Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Evolution Of Fiqh – Part 1

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The Hadeeth course is designed to help students understand the importance of intentions and finding the right person for action. The speakers stress the historical and political importance of Islam, including its impact on society and personal growth. They also discuss the cultural and political dynamics of the United States, including the need for a better understanding of cultural differences between the UK and the US. The conversation is not a conversation between speakers, but rather a dialogue between two speakers discussing cultural differences between the UK and the United States.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam ala nabina Muhammad,

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big man with that.

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So this is the first session in our series, the story of fifth or the evolution of fifth

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you can call it as well the history of I'm not very, like specific or fussy about the name, it could be any name, the most important thing is the theme and the intent of the course.

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So, today inshallah will be more of an introduction to the course to the methodology that we will be following following some of the textbooks that we will be heavily depending on and

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the course structure and mainly the, the objectives behind this course, that we are trying to achieve. So, inshallah, we will test them out towards the end of the course and see whether we have achieved them or not. And

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one more element would be the etiquettes of the of this class or this handover. And I am very specific here, and I will start with the etiquettes of the handlebar. The most important thing for me here, it's not actually for me, but specifically I'll be stressing this

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more than others, is the intent behind which

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are the intent that that's lying underneath the your attendance of this course. Why did you come to this course? That's my question. Now this is an act of seeking knowledge. It's an act of seeking knowledge and vulnerability is one of the greatest acts of worship. One of the greatest acts of worship, specifically when it becomes knowledge of the deen studying the religion of a loss panatela or any matter that relates to the deen or religion of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is a noble cause. And this is a great endeavor, and it should be done for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, the concept of intention is very central. Now the scholars throughout the ages have stressed the

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concept of Nia and intention of seeking knowledge. And they would start with their students all the time. before they started with anything else they would start with intention. You can see this pattern reoccurring everywhere. You can see even the writers of the compilations of Hadith like Al Bukhari and Muslim and all other books of Hadith. They tried their best most of them, they started with the Hadith that is reported by Pablo the Allahu anhu.

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Binya in the manga melbournian. And this is not random. This is not a declaration. And it's not merely for aesthetics to start with the book of Hadith with intimate Albania is probably one of the most common Hadith that we hear. And we read and we come across in the manga madhubani yet, imams chef It is said this actually constitutes this hadith constitutes a third of the religion. Some other scholars said it constitutes half of the religion.

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So imagine half of the religion or a third of the religion is not a simple statement. It's a profound statement. It's something about why do you do what you do in a man who Binya indeed acts or actions are by their intentions.

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Now, this statement is so profound and so powerful. That means, the first meaning and the most important meaning is the reward of deeds, the reward of the actions that you do, whether they are Salah or sown over the head, or seeking knowledge or act of kindness or your obedience to your parents, any even a smile.

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Their reward is contingent on the intention. That's the essential meaning of the Hadeeth.

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Sharlto caboodle Mr. Lee to solve the condition for the action to be accepted is a correct intention is the right intention having the right intention. Now this is just the basic meaning. Another meaning also that some scholars took from this hadith is that the quality of your action will depend on the intention or need and the intention. So the level of your salon This is an answer for people who have an issue with what they say how can I find give me advice to find crucial and solid? You know, the, the best answer to this is have a good intention. If your intention for all is for a lot, you will find a lot of Crusher and focus in your prayer. As simple as that people want the practical

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advice they say okay,

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Tell me something to do. So I can find her shoe and masala. There is no tricks there. There is no you can't fake it. You can't find some kind of tactics to bring your shoe if your intention is not for a lot Impossible, impossible if you're not, if your intention behind the prayer is not purely for Allah is not purely to obey Allah is not purely to connect to Allah is not purely to please Allah subhana wa Tada, you will not find for sure, no matter how many tricks you learn, you will not have for sure.

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So this is why the scholars said that part of the meaning one of the shadows of the meaning of this Hadeeth is that the quality of your action,

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will is actually based and is contingent on the quality of your intention.

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So this is why as well how much you will learn. And what you will do with what you learn from any class will depend on your intention. Why did you come to this class, you might have an interest. And that's obvious. And it's natural to have an interest in the subject and that's good. But that's not enough.

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You need to find the connection between why you are attending this and your relationship with Allah subhana wa.

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And I will I hope you won't find you won't be thrown away, thrown away by

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or you're thrown off by my focus on intention. But I will stress this over and over again almost in every session. And that will be a bit strict when it comes to intention. Because there are people who study knowledge there are people who learn the Koran, and there are people who will become knowledgeable. And the reason for all their efforts in studying Islam is actually to be someone that people respect. Someone that people refer to someone that people appreciate and validate and this is not the right intention the Prophet Salam warned us against this.

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Process president warned against this when he said man palpable enma lumeria be his sofa when you Giardia beloved Amma. Okay, anyone? The President put a warning for anyone who seeks knowledge in order to argue with his colleagues and have debates or for someone to start arguing against people generally speaking, winning debates. The Prophet Sallam said, Let this person you know, be assured that this will lead him to an evil and this is not what we seek knowledge. And I beloved Mr. Lavoie, no one does and he said

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that, to me v two dunia b m and F hero Phantom 37.

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If the dounia pleasures of this dunya, or the gains of this dunya are sought through actions that are designed originally, for Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the time you should expect the hour to fall. That's the end of times.

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And seeking knowledge is meant to be for a lost penalty. And so when people seek it for matters of this dunya matches of this life, as I said, For status, for recognition, for reputation for arguments and debates, okay, that's the time that's the end of times. And that's one of the most evil traits a person could ever, you know, engage in or could ever adopt as, as part of himself or herself. So this is why we need to make sure that the reason each one of us came here today is to please Allah subhanaw taala, do you see the connection in your mind? That's my question to you. And it's not a rhetorical question. It's not a rhetorical question. Now, I will give you a couple of

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minutes to write down because obviously, no one and I give you the excuse today, this is probably the first session, some of you maybe are unprepared. But from now on, each one has to have their own notebook and a pen or pencil. And they should take notes, you should take notes, things that you find important and don't stress any specific types of points. But whenever you find relevant to you, because you're not a reflection of your learning style. So there's no one style here that will be forced on everyone your learning style is different. So whatever notes you find relevant and you find most important you make sure you write them down.

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So you can write now in your notebook or on your phone if you if you have a phone, or even just do it on your mind. I'm going to give you a couple of minutes. Find out the connection between you attending. I want you to see how attending this class connects you to the last panel and

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I want you to think about it. Each one of you will have their unique way. By the way. It doesn't have to be the same, but we have to have good intention. We have to have good intention. And this is something by the way. This is not psychology as some people claim. Some people have

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saying, Okay, this is psychology, I'm telling you anyone, when you talk about intention, and about the details of the self, by the details of the self, and this is what these columns of Islam called halfaya, nefs, coalfire, nefs. These are called the Kabbalah. Like in the mount Imam Sagara, Sharia, one of the great scholars of Filipino soulful heroes, one of the best books, and also, in fact, Southern Sharia, he said, How much will fit here and the southern awhirl, the reality of fit, among the early generations have they gotten stuck here in the southern a world here in mobiler. The reality of among the early generations, he's talking about the companions, and it's having his

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knowledge about Allah will marry for to be halfa, neffs, and knowledge about the hidden aspects of the self. Now today, you teach people about this, some people come and say, Oh, he's, he's talking about psychology, this is not Islam. Anyone who says this, I assure you, he knows nothing about the heritage of our scholar. This is someone who claims to have knowledge, but he doesn't have it. Anyone who's read the books of our great scholars throughout the ages, anyone who's aware of the the companions of the Prophet Solomon, how they dealt with different affairs of the religion, they have gone into details in these things. And anyone who claims This is psychology, and this is like this,

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and this is not Islam is not the style of the scholars, this person doesn't know the scholars. And I bet if you investigate, you will find that this person never started with a scholar properly, maybe they met a scholar for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, that doesn't make them a proper student of knowledge. That's nothing if you haven't studied for years, with a scholar, and you haven't spent a lot of time with them, seeing exactly how they tackle different issues and how they structure their knowledge and how they teach their students, then you don't know about knowledge, and you're not in a position to speak and make judgments.

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this is what amounts under Sharia as being seen in a Toby Allah attempt. This is one of the great books of solid. So he said, This is what took him into the early generations, this white man in Abu hanifa, may Allah have mercy upon him. You know, when he spoke about our data, for example, he wrote a book and the book is called alpha, about

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alpha. and Aquila will come to the meaning of the word filter, by the way, because we're talking about the story of fit. So we will analyze the meaning of the word from the Arabic language in the early usage of the companions on the tablet, and then how this changed, because the word first doesn't mean today, what it meant to the companions. Exactly. It's not exactly the same meaning there's a difference in the meaning, although there is a strong connection, but the meaning has changed and has developed throughout the years. And

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so, basically, disclosable, I've always talked about the concept of intention, you need to understand exactly how you self plays tricks, in order to give you the impression that you are doing something for the sake of Allah when you are doing it for your own interest for your own benefit, or for a certain, you know, motive that you have, and that's specific to self and that blemishes and it could annihilate your intention for Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this what the prophet SAW Selim described, when he saw the companions talking about the gel, Missy had the gel. They were arguing about when the prophet SAW Selim said at the Drona he said he overheard the jello NFV come, Allah

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If the the journal, the false messiah appears, when I am among you, you have nothing to fear I can do with the energy to come. I'm the one who's going to defend you against them. You don't have to worry about that.

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at Adorama Hua Hua fo la comme en de min at the jail, do you know what I feel more for you than at the job? They said, What is the shakuhachi? Is it the hidden shark? What is hidden shark that you do things seemingly for the sake of Allah but in reality, it's for your own sake.

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You have an ulterior motive, but you don't realize it this way. The another Hadith the prophet SAW, Selim explained a sugar free he said,

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min web num lettuce soda. It's more hidden than the steps can you hear the steps of an ant? Walking in the middle of the night on a solid rock? affirming the BB num that is soda? Allah Sahaja sama for Lila chapala. The President says the issues of intention and the corruption of intention is more hidden than the steps of an ant on a solid rock in the middle of the night. Can you hear it? You can't hear it. And this is why it's important to scholars all the time. Every time a new student came to them. They always started with the concept of intention. You need to purify your intention.

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Make sure it's for the sake of our last penalty. And unfortunately today, most of what we see is that people are taught knowledge. And then the issue of intention is only brought towards the end when it's sometimes too late. This is why you have a lot of problems between students of knowledge. You have people slandering each other. And then in the, in the, in the name of knowledge, that I'm defending the religion of Allah, you'll find scholars and a lot, a great deal of our scholars have been, you know, defamed, having said Oh, he's not on the Sunnah. Why? Because he has this or that mistake. And who is speaking, someone who just started studying Islam a couple of months ago, a

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couple of years ago, and this scholar that they're talking about, has been studying Islam for 4050 years.

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And these people don't know what they're talking about. They have no clue.

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They're backbiting and slandering scholars, students of knowledge in the name of say, we have to defend Islam. The other day, I saw something online, and it really like, It shocked me. It shocked me big time, because this person has been like, I don't know him that well. But I know he just started studying Islam recently, a couple of years ago. And all of a sudden, now he brings nine names of the great scholars of our times, and he puts their pictures. And he says, These people are the most evil of the creation of Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala destroy them. And these are great scholars of Atlason, our great scholars of our times.

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I was shocked, I said, why would someone like him? He wasn't like this. But why would someone someone like him go into this?

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Why would you go into this? And he says, I'm doing this to free myself before Allah, because I don't want a lot to ask him the Day of Judgment. Why these people were destroying people's minds and hearts and you did not speak up, compound Allah?

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Who said Allah would question you about these people, when you don't even have the knowledge. Who said you're going to be questioned about this, this is paranoia that some people are spreading around and Muslims that you have to defend these, you have to say they are off them. And these people are not understand these people are people. When these are the people are spreading the sooner.

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But you have you don't have the tools, you don't have the knowledge to teach people. The reason I'm mentioning this is just I'm gonna be straight on I hope you don't take any offense for this. If you did not come to this class, to connect to a loss of Hannah Montana.

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I want to say, you might want to think, again, whether you want to continue with this in this class or not. And I'm saying that I'm saying it bluntly. And I hope none of you will take this personally. But I truly mean it. I'm not willing to share a word. I'm not willing to share a word with someone who's come to study, in order to feel good about himself, or to study in order to put some people down, or who wants to study and learn in order to win arguments if you have this, and I don't judge you heart that's between you and Allah. But if you have this kind of intention within you, please do me a favor, don't join this course. Please don't join this course.

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Because you will not be doing well for yourself, neither for me.

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Again, I say please don't take this personally, I don't mean it personal. But for me, this is a matter of life and death.

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I've studied at hamdulillah with a lot of scholars and spend a long time of my life studying with scholars. And I know my own faults. I've seen myself for years, sometimes betraying my own principles, when I did not purify my intentions. And I learned the lessons the hard way.

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And I'm careful, whoever attends my classes are not And oh, by the way, I wish also none of you considers me that teacher. I'm here to share with you things that are known things that I've learned from the scholars were scholars that I've studied with of scholars that I've read their books, scholars who are dead now that I've read their books, I'm just sharing with you material and information. And I'm just becoming part of your journey if you are willing to learn for the sake of a last minute, and I'm just part of this journey. So it's not about you. And I hope that you will not take this relationship between you and me as a teacher and a student. I don't want this status.

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I don't want it. I'm just a friend. And I'm sharing with you certain material and that is taken essentially from the scholars and the contributions or great scholars throughout the times. So if your intention is for a last panel to Hannah, and you can work hard towards purifying your intention You are welcome in this class on the hope we'll have a good journey, good time together, learning the some something about the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim and the way of the companions. So this is my

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I say ranting about intention, but I deem it very important and very essential.

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So I hope inshallah you can, whatever your intention, you can attend this class, but I'm stressing again, please do me a favor. If you have come to this class thinking that you will learn something to win arguments with. Or you will learn something that you can talk about and brag about. Or you can learn this in order to win, you know, certain arguments or certain debates, or you can feel better about yourself, or you can say to people, I've studied this book or that subject, please do me a favor, favor and do yourself a favor, you know, search for another class, maybe that will equip you.

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Okay, now, talking about

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the choice of discourse, why we decided to study the history of

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the history of the call the evolution of the science that we call.

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There are many reasons.

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Some of these reasons

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are the fact that fifth in the early stages of Islam, which is the time of the Prophet sauce, and and then the time of the companions, there'll be a lot went on, was not in the same shape that we know today was not in the same shape that we know today. So they didn't have form at the hip. At the time of the prophet SAW, Selim didn't have form at the hip. There wasn't Hanafi Maliki Chafee, henneberry madhhab there was nothing like this. There were no groups and *. There was no more Tesla. There was no rafidah there was no

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like, Sophie's there was no selfies. There was no machetes. There was nothing like this. There was no groups it was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam coming with the Quran, from Allah subhana wa tada explaining it through his words and his actions and his conduct and his lifestyle. So the companions learned from the prophet SAW Selim, Islam was fresh at the time. That's it. And that's Islam that each one of us is supposed to follow, to learn. It's the Quran and the Sunnah, according to the understanding of the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, there's no version of Islam that is acceptable to Allah subhanaw taala. Apart from this,

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so forth at the time of the prophets of Salaam was not like as we know it today.

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There were certain incidents, they didn't have any rulings about them. So the companions would go to the prophet SAW Selim and asked him, sometimes the professor would give the answer. Sometimes the prophets of Salaam will say to them, wait until I get something from a loss, Montana and then Allah would reveal some verses talking about this. Sometimes companions came to the Prophet Solomon the prophet and gave a ruling. When Allah subhanaw taala sent a verse to change the ruling of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we will come we will come across all of our law, a lot of these examples were mentioned on each one of these, like, incidents or these

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things, certain examples and cases in point from the life of the Prophet salam, and the companions, by their law and

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then after the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it was the time of the whole effort of why shouldn't before rightly guided caliphs. And during that time, Phil took a turn, it started changing, why because life was changing.

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There were life became more complicated situations became more complex. Some certain incidents were arising that there was no direct answer or address to them from the Quran or the similar to the companions needed to use their own understanding of the Quran understand that is based on the instructions of the prophets I send them in order to give answers to these new or newly arising situations.

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During the this is something No, that's not worthy. During the reign of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu anhu and Omar probably a lot of unknown.

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Life was pretty much similar to the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the lifestyle and everything although during the khilafah of marble kebab, the Islamic State expanded exponentially, still, people remained upon the same lifestyle of the Prophet sallallahu and he was selling them. And this is why By the way, this is one of the reasons why you find like a small number of fatawa from Abu Bakar. Allah, Allah, Allah Allah and although these two are the most knowledgeable among the companions, by the HMR, by the consensus of the scholars, who's the most knowledgeable among the companions, Abu Bakar will be allowable.

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Second, is Omar Abdullah kopparberg Allahu Allah. So why don't you find so many fatawa from Abu Bakar of the Alon Omar, why don't you find much of

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the reason is they gave most of their photo. Bye

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Conduct by their example. They didn't need to explain much and they remained truthful to the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim see the latter.

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During the reign of Earth, mandali, Allahu anhu and Ali, Ali Allahu Akbar, life became more complex, because during the collapse of Earth man, there was a need to establish institutions in the state,

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the state was expanding. And also a lot of the non Arabs joint is going became Muslims turned into Islam, and they brought into Islam, their cultures, their background, whatever they had.

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So this is why during the khilafah of Fernando golani, had to deal with the,

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with the Maasai, the different ways of writing the Koran, there were different styles. So verse seven,

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of the Quran, how the Koran was written. So that wasn't a problem at the time of Omar probably alone, or before that it wasn't a problem. But at the time of Kathmandu Delano became such a big problem because people were always bringing their own mother tongue into the Quran.

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For us, man for the long haul, with the consultation, among other companions, he needed to deal with this. So this was a newly arising situation, they needed to deal with it. So they needed some kind of he had to this quarter started to do to deal with it. Now, the other lab and Mashable probably allow and home because people were

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a less lesser quality understanding when, because as I said, people from other nations, non Arab started joining Islam, they didn't have a clear understanding of the Arabic language. So they needed more explanation of the Quran. So this way you find out the love No, Mr. O'Donnell, they allow and i'd love not only allow I know, they were explaining more things about the Koran, that at the time of Omar, Abdullah, Abu Bakar, there was no need for them to be explained, because the companions already understood these

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already understood these. But now with new people coming into Islam, people who have had poorer understanding the Arabic language, they needed more clarification. This is why science of Tafseer start to grow even more. And with the Tafseer. There was fifth as well though a fifth rulings, new new issues emerged. They needed answer there was no direct answer and the Quran and the Sunnah. So the scholars among the companions needed to use their intellect and their understanding in order to extract rulings to answer to these situations, and so on and so forth. So it developed,

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and it continued, developing until they pretty much the same according to the same pattern during the life of a tabletting. And

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even afterwards, slowly until, until year 150 onwards

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imaginable hanifa

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and was first then Mr. Merrick and Amanda Shafi. They haven't been haven't been. And during these times, there were other modalities. For example, there was some piano theory to piano 31. One is one it was one of the greatest scholars and he had the method. The other method in Egypt, there was a leaf inside

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a leaf, even sad, he had the method, no matter what does matter mean, the scholars tried as much as possible to collect the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Salem Witch was not there was no Bukhari, there was no Muslim, there was no telemovie no Buddha would known as a noble magia. Even Imam Muhammad was the latest among these scholars, Muslim Imam Muhammad so the books of Hadith were not really known there were small parchments like to hate that would have been one of them,

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was just one of the early small parchments some small collection of ahaadeeth.

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Among the the first collections of Hadith was what an Imam Malik was the most part of an Imam Malik that was among the first compilations of Hadith. So these collars needed to study that they needed to travel to get the headache because the Hadeeth was divided. the companions of the Prophet SAW them, some of them lived in Egypt. Some of them lived in North Africa, some of them lived in a sham Syria, Jordan, Palestine, some of them lived in Iraq and what's known today as Iran and in Kazakhstan and Afghanistan and what's not in today's Pakistan and India. So they traveled all to these. And you know, the so the the Hadith were dispersed among the companions. Like some of the

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companions were in Egypt, they had a collection of Hadith, but the companions who were in Iraq had a different compilation of Hadees. They because they mixed with the province of Salaam in different occasions, so they did not collect all the ideas from the province.

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So um, they had a certain number, this company had a certain number, this company had a certain number, and so on and so forth. So that Hadeeth were dispersed among all these lands. So anyone who wanted and you know, you can't get a ruling from one Hadith or one verse, you can't, you have to get all the verses that are relevant to this issue that you're dealing with. You have to get all the Hadeeth that are relevant to this issue that you're dealing with, so that you can come with a ruling can come with a run. And that's the mistake that some of the young students have knowledge now or the beginning students acknowledge even if they are not young today, they learn if someone had a

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theorem there and they think with one Hadith or one verse, they can come up with a ruling.

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That's a huge mistake. That's a methodological mistake. That's not how we learn Islam.

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That's not how we learn some This is why one of the you know, there's the principles are the Maxim's of our adelphia. These are important rules that govern the body of work. There are five major ones. Some scholars argue There are six major ones, and they say the six is what they call, they say they say, and then a willamina, a man LML, I will ml ml. That means using and utilizing all the evidence has precedence and priority over ignoring some of them. What does that mean? That means when you're dealing with an issue, you need to get all the evidence, all the textual evidence that pertains to this specific case.

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You cannot ignore other like evidence, you cannot ignore other evidence. For example, we won't keep it abstract.

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And this is an issue of debate among the scholars. And by the way, in this course, we will delve into certain issues that you will find the scholars have differed about, although maybe you think the ruling, you know, is the one and only correct ruling. So we will delve into certain rulings. And he will show you how this cause differed, why they differed and how we should deal with this difference. Some of these issues will be a bit sensitive to some of you. But there's no problem with that. That's actually a good, it's a good sign is that means now you're instead of dealing with these issues at a surface level, you're dealing at a deeper level, and you're seeing how the

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scholars actually deal with these things. So it's actually it shows the growth, if you feel uncomfortable, it shows now you're growing in terms of this specific issue. One of the issues is for example, the profits are low and he was selling them now and shall be well taken the profit source and he advised against drinking while standing up.

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So the professor advised against drinking while standing up. Now some scholars said it's haram to drink while standing up. You have to sit down when you drink. You have to sit down when you drink. So that's taking one Hadith, applying it to the situation. You see someone's standing up and they're drinking says hello I'm

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now looking more into the son of the prophet SAW Allah send them, we will see that there were incidents where the prophet SAW said him himself drank water when he was standing up. What does this mean?

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If Adam himself was drinking when he was standing up, for example, in hedge in alpha, in alpha, the prophet SAW some was narrated that the, the container the skin container of the water was on the back of a camel. So the prophet SAW Selim was standing, and he put his mouth on the top of it. And he was drinking water was sucking water from it. He was standing.

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Another incident the province of Salem was in the house of almost selama of the lower end. And the water container was hanging. So the problem is that I'm also drank from it. So some scholars said, since the prophet SAW Selim advised against it, now Solomon shouldn't be wildly different, but he himself so seldom did it. That shows that shows this prohibition or this advising not to drink, while standing is not for to hareem is not to make it harm, but to make it look like it's this liked in Islam, it's dislike. It's not how long it's not a sin, but it's better not to do it. So it's better to drink while seated.

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A third group of scholars came about and they said, No.

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We have to consider that Hadith more carefully.

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The prophet SAW Selim already said

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basically, it's a

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A report about the Prophet Nana and shoulder was advised against drinking while standing. And we see that the prophet SAW Selim himself drank when he was standing. And we see other Hadith even preventing, preventing he said, Whoever drinks while he was standing, then shavon has been drinking with him.

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And inside a Muslim, the province lm so someone was drinking. And he said, when he was standing, he said to him, and ye shall Obama kill her?

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Would you like that a cat drinks with you at the same time? In English probably doesn't make so much sense. But the Arabic language it's it's despicable, like you're drinking and a cat starts drinking with you. So it puts you lower due to the level of animal it's a cultural thing puts you down to the level of an animal, right? So the process I've said to him one year, Shabana, I can hear Would you like a cat to drink with you from the same container the same time? He said, No. So obviously, you can see it was for an hour for an hour, he took offense. At that time, the President said like a Cherry Bomb Ackerman who was shot one minute,

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something worse than a cat was drinking with you, that was a bomb.

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So they said that's a strong like, kind of language. So it's not only dislike, there's some from them. So they investigated that Hadith where the prophet SAW they, they studied all the Hadith where the prophets of sentiment drank when he was standing. And they found out that actually, for example, in alpha, when he was standing, the container was so heavy, and it was difficult for him to bring it down and start drinking. And then even if you put it down, how are you going to get the water out of it, it needs to be up, so the water flows down to your mouth.

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And similarly in the house of almost Salomon, when it was hanging, so they investigated all these Hadees and they realized, when the prophet SAW Selim was drunk when he was standing, there was a need for it. Cherry were walk differently hajer there was a need for it, it was impractical for him to drink, you know, seated when it was hanging when the container was hanging.

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So they said, essentially, how long to drink when you are standing

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is essentially how long, but if there is discomfort, if there is discomfort, for you to drink, while seated, you can drink while standing.

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And this shows you that collecting all of these evidence that pertains to one subject makes helps you arrive at chala the most correct opinion. Okay, so why did we get here it was basically because some people learn one Hadith, or one verse of a heretic opinion of one scholar, and now all of a sudden they want to convert everyone to that opinion to their understanding, anyone who contradicts their understanding or the opinion of their shape, is contradicting the heady contributing in the Koran is making a sin. That's the problem with beginner students of knowledge. Not all of them, but some people are just so audacious, and you know, so daring, trying to force their opinion other

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stake another opinion.

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Or another another case,

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it's here that sometimes, and other massage it sometimes someone who's been in in a gangster who's been in drugs, alcohol, women, a lot of the bad things you can think about that you know, and you hear about.

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And at some stage, something happens in the life of this person and he wants to come closer to Allah subhanaw taala. They want to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they start coming to the masjid and start praying. The very first times they're praying in a Masjid.

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Someone approaches them harshly and he says, Why are you pants below your ankles?

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Your prayer isn't is invalid. Don't you notice how long and they tell them off?

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Tell them off. This person never comes back to the masjid.

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I personally know someone when he was 16 years old Subhanallah

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his mother was a Muslim and she she got married to a non Muslim.

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She his father was non Muslim, but like she didn't know much about Islam. She was just a Muslim by name. When she went to the UK, she migrated to the UK. She lived in the UK she met a non Muslim, she was a Muslim. She didn't know it was how long for her. And this child was born. Now he was 16 years old. He knows from his mother a little bit about Islam. So for some reason a lot. goat is hard. He wants to become a Muslim. He says my mother's roots are Muslims. I want to be Muslim. He goes to the masjid. He Islam appeals to me. He starts practicing Islam. There was you know, at the time, there was the water dispenser, and he fills up his cup and he starts drinking water. He was standing up.

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Someone slaps him on his neck and the back of his neck. He tells me the story. And he says drink when you're seated. It's haram to drink when you're standing up.

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He was 16 years old.

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He said that was the first and last visit to the masjid.

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First and last visit to the masjid He said, The next visit to the masjid when I was 23 years old.

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I had another awakening.

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Now, the issue of so the brother who was told off because his pants were below the ankles, and he was Hadeeth was quoted the prophecy that the prophets of Salaam said an authentic hadith, that asphodel carabiner is our

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thing, not whatever is below the ankle,

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of your garment of your whatever you you know your clothes, is in the hellfire.

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So he quoted the heartbeat for him equal to daddy foil.

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Now, if you look at the and this is where our course comes in, if you look at the books of search the books of you will find the vast majority of the scholars, the vast majority of the scholars, they say that the fact that the government is below the ankle is not all of it doesn't fall under all this Hadith, because there are other Hadith that clarify this Hadith, which are the Hadith that mentioned arrogance and pride,

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arrogance and pride. That's the opinion of the majority of the scholars, including scheffel Islam, even taymiyah.

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Included Sheikh was one of them. So they say if it's not done in arrogance, which was very common thing among the Arabs, by the way, for someone to seem rich, and affluence and well off, and for someone to be at the top of their tribe.

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They needed to have the garment dragging. That was a sign of affluence and status. That was a sign that Arab specific Arab culture specific of those times, and this is why the President said it said men Java is our who who Yella.

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Rehoboam aka the woman, whoever drags his garment in arrogance and pride, let him be sure of his position and place in the hellfire. So the scholars of the Salafis know this very well they say we have to bring all the ideas so they brought the hadith of Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu I would look at the law and who had the desire you know, in the law, you have two pieces, right? The leader which is at the top and the resolve, which is the bottom, the resolve, which is still in Yemen and Somalia, certain areas and in, in Malaysia, Indonesia, they still have this, they still have the result. And what kind of the low end was very skinny, very slim. So he would make his his arm but his he would

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make it above his ankles, but still his his arm would slip. He would because he's his source. Like he had no waist simply that's it. So it's still you know, you know, slipped down his his arm go below his ankles. So he said to the problem here the problem say when General Zara, hula, whoever drugs or he has his garment below his ankles in pride,

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then let him be sure of his place in the hellfire. So he came to the president, he said Your rasulillah is very aesthetic. in these areas, the high and mighty czar slips down because I'm so skinny, like, I'm so thin, I have no waste. The province also them said that I like there's no harm on you. But in the callistemon many of Allahu Allah, you are not of those who make it out of pride.

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So the majority of the scholars, they brought this, all of these edits pertaining to this and they know what they what we call an

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ultimate luck and bad luck and open text. It's open that includes almost everything, whoever does this, then he's in the hellfire. So anyone who does this, but there will come another Hadith that will give another condition

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are another qualifying factor to to limit the application of this first text limit this first text and is what they call mock lock open text is a limiting text open and limited when you put them together, you get the right context. Otherwise, you will not be doing what allows pantalla intense behind diverse or what the element tends behind this the heady. But yet there are scholars who say no,

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the statements of the problem you have we have statements from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that say that is prohibited that the government is below the ankles prohibited when it is done implied. But we have other texts that say that is prohibited. And they don't mention that condition, which is pride and arrogance. So we'll still treat this separate as separate as a separate ruling. And this is a separate ruling. And this is a very strong opinion. By the way. It's not a weak opinion.

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If you look anyone who studied for consolata can study both opinions. He knows that both opinions have a

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Strong merit. And it's not easy to actually give one preference over the other.

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This is why the scholars have different about this, the scholars, and that's the problem with some beginner students of knowledge they say, like the mother had got against the Hadith.

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That's a false accusation, someone who says this, someone who says this will have to stand an answer before last minute data. That's a very open, dangerous statement. It's not like this. The scholars of the other hand, they have a lot of text together. Sometimes Yes, the madhhab could could contradict the clear text. That's right. But these are limited incidents. The scholars do not limit do not contradict the evidence. The contextual evidence they don't, they don't contradict it. For the most part of them. They don't do this. But what they do is they know text you've never heard of, and when they bring them together, there is a new context that is that is created that you are

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unaware of, and unless you know this, you will accuse them that they have contradicted the Quran and the Sunnah.

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Can someone accused Mr Malhotra the Allahu anhu? in Andromeda, Andromeda 17th year of age, when there was a drought? Muslims could not find food to eat. They could not afford food to eat. I'm telling you people were eating the skin of dead dogs.

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We had nothing to eat nothing. What did you remember?

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When a thief was brought to him? He did not apply the punishment.

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Can someone say terminal haha you contradicted the way of the prophet SAW Salah who there say this. No one can say it. But the pro Salam Amata Rolando did not apply the punishment. Why?

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Because he knew this was not the time in you that people stole out of necessity not to die. If someone stole it was just to survive. And when you are in that state, you are allowed to eat what

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you know, in the Quran, you can eat in a pork, you can eat a dead animal and that time, there's no harm in that, that kind of thing. Why? Because law, it's a necessity of our own. So I'm gonna have understood this. So

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he knew if he applied the punishment, he would be contradicting the will of Allah.

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And that's what we call for. Now, this helps us move into understanding insha Allah, the context of our course. So the evolution or the story, or the history of how did it evolve. So we said was the time of the prophets of Allah, the charm of the companions are they allow Adam and Fabien then the time came the time of the mother when they developed. And this was a revolution. In fact, this was an advancement of when Facebook was now documented, was more structured, was put more as a discipline and was taught. Now, curriculums were created, to start to take a very definitive shape. And that's a very good advancement. And then afterwards, after that, towards

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350, after Hendra

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started to go down, why because now it started to become the time of tuck lead blind following over the mother, I have the opinion the madhhab is correct, regardless of all the evidence, so you will find some books that have no verse, no headings,

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nothing just rulings like the books of law.

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So, this was a decline, this was a decline from and it remained, but there were there were some outside shining examples even during that time, a great scholars appearing at that time

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and we inshallah we will mention them and we will talk about their heritage. And that continued continued,

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most likely, we will divide this longest stage of decline of rule divided inshallah into different sub stages, there will come across

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until today,

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until today, until today, there are attempts at our times to make things different, and some of the schools of our time have really made a big difference. I've really made big difference inshallah, we will talk about them. Now, what are the books that we will be dealing with, oh, there will be depending heavily on in English or not so acquainted with the with the text, but if anyone gets to know anything about this, I would really appreciate it. So and by the way, in this course, your input will be appreciated. But this is just an introduction I've been I've been doing the talking mostly, but inshallah, in the you will see that we will do a lot of work together. So you will have

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actually to come up with examples of certain things that we will be doing. So for example, when we talk about,

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say some issues like this, where the scholars have differed

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at the time of the professors on them, how was that added?

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Time of the companions, how was it at a time with my dad. So you, we will talk about things and you will be asked to come up with examples. And this is by going to certain, you can search Google By the way, or you can go to some of the books and search about certain differences that pertain to this. So you should come up with examples. And once you come up with an example, you will never forget this principle, because you've researched it.

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So, your input will be required in Sharla, in this course, and by the way, attendance will be checked every time inshallah, and if you missed two classes, sorry, you will not be allowed to join again, you will not be allowed to join, because each class depends on the one before it might make sense still. But discipline. And consistency is very important here. If you don't take this class seriously, you will not you will learn bits and pieces. And this might be dangerous, because you will not have the complete picture. As they say sometimes, you know, half a truth is truly a lie.

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After truth is a lie.

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Like and this is why children mostly do like a child runs to their mom and say, you know, my brother just you know, hit me. That's true, but it's half the truth. What happened before that, you kick them right?

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And that makes all the difference. So this is why having part of this might be problematic. So you might have half of something but you don't have a matching half of it. And that's the answer issue. So two, only two instances instances of absenteeism are allowed apart from this sorry. So you will, you will not be allowed in the class. So please make sure that when the list goes through, that you take your name on today's date. If your name is not there, write it, write it down, until inshallah we finalize the list. So the main textbook of this class is a chef bill Phillips book, the evolution of it's actually a very good book. It's what it does, it does it frames the question it doesn't go

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into so much detail but it frames the question of the history of

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for those who have access to the Arabic language who can read Arabic, there are a couple of books that are very good. There is a book called terracotta Sri by Magneto upon ricotta Sharia by Magna upon you can download downloaded for free PDF line. By the way Bella's Phillips book can be found as well online for free you can download it, the evolution of it's available online so you can download it for free. Just google it you will have a lot of websites that offer it for free.

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The Arabic book is 30

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Yeah, 30 hatachi by Manal coupon. This is the textbook and most of the Arab universities. It's a very good book. There's also terracotta Sri little hobo II is used to be taught in Azhar it's a very good book as well.

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And there's also Terry hold by Dr. Rama Lashkar, which is an excellent book.

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So these are enough, these are enough in the Arabic language.

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All the books that we have, generally speaking, can be open sources for us because we will go back into them. And we will study some examples from them. We'll see how the scholars of the mother have for example, dealt with certain things, we will Chuck we will go over the motherhood in brief inshallah, we will see the defining characteristics of each one of them. Now, let's go to the title. The title of this course is the story of luck.

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And the main theme is actually the history or the development of so it will study its history, and we'll see how it developed how it evolved throughout these ages.

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The reason I chose the word story is that Subhanallah the human brain understands things by means of narrative. We create a narrative about everything, by the way, and this is how our brain works is how we understand we create a story. And this is why this is why it's easy to remember a story than to remember, you know, isolated facts and masters of memory. What they do today is that if you give them a list of things they will create, they can remember a list of 100 things by naming them once. How do they do this? As you mentioning these things, these you know, isolated things, they will create a story and narrative around them.

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So you will mention for example, laptop, pen, supermarket, car,

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etc. They will say I checked my laptop to see which supermarket was closer to my house. So I wrote down that with a pen and I rushed

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To my car, and so on and so forth. So they'll create a story around these isolated things, and they will remember them. And this is something that's well proven this. So this is why you will find a lot of stories and

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this is why you will find a lot of stories and look at how we even understand Islam we under understand Islam through its history,

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we know about the life of the Prophet, each one of you, if you take your mind, you will see that you relate to Islam to a great extent as a story. So it's what the all the prophets and messengers came with. And then the Prophet Mohammed sauce and then at the end came with that message. And then the companions carried it, then the Tabby and then all these generations and we learned from them, and you will have this kind of,

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you know, Chronicle understanding of Islam. So stories are narrative is a very important thing. So when we study the evolution of my concern here is to see actually how there is taken from the Quran and the Sunnah and how it is applied to our everyday reality. That's the main theme. But when we approach it through the story that went through through the history of faith, I will make so much sense and you will see how it developed and evolved, and Subhanallah This will help you deal with the differences of the scholars the differences of another hub in a very efficient way without accusing people of contradicting the Quran and the Sunnah without accusing people, you know, to

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disregard the revelation, or without accusing people of being or belonging to this or that set. On the contrary, you will see the richness of the fact of Islam and you will see the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala you will see why Allah left certain things open.

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You will see there are things that Allah Subhanallah could have said this is how long but Allah didn't say they are wrong.

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And he left it for Muslims to differ about

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eleftheriou Muslims to differ about

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and this is why the scholars sometimes they they stress the fact that sometimes difference could be a mercy from Allah subhanaw taala sometimes Yes, it could be a mercy.

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So first is the story because our minds work by narrative and by story, it helps us understand and comprehend things very well get a good grasp on them. Number two, it's okay the story of the OB studying.

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Now, as we know it today is a set of rulings, practical rulings, detailed rulings that pertain to things we should do or shouldn't do, whether they are heroin or heroin, whether they are wajib are recommended or disliked or just move by open neutral.

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Okay, that's fair. So it's a set of rulings that are taken originally from the religious texts and that's the Quran and the Sunnah, is the Quran and the Sunnah. Then there are, as I said, ruling specific rulings that are applied to certain conditions, specific conditions. That's what as we know it is, but at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it meant slightly something different. For example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, and the Hadith reported by Abaddon Ansari, who was a big fan of it, in Abu Dhabi, alternativeto would the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said not but Allah who Marian? semi I'm in Hades and sobre la hakama Samia, may Allah beautify the face of someone who

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hears a hadith from me. And then he conveys it as he hears it, followed by Mohammed hin Lisa before the world Beckham in a 1311 who will have a home in home. So he says how often you will find someone who carries he carries knowledge in his head, but he's not Africa. He doesn't understand it. And he will find today people who have memorized Koran who know a lot of Hadith, but they don't understand that. They don't understand unless intent behind it

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is why she homological says what this hadith specifically means he says

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how Allah in nasty it fornell Khurana will heavy flak and Nirvana Mora de la Heyman, who is a very profound statement. He says these people might know the, the quote from the Quran, or the Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but they do not know what Allah intends behind it. So they will quote it where it doesn't belong. They will take a meaning from it. That's not true. Why? Because they're not funny. They're not funny. They're just carriers of knowledge, but they are not fapy. So what is that mean? That means deeper knowledge, deeper knowledge of things, proper knowledge of things, not just memorization of things, not just the carrying of knowledge. So the process of them

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says, Robert Kennedy said, Be happy how often you will find someone who carries the knowledge, but he's not a forte. He doesn't understand it. He doesn't have proper understanding and understanding doesn't mean

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I can no another Arabic language. So I know what this means. No. That's not what it is knowing what's behind it. That's a completely different story. You have to study for years and years and years. And then if Allah gives you that gift, that's something else, just as he gave Abdullah Abdullah best. So is a gift from Allah. Look as a gift, you can study to get it, but it's still a gift of Allah, Allah could give it to you and he could withhold it from you.

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And then the remainder of Hadith while Oban, Amelie philippin, in Amman who have a woman who, and how often you will find someone who carries a fork to someone who knows how to understand it. So you find someone who will tell you I know this Hadeeth maybe you never had this headache, but maybe you understand this headache more than he does. And this is very common. It's very common. So the meaning of the time of the prophet SAW Selim is what the Arabs called the car to me. The guy told me his preciseness of understanding or precision of understanding is the quality of this high quality understanding that's what it means.

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This is our last one the last example says in the Quran family How will I call me Leah can do knife Kahuna haha what's wrong with these people, they're unable to understand your own. they're unable to understand speech. They can't even comprehend speech. comprehension is a good word as well fulfill.

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They have Kahuna Hades,

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the word for has mentioned dimension in the Koran to refer to proper, high quality understanding. So that's the meaning of the term of the prophet SAW Selim. At the time of the Prophet Salam included arcada. So knowing Allah was, at his time,

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was worth knowing. Tafseer was

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knowing the Arabic language was

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and specifically at the early stage of Islam, knowing medicine was

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to fit among the Arabs, early Arabs, before the prophets, Allah and the early stages of Islam. Anyone who had knowledge of any science was called for the

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so anyone who had knowledge about poetry was called forte for sure. Okay.

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He has knowledge, proper understanding and grasp of it.

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So that's where the word comes from. Insha Allah. So next week, and we'll have more time and we'll start delving more into the meaning of filth. And then we'll start exploring the stages, we'll create a structure of our class the structure that we will go through the different stages that we went through, and then Sharla will start, I believe, we will start with the first stage, which is the time at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will define its general features. So all of you are required to read the first 20 pages of Dr. Bilal Philips book, the evolution of the first 20 pages. And we will have a discussion at the beginning we'll see what you have learnt. We'll

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have a discussion, the brothers and the sisters, inshallah, we'll have a discussion. And if you can create a short summary that would be great. Just the main point, each paragraph, summarize it in one sentence. And this how you get a proper summary, share a lot about it. So we will start more seriously, this was more of an introduction to allow any ones as well who could not join today, who still want to join us next week in sha Allah. And from next week, I think we won't be receiving more students. So next week will be the last chance so if you know anyone who wants to join, make sure you tell them that their last chance would be in Sharla next week, and that's it. Exactly. lahia

01:03:44 --> 01:03:47

Baraka Luffy como la semana Vina Muhammad Ali Asahi

Exploring the Evolution of Fiqh. you will learn about the term fiqh, how it was used in the times of Prophet (SAW), times of Khulafa Rashidoon and how the four famous Madhahib evolved, reasons behind difference of opinion. How fiqh evolved to our time. And many other important and relevant topics related to our time.

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