Mufti Menk – Can You Name Some Of The Greatest Creations

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a group of people discussing the names of some angels and their characteristics. They mention a friend named settles and joke about "has been a joke" about "has been a joke." The group discusses the names of five angels and their characteristics, including their names and characteristics.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know the names of some of the

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Let's see.

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The greatest of all angels. Who? What's his

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Name me another angel.

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Name me another angel.

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It's Raffil. Name me another angel.

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Azrael. Name me another angel.

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Well my father named me Ishmael as well.

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That was a joke earlier where

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they say, oh

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what is the common factor between this man

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and the angels? Anyone whose name is Ismael.

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It's the eel at the end. Masha Allah.

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They all all angels have an eel. Eel.

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Obviously, don't take that too serious. No. It's

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not from Quran sunnah. It's not from Quran

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sunnah. It's just to make yourself feel good.

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Yeah. Angel.

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Allah bless, mashaAllah. I have a friend in

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South Africa called Ismael and we always laugh

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about it because he was the first guy

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who told it to me. He says, you

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know what? My father says you're an angel.

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You know? Say how come? Says that's why

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the eel is at the end. Masha'Allah.

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I know some Ismaels who are rascals. Allah

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forgive us.

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So Allah chooses from among the angels whom

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he wants to be messengers to carry the

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And Allah is the one who chooses. It's

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up to him. He can do what he

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wants. He chose and that's it. Similarly

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he says, even from the people we have

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chosen. So Allah says,

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The most or the greatest from among the

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messengers are those known as ululazm.

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Those who were

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dedicated, they were all. But those who were

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even more, they spent time, they had great

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effort, they had a great mark that they

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left. Look at the Quran, filled with the

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story of Musa alaihis salam, Moses. May peace

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be upon him.

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The story of Ibrahim alaihis salam, his sacrifice.

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Abu Lambia. He was the father of the

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prophets who came after him.

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Ishaq, and so on.

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So who are these 5? Anyone can name

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1st Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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may peace be upon him.

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Ibrahim, may peace be upon him.

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Musa, may peace be upon him.

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Isa, Jesus, may peace be upon him. These

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are the highest of the lot.

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Those 5 are the highest. They are in

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a companionship of their own. They are in

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a circle of their own.

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Allah Almighty makes mention of these names in

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surahul Ahazab

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and Allah says them one after the other.

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They these are the

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These are the 5. These are the ones

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they have been through perhaps

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something that required greater determination

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than others.

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Not to say the others were not determined.

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They were.

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