Muhammad Alshareef – Does Allah Love Us

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the topic of Islam and its relationship with religion. They touch on narratives and references to Islam, including the Prophet sall Drive, the Hadith, and the god's love for men. The importance of knowing the culture of the religion to determine one's own values is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need to be aware of the Prophet's words and to bring his words into one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Kremlin in

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China who wanna stay in a hoard of stuff through one of our old Avila Himanshu rhodium Pacino and say, Dr. Marina de la huhtala para mobile Allah.

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Allah, Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Muhammad Abdul Abdo or a pseudo

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but we'll see Come on FCB de la sua Jen avant la host of Hannah hoovy delicacy Peter B Hill caring for Carla tala a Johan Sakuraba como la de la comida

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wahala common has Olga augustan Semin homodiegetic Cassie

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What's up? Hola. Hola, de Luna behavioral ohana in Nova karnali como Kiba. Some about the brothers and sisters.

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After the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away in the time of the tetapi ain't Denise little colon in the misc one semester lKb and they're in the masjid. He saw a group of people sitting around one man. He described the man as being as smiling very much. And people were sitting around him asking questions. And so I will do so kolani Rahim Allah tala asked, Who is this man? And they said, this is more as even jevelin the Companion of the prophet or the Alo tada

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and so Abu Dhabi so Hola. And he the next day he came early before Salatin and he found he thought that he was the first person in the masjid was there he found was in Jebel Ali Allahu taala. On who praying in the masjid. And so he came to him and sat behind him. And after he had completed his prayer of Idris Rahim Allah told him, that Omar eyes I love you for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Well, I live in Jebel Ali alongside Allah and he pulled him closer and he asked him, law holy Allah, by Allah Do you love me only for the sake of Allah Subhan Allah to Allah and a smile a Buddha said yes. And so more as though the alongside on who smiled and brought him closer. And he said, let me give you the good news. For verily I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that Allah subhanaw taala said was the best mahabis He must have been a senior. My love is words if upon those who love for my sake.

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The brothers and sisters throughout history, people have claimed that they love Allah subhanaw taala and that Allah loves them. The Christians claim that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves them and the loss of Hano tala caused them what a bond Nene abundant in the misguidance. And the Jews claim that Allah subhanaw taala loves them and the loss of hundreds Allah says of all you did in most movie it him those who are less angry with

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and so Muslims also claim that Allah Subhan Allah subhana wa Tada. But the fact that Allah subhanaw taala loves us is the real question. And that's the topic for today. does Allah subhanho wa Taala truly love us?

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In sahand Bahati the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that when Allah subhanaw taala loves someone he calls God and Allah subhana wa tada then says, He IGBT in bufala, and he says subhanho wa Taala Oh jabril I love such and such a person and Allah subhanaw taala names that person still loves him. And then gibreel Ali Salaam loves that person. And then gibreel calls out to all the angels of the heavens. And he says, Allah subhanaw taala loves so and so. So love him and all the angels of the heavens will love that person. And then Allah subhanaw taala will place the pleasure in the hearts of the people towards that person.

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In another narration of the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in legal terms tomorrow vasila Salah is Luca Luca has a chorus of Han who was Allah he he believes gibreel in Abdi phoolan. He'll send me to anneal Dini, Allah in our community, Allah, Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in another narration of this Hadith, that Allah subhanaw taala the slave will continue to try to win the pleasure of Allah will try to win Allah subhanaw taala love until Allah subhanaw taala calls to video Oh gibreel Verily, my slave so and so is trying to please me. Verily my love has been has overcome him.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us stories of people that Allah subhana wa tada love in the Quran and the Sunnah. We find many stories of people that Allah subhanaw taala and love and amongst

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The greatest people that Allah subhanaw taala loves was Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what has Allahu Ibrahim mahali Allah, and Allah took Ibrahim as a holy, a sincere and close friend. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam read this insula, one of the companions heard this and he said, quote, a restaurant a man on Abraham, may the coolness of her eye be the mother of Abraham, for who would not love that their son be taken as a holiday of Allah subhana wa tada

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and from the people that Allah Subhana Allah love was a uvala he said,

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Allah subhanaw taala says was via deca will probably be he was in our dinner who Fabiola? Allah subhanaw taala says if you bought a salad in widget dinner, who saw better we found him to be patient. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, near Milan, what a beautiful slave he is a you parlays

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and from these people that Allah subhanaw taala loves in a Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that a man went out once to visit his brother for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And as on his path, Allah subhanaw taala sent an angel and the angel asked him, where are you going? He said that I'm going to visit my brother for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala the angel said to him, do you have any other reason to go to his house? And he said, No, I am going for no other reason than for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and then the angel said, verily, I give you the good news, that I am an angel from Allah subhanho wa Taala with a message from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala that he loves you.

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And from these people that Allah subhanho wa Taala love was Khadija Allah has said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Sahih al Bukhari, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with the Djibouti and they were reciting the Quran together when Khadija Allah Allah tala on came

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gibreel Allah and cilantro turn to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, this is Khadija bringing you some food. Give her my cellar. This is Judy Laurie's. He says give my salon the hadiza for the Allahu taala on her. And then he says Helene is Salim mobis shirahama be based in cilgerran Casa and give her the glad tidings of a home in Paradise, middle class living lazada see how Allah knows

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what happens when Allah subhanho wa Taala loves us. Allah subhanaw taala first and foremost will mention us by name, Allah subhanho wa Taala will mention that person who learned even full land, and he will call to gibreel. And mentioned that person saying that I love so and so. And not only will Allah subhanaw taala love that person, but gibreel alehissalaam will also love that person. And not only was the video that I sent him but all the angels of the heavens in the earth will love that person. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala will put the pleasure of the people put pleasure in the hearts of the people towards that person. And if that person was to ask anything, Allah subhanaw

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taala would grant what he asked for any feces refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from anything, Allah will protect him and no doubt a person whose cases such his end is gentlemen.

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The brothers and sisters, we also have to be afraid of those people of the people that try to win the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the same side of this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a person will continue to anger Allah subhanaw taala continued to disobey Allah subhanaw taala until Allah subhanaw taala will hate that person and Allah will call to gibreel and he will say, oh, God is my slave so and so is continuing to try to anger me unfairly. My anger has overcome.

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A Kunal Kohli has a poster for la de la como Lisa, it must be me know what I must say Matt.

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In the whole Hola.

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Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam O Allah Milena via bada bada

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I was listening to a tape once a man was talking or the chef was talking about

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stories and Heidi's dealing with children. And one of the Hadees he mentioned was a situation the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had with a saint, but the alota the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was playing with her saying, what are the laws?

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On who and then he raised him up for people to see. And then he said, I have Bella who meant her husband her saying, Allah will love those who love her saying about the love of Darla. And so it got me thinking, what other ways do we find in the Quran and the Sunnah of how to when Allah subhanho wa Taala is love.

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And from this biblical claim, wrote an article about ways to when Allah subhanaw taala is love, and I'll mention those things that he said. Firstly, that we should take advantage of the third portion of the night. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that every night, Allah subhanho wa Taala comes down to this dunya and he calls out to the people hadn't been dying. Ebola hadn't been was self feeding, but

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is there anyone who will make do I so that I will accept the DA? Is there anyone who will ask for forgiveness so that I self produced them? So we should take advantage of this in Priam, Korea Malaysia?

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We should remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. Often, whenever we're in the community to work or standing in a line somewhere, it's always our chance to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala says, The poor Rooney as Kuru comb, and remember me and I still remember you and who does not want to look personalizada to remember them.

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We should read the Quran with understanding read what Allah subhanaw taala revealed to us for our life and for our death. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran

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Will they not contemplate the Quran and Allah subhanaw taala says he de

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de veau

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Allah subhanaw taala says a book we were sent down Movado why so that they will contemplate it versus

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we should sit and be with those people that truly love Allah subhanho wa Taala and spend time with them. In Surah tilaka Allah subhana wa tada mentions the dog of

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Allah subhanaw taala says, say a full lunar solar system for our bureau home caribou home Jolla for Luna Han says this home caliber home regimen bill by way of Kowloon and Allah subhanaw taala in this verse mentions the dog so many times, and the scholars have said look at the physician have a dog in life, and he has no physician to remember. But this dog out of all the dogs was mentioned in the Quran so many times Why? Because of the companions that he had the companions that he was with. And so if a dog is going to be mentioned in the Quran so many times you can imagine when someone spends his time with the people that are less panelists, Allah loves how much his level will be raised just

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because of that companionship that he chose to take. And is the Prophet Silla lawless and I'm part of that that good companions is like the person who sells a mosque, that if he does not give you from that must just by sitting around that person, you will benefit from the beautiful smell.

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We should love to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men have value called Allah or habibollah Holy cow. Whoever loves to meet Allah subhana wa Tada. Allah loves to meet that person. And no doubt if someone is going to love to meet Allah subhanaw taala they will do good for that meeting, they will prepare for that meeting, so that they will love to meet Allah subhanaw taala because they will feel that Allah subhanaw taala will be happy with them. And no doubt the person who does not follow his life in the obedience of Allah subhana wa tada he will not love to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah will not love to meet that person.

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We should push away all the things that stand between us and Allah and His messenger. And so when we go to our houses and we do and the different disobedience is that we do to Allah subhana wa tada it's standing between us and Allah subhanaw taala is love and we have to critically Look at that thing that we're doing and we have to take it and extract it out of our lives.

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We should put the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in front of us and always put the wishes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before our Lucius Allah subhanaw taala revealed in the Quran, oil

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law say if you love

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sabbioni miedo como la

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de la ku de como se if you love Allah subhanho wa Taala then follow me the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you become Allah. Allah will love you, oil free, Lacombe Nova calm, and we'll forgive your sin.

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We should make patients a part of our character, as they say that the person that continues to do something, he will be known by that accent. And if someone is pacing through his dealings with the people in his home, and his work, then he becomes solid. And Allah subhanaw taala says of those four patients on La Julio him both for the pain and the love, love those who are patient.

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We should learn a loss, assessment and success, we should learn the names of Allah subhanaw taala, and his characteristics Sopranos Allah. And so when we read in the Koran, or Ramadan, the Merciful, we hope for Allah subhanaw taala His mercy, and when we hear a semi elbow see that he is all hearing and all seeing that when we go to disobey Allah subhanaw taala and we think that we are in private, we will know that Allah subhanaw taala can see us and when we read in the Quran, that Allah should be a club, that Allah is severe and punishment, when we're going to disobey Allah subhanaw taala we will remember this of Allah subhanaw taala that he is severe in his punishment, and we will abstain

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from the disobedience of Allah subhanaw taala

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and we should continue continue in doing our nohup and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhanaw taala says, What is the law of the Colorado lamb Noah or Hippo? Allah subhanaw taala says in this hadith I could see that the slave will continue to come close to me in no acid in voluntary deeds until I love him and in the sun has this hadith. The scholars have said that the Noah sin here is voluntary acts of all kinds, voluntary acts of our county voluntary acts of our body and voluntary acts of all kinds.

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A poet once said, A Thompson Isla de tocqueville, who

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poet once said how can you avail lots of panel data and claim that you love Allah Subhana Allah de la armory, Philippine Sea buddy, this is very strange and very unique in a in a way of understanding in Cana of buka for the fun of Arthur who, if your love of Allah subhanho wa Taala was true, you would have obeyed Allah subhanaw taala in Mohave Bella, you have bumo to verily the person who loves someone else will follow that person

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in the law, how am Allah because of who you follow not in the year you have Levine, follow Allah USA limosa sliema Allahumma salli ala Muhammad, Ali Muhammad, Kamal Felisa Ibrahim, Ibrahim, all dedicado Muhammad Ali Mohammed

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Ibrahim Ibrahim in Mecca hamidah Majid

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Allah homophily hyena oma Justina was he Dino ebina coastal region our kobina was at Kadena on Santa Allahumma nahida home in LA he ll Islam woman telophase home in sesotho Island

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in the La Jolla model Bella has a new a new eight point harness, you will among cardiometabolic yeah it will come from Tata Kuru Kuru la the Mass Comm which guru Harlan me he is it what are the Kuru la Akbar Allah Liana momento

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