Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Life Of Hassan Al Basri 02

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the importance of time and the concept of personal suffering in Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for self respecting and avoiding mistakes, being aware of one's actions and not letting out light hearted remarks. They also discuss the importance of learning and practicing to apply knowledge and knowledge to achieve the highest level of good and evil, respecting and respecting people, avoiding squandering one's finances, and avoiding embarrassment. The importance of avoiding squandering one's finances and the need for people to be patient with it is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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When I wrote him in Shoreham, fusina, sejahtera Marina de la hufa mogul Allahu Allah, Allah, Masha Allah. Allahu la sharika was shadow Anna Mohammedan Abdul rasuluh about

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as we spoke last week about a mammal has an bustling mo load to add

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the volume good. Is the volume good or still needs to be put?

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Yeah, so we spoke last week about the man has an mustela Mahalo to add. And

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we spoke about where he was his birthplace, then where he grew up. He was born in Medina grew up in Medina, and he was taught and educated by the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So he learned from about 120 companions.

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Then he became a very well versed scholar to the extent that the companions would refer people to him for fatwa.

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Like anisum nomadic probably Allahu anhu, he would tell people, you know, ask and learn from an Imam and has no formal has an adversary because he learned and he did not forget. And we said he mastered Hadeeth and he mastered Finland, students and people came to him to learn, he moved to El Basra. And this is where he became more known. And he gained more prominence.

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And we spoke about his physical the physical aspect of his body, we said, he was physically strong, very well, very well built. And we mentioned that even his wrist was about a hand span. his wrist was hand span. So that shows you he was a very strong person. And another hidden aspect of his character we mentioned was that he was a very strong warrior fighter so and he was very good with the sword. He was very good with a sword. Anyone who's carried a sword, most of the swords you have today are actually for

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a more of a short kind of thing. They just for you to hang them somewhere and show them.

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So, a sword when you hold it, it's quite heavy. So for you to be able to maneuver and fight with a sword. You need a very strong arm, very strong arm. So, hustle bustle, he was among the best people in terms of dealing or dealing with like the best summary of the of the time at the time, one of the best summary

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and he was a military commander as well. These this aspect of hustle and bustle is not known. What we know about him mainly, is his words of wisdom.

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And yes, this really stands out with the hustle and bustle. As we said, Muhammad

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Ali Abdul Hussain, the grandson of Al Hussain

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Ali Allahu anhu. Ma.

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He said, Ghana, Colombo, ashba habituellement MBR his words of it has an embassy are similar to the words of prophets. So when he spoke, he spoke gems that wasn't has an embassy. And

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so he lived a life he was good with his clothes, so he usually dressed up nicely, but he still didn't live a life of affluence. He didn't chase or pursue this dunya

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Today we will show the wisdom or the wisdom side of hustle bustle the wisdom side of his character so we're going to take a lot of his statements. So I will be reading the Arabic to see even in Arabic The so poetic, his words are very poetic, and their meanings are profound. So I will be reading some of his words some of his statements, the famous ones and I'll just translate them when we need to explain and expound on some of them inshallah, we will do this. So one of his most famous statements, he says he doesn't know how to look for x in IE, for inika innocenter e to halaby him Dec. We're in a sector he has the halabi the MC Walker Valley Kelly, look, he says Oh son of Adam,

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your day is a guest. Each day is a guest. You are the host. So treat it well means use it well invested well, then it will leave. When it leaves and nighttime it will leave with so many praiseworthy things about you. So it will be for you rather than against you. But if you mistreat it and misuse it, then it will leave with blame on you. So it will be against you. And it says the same applies to your knight.

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He also says even Adam in our Bobby academic in

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a book in Nikola Tesla, he had me Homeric mundo sakata mean botany ohmic very poetic words.

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profound. He says even Adam, son of Adam,

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you know, walk on earth with your feet, right? You walk on earth with your feet. Soon this earth that you walk on,

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it will be your home, it will be your grave, so it will be underneath. So he says, Now you're on top tomorrow, you'll be on the ground.

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Then he says, From the moment

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you fell from your mother's womb, so you were from the moment you were born, you have been destroying a construction one brick at a time and this construction is your age is your time lifespan. So basically, each day he says you taking away from your lifetime each day, so he's giving you a different perspective on time, on days,

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what God given them back tamina mapa 10 Mega mateja teeny, la region ebic hotaru layli when the hub had to do my SEO for him in Elgin at Furman of Omaha tala mink, he says son of Adam, you are riding all the time on two type of riding animals, two type of say vehicles.

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There is no standstill.

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These vehicles are these two riding animals are carrying you against your will against you wish until you reach the Acura the last day, you either end up in Paradise, or you end up in the Hellfire he says who could be in a state that's more dangerous than this. So he's basically saying pay attention take life seriously, each day, each night, that means you're losing more of your time on this earth. So use it wisely. So it's either for you or against you. And we come here to one of the most of most of you most of the one of the most famous statements of it has an imbecile when he says in Adam in NEMA and am Kula Madhava on the Hubba Baba, very precise statement, but very profound. He

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says son of Adam, here he defines who you are as a human being. So sometimes we define or identify ourselves, with our possessions, with our assets, with our bank accounts, with our grades, and our certificates and

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our degrees, or with our ethnicity, or with our clothes or with our status with anything else, or our even our bodies or physic yet, it hasn't muscley he gives a different definition of human beings. He says all son of Adam, you are merely a bunch of days. That's who you are, you are some days put together. That's the reality of who you are. So each day that passes, that's part of you that you have lost

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each day passes, that's part of you that you have lost, and it's not coming back

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in them and am cuyamaca bioman

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each day that passes part of you has gone you have lost it.

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So he defines us by time. So he says you are basically made of time.

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And if you look at it that, you know that makes so much sense. If you are meant to live, let's say 60 years, then each day that passes you are a bunch of days that make 6060 days. So each day that passes, that's part of you that has been taken away forever. And again, if you combine this with a previous statement, that means this day, this part of you that has gone now forever, will be either for you or against you, and it's not coming back. You're not coming back.

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Some of his statements are actually sometimes they are very critical and very strong words so not everyone is able sometimes to take them in a good way. So he says For example, Naga kulana de la la la de la Marina for Paula acaba looming calm she

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mentioned something we mentioned last week, you want to wait on Him a whole lot. When he met the hustle and bustle he and he he spent some time with him. He said, hustle and bustle he would hardly open his mouth to talk.

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He would stay silent most of the time. But if he spoke you wish you would never go silent because of the so he didn't speak so much but when he spoke he spoke beautiful profound words. So you would wish that he would even talk more. So he says not Hakuna de la la la caja de la Allah Allah. Allah. Allah Allah Akbar lumen CompTIA. He says, you know, we are laughing we're enjoying ourselves. And we don't know perhaps on

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Law looked at our actions and he said, because they are not done well, they're not done with a good intention. They're not done the right way.

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Perhaps Allah says, I'm not gonna go into accept any of your deeds. So why should you laugh?

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So we said it has an imbecile his general demeanor Was this something we mentioned last week was about and hosen was about sadness. So he was he he took life seriously, that was his general demon, is it wrong there's no right and wrong there. Whereas his friend and his contemporary amor shabby. He was more of a light hearted person.

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A shabby was a person who had a sense of humor and has an imbecile he was a person who's extremely serious about life and he would usually have this sense of sadness, sadness around him.

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Another advice from him, he would say we have cabina Adam, Hilliker be mohalla but Illa HeMan Taka in a woman asked Allah, Allah. He says water use of Adam, do you have any power to fight against Allah? Do you have any power to fight against your Creator?

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And he explains and he says anyone who dis obeys a law then he's putting himself in a state of war and confrontation against Allah.

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He says, Well, I forgot to Aquaman he talks about the companions. Well, I've got the two of them and Kennedy dunia one who hadn't had a minute to rabita Academy will have a two and a half to whom one is doing the who in the booth and all the Agile who had akula houfy botany and Allahu Allah azzawajal Casa de COVID e, when can watch me my Casa de COVID de la

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casa de COVID le, it says I have witnessed have seen people he's talking about the Companion of the prophet SAW Selim, this life for them was worthless.

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They didn't have any interest in it. And it was equal to them like the dirt under their feet.

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It didn't have any value to them.

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And I've seen people as well among the companions, that the only thing they possessed was the food of their day.

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Only the basic food of the day with which they can survive.

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And one of them would say, I'm not going to put all of this in my stomach, I shall make some of it for the sake of Allah should give out some of it for the sake of Allah. So he goes and he gives part of it as soda. That's only the only thing he has the food of that day. So you would give part of it as sadaqa. And sometimes he himself is more in need than the person that he gives.

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So he's talking about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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He says, even Adam, in Nikita, moto Haddock mean this advice that is relevant to each one of us. So we're going to look at the advice or the wisdom of as an illustrator, try to see how we can implement it today. How we can implement it today. But as I said, you need to keep in mind that has an imbecile as we said he had this kind of serious, sad demeanor. And this doesn't necessarily work with everyone. But there is so much wisdom that you can learn. So you don't have to be exactly like it has an anniversary, but you can always learn from his wisdom. So he says

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even Adam in Nikita, moto Haddock what adorable abraha duck,

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duck, what a duck. What entitlement n e u e. e r k rod is saying son of Adam. When you die, you will die alone.

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You will die alone because the angels will come and drag your soul. Even if you're dying among 100 people, the experience of death is individual you're going to go through it by yourself.

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Not like this proverb. You know, today in the Arab world, they have a proverb, which they say and multimetal Gemma arahama said dying with a group is mercy. But the reality is when you die, it doesn't make any difference. You're with a group or not. You're going through the death experience. It's individual. So you're saying in Nikita moto que die alone, you die by yourself. What

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can you put in the grave? You are put by yourself? Someone might say there are family graves.

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in certain places there are family graves, right. they bury the the Father, the mother and the kids in the same grave. But still, each one of them is going to have their own grief. They're not gonna like it.

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talk with each other and, and enjoy themselves know, even though they are next to each other, but each one is different. Each one has their own grief, each one lives in their own world. So you die alone and you enter the grave alone and you will be sent or you will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment alone and you will be held accountable. You'll be questioned by Allah alone.

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So, you are the point of focus here he's saying and tell him anyway. Yeah, okay. All right. So you you should focus on yourself, and you should get yourself ready for that moment.

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He says about

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here's a beautiful statement he says my hatha min Wallah Amina who Ala Moana.

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He says no one feels a lot except a believer.

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And no one feels safe when it comes to a loss of data except a hypocrite. What does that mean? It means if you safe I got it with a lot, Hamed alarm good. I made it with Allah. Once you get this feeling, he's saying this comes from hypocrisy. But if you are always careful that you have not given a lightweight you have not been you know you have not offered a last month I know what he truly deserves. I've never I haven't done enough for the sake of Allah you always fearful of this. Then he says this is a sign of human

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and this is why one of the

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I think so piano theory he said Man, I mean Allah Allah, Allah will be here tophatter Aden, Amina Saba huya whoever feels safe with regards to his heart that it's for Allah completely then Allah will take it away from him. That means Eman and faith. So you always need to preserve your email. You always need to be careful about your email. Don't feel safe always be cautious when it comes to your Eman. take precautions

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that he says in them and then Neha elaphe will listen he

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was sick I was fearful this annual call bacilli will alania Wilmot Halliwell, Mahajan,

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he says from hypocrisy are a sign of hypocrisy Is that what you say with your tongue is not in your heart.

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What's outside is not inside, or what's inside is nothing outside. So the congruency or the match between what's in your heart and what you say. And what you display is a sign of Eman. If there is discrepancy, that's a sign of hypocrisy. That's a person mean that that's what it means to be transparent, to be honest, to be authentic, to be authentic.

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So for example, one of the issues here that are very,

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very subtle and very hidden. Sometimes a person is doing something for their own vengeance, for their own ego.

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They're doing something that seems to be good, but they're doing it for a personal reason. And they don't even realize it because they are not clear with themselves. That's why it has an imbecile Oh, by the way, is talking about.

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That's what it has an imbecile he is talking about sometimes people think, Oh, I'm doing this for the sake of Allah. But if that person really checks himself, checks his heart, he would be, he would come face to face with the truth that he's not doing it for Allah. He's doing it for some personal reason. You will, you can find it with the people you like you're going to overlook their mistakes. The people you dislike are going to pick on their mistakes, you'll actually find their mistakes, even when they will find mistakes, even when there are no mistakes. Then you might say I'm doing this for the sake of Allah. But if you really scrutinize yourself, you'd realize you're not doing

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it. Truly for the sake of Allah. It's actually for your own self to own self satisfaction. So he says if the love for listening, we'll call this a sign of hypocrisy, that what's in your heart and what you display with your tongue. They're not exactly the same with subtle al-ani what's hidden inside and what you show and display outwardly, if they're not exactly the same, that's a sign of hypocrisy. And he says, Well, Matt Halliwell Maharaj, basically, and now the reason you do things and, and and how you do them, and how you do them, that also

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they have to be congruent, they have to be identical.

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Then he says, In the remote, Minagawa, Manila, NFC, you have Cebu, nafsa hula, the believer is always keeping himself in check. The believer always keeps himself in check. He is holding himself to account. He's holding himself to account and Subhanallah some of the early generations you read in their biographies, you will be

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startled out what these people do. Some of them used to write down everything they said.

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Everything they said each word that came out of their mouth, they would write it down and at the end of this

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The day they will check is this for me or against me, for me or against me, for me or against me. So they were taking, you know, this kind of Maha Sabha holding yourself accountable taking it literally. And this way these people were careful before they said anything and this is why

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another tablet he said, before you utter a word, you should ask three questions. First, is it true? what I'm saying? Or is it false? That's number one. If it's true, okay, you pass the first test.

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Number two.

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If I say this word, is it going to bring about more goodness or more benefit?

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Or is the always going to bring harm or gonna bring nothing? So if it brings benefit?

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If it doesn't bring in doesn't bring about anything, or it brings harm? Don't say it. That's test number two, test number three, is that

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am I saying it with the right intention? Is it for the sake of Allah? Or is it for another reason? So he would say Don't utter a word before you make it go through these three filters, three filters. Is it true or false? Is it going to bring benefit? Is it for the sake of Allah? Is it the right intention? If it passes these three filters, then say it if not hold it back.

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He gives you a beautiful, beautiful

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figure of speech. He says in the minute I see on Fifth dunia yes afifi cakir acaba de la yamanouchi and hotteok Allah azzawajal yamano. Hold on aleafia Lika Kula, he says the believer in this life is captive.

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The believer in this life is captive is a prisoner. You are a prisoner of this law in this life. Yes, I think he can. calacatta He's trying is more like a captive award. He's trying through this life through the time that he has in this life, to free himself, free himself, obviously from the hellfire. So he should be careful. And he should invest everything until he meets a loss upon wa Taala.

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Subhan Allah. Sometimes some of the righteous people, when they say statements, you realize they're talking about themselves, but out of their humility, they do not

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talk directly about themselves.

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So they are actually explaining their state but they don't like for example, they say some people are, you know, that's what they do. And they themselves do this, which is good, but they don't attribute it to themselves. They just want to give you the benefit without taking the credit. So it has mostly I believe he is talking about himself. He says in the law, he has his own agenda he burden common law halogen nutty Phil genetti mohalla Dean workman. revisionary mohalla Dean kulu mezzaluna.

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Mona, how are you home? FIFA what enforcer home FIFA sabado ayama and pesaran tapiovaara Ratan Tata, Docomo Allah Hatton. taweelah malayo from Osaka to akademie him to see Ludo whom Allah who do the him your own a lot of be him Urbana Urbana. Amanda Hello for Hola. Hola. beratan Aditya, Kandhamal de Jambo la mano Sabu mirbeau one my bill comin muddled. Oh, Julio naka de La Paloma Mindy krill filati, Mo Navin as a profound statement. a profound statement. He says, There are servants for Allah, some of the creation of Allah. They live in a state of certainty as if with their own eyes this they see the people of Paradise have entered paradise. And the people of the Hellfire have

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entered the Hellfire they have no doubt about it, as if they see it with their own eyes.

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Their hearts are full of sadness. Why because they are trapped in this dunya yet. That's where the sadness comes from. Sharon, Mona, they don't cause any harm to anyone you feel safe around them.

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There will be no harm that comes to you from them. You don't even fear them.

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You don't even fear them. How are you home FIFA, you know even just like alive. There needs a very simple and and minute and minimal their needs. They don't they don't need

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anything from you they don't you know, the eyes are not attached to what you have in your hands.

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Because their need is for Allah so they don't need much of this dunya you don't feel that these this person wants something from me. So you feel safe from that side. What unfortunate whom a FIFA and they have decent sense of self that is not after anything from this dunya they don't want anything from this dunya sebadoh A Yemen pesaran. So they've been patient they've been holding themselves back. They're trying to do just the right thing. In these short days of this life, download without I had one bolita then after this short, this time of have patience and perseverance and holding oneself back afterwards there will be

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eternal days of happiness and comfort. At night, these people stand up

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in prayer, they stand up in prayer.

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Their tears are roll roll down their cheeks, and they call upon Allah, our Lord, our Lord. During the day, these people are patient easygoing with the creation of Allah. They are knowledgeable people who teach, and they are Bharara. They are so righteous and so clear. at Korea, and they are they have they live in fear of Allah.

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A person when he sees them, he thinks these people have some kind of illness. Why because of their concern.

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And this is why specifically as an ambassador, he was no this is his description. Actually. This is his description. He used to be sad most of the time that people thought we mentioned that last week that everyone who saw him he thought a close person just died. One of his like, dear people just passed away. So he was in that state of sadness. Why because he is longing to meeting a loss until he feels trapped in this life.

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And some people see them and they think these people have lost their minds. And it's not that they have lost their minds. But these people are so busy with a loss penalty, that they don't show any interest in the matters of this world.

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He talks about Allison, he says as soon will lead the La Ilaha Illa who have been Allah Holly will Jaffe for Spiro la hora Hema como la he says the son of the Prophet size is in the middle, between people who go to extremes. People who push too hard. And people who are too loose and lenient. Been early will Jaffe first pero la hora de ma como la so be patient to hold on to it. Because when you're holding in the middle, it's easier to fall on either side. But to hold on to the sooner is difficult. It requires a lot of patience. For in the end, as soon as you can, or Apple and NASA FEMA model the people of Allison are a minority among among humanity. And that's in the past and in the

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future and the present and the future, there will also be a minority

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and levena lamea taboo man a trophy, trophy trophy him, they are the ones who did not go with the people of affluence and luxury in their image as they immerse themselves in the dunya. And they did not join the people have big data and innovation in their data and innovation. And they remained patient upon the sun not until they met their Lord. He says funkadelic Hakuna so be like these people be like these people. So this shows the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Islam is the middle path. And it's not easy to keep on. It's not easy. Why? Because you usually what you will find people around you are swerving away from it, or they're getting too much attached to the dunya. Okay,

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falling into sins falling into desires. Or you will find people who are more religiously sometimes motivated, you'll find these people want to do more so they fall into exaggeration. So they do things the prophets of Salaam didn't do the companions of the Prophet and didn't do so they come up with new things. Why? Because they want to do more. They want to do more than what the prophets of Salaam did, or they want to do.

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They do it in a different they want to do it in a different fashion. We said this is why the sunette takes a lot of patience that you keep on it regardless of all the temptations of the people around.

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He has a profound statement here where he he defines what a good Muslim is. He defines what a good Muslim is he says. mean Allah Mati Muslim what within what has been feeling what a man on Philippine why Oh c'mon fear lm HUBZone fear if I need to explain each one different separately, or what within strength in Deen

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means belief, strong belief in Allah subhanaw taala warehousemen feeling decisive. The believer is decisive yet. He's easygoing.

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He has lean lean means easygoing. kindness. So he's decisive. But he's also soft and kind. You see what he combines with?

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A man on 15 belief with certainty? No doubt. We'll come on fee Helen now hokum in the Arabic language, how confidential he has knowledge. He combines with knowledge hokum what's How come How come means two things in Arabic? It means

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control as well hack him, How come a leader or a ruler this is where it comes from. So how come So,

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you can feel him. So he has knowledge. And because of this knowledge, he controls his affairs with this knowledge. So he runs his affairs by knowledge hokum. Also another meaning of it is Hickman

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is hikma This is why the name of Allah Hakeem means two things. It means he is in control of everything. He has a token. And you also it also means he has hikma he has wisdom. So they believe or not, he has this knowledge, he applies it on himself. He abides by it. And also his knowledge is mature. It has wisdom because some people have knowledge but they don't have wisdom.

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Some people have the knowledge but they don't have wisdom. I actually, this beautiful statement from stem to me, is profound statement. I want to share it with you.

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It's very important

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to know what's the meaning of hikmah? He says in his book German.

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He says well, not me No. Ian barilla, who Ania artificial waka

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one maratea halfhill kitabi was soon Can I refer to Article One maratea Malati behalf kitabi Wilson, he says, The believer he should know the evils that our existence the evils that we have around us and their levels because evil is not once one level is different levels, some issues or some things are more evil when others so levels you need to know the new one says that's what he's talking about. The new one says in an evil

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and the levels according to the Quran and the Sunnah.

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And the believer should know as well the good things that are around in our context

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according to their different levels of goodness as well. So good things are levels and evil things are levels. Then he says for you for obeying camel moriwaki until Karina will let you do a half and kitabi was soon so he can tell the difference between these different things that are in existence these conditions that we're dealing with, so he recognizes them each one for its own level of either goodness or or evil.

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Then the opa de mama who acts upon Lucia one Allahu aduna so he says he gives precedence to the things that are most goodly Okay, there are the highest in terms of goodness, and the things that are the least in terms of evil.

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Because choice in life is not between evil and good. By the way, you are choosing between two goods.

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Okay, and two evils, so you choose the highest of both goods, and the lowest of two evils. That's what a lot of the Imams said. They said alpha lazy and fickle and terrible high Amina shall fix understanding of Islam of the deen is not to know evil from good. Almost everyone knows this lack in alpha, who are in

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favor of a rain shadow Shaolin for Toka Dima halal Hi, Ryan.

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We're officially so you give precedence to the highest of goods, and the lowest of all evils. That's what the scholars have always been saying. And this is the reality of life because some people live in a utopia. They think it's all about good and evil. No choices in life are about you're going to choose between two goods you have you have to choose one of them, and you have to give up one of them.

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And it's usually a choice between two evils you have to fall in one of them. You have to fall in one of them. So you choose to fall in the lowest evil. But if you say no, that's evil, I don't want to fall in it. So you avoid falling in the lowest evil you end up following falling in the biggest evil.

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That's why the scholar said that's the reality of that you understand the different nuances and the levels of evil and good. And this is why sometimes when the shoe scholar gives fetch when someone says fear Allah This is against Hadith or against the verse from the Quran.

00:34:50 --> 00:35:00

Yes, it's against the headache, but you don't see the context. Because if I run away from this, I'm going to fall in an evil that is even far greater than this agreement.

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to sin. So because you don't see it, you're going to criticize, you're going to criticize this is why it shows them to me as saying. So you have to know, a sure well, I'll hire what should or what, whatever is there, whether it's good or evil, and it's level, as long as it's in existence. So you choose the highest of both of what is good, and the lowest of what is evil. So you basically create the ideal configuration. That's what Islam is practical is not doesn't tell you to live in some kind of an imaginary world in a utopia, where everything's rosy life is about making choices, it's all about making hard choices. So, so, and even chef has done to me another place he actually talks he

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says, usually towards the end of time, people are going to be faced with a situation where you will never be able to do good without doing evil with it.

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He says this and this is in the 10th volume of is much more al fatawa. He says there will be a time he will be a time where when people want to do good, they cannot do this good. Or they cannot do this obligation Islam unless they do something evil with it. So if they refrain from this evil, they will compromise on the obligation.

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Okay, so he says, carry on with me his statement. So he says,

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Wait for Allah Masha Lainey Betty Mariana Houma, and he repels or pushes the worst of two evils by opting for the lowest evil. So you have to consciously make a choice to do something evil. That's what he's talking about. Why? Because that's the that's that's the the the power of reality, you have to choose one of these two evils. So you opt for the lowest one,

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which totally blew me away at a dinner, Homer. And he chooses, or he opts for the highest good to the exclusion of the lowest good. So you're going to give up some good as well, you're going to give up some good in order to achieve the greater good

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for him, then he says, Then he explains, for in mn lemmya refill work, I feel healthy. Well, word you Buffett, Dean lamea is alive.

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So he says, woman, let me in them, and let me refill water, I feel. So the person who doesn't know what is in reality, the real situation doesn't know the details of the situation doesn't understand it well, and he doesn't understand what is required in religion, Alhaji Phil, Dean, let me come alive anybody, this person does not know the rules of Allah, or what Allah wants from his creation in this situation. So in order to make a correct judgment, Islamic judgment, you need to understand the situation, the details of the situation. And you need to know the obligations and the prohibitions that pertain or that that are pertinent to this kind of situation. Without this

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holistic understanding, you cannot make a decision, you cannot make an informed decision in Islam. So you have to understand the religion, you have to understand reality, when you understand them, now you can find out you can find the different levels of good, the different levels of evil, then you can make the right configuration in that configuration, inevitably, there will be some evil, inevitably, and inevitably, that you will be compromising on some good, not because you don't want to do the good, but because you want the higher good. And you're doing the evil here, not because you want to do evil. But because you want to avoid the biggest evil, you have to fall into the

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lowest evil.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:42

He says what eval me out of that he cannot Oh, who am an OB GYN. So anyone who does not understand this kind of

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all of these things that all these things that he mentioned, and he says, Can I call Who am an OB GYN, if he says or he does anything, this is based on ignorance.

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That's the problem with students have knowledge when they read something, they want to apply it across the board without understanding the situation.

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You can't that's not how Islam is applied.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:46

You need to understand the reality the context, you need to understand religion, okay, what is obligation, what is allowed, what is prohibited, and then you find the right configuration to achieve the highest level of good and the lowest level of evil. So, without this kind of understanding of the context, the situation and the religion and if you cannot arrive it will be as even taymiyah says, This is general this is ignorance. Then he says woman Abdullah, hobby Lady elmen kanima, you've seen to axotomy mostly, and whoever worships Allah based on ignorance, then he will the mischief or the corruption that he will bring about will be greater than the good that he is

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trying to achieve. And this is Jeremy Lhasa and Volume Two, page three or five. So again, back to

00:39:54 --> 00:39:55

it has an industry

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as he's describing the Muslim world

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Kay's good description of a Muslim he's giving it by showing some kind of a comparison some kind of a balance between traits. So what within strong religion strong Dean has one feeling in his decisive yet he is soft and kind Eman on theity in its faith with certainty. He'll come on faith in him. We said he'll come for him. So he applies this knowledge and he makes it control his life and guide his life. And it also this knowledge has wisdom. And this is why we mentioned him, he told me a statement, you need this kind of wisdom. It's not only knowledge, okay, I'm going to apply it. No, this is raw knowledge. You don't know how it's applied. You still that's the first step when you

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learn the little bit of a little thing that you learned now how to apply it. That's a different science that you need to embark on. You need to start learning and, and reading and this is where maturity comes about.

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What happens soon fear if

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HUBZone fear of hubs here means holding back, holding back from giving. So you don't give. What does that mean? That means? The Muslim when he spends, he spends, okay with a measure, he doesn't spend openly.

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So have some fear. If so, with this kind of holding back, you might not give people what they want. You might not give your children everything they want. But this is not out of viciousness. This is with riff. He says it is with kindness. This is with mercy. As the poet says, as the US digital woman Nicola Haman. Foley aka Hannah Alemany are having a say that sometimes a merciful person acts decisively like someone who loves their, their kids, and they try to give their kids the best but the kids oh one this one this they start crying. But I know this is not good for my kids, oh, this is gonna spoil my kid.

00:41:52 --> 00:42:35

So I'm not gonna give in, I see the tears of my kids, but I'm not gonna, you know, give in, I'm not gonna, you know, be weak and give my child everything they want a woman to grow stronger. The other day I read one of the, I think the richest person in India. And I think he's even a non Muslim. He's a, he's a billionaire has lots lots, lots of money, lots of wealth. He didn't give his child anything, his son, and he said to his son, you have to make your way to richness yourself. So his son started working on random jobs, construction, selling stuff in the street, and so on and so forth, until his own son made his own wealth. And he said, Now I can feel safe, that you can

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actually take care of this wealth. Now, I'm not saying be extreme like this. But it's worth you know, getting the the child really to learn the value of money. And not because what comes easy goes easy. So the child is spoiled. So this is why it's not you want to hold back your money from your child. But you want goodness, you know that spoiling your child is gonna make them weaker, when they grow is not going to give them the experience they and the exposure to life that they actually require. So this is what happens when

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you have when you give you give only with truth. You don't give like randomly, you give where the money belongs to.

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You put kindness or help and service where it deserves to be. Where it deserves to be. This is why the Arabs as well say and Maru Fie Mandela.

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This is a famous proverb allow for theory and he madula You know, when you do kindness with a person who doesn't deserve it, you will be humiliated, you'll be humiliated. So even the goodness that you do it, you have to choose the right place to put it.

00:43:47 --> 00:43:50

And mattina B says

00:43:53 --> 00:44:05

we'll enter either a column tellicherry Emma Melaka, who were in Antioch rantala. Tamar Harada. In a person who's dignified a person of honor, when you honor them,

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as if you own them, these people are going to be loyal to you. Because when you respect them, they will respect you back. They'll be loyal to you.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:29

But when you honor someone who isn't, was grown to be evil, was makes bad choices. Okay, a person in decent person, you honor them and you value them and you respect them, they will take advantage.

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They'll take advantage and they will humiliate you. They will humiliate you. So the goodness that you offer put it where it belongs. So this is what airport

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workers don't fear in moderation, even at times of affluence and wealth. So when a believer has wealth, he's not gonna you know, go around squandering his money buying this and buying that and spending this and spending. No, he puts the money where it should go. So there is a balance even when there is wealth, they don't abuse it and they don't just

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Spend it like that what to have more than FIFA and when there is a need and lack the person is patient

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is not chasing people oh no help me out help me out okay I'm stuck Can you can you can can can you you know give me some money stop you know rushing off to people give me this give me that when they go through hardship they hold on they they they are patient with it

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the patient with it so they suffer silently suffer silently

00:45:33 --> 00:45:42

were certain on the door and these people can hear a sound sand means forgiveness, okay in this context it says when you are

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also in southern Florida here it means so when the person has now wealth, okay so in times of need the person is going to endure patiently. But when the person has the ability to spend and give, they're not going to keep it to themselves. They're going to offer it to others. They start off and once Allah gives them the getting give Alice creation, they don't keep it even to themselves. What as I shall only allow and her when one day.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:16

I think 3000 Durham was brought to her that was her share. So it was brought to her one day.

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So on that day, she started spreading it. This is for this woman This is for that family this is for this family this for that family. So when it was my time, and it was a matter of time. No, there was nothing left. Nothing left from this money. So her seven says to her, you should have left a little bit. We haven't bought any food. She said I forgot you should have told me. I forgot. Now we have nothing. So that was I shall only allow someone to draw water.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:59

Bah obedience to Allah which has with it what? Not see her? And you'll see how I believe I explained in what what? What naziha actually means.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:07

When I see her means, I thought the mic was making that noise. Okay.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:54

Matt Hennessy. Hennessy has to put your heart in something. So yes, it's usually translated as advice. But the reality of naseeha mostly high end Arabic language means having a pure heart when you put your heart in something that's so far out and Mahayana see how that means you obey Allah from the bottom of your heart, you put your heart and mind in it whatsoever on firaga. So what is to keep yourself from the things that are even halal? Why because very likely, these halal things are gonna make you slip into something that is shady or even how long? So what is to take a shield? You know, give up some Hillel things. Why because you have a weakness that

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you have a weakness that these this halaal might lead you okay to slip into something how long later on so you leave this helpful for that.

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If there is a little bit of doubt there, you prefer to be clear. So it's a little unfair off by saying even when you have a desire in something, and you realize this is your weakness, I believe I would hold back from it. What I found was a brown fish it down the time of hardship, there is decency, a sense of decency, so the person does not chase people for help, and support and the person holds on and endures patiently. So that's a description. So then he carries on lateral D hero battle, what are you doodle hula sanaulla. This is profound. He says, His desire does not make him put himself down. So when he desires something, it's he doesn't compromise his dignity. If he gets

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it with honor, he gets it if he if he doesn't get it, he's not going to put himself down and start begging or,

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or, you know, exposing himself to some kind of, you know,

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to any kind of an awkward situation where he might lose or compromise his dignity. When I Abdullah who listen who his tongue doesn't take the better of him. That means he's in control of his tongue. His tongue is not in control of him. So before he speaks, he makes his calculations while I speak, Obasanjo, who and his eyesight does not look at anything before he decides to look at it. That means he preserves his gaze.

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What's wrong? He doesn't look at it. Okay. So it's not like because there are people will tell you, I can't control my eyes, right? They keep looking at women, right? I can't control my eyes.

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The believers the opposite. You control your eyes. It's not your eyes are, you know, preceding you to everything, then you start catching up.

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00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

Well, I agree boohoo for Jehovah and his desire sexual desire does not take the better of him as well. It does not lead him It does not control him. It does not abolish

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His mind and his intellect, while I am he will be he however, who and his desires do not guide him. They do not lead him while I have the Holy sandwich his tongue does not expose him It does not put him in an awkward positions. What are you studying for *, Soho, and any desire in anything. Okay, as, as previously he said, it does not make him act in awkward ways to get it. So he's in control basically, of his desires. He's a man of his desires. What are two, zero bahini yet to who?

00:50:34 --> 00:50:51

That's it his actions or his intention is far greater than his actions. His intention is far greater than his actions. That's what led to cost Slovenia to who means that means his intention is always for good and his actions cannot keep up with his intention.

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His actions, like no matter how much he tries, his actions are not enough to catch up with his intention. He always wants to do more good.

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So that's his description of

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of unbelievers. Now we run out of time. There is so much Subhanallah to share from a hustle and bustle, he is really a man of wisdom. So I think this should be enough inshallah, this should be enough. I will try to start sharing some wisdoms as well. I'll try to keep each time each halaqa complete a person's life. So we're not going to do more, segment one and segment two. We'll just keep each halaqaat for one person so that would be That's better. And Shall we share some of the words of wisdom and the relevance to our times Jazakallah Hara masala Solomon, Amina Mohammed

Part 2 of The Life of Hassan Al Basri by Sheikh Moutasem Al-Hammedy, delivered at the Abu Huraira Center on April 21, 2017.

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