Mohammed Mana – The Shama’il – A Description of the Messenger (Part 9)

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The transcript appears to be a jumbled and difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled and difficult to summarize. There are multiple narrations, including a story about a man named Abner bass, a woman named Hadith, and a similar narration about a woman named Hadith. The narratives are not fully described, but they are mentioned. The conversation is about the use of shaking hand in a situation, and the speakers discuss the use of shaking hand in situations, as well as the importance of giving better food to increase chances of receiving better food. The event is part of a larger project involving hosting events at the--for a shot. The operator is there to facilitate for visitors and tours on any of the other days of the week, whether it's a group or individual.
AI: Transcript ©
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Wealth children and cold water

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and cold water have Bella more beloved to me than my life. My wife, my well cold for them would either be because the weather changes, and so it becomes cold, or it would come from a particular Well, that was cold because some wells are very deep. And so it's so deep that actually when you draw water, it could be hot outside, but the water you are drying is colder in temperature. So it's really relative to the circumstances and the place. But definitely we have very cold drinks because of

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the methods that we have available to us with with modern technology. Yes.

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Yes. And so they used to have containers that would be insulating, and they still have them until today. Actually, I was just at someone's house not too long ago, very recently, and they had one of these containers on the table and it was sitting there on the table. It was not from the fridge, but when you poured water from it, you remove the the cork and you pour the water from it, it was cool. I'm not gonna say it was ice cold, like you took it out of the fridge, but it was definitely colder than room temperature. You know, because it's, it's it was insulating, so they used to use that. They also used to use containers that were lined with tanned leather. So it'd be insulating, you

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know, it was it would be like a container and it would be wrapped, you know with some leather and whatnot and it would be hardened and they would tie it so it would be insulating, so it would keep the water temperature cooler will

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play let's go to the next narration had definite para de Romania para de la him para de la musique and Rama who ob harmonica and even in a bass in

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the hall tomorrow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ana wa hurry to do it either. maimunah

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for Jackson Urbina in Lebanon fishery by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will enter Allah Yemeni he will Holly Dona ngma and Chemin de Fer Kira Li a Sherpa two lakh for in Cheetah settle Tabby ha ha Lydon for Paul to Morocco to the luthier Allah su Erica Haida. So mokara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam man oh parama la vaca m Infineon Allahumma barik ala nafi Welcome alquimia Hi Ron min woman Sokka Hola. Hola, Azerbaijan Lebanon philea Allahumma barik Lana if he was in Amman, so maka para Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam lays a sheet on UGC or mechanic panoramico shalabi hi 11.

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So, in this narration on the authority of Ebner bass, very interesting story

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about says,

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and myself and Holly who lead three people.

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We entered and we visited the house of maimunah.

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We visited the house of maimunah. Now in a bus and hired them learned and another narration. Another companion

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is the haisla is the maternal aunt maimunah is their maternal aunt. So, this is just to clarify so that we know that they were all held on for one another. So he said we entered and so maimunah presented to the prophet SAW a container that had Leben that had milk and she gave it to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and he drink from it. And he drink from this container and ignore at bass says Abdullah, ignore her bestest companion. He says, I am sitting on the right hand side of the Prophet so I said him to his right, and Khalid is sitting to the left of the Messenger of Allah. Now, if you're a bass is far younger than cut it in age

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Difference of age cottages much older than even our best.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to even after he drink from it, and he's going to share with them, he said to Mr. Bass, you are next in line,

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a shovel, but to luck, you deserve to be given the drink next because you're on the right.

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And we start serving people from the right. However, he says to even our best and look at the end of the etiquette and the manners of the prophets of Christendom. He says, but if you allow to relinquish your right to go next, you can prefer Khalid, since he's older. That's what's implied. The Prophet didn't say that. But it's implied because he's older than you. You can let him drink first.

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Out of respect for him, so Abner at best said, No.

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He said, No, he said, macoun, to American to the UI, Allah, Allah, rica hada. He said, I am not going to prefer anyone over myself when it comes to getting something left over from you.

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So my bulky Amina shape. So any whatever is remaining from what you have taken could be food or drink, or whatnot. And the idea is that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is bless it. And that which he comes into contact with his blessing. And so for the profit to drink from this container, means that there is extra virtue and blessing for the next person who's going to get to drink from that container as well. And so in a bus, maybe in another situation, he would have let it go before him because he was older. But in this case, he said, No, because it's something that I'm getting from you or messenger of Allah, I'm not letting nobody get in front of me. Even if they're older, I will

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go first and their Prophet, so I said, I'm honored that and he gave it to him.

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We have a very similar narration. This particular narration I've read to you, the chain of narration has weakness in it, it's not to hold it, there is weakness in the narration. But we find a very strong authentic narration mentioning a very similar situation. But even our best His name is not mentioned. They just say Hold on.

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So some of the scholars of Hadith said this is referring to Abner bass, and if it is, the nut strengthens this narration. And if it doesn't, then perhaps those that documented basically

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placed his name there, but actually, it may have been someone else. But the point is, it was someone younger, it was someone younger than sideloaded.

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There also is another similar narration along most of the atom, comedian, writer Eddie Mohammed. There's another similar narration I believe inside here. It's one of the authentic collections. So you Muslim, if I'm not mistaken, where the Prophet sallallahu I do send him was sitting. And on his right was

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a bedwin man, basically a man who is not from the city, he doesn't live with them. He lives in the outskirts. And on his left was Abu Bakar.

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And his left is Abu Bakar. And so in front of him, Mr. was sitting.

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And so the prophet SAW sent him got something to drink.

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And he was about to offer it to the gun who's right who was just some Bedouin men. And Roma interjected and said, Give it a Boubacar first.

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And so the prophet SAW Selim asked the man permission, and he said, No,

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I will go first. I'm not gonna let a worker go first. Remember, I was trying to like get defensive because Abubakar and this guy, you know, a worker is very special. He's like, the best of the companions. You got to let him drink next. So we have we learned so much from this.

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So many etiquettes that we learn.

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Let's see, what do you guys extract? Usually, I just sit here and talk. But tonight some of you are falling asleep. So what can you guys extract? What are some etiquettes that we can extrapolate from this narration? Bismillah.

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Who will go first? Who will go first and be like Akasha? Yes, Saba, caviar cache Abdullah

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beautiful desert calophyllum. Allah bless you and increase your knowledge. So if someone is next in line, and they have the right to go next, and you would like to shift that to someone else,

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you should ask them for permission first. You should ask permission first. Someone else maybe you want to honor them because of their age, or because of their status or what have you. But before you shift to someone else, you should ask permission first. Very good.

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So asking permission, and if the prophet SAW send them did it, nobody would tell him you have to ask permission. He's also the law. But he is teaching us ask permission. Yes, Abdullah?

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Good. There's a couple of hidden ally increase you and beneficial knowledge. So he's saying what we can learn from this is that the companions, the Sahaba, the companions of the beloved messenger would compete with one another for what?

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Who's gonna have more bragging rights? Who is going to have more, you know, praiseworthy things set up? No, they're competing to have more blessings, and have Bella from the Prophet solarz in them. So probably, like we said, if it was some other situation, we see the Sahaba so generous, giving up their drink and giving up their food and going hungry for someone else. But here, it's like, what happened to all that generosity? No, no, no. Here, it's about getting blessings from Little soda law. So here, this one, there is no ethos, there's no generosity here. I got to compete.

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So this is this is a good this is a good point. Yes. Anything else that we can extract from this? Something very obvious.

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Anything from this side of the room? Before we move?

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So good, healthy competition. So basically, what do we mean by healthy competition? Two things? What would you mean by before I put words in your mouth?

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Good. So how they are competing and what they're competing for? So imagine they're competing for something good. But then they end up fist fighting. Is that healthy, competent? No. Or imagine they're competing in a very nice way, but they're not competing for something good. So competing for something good. And in a way that is good. Okay. Anything else other than competition? All the way in the back? Yeah, we need.

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Good. So we see that Abu Bakar is very special and valuable and virtuous. And his station is Hi. Good. How about from the particular narration we read here.

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So we don't favor other people over others, just because of who they are if there are certain etiquettes. So we follow certain etiquettes. And then within those etiquettes, we can express preference for some over others. Again, with permission and whatnot. Yes.

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Jimmy, good luck. Good luck. Hello. I thought this one wouldn't be the first one. Begin serving people from the right.

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So here's a question. So the other man, they commented on this Hadith, they said, Do you always have to start serving people from your right? What if there's no one on your right?

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How do how does this work? So they said, okay, because sometimes the prophet SAW Selim is sitting and no one is beside him. There's people across from him. And so he begins, do you have to start from the right or here? So they said, Look,

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when do you prefer because here the Prophet clearly preferred his right over 100 even though we know that the prophets I send them said,

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you know, to begin with to honor the elders, the prophets I send them said kept bid kept bid, meaning honor those that are older honor, those that are older, begin with the elders first, begin with the elders first, in the hadith of Abu Bakar, that when he was commenting on when Romana said, No, no start with abacha, he's older, he's more virtuous, the prophet responded. And he said, le amin, and in another version of that narration, he said three times he said, start with your right start with your right start with your right.

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And so one of the Sahaba commented on this ns of nomadic and he said for he escena he hasn't he hasn't. He said it is a tradition of the province I sent him it is a tradition of the province lesson. It is a tradition of the Prophet solaria isn't it? So when do we start with the right and when do we prefer the elders? Because in Islam, we are taught to honor the elders. So it's almost like we have two competing etiquettes which one takes precedence? Anybody want to

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take it take a take a go at it, see if you can reconcile between these. I feel like you're gonna say something in the back what you're holding back.

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So yes, you're gonna say something, Michael.

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older guy, just go on the right side, we would have solved the whole problem. Well, it wasn't planned that way. People just sat normally wherever was the first open place for them to sit and it just so happened when

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Something came to be served, the younger person was on the right, the older person was on the left. So they heard ms said something great. And really what amazes me about this, these are not laws. This isn't science, it's an art. This is etiquette. This is manners. There's nothing about obligation here. But what amazes me is how much the scholars dissected the actions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So they gathered all of these narrations, where So Allah is giving something to someone first, before the other person, and they're trying to put them into groups. So they said,

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if you are sitting in a formation where people are side by side,

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then the precedence is given to starting on your right, an Amen. Amen. Amen, the one on the right, and then the one on the right, and then on the one on the right, even if they are younger.

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And if you want to change that, then you have to get their permission,

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you have to get their permission. However, they said, if you are not sitting in a particular formation, where someone is on your right side, and someone is on your left side, you are sitting across from each other. They said in that situation, you begin with the elders.

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You know, if there's the seating arrangement is in such a way, where people are not directly to the right or left or whatnot, then in that case, Kabir cabra, then that gives you begin with the elders. But if you are like in a line, and there's people on the right on the left, and you start with the right, you start with the right.

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So, this is this is one way that the LMR reconciled between these different etiquettes of the prophets of the law where it usnm No.

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Good. So when we come to greet people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the young person begins with Salaam with the older person. Now, you said shaking hand most often,

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most often is something that is in the jurisdiction of the elders.

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So the young person should begin with Salaam, but the older person can begin with most often. This is just etiquette. And it's either because they say for a young person to pull up their hand or any

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perhaps they're not aware of some circumstances where they shouldn't be shaking that person's hand or what have you. So the idea is, of Salida Yep, that will be Sadam Wikipedia that will most often this is not a direct Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim the Hadith or processing refers to them, saying Assalamualaikum and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, allow you send him either jealous, and the one who is passing will begin initiate the Salaam, to those that are sitting

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to those that are sitting, how about in the example of a small group and a larger group, or an individual in a group? Who begins in that case?

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So the individual begins towards the group or one smaller group to the larger group.

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So does that make sense? So the prophets I sent him would love to begin from his right, unless there was no one on his right, then he would honor the elders and begin with the elders. Yes.

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Right. So they would say, Sam, but shaking hand is not mandatory for setup.

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You can say set them to someone without shaking their hand. So you can say why they come and sit down. But you don't have to shake my hand every time cluster ebenen. Right. Although it's fine. If you do that. It's fine. If you shake their hand multiple times.

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You don't have to shake their hands. But there is a virtue in it. It is good. But if it's becoming, you know, if it becomes to the point where it becomes becomes burdensome or creates a difficulty, then you shouldn't make things burdensome on other people. You can just say saddam and wave and walk past. You don't have maybe the brothers carrying things maybe like right now he's carrying his child and every time I got to put down the beating of the baby starts crying now look what you've done. You know, he's like,

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so, so I mean, it's like we said, it's not so much a matter of law and science as much as it is etiquette and manners. And these are things that you just learned from being with elders, and kind of picking up on people's people's, you know, situations and being considerate, being considerate of their situations.

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So someone is sitting and then they leave.

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Okay, and they want to sit down.

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So what's the question?

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Are the one who came first, if you want to serve them something, then you'll begin with the one who is on your right. If there are side by side, you begin with the one who is on your right. Yeah.

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The order for how to sit and where to sit.

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So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that somebody may come to them engineers, they may come to a gathering, and they sit in the back where they first find an opening, because they don't want to go over, they don't want to climb over people. So there is there is goodness in that. And then someone else sees an open seats in the front of the gathering. So they want to go to the front of the gathering. So then also, they are taking that extra step and coming closer to Allah subhana wa, tada, if their intention is correct, so long as a person is not doing that, so long as the person is not harming other people. Somebody may see a seat in the front, or an open space in the front in the

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first row, for example, and they end up like knocking people's heads and causing a lot of problems, that's not appropriate. So if there is a way for you to come to the front, then you should do so. And a lot of this goes back to off road. A lot of this goes back to the customs, people's customs, what are the appropriate customs. So if we are going to visit some other people, or we're going to be in a new place, we should try to learn what their customs are before imposing upon them. This is who they are, who they are for one more minute Rafi ninja hidden in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala said, you know, be forgiving and overlook and adopt the customs, adopt the norms and the

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customs matter out of it. hiddenness what people have agreed upon, of course, what's within the parameters of Allah's laws of the laws of Allah and His messenger. I'll give you an example. We went to go visit a city in in eastern Arabia called Alexa,

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Alexa. And so we went to go visit there, and we went to go visit a particular family, huge family. And they're famous for having scholars of the medical school. And so we went to go meet some of the men that were of that family. And they have a gathering in the home, in their home big gathering, we're talking like 40 5060 people, right, kind of like how we are here today. And the room is big. It's like a room like we're sitting in, and this the chairs are aligned against the wall in a rectangle.

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So we came, and they told us, we just sat down, they said no sit over here, they directed us and we are the guests, they're the hosts. So we followed directions, they said sit over here, this is the place for you and me to sit in the front of the room to the right

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corner. So we sat down, we didn't think anything of it, then as people are coming in, it seemed that everybody had a designated seat. So this guy comes in, and he gives a lamp to these people and there's empty seats next to them, but he doesn't sit there, it wasn't sits over there. This person comes gives them but they sit over there. And people are like sitting and there's all these like empty seats. And as more people are coming there filling in the season filling in and filling in the seats and whatnot. And we didn't notice anything. Then later they told us we have a family tradition. And this family is a big huge family. They said our family tradition, whenever we have

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any imaginisce whenever we have any gathering, we sit based on age, and seniority. So in the middle of the room is the most senior and eldest of the, of the family. And then from that place to his right and to his left, the next elderly person and the next and the next and the next and the next until they go out. So the youngest people in the family are in, you know, on this side of the square or the rectangle. So they made us sit because we were guests of course, we were much younger than them, but they made us sit to the right of the most senior and eldest of the of the, of the of the of the people in that family. Why am I mentioning this? Because this is there. This is their custom.

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Now we shouldn't enter into something like that and say no, we're gonna sit over there, follow their custom, you're on their turf, as long as this is not something that is violating any of the laws of Allah, His Messenger follow the customs, follow the customs. So in other places and other families and other you know cultures, they may have a different method of etiquette of whatnot, maybe at the dinner table or whatnot who follow those customs. Yes, sir.

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So yeah, also many people, you know, it's, it's part of the custom to remove your shoes before entering into the house, by the way, for a lot of people, that's actually weird. So they come to someone's house and they say, you know, brother, sister, take off your shoes, and it's like, No, I'm not gonna take off. That's weird. That's strange, then they find it insulting. So we have to understand that there's different customs. And this is something that is that is allowed.

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That happened to you as

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a part of your culture to remove the shoes. Yeah.

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And then you walk in?

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Right, right. Right, right. Yeah, yep. Absolutely. Yes, sir. Yes.

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No, well, where would you like me to sit down? I don't want to impose, maybe you go and you sit, you know, some people. They have a designated chair. I went to some person's house and had a really nice recliner, you know, those like, and I had my eye on it. From the moment I walked in, I was like, I want to sit there. And so I went and I sat there. And then the guy, the man of the house comes in, he was mad. It was like, only I sit there

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was comfortable. I can see why he was possessive. over it. Some of those things are nice. Like, can we continue? Let's go to the next one. We spent a lot of time with this, I guess, if we can bring all of this home. The idea is that the Prophet sallallahu ederson valued and cared about etiquette and treating people in a manner that was dignified and respectful. And honoring those on his right and honoring the elders and whatnot. So from this, you see that the prophet SAW and he asking permission. So you see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is attentive to these issues. Some people will overlook this thing. Ah, no big deal. Yeah, I know no big deal, but you're dealing with

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etiquettes and manners that can actually go a very long way. Something very small like that can go a very long way and can really open people's hearts and soften their hearts mend relationships, allow people to live and thrive in a healthy environment. So it is very very important and we see that the prophet SAW I said in values it

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Okay, so that's about what he liked to drink. Babu magic if you see if it should be Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So in this next chapter, chapter number 32, Hadeeth number 206 and onwards.

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so remember, we spent so much time talking about customs and whatnot, so we don't want to go over too late.

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How the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to drink so you know materially the mentioned 10 Hadith in this chapter.

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Let's see how much we can get done inshallah. It doesn't matter how many of you

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who shame or one or mohila any shirt me

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anybody I bet in in Florida sentiment Shetty Berman Zem Zem wha who are in So in this first Hadith on the authority of Mr. Bass, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drink Zamzam water and he was standing up

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he was standing in the next Hadith in the next Hadith

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para de Sena kotoba to crusade para de Mohammed Abu Jafar and Hussain, l mu L M and M revolution. And a be here and JD here call a to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yasha Eman waka both of these narrations have a Swahili have an authentic strong chain of narration

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even our best also says 72 nibio salaam radio cinema means m fashion Eva who are caught him I actually gave them some water to the Prophet so Loretto sent him to drink and he was standing up and he was standing up. So from these ahaadeeth we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would drink sometimes sitting and sometimes while standing

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because they said do you have to sit down when drinking? You don't have to. However, the LMS said that it is preferred to sit while g

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But it is not mandatory and it is not sinful to drink whilst standing.

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Some other odms said, actually hold on. And actually one of my teachers, Chef Abdullah, a scholar from Mauritania. He said in Medina, he said,

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he said, Every Howdy, this was from his research, he said, the IDs that mentioned the profit is a lot harder to send them drinking while standing was always Zamzam.

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We don't have any explicit mention of him drinking anything else while standing. So, he said the outline is to sit the premise, the default is to sit down when drinking. And the exception to the default is

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the exceptions the default assumption. So, this is one understanding of the scholars when serving the Hadeeth. But the other narrations mentioned general they mentioned it in an ambiguous manner. So we cannot definitively say that it is sinful or you must sit whilst drinking. The the generality of the narrations inform us that it is permissible to drink while standing. And while sitting and many of the LMS it is preferred to sit.

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Late in the next heading, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Actually, I want to mention one thing from the previous chapter before we move on, I forgot to point it out. And then we'll conclude there because it is almost time for a shot. In the previous narration the story of an Ibis, you guys remember where he asked him? can I serve pilots first and he said, No, I want to go first. So in the end of that Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught to do as to supplications I forgot to mention them. So let's mention that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men, aka Mr. Han la junta, Amman Federico Allahumma barik NFV he will alter him now hold on min

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If Allah has provided you with some food,

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food, and you eat from that food, then say, as a prayer and supplication to Allah, Oh Allah bless this food for us and,

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and grant us food better than it.

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Oh Allah bless this food for us, and grant us better food than this food.

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Then he continues, he said woman sakawa, Lahore, azzawajal Lebanon for all Allahumma barik, Len Effie, he was the dynamin. If anybody is given nibin is given milk and they drink from it, then they should say Oh Allah bless this drink for us and increase us in it. Do you see the subtle differences between the two?

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In the first one he said when you have food, then say Oh Allah, bless this food and give us better. And then when it came to the lemon, the milk of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Oh Allah bless it for us. And give us more of it was the dinner. I mean, and give us more of it will stop there and shall load data so we can prepare for so let's have a shot. And if anybody has any questions, we will stop at this point of the Prophet. So I said I'm drinking, sometimes standing and sometimes sitting. The next etiquette of drinking that we see of the prophet SAW Selim is how many sips he would take, and the intervals between the different sips and how he would dislike breathing

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into the container. We'll talk about that etiquette and why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam drink in that particular manner. inshallah hooter Bala Kota, may Allah adorn and beautify us with the character and practice and habits of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And may Allah as he has gathered us here, gather us with the Messenger of Allah and the highest levels of gentlemen, that will law who Adam will suddenly Allah who was sent him about a car then ebina Muhammad, Allah as most high and most knowledgeable of all matters, and we beseech him to shower our messenger with compliments and salutations. Usually we ask you folks for help in folding up the chairs. The Good

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News Tonight is please don't do that.

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And you can celebrate we don't need to fold any chairs tonight. And that is because tomorrow is a special event here at the masjid where they will be using the chairs. Do you guys know what the event of the message here is tomorrow?

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Who does not know? Raise your hand? Okay, good. So tomorrow is open mosque day in which they have exhibit set up and information sessions and tours and whatnot. And the idea behind that is to encourage all the people that we know that are not Muslim to come and visit msgid you know a lot of people they hear about a Masjid or they may drive past it, but they feel special.

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To go inside, like, I don't know what those people are doing inside there. So here's an opportunity to say come inside and see what we're doing for yourself. So this is an opportunity for us to share our religion with others. Now, by the way, what's nice about this semester, is there's open mosque day every day. So there is an opportunity because we have full time committee dedicated for that you can actually facilitate for visitors and tours on any of the other days of the week, whether it's a group or individual, but this particular event, a lot of massage it in the region have come together to do this event on the same day so that all of the doors of the massages are opened on the same

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day. It's it's part of a greater community project. We asked a lot to bless the project and accept from all of those working in it. And so again, spread the word. If you know anybody in the area or even if they're not from this area, you can bring them you can invite them and we would love to host them here at the masjid inshallah. Tada. Well, Allahu Allah. If there's any questions, we'll inshallah take it as we walk and talk so we can go for a shot. Well said, I'm ready.

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