Muhammad Al Bizry – Ramadaan Revelations #4 Alhamdulil-Kareem

Muhammad Al Bizry
AI: Summary © The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The discussion covers the benefits of Islam, including memorizing Jesus's teachings in Arabic, the importance of cameras and memorizing the Arabic language in graduation songs, and references to a book and woman named Hope. There is no clear context or topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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ever asked someone how they were? And they replied Alhamdulillah Kareem or Alhamdulillah Rahim? Never. When you ask someone how they aren't always Alhamdulillah. Why? Because when you ask someone how they are and they say Alhamdulillah Karim, they are praising or thanking Allah for his column which uses generosity. When a person says Alhamdulillah Rahim, the thanking Allah for his Rama, His mercy, but when you say Alhamdulillah you're praising and thanking Allah for all of His Names and all of his attributes and all of his blessing Subhanallah it will claim Rahim Allah said that the name Allah is Windjammer. Olivia Shmoo Khalil Ismail Siefert. The name Allah is a comprehensive term

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that encompasses all of Allah's names and all of his attributes and he based on the idea when Illa Allah s min hasna to Allah belongs all the beautiful names and attributes. Amazing. So from Hmong, the gems have Alhamdulillah is that just by saying and Hamdulillah you thank Allah and praise Him for His mercy, His forgiveness, his generosity, his knowledge, his wisdom, and all of these blessings, Allahu Akbar. That's the first out of the three gems of Alhamdulillah that we're going to discuss. The second

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is that we praise and think Allah. So is it we praise Allah? Or is it we think Allah? Usually Alhamdulillah is either translated as All praise belongs to Allah or Thanks. What's the difference? Firstly, in Arabic, there's a word for praise and there's a word for things. Praise is mother antenna, while thanks is sugar. And they are two different terms that are used in different scenarios. So someone you praise isn't always someone you think someone you think isn't always someone you praise. For instance, we took Sunday story nights yesterday, the story for our Musa if Rand was alive today and massacring the infant boys of the Muslims, but he spared your son, you will

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say thank you, right, you're not gonna praise him. You're gonna say your most merciful you're the most kind, though doesn't deserve it. Because they thank you for our right and then later on, you're cursed him some more. Right? So you thanked him and thanked him didn't praise Him. As for praise, for instance, a device or a car, or food, your praise it, especially if your wife cooked, right, you have to praise it. So your praise the food you sell is delicious. You're gonna say thank you, you want to thank it. Thank you for letting me gobble you up. You want to thank a phone. Thank you for letting me press your buttons. See how praise and thanks are using different scenarios. So what does

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a ham do? It takes praise, it takes thanks. Put some together. So when you say Alhamdulillah you're praising Allah for everything, and you're thanking Allah for everything. And the third gem of Alhamdulillah. You'll notice it's not na medulla or atma doula. It's not we praise and thank Allah or I praise a thank Allah. Why not? You're the one who's doing the praising or the one who's doing the thinking, wouldn't it make more sense to say I praise and thank Allah, it would make more sense but true sense is the Quran and the Sunnah. When you say I praise and thank Allah, okay, you're restricting to yourself, you say we, you're restricting it to the people who are around now, you

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see, and he's saying, we as humans, you haven't included everything in the heavens and the earth you haven't included the animals that praise Allah and thank you as well, that makes us be have Allah. And we weren't always around, and neither are we always going to be around. So you've restricted it. But when you say all praise or thanks to Allah, Allah has praise and thanks is always always was around, always is around, always will be around. You see the beauty of Alhamdulillah all praises thanks for long style, as opposed to, we praise a thank Allah. So those are the three gems among many of Alhamdulillah. We said the first when you say Alhamdulillah, you are praising or thanking

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Allah for all of His Names, all of his attributes, you're not just praising him. You're not saying humble Ibrahim, praising Him for His mercy on Hamdulillah. Kareem praising for his generosity, or his column. And we said, among the benefits of Alhamdulillah is that you're saying we praise and thank Allah together, as opposed to just praise we'll just thanks. And we said, thirdly, it's not we or I, you're not restricting it to you or the creation. By rather you're it's a matter of fact, whether I praise and thank Allah or not, whether the kuffaar praise and thank Allah or not, it's irrelevant. All Praise and all thanks always did and always does, will and will belong to Allah azza

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wa jal and that's from the beauty of understanding the Arabic Subhan Allah and that's why the Sahaba when they heard the Quran had such a profound effect on them,

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and they focused a lot on Quran and Arabic together. The Sahaba would say Ghana Sahaba to your ally Munna Allah the home. A look at the labia kamma y'all Alamanda home camera you Alamanda home solar to mineral Quran we're another rewire heaven. They will teach the the kids Arabic just like they will teach this

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their children, a sort of from the Quran or memorization, so a lot of the time we focus on heavy Allah memorize memorize memorize as for understanding where is it and that's what we're doing Ramadan revelations in Ramadan because we don't want to just read the Quran we want to understand the Quran we know the Quran is a guide, how can I guide us? If we understand that imagine write your GPS on your phone it's talking to in another language he's first to understand or someone you're in a foreign country and you ask them take me to the nearest supermarket, and he speaks to in a foreign language, how are we supposed to understand? How is he supposed to guide you? So if we don't

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understand the house is supposed to guide us. So that's why it's imperative that we understand the Quran and that's how we will get guidance. And to Pamela with the phrase Alhamdulillah

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you know, you don't have to go too far to think how can I praise or think Allah? Right? You know, when someone gives you a gift, and it's such an amazing gift, you're like,

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I don't know how to thank you, or You're speechless. Well, Allah has given us so many gifts, so many gifts, and we don't even know how to thank Allah for these gifts. Where do we begin? Allah said, Don't worry, I got you covered. And hamdulillah blam the first day, the first day of Al Fatiha the first day of the revelation, the first day when you open up the most half. It's the first EO you read when you pray you say 17 times a day Allahu Akbar and constantly turn our tongue and hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah what an amazing phrase amazing phrase. So these are from the wisdoms and gems of Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen Hope you enjoyed the Ramadan revelations for this evening,

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Charlotte tomorrow we'll continue with the sciences of the Quran 8:35pm inshallah until then, salaam Wa Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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