Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 14 Ramadn Late Night Majlis Abu Bakr Siddiq Part i GH 04152022
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Wa raha'atulahi wa rakatul.
Masha'Allah we,
by Allah Ta'al's Fathil have reached this Mubarak
14th night
the night of the 2nd Jumuah of Ramadan.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala give us from
its barakah and its nur
Amin. May Allah ta'ala give us tawfiq.
These Jum'as are only 4 this year
and they are not 5.
And, it behooves us to take benefit in
these Mubarak nights and the days that follow
them and to not waste, any time or
any breath therein.
The only thing a person will regret is
the good that they didn't do,
in such Mubarak nights.
So we continue our reading from,
Azer Sheikh Zakaria,
Sheikoh Hadith,
of the, Mavahir Ullum in Saharanpur,
the Khalifa of
Mullana Rashid, Ahmed Ganguhi
his Khalifa,
Azar Sheikh.
Hazrat Sheikh Khalil Ahmad Saharan Puri.
Mullana Zakaria is a very interesting individual. He
left behind,
a number of works,
both in terms of his
like this,
like this book
or like
his commentary, the Ojazul Masalik on the Mu'tav
Imam Malik, like
his commentary in Urdu on the, Sh'mayl of
Imam Tirmidhi, like his compiling work for
the notes on Abu Dawud of his sheikh,
Mullan Khil Ahmed.
And also he left behind a number of
a number of great men, who were his,
May Allah,
give us a tawfiqah benefiting from those who
are still around.
I met
by Allah's father I had the
honor of meeting a number of them several
of whom have passed from this world.
Who I can think of,
to this day that that's with us
is Mawana Bilal Bawa,
is in the north of England.
Masha'Allah, a member of the Masha'i from Saharanpur
came and were involved in the various efforts
Islam in,
England and in South Africa.
In England,
in particular, Mawana Yusuf Mu'tala,
founder of the Darulum in Bari.
I had the honor of
trying to meet him once.
I went to
a gathering in the Azhar Academy
just the line to shake hands.
It was so long.
Just through seniority there was no way I
could have gotten to it because
I was
way down the line. Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera,
he was I think like 17 in line
by seniority,
to meet the Sheikh
I hadn't I didn't have a dream so
I just kind of said salaam from afar.
Alhamdulillah and you know my disposition has always
been not to bug the sheikh or to
kind of fanboy, fangirl,
the mashaikh.
Why? Because the Maqsud of the tariqa is
the love of Allah ta'ala,
not the love of the creation.
And every other human every other, you know,
created thing, every other human being
suffers from the weakness that comes with being
like you and me.
in having mercy on that
is a great,
wasila, it means to getting Allah's love.
So I always try not to bother the
I always try not to ask stupid questions.
I always try not to
bother them
or, you know, lick the cookie dough off
of the sides of the bowl.
But like in the human interaction,
I always tried to be helpful. I always
tried to smile. I always tried to, you
know, and not just hang out and be
like the 117th
person to shake hands,
when you see that the sheikh's obviously tired
or whatever. I always try to be like
that, with the mashaikh.
alhamdulillah, masha'a baith Allah Sfadhu, it's paid off.
Maybe, you know, so we don't distract tonight's
majlis from our our reading from the Tasgirah,
Masha'i Chishst,
the remembrance and the recountance of the Masha'i
Chishst of Hazrat Sheikh. I I I'll limit
myself just to this,
to to this one tangent
Mawana Yousaf Mutala, I had a chance later
on to meet him.
And it was actually, far more Mubarak
than Azhar Academy. Even though Azhar Academy is
a great place too in London.
Check out their bookstore, check out their, institution.
I had an opportunity in Hajj
Mufti Abdul Rahman was going to meet him.
And so I just kinda tagged along with
him. God bless Mufti Saab. I've
tagged along and,
bothered him in a number of different
interesting and wonderful
continents of this world. And so
he introduced me to,
Sheikh Yousef Mutawah
And surprisingly,
Sheikh Yousef, who apparently doesn't isn't very verbose
in his talking with people,
He and I had had quite a long
and a very interesting and
discussion. Well, informal for him. For me, I
I usually am scared the daylights out of
when sitting in front of the moshai. Not
to say something particularly more stupid than the
normal things that I say.
But even I surprise myself from time to
time. But at any rate, Masha'allah, he he
opened up and told me a lot of
interesting things. Many of which I won't mention
to you right now.
it was a it was a wonderful and
graceful meeting.
Obviously, Milana Youssef, he passed away
not too long ago, in Toronto in the
path of Allah Ta'ala far from his home,
in the service of Deen.
May Allah
make his grave
a garden from the Gardens of Paradise and
fill it with Noor. And like that everybody
everybody who died on iman and like that
everybody from the ulama and mashaikh of this
noble tariq
and from from them all of those who
passed away
far from their homes in the service of
the deen of Allah ta'ala.
But at any rate, Masha'Allah Hazar Sheikh, he's
known both by his
works that he's authored
and as well, by the
the people who, he made. May Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala
us that the color of that dye should
also splash onto our clothes
and that we should be colored in it
as well even though,
by Makan and Zaman. By time and place
we've been separated,
from him,
so far.
A particularly
interesting book that he wrote by the way
is his Apti, his autobiography,
which is in 6 volumes.
The first five volumes are
translated in English and
sold separately.
And, the 6th volume
which is in particular about saluk and about
the Sowof,
I think the translators
stayed away from it because
they may have feared that the English speaking
audience wouldn't have an appetite for it.
I found it in South Africa translated
and I bought it and it really is,
that's, you know,
the whole thing is wonderful but it really
is like there's a lot of kherinbarakah in
it. And, you know, much like many, sadly,
many of the Ulema of the Oban in
the subcontinent,
Those people who undertook translations of their works
have not been very good at what they
did and they didn't do it with Ihsan
and they did it with a type of
fills my heart with anger.
it's really sad and there's no justification for
it. It's not right.
However, mashallah, the translations of the the the
2 chapter or the 2, different volumes 1
through 5 and then volume 6 of the
Abbitti of Hazr al Sheik,
e t I, which I think it's actually
sold under that name even in in the
English translation, Abbitti.
Those are actually really those are actually really
decent translations. They're not flawless or of like
the a list variety, but they are they're
pretty good given
the difficulty of translating such works.
And they're definitely good enough that if the
reader wants to find the the chered in
it, the good in it, they will find
it. And I do recommend that you
grab and read those books.
You might find yourself, not able to put
them down.
That's how interest interesting they are. But, for
now back to the tazkira mashayikhishst
and the discussion about the khulafa rashidun, the
khulafa of the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
Hazar al Sheikh
in translation
since this treatise is a book about the
lives of the Sillsullah Chishtiya,
The logical demand is to narrate the life
of Sayyidina Ali radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu Waqahu
after the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Because in this silsula, Sayna Ali radiAllahu an
whose name appears after that of the Nabi
Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Nevertheless, something of the lives of the other
khulafa Rashidun will be presented here because in
the tavkira,
and the mention of the khulafa Rashidun
is necessary,
a necessary addendum to the tawkeera of Rasool
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. In fact, it is
the closing chapter of the discussion of Rasool
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's life. Again, this is
a very Sunni idea
that even the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
in the Sahih Hadith.
he mentions
That as if the sunnah of the khulafaarashidun
is an extension of the sunnah of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Azul Sheikh continues,
according to some mashay, the 3 Khalifa radiAllahu
anhu play an important role in the spiritual
and moral excellences of Sayna Ali radiAllahu anhu
the head of the tariqa.
these Mashaikh also narrate the mediums of the
Khalafar Rashidun
in the, 4,
major chains of Tassaluf. There are 4 major
chains of the Sowef in the Indian subcontinent
and that's what he's talking about. Not to
say that there are only 4 tariqas in
the entire world.
The Qadiriya, Chishtiya, Sohurvardiya, and Nakshbandiya.
It is therefore considered appropriate to present brief
discussions of the 3 holafa before commencing,
the name sequence of this treatise, meaning the
sequence of the Masha'i Chazee appear on the
Shajar HaMubarakah,
of the Tariq Heshishtiyyah.
I'll add that,
many hadith are narrated,
even in the world of hadith, many hadith
are narrated
through different routes.
And the only
only route or the only tariq or the
only, isnad
names that are mentioned are the ones that
are the shortest because if you narrate who
learned what from who,
practically it will make the chains of narration
long and it will make the,
books of hadith even longer and more, burden
cumbersome to memorize and narrate. So for that
reason, there's an idea in Isnaud called the
that, if you read something from somebody,
and then you had an opportunity to hear
it from
that person's sheikh or from their sheikh's sheikh,
then when you narrate the hadith onward, you
won't mention who you learned it from.
And if you learned it from your sheikh's
Sheikh, or if you heard it from your
sheikh's Sheikh, he won't even mention his Sheikh.
You'll just cut to you'll just cut to
the the slowest,
the the sorry. The shortest,
to the source.
And that's what happens. Otherwise, the tariqa, all
of the turukah are through the 4 holofar
The actual transference of the nisbah from one
person to another, it's actually through the khulafa
rashidun and it's through a number of other
people whose names are not mentioned here. It's
through a number of other people whose names
are not mentioned here. I'll go out on
a limb and say that every single one
of the turuk also is
transmitted through the 4,
Imams, the 4 Madhabs
at the very least. And the number of
other prominent Ulemaan scholars and mashaikh and imams
of Ahlulbayt,
and other oliya.
But because of the need for ulu, the
need to shorten the chains of narration,
those names are omitted.
But just because they're omitted from mention, it
doesn't mean that they're not there. That the
nisbah and the secret and the sir that
Allah Ta'ala,
powers this deen through,
that it didn't go through a longer and
more interesting route
than the one that's mentioned on paper.
Sayid Nabu Bakr Sadiq radiAllahu ta'ala anhu.
After the passing of the messenger of Allah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, his vice jairncy in every
devolved to Abu Bakr Siddiq radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu.
By virtue of the oath of allegiance of
the Muhajarin and the Ansar, he was appointed
while Quranic verses allude to say in Abu
Bakr's khilafa, the hadith of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam,
in regards to this are clear in their
Allah and the believers refuse to accept anybody
but Abu Bakr is explicit on the issue
of Abu Bakr's succession.
The most important consideration in this regard is
the total accord between the hearts of Rasoolullah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and that of Abu
Bakr's siddhir.
This has been clearly stated by Hafez ibn
Hajar in
his lamir,
volume 2, page 452.
I don't know which print it is, however.
Numerous incidents bear testimony to the mutual accord
and unity between their hearts.
For example, the anecdote of
Abu al Hakim's
which had already been explained a few pages
Also on the occasion of Hudaybiyyah,
the answers which Abu Bakr Siddiq gave to
the questions of Sayyidina Umar were the same
as those,
given by Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Although
he Abu Bakr Siddiq radiAllahu Anhu was not
aware thereof.
Regarding the captives,
Badr, opinion of Abu Bakr Siddiq radiAllahu An
who also conformed to the opinion of Rasool
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam I. E. That they
should be not executed.
The descriptions of Sayid Abu Bakr Siddiq radiallahuan
who given by given by,
even Dhuhunna
conform conforms to
the description of Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
given by Sayyidah Khadija radiAllahu ta'ala Anha.
Again, this is something that
it's mentioned. It's mentioned in the hadith of
the prophet
when Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Abu Bakr
in the home stretch to Medina Manawara
during the hijra.
The ansar couldn't tell who is who. And
it wasn't until,
they saw the Muhajirun crowding around Rasoolullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam and they saw Sayyid Abu Bakr
Siddiq radiAllahu ta'ala
Anhu opening up
his shawl,
to shade
the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that
they knew now who is Abu Bakr and
who is,
the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
And this is something nisba il kai,
that's mentioned by the Sufis that sometimes when
nisba between two people
becomes very strong they start to look like
each other even though they may look physically
nothing like each other but there's some uncanny
resemblance between them even though their color might
be different, that they may be,
their physical,
disposition may be different,
their hair may be different. So many things
may be different but there's some sort of
quintessential similarity,
that people start to notice between them to
the point where they they can't tell them
apart, in certain cases.
In addition to these clear indications,
of his succession, Sayna Abu Bakr Sadiq radiya
wa ta'ala and who his khilafat was established
by the popular bay'a and taking of the
oath of allegiance of the companions
with him after the passing of Nabi Akram
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Akram meaning most honored Nabi.
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
According to the most authoritative version, his name
was Abdullah.
During the time of Jahiliyyah, his name was
Abdul Kaaba.
Some say his name was Atik.
the reliable version is that Atik was his
title. It was his lakab.
And the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam changed his
name from Abdul Kaaba to Abdullah.
His genealogical
tree is as follows.
The lineage of Sayid Nabu Bakr Siddiq radiAllahu
with that of the messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam with the person of Muratub Nukab.
The name of his father Abu Qohafa
was Uthman,
who embraced Islam in the 8th year of
the nubuah of the messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam at the age of 90.
Sayyid Abu Bakr Siddiq radiAllahu Anhu was known
by a variety of titles.
According to Sayyidha Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala Anha,
while the house folk would call him Abdullah,
he was generally generally known by the title
of Atik.
Some people say he was called Atik because
of his handsomeness.
Others say on the account of his
eagerness for virtue, he was given the name
Atik. Another view is because
his lineage was,
free from the slightest blemish.
According to the narration of the
for his title of Atik was the
announcement of his salvation from the * fire.
Have a have a connection with them,
with with one another more for,
in terms of the
root, the root letters of of of both
His famous title, however, is a Siddiq.
There's a difference of opinion regarding the occasion,
in which he was rewarded or awarded this
title. So Siddiq is a
the person who is innervently in through and
through inside out
True in every every
sense of the word. Is the true faith
the one,
the one who
carries the emphatic state of veracity.
According to some, he was known by this
blessed title even during the days of Jahiliyyah
because of his outstanding qualities of truthfulness.
However, the well known version is that on
the occasion of the Mi'raj when the Rasool
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ascended to heaven, the messenger
of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was apprehensive about
people acknowledging the truth of this miraculous journey.
alaihi salam assured the messenger of Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam that Abu Bakr will acknowledge
its truth because he is, the siddiq.
In the
in a work. I don't know some of
these translations sometimes the transliterations
are so garble it's difficult to tell what
he what the,
what book is being quoted. But in one
of the books about the Khalafat
the the narration of the mosthadrak of Imam
in which,
Nizal bin Sabra said,
we asked Ali radiAllahu anhu regarding Abu Bakr
Siddiq radiAllahu anhu.
He said he is a man,
who was given the title of Siddiq by
Allah via the agency of Sayyidina Jibril alayhislam
and the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasalam.
In salat, he was a representative of the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi Meaning he was
the one that everybody knew that when the
messenger of Allah
was unable
to lead the prayer, he was the one
who was deputed for it.
The man who the Rasulullah
alaihi wasallam would choose for our Deen,
we chose him, for our duniya, meaning for
the khilafa.
According to Tabarani, Hakim bin Saad narrated that
Sayna Ali radiAllahu an who took thee
took an oath that the title siddiq was
by Allah,
from the heavens,
for Abu Bakr,
which itself is a great honor.
Abu Bakr's acceptance of Islam.
Amongst the first persons to accept Islam was
Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah TA be pleased
with him. When he presented himself to the
Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for accepting Islam,
he did not request for any miracle to
be displayed.
He only asked about the prophet, so prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's prophethood and immediately accepted
According to the Nabi Akram sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, he had discerned a degree of uncertainty
in everyone who he had presented Islam to,
save Abu Bakr who accepted Islam without the
slightest of hesitation.
In the inceptional stage of Islam, the Sahaba
Kiram radhiallahu ta'ala Anhum
concealed their deen because of the oppression and
the persecution of the kuffar.
When the number of Muslims numbered 39,
Abu Bakr Siddiq radhiyallahu anhu requested permission to
propagate Islam publicly.
After persisting with his request, the most honored
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam consented.
Taking a small group with him, said Abu
Bakr Siddiq radiallahu an who went to the
house of Allah, to the Kaaba, and delivered
a Khutba.
This was the very first Khutba in Islam.
Although his prominence
and honor were accepted in the community,
as he commenced his Khutba he was so
severely assaulted that his face was dyed red
with his blood.
His nose, ears, etcetera were badly wounded.
It was difficult to recognize him. He was
beaten, pushed and kicked.
They did with him whatever they had desired.
The severity of the assault rendered him unconscious.
His tribesmen brought him home,
where he,
revived during the evening. He came back to
consciousness that evening.
The first words that came from his lips
was how how is Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
On hearing these words, those who were caring
for him left. They were astonished and angered
because of his devotion for a man who
was indirectly the cause for the calamity which
he had suffered,
his non Muslim relatives.
His mother, Umkhair, insisted that he partake of
some food and drink, but he took an
oath that as long as he had not
seen the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
he would neither eat nor drink.
After the greater part of the night had
passed and all was quiet,
he went to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and
cried profusely,
and so did the Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
The Sahaba radiallahu anhu too broke down with
grief and were in tears.
In this meeting Abu Bakr Siddiq radiallahu anhu
requested that Rasulullah
make dua for the guidance of his mother.
The dua was made and she embraced Islam
the very same day.
So you see, Masha'allah,
people who,
whatever, like to quote
like to quote Rumi quotes, you know, fake
Rumi quotes on on Facebook or whatever with
weird memes of
god knows what butterflies and unicorns or whatever
in the background.
Even the real Rumi quotes that have full,
that that are have full authenticity
and are accompanied with their Persian original.
Where did the mashaikh later learn how to
show love?
They didn't learn from anywhere else except for
the Rasul, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and his
Mubarak companions radiallahu ta'ala anhu.
And so you know, masha'Allah Maulana Rumi himself
uh-uh was a descendant of Sayna Abu Bakr
A separate volume is required
to record the life story of Said Abu
Bakr Siddiq, the Siddiq Akbar, the greatest of
the saints and the true faith ones. Irrespective
of the brevity of the biography one wishes
to write,
how then is it possible to write comprehensively
on even one aspect in these few pages?
The fact of him being the 1st to
accept Islam is of the greatest,
This act of his requires considerable elaboration.
Then there's the episode of his comp contemplated
migration to Abyssinia.
He set out with this intention but was
met along the way by Ibn Durunah
persuaded him to return.
He said a man of your caliber can
neither be expelled nor leave of his own
You are the source of livelihood of the
meaning you're the one who gives to the
You are
kind to family members, you lift the burden
of people, you are hospitable and you aid
others in in their affairs
And, this is one thing, you know, we
mentioned it in one of the previous,
in one of the previous majalis
this hawan
hawan, this lack of respect that
that those people who are currently deprived from,
with the higher realm
Treat the and
the the people of nobility with.
That they're
the types of people that
you know, they're only concerned with their own,
like, rat race type of
And so a person of great spiritual grace
might come past them
and they don't see any value in that
person. In fact, they often times when their
attention is brought to that
that reality they get annoyed.
They're like a person who,
you know, finds a
finds a, like a like a $100,000
somewhere and then takes it to the pawnshop
and the pawnshop,
you know, he says, okay, well we we
give you a $100 for it. The owner
of the pawnshop says, look let's go across
the street to the, you know, to the
Rolex shop and they'll appraise that it may
be worth even more. And
this person is so stingy and so
closed minded. He says stop wasting my time.
Are you gonna give me the 100 or
not? Because if you're not, then like,
you know, he tells them off. Why? Because
he doesn't understand the the value of what's
there. So if you're doing something good and
other people treat you like garbage,
not anything wrong with you. That's their own
deprivation that their supply of noor from the
higher realm has been cut off. Don't worry
about it. Go about your business.
And know that everyone, people better than you
and people better than me, have been treated
this way before. The Sayyid Nabu Bakr Siddiq
his own tribesmen, they withdrew tribal protection to
the point where
he was one of the most noble and
beloved people of Quraysh
his tribe withdrew protection from him
to the point where he was basically,
being taken to pot shots at open season
in Makkumukarama
and he had to,
you know, make the intention to leave. And
a foreigner, a person from another tribe
who knew Sayyid Nabu Bakr Siddiq
who himself was not even a Muslim at
this time,
he himself had to recognize that what's what
is this craziness? Like, this is, like, the
best person I know. How could you, how
could you do something about him? And he
announced in front of the,
the people,
in the Kaaba
that, I take him under my protection and
messes with him, he messes with my tribe.
And, it's a kind gesture. It's a kind
for sure.
However, the truth of the matter was
that, you know, from the moment that Allah
before he created the heavens and the earth
and his,
in his primordial
and his primordially preexistent knowledge
that this this one would be the
the the companion and the beloved of the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. He
had a protection greater than that of any
of the tribes of the Arabs.
whoever sees it sees it. Whoever is blind
to it will be blind to it. A
day will come, Allah, that will show everybody.
Until then, if a person
has something great, you don't need to show
off to the creation. Just go about your
business and don't let your feelings get hurt
when there are some blind people who are
unable to, appreciate that.
Referring to sayin Abu Bakr Siddiq radiAllahu on
whom the Quran says.
He was the second of 2 Thani ath
Nani idhuma Filghaar.
The second of 2 when they were in
the cave
when he said to his companions,
do not grieve. Indeed, Allah is with us.
The companionship of Abu Bakr Siddiq radiallahu anhu
with the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam is confirmed
absolutely by this ayah of the Quran.
Every word of this Quranic statement attests to
the lofty status of Abu Bakr Siddiq radiallahu
anhu. There are numerous conspicuous
confirming his love and devotion for the Messenger
of Allah salallahu alayhi wasalam.
His migration to Madinatayiba
and the company of the Messenger of Allah
salallahu alayhi wa sallam is very significant.
What then can one say and write about
his excellences?
In Suratul Layl are the praises of the
one who spend in the path of Allah
That he's described as being that nobody has
any Ni'mah or blessing
that will ever be sufficient
for him
uh-uh as a recompense
except for the
the seeking of Allah Ta'ala's pleasure.
the day that he gets it, he'll be
that's the day he'll be pleased.
And he's given the glad tidings, and the
happiness and the glad tidings of Jannah.
So InshaAllah
being at about the half an hour mark,
I think this is a good place to
leave off inshaAllah for tomorrow.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us stulfiq to
make good use of the rest of this
Friday and the rest of this Ramadan
and the rest of this life, the couple
of breaths that we have left. May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala
forgive us our shortcomings and overlook our faults
and, even even those good deeds that
we were supposed to do beautifully that we
kind of did a,
slack job on.
Allah, Ta'ala, forgive us and overlook those faults
and give us as if we did what
we were supposed to do the way we
were supposed to do it and not how
we did it.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala liked this all the
days of our life. May Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala show up
whatever shortfall we have in our accounts by
the barakah of almarumaaman
haba, by the barakah of the statement of
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that a
person will be with the one that that
he loves.
And Allah Ta'ala made it so easy because
the pious and the righteous and the oliya
and the Sahaba
Sahaba Ikiram
and the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the
Anbiya Ikiram Alaihi Wasallam
Allah made it so easy because their people
it's so they were so beautiful.
very difficult not to love them. May Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala dye our hearts in the
color of their love and, make that, what
saves us in this world and hereafter.