism groups, one side against the other, you find radicals rising up. And in politics, you're going to fear this again, we have elections coming up, you will find voices of frustration. So what they do is they take the frustrations that you have the fears that you have. There are two types of politicians one, they speak about hope, and they speak about building a better future. That's a very difficult line to walk. It's easier to speak to your frustrations. You're angry that you don't have a job, you're angry that the electricity is going out. You're angry that you've been a domestic

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worker for so many years. Let's just revolt and take over and grab what we want.

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The same message of hatred we must stop that and we don't give into hatred. The next point

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what this also brings into account is vanilla while I was there, there was debates about Islamic finance about the this halal and haram and the moon and all this moon fighting. Then you have a tragedy like this, and it reminds you once again

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to prioritize our issues, yes, of course it's important for us to discuss and debate matters, but never lose focus about the big issues, that we are one OMA and they are matters which affects the whole Ummah and ultimately, we are one family and like a family we can fight behind closed doors we can argue and skeleton straight whatever it is, but the minute an external force affixed that family when we have a united front, our issues our internal issues should not prevent us, but externally become weak. We Subhanallah need to stand together as one Ummah and realize that this ummah, your kids and my kids, the betterment of Islam in 100 years time depends on all of us. It's time for us

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as Allah ma maybe put aside your bickering. Put aside your pity arguments. There's a time and place yes for certain scholarly debates, but when it brings the whole Ummah backwards when Subhanallah when there is such great hatred against our Ummah, can we even afford to hate each other inside? When there's so many people out there looking to harm us? Can we still be the reason for harming each other? No Subhanallah because at the end of the day, when harm comes is that say Muslim brother, that you had an issue with this is gonna stand at your Janaza Salah let's get the whistle you and put you in the cupboard, and no one else, no one else. So it becomes we realize we

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prioritize you know, sometimes you find brothers, they don't speak to each other for years, but it takes a death in the family for them to come together now. Now we realize you were one family we need to get beyond our small issues because they are bigger issues at play the sake of the Ummah at large Muslims living in many, many minorities, totally different ballgame. And sadly, we see the stream rising, you know, if it was something totally out of the pan, you know, flash in the pan. It would be, you know, to be said, but at least knows that what we're seeing is we need to expect more and more of the sadly, we need to expect more because this rhetoric is rising. So we as as as as as

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an ummah, we need to prioritize ourselves and the proposition says this to us. I'm not afraid for you. This OMA will ever be wiped out through an external enemy never is going to happen. It has been for 1500 years, we had many enemies externally. The Romans the Persians, the Abuja highlands of Makkah, the Mongolians, you name it, they came the Crusaders, they came the Ummah survived, and it will continue to survive until piano and similarly the prophets of salaam said this ummah will not disappear through one massive natural disaster. You know, it won't be that a earthquake wipes you Oh, that's not gonna happen. But the thing that will wipe you out is internal fighting. That is the

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problem. Promise, awesome says Allah made accepted my dua that the myeloma should not be wiped out by an enemy or a natural disaster, and that they should not fight with one another. And Allah did not accept the third one, that this one was biggest threat is the internal issues. That is the biggest threat to our security, not outside. There will always be haters can't change that they will it will just the face will change from time to time. The real issue is how we stand together, that we need to build an uma year, South Africa we take things to our context, what is best for our community, what is best for our kids, we need to start thinking as an ummah, rather than

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individuals. Then lastly,

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I'm doing a series on

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on Who is Allah?

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Back to Basics essential of Islam, we're talking about atheism. And when someone asks, What do you see what kind of Allah allows you to come to Masjid

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you coming to perform Salah to worship him? He has the power he has angel standing at the door taking it all call. But when a gunman comes in, he doesn't do anything about it. With this Allah, either he can't do some do it, which means he's limited in power, or he doesn't care. How do we understand the wisdom behind this calamity? How do we end this Subhanallah any kind of calamity? How do we explain all loving all powerful God allowing things like this to happen?

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As we mentioned, that Allah subhanaw taala gives us the choice to do good or to do bed. Some and this is the thing that angels asked Ya Allah? Why are you putting on the earth people that will show you they actually said they will shed blood? Why are you giving this creation? Free Will because we know what they're going to do. They're going to kill one another. So Allah says, I know what you don't know. But there is a greater wisdom behind these things. Sometimes we understand the wisdom. Sometimes we don't understand the wisdom, but Subhanallah from this calamity, and it's sad and we don't we don't say it's okay. But from this, how many good things have come out of it. You had the

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opposite impact. You had the whole world coming together against hatred. You found in

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For example, New Zealand today or in the week, immediately gun laws have changed. People have hand in the guns that we don't want to have weapons that kill people. They have the parliament opened with recitation of the Quran first time in history in New Zealand. The Parliament open was an imam reciting verses of the Quran. Today was the day Hijab Day. So the women in New Zealand they wore hijab, they asked the interviewer asked her why are you doing this job? She says, If anyone was to bring a gun to this event, I don't want to be seen as different to these people. They're going to shoot in lemme shoot me along with him. Right? non Muslim, non Muslim. So, the one thing that this

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man tried to do, and the calamity that he brought about Allah's Hickman was the me bring something even better from that. We find Subhanallah

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people being brought together from around the world, the Ummah being brought together. And these guys these 50 that have died, and the mela Grantham genital for those

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who are sad for them, but we also envy them, right? We also envy them. And we ask sometimes what did they do to earn that? That's really Iman, you know, this is really something because we understand the bigger picture. When we look at these people that have passed away we see the why. What did you do, brother? What was it in your life that made you to die Shaheed on Juma in the masjid? How you can get a bit of depth in that Subhanallah and some scholars, some people that Oh, no, the victims they've seen many of those who have died. Were those who were known to be regular massage at least five times a day. Those who got injured were not the regular ones.

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No, subhanAllah I'm not joking. I'm not joking. It wasn't meant as a joke. I wasn't mean. But Subhanallah No, this is what the Sheikh said the chef, I didn't say that a chef, the chef, they said when he spoke to the victims, he said those who died were the ones who were regular. And those who were injured were those that came for Jamal okay once or twice so Allah chose of those who had special special police with him. Of course all those were injured or

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you know, it's finally did it for the sake of Allah, that you dropped one one ounce of blood for the sake of Allah then your Subhanallah you're not the Shaheed but you're majority in the path of Allah, what a great three will greatest deed you could do after the pillars is to be in the path of Allah subhanaw taala

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point is that from a calamity.

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Allah has brought so much good out of it. Allah has brought so many positives out of it. And even for us here, what positive is it for us here? One positive I take and in fact the Prime Minister of Australia or New Zealand rather, she mentioned this hadith in her talk today. So she gave a talk. She mentioned the hadith of Nabil salaam, she said and the Prophet Salam said, the likeliness the example of the believers in the love and mercy for one another. And the compassion is like one body, we just had it how many times that went on one limb aches, one limb gets hurt, the entire body feels, uh, feels the fever or the pain. You know, if you're, if you're if you bumped your toe, it

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doesn't mean my toe is so my whole body is so now we heard this hadith many, many times. But now we got to feel that hadith for people that we haven't seen. A country that none of us or hardly any of us has visited. We didn't know this a masjid note. We don't know any of these people. But when we saw it, we felt sad. Some of us cried. Why crying? Because it's this hadith that the entire body feels said. And one comforting thing for me that comes out is yes, we are bad. We commit sin our hearts sometimes have a disease inside it. But it's still alive. When the responses when you see something wrong. You can't change it with your hand or with your mouth. But you can but you feel bad

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in your heart. That's the lowest form of Eman. What that says to you and me that they still life in this heart that they still Iman inside. And when I see something bad happening not just to a Muslim, but just anything genuinely bad.

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I feel truly deeply hurt inside. That's an evidence of this Eman? Well hamdulillah it gives me hope that they still live in it. It's maybe on life support. But that heart is still alive. Well Hamdulillah we become so desensitized. We see how many things we just scroll through Facebook, often Syria, calamities, Kashmir, the Muslims in China, millions of them we just scroll and it doesn't even touch us anymore and it becomes worrying yeah Allah what's happening to me. But this was a confirmation that I felt deeply sad about this. It hurt me deeply. And this is Al Hamdulillah sign of some form of iman Allah subhanaw taala blesses to have that Iman that ALLAH SubhanA increases in

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our hearts. Allah grant comfort and ease for those who have left behind. It's very difficult in those who ever suffered calamity. Allah grant you will patients may that be the means your access to Jannah through that calamity, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant all of us the Tofik to die in the state of Nevada. May Allah grant us to leave this world with the last words the columella Illa Illa Allah

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mela take from us to be shahada as well, we live a life that allows us to have a fortunate def Mala forgive our sins and our shortcomings. May Allah protect this ummah, remove the hatred that is in the world. May his Rama mais Rama descend upon all the peoples of this dunya Amin Al Hamdulillah. Just a few announcements, first issue on the agenda. The most is AGM is this Monday this Monday evening, I believe it's half past seven off the Isha is at the nursery school, the Burano house. And again as I said, You are part of this Masjid. So if you'd like to understand what's happening, you can attend the financials will be will be given the main we'll continue our series in sha Allah with

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our discussion on Kashmir, but really the history of Islam in India. So this is we said we stopped when the British arrived,

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you know, not invading land. So we'll talk about that in India. And then we continue on Monday from six o'clock Monday, Monday coming in sha Allah will our classes here in the masjid free of charge, if you'd like to attend, you may attend. It's the age of the Rightly Guided caliphs, the beginning of the expansion of the Muslim Ummah that happens on Monday 6pm And then our series back to basics. We're talking about atheism right now. What is Islam? Why should I believe in Islam? What makes Islam through that is free on WhatsApp. If you'd like to join, then please send a message 2084 Triple to 1308 We'll send an email to [email protected] or West [email protected] Zachary thank you

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so much. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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