Verses of Jesus and Mary in the Quran

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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WARNING!!! AI generated text may display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn’t represent Muslim Central's views. Therefore, no part of this transcript may be copied or referenced or transmitted in any way whatsoever.

AI Generated Summary ©

The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, but they do appear to be discussing a mission or initiative related to a group of people. The language used is difficult to understand, but it appears to involve some kind of group or initiative.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:00--> 00:00:03

What if call Allahu.

00:00:06--> 00:00:11

Wa returning deaf he Guney

00:00:12--> 00:00:15

Mia Isla de mi do need

00:00:17--> 00:00:21

bornus Who behind I got my Hooli

00:00:28--> 00:00:32

on to HuFa Calderon in Denton

00:00:33--> 00:00:34

I've seen one

00:00:35--> 00:00:37

mass enough

00:00:38--> 00:00:39


00:00:43--> 00:00:52

mind please Tula whom at Lima Emma will journey be Buddhu la health be well

00:00:54--> 00:00:57

well Gudrun Dr. Shahid.

00:01:03--> 00:01:04

Fade Danny

00:01:07--> 00:01:08

dumb rocky

00:01:12--> 00:01:13

Grecia, you

00:01:18--> 00:01:19

people who

00:01:20--> 00:01:20


00:01:22--> 00:01:26

what you don't feel alone in

00:01:30--> 00:01:34

arguing all along who have

00:01:36--> 00:01:39

found saw the beam I'll see the

00:01:40--> 00:01:41

guy who

00:01:43--> 00:01:45

died at me

00:01:48--> 00:01:50

for me Dean Effie

00:01:53--> 00:01:54

all the allaahu

00:01:57--> 00:01:58

Bernie gunning fellows

00:02:02--> 00:02:03

who summer

00:02:08--> 00:02:13

well who our mission is for the