It’s Finished – Shorts

Mohammed Hijab


Channel: Mohammed Hijab

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The speaker discusses a technological app called the horridly app that is helping people save time and money by giving them the most amazing assistance possible. The app is phenomenal and provides all the workings inside of it, even if the person sends it to someone else. The speaker emphasizes the importance of downloading the app in the " horrid box" for optimal use.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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It's finished, it's finished. It's what's finished your habit of not reading the Quran that was finished. And you know what, I'm not just gonna tell you to read the code. I know I'm gonna give you assistance, not just any assessment, but the most amazing assistance that you can get from a technological perspective, this app called the horridly app. Listen, this app has all the workings out inside of it. It's unbelievable. It's phenomenal. It tells you how much you've read how much you need to read. Even if you send this app to somebody else that they read this the Quran, you see how much hassle you're getting from your own reputation and from their institution. How can you imagine

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living without an app like this, you must download this app in the description box.