Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary on the Quran 4

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the history and character of the Spanish Civil War, including the use of shaping actions and the importance of understanding actions and acceptance. The speakers touch on the importance of history and acceptance of actions, particularly in light of the aftermath of the war. They also discuss the importance of belief and acceptance of the book "The Lord of all worlds" and the "has been seen." The transcript provides context and references to surah command and the importance of understanding actions and acceptance of actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he was happy woman.

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So this is the fourth segment in our class,

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a thematic commentary on the salon. And as we said previously, the class is divided into two segments. In the first segment, we deal with the book of chef Abdullah bin Sadie. And that title cards are provided Hassan and Metallica with a serial Koran and these are the beautiful rules that pertain to the explanation or the commentary on the Quran.

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And the second half, we try to take a thematic journey through the colon, we said this will go into phases, phase number one, we'll just go quickly over the source of the neuron and point out what seems to be the central verse in the in each sorter, or what we mean by the central verse is that it is the

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diverse that most displays the what we believe to be the central theme in that specific soul. So let's go on with the first section. And that's the book of Shaykh, Abdullah man being Saudi. We started with the rule number three, I believe. And just to recap, it's a rule that is, we said, you can find it in aluminum foil on the sciences of Milan, and in sort of the principles of work, and you can also find it in language, which has to do with

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the inclusive terms. And these are

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certain linguistic structures that include and cover everything that Ling that they linguistically apply to. And the rule that shandra man mentioned was that the nouns or the names

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of type, like for example, humans, we can say animals,

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hypocrites, all of these are names of type a snap origins, or adjectives or descriptions, if they are preceded by

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the proposition of definition proposition of Elif lamb L, which is equivalent in English to th e, that.

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So when l or the interest before names of type names that signify type, or descriptions, then that means this description includes everyone that it linguistically applies to, unless we have a text that makes an exception.

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And another point that we highlighted in this rule, which was which is very important is that if we are talking about a description, let's say again,

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those who believe aluminium, the believers, that's a description, belief is a description. So when we say when we say element mean, on the believers, that means every believer, it covers all the believers. And then also, it doesn't cover all the believers equally.

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Based on the level of the amount of the person, the term applies to them in proportion, so the person has more belief.

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And then the term applies to them more than someone who has believed but a lesser level of belief. And there's a practical,

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you know, consequence of this. And basically, because these descriptions that you will find in the Koran or in the Sunnah, on the religious texts,

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using a description like this, the believers, there is a ruling that has to be applied because of this description. Then when the ruling applies, it applies also in in proportion, in the sense

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we've not finished the rule the text was a little bit long. So we said we will do this in Sharla. This week, because nilotica had.

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So chef under him and he said he says

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he was told he was applying the rule to the names of Allah when we put any flamme which is that before one of the names of Allah because these are descriptions. It means that Allah possesses everything. That this the

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scription implies For example, He says what anomala lemo be Cooley, shavian Allah Allah, Allah He shaman will be, whatever some at his name li li m, right? And in the old knowing v all knowing l haleem. That means

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his knowledge encompasses everything. He has all knowledge, all types and kinds of knowledge, belong to him, he possesses them. So you're saying, that means he has knowledge of everything, Nothing escapes him, whether on earth or in the heavens?

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And he says, I'd love to help him build out a new one. Well, coffee Yeti, well God yet well, would you bet he will muster hayleigh tea well jack is that when you come to Allah, Allah Allah Allah will we use roughly we'll call the Yeti will just eat one ayah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah mode. He says, An Le means, since it's a description, haleem preceded by L, the article of definition.

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He's saying, his knowledge has encompassed and covered everything, the explicit and the implicit.

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The obvious, and the non obvious

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the things whose existence is primary, and the things whose is whose existence is contingent, the possibilities and the impossibilities

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the previous things of the past, and the things of the future that will happen. knowledge of the higher world or the upper world which is the heavens and the lower world, which is this worldly life and the earth will call yet the general principles and rules will just yet and the details of everything, the branches of everything, and what the creation know and what they don't know. That's the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala then he says what unknown hacking another example, he gives al Hakim the wise

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well unknown hacking Paladin how to share militarily Jemima Baba who O'Donoghue wahala who was a meanie Mashallah

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and Hekmati. Mahalo while I'm sure

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so the example of attacking the whys, meaning

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everything he does and engages with his wisdom is a reflection of his wisdom.

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So he says, To Him belongs the complete and perfect wisdom

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that covers

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his decree

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and his decisions and his acts of creation

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and his legislation.

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Nothing escapes

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his wisdom so everything that is created by Allah reflects his wisdom.

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And nothing legislated by him also lacks wisdom. So he has wisdom in everything. Another example anahola Aziz levy Allahu Jemima Han is a theological candidate amin Coolio, Jin, is that over? Whereas the Chilean Tina, why is that? Well, Allah, Jamie has to do when he has to tell fuckery woman it would be him. He's saying he is also al Aziz, the Almighty.

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And also, this is about might, Almighty belongs to him. He has old mind. And he's saying all the meanings and indications of might and power belong to him in the most complete and perfect ways. And in every sense, the might of power and dominion.

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There might have

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an lm Tina here, basically, that means that no one can reach him, no one can get to him in that sense that no one can do anything against him.

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So he's not reachable in that sense. Where is that? Well available, and the might have overwhelmed he's able to overwhelm and defeat and overcome everything and everyone

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and that all the creation are in the most extreme of

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weakness and need

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to a necessity to their load.

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Another example and now what Rahim, the Merciful or the All Merciful. Again, Al Rahim Allah Rahim

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that mercy belongs to him. All of mercy belongs to him and he has the most complete perfect mercy. And alethea who Jamie Romani Rama and levy was a vocal leshy in Walla

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Walla, wa salam

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ala, do Salama vamonos Oh, Uncle even more effort in one box. One more mathematic had one and yagoona lohani don't mean hungry. So he's saying he's the Merciful, the merciful to him, that all of the meanings of Atlanta belong to Him.

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And his mercy has encompassed and covered everything. And there is, every creation is enjoying the mercy of Allah there is no creation of Allah that lacks the mercy of Allah, Allah lacks the consequences of the mercy of Allah Subhan Allah to Allah, His mercy has covered whatever his knowledge has covered and we know his knowledge is covered everything then his mercy also has covered everything. Then he quotes the verse from sort of alpha,

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love banana sector coalition and of metanoia. This is of the angels. They say, what our Lord, You have covered everything in your mercy and knowledge. And he is the sublime and the perfect.

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He's the peace and the source of peace. He's the glorified and as we said, he's free from all imperfections and all

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week weaknesses, and there is no one like him. And there is no rival to him.

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Then he says, well, could I be here to smile who's not irritable? Have you had a call at gelila yen for tilaka Babu Ali Mohammed Abu Dhabi manifest in Abu Dhabi manifest Illa when Arsenal manifest later Anna Maria to Matata we

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mean and mevani Halima be has to be my accuro la Hill Abu where 11 A blu ray Mahajan, mineral khalti what are you see I don't wanna and Allah hibel who will come if not, I'll NFC he will come up with me really bad. Oh, he's saying And likewise, likewise with all the names of a lot of the Beautiful Names of Allah, understand them and consider them through this rule. And this will open a huge door of knowledge for you knowledge about Allah.

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He's saying even the root of your knowledge of Allah is actually comes from understanding and learning what his name is, his Beautiful Names indicate these great profound meanings. Everyone should do that based on their capacity and whatever they are able to do. And he's saying, no one will reach a level where they would truly know Allah as he is. Because no one knows Allah, as as he truly is, and no one can praise Him as He truly deserves. He is the one who's able to praise himself. Julie, and this is far beyond what his squad his creations are capable of. And he says woman Delica Allah Horta, Allah is giving another example I mean delicate Oh to Allah, what are our

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one and a bit re What? One

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and welcome to one fell good wishman with me and we're here with real fire, water schmal taqwa, Jamie ham ijebu Chico whom and why

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not. So an example on the rule of general terms or inclusive terms and Roman alpha who is saying the verse from sawtell Magadha number two, whatever when taqwa and help one another cooperate with one another over and above. And a taco bell is any good deed. Any good deed and the taqwa is protection, you protect yourself from the angle and the punishment of a lot and do not help one another over sin

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and transgression. So we sing a bill which is L bear, we have built like good things righteousness, and build the righteousness that means everything that could be considered to be anything that's considered to be good or righteous and build it covers all good deeds, everything whether they are ritualistic acts of worship or whether they are

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you know, good things that we do in no human interaction in our personal life in everything, anything good.

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And the Tacoma covers everything that

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We have to keep away from in terms of like sense in order to protect ourselves from the angle of Allah again and Islam as well here which is sin

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everything everything that is always explaining them when it's more Islam Jeremy when liquidity man you you FMO Will you take a film so Yeah, come on another good one is mon German yet Dr. Nassif edema he will emmalee one single if him Do not cooperate over Ethan which is sin and transgression is in here is saying l Ethan right? The sin meaning every sin, all of the sense, the equivalent in English is uncountable is when you say and do not cooperate with one another over sin that covers everything. This is equivalent. This is the equivalent expression in English do not cooperate with one another over sin. That expression in English covers every sin, every sin every type, every

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shape, every size, every degree

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and the one and add one meaning transgression. The same when you say an English transgression. Okay, that's equivalent to using the Arabic term al wrote one the transgression, meaning every type of transgressions Are you saying anything

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that includes transgressing against people in terms of shedding blood or killing or harm, physical harm or taking their wealth or their possessions and even attacking the owner.

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And he says when model fulfilled or an

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added measure of Okay, mouth meaning what is known and that means what's known to be good

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no matter wolf meaning every good and powerful vocal on a smooth journey on liquidity Margarita has no shadow and Lachlan wax.

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So he's saying Elma wolf. The opposite of a model is an

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admirable wolf. Meaning it's a name that includes and covers everything that is recognized to be good.

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In religious legislation, and in sound intellect. amonkar is the opposite of that, which is anything that's not good. Well, I've never been and maybe you're Salalah himself, no matter who you are, Ada will I'll show him in it very happy for you. Oh, Lee Victor Chateau de for salaat. If you only mousseline as salaam avelina bad delay Sonia Han for our live in la comida altom darrick salaam from Allah. Inside Hinman, anti Semite, you will

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he's saying the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sort of

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alluded to that.

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He insinuated the meaning of this rule.

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When he

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was commenting on Trisha, hood and assala adhere to the law he was sort of what what but he but etc. At the end of your Salah.

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He's saying when you say a Salaam, Medina, he burned the light inside of him, peace be upon us and upon

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the righteous servants are the pious servants of Allah the pious worshipers of Allah. The prophets I send them commented on this, he said, If you say that, then you have sent salutations and Salaam, to every righteous or every pious servant, whether on the earth or in the heavens, and that means everything dead and alive. Angels, humans, jinn, any creation, anyone that is righteous that matches this description, because this is one of the alfalfa number one of the linguistic expressions that indicate inclusive sense or a general sense.

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Yeah, so this is the role of Shaykh Abdullah man, Saudi rule number three inshallah. Next week, we will cover rule number four be nilay to Hannah.

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So we can see in the book of chef under 170, he's already giving examples and that makes it easy for us as we are dealing with this. So hamdulillah

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let's move on to the second or the second part of our class.

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And basically, we're going just to cover the

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As we said, We're going in the first phase of,

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of pointing out the central theme

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in every song not necessarily directly. But as I said, I'll be talking about what I consider to be the central verse or the verse that displays the central theme in the surah as we are covering yet, okay, so we move on now to

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thematic commentary on the Koran. And last week, we covered

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the central verse or the main verse, in sole source from an Islamic through to a hedge. And now we're going to start with sort of, you know, today I will, I will move a little bit more quickly than usual. So because we need to cover this, but I tried to give a short commentary in Sharla, to keep us aware of what the soraa is talking about. So so let's we'll log me in on

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the sort of the believers, the central verse, and the main verse is verse number one. And it really covers what the surah is talking about, because the, all of the surah goes on to

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show and explain and prove the first verse, Allah says, God, help me known

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successful are indeed, the believers. And the surah goes to show how the believers are the successful ones, in every sense. So first, Allah Subhanallah describes the believers, then he talks about this life and how He created us and he brought us into this world and how he designed the world around us, to show us that there is a beginning and there's an end, then Allah talks about the stories of some of the prophets, a number of the prophets, then afterwards, Allah Subhanallah, addresses the disbelief of Polish as they rejected the message of the prophet SAW Selim for the most part.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala goes to

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the end show what's going to happen to people on the Day of Judgment, the those who reject faith and belief and very brave, they reject the truth, and what will happen to the believers. So the whole sort of goes to explain the first verse, which is successful are indeed the believers because we know the following source ought to know.

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And this was in this game, and it's a bit of a hard time.

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And I could not resist just placing verse number 35, which is the sort of light or the verse of light solar is sort of the North sort of light, it talks about the light of a loss penalty, and I believe is well,

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the The song is about the light of a last panel, Atlanta. And the last thoughts it starts it with,

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with some of his legislation, about some of the punishments in Islam and how to handle, you know, slanders, specifically slanders that are sort of,

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you know, that have to do more with the social and sexual behavior in a community, whether people truly engage in them, or there is a slander about something like this, how to handle that. So Allah is gonna show his life even through his legislation, and he indicates how this is actually all done in the best interest of humanity itself.

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Then a las panatela talks about many law talks about many rulings, so to know is full of rulings, even etiquettes, social etiquettes how to

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you know, what places to enter what not how to even seek permission before you enter a house.

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there's a lot of social legislation and personal legislation, and you will find in the solar and in the middle of the solar last month I mentioned, the verse of a normal diverse of light. What Allah further describes himself a lot of similarity when a light is the light of the heavens and the earth, but Allah gives them analogy of a torch, Allah lamp and how the light of Allah which is the knowledge and the belief in a lost Paladin in the heart of unbeliever, what is the example of that and it's profound and shallow once we go in the next phase, we will spend a lot of time on the what we believe to be the central verse and show how it connects to the main themes in the soul itself.

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So this verse is about the light of a lost person in the heart of a believer and how the solar shows how this light translates itself into legislation, the the rulings that we have in Islam from the Quran and the Sunnah

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and also

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how Allah subhanaw taala handles some of his creation and how he instructs the professor and how to handle certain situations that have to do with warfare as well. So all of this is light from Allah so Allah is light in the heart of the believer, which is the belief in Allah Subhana Allah the knowledge of Allah, Allah in the heart of a believer, translates itself into,

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into legislation translates itself into obedience, for by the believer of obedience to the commands of Allah subhana wa Taala knowledge actually talks in the verse about the true believers who fulfill their promises to the prophecies of them it's a sign that they really have this slight this faith in Allah subhanaw taala in their hearts, okay, so this is sort of normal, we move to solid soil for corn. And sort of for corn as well is quite clear about like the central theme minute.

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The first verse is the central verse. Allah resistible I can live in Israel and for Kannada IV D. De akun, lll, Amina Dr. Bless It is he who sent down the criterion, the criterion which is the alternate it, you can tell through truth from falsehood, good from bad, etc, etc. So bless it is he who sent down the criteria upon his servant, that he may be to the world of Warner, the prophet SAW Selim is a one. So Allah Subhan is praising himself and mentioning that this is this, these are the blessings of Allah subhana wa tada that he sent down revelation. So now we have these elements, about the greatness of Allah, and the blessings of Allah.

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That he sent down guidance, Revelation. And then the second point is the revelation itself. So the soil will talk about the impact of Revelation and you know, the what happened, like, what job or what mission and purpose it serves, and also loss and this revelation through the prophet SAW Selim as a one.

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So there's a mention of the prophet SAW said in reference to the prophet SAW center, and even how his people treated him, what are the objections they raised against him, then towards the end of the surah, Allah subhanaw taala describes those who accepted the message of the problem what a bad man and those are the servants of the Most Merciful. So law shows how His revelation

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some people will be guided through it, or some people will choose misguidance. So these are the three main elements the the greatness of Allah and His bounty and his mercy and sending the revelation. Number two is the revelation that tells truth from falsehood. So this sort of is about also setting apart truth from falsehood, there is this element in it clearly. And then there is an emphasis on the mission of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as a warning, then we'll move on to Surat.

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assura sort of Shara is a surah that has a lot of stories.

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what I believe to be the central or the verse that reveals the central theme

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is that

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that is the first verse to get out, we'll get a movie ticket Hayato Akita movie, so

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it these are the verses of the clear book.

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So there's an emphasis on the

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the verses of the Koran and the signs that are contained in the blind. And the fact that it is revealing, it is very clear it is it's quite telling, it's so obvious and clear. And it is it does a perfect job of clarifying the reality of things. And that's why I lost when I mentioned the stories of previous prophets with their nations, and how these stories unfolded. And that with belief there is safety, in this life in the nest and in disbelief there is just you incur a loss anger upon you. And simply there is just misery in this life and eternal punishment in the hereafter. So this is really what the surah indicated, emphasizes and that's why the last letter concludes it by

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confronting the prophets Allah Allah and instructing him how to deal with his people or with the peat with his with the people at his time, who rejected the message.

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Then we'll move on to solid and natural

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I looked carefully into certain number try to see what the central what the verse that reveals. This was the verse that reveals the central theme and it was

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it was a cloth

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Call it wasn't easy. But I as far as I can see, it's verse number six. What a Lost Planet Allah says we're in Nicola tulip Coco. And I mean, they don't have him in it. And indeed on Hamad, you receive the coupon from

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one who is wise and knowing from the one who is wise and knowing. So there's an emphasis on these two names of Allah, Allah Hakeem, and then any is Hakim descriptions, these are just attributes of Allah, Hakeem and any, so there is first an emphasis and a confirmation that the prophet SAW Selim is a true prophet, and he is receiving revelation, which is the origin. So there's the

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testament, just a testimony

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to the, to the authenticity of the message of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and there is the Quran is being named after Nicola on so that's about the code on the book itself. And the source of this book and Revelation, which is Allah subhanaw taala, who's the most wise and all knowing, so this surah there is an emphasis on

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knowledge and wisdom, knowledge, and wisdom, knowledge and wisdom are emphasized in this soil. So you'll find starting with the story of Prophet Ibrahim had his center there's a lot of emphasis on the on his own knowledge and which led him to have great power and control over different species and types of creation.

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And history as well with the

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with the bill piece, or the the, the Queen of Sheba, of Saba

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bill pace, and

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how he had way way more knowledge and wisdom than she had. And that shows that revelation gives us the knowledge and the wisdom we need human wisdom and knowledge. You know, take revelation as your foundation as your basis because Allah teaches us what we need. And if we truly, like study the revelation, the book of a lot, and analyze it and internalize it and reflect upon it, it will give a lot of knowledge. I still remember this, from the old days, a beautiful quote from shiftless, Namibian Tamia, mo lontana. He said, anyone who really wants to knowledge take to the Koran, he says, In the Quran, there are treasures of knowledge. And he says, like, throughout his life he's

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been, he spent his whole life as a student of knowledge, just studying and reflecting on the Quran. And he had a lot of he spent a lot of time just, you know, reflecting on the Quran. He said, The answers are there, the knowledge is there, the Wisdom is there, but it just takes time it takes investment for us to sort of unpack that and learn it. So the Quran is full of, and then a lot further towards the end of the solar, middle part and the end of the solar a lot, talks a lot. ly invites us to reflect on his creation on the universe and on how Allah designed the world. And this, again, should help us

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Shouldn't it shouldn't help us understand the reality of this life and get the wisdom and the knowledge so that certain sorts of costs, again, it's primarily the story of more Sally center.

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And it's called the puzzles, the stories.

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I believe the is I haven't told you about sorting them and what I believe, yeah, it's version number six and sorting sort of us versus them. The central verse, as far as I believe, is verse number five, where Allah says when we do an Amen Alan Latinas today fulfill only when he had a home a metal wire with him. And we wanted to

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confer or con, we wanted to give a mercy or a favor upon those confirm our favor and mercy upon those who were oppressed in the land, and make them leaders and make them the inheritors.

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So this is about

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how shifts in power should happen. Allah subhanaw taala This is what the story is about. This whole story of Moses is about a nation that was subjugated the children of Israel, how they were subjugated. And then how Allah subhanaw taala took them out of that subjugation, and gave them power and give them dominance.

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So this is what the song is, this is the main theme, clearly the main theme in the song. And it's something we need to reflect upon these days. Because if we want to know how to help the ones who are oppressed, the saw this sort of gives us the answers. It tells us how, you know, Allah works with his creation, in that sense, how Allah designed this world, and how

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What's the right way to handle oppression and deal with it and change it? So the whole story almost has a clear example on this. And we'll move on to salata, Lanka boots.

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And then ankle, there's a lot of emphasis on it the belief, what's the reality of this world? What are we doing in this life? And there's a lot of deep reflection, it's actually starts with the concept of, of trial and test. Because, you know, when people are tested and people go through hardship, they question this life. And that means they're thinking deeper. And it's actually a good sign. But the problem is, you know, when people start looking outward, looking outside,

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trying to blame outside forces and circumstances for their predicament, that's when people go wrong. But a lot of other ones is that when we go through hardship, to look inward, and try to understand and the reality of life and see how does this suffering and this these calamities that we're going through, how do they fit into the grand scheme of things and the whole point behind this word so Allah says, do people think that they will be left to say we have believed they have not been tested yet? And we tested the people who came before and ally Schoenmaker, those who are true and their faith for the ones who are just claiming to have belief. So what I believe to be the central verse

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is verse number 41. Allah says methodology and to huddle in Indonesia he earlier aka methanol, Anka booty beta, we're in booty, debater anchor booty, can we Alamo, the example of those who take allies, other than Allah is like that of the spider who takes a home. And indeed, the weakest home, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they own in you.

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This Sora shows the weakness of the stance, or the lifestyle of the arguments of the philosophy of people who reject faith when they have seen the clear sides. It's just about this. So I personally believe

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that sort of Angkor Wat has the seeds

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to a very, two very powerful arguments or principles or four arguments that can repel a lot of the doubts that are cast today on the truth whether on the existence of Allah whether on the the the authenticity of the Koran and the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam It seems this is what the surah is dealing with. It shows that if you're not holding on to the truth, which is what was given from Allah to the prophets and messengers, and finally, obviously, with the Prophet Mohammed, that's the only message that we have without distortion today, and then if you believe in anything other than that, then you don't have any, any strong grounds to stand on, you're just

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you're taking a house just like the house of like the web of a, of a spider. And this is not even a house It has no strength of its own. So that's really what the soul is talking about. Okay, move on to solid, a room. So this room starts with history, historical reference to

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the battle, the ongoing battle between the Persians and the Eastern Roman, Eastern royal Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire. And when the

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the Persians took over, at some stage, then a lot of promise that the balance of power will shift, when it was very unlikely. And the Muslims in the early stages and Mecca there were identifying more with the Byzantines, because these are people of the book, people have the Scripture and they have some of the remnants of the true revelation. So Muslims were identifying more with them, there was more supportive of that. And this is where Allah says, that's what I believe to be the verse that displays the central theme verse number four, Lila Hill and Milan and Pablo woman Beckett Wyoming in an effort to Allah belongs the command before and after meaning allies in charge of Allah allows

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these things to happen unfold in this way. And then he says, I was referring to the fact that what would happen after that,

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that the the Byzantines would overcome the Persians and turn against them. And he says, and that they the believers will rejoice meaning the believers, the Muslims will rejoice because people who are at a closer proximity to them in terms of revelation will win. And that shows that there is a level, especially at times of weakness when Muslims are weak. There's a

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there is a level of when other forces are fighting. We don't treat them all at the same. By the same I would say, to be it, we don't place them at the same distance. People who have who are closer to Revelation, people are closer to the truth.

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People have more of the truth, we have them closer to us than people who completely reject the truth and have no luck, no shared nothing of the of the truth or the revelation that we have. So, it shows there is nuances as well to when Muslims are weak towards, you know, whether individuals how we treat other individuals and how we place them with regards to, you know, our connection, our,

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our hope that things unfold in a good way for them and, and so on how we feel towards them in general. So the whole sort of a room is to show and how to sort of unfold as well and it talks about, you know, so many things about how Allah designed Allah talks about

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his bounties and his gifts to the creation how to design humans into male and female and and he, how he designed the world, the day in the night and everything means everything is in the hands of Allah, Allah is in control. Keep that in mind. And this actually, it can help us today because sometimes today when we are trapped in our, in what's happening in the world, we might think, well, everything is just about military power, physical power, material power, right? We tend to fulfill that we become captive to our

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perception, our immediate perception, but we shouldn't forget the background. Allah is in control of everything, and a lot allows everything to unfold in this way, according to his knowledge and wisdom and mercy. So reading through the sort of,

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sort of room in that sense. And being aware of this should help us a lot, deal with what's going on in the world today. And to put everything in perspective to remember that everything belongs to a lot. The command is with Allah, Allah is in charge of everything and he's in control. Then we move on to salado command,

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sort of look man,

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what I would say it's verse number two, verse them adding to it, verse number three, they sort of make the,

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the what I would say they, they, they show the central theme. And look, man is a wise man. So the surah is about wisdom. And I think to Kenya to Kitab al Hakim, these are the verses of the book rich in wisdom or the wise book.

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So the surah is just going to show the wisdom of

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the divine wisdom that is shown in the Quran. And everything that goes on has also shown in the story of lock man.

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And third verse says, who then was seen in a guidance and mercy to the ones who do well, the ones who do

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and that shows that wisdom, divine wisdom,

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will breed both guidance and mercy. If the people are who to deal with, with the whole approach this divine wisdom, if they are listening, if they are trying their best, they're trying if they are sincere and genuine and honest, in searching for the truth and reaching it and looking for it. So yeah, simply that's what the solar is, move on to solar to sajida.

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Again, so the sister is very heavily on matters of belief, especially about the hereafter.

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And it's about the fact

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that it establishes the authenticity of the message of the prophets of Allah Islam, and by its name and title says death, it's about it only makes you do it. And frustration will basically its full submission to Allah. And really, that's what the song is about.

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I believe that verse number two is the central verse system zero to key tabula, if you came up behind me, the revelation of this book is beyond doubt from the Lord of all worlds. And this requires this kind of submission, that you truly believe this book is from Allah, you're not making your disbelief, you're not just believing in some thing that has no proof, the proof is already inside you on your note. So the whole story is about, you know, believing in a law, giving some kind of background on how a law created the universe. And then a lot of a lot describes what's going to happen on the day of judgment to those who reject the faith and a lot shows you that they actually,

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they proactively reject the truth. It's not like, Oh, it's not convincing, not they proactively reject the truth

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that Allah describes the believers or how devout they are and how sincere they are. And you can see the humility in the description of of the believers.

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Then I lost one or two either in this or just addresses the profits on the Larson and and conference him and makes a reference to Musa alayhis salaam

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But it's just about this story is about, as I said, submission to Allah hospital and just believing in the matters of the unseen and as an analyst and these matters that are already inside of our federal office is, is designed to accept them.

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Then move on to sort of to the hub.

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So little heads up, obviously was revealed after the Battle of the trench. And it was a it was a tough time for the believers for the Muslims when they weren't surrounded in Medina, and they had to dig up the trench to protect themselves. And then they got stabbed in the back by Ben Oh, boy.

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It was a very difficult time, a lot of scribes, the believers, he said, your hearts jumped up to your throats in fear. And people started some of the people started having doubts and these were the hypocrites.

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It might be tempting to conclude that the soul or the main versus the soul, or the main theme, and the soul is about the battle itself. But it's actually not the battle is seen, is taken as an opportunity or as an occasion to drive the point deeper and the point there is revealed clearly in verse number 36, in salted,

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Allah says one can only move meaning one minute in either a long while a pseudo at a corner level here.

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It is not for a believing man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger decree a matter to have any other choice in that matter.

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And again, this by the way resonates with sort is such that it sort of takes the point of sort of decision that takes it further. It's about handing yourself over to Allah complete submission to Allah subhanaw taala look at the

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speaking practically, black Muslims were greatly outnumbered, the chances were very slim, almost non existent of survival.

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they didn't have enough manpower to defend themselves and defend Medina.

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And the hypocrites were in taking by fear and horror.

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Yet Allah subhanaw taala

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first, he split the the different troops that gathered together he split them apart, and they started having disagreements amongst themselves. And then a lot further sent upon them wind, strong wind that got them to decide just to leave. And you do away with the whole mission of this battle.

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Yeah, and then how the believers in the midst of all of this chaos and not having anything to hold on to nothing physical or material to hold on to how they put their trust in Allah and they just handed their affairs over to Allah. And this is really what the main theme is. And then it just sort of goes on to talk about how they believe is submit a lot they do to field in the sense that whole they

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they they hand their affairs over to Allah whether they are matters of this world challenges in this world hardships or missions they want to do, or whether there are methods of legislation they just believe in, in the legislation of Allah and they submit to it and they they trust that our last panel to Allah is doing things in their best interest. Okay, we're gonna stop here in Sharla next week, I'm going to go faster we'll try to in the next two weeks we'll try to finish inshallah we will try to finish the

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all of the central verses and all the in all the Soros so we'll go We'll pick up these, this speed inshallah.

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So that we can start with the second phase, the vanilla data.

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Until then, I recommend that you at least skim through these sources that we have covered or the ones that we will cover it will help you in shall lycium see some of those themes and how they are displayed in the solar until we meet next week. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Solo's eliminating them from it. While he was further he urged me

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