Muhammad Alshareef – Essentials Of Dawah

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary © The importance of visual media and the use of modern technology in Islam is discussed, including the success of Islam and the importance of gathering and asserting Islam. The success of Islam is attributed to the use of modern technology and visual media, as well as the importance of avoiding accusations of being too busy to handle the message. The success of Islam is also highlighted, citing studies showing that people are more likely to be aware of its importance, and the use of images and data to inform people is emphasized. The importance of learning from the experience and avoiding accusations of being too busy to handle the message is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Essential sub Dawa presented by Mohammed Sharif Miller Nana Haman hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah on earlier Sahil Manuela, remember, we're gonna be talking about essential dour techniques, essential techniques that a lot of times when people are unfamiliar with the Koran, and then they go into this business of giving Dawa. And then when Usually what happens is that board of members whether the masjid or a university group, or so on, they'll sit together and people who haven't really studied the Quran will start to say, Well, what are we going to do to make people more aware about Islam? And so people throw I throw out ideas, and a lot of those ideas, like I

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said, are going to be imitations of other dour activities. So the person has been bombarded with missionary dogma for a long time, and usually what they do is that they just say, well, let's put the Muslim label on the missionary doll. That's usually the source of our dental practices. However, Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And this is a verse that I keep reciting to myself recently, Allah subhanaw taala says kowtow to Allah, ma for rockmart fil keytab women shave, that there's nothing missing in the Quran. Anything you need in any kind of guidance that you're looking for, you will find it in the Quran. And now a lot of people might go to other sources and it really gives me goosebumps when I hear people say that I'm going to study comparative religions, everything is there in the Quran. For any kind of people, you don't have to go to some other area to study that comparative stuff. Allah subhanaw taala revealed it in the Quran and you have the basis on how to give data to the people right there

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from the Quran. And so I'm going to give you some examples of Tao techniques that you will see on almost every single page of the Quran, every single page and it might be staring right at you, but you may not have paid attention to this dollar technique, and inshallah tada as you recognize the DAO technique, you'll be able to implement it yourself, when you go and whoever you're giving data to, you can apply this to them. First, our technique is the use of fear and hope and hope you or a job, or pain and pleasure is the same thing.

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A hope or

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fear and hope.

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Putting pain and pleasure. A loss of handle data from the very fundamentals of our Deen is the belief in Jenna, and the belief in Hellfire, the hope of entering into gender and the fear of falling into hellfire. This is from the core of our beliefs. Allah subhanaw taala all throughout the Quran gives us the example of two styles of people. And the two choices one of the two paths that a person takes. And there's only two paths that a person can take either a path to gender or a path to Hellfire, there is no third place in the hereafter. And this is repeated again and again, throughout the Quran. Human beings have to have these two, these two

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desires in order for them to go forward. Now in some people, the desire for pleasure might be the thing that pushes them forward. But in the majority of people that are trying to abstain from pain is more significant in their lives. And I'll just give you this example of, let's say an Imam. He's in the lead hook, right? hook, but there's a lot of Muslims there. And they might be labeled as Muslims, right. And I remember actually teaching young, a young boy, I was tutoring him about Islam in their big house and so on. And I told him before I started classes, I told him, let me see how you pray or what you know about prayer so far. So he began he said, Allah, Allah Akbar, Allah,

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Akbar. And when I say Subhan, Allah, you know, I was almost going to start laughing, but in fact, it's a moment where you start crying, that he's been to so many IID prayers, that that's all he knows about Salaam, between those eight prayers. In fact, if you told regular Muslims, they might not know how to pray or read, but he's been to all those eight prayers and he hasn't ever prayed other than that.

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Okay, so in that eight crowd, what if the Imam said if you go if you pray your Salah, you will go to Jenna, right? And he said it really nicely. How many people do you think would leave the read prayer and start praying five times a day? How many people maybe zero even though he gave them the hope of gender? the pleasure of paradise? Now I'll give you the opposite. And usually these uh, these imams are the kinds that get kicked out of messages. But what if the Imam got up on the microphone and said, not pleasure, but he switched to pain. He said, If you do not pray your Salah, you will go to Hellfire with the Kufa and you will be with Iran and how fun and there's a hadith

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Are to that effect you will be in Hellfire with cloud on it, he said that the people will go to Hellfire, no doubt that people will get very angry at him. In fact, in the salon, people might even get up and start haggling him and start telling him be quiet and, and get off the microphone or something like that, right? Because the pain is so of that salon is so sort of hearing that person, he says this about the salon, that the person is going to be in how far it causes a lot of pain and the people, they have to solve the pain in one of two ways. Either they're going to change their lives, or they're going to change the man. Okay, and usually it's the second they will change the

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Imam because people can't live their lives in that pain. And usually what happens is the criticism that they do of the Imam is a way to relieve their pain. And it's actually a very significant thing to invoke in the people some pain and it doesn't mean that pain by itself will give you the solution, you have to use the pain and pleasure. So the example of a parent, for example, that only beats their children, if they don't do their Salah it will not work, it will the pain can only go to a certain extent before the person from the inside starts fighting back. The pain has to be coupled with pleasure. And so the people have to be reminded of the hereafter. They have to be reminded

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about the good work they're doing in the path to protect themselves from pain in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala there's many different ways that Eliza gel gives hope to the people wanted a very amazing technique that Allah subhanaw taala used in in pleasure or seeking out of a job the hope Allah subhanaw taala said and this a a revealed that will work or the alohar animal about when the incident happened with his daughter Ayesha. And then he said that one of the people who did that he would never spend on him again. He was one of his relatives. And Allah subhanaw taala said to him born a fear Allahu Allah.

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And you notice in this verse, the verse doesn't say that Allah will punish if you don't continue less than 100 Allah says, Don't you love that Allah forgives you. And I will look at all the Allahu anhu he cried. And he said, Bella, indeed, we love that Allah forgives us. And he said, I will continue to take care of my relative. And that's what onek hope for onic hope there are other times when and you know, there's this issue of weak Hadeeth being used in Florida, amen, you know, virtuous things. And some of those I remember reading one thing it was some guy had made up a vicar, a very long Vicar and put it in a book that form and the introduction was the reward of seeing this

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sticker that he made up himself. And he was basically saying that the reward is the reward of 70,000 martyrs and 70,000 profits and 70,000 to do clean and I was like is the reward of one not enough for you?

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Only once to do it and profit and Shaheed, that's a lot of reward. But as soon as he says 70,000 it's like okay, hello, something's going wrong here. And then now when you when you tell other people that if you do this authentic hadith, your sins will be forgiven, they'll say something like, is that it, my sins are forgiven, I go to Paradise. That's it, I have to do more than that.

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And so there's a be little myth of the authentic hadith. One of the most significant things in you might actually follow these Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would offer paradise where paradise would be on the table. So he would say something for example, salani Sanam, who will purchase the aroma that was bitter man, and you know, who bought it, but he said, who will buy it what whose gender and to him is paradise in those early days in the Battle of bedroom and so on? Those major events paradise was on the table, whoever could come forward and take it and you will see again and again and again. It was Earth Mama, the alohar who that was the one who came

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forward to to take advantage of that not once he kept you know, in our fundraisers when someone says who will start off with $50,000 and and it's all quiet for a good half an hour and stuff. And then someone does it take beer and then they move on.

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Now, the alarm was always the one to start off, not always, but I've mounted the alohar and who was the person to start off and in Jason or Sarah, that battle to to book the province of Milan incentive said who will prepare the army, if not all of the long line who kept raising his hand? He was the one that said I will give 100 camels and then they moved on the prophesy. centum said who will prepare the army mathematically, Ilana said I will give the 100 camels he kept raising his hand 10 times 100 camels each until in the end, he had given a believe about 940 camels 940 camels and then he finished off the 1000 with with some other beasts, riding animals and prepared all of that

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For the entire Muslim army 1000 are the alarm Tada. I know, that's hope, chronic fear. And it's not a topic that people like to speak about. And I remember when I was teaching this funkadelic class, in the first weekend, this is in the second weekend that I mentioned these things in the first weekend, some of the students went home, and then they were giving out their message. Some guy came to the masjid. And you know, he was interested, and one of the uncles gave him some stuff. And the person said, No, no, you know, don't bother. I'm just visiting. And he says, No, we have to give this to you. Because otherwise we'll be responsible when you go to hellfire. And the guy was like,

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shocked. And then this brother told me, he said, you know, Muhammad, he said, this brother, this uncle should have came to the fifth class. And I said, You know what, what that uncle did was right. And I wish more people had guts like that, to speak it out. Because he didn't tell a lie. He told the truth. And that's what we need of Muslims to tell the truth. If a person is going to Hellfire, they're not gonna like to hear it. But who likes to hear about going to Hellfire anyway, it has to be told. And it has to be said that I heard someone warn me of this. And believe me when they get warned of of Hellfire, it's completely different than being promised paradise. They'll say

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everybody's good. We're all promised paradise. But you tell them, you don't take this path, you're going to Hellfire, it means a lot. Or it'll make them pay attention to what's being said. And there's examples of that you can read all throughout the Quran. But one thing that you'll notice in the in the end is that when Allah subhanaw taala speaks about pleasure, it's usually always coupled with pain, you'll see verses that speak about hellfire. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, well, especially letting me know,

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if you read certain number, if you actually pay attention to those that speak about how fire is so painful. It is so painful to to read that and feel that any human being would go through something like this. And then you feel completely saddened. And as if there's no escape, and then the verses will start speaking about hellfire. So we'll start speaking about gender because there is a way out. It's not that this is people are doomed. Because when the person says, Are you saying I'm going to help I, Yes, we are. But there is a way out. And that way out is in following Allah subhana wa Tada. And that way out isn't agenda. But it has to be coupled together in order for both of them to have

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that effect. So using pain and pleasure, I'll give you this example. Something that I do with with youth, if I'm dealing with younger kids, is that if I see a child playing a Gameboy,

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I will bring the other cool kids. And people might not agree with me on this technique, but I'll actually get everybody to put that kind of activity down. You know, like, it's not cool to play Gameboy.

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And I would create an atmosphere amongst the kids, I would just provoke this kid and that kid, it's kind of bad, but to kind of make fun of the other kid. Okay, that's not good, obviously, to make fun of people, but make an atmosphere where the child is embarrassed, and it brings him pain to waste his time like this. And there were times I that in the Muslim ummah. And now it's come where the child gets pleasure. And everybody's smiling, saying, oh, What game do you got on the Gameboy, where there's more pleasure involved. What I tried doing is making an atmosphere of pain to a child like this. So for example, we have a camp at the masjid, and then one or two kids doesn't come. And then

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he comes back. And he's showing off that he stayed home because he wanted to watch TV. And I would almost create an atmosphere. And again, mocking isn't isn't the way but it's kind of like it were

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someone who does that is a loser. And then the kids start creating this, they themselves create a pressure that no child can stand up to, that anybody who doesn't come to the activities in the message is the loser, which is true. There are losers who don't get involved in things, but you have to create that atmosphere of pain attached to those actions that aren't that aren't beneficial to the people. How do you do it? There are many ways to do it. But I was just giving an example, pain and pleasure. Number two, using analogies using analogies is a technique that you'll find all throughout the Quran and all throughout the sinner. An analogy is something where you compare

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something to something else. I'll give you this example. And you may have had this example done to you before, where Krishna will come up to you. And we'll take a piece of paper and say something like this is a single piece of paper, right? And then they'll go I fold it like this, and then I fold it like that. I fold it into three, I fold it into three, but if I open it up, it's still one. And they'll say this is the analogy of the Trinity. How many people have heard something like that? Raise your hand. I just want to see how far the Dow has gone. Right? Okay. Many of you heard they have many analogies like that their whole thing is based on analogy analogy is a Quranic technique.

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And it's very significant because some Krishna will do this to a Muslim and the Muslim the shoulders will slide

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And they'll have nothing to say against this. But one chef who's from Syria, and he lives in Medina and he used to teach us. And he said that the Christians came to his house, one Christian Arab guy came in, he did this, and the shifts of Han Allah, this is just the power of the allama. He said, Give me that paper. And so the Christian gave it to him. And he said, Look, you say, if I folded like this, and I fold like this, and he said, You tell me, what if I folded it like this? He folded it a fourth time? And he said, What if I fold it like this? And he folded it a fifth time? He said, What if I fold it like this? A sixth time? He said it should you just associating partners with a

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loss upon OData and you're just talking foolishness. He brought the analogy, the Christian had nothing to say. Okay, but that's the power of an analogy. And if you ever have an analogy used against you, it is a serious, it's a serious argument blow to you. You have to come back with your own analogy or be the first person that sets up the analogy, Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, about Adam Todd okay for Dotto below. Kelly meten playbar Khashoggi rotten Paiva. Us aloha 32 to mazzaro have is if you go into into some Muslim countries and some guy gets on the microphone and says Kalamata Eva, what are the people say in reply? The Illa Illa. Right. How do they know that?

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This is the analogy that Allah subhanho wa Taala said that the Kelly motiva Kelly will tell you by means the good word means the good word and Allah subhanaw taala made an analogy between the good word and a tree, a tree that is firmly rooted in the ground.

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32 foot it's firmly rooted in the ground and its branches reach out high up into into the sky. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, and the analogy of Kelly mountain Habiba, which is Cofer is like a wretched tree. And I remember one teacher in our assignment school, she took the students out, and they're memorizing Quran and she showed them a beautiful tree and then they were memorizing the pseudo Kenny mutton pleva that this is your man, these trees This is the analogy of your a man firmly rooted in the ground and its branches reaching out into the heavens. What I said there that it when people call out Kenny motiva in some countries, it's become their culture, because Allah

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subhanaw taala is the one that coined this analogy.

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The ahaadeeth that, that talk about analogies are very well known Heidi, I'll give you an example of a hadith that's well known. And that is the analogy of the prophets that Alliance and him saying that if someone leaves their home and bathes themselves in this river that's outside five times a day, would they have any dirt left on them and they said, lie or rasulillah. And then the Prophet said, a lot of them said, this is the example of a salata hums, the five daily prayers that it purifies a person like this, just like the water purify someone, and you will see another example when the woman came to the province have a lot of cinnamon, she said, my mother, my mother made an

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oath that she would perform Hajj. And after she, you know, and she passed away, should I perform Hajj for her the province of license, didn't say yes, do it. He said it. He said do you see that hedger mother had a worldly debt to pay a financial debt would you pay it on her behalf? And the woman said yes. And the Prophet said Eliasson him said for Dana law ha COVID. Other than the debt owed to Allah is more worthy of being fulfilled. But he made the analogy to make the situation simple for okay using analogies. So when you're talking to someone that you're giving Dawa to, and if you're always talking about Islam to people, you should always have that analogy ready to give?

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What is your analogy of tohave What is your now there are many analogies, Allah subhanaw taala coins them in the Quran, you can go and find that such as

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Allah subhanaw taala gives the example of a slave that has two masters. Or you can say an employee that has two bosses, how can he go forward in his job, and there are other analogies like that you can see them in

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technique number three, using stories using stories all throughout the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala places stories you can find almost every second page Eliza gel is telling us a story, whether it's the story of Moosa the story of Isa alliums, Sarah, you have the stories of the people who have the gardens, you have the story of the Seven Sleepers, you have the story of Abu lahab you have the story, you can keep going like that. The sutras and anytime you see those sutras they're most likely meccan surah also, they're very early in the Dow that those stories were being used cc pseudo pseudo units, sort of Ebrahim these are all the stories that Allah Subhana Tada, recites, and of course

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You know, surah Yusuf suit uses all the children know the story. There's a story of the boy and the king, right? They made a little cartoon video about it. I remember, one young man, he gave a hookah by his entire hookah wants to tell the story in Arabic and translate it to English. And I felt really bad because I said to myself, there is not a single child in this entire message that doesn't know that story. And I saw that because it's a long story, all the children knew it. And they were like, you know, they were getting bored, because they knew it. And that's the power of a story. It had, he said, A surah. Many people wouldn't know the surah in the Quran. But when it came to story,

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everybody knew the story. And that's the power of getting your message to continue to other people, the stories live on, there's a certain benefits to this, number one, that when you tell a story, the story is always remembered from the beginning to the end. So you could give a half an hour if I gave you a half an hour story. And then you went upstairs and maybe your spouse or something they asked you what did he say, you could probably tell the whole story again, the whole story from the beginning to end half an hour, you could tell it. And that happened. The story has that power for people to be able to grasp the whole thing inside the story. Number two, that there are different

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lessons to be extracted from stories. So it's not just this is the lesson. And actually, I think that that's a mistake when people come to the end of the story and say the lesson or moral of the story is this. Because that minimizes their imagination. For example, if you tell a story of a father and a son relationship, and how you know, maybe it broke down or they came back together, the parents in the audience will take lesson from the father's position in the story, the children in the audience will take lesson from the child's position in the story. If the speaker then says the only lesson in this is, you know, we should respect parents than all the parents will say, haha,

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See, I told you you should respect me. Right? And all the parents lost that that lesson and Subhanallah there there are things you know, when people ask me about hedge, the story of hedge and so on. And they're like what is the lesson of hatch? I find that if someone does say the lesson, the only lesson of hedge is such and such, they're overstepping their bounds, because the lessons are so enormous. They're bigger than any human can encompass. You can't say it in a speech that the lessons of Hydra like this, because the lessons of Hajj might be equivalent in number two, the amount of people that come for Hajj. There's that many lessons, it's too large for someone to encompass like

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that. And the stories that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran are enormous, you can continue to squeeze them and squeeze them and continue to extract lessons from them. And thirdly, humans love stories. Human beings love stories from the beginning of time till today, you will see the movie industry and all of that they're still continuing because people love to hear stories, and they'll pay their money and so on and so forth when I give a lecture. And in fact, when I see other speakers not mentioning stories in their lectures, maybe after the speech, I'll go and tell them add a few stories in your lectures. Because the stories while I'm speaking slowly, slowly, I can see your

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shoulder slumping and you're looking at your cell phone, see how many calls you got and stuff like that.

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I'll start with a story. Once the story begins, everybody's head starts you know, piping up, everybody looks up, and now they're paying attention. You want to get it from the beginning of the story to the end, you want to find out what happened. And some Hello, what's

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one thing I noticed when people listen to my hook buzz when they listen to the hook buzz and then they're like, brother, I loved your foot. One of the first my data gathering, I'll always ask the person what do you remember from the hookah? That's my automatic question. someone tells me I love the football. What do you remember from the football? It is always I don't think I've ever had an experience where someone did not tell me that what they remembered from the football was one of the stories in the football almost every single time I've never heard and panela I might mention different stories. But the stories that stick are the one the personal stories that I tell. I'd say

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almost almost 100% of everybody that I am not 100% maybe 90% of everybody asked What do you remember it was the personal stories that I mentioned in the book, but one of the brothers I don't know if he's here right now. But he was just telling me after Frederick, he purchased one of the CDs and he listened to it last night. And he said I remembered about the Hello chicken thing you were saying in the hookah. And he said because I have a grocery store and so on. That was like a personal thing that happened with my father. And I'll just give you this other story. There's this little girl in school, I was waiting in line. She was in front of me. And then she said brother, Mohammed Al Shri,

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when you grew up, you're going to be a big star. And then I said I'm already growing up

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and then she said I love

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Have you heard was and so I said, Hey, here's a chance for me to say, you know, get some data feedback. So I said, I told her what do you remember the most from the footpath? She She said, I remember the time. She said, I remember the part when you were saying that you were in the Christmas concert. And then and then she said to me, she goes, brother, Mohammed, were you Muslim at that time?

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And I said, unfortunately, Yes, I was. At that time, will we still going to Christmas concerts? Not unfortunately, May Allah forgive us. Number four. Actually, one last thing about the stories. Allah subhanaw taala says, In the story of the two sons of Adam, again, another story that you're very familiar with the suits and money that you're not familiar with, except the idea that talks about the Hello meat issue. And then the story of ebony Adam, the two sons of Adam, Allah subhanaw taala says, What Lou I lay him never ever they add them I've been have lots of Hadith, Allah says, recite to them. And that's the key that I want you to hear what slowly him recite to them this story. It's

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a commandment of Allah subhanaw taala. It's a fact that the believer is told to recite to the people the story of the two sons of Adam. And so it's not just oh, this was a nice story. It's a story meant to be applying. Okay, number four, using stimulating questions, using stimulating questions. How many times have you heard this part of the Hadith where the companions say Allahu Allah? Allahu Allah, alone is messenger know best? How many times have you heard that? Has anybody not heard that? That section of it, and even not heard, okay? Almost every single one of you has heard, a hadith being mentioned. And you'll hear the part where the companions say Allahu Allah pseudo arland. If

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you take one step before they said that, the prophet said Alon, he said, and began by asking a question, and their etiquette with Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was that they didn't say I know the answer, and just go and answer it. Some of the companions wouldn't know the answer. But they know that this was the prophetic technique of one of the prophets of a lot. And I wanted to say something, he would ask them in a question form, and then the people would pay attention, and then he would give the answer after the intention has been grasped. Now, you can compare this to a normal teacher or someone giving data coming in and making the statement and the statement, the person is

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taken aback. They weren't prepared to hear the statement. The statement has been said maybe argumentation just kicks off after that. But the prophetic techniques or the law on ism is to begin with those questions first, and a stimulating question on him out of his salon, if you and some handla. When I when I prepared this class, and I saw the techniques that we put on him on a cinema, I believe that a whole class can be done on the techniques of Ibrahim on his, as mentioned in the Quran, and if someone you know, you can take that idea to one of you shoot, but it has to be studied. Because it is so deep, it needs to go deeper and deeper. Ibrahima acnm. I'm reading in

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negotiation books, how to get someone to a specific answer. And then I see Abraham, Alice, and I'm in the Koran using these techniques that I've just learned. Ibrahim on Instagram begins his Tao by saying ma heavy hit

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it and

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he didn't start by saying this is shared, you're doing harm, you're gonna go to * fire. He started by saying what are these idols that you stand in vigilance over?

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And he let the people speak.

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And this is a negotiation technique. Just ask the people why? Why do you Why are you saying this? person says Trinity tell them why. Why does it have to be Trinity? You don't have to go in into the refutations just like that. But start with the stimulating question. Question number one should always be why. And I know it's been used against you every time you tell them worship one God. They'll say why? And then you're back on the defensive. You're the one who should tell them why. They say no, we will worship ourselves. You tell them why do you worship yourselves? You're the one who should start with these techniques using simulating questions.

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And Ibrahim Ali said and he said to them all the * yes. merona come into their own

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elbow room. He said Do they hear you when you make them? Can they bring you benefit or can they bring you harm? And now a lot of people when they ask their their questions to people, they might ask it in a condescending way condescending meaning like in an arrogant type of position.

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But when Ibrahim Ali s&m asked these questions that people were sincerely asked answering. He didn't say it in a way to belittle them. He said it in a way to provoke their thinking and they sincerely took it

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In Finally, all his questions led them to make the conclusion to Ibrahim. They're the ones who said that these idols, you know, Abraham that they can't speak and they can't do anything.

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And he brought him on he said, I'm just looked at them when they came to that conclusion themselves. He said a fella come while I'm at abdomen, a fella tuxedo, he said don't use your minds and any cover his ignorance, whether they worship Trinity or they worship themselves or their worship, whatever they are, it is cool for and it's ignorance. no possible way Can someone who has that type of athlete come out and show to be show everyone that they're the logical person unless the Muslim has no idea what Islam is talking about.

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And you have to get into the position where you get the people to the conclusion, where they understand that what they're doing is wrong. And then you say to them, oh, silicone, or the metabolome and Filatov in and inshallah if you get a chance to read that sutra again, no, actually what happened was it was ignorance, and then it turned to arrogance. It's ignorance. And when they found out the truth, then it became arrogant, then they were people of Hellfire because of that. And so a lot of times when we're talking about Hellfire, you talking to Pete about people that have never heard about Islam, they haven't gotten to the level of Abu lahab and Abu john, and the people

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of Ibrahim, because we never gave them the down to take them to that position. That's why I'm saying that when when people look down upon the society, I really think that it's a reflection of what have we done for them? And the downs should be looking at us I'm not saying get down that's putting a little pain in it and sell other pleasure is that keep working hard inshallah. Okay, stimulating questions. Number five, reminding people of Allah blessings, reminding people of Allah subhanaw taala his blessings, if you know inserts of man.

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And it's very popular to a lot of people love sort of ramen, right? What's the ayah? That gets repeated throughout the Surah febi, a Arabic Kumar to get the ban. Which one of the favorites? Will you deny? If you just memorize that one? I know you already have it memorized. And you already know the translation. The next time a disbeliever argues with you. You just answer by reciting the verse. Furby, a Allah Arabic oma Toka Viva.

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And they'll just say, What did you just say? They'll be shocked. There'll be silence. They never expected an answer like that. And you can talk any argument or any they're like, what about women's issue? Or what about this? What about the current situation that you answer with that? That'd be a tropical match. Okay, the ban, which of the favors of your Lord Are you going to deny?

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This is a technique that you'll find all throughout the Quran. And like I said, when I was talking about sort of fatty Eliza that begins the Quran at hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. And the kafir the root of the word the literal root means to be ungrateful means to hide something, Allah azzawajal gave them these blessings and they hit it and then when you hit it underneath and basically under the ground, and they said, We receive no blessings from Allah. That's why we're not gonna pray Our Salah that's why we're not gonna worship Eliza because nothing came from God. And that is the root of their Cofer is to be ungrateful to Eliza, image Shakira what America for you see, you know, the

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word check, it is sugar, to be thankful and Canfora is to be ungrateful, is to be ungrateful, and that's the root. And of course, it's disbelief in a larger job, but the root of the word is to be ungrateful.

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And as I mentioned in the lecture yesterday, about how that that the being grateful is the route to happiness.

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And like I said, that even those motivational speakers and trying to get people to be happy because they're so indulged in the dunya, they'll tell them, just be grateful for what you have. And if you're not, then you're the most wretched saddest of people. Indeed, they're the most wretched, wretched and saddest, because that is their call for to disbelieve, or sorry to deny the favors of a loss of a job. So when someone tells you, you know, why do I have to pray?

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basically like salata, fetchit when a person says, I'm tired, and they grab the blankets, which is the favor of Allah azza wa jal, and the turn over on the pillow, which is the favor of Allah azza wa jal, and the fact that they can close their eyes, and everything that they're using to disobey Eliza is from the favors of Eliza. That if you want to disobey Allah subhanaw taala get off of bed and get off his land and don't eat breakfast this morning.

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Because Eliza does the one that provided you with that breakfast, don't use your car Suhana

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The Sahara Lana has a right to say the dial and you don't use your car if you missed fetcher. And you can keep going like that. Don't use the hot water. And the more don't even use water. Because it's all the blessings of Eliza. Number six is social assistance. Number six is social assistance. And other people that receives the care are the more elevated coloboma, more elevated. coloboma are those people whose hearts are very near to accepting Islam. And this money can go to those people, even if they're not Muslim, in order to win their hearts that they will become Muslim. In fact, what I'm saying here is that social assistance taking care of the people is the route one of the most

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successful dollar techniques. Some person may say, How do I tell my neighbors about Islam? Because the cliche, the misunderstanding in their mind is that to tell people about Islam, you have to go knock on the door, and you have someone opens the door and they're in their pajamas or something and you say,

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you know, become Muslim, or you're gonna go to hellfire. And they're like, they'll slam the door and they'll say, get, you know, get out of my face, and you're creating, they'll call 911. There's a Muslim next door, and so on. And while you're eating your breakfast, the cops are knocking on your door.

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Okay, so you're like, it doesn't work. Does it work? No, it doesn't. And why? Because that's not necessarily the Dow techniques that you'll find in the aanenson. The Dow technique that you find in the Quran and Sunnah is social assistance. And I'll just give it actually this is that in this clip of the mountain pass, this whole hood is talking about why the fundamental technique is to take care of the people. And it's been so forgotten. And so few people speak about it, even though it's the root of our Deen. And I'll give you this example, an A A that you've heard, and you've recited, in fact, almost every syllable you get up, people recite like the same surah again and again, every

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time they pray. There's similar prayers, right? The verse is close to Allah, a levy, okay. They will be the mean, have you seen the person who disbelieved in the repayment? What does he look like cafe he's just, you know, it looks like this. He's got blond hair, or something like that. People think this is a Gora, he's the cafe. This is what it looks like.

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Or at least you can deal with Dean, it's not about looks. It's about actions. Alonzo just says, Feds Annika Levy, already at the cafe is the one who pushes away the orphan. A lesson that's almost never told in our messages. When those Islamic Relief people come and say give to the orphans, and so on. The characteristic of the cafe is to push away that that orphan for that equal the earlier team. While I held our law firm and Miskin, you hold the means to encourage, he doesn't encourage the feeding of the needy people. That that is the caffeine, the one who just believes in the resurrection that they don't encourage. And you can ask yourself the question, have you ever told

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your family and friends let's go help the homeless people? In Houston? Have you ever said that? It's something like I said, that is not repeated on our microphones. We might say, okay, we're going to help this project. And we need a new parking lot for the message or something like that. But it's rarely said that let's go and help these people. Sincerely for a law, not a PR stunt. You don't go and watch the news and see, did they mention what we're doing or not? It's meant to be sincere for allies. And so you want to make $1 project you want a demo project that's rooted right in the Quran and Sunnah make a Dao project that is based in helping the people and that could be a cleanup crew.

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Maybe your street has a lot of dirt. It's not that that nice, your whole day. Our mission is to make sure that the street is clean, and this area they will know that this is the Muslim area and it's and it's clean. And this in fact, is what Suraj rawhides did. And his message became popular because of his fighting of the drugs in his area. Why was he so successful? Because that technique is rooted in the Quran and Sunnah to take care of the people and protect them from the evils of the society. And inshallah tada like I said, that even though the brothers are saying it's a little expensive inshallah, the money that you spent for this is worth it. Go and learn this. Take the CD home,

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listen to it, pass it on to your friends in sha Allah. Okay, number seven. Number seven, using modern technology, using modern technology, Eliza just says yeah, rasuluh Bella Luna, Xena, la Cana being the key word here the launch to focus on Eliza tells the messenger of Ben live, which means to pass on the message. The whole purpose of your mission as a as a die is to pass the message to the people. Your mission is

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Not to flip people's hearts because allies are jealous. The only one that does that a lot of Muslims, like we said about the misconceptions. They'll say, if I do this, no muss, no one will become Muslim. That's not your problem. If you go and tell someone become Muslim, and they get angry, and they don't, and they don't want to listen to you, that's not your problem. The problem is, did you do better? Or not? Did you tell them, if you told them go home with a smile, if you didn't tell them be sad, like the time I was with that shoe guy or something like that, when I went to, I went to Hollywood, and

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you know, Hollywood,

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okay, I went down that, that walk of the, you know, Hollywood stars or something like that, the walk of fame, I don't know what it's called, but I went down it. And and you know, where people put their hands in the thing, and then their thumbs, and everybody looks in and takes pictures and stuff, and Superman and Batman and Robin Hood, they're all standing there waiting to have their picture taken with you. Okay, I got actually very scared because as I walked down that boardwalk, or whatever it's called, I recognized every single person on that boardwalk, and it hit me and I said, every single Muslim will recognize every single name that's on this boardwalk. You're like, Oh, this is their

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hands. And then you just keep going like that. So hon Allah this country, and actually, many countries across the world are threaded with the entertainers. The entertainers are the thread of the society. And it's just a visual audio, the seed, the the music, and the movies and the television set that country is, and I'm not saying just this country, I'm saying, almost all around the world, that the people are just enslaved to that.

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And so now when we give our dour it's almost always exactly like this a lecture. But there are so many other means of the media, getting to the people, you can do visual, there's the multimedia, there's the satellites, there's so many different techniques, and those techniques, the more creative you get and putting it in the more Baraka inshallah Tada, you have, and the more reward will come back in using those techniques. Islam is not telling you that it's fun to give lectures, Islam is telling you get the message to the people how you do that. All right, V. The majority of Muslims and human beings in general, our visual people, meaning that about 70% of people will learn

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through visuals. So right here in this lecture, I would say a lot of you are not visual people because you actually came to the lecture, your children who are still at home watching Saturday morning cartoons are visual, or a child, why does a child have to read a picture book? Why can't they just read the straight out text? They read a picture book because they're visual at that age, and they're very much influenced by pictures now, if for example at the conference, but let's just say that they'll say that we're going to have a movie tonight $1 movie, right? Are you having no. Okay, this room will be packed all the way to the end. And it will be packed through the hallways

00:43:09 --> 00:43:49

and downstairs and you will have to put up other visual connections to just because it's a movie right? And watch what he could do basically just take a picture of himself a little multimedia and make the movie and convince all these people to come to it. Just tell them that it's a movie and they will come right now in the masjid sometimes after the message hood they'll say you know brothers we have an announcement to make right and everybody's like please let us go Please let us go and then they're like don't leave brothers have suffer have some, you know, everybody's sitting down. If they said that after salata, Jamal, we will we will show a five minute movie. The person

00:43:49 --> 00:44:32

will look at his watch and say I saw some time. I can get to work a little late. It's okay only because of the movie. So what I'm saying to you is to change your you have audio visual and kinesthetic kinesthetic is feeling and that's like playing games with the people playing games, take them outside have activities. And audio is the lecture we're doing all audio and you have these are the audio team, right? We're just all audio. Audio is in fact one of the second maybe about 10% 20% of people are audio and 70%. The vast majority of people are the TV type people the movies, including many of us too. We're into that visual. If you just take time in preparing your dowel

00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

projects and using the media inshallah to Allah you will reach 70% of the people that normally aren't even touched by the doubt. All right, one of the sins we have time some of this stuff is important because whether you get those 50 CDs or not. Some of this stuff is fundamental that every Muslim should know. Eliza just says in the Quran, hello tala oduro in acerbi, neon pink Benin Hekmati one Mario Monti la Santa

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

Watch the

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00:45:05 --> 00:45:45

In this verse again, I know it's a verse that you've heard many times oduro Elizabeth Arabic Firstly, the surah begin or the eye begins with a feral armor, which is a commandment. The default is fought for those who took the sort of fit class, or the Oh, is it means call to Allah. So it's not a virtuous thing to call to Allah. It's fun to call Allah xojo. Although it is abelian optic bill hikmah bill Heckman, Heckman is you'll say wisdom. What is wisdom, wisdom is accumulating knowledge of what you're going to tell the people accumulating knowledge of what the people need to know. accumulating knowledge gathering taking notes. Allah subhanaw taala is commanding the Dow is

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to be done like this been hikma heavy metal. Heavy metal armor the hikma of how you act with the people. All of that knowledge grasp together with hikma one more ever to have more ever has. And that means the blessed admonishment are beautiful and mana a beautiful talk and passing on the message. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, which did home and argue with them beletsky hear us and in a way that is more,

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more respectful and more beneficial than the way that they argue with us. Now what Muslims do is their Tao is what jack did home.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:25

They're like,

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if the Muslim read it, it's like everything is like kind of like fuzzy and then they go watch. argue with them. So Muslims like you that article in fox news or something like that, or we got to argue with them. We got to tell the people what Islam is we're going to show them what Islam is about. We got to argue and gee dad and some handle I kept emphasizing this in the class, that g dad arguing is not the path of the profits. It's part of the equation. But it is not the fundamental part of dowa. The fundamental part of dow is number one is gathering what you're talking about his hikma and fundamental part two is more ever has in his being proactively teaching the people what Islam is.

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And when you do that, nobody will just say, oh, Islam, I'm Muslim, they will argue. And they might actually be very aggressive in their arguing, then we argue with them, which did home bility hear us and we don't say oh, I don't want to hear the argument and move away. After you've proactively taught Islam to the people. They will then argue then you come back and you argue in a manner that is more refined than the way that they argue with it. Why I'm saying this is because Muslims have this, like I said, a cliche that we will always give Dawa by arguing How do I answer someone who told me this? How do I argue? Someone who told me that I tell you don't even get involved in that

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from the beginning? Firstly know your deen. Secondly, every time someone tells you a misconception, you answer them by saying thank you for asking the question. You really need to understand the snap in the bigger picture. Before you understand the answer to this question, do you got five minutes? And they'll say yeah, I got five minutes. Now you're proactively telling them what Islam is. And you're in the driver's seat. And that's my analogy, the driver's seat and passenger seat, you always want to maintain driver's seat status, one sister

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after this class, she the driver's seat passenger seat analogy, and like we said that that's a technique by itself. She debated with two missionaries. And she before she says that she had like no confidence in talking about Islam. After this class, she debated with two missionaries. She said from the beginning of the argument till the end, she was in the driver's seat, taking them left and right, left and right. And everybody there were people sitting around her, listening to her debating with them.

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And at the end, the missionary said to themselves, and they said, We should never argue with Muslims again. They're too smart. And the people who are listening, they got up and two of them became Muslim. Allahu Akbar, I prayed. And in fact, I said at the beginning of the class, when I taught this, I said, that's my goal. If one person can become Muslim, even from the whole class, then I've done my duty, but I'm gonna say one last one last thing inshallah and that is technique number eight, and that is debate marathon, debate marathon debate marathon, you'll understand it just write down what the debate marathon is. Usually when Muslims argue if you tell someone you know, I've been

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talking to this person about Islam, how many times do you talk to him? You know, the person lost hope in this guy. How many times he talked to him? Actually, we only talked once. You only talked once and you lost hope in the person. They're like, yeah. And I actually boycotted this person and forget this. Sometimes they don't even talk to them. They boycott them before the person even knows that they're boycotted. No Holly has sent them and when you see when non Muslims bring their message

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They come from every different angle, from TV from the newspaper, from rallies from school curriculums, they keep coming from every angle until you can possibly get away from hearing the message that they're trying to promote. But when a Muslim gives the message, they're usually looking for the ideal opportunity to tell their message once and again, that's not the technique that you find in the Quran. Ensign, you find the Quran and Sunnah and the prophets that align I sent him knocking on the people's door every single day, telling them about a snap and never losing hope even on their deathbed the prophet SAW him was still they're calling them to Eliza Jett. And I'll give

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you this.

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This is incertitude verse 32

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surah tude verse 32. Allah subhanaw taala says about the people who argued with no holidays and they said all Oh, yeah, no Khadija deltadna

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30 g De La Nina. They said Kalia. No. They said, Oh, no caja de tener. You argued with us for 30 g Donna, you did caffeine. You kept arguing with us. And we've had an no halation for the 1000 years. He's giving Dawa to them, arguing with them. He never ever stopped arguing with them, and telling them about Eliza. Regardless of the results. He kept passing the message to the people. And their reply to him was fat Tina beam at iduna. They said if you're telling us that we will be punished, then bring the punishment when we see the punishment we will believe when the rocks come down from the heavens. That's when we will be believers. When the rock crushes us to the ground. They said it

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in their arrogance to the prophets. And no Hollies. And I'm still continuing with them. And that's what I'm saying. It's not about a yearly conference. And it's not about the ideal opportunity to talk to someone. The message has to keep coming to the people from all different angles, and it has to keep coming and coming and coming until they've heard it until there's no more. They know what Islam is. And they've heard the truth message Lalo Tada.

The Dawah techniques suggested in this presentation are based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. By this virtue alone, this lecture is a gold mine for anyone who takes the duty of giving dawah seriously. One technique described by the speaker is to use fear and hope. Fear and hope is a theme used consistently throughout the Qur’an. In order to properly understand what is meant by fear and hope, however, one would have to listen to this lecture to gain more insight.

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