Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Hadith Sahih- Definition, Principles & Application

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary ©
The history and significance of Hadith's rule is discussed, including the use of "has" in Arabic and the history of scientific definition of "med strict." The speakers emphasize the need for evidence and proper proof in various fields, including cases of abuse, fraud, and abuse. The "has" in Arabic is seen as a strong or "b hungover" situation, and the "med strict" definition is discussed, including cases of fraud and abuse. The history and significance of Hadith's opinion is also highlighted, including the definition and its significance.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah learn your Walkman you're walking

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money Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali he was using iron Allahumma aluminum ion Formula One fan of Mr. Olympia and I was in our Ilma Subhanak Allahumma dar el Medina Illa molybdenite the controlling came about

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lesson number five

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have a thorough Hadith a Sharif.

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Today's lesson is going to be quite shallow, detail intensive,

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very important aspects to be discussed and discussed.

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And actually the main I mean, everything was important before this as well. But the actual

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intense part of the book starts from here.

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I started off this aspect

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we just briefly started off this chapter a suburb will or will be by early body. Matthias lehle Hajikko, Sharif Amelie, you have those notes

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that I gave, which which is a summary of

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the book reasons for disagreement amongst the Imams. And we start with started the first reason, the first reason when does a hadith qualify to be acted upon?

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So this is the first reason we're looking at and then he's divided this first reason into A, B, C and D. Okay, so there's four aspects to this first reason.

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Okay, let's first reason that's a, we're going to look at, we're just going to look at a today.

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Okay, the first point.

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So what's this whole?

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Cause of reason? What's the heading again?

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The first reason

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was a heading. What did he say? Well, again, reason for the first reasons that is,

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when does a headed qualify to be acted upon?

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So as we know, listen to this carefully.

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You will have to listen more than look, read the book because the book will be very confusing today.

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As you know the differences of opinion between your mom's and we're looking at fetishes.

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Different Imams say different things different mud hubs have different opinions about praying about fasting and all the different

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most of it is to do with the Hadith.

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And this is why this whole book is about how Hadith influences the differences of opinion.

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So then the question is that when does a hadith qualify to be acted upon? So if it qualifies to be acted upon then you act upon it. And if it disqualifies to be acted upon meaning does not qualify to get to the point then you don't act on it. So when is it fit enough? The word is yes law. From the word salah, Salah is opposite of facade in Arabic. No, this is solid, which means pious but actually means Soho means something correct and good and appropriate. That was the highest level means and opposite of that is first set which is like corrupted bad. So if you say an apple is good, you say Salah it's a good apple salute. Voodoo Salah hey ha there's a whole chapter in Hadith that buying

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and selling of fruits cobbler Buddha with Salah cobbler Buddha Salah here meaning before it's right and after it's right by the Buddha with Salah Yeah, so now salah is the Apple has right? The fruit has right? The date has right etc. So the word here use this salah.

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Okay, we're just trying to ease the discussion so that you can understand it perfectly. It's very important to understand this perfectly.

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We've just started two or three minutes ago, but I'm just setting the scene because really this is a very deep and detailed discussion today is probably one of the most important

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So Hadith, the diff disagreements occur because of Hadith. So the title is when does a hadith shareef a noble Hadith qualify when is it fit? When is it right? When is the Hadith good enough to be acted upon? And when you don't have to. So there's a difference of opinion between the Imams about this and then

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He said that this first cause or reason we'll

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look at,

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we'll look at what will be divided into four different points. And that's why in the handouts, I've made it into a, b, c, and d.

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And he mentioned last week we read that these four

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all these four so let's look at looking at going back, we'll get to each one ABCDE. So a

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the first point under this heading, when does the Hadith qualified to be acted upon under that heading? A the first point, he says, Amma Nocta Talulah.

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First idea doula be SDSR Taylor obey the annual Moodle Erica theory. As far as the first point is concerned, a I will present it

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in brief, even he's saying it in brief, but it's not really in brief, while relatively brief to look at other aspects. So that he says, so that I don't go far away from the topic too much. I don't you know, divert from the topic too much. So it will be won't be in too much detail.

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So the A

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he actually the heading of the A was lifted off of you, but you should notice the difference of opinion in some of the conditions of Hadith authenticity. So that's a point. Now.

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This first point is about, see when we say a hadith qualifies to be acted upon, it's fit enough. So one of the basic things

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that is done, when you say a hadith is fit enough or good enough or qualifies or does not qualify? One of the first things there's lots of things you have to look in for qualification. There's lots of aspects and angles involved. Added qualification. Yeah, like one thing, is it opposing the Quran or not? Or is it opposing another Hadith all that will come afterwards? When you when there's a hadith in Bukhari Muslim to Medina, say a Buddha anywhere, is it. Does this hadith qualify to be used as evidence to be acted upon? Can you apply this in your Salah? And I'll say, Okay, this is how you pray Salah Oh, this is the rule for this. Lots of things are involved. Yeah, lots of things

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involved. Does it contradict another one another more authentic hadith or not? This is contrary to the color all of that will come afterwards. But the first basic thing you do is that is this hadith in itself authentic or not? That's the first thing. So therefore the first point is about authentication.

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You know, we hear the word say.

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Okay, so the first basic criteria is what the first point does ahaadeeth qualified, I'm repeating myself just to put this in our minds and head is a Hadith fit enough to be acted upon the first a point the first check on the checklist. The first thing you do is look, is it Sahai.

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Now, he will tell us here that I'll read the Arabic And then I'd have to explain this to you in detail. A tougher jumhooree Allah, Allah and a shrewd Hadith so he comes up. Well, here it does follow Synod with Ubuntu identity Robbie was taboo to adopt he was Salama to sanity while maintaining Muna Shula was Salama To whom are you been minion a little car

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He's giving us the definition what is the Hadith so he definition

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okay this I've been teaching this like this I just took this is I even in the morning I'm actually teaching right now we're going through the definition of salary from the past three days Friday I started slowly slowly line one line one line in 14 minutes lesson. Basic mistake sometimes people make is when they look at the words here, especially with some people who are accustomed to Asian subcontinent languages. So all do Gujrati I don't know Bengali maybe do they use the word Saheeh in Bengali as well.

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Because we have the word sign or do Gujarati Punjabi Bengali we have this word say so humans correct good. Suddenly what is this? How are you good? Is it correct? Is it fine, though and opposite of that is like solid or bad or corrupt. It's completely misunderstand this word Sahai is an Arabic technical term in linguistics so he means

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somebody who's healthy is called Sahai as well. Opposite of marine

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linguistically, but here it's not the linguistic meaning. In Hadith definition, there is a specific definition given to a hadith say, there's a specific definition given

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Now, before understanding this definition,

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in the time of the messenger SallAllahu sallam, there was no such thing

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called Hadith sahih

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There is no definition.

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There's no way in the Quran a surah an ayah in the Quran telling us that this is the definition of a sahih Hadith. Okay? Of course not. There is no Hadith telling us what a hadith said he's in the time of Sahaba there was no such a thing as he or the second is called Hassan, Hassan and Saheeh are both like hasin is a lower level of se but it's still like

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it's sound basically you can use that as evidence and then you have the leaf which is weak or and then we have modal fabricated, but in the time was the holidays those there was no such a thing. That's it.

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In the time of dub your own as well, there wasn't really maybe some beginning parts, but there wasn't really there was no such thing as it.

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Because look at have the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because remember this he is not out of Allah. This is not defining what the messenger SallAllahu alyssum said, we're not saying all what he said is he or what he said was, but that's actually quite disrespectful. This is not like saying, Oh, this hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, this is saying we're not judging what he said.

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We're judging whether he said it or not.

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Do you understand the point? We're judging? Whether we're trying to ascertain whether he said this or not? This is for the chain, not for the text.

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So in the type of the Messenger of Allah who said him, he said something? How about when asked him Is it so hey, here's what he's saying. Are you hearing it with your ears? And the time of Derby winners? Well, there's no such a thing. Because imagine you you're sitting in the dark and modulus of Abdullahi Masaru. And he says, I heard the messenger sallallahu alayhi. Salam say this. There's no There's no question of Sati because he is a Sahabi. You're sitting with him, and he's heard the messenger Salallahu Alaihe. Salam,

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you don't need anything else.

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In the later generation tab, you're in again. Imagine you're sitting in the

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gathering and the data's of Hassenfeld bacillary

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he says, I heard so you're gonna follow up with Talib say that the messenger SallAllahu sallam said this? No problem because you know how some of us we that's what you sit in you respect and you trust him? And he's saying earlier the loved one who's a Sahabi of glue question. And he says the Messenger of Allah Hudson, there is no such thing. Even in the latter generation, it was like somebody who you knew is relating from a major Toby. So still, there's no question, but then as time passed,

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when books literally in the this started around the third century, remember harvest time more. So, there was early you know, bit of Kava and then principles in the beginning, remember. So Imago Hanif and all these guys were even before the term he came into existence

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since then, this point, but so it started later in the third generation because now somebody is telling you a hadith brother come Yeah, I heard from someone who heard from someone who heard from this starbury, who heard from the sahabi who heard from the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam that he said this. Who is this? Someone who heard from someone tell me his name? Who is he? What is it? Could that someone be just telling Porky pies? You know, could you be lying? Could you be making it up? Could that someone who's could it be someone after some hypocrite just trying to you know, come into the mix of the Muslims and fabricate the religion? Who is it?

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Now, in the third, fourth century, this whole thing started up.

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So then the orlimar sat down say, Look, we can't trust anyone who says like anyone could just stand up and say, Oh, I heard from this person doesn't person percentages, make fabricate names I heard from Milan, Milan from Abdullah bin Yusuf from Mohammed bin Ibrahim from, you know, just give some fancy names, and who are these guys what's going on? So then they started writing books and putting in a system in place, that there needs to be a criteria based on which you have to judge whether a hadith is actually something that the messenger SallAllahu alyssum did say or did not say. And that's when these terms came up.

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So the criteria was made by the Allah mum Hadith, more or less general broad criteria is agreed upon. But within the definition, there's differences as well.

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to incent because this, the criteria is not fully agreed upon, and this is what he's going to try to explain. Generally. So, generally, the definition is agreed upon.

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But within the this general definition, there are differences as well of different Imams and different identities and can send this basic point. So when we're looking at Hadith, when does it qualify to be acted upon? The first check is whether it's authentic or not. And then what is an authentic hadith? Okay, also when we saw the term so he

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has this definition, which I'm going to explain to you right now. But before I do that, again, the way we translate the words that he

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How do you translate it?

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Authentic people say that yes, a lot of people will say that but I personally just don't don't like like

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anything else.

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You know, I think most of the words will be similar in synonyms to authentic points, which is very important is not authentic but authenticated.

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It's very, very different. That's why I strongly put emphasis on this.

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So he literally means authentic. But in Arabic, it's in the meaning of

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this this which is very important to keep in mind this came again recently in Arabic, you should keep this in mind. It's in the meaning of Musa

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in Arabic you have so he means authentic Musa means authenticated, you see the word satire sexual means to be authentic thing of yourself Sahar you certainly who's somebody else's authenticating Why Why does it big? Why am I making a big deal out of why not say is it is cool so he but the meaning is really Musa why

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because this is a point that

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a hadith which is so he is not independently authentic like Allah didn't make something Sahai. It's not like it's already Sahai and people just identify it or you know,

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it is considered to be say it is classed to be say it is categorized to be sorry, it is it is deemed to be a hate is judged as he by who by human beings by my dear good human beings of course, but it is judged and considered and classified and categorized and deemed by someone it's not on in itself so he

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can send his point very important point that's why I normally say you know you have an Arabic Rudolph and muda filet Yeah, would you would you similar from the buffet in English?

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You have something like Kitab was eight in the book of Zed, you know?

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Subject, possession,

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owner and ownership. Okay, Kitab was 18 or Babu bathe in the door of the house. So the word sir he I normally say this I haven't read this No, I normally say this the word so he is moved off.

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He has to be attributed to something when someone says this hadith he

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The next question is according to whom

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it's not independently say it's according to whom someone is classifying it as say this a very important but it's not independently so he is judged as say it's classed as it's deemed to be say that's why the word Musa means deemed to be sorry. That's why I normally translate as authenticated or we say rigorously because there's been rigorous checklist had taken place rigorously authenticated by somebody.

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Okay, these are very important points to keep in mind that lots of questions and things are answered by this. I'll give you a classic example of this and I think I mentioned this maybe Nikita last year the year before Mr. mentioned it

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I was once reading a book just this an example to tell you the difference. I was reading once a book I can't remember now it was a book some current

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kind of room exactly what completely forgot what the book was about. But anyway, the footnote etc. Was by some contemporary student or knowledge or someone says howdy or somewhere I can't remember.

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Now, in the original text of the book, there was a discussion about some issue. And

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the author maybe it was original classical author was saying that this is an this is an opinion of such and such Imam I think he's an Imam Abu Hanifa this is what we hear Bouhanni for this opinion is taken by Abu Hanifa

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if I remember correctly in Abu Hanifa Shafi I don't remember who but maybe I think was a member of Antifa. And and he said and he used as evidence, the following Hadith. And then he put the Hadith that's in the he used as was studded lebih hurdle Hadith used as evidence the following Hadith

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on that when he used the following as a hadith, there's a number one

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footnote you look down on the footnote, the one who's editing and annotating the book.

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He puts number one and he says at the bottom this is a contemporary some student or some scholar, you know contemporary guy, he puts number one in what does he say

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that lacking however in Abu Hanifa using this hadith as a proof for his opinion,

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if he he never like this is problematic. Why because this hadith is that he if

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why is it the Eve

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He's done he gave the delete that this hadith is the eighth because he center the heat in the chain this this this Ravi and this route is the Eve as explained by if you want shall Bernie in his book such and such checks Alberni volume this references Alberni because basically had he had considered that yeah he said the alcohol burning the hadith is the if because Alberni has considered it to be that Eve okay and if remember this if I said is now for normal average on Luca reader well how does that sound us that sounds like that okay there was a hadith

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which independently Allah his Messenger made the Eve but Abu Hanifa despite being a nice person made a mistake and on this occasion in this issue, what did you do he by mistake use the the if Hadith and we're just highlighting that sorry, you know Albion is highlighting that look, there's a hadith which Allah in Quran in surah baqarah said was naive and advantageous is telling you that his life

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that sorry, if I made a mistake, that's how it sounds like isn't it? But that exactly is not if I say it in different way it's as follows what that sounded like but you know what that is in reality. In reality is you could have written in this way, there is a Hadith there's an opinion Imam Abu Hanifa says this.

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However Imam Abu Hanifa uses a hadith which he thinks is a he. However, there's another opinion of another imam who thinks is that if so, basically, there's a hadith two people are disagreeing about this hadith. Imam Abu Hanifa. If he's using it, then he thinks is He that's why he's using it. Imam Hanifa thinks this hadith is that a Sufi who lived in the second century, and he thought in his time before even the Hadith, so he came into like a definition came to existence. He probably heard it from one person who heard from as a hobby and he is of the opinion that hadith is say, however somebody living 1400 50 years after him, with all due respect to him. Chef Al Imam Al Burnie. Rahim

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Allah, his opinion, his research is that this is not if no problem. Not saying one of them is bad. Both of them are good. But all reader take your pick. You follow our analysts opinion that he will run his opinion that is that if that's it, that's what that is.

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It wasn't you remember how it showed us though?

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Well, honey, if I took a dive Hadith, which was made independently, like Jensen, what I'm trying to say a lot of people misunderstand this. A lot of people think that there is actually you know, once you know, I remember somebody on Facebook or somebody messaged me, I don't know some kind of ask you what a movie it is. So, what you will know that is this asset is a lengthy fit people study and this and that. And this is like a special specialization.

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So then the person came back and was promising is it like, you know, you go and do a proper course where you go and learn all that hadith, which is a he and all the ones which are weak. Basically, for some people, deen is all about, just about it's so simple. It's like when you want to become a scholar, you go, and there's like five volumes. And you just go and go through a list and just memorize all this. These are all Sunday, and you're gonna memorize all these a week now you become 50. That's you've identified 500 habits, you've memorized them, you've got to learn which ones are here and gonna learn which one are they?

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Now you become a great chef.

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That's how the mentality of people is it's not just about that.

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Here's what I'm saying. So a lot of times people say, Oh, this hadith is that if it seems as though independently, there must be a box somewhere where you go and find out where all the heads are there. And there's another box whether if this holds the heat, or if it's all about difference of opinions all about personal judgment.

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You could say, this hadith, there's a hadith sitting here. You could say, this one is so high, you could say this one is that you have your proof, you have your proofs. So there's a difference of opinion between imams in whether a hadith is it or not as well.

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It's not in itself. Allah didn't make something say, the messenger sallallahu alayhi. Salam did not say this hadith is he didn't sound my point. This is that's why you'd like to use the word Musa is considered by somebody. So whenever there's a hadith say, then the question is, according to whom this hadith is say, who said, whose opinion someone's opinion that say,

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you know, Sahil Buhari has also he had AIDS why? Because his opinion is that is it. But then yes, the rest of the Ummah agree with him that we agree with you or Buhari, that whatever you thought is, hey, we also agree that it's a he but in the beginning, there were some people who disagreed. Actually, there was one Imam Imam Daraa coterie. he disagreed with a handful like good 1520 Hadith of Bokhari, he said they were very acquainted his opinion

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but then later Imams, then refuted that and then then there's HMR, complete agreement of the Ummah then

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All the hadith of Buhari has authenticated but Imam terracota medium gauge medium had wrote a whole book that there's so many Hadith Buhari which according to my opinion, are not so he

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didn't say what I'm saying. So this was just this is just I'm just starting off like this just introduction. There's lots lots more to say. So, this word, going back to what we were saying that

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when does a hadith qualify to be acted upon? There's lots of things to look at first thing is, is it authenticated, authentic or not? Then the word authentic. So he, I told you there's a linguistic linguistic meaning, but there's a technical definition that's coming. But before I said before, I mentioned the technical definition, we have to understand that this technical definition is a definition that was made by people in the third force generation later on, actually properly was really in the fourth fifth century. It started off in the third century. Remember, I told you in the beginning, there was no need for it? Because you know, someone here heard from the target you heard

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from this a hobby, so there was no need. But later on, they became more of a need. And the seeds of this classification categorization of Hadith were seeds were

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was a word seeds were laid or found, were laid or planted in about the third generation. Third generation is a solid third century. This is when Imam Bukhari Imam to me the these this is the first time people started using the terms.

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third century mob Hanifa is gone to his Lord, when even the terms that he came

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if a man is gone to his Lord as well,

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before the terms he came, Imam Tirmidhi and these guys were the first first people and then after that properly, because in the third century, there was still finalizing you know, Sahil Buhari Muslim, the proper books will come into existence. Then after that, actually, in the fourth century, when this signs of classification got into, you know, fifth gear, basically property. And then fifth century was properly books we're starting with Britain's sixth century seventh century, actually carried on you know, it wasn't still fully established the science until about eight nine century because of no Salah who was in the seventh century, sixth century, who was one of the main pioneers

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in this and then after that, we must know we, so around seventh eighth century, fully firmly established this science.

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we learn the word say is in the meaning of Musa, which means what was the translation?

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authenticated, rigorously authenticated? That's why you'll see the word rigor in that book because I've changed that in the editing in a rigorously authenticated Hadith, rigorously authenticated.

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Remember the translator put authentic and a change due to authenticated? So it's an authenticated Hadith. Okay, rigorously authenticated. Now, what is the rigorously authenticated ID?

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He has mentioned here that look, the mainstream majority of the scholars have said that as Hadith sahih, which is authenticated has five conditions. So basically, there are five conditions for Hadith. Like I told you, this is a book there's about six, seven pages on it tricks, you know, look at it in detail. I'll just explain to you these are the five conditions, these are all made by Mohabbatein. And you know, Scott has made these conditions who made these conditions. Scholars later on just to sort of the this this, these conditions were made.

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Who made these conditions? Scholars yet a lot of you I'm telling because I'm repeating this because you know, a lot of young people living Sahai is like something that Allah's Messenger made SallAllahu Sallam

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human being manmade. I'll give you a small, just anecdotal story about this. Now there was this great I think I mentioned this before, certainly in a few talks. There was this great scholar from the subcontinent his pasture in Agra Himalaya. And we actually we were privileged to receive Hadith ijazah from him. He passed away in 1997.

00:29:17 --> 00:29:28

He was about 90 years 94 years old or something like that in 1997. So he lived from 1900 and something really old scholar has been to England has been to Leicester as well.

00:29:30 --> 00:29:47

His name was Mufti Mahmoud hasn't gonna go here for him Hola. He's got his fatawa in 20 volumes. He was the grand mufti of Darwin, Durban and added scholar, major, major scholar. He came in 1996 to England he stayed for two weeks he could hardly was here woog speak and he was in his old

00:29:49 --> 00:29:59

you know, old age and a one you have to leave pasture in South Africa. There's lots of his students and people are still alive. And remember we did we completed our Sahil Bukhari with him and all the books I think

00:30:00 --> 00:30:04

He was having two jobs. He was very highest on it. But before that he came in around 1987.

00:30:06 --> 00:30:14

He actually stayed three days. My Father's house stayed three days here. 97 I still remember was quite interesting three days he slept and he stayed here.

00:30:16 --> 00:30:20

Very, very famous scholars, like world renowned his pastor in South Africa.

00:30:22 --> 00:30:38

He is written about him. He was he was very talented, very knowledgeable Hadith. Like I said, 40 years he was the grand mufti of India for two years, like a major and Hadith scholar, this Fatah Medea like 20 volumes,

00:30:39 --> 00:30:51

the switch Hadith and real top scholar, but at the same time, he was very witty. You know, there's so many things about him like some amazing things like a very witty in his answers as well.

00:30:52 --> 00:31:04

So I think there's another that story has come to mind, but let's leave it but this one, the one that relevant once he was given for Amara and he was sitting in the Haram Naka, Medina or somebody somewhere

00:31:06 --> 00:31:40

and a student of knowledge from I think Medina University, or somebody they found out that is, one of the great scholars of India has come and like he was well known. So there's some two, one or two of them that said, let's go on. Let's talk to him. You know, this guy's a fucky Hanafuda, Mufti of the Hanafis, or a big scholar from subcontinent. So they came as they came and sat down and said, This is written the books, I read this. So one of them said they look, you know, after meeting said, we want to have a discussion with you. Gonna debate you. Okay, we want to debate you. What's the debate? Gonna debate you about one of the first issues like why do you guys, you know, don't raise

00:31:40 --> 00:31:40

your hands in prayer.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:48

refer your dean. I mean, that in itself is not a big issue. Anyway, it's just the difference of issue is actually what?

00:31:49 --> 00:32:23

What's preferable a kwinter. Hanif is perfectly fine. A lot of Hanafis forget that is absolutely totally permissible. No problem whatsoever to do rough reading. Sometimes it's good to do it as well. And this act upon because it's two types of narrations. Now, and then the other occasion Hanafi should do that just to sort of at least act upon somebody's hand if you've never acted upon that hadith. I do. A lot of times what I do is whenever I go where there's lots of people are doing it, then I'll do it that just too is good. I make two intentions because we're acting upon the Hadith. And also, you know, the leaf a little cube like molding in and you know, with the people

00:32:23 --> 00:32:37

that's actually present, that's a good intention. As long as you're not you don't start then you know, doing haram things. Let me also, you know, do some haram thing, I'm just going to do a party as well because no within limit, this is one of the Sooners of

00:32:38 --> 00:32:54

actually the Sahaba and even the prophets of Allah and this is from the Sunnah. You know that Imam Bukhari mentioned this and, you know, the Prophet SAW Allah and he said, to actually do Allah and I'm going after him just, he said to I shall do Allah Who wants that, you know, the Kaaba. He said, I wanted discover, you know, the Hatim

00:32:55 --> 00:33:12

not hunting around the garden that's inside, you know, the Kaaba. He said, My intention is to really rebuild Aqaba. It's been built and rebuilt many times. But he said I want to what, I really feel the desire to build it again.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:39

And, you know, build and build bring the Hatim into the Kaaba and make two doors. One door for people to enter another door for people to exit. But I'm not doing that Lola Hadith. Calm Adam Vigilia Nola calm Lola calm Luca added the majority had your people meaning your tribe could have not been so close to Jehovah I would have done it meaning I don't want to do this something which is recommended. And they just caused commotion.

00:33:40 --> 00:33:59

Leave the commotion and let the non recommended less preferable to carry on no problem. This is a such an important issue and lots of people have Imams and knowledgeable people don't have to find like a Sunday, August mcru was probably better not to do. But if you're trying to change that in your community, it's just gonna cause friction and promotion.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:35

So the sooner is, leave it Yeah, if someone's doing haram or something like you become an Imam, there's one guy who recently graduated from others at 22 years old. His blood is boiling, still not married. Okay. He suddenly just graduated from a madrasah and he's gone there. And there's been something happening for 600 years in that masjid. And suddenly you view comes like some, you know, 22 year old lad. He just graduated on his polling. I'm going to change the world in one night. And next day he's like Juma who advise these people you guys Oh, Joe Hill doing this and it's all better and this and that and these things happening. What's happening p

00:34:36 --> 00:34:39

p 45. Straight after Oh my god. Like

00:34:40 --> 00:34:57

this is this Hekmati? Do it there's lots of young people don't realize that this this wisdom to do it, especially if something's just about preferable. If there's difference of opinion, and if it's going to cause commotion in the community, then there's different ways to do it. Like for example, some people think do after foot salah

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

is a big no but that is flex

00:35:00 --> 00:35:27

But you could have two opinions but even if you have an opinion that you shouldn't do with CONGREGATION I personally don't like the whole congregation thing. But something's happening for many, many years. You don't just suddenly like try to change it in one go, etc. You could try say maybe no, this is better or this slowly, slowly. So these were the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and this is from there, actually a moment of Tamia, Rahim Allah mentioned this, that from this hadith, we realize that sometimes to do the less Musa hub, in order to keep the unity is better.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:41

To keep the leaf a little cube to bring hearts together, bringing hearts together is fun. And to do something mcru tansy for that that's less of an action, or you're not doing almost.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:09

Yeah, if there's something further then you don't leave a filter to bring us together. And you don't come into haram to bring us together. But other than that, yeah, other than that, like if you live in Wooster Hangout, so like, for example, a Quinton Hanif is raising hands and prayer is less preferable. But if you're going to do it, that means you're doing slightly less preferable but if you think everyone's there and you know everyone's doing it and you just want to bring hearts together and you do it for that reason, then you get double reward no problem. Anyway

00:36:10 --> 00:36:14

I don't go off topic there's so much things to mention. Um, the point I was saying that

00:36:16 --> 00:36:21

this person came to that with the manual that hasn't gone go here I'm Allah and he said look, I want to debate with you

00:36:22 --> 00:36:40

about referee again raising hands etc. So look, I don't debate etc. But look, if you want to discuss it, you know, I'm here Inshallah, with you ask any questions, no problem, to say, Okay, let's discuss this very relevant story. anecdote, anecdote. That's why I'm mentioning it. So

00:36:42 --> 00:36:45

that student or that scholar, he said, Yeah, okay. No problem.

00:36:47 --> 00:37:08

I want to discuss with you about this raising hands. I think I was raising hands or something like the hundreds like or reading behind the Imam, you know, contentious issue, but I won't have a debate with you, but I have a condition. So what's the condition is that I have a condition that when you discuss this issue with me, I think I may have mentioned this in theory. When you discuss this issue with me then as proof as evidence.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:50

My condition is that I don't want you to say this Imam said this and that Imam said this and don't bring Colombo ritual. I don't bring the statements of human beings people men. I want statements either Quran or Hadith. So he That's it as evidence I only want Quran and Sunnah. Okay, so I want Quran as proof like when you're doing this and also is happening when we're discussing bring only as evidence what are you telling me this is I have the Quran oh this is a Hadith the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam said this, only then I'll accept if you say Oh, this Tabby says this that you should do this then I'm not going to take that as evidence. So the chef said okay, agreed. I

00:37:50 --> 00:37:52

agree with your condition no problem whatsoever.

00:37:53 --> 00:38:27

But before we carry on, what is it do tell me what's the definition of sahih Hadith you said you only what he actually said I only want what my condition is either quranic verse or sahih Hadith. So this is totally what I say I do this every student knows what what are you going to read this now the five condition is basic who doesn't know say how do you try and test them so don't I'm not trying to test you I'm just so that we are on the same wavelength my understanding your understanding the same time your definition so here it is it okay all right. Okay, you know, this is in every basic one of the five condition we're going to do today like normal every student reads it

00:38:27 --> 00:38:34

they start saying oh how do you say the first condition is you know, InterSolar center continuation of the chain and then literally, he was

00:38:35 --> 00:38:36

as he was

00:38:38 --> 00:38:43

counting the conditions is the way we stopped before you carry on. Sorry, I forgot I have a condition as well.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:54

I have a condition as well you had a condition I accepted your condition and my condition is exactly like your condition. So I'm not gonna ask you anything more difficult.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:04

Whenever you whatever you say, including this definition of Hadith sahih I will not accept from you accept a verse of the Quran or Hadith sorry.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:47

I will not accept from you accept what don't bring like statements of human beings and are varied and this and that. Bring me here, whatever you're going to say Quran or Hadith sahih? Is that okay? So then you kind of say is it really I just told you Quran or Hadith sahih you're giving me a definition which sahih hadith is this definition? Who made this hadith definition? You just told me Don't tell me the statements of men. You're telling me the basic criteria. Definition of say howdy according to the statements of men. You just said don't tell me column region. Your definition these five conditions were made by men, not even the Sahaba made it not even that I might use as a hobby.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:53

You're not even using the Sahaba you're not even using the tab your own you're using like maybe some fifth generation people.

00:39:55 --> 00:40:00

So why are you using their definition of say Hadith? I thought you hated all these other people in the field.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

fourth and fifth generation, your whole criteria. Your definition of sahih hadith is based on human beings that lived in the fourth century.

00:40:09 --> 00:40:11

So that will confuse him amusing. So what's going on? Yeah.

00:40:13 --> 00:40:16

And he just ended the Matic. Just send it

00:40:17 --> 00:40:28

because if you say no if you're so eager that I want only a Quran, Hadith sahih then use give me the definition of Sunni Hadith based on the definition of it based on a hadith Sai.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:33

Jin sang his whole point, Hadith. So he the definition is made by

00:40:34 --> 00:40:57

men, great men, I use the word men I don't like to because in Arabic, they say, John, but these are like, of course, the theme, you know, we're not trying to undermine them. We're just trying to relatively mentioned that it's not made by Allah and His messenger. But these people who made it of course they made it they were great men like great Mohabbatein and of course, well accepted, but just relatively, when we say man as opposed to the God as opposed to

00:40:59 --> 00:41:14

the leader of men. Allah His messenger Allah listener. That's why we say men because even Allah's Messenger said, Allah is telling us a man but he wasn't like other men, you know, Muhammad and Bashar every single Bashir, we don't want to appeal the discussion. He was a butcher, but not like a diversion.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:23

He was the rest were like stones and he was a Ruby. So relatively, we're talking about that. So anyway, what is the definition of a sahih? Hadith?

00:41:25 --> 00:41:42

He says here, there's 555 conditions. First is called it pasado son it was a translation the new book, I don't think you have here because this Yeah, he has even even in the foot even if you have this is enough, as you know, and everyone's gonna book. First one is continuity of the chain of transmission.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:49

Why is it continuing to have the chain of transmission?

00:41:51 --> 00:41:56

First condition for a sahih hadith is in Arabic, you say it resolves Senate.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:01

Okay. It was sort of sent.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:06

When they are checking with the Hadith Asahi,

00:42:07 --> 00:42:11

remember, these are five conditions made by men, great men Madiun.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:22

The first condition they put in, it's got you can say five conditions or five characteristics, or five attributes of a hadith say,

00:42:23 --> 00:42:29

continuation of the chain standard it as far as I know. What that means is basically

00:42:31 --> 00:43:02

when they investigated the chain, it they would need to prove that every person mentioned next to the, you know, every person, the person that's or every Narita that's been mentioned in the chain has definitely heard or received, not heard, necessarily, because sometimes it's not hearing sometimes written format they give it that's what they use. tilaka has necessarily definitely received this Hadith from the person above him. There's no disconnection.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:07

Okay, so you have a chain, in which there's eight people.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:29

Yeah, there's the author of the book, Mr. Materiality, for example. He says, I heard from my teacher who heard from this heard from this generator, who heard from this narrator who heard from this narrator, who heard from this narrator, who heard from this web who heard from this hobby, who heard from the messenger Salallahu Alaihe. Salam that he said, Now this is what they would rigorously check.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:39

Imagine there's one person saying I heard from this person, but the one he heard from died 10 years before this person was born.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:41

There's something fishy and dodgy here.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:46

The Sheikh who is saying is heard from

00:43:47 --> 00:44:18

died in 433 century, and this one was born in fourth 53 Hijiri 20 years after him, or the one he's narrating from, lived in Kufa, and he lived in Baghdad. He never left Baghdad and he never left Kufa. So where did they meet in dreamland? No, that's not possible. And even if they did, then that's not you know, accepted, it's not valid. You have to meet in real life, not dream life. A lot of people build the whole life on engine dreams, which is another topic altogether.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:27

A lot of people are too obsessed of our dreams in this day and age too obsessed. Anyway, so

00:44:28 --> 00:44:33

this is the sort of Senate continuation of chain, have you understood what is a solid solid means?

00:44:35 --> 00:44:38

It a solid solid means what every narrator has

00:44:40 --> 00:44:45

received and obtained and gained this Hadith from the narrator before.

00:44:49 --> 00:44:56

And this happens on the beginning of the chain to the end of the chain mean oh, what is solid elements This is the meaning of continuation of the chain.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

Opposite of continuation is of the chain is what

00:45:01 --> 00:45:06

disconnection, disconnection will make this hadith to be

00:45:08 --> 00:45:09

non site

00:45:10 --> 00:45:16

non authenticated, you know, because if it's like disconnection, so some sort of disconnection. So anyway, this is the first

00:45:18 --> 00:45:19


00:45:20 --> 00:45:21

Second condition.

00:45:23 --> 00:45:28

They say in Arabic, Agata to Ravi, Adela to Ravi,

00:45:29 --> 00:45:34

establishing if you see here in your notes, establishing the uprightness of the narrator

00:45:38 --> 00:45:39

I was just looking at the time

00:45:42 --> 00:45:50

establishing the upper Adalat or Robbie now the word Adela. Some people have names added. Yeah, I didn't mean it's just

00:45:51 --> 00:46:05

but we don't use the word just because just is very specific. In Arabic, the word or data is very comprehensive, especially here. You know, these Adela means uprightness. Ideal means that upright,

00:46:06 --> 00:46:36

morally, ethically Islamically, the person's good. Okay, now there's lengthy discussion that's going to come who is an upright and who considers somebody to be upright. But the second thing they will check first, once they've firmly established that every person has received the Hadith, there's a connection, then the second screening would be to check each individual Narrator You start from the sahabi no problem, you don't even need to go the Sahaba to that's what they say. Kulu whom I do, they're all upright.

00:46:37 --> 00:46:44

Unless if you're some hardcore from the Shia community, then you might have a problem with that. But that's another story.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:51

But generally, they say all the Sahaba what? upright? So no problem. You start from the top you're

00:46:53 --> 00:47:03

the who is the start of a generally you don't have to do too much investigation because most of you in most not only are either a judge when use of was technically a tablet,

00:47:04 --> 00:47:13

but it was a lot him so you know, it's not like all that our brains are upright completely. There are some corrupted ones as well, that it means just to follow somebody who's was happy, but generally

00:47:15 --> 00:47:31

so he they investigate, and they will investigate thoroughly, like absolutely scrutinized and that's why then you know, alongside I will mention this later on more but alongside after these five conditions alongside this science of what is it Saheeh the signs of

00:47:32 --> 00:47:42

a smart regional came to existence of a smart region. And a smart means names regional means narrator's meaning that because when you're trying to establish

00:47:44 --> 00:47:49

each person then their biographies were then written in books.

00:47:51 --> 00:48:01

This science is called a small ritual it's also called a soldier who remember these words very important word juror Jim Raha Jarrah

00:48:02 --> 00:48:13

and the ideal ideal is from the word Adela that ideally means to consider somebody to be to write you could be alright, I'm gonna write this

00:48:16 --> 00:48:17

right in Arabic culture.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:20


00:48:21 --> 00:48:24

Jar, okay, yeah, we're at that deal

00:48:27 --> 00:48:28

because this is what

00:48:30 --> 00:48:38

sorry for the people online we just who might have to miss out on on something on the board of it's just this is just use that for one deal.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:43

Okay, and just right, Adela

00:48:44 --> 00:48:56

I dialer. This is an Arabic, you see. And Diana and I decided to add LM is uprightness, and the person who's upright is called ideal.

00:48:58 --> 00:49:02

And this algebra Jeff literally means wounding, your wounding his

00:49:03 --> 00:49:04

his what

00:49:06 --> 00:49:25

reputation someone's reputation is wound is not considered to be. It's like your critically analyzing. This is an amazing science that came into existence side by side that some of the non Muslims orientalist, were in awe with the science. There was this guy lived in the 1970s

00:49:26 --> 00:49:30

I think many scientists German Orientalist Professor Islamic Studies

00:49:31 --> 00:49:32

was the name

00:49:34 --> 00:49:39

doctors something spring or something like that Springer. That was a very famous Orientalist.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:59

He actually made a comment on the site. And he said that the Muslims have this amazing science of a Jehovah tidy. critically analyzing the reporter's job means criticizing them. The idea is judging them to be adult. So either you say is a good person or a

00:50:00 --> 00:50:08

by person, this whole science, Muslims have this unique science. You know what he said? He said this science is such that no one in history ever

00:50:09 --> 00:50:39

has ever in the history of man, no one ever no community, no nation, no religion, no group has ever been able to bring such a science into existence. And neither until the world ends anyone, I think we're able to bring a science like this, such that the Muslims have the detailed biography of half a million people preserved in the library. And it is for half a million people.

00:50:40 --> 00:50:53

Every month detail, who is this person? Where was he born? Who was the teacher who was a student? You know, minute things did he used to wear leather socks and wipe on it? Every small, small thing? Critically analyzed and

00:50:55 --> 00:51:16

taken some books, like for example, we have a Can you see that Ciara? Hola, Mundo Bella. That's a whole 25 volume of image Dobby. That's biographies. Then you have Dr. Bhutta. Hottie we have daddy will come out. I have a few, just a few on the science. That's how you can. It's a massive science with just books on what?

00:51:17 --> 00:51:23

Critical Analysis biographies of these gold heads, all the Hadith reporters?

00:51:25 --> 00:51:37

Yeah, so this is called a Jehovah deal. He said, What half a million. It's like he said, It's like one of the wonder of wonders of the world. That today we have the biographies of

00:51:39 --> 00:51:40

the minut details.

00:51:41 --> 00:52:20

And my new details to see to what extent is that one of them said, yeah, he had been you know, are you doing Bedini? Oh, somebody was saying somebody said, when we used to go and these guys are major, like in this field as well. They're like, top top people, Imam, the Hubby, Ali Madine. Yeah, have been mine have been Strader kata. And these guys are like the top people in the science that dedicated their lives to the science of which one science signs of a jet butadiene or a smart origin. That's just the biographies that came into existence, side by side this because when you're saying we're looking at the second condition, remember coming back to the second condition, every

00:52:20 --> 00:52:41

narrator has to be added. So then the biographies have to be scrutinized. So you're here been mine or or Olivia Medina, one of those two said when we used to. We used to go investigate. Yeah, as guys, when we need to go and buy a car. We'll go in a group and investigate over and now we got to go and check.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:49

HMC used go and go and check things they went to different stores houses these gadgets, do they if they find a narrator in a hadith?

00:52:51 --> 00:52:56

Yeah, where was he living in Kufa. Alright. Coen Brothers disco

00:52:58 --> 00:53:30

on the horse on a camel off to goof off for a week. Why going to investigate such and such robbery? They stay there seven days they stay in the community locality they find his brother if he's alive or not, if he's alive, if he's not alive, his son or grandson to try to meet the old people, old women in the community, they do a thorough investigation. Who was he? What did you do everything about him to try to determine was this guy a reliable person? Could you rely on him as an orator of Hadith?

00:53:32 --> 00:54:06

So what happened mindset when we used to go and go and investigate and ask so many detailed questions about these people? Some people used to ask us that Why are you investigating about this person so much? Has a proposal come to you for your daughter in marriage from this person? So you're finding you want to know so much about this person? So they used to say that No, no, no brother, it's more important than that. And I'm gonna have mom and dad it is more important than the proposal. If our daughter went in the wrong hands, it is possible to get a laugh or something. But if Dean goes into the wrong hands, then it gets corrupted, it's more important than they would be

00:54:06 --> 00:54:24

more you know, like weary and more careful in investigating then even giving the data to somebody like you know, you will find out somebody on my daughter is going to go to this guy who is you know, double triple like they will really investigate

00:54:26 --> 00:54:31

So, this is the science of our small Reja Okay, so

00:54:32 --> 00:54:43

what's the second condition and unexplained all of this in a lot of detail Yeah, because this is a very important topics a lot of you know a lot of things get understood by all of these things when things become easier.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:47

So second, first one was what

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

continuation of change you understood that number two, I dial a to Ravi Adela uprightness. Now what is they have a definition of uprightness as well.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

Okay, now the author will tell us a bit more things about it. But to understand that I have to tell you the definition of our dialogue, because you won't be able to understand what the author is saying.

00:55:08 --> 00:55:25

The normal adult is the definition I have here, which have been, you know, for children in all the books, Salam atomica, love middle fishspy walk our evil guru. This is not in this book that we're reading. I'm telling you the definition, which is in the books of Russell Hedy, they say that the,

00:55:26 --> 00:55:40

that person that narrated the miracle of the legally responsible person, if you want to call somebody I didn't like it. This applies to us as well. Any Muslim, the legally responsible person, you know, McCullough, who's a legally responsible person?

00:55:42 --> 00:56:04

puberty, saying, etc. And Apple Valley, and Muslim, that's given, you know, you have to be added, you have to be a Muslim, of course. So, he's a Muslim to McAuliffe, who is a Muslim who's ballet and who's out in here who's reached puberty, they used to also discuss about whether a child's narrating is accepted or not, is a bit of difference opinion about that.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:23

The author hasn't mentioned this in the book, but there's a difference of opinion. Some say, look, child has reached a level of discernment like he can, he's not puberty, but he can distinguish between right and wrong. He knows if you give 5050 Pence and you get this much change. And you know, then if you know, it's a hadith, and it's accepted, some said no. So there's difference of opinion.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:33

That's what the author is, a woman's going to, he's trying to explain to us in this point, where we're going to get to that this difference of opinion about the finer details about

00:56:35 --> 00:57:00

about the Saheeh, these five conditions, I'm talking about the all agreed upon, nobody says oh, there's six conditions or not this condition, these five what I'm talking about that everyone agrees on this. But then in application and finer details of these five conditions, there's difference of opinion. Now, when there's difference of opinion, somebody might think a hadith is say, and somebody might think the same because they're disagreed in the some details of that.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:09

This is what he's trying to say that look, you can't there's no independent. You can't just say, Oh, brother, this is a Hadith and you didn't act upon it. Well, there's a difference of opinion on what he had he does.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:14

This is what he's going to explain. So

00:57:16 --> 00:57:25

the definition of adult upright is, what is it? This Muslim who's reached puberty? Who's

00:57:26 --> 00:57:39

sane? He is someone who is free from fiscal, apparent sinful activities. Nobody knows the inner details of anyone only Allah knows yet but apparently,

00:57:41 --> 00:57:45

he is not a facet. So he's not involved in this a first step

00:57:47 --> 00:57:48

is somebody who does not

00:57:52 --> 00:57:57

commit major sins and SRR Allah Surya, he doesn't continuously do minor sins.

00:57:58 --> 00:58:32

Okay, so someone who prays fast that God has, he doesn't over you but isn't backbiting doesn't drink, alcohol doesn't you know, like, he's a sound Muslim, generally, he's not a fossil. He doesn't commit to major sins. So they would investigate. And also second thing, he's also free from those things that go against basic social etiquette, like things which are blameworthy, so they may not be sinful. However, it will Moreover, like, you know, the meaning of this disrespectful things.

00:58:33 --> 00:58:42

So like, the guy is not a classic, but he, you know, when he walks in the road, he jumps up and down like crazy. It drives a car like a crazy way, actually, that might be haram. But

00:58:43 --> 00:58:56

you know, he's driving car like a crazy person does. And this guy, you can't take a Hadith from him, because he's not a facet, but he's not free from horrible Maru. Like, how do you translate? How did we translate horrible things that go against social

00:58:58 --> 00:59:00

etiquette considered social norms?

00:59:02 --> 00:59:14

Yeah, blame, so he's doesn't do blameworthy things. He might not be sinful. Like a good example is that in those and this also, the definition of this, like what is against a ticket can change from time to time from place to place.

00:59:16 --> 00:59:22

So like, they used to be very careful, like some of them used to be very particular about not walking and eating on the middle of the road.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:30

So they saw somebody walking and eating, they would say, Okay, this guy doesn't qualify to be a generator reliable. So he's ready to take

00:59:31 --> 00:59:33

because walking and eating goes against etiquette.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:35

You sit down in some way

00:59:37 --> 00:59:41

things like that, or like you know his habits. mannerism.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:43


00:59:45 --> 00:59:53

I mean, this is a lengthy topic. I was talking about this in the morning today that there's books written on this, you know that this applies to not just them. I was telling the students today that this applies to

00:59:55 --> 00:59:58

all the scholars and students of knowledge.

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59

This should apply

01:00:00 --> 01:00:11

To that you don't commit major sins and you don't do things which are disrespectful. This should apply to anyone, anyone associated with study of deed.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:28

So I was telling the students today and had it for two days I've been just talking about this 245 minute lessons yesterday and today, same thing we're talking about how are you when I told them there's books written on this topic, Imam know we wrote a book, you know, like in his introduction to the idea of offer

01:00:29 --> 01:00:36

of a scholar, basically what are the etiquettes of a scholar and then of course, money has a book called pseudo if our W which is just behind your head.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:20

Just underneath that. This is a book in Arabic written when for the topics money. We'll see if tower Addabbo published from Karachi, but it also permission the mosque from Judah. So in there, he's got a whole it's an Arabic, he's got a whole section, the idea of a scholar about himself, what how he should be, scholars should have his labor should be good. His Syrah his Surah should be good. He should stay clean. So like staying dirty is not haram, but it goes against etiquette. So being filthy, smelly, that goes against its colorful Muruga he should have not offered Mahara and things like that. Also his Syrah should be good. So like he's, he's you should make his habits His

01:01:20 --> 01:01:32

character, His o'clock mannerism in accordance with the sun, etc. Number three, he should also make his inner you know, his Nia is now sort of that and things like that, these are all etiquettes

01:01:34 --> 01:01:52

and lots of things that that he mentioned about and I remember he, you know, he like when he was studying this book, I remember he mentioned like an example. He said like, some things are like, you know, like his he was saying I remember this example in class, that he was saying that the other day, you know, there was a commotion near a taxi, one of

01:01:53 --> 01:02:12

our students, this was in Pakistan who said there was a commotion, I was killed was coming in as somebody, you know, this commotion going on two guys fighting the taxi driver. And when upon finding out found out that one of the students who's studying to become a Mufti is fighting with a taxi driver about five rupees.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:31

Remove this app cough, punch repair page Agra phobia, because that sounds just like a five rupees. A good scholar, you should be giving a tip. And this actually, I talked about this in class today. But this actually is one of the negatives that people have attributed to, it's quite an early time scholars used to give

01:02:32 --> 01:02:35

enemies to run around money and act like beggars.

01:02:36 --> 01:03:10

They used to what he used to give these to be in on Sundays to have self respect. So not like a freebie nowadays is like, as a scholar, yeah. Which makes it easy for me because I'm a scholar. So what do you mean? Like, am I some kind of like some loser that, you know, I'm like a beggar. If you're a scholar, you become a beggar. And this is this is really, really, it's not, it's not nice, honestly, it puts the scholars down. I mean, I know if you understand what I'm saying, but this is why, you know, I mean, there's a reason behind it as well, because colleges don't get paid, etc, etc, as well, I can understand that as well. There is that but then

01:03:11 --> 01:03:15

there's another counter argument to that as well. If you're a good scholar, you will get paid as well.

01:03:18 --> 01:03:41

I've got a good whole discussion on this, that people say but yes, God is good, you know, peanuts, so they are gonna, you know, cry and beg for a bit here and bit there. And you know, they won't feed things and everything free. Yes. But then I also say that if you're a good scholar, you will get paid. Like any anything professional if if you've studied well and you're a good good scholar, and you don't have to beg you can take money respectfully.

01:03:42 --> 01:03:55

Not to Therese and take money and do black magic and take money and and you know not not for dua, anyone can do dua, you don't have to take Hadiya and you don't have to rely on gifts or do ours what are we use or just assume a

01:03:57 --> 01:04:16

sentimental money now offer services properly, like you're giving proper service and this is because like in every field, and if you're a good scholar, then people will respect those services because it's proper. Anyway, this is I tell these guys a lot about this stuff in class. But anyway, this is not for you guys.

01:04:18 --> 01:04:35

It was a talking about so that was an example he gave that as a student as a scholar, it showed it was disrespectful for him to be arguing about five rupees. And I suppose give them a bit more like why you why you argue about a bit of change. This goes against Moodle.

01:04:38 --> 01:04:47

So it's actually recommended for pupil students of knowledge that, you know, if you've got somebody Keep the change, you know, two pounds or 20 P like it's okay, keep the change, no problem.

01:04:48 --> 01:05:00

You should do that, like us. You know, I think I mentioned I mentioned that in classes before I did. You should do that. Like if especially if you're with Muslims, you know like in your community so they think this is kind of respect. We should do that.

01:05:01 --> 01:05:09

Anyway, so the definition of an idol is basically this what's the definition now repeat God

01:05:10 --> 01:05:13

the who is an upright someone who

01:05:16 --> 01:05:24

sang Muslim saying reached puberty, who stays away from major sins

01:05:27 --> 01:05:44

via so that he's not a faster faster as someone who doesn't do major sins and isn't considered a minor sins and did he and his free from blameworthy you know things blameworthy things when they may not be sinful but they dislike distasteful

01:05:45 --> 01:05:51

okay, like the examples I gave, like jumping up and down or arguing with the taxi driver or

01:05:53 --> 01:05:54

or what like was the example of you?

01:05:56 --> 01:05:59

Yeah, remaining dirty clothes and stuff like that. Okay.

01:06:01 --> 01:06:02

So, this is the definition of

01:06:04 --> 01:06:13

basically disgraceful acts and things that you know, to stay away from things which are considered to be disgraceful or degrading in the community. Was the Arabic term used

01:06:15 --> 01:06:19

for this year, Maru, venerated Moodle? Al maru

01:06:20 --> 01:06:21


01:06:26 --> 01:06:29

I mean, what about Hamza and Hamza and el muro?

01:06:31 --> 01:06:34

Muro means good etiquette so not go against that

01:06:35 --> 01:06:37

self respect, dignity, you know.

01:06:40 --> 01:06:40

Number three.

01:06:43 --> 01:06:45

As I told you, this is a very lengthy discussion.

01:06:46 --> 01:06:50

We're just gonna about to just define a hadith, Sahib.

01:06:51 --> 01:07:01

Number three, but it's important this this these things on what's really important, I'm really explained to like in thorough detail, these things are very important.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:09

The third condition, so we said so far, continuity of the chain of transmission,

01:07:10 --> 01:07:16

establishing the uprightness of the Narita, so everyone's an ideal. Ideal is upright

01:07:20 --> 01:07:54

conditions Yeah, it just says other conditions here, okay, but I'm gonna be limiting the third definition. Third, because this is like, there's difference of opinion about these conditions. So these are not all the five conditions here in your notes. He's just saying that there are differences about remember the finer details of these five conditions. So in the first condition is a bit held. After we understand these five conditions, then we'll go on to see what are the differences in these five conditions. That's why I'm explained to first the five conditions, so that then you can understand the slight differences in them. So the third, third is what we say. Right?

01:07:57 --> 01:07:58

So I gotta just put number one,

01:08:00 --> 01:08:04

just an extra circle and just we're just number two years sorry.

01:08:05 --> 01:08:06

And then

01:08:07 --> 01:08:09

number three, and then right afterwards, because

01:08:11 --> 01:08:12

this is a lob.

01:08:13 --> 01:08:16

Yeah, da BT or Ba ba ba loved

01:08:19 --> 01:08:28

the translation in there, I think is not correct in the English translation. was they said the translation

01:08:29 --> 01:08:36

Yeah. He says here that the scholars have agreed that there's five number one, he said the unreached are

01:08:41 --> 01:08:47

Yeah, this accuracy is around translation. I missed I missed it. I sort of missed it

01:08:52 --> 01:08:59

the word adopt does not mean accuracy. See the translators don't adopt you need to do top you know, proper doctor of the wording.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:06

I missed that. It just keep a note in an exhalation, need to change that. So

01:09:10 --> 01:09:17

abrupt Okay, that's the third condition but not to basically means preservation.

01:09:19 --> 01:09:34

What does it mean? Preservation. So when they are defining every we said continuation every narrator's heard from somebody else, yeah, connected. Number two, we checked every single one was what every single rater was who?

01:09:35 --> 01:09:56

An adult or an upright person, and we understood what an upright person is. Every one of them has to have this quality of dubbed and it's some file the doer like everyone had in the number two had to have a dialer. And the one who had adalah was called ideal. Everyone has to have dubbed and the one who has dubbed is called

01:09:58 --> 01:10:00

Barbie so

01:10:00 --> 01:10:08

Every narrator has to be number three. Barbet preserver not means preservation must not. It's a fine, it's called

01:10:13 --> 01:10:15

the doer, but there's another technical term as well.

01:10:16 --> 01:11:01

The doers of Barbet preserve, preserve, meaning that this narrator has the firm ability to preserve this narration, either by memory, if it's through memory that his memory is really good, there's no weakness, his memory, okay? Or sometimes is to preserve it by writing. So, for example, if I had the Hadith from the chef, and I've written it, and then I teach it to the students, from the time I heard it from the chef, till the time I related to my student, in all that time, if I was just doing it through my memory, then my memory was very, very good. There was no weakness in my memory. So they will do this thorough check that was he very good in his memory. Or if I was doing it by

01:11:01 --> 01:11:35

writing, then I was somebody who would keep and preserve my book, and there was no way that I could, you know, raindrops would go into my book and you know, that this magician, you know, I would make mistakes. So they would, you know, check this property that was did he have the quality of preservation? Was he a good preserve, most of them were doing it through memory, so they will check thoroughly the memory. That's why they said sometimes that this narrator is not reliable because his memory is not good. Some of the narrator's they were reliable until a certain age until age 57. This guy was reliable after age 57 He became an unreliable because he started forgetting things because

01:11:35 --> 01:12:06

his memory became weak, etc, etc. So you'll find all these details, this narrator until this age was okay, so if you find him in a hadith, and that hadith was narrated by him under when he was 57, then that hadith was authentic. But what if you find him in a hadith and he narrated that hadith after age 57 Then this this same Narrator now has become weak hence the Hadith has become weak etc, etc. It's a massive field this whole thing this is just absolute basics here of this all this is so deep these issues.

01:12:08 --> 01:12:17

So these issues are really really deep and we haven't even started the basics properly yet. I'm just giving you like the absolute just imagine how much depth of all this knowledge would be.

01:12:18 --> 01:12:23

And then somebody says things okay, but narrated Abu Huraira Buhari and Facebook, Mashallah.

01:12:26 --> 01:12:29

So this is condition number three.

01:12:31 --> 01:12:33

Okay, condition number four,

01:12:35 --> 01:12:59

is what we see that so, you've checked hadith is continuation of every narrated upright and every narrator has the quality of preservation, then you do two negative checks. So these were three positive things, then you have to do two negative checks. The fourth condition is that this hadith is free from something what they call should move interactions with them.

01:13:03 --> 01:13:04

Shoe loove

01:13:05 --> 01:13:06


01:13:10 --> 01:13:19

what is it called? Isolation? This there's a bit of detailed discussion on this what is isolation but basically, you know, it's like

01:13:20 --> 01:13:28

once you've checked these three things, you're basically you know, you know, when you're filling in like something on online, you know,

01:13:29 --> 01:13:58

you go to the next page next page and you see that bar is like, You're You're almost there, you're almost there 40% of your filling in is done 50 This is a bit like that. So it's like 24 60% You're there. Okay, now, just a couple of more checks left. One is that then they will check this hadith is it has does it have shall do it has to be free from isolation. Isolation means that this hadith is not opposing

01:14:00 --> 01:14:37

another Hadith which is narrated by a group of people there's a bit detail about but a group of people or somebody more authentic molest a group of people, so it's not isolated. So there's one array generating a hadith which goes completely contradictory to what seven eight narrators are saying about the same Hadith and they've they've narrated it differently opposite to this this one is saying yes, this is the prophesy some did it and those people are saying didn't do it. So this is called isolation. So if it's got this isolation is going against then that means it's not free from isolation and hence you stop there, okay, this hadith did not say okay, and, and then if it's free

01:14:37 --> 01:14:50

from isolation, then you're almost there. It's actually the final screening is called that it is called, it has to be free from what we call a lot right now Allah al Qadir cardia.

01:14:53 --> 01:14:56

So fifth condition is that it is free from

01:14:57 --> 01:14:58

from a

01:14:59 --> 01:14:59


01:15:01 --> 01:15:03

Yeah, a defect

01:15:04 --> 01:15:43

or irregularity or a defect, problematic defect, hidden defect. You know, this is this is there's actually books written, you know, each one of these conditions as books. And this final one is so delicate that normally people can't detect it like only the absolute expert, how did he remember this was all done in that time, only they would discover like some technical something they found out, it's like a final screen, that checked, continuation of chain, they checked, all the narratives are upright, they check, they're all really good in their memory, really good memory. So the old preserving characteristics they have, there's no isolation as well. Finally, they just put it into

01:15:43 --> 01:16:13

the screen, then it's just overall check. Is there something like suddenly an extra it's a final extra obesity? This is what Alacati means there's nothing specific. It's like a final X ray, you put in the machine to do some things problem. Sometimes they say they don't even know there's something to tampering, but they don't know what that problem is. Then they go and investigate what is that something that is a problem with this? This is the whole this whole this is why we use the term rigorously authenticated because it's gone through five major checks.

01:16:15 --> 01:16:18

So now read that translation can't really you read

01:16:20 --> 01:16:41

the read the whole paragraph, the general body of scholars do who agree that there are five conditions for a hadith to be considered rigorously authentic continuity of the chain of transmission, establishing the uprightness of the narrator establishing the accuracy of the narrator this change the accuracy to the preservation of the narrator.

01:16:44 --> 01:16:46

That's actually wrong translation

01:16:47 --> 01:17:15

and soundness of the chain of transmission and text in that they are free from irregularities and from any CMS. Yeah, he said irregularity for sure dude, I said isolation for irrigation, you can use that irregularity by better to use isolation and sound and free from any series, any serious defect. This is basically the definition of a hadith. So he or it's not rigorously authenticated Hadith. Okay.

01:17:17 --> 01:17:27

We're going to end soon, just to finish off this part, and then we'll go into next week we'll talk about the differences. Well he, the author wants to talk about.

01:17:29 --> 01:17:35

So as explained to the words that he means considered to be authentic, or rigorously authenticated,

01:17:36 --> 01:17:57

by a definition that was made by scholars, they made these five everyone agrees these are the five more or less everybody, these are the five major conditions. And then the author inshallah next week, he's going to talk about the slight differences in these five conditions like in the description of these five conditions and that's where the differences occur.

01:18:00 --> 01:18:09

And I also said that it's not independently Sahai, Allah and His Messenger sort of the highest and didn't make something so he it's so it's like Sahai according to somebody, all of that.

01:18:10 --> 01:18:29

And then finally, this point, that you know, when we say when it is said, that this such and such Hadith, this is a very important point, when this is the final point I'm going to make about this when it is said that such and such hadith is classed as are deemed as or judged as Sahai.

01:18:31 --> 01:19:10

Yeah, listen to his point carefully. When it is said that such and such hadith is judged as a we should we should we should use the word judged us or the ALMA say, it's chain is judged. The respect is actually, you know, they say son or daughter who say, because so that it doesn't seem like you're trying to say what the prophets of Allah Salam said, say you're not. So you say this hadith, the chain of this hadith instead of saying this hadith is the chain of it is the he or the chain of its weak because if you say this hadith is weak, sounds like what the prophets of Allah said and said is weak, slightly disrespectful, or maybe not slightly or not this could come across as disrespectful.

01:19:10 --> 01:19:14

So we say this the chain of this hadith

01:19:15 --> 01:19:29

and I also like to say that don't say the chain of this hadith sahih but say the chain of this hadith is classed as say use that word are deemed as or categorized or considered aside okay.

01:19:31 --> 01:19:40

So when someone says this that this chain of this hadith is classified or considered or categorized or deemed or judged, abused by words as a sign,

01:19:42 --> 01:19:51

this basically this the final point, this basically means that technically speaking, based on this criteria and based on these five conditions,

01:19:53 --> 01:19:59

this hadith based on this criteria based on these five conditions, it is classified as sigh

01:20:00 --> 01:20:03

listen to this carefully classified us sorry.

01:20:05 --> 01:20:06


01:20:07 --> 01:20:09

in actual fact

01:20:10 --> 01:20:13

in actual fact in reality

01:20:15 --> 01:20:18

before I say in actual fact okay, it's five

01:20:19 --> 01:21:03

the opposite of that, you know, I'll tell you also the definition of that if Hadith Yeah, we had it, we had it is basically when one of these five conditions is missing then that hadith is considered to be a weak narration you must have heard of that if that if so, basically sahih Hadith if I come to that point, listen to this again. So, here hadith is the one where all five conditions are met, if four are met, and fifth one is not met, that hadith is classified or deemed as the if if the first is not met and the format considered to be the eighth. So, basically the definition of the if is when one of the five condition condition is not met, if any one or two two then is definitely the

01:21:03 --> 01:21:12

if even if one is not met, okay. So when it's when it is said that such and such hadith is judged, Asahi was such and such as judged as

01:21:13 --> 01:21:40

the if this only basically means that technically speaking based on this criteria, this one is such and such is classified as a hate and such and such is deemed as weak, then it does not give you guarantee that 100% In actual fact, the one that is is definitely sorry, and does not give you 100% guarantee in actual fact, that the one that's judged and deemed to be weak is definitely weak.

01:21:42 --> 01:21:56

Why? Because when we say the one listens carefully, when we say the one that's judged to be Sahai, we're saying that based on this criterion, we should follow this criteria definitely. But we're saying based on this criteria, okay. Now based on this criteria,

01:21:57 --> 01:22:24

we've said continuation of chain, all the routers, number two have been considered to be upright. So there was one Narrator upright. But one day he just felt like lying possible he could have lied. He was considered to your pride we could have, he probably just made a mistake or one of the orders forget the line one. The third one is possible. One day he forgot they checked him. They checked his mind they did a test scan of his brain, very good memory, but that one instance he forgot.

01:22:26 --> 01:22:29

So it's possible that in reality, the hadith is not saying

01:22:30 --> 01:22:32

but technically speaking,

01:22:33 --> 01:22:40

opposite the Eve when we say a hadith is the Eve yet when we've said one

01:22:41 --> 01:22:50

condition is missing. Let's see which one is missing. The second one second one is what? uprightness of the narrator so what happened was that when they were

01:22:51 --> 01:23:20

scrutinizing the narrator's they found one guy to be a liar. So they said this hadith, but you know what a lion person once in his life might say the truth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said sadaqa when Kanika Dubin Abba shaytaan. You know, when shaitan does the Sahaba said he told him to read out of course, the at night, the story so the messengers of ALLAH SubhanA wa shaytaan that this guy's a liar, but today he spoke the truth. So even shaitaan can say this. So this guy might be a facet. But on this one occasion he just went I, you know, doesn't mean that a liar will always lie.

01:23:22 --> 01:23:29

So every dive Hadith doesn't necessarily in actual fact, 100% it is definitely something that I prophesied, some didn't say.

01:23:31 --> 01:23:34

And the one that said he doesn't mean without a doubt he did say it.

01:23:35 --> 01:23:46

Yes, the one that Sahai, most probably 95 90%. Most probably he did say it. The one that's judged as the eighth most probably 90% We didn't say it.

01:23:48 --> 01:23:53

But in the Sahara, there's a possibility that he did not say it in the if there's a possibility that

01:23:54 --> 01:23:58

are you with me in the Saheeh there is a remote possibility right.

01:24:00 --> 01:24:04

Now, in the one that he judged us, there is a remote possibility that

01:24:06 --> 01:24:17

he did, the province of Assam did not say it's not really a hadith. And the one that someone says there if there is a 10% chance that the province of Assam could have said it could be so here, but technically speaking, we've just judged this.

01:24:18 --> 01:24:26

Okay, so therefore, then the scholars then they say, Look, when there's that 10% possibility, remote possibility of a dive Hadith,

01:24:27 --> 01:25:00

it could be so therefore, then they go into the look, they will talk about this later on that if a hadith is there, if that doesn't mean you always throw it away, what about that 10% possibility, and that 10% possibility, if it's given if you got another 20 indications of that 10% possibility. There's something in the Quran also supporting that 10% possibility. There's another Hadith somewhere that a Sahabi was acting, doing something which is similar to this hadith, there's another so many indications, that's supports the, the idea that this 10% might actually be quite good 10% and might become so that's how

01:25:00 --> 01:25:14

Some Imams might say this hadith he despite being weak, we're going to act upon it because doesn't mean 100% It's the process of doing say it. And then there's so many other indications showing that maybe he did say it, etc, etc. So this is all technical things, say And

01:25:15 --> 01:25:25

so anyway, these are the five conditions of a, say Hadith. Okay, there was one or two other things as well about saying I didn't like it, but I think I'll just leave that.

01:25:26 --> 01:25:29

I think I mentioned that before as well. You know,

01:25:31 --> 01:25:44

I did mention this before that looks at a sometimes Yeah, I didn't do this last point about this. Sometimes a hadith is considered to be Sahai earlier on. And later on, it becomes a big

01:25:45 --> 01:25:50

Yeah, you've got a hadith say in the time of in the fourth century.

01:25:51 --> 01:26:35

There's a hadith the messenger sallallahu alayhi. Salam said something in your living in the fourth century? Yes, it was. Okay. Sajid is living in the fourth century. He heard it from somebody who heard from somebody word from a tablet from a Sahabi from salah, some said this, or the narrator's was scrutinized in the fourth century Hadith for him is authentic, he said it to the student. And then he carried on carried on after 900 years 1000 years, the chain has become long, somebody in the chain, some faster guy entered it. Now, after 900 years, the same Hadith which was considered to be authentic in the fourth century, became considered now as the Eve later on, so the same Hadith in

01:26:35 --> 01:26:49

the earlier time in Imam Abu Hanifa. Time on Imam Malik's time, a hadith could be absolutely perfectly fine, because there's three four narrators I think I mentioned this briefly. And the same Hadith you might pick it up later on from Bukhari and Muslim and

01:26:50 --> 01:27:00

Bukhari Muslim is like two 300 years later. Okay. The same Hadith in the third century might be considered to be weak. Chinese, we won't

01:27:06 --> 01:27:46

know but this is yeah, in the chain, navy, something like what you're saying. But this is the point anyway, so this this was this was a like a whole just summary of everything to do with Saheeh. I've explained everything to in detail. The first point basically going back that he was saying that the first reason for difference of opinion is when does a hadith qualify to be acted upon? When we're looking at Hadith? Does it qualify? The first thing you check is whether the hadith is authentic or not remember, we started this whole course is about when is a Hadith fit enough to be acted upon? Are you with me? When is a fit enough to be acted upon?

01:27:47 --> 01:28:30

The first thing you look at is it's a or not. And then we looked at what is sorry, what's the definition of the Sahai and then now, next week is going to go into the differences of the imams in terms of these five conditions. So we'll look at the first as far as the first condition is concerned concerned continuation of chain, there's a difference of opinion. Some said this is important for continuation of chain, another Imam says no, this has to take place or that has take place. And when they when they disagree about that, one Imam will consider a hadith to be Sahai because the first condition has been met. And another Imam. For him the Hadith will not be here

01:28:30 --> 01:28:33

because the condition has not been met because they disagree.

01:28:34 --> 01:28:36

In the application of the first chain.

01:28:37 --> 01:29:17

This is what he's going to mention. Like it because it's fresh, and I'll give you the example. You know, he said continuation of the chain each person remember taking from the teacher. Remember I said one lived in Kufa or one the student was born 20 years after the teacher died. So there's disconnection. Now there's a massive difference of opinion between the two minimums, Imam Bukhari and Muslim they disagree. There's a bigger killer Bukhari and Muslim. Imam Buhari is more strict. He says that look, if we want to we'll talk about this next week. If we want to prove that this discontinuation, then it has to be proven with proper witnesses that this student has met the chef

01:29:17 --> 01:29:18


01:29:19 --> 01:29:46

he has to be proven give me two or three witnesses that he met him in this masjid or this place or this village or the city in Basra Gouveia they have to be they have to meet. If the meeting is not stablished or proven anywhere, then I will not consider it to be a continuation. Therefore, if I don't consider it to be continuation. Hence the first condition is not met if the first condition is not met. And the hadith is not saying if the hadith is not saved then I'm not going to use it as proof for an issue of Salah

01:29:48 --> 01:29:59

okay, my Muslim says no, no, that's too strict. My Muslim goes really like his it student number 40 But he opposes them and he brings his proofs and he gets really angry as well. And he says like what why you someone making this strictness.

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