Mohammed Faqih – The True Meaning Of Independence

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The speakers discuss the importance of achieving Islam's goals and protecting one's liberty and wealth. They stress the need for everyone to focus on the purpose of Islam and not feel like they are only dependent on others. The importance of independence and liberty for everyone is emphasized, along with advice on protecting one's health and avoiding giving too much attention to a certain topic or situation. The speakers also emphasize the need for clarity and partnership in addressing the pandemic and making a difference in the world.
AI: Summary ©
Mohammed Abu
Omar Silla
whatever mahasaya
Takuma Ducati
to the moon. Yeah.
I mean has
to do
with modernity going to be doing our ham, in Omaha cannery, nakivo.
Center 1776, July 4 day like this declaration of independence came to life.
And America ever since celebrates the Fourth of July as its day of independence.
And independence is an independence of any nation
or any person or any organization or any entity is indeed worthy of celebration only when it's achieved
and to define
that independence, the basis of it and what it means the terms.
The Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Now, again, that independence has to be defined, the basics of it had to be made clear.
Today, I intend to talk about
spiritual, spiritual independence
that is, in my opinion, much more worthy to be celebrated once it's achieved.
Allah Subhana Allah created us
for a purpose.
And that purpose was well defined in the Quran
animalism when he violated
and it was one violation,
when he violated the purpose
of his
creation, Allah subhana wa tada
moved him out of agenda and he was placed on this planet with the same purpose in mind.
Now, in genda, Adam had everything taken care of. He didn't have to work for anything.
But when he was brought to this
planet to this earth of ours,
he had to work
he had to earn
and he had to take care of
this earth that Allah subhana wa tada put him in charge of.
However, a lot of data out of his mercy.
He subjugated everything that is on this planet
to Adam and his descendants and that is us.
Allah the Almighty says
along the south Florida area full Kofi Emery. Juanita w whammy. Lee when I look
and listen to this was
one of the Jamia mini interview dedicated
Allah subhana wa tada says, sort of jatiya verse 12 and 13
a lot It is he who made the sea subservient to you gave you the ability to ride the sea. This while this is sea and oceans, you are able to write them. You are able to ride the waves
of those oceans. Ships may sail through
the sea.
By His commands of Hana wattana,
and that you may see his bounties
and that you may be thankful. So this is the reason. So you may be thankful of this great bounty, there are lots of handling data sets. And it is he's a panel with Allah who has made all that is in heaven.
And all that is on Earth, subservient to you for your use. He's the one that subjugated everything for us. So lots of candles to Allah, the Almighty, subjugated.
Everything is resources that we have everything around us for our use, for our use, not for our abuse.
So that we would focus on the purpose for which he created us
and not be preoccupied
with trying to manage our affairs
and manage every detail of it.
Imagine if we had to
initiate and if we had to make everything and produce whatever we need,
and bring it into existence,
life would have been impossible.
life would have been impossible. We're spending billions of dollars trying to explore other places and other planets.
We haven't taken care of the one that we have here. We ruined it. And we're looking for another planet through
spending billions of dollars trying to find another suitable place.
And it's seems to be very hard.
Maybe impossible.
So lots of how to animate this planet suitable for us for our audience.
So that we can focus on the purpose version loss of habitat,
loss of data says,
who ended
up have a
verse 15 it is he was made Earth again, subjugated Earth made it subservient to you. So walk through it, walk through his tracks.
And enjoy the system is over lots of hands on with data which he provided.
This is what that is telling us.
However, what happened is that we lost focus.
And we became dependent
when a loss of Hannah without intended for us to be only dependent on him and be independent from anything other than a loss of Hannah with that, that's what I'm not intended for us, for us to find our independence. So he subjugated everything for us for our use, please move forward and fill in the gaps brothers.
Today expect
turnout larger than usual, everybody's off. So please move forward and fill in all the gaps.
So lots of handle data, subjugated everything for our use so that we can use it and he gave us the ability to shape and mold,
metals, and all kinds of objects. He gave us the knowledge.
He made us and helped us make discoveries that will make our lives a lot easier.
And if anything,
these discoveries and this advancement, technology, for instance, if anything, it should make our lives a lot easier, less stressful, and give us time and ability to focus on the purpose for which Allah created us.
Listen, brothers and sisters, what we have now no one had what we have now.
We're supposed to be more focused.
We're supposed to be on target when it comes to our connection and our relationship with Allah subhana wa Tada.
However, those resources,
those discoveries, those technologies, whatever I must have had Allah gave us, for us to be thankful for and for us to use to make our lives easier, became the source of our misery. Why? Because means became goals.
We became dependent on them. They're supposed to help us become independent, we became dependent on them. Why again, because we lost
focus and I will continue to hammer this point until we all get it brothers and sisters, block creators worship Him. Everything that we have everything. Absolutely everything has to be subjugated, and dedicated and devoted for this purpose.
And when that happens, that's when we are going to find our freedom. That's when we're going to find our liberty. That's when we're going to find our independence and enjoy.
Oh, Buddha servanthood philosophy Hello, dad. That's where you find freedom and liberty.
And when were you when you are mindful of a law as the agenda and everything that you do and everything that you say?
And all of your affairs wherever you may be? Your knees will be taken care of. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
had took a ride with his cousin. Today, we have so many of our children here with us.
And here's the advice of a promise I sent him offered to his young cousin Abdullah, that's all day long.
As a young boy, listen to this young people. Listen to this parents. This is what you need to tell your kids he said. Yeah, went out in the wild Lima Kadima.
That young boy, listen, I'm about to teach you some valuable
words of advice. Listen.
He said,
preserve a lot. Meaning Be mindful of a lot.
In the last panel, data will preserve you. Be mindful of a law be aware of a law, wherever you may be, I'm not going to be around all the time, watching you monitoring your choices.
Yeah, I can use all kinds of devices. I mean, these days, parents might say, well, I can use all kinds of devices to mine. Yes, you can. But you're not going to be there, whenever they're on their own having to have a decision on their own. So the province of a lobbyist tells him there's someone else that will be that you have to answer to it is not me.
It is not your parents.
It is a law of the Almighty Who created you and created him for a purpose and you're not too young to find out about that purpose. You better understand this purpose now.
And train yourself, prepare yourself for your adulthood.
So prepare yourself Allah subhana wa tada is watching. So be mindful of that fact. Be mindful of the loss of panatela preserve the rules and the regulations of allies. And he will preserve you He will take care of you
probably know that you do too, jack. He said preservable be mindful of a manual find a muscle panel data in front of you, leading you guiding you providing for you, then he said it here the process of this teaching him to be independent and only dependent on the last panel.
Because as you know, researchers have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as total independence.
There is no totally I mean, come on. Look at the you know, America is celebrating its independence right? Here. Yes, we are dependent on foreign oil.
To what extent can you be independent. So the process is telling him that
that be independent from anyone other than a law.
And that is true independence. That's when you find that you're going to find your liberty because you belong to lots of data. A lot will never hold things against you.
A lot will never manipulate you.
A lot will never exploit you a lot of patents and even need your liberty or your worship you need it is for your own sake that you should do it.
So he said to him, either self defense and the law. If you ask, ask Obama.
Don't ask of anyone else. You ask of anyone else they will hold it against you, they will fail you.
They will be irritated, they will be bothered.
Where in the case of a loss of habitat if you stop asking Allah Subhana Allah, Allah wouldn't like it loves for you to ask of him.
And he is full of grace and blessing subhanho wa Taala.
And he said way, this way the standard setting below and if you seek help, if you need
Help seek help from a loss of Hannah with
an oma
listen to the Declaration of Independence here. While I'm an
ABC or ABC, let me answer Okay, let me show you
when you start
to learn yoga in Derbyshire, you
know that if the nations were to gather together if they were to bring all of their forces together against you,
to bring you any benefit any profits,
they will not be able to guarantee that, except that was a lot of times and has already written for you.
And if the nations were together Together, bring all their forces together to inflict any harm
upon you, they will not be able to achieve that. Except that that is something that a loss of habitat has already written
for you.
The person has been lifted, and the sheets have dried.
we need to go back and think who it is that we depend on. Who is it that we rely on? Who is it that we connect with?
Who isn't that we devote our lives?
And whatever it is that we do to Who is it? Is it someone worthy or not? I say listen as long to make you and I have those who listen and follow this up or they listen to Apollo has a
proven record
Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam Allah, Allah
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
made a very interesting statement.
And that is statement.
The province of marwadi will send them pretty much highlights the source of most people's misery and the cause of it.
Many of us are so dependent, so attached
to our wealth,
to our physical abilities, were dependent on many things,
that we don't even have a guarantee that we'll have.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
There is
greed beyond to or miserable is the servant,
the servant, someone who's subservient, someone who had dedicated his life
to the
Miserable is he, the servant of gold.
Someone was who dedicated his life.
I mean, gold is supposed to be
indeed something precious, but who made it precious?
If mankind as people come together, and they decide to ignore, or devalue gold and say, we're not going to pay attention to it, dump it,
gold would lose its value.
So it is us, we chose to give gold somebody.
Yes, some people become servants of
Allah subhanho wa Taala place these resources,
place wealth, and whatever it is that we need on this planet for our use,
for us to use it
to better our lives and to better the lives of others.
But when they become the goal,
and instead of being the means,
and when we dedicate our minds and our lives become nothing but the but what about preserving
this wealth, or whatever it is. And
then then we have we have
change things around and
And we lose the balance. And that's why the prophesize has said, that person will be miserable,
instead of your, your wealth serving you, you become the servant of your wealth.
So Panama.
So brothers and sisters, if we want to be happy, and if we want to be successful, the prophet is telling us that we need to be judged.
And depend on nonverbal muscle handle
and use everything that Allah Subhana Allah gave us to please Allah as we get closer to a wiser, and anything extra, has no value whatsoever, because we're going to leave it behind anyways. Anything that you have is as good as whatever use comes out of it. And if you don't use it, then what's the point of having it in your name? What's the point of you having to answer for loss of Hannah Montana, about every single penny and every single, every single
piece that you have in your life, whatever that may be.
So you have to understand that again, as I mentioned, it is not about silver or gold or, or fashion.
It is about our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And that's why I have knowledge of says,
may the servant of the dem perish. May the servant of the dinar perish by Allah, none shall be saved from the punishment of a lot tomorrow, except for one who
actualizes His servanthood to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.
Except one who connects the last panel with Hannah.
In the province of Oman, instead of says said to his companions, I don't fear poverty for you.
I don't fear you're not going to be poor. There's plenty of loss of habitat. I don't fear poverty.
But what I fear is that dunia comes to you know, wasn't habitat, it gives you a wealth, and then you start competing over that wealth and lose focus.
So, what is the purpose? What is your focus?
What have you dedicated your life for? These are the questions that we need to answer for our day will come that we will offer in our grades, and Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
and all that day, your wealth would not come to help you nor benefit you on that day when you for
brothers and sisters,
it is very important that we also understand
and highlight
that freedom and liberty
is a right that everyone has
that one particular nation, or one particular group of people or one particular race,
or ethnicity, but everyone has a right
to be free.
And until we understand.
And until everyone in the world understands this, there will be no peace, and there will be no justice on this planet.
We are
we are responsible to speak up.
And that's the least we can do.
I mean, today, America is celebrating his independence.
And it just feels very awkward to participate
in the celebration. It feels awkward
while its forces are occupying Iraq.
Very strange.
And I think the Declaration of Independence needs to be
read and needs to be understood. Because there seems to be many people who don't understand
and are in violation of
the holy lands are still occupied.
People have fell asleep have not gotten their independence in
the world doesn't seem to have any problem with that.
Again, these things have to be mentioned. We have to speak and we have to act.
Now there are many other things that could be accomplished and taken care of. I urge you, I urge you to consider
making your voices heard
in November.
This year
and not be passive,
when it comes to
helping and making a difference in the world,
do your best to ask Allah subhanho data to guide you and help you do your best.
I had announced that we are going to have a dedicated on the issue of marriage and the struggle
over young people,
you know, finding suitable spouses
based on the on the reaction to one of the articles written in the infocus.
we had been communicating with,
with the basically people who are who are in charge of infocus.
the conclusion was that inshallah we're going to have a session on
August 8, August 8 show on Friday night, we'll have a Friday, on the Friday night, inshallah, we're going to have a session about this subject. But in the meanwhile, again, I have asked for, for feedback and I have asked for input from from everyone yet to really get anything. Again, this is this is the season. And whether you realize it, actually as we speak today, there is there is, you know, people getting married. So, and this is the season where everybody starts talking about it, and it does affect affect our young brothers and sisters, you know, and families seem to be and let me just,
you know, not offend anyone here, but families and parents seem to be oblivious about this, this need that is turning into a crisis. And unfortunately, our behavior and our attitude and the way we approach the subject have contributed to even making this crisis in my opinion, right now one of the worst, one of the worst crisis that the Muslim community in America is facing.
And there's all kinds of shallow will I'll share that information with you shall on on August 8, there are all kinds of
problems that are being caused by this, this attitude, this and this, this culture
of knowledge, not paying attention to it.
So we need to do something about it before it even becomes a bigger problem. It is already as it is, you know, and you can ask locally, moms, you know,
you can come and ask us, right? It is already a big problem.
And unless we do something about it, nothing, nothing is going to change. It's just going to get worse and worse. And the province of a lot as an award isn't that
he said for example to for instance, he said to the families that in Jacqueline mentor Valentina, who will monitor if one with whom, with whom you are pleased in terms of his his character, and his commitment to his religion, you're pleasing, decent person. So will you then marry him?
By all means, in Latin, if you don't do so, that will fix that. It wouldn't become a crisis, it will become a problem.
And it will it will cause corruption and we're already suffering of the consequences of that corruption. So we asked him lots of hanadama not to be responsible for it in any way or fashion, but we really need to, to to examine ourselves and see if we if we are contributing to it in any way or fashion fitness. It will be a fit better process and said and facade corruption a widespread corruption
and we're already seeing
what to Ballina Milena in Atlanta to level him along
allow me
to come in love.
It was it was sentimental.
To me
when I
was are you going to be have a massive mouth
a lot
a lot of
Monitor, alarm, the
clock in the morning
a young
Tata Tata made this planet suitable for us for our audience.
So that we can focus on the purpose version, lots of data.
Lots of data says,
when he died and
functions he made
in a mature
verse 15, it is He has made Earth again subjugated Earth made it subservient to you. So walk through it, walk through his tracks,
and enjoy the sustenance of Allah subhana wa Tada, which he provided.
This is what that is telling us.
However, what happened is that we lost focus.
And we became dependent
when a loss of Hannah without intended for us to be only dependent on him, and be independent from anything other than a loss of Hannah with that, that's what I'm not intended for us, for us to find our independence. So he subjugated everything for us for our use, please move forward and fill in the gaps brothers.
Today expect
turnout larger than usual, everybody's off. So please move forward and fill it all together.
So I must have had on the other subjugated everything for our youth so that we can use it. And he gave us the ability to shape and mold,
metals, and all kinds of objects. He gave us the knowledge.
He made us and helped us make discoveries that will make our lives a lot easier.
And if anything,
these discoveries and this advancement, technology, for instance, if anything, it should make our lives a lot easier, less stressful, and give us time and ability to focus on the purpose for which Allah created us.
Listen, brothers and sisters, what do we have now? No one had what we have now.
We're supposed to be more focused.
We're supposed to be on target when it comes to our connection and our relationship with Allah subhana wa Tada.
However, those resources,
those discoveries, those technologies, whatever I must have had, Allah gave us, for us to be thankful for and for us to use to make our lives easier, became a source of our misery. Why? Because means became goals.
We became dependent on them. They're supposed to help us become independent, we became dependent on them. Why? Again, because we lost focus. And now I'll continue to hammer this point until we all get it brothers and sisters, Allah created us to worship Him. Everything that we have everything. Absolutely everything has to be subjugated, and dedicated and devoted for this purpose.
And when that happens, that's when we are going to find our freedom. That's when we're going to find our liberty. That's when we're going to find our independence and enjoy
obedient servant philosophy.
That's where you find freedom and liberty.
And when we when you are mindful of the law as the agenda and everything that you do, and everything that you say,
and all of your affairs, wherever you may be, your knees will be taken care of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
had took a ride with his cousin. Today, we have so many of our children, here with us.
And here's the advice of the promises that have offered to his young cousin Abdullah. That's all day long.
As a young boy, listen to this young people. Listen to this parents. This is what you need to tell you
Kids, he said, Yeah, went out in the wild Lima, Coachella.
The young boy, listen, I'm about to teach you some valuable
words of advice. Listen.
He said,
preserve a law, meaning Be mindful of the law.
In the last panel data will preserve you. Be mindful of a law, be aware of a law, wherever you may be, I'm not going to be around all the time watching you monitoring your choices.
Yeah, I can use all kinds of devices. I mean, these days, parents might say, well, I can use all kinds of devices tomorrow. Yes, you can. But you're not going to be there, whenever they're on their own having to have a decision on their own. So the province of a law, they sort of tells them, there's someone else that will be that you have to answer to it, it is not me.
It is not your parents.
It is a law of the Almighty Who created you and created you for a purpose and you're not too young to find out about that purpose. You better understand this purpose now.
And train yourself, prepare yourself for your adulthood.
So prepare yourself Allah subhana wa tada is watching. So be mindful of that fact. Be mindful of Allah subhanaw taala preserve the rules and the regulations of a life so he can and he will preserve you, He will take care of you
probably know that you do to jack, he said, preserve a lot Be mindful of a lot you will find a muscle panel data in front of you, leading you, guiding you providing for you. Then he said he that's sad to hear the process of teaching him to be independent and only dependent on a muscle panel.
Because as you know, researchers have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as total independence.
There is no totally I mean, come on. Look at the you know, America is celebrating its independence right here yet we are dependent on foreign oil.
To what extent can you be independent. So the prophets I send them is telling him that
that be independent from anyone other than a law.
And that is true independence. That's when you find that you're going to find your liberty because you belong to lots of data, a lot will never hold things against you.
A lot will never manipulate you.
Allah will never exploit you a lot of patterns and even need you will be better or your worship you need it is for your own sake that you should do it.
So he said to him, either says, Allah, if you ask, ask Obama,
don't ask of anyone else. You ask of anyone else, they will hold it against you, they will fail you.
They will be irritated, they will be bothered.
Where in the case of a monster hammer data if you stop asking Allah Subhana Allah, Allah wouldn't like it loves for you to ask of him.
And he is full of grace and blessings. subhanho wa Taala.
And he said way, this way the standard of care below and if you seek help, if you need help, seek help from a loss of Hannah without
an oma
listen to the Declaration of Independence here, while I'm an ohmmeter, Louisiana,
Shea, let me
know that if the nations were to gather together if they were to bring all of their forces together against you,
to bring you any benefit, any profit
they will not be able to guarantee that except that was a loss of habitat has already written for you.
And if the nations were together Together bring all their forces together to inflict any harm
upon you they will not be able to achieve that. Except that that is something that a loss of habitat has already written
for you.
The person has been lifted and the sheets have dried.
we need to go back
Think who it is that we depend on? Who is it that we rely on? Who is it that we connect with? Who is it that we devote our lives?
And whatever it is that we do to Who is it? Is it someone worthy or not, I say listen as long to make you and I have those who listen and follow this up with a listen to Apollo has empowered with some proven
Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala to stop Allah.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
made a very interesting statement.
And that is statement.
The problem some of them pretty much highlights the source of most people's misery, and the cause of it.
Many of us are so dependent, so attached
to our wealth,
to our physical abilities, were dependent on many things,
that we don't even have a guarantee that we'll have.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
There is
grief beyond to or miserable is the servant,
the servant, someone who's subservient, someone who had dedicated his life
to the Durham,
Miserable is he, the servant of gold,
someone who was who dedicated his life.
I mean, gold is supposed to be,
indeed something precious, but who made it precious.
If mankind as people come together, and they decide to ignore or devalue gold, and say, we're not going to pay attention to it, dump it,
gold will lose its value.
So it is us, we chose to give gold some value.
Yes, some people become servants of that group.
And lots of habitat, a place these resources,
place wealth, and whatever it is that we need on this planet for our use.
For us to use it
to better our lives and to better the lives of others.
But when they become the goal,
and instead of being the means,
and when we dedicate our minds and our lives become nothing but that but but about preserving
this wealth, or whatever it is almost out of blisters with
then then we have we have
changed things around and we lose balance. And that's why I said that person will be miserable,
Instead of your, your wealth serving you, you become the servant of your wealth.
So Panama.
So brothers and sisters, if we want to be happy, and if we want to be successful, the prophet is telling us that we need to be judged.
And depends on number of US, Canada and us everything that must have happened to Allah gave us to please Allah as we get closer to a wiser, and anything extra has no value whatsoever, because we're going to leave it behind anyways. Anything that you have is as good as whatever use comes out of it. And if you don't use it, then what's the point of having it in your name? What's the point of you having to answer to lots of panel data about every single penny and every single, every single
piece that you have in your life, whatever that may be.
So you have to understand that again, as opposed to the messiness, Heidi, it is not about silver or gold or or fashion.
It is about our relationship with the loss of Hannah hotel
and that's why it says
Servant of the parish, may the servant of the De nada Parish, by a law, none shall be saved from the punishment of a lot tomorrow, except for one who
actualizes, His servanthood to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone,
except one who connects with the last panel with the hand.
And the promise of a model instead of says said to his companions, I don't fear poverty for you.
I don't fear it, you're not going to be poor. There's plenty of loss of habitat and bliss. I don't fear poverty.
But what I fear is that dunia comes to you in a loss of habitat and gives you wealth, and then you start competing over that wealth and lose focus.
So, what is the purpose? What is your focus?
What have you dedicated your life for? These are the questions that we need to answer, for our day will come that we will offer in our grades and have lots of hands on what Allah says, What are you doing at
the end or that day your wealth would not come to help you nor benefit you on that day when you fall?
Brothers and sisters,
it is very important that we also understand
and highlight
that freedom and liberty
is a right that everyone has
that one particular nation, or one particular group of people, or one particular race,
or ethnicity, but everyone has the right
to be free.
And until we understand.
And until everyone in the world understands this, there will be no peace, and there will be no justice on this planet.
We are
we are responsible to speak up.
And that's the least we can do.
I mean, today, America is celebrating his independence.
And it just feels very awkward to participate
in the celebration, it feels awkward
while its forces are occupying Iraq.
Very strange.
And I think the Declaration of Independence needs to be
read it needs to be understood. Because there seems to be many people who don't understand
and are in violation of
the holy lands are still occupied.
People have not gotten their independence in
the world doesn't seem to have any problem with that.
Again, these things have to be mentioned and we have to speak and we have to act.
Now, there are many other things that could be accomplished and taken care of, I urge you, I urge you to consider
making your voices heard
in November of this year
and not be passive.
When it comes to
helping and making a difference in the world.
Do your best to ask Allah subhanho data to guide you and help you do your best
had announced that we are going to have a dedicated on the issue of marriage and the struggle
over young people
you know finding suitable spouses
based on the on the reaction to one of the articles written in the infocus.
we had been communicating with
with the basically people who are who are in charge of infocus.
the conclusion was that inshallah we're going to have a session on
August 8, August 8, so on Friday night, we'll have a Friday. On the Friday night inshallah we're going to have a session about this subject. But in the meanwhile again, I have asked for for feedback and I
have asked for input from from everyone yet to really get anything. Again, this is this is the season. And whether you realize it, especially as we speak today there is there is, you know, people getting married. So, and this is the season where everybody starts talking about it, and it does affect affect our young brothers and sisters, you know, and families seem to be, and let me just,
you know, not offend anyone here, but families and parents seem to be oblivious about this need, that is turning into a crisis. And unfortunately, our behavior and our attitude and the way we approach the subject have contributed to even making this crisis in my opinion, right now one of the worst, one of the worst prices that the Muslim community in America is facing.
And there's all kinds of shallow will I'll share that information with you shall on on August 8, there are all kinds of
problems that are being caused by this, this attitude, this, this, this culture,
of not paying attention to it.
So we need we need to do something about it before it even becomes a bigger problem. It is already as it is, you know, and you can ask local emails and all
you can come and ask us, right, it is already a big problem.
And unless we do something about it, nothing, nothing is going to change. It's just going to get worse and worse. And the problem is a lot it's an award isn't that
he said, for example, to the forest, and he said to the families, that Jacqueline tavola Dena who monitor if one with who's with whom you are pleased in terms of his his character, and his commitment to his religion, you're pleasing, decent person,
then marry him
by all means, electors, and if you don't do so, that will fix that it will become a crisis, it will become a problem
1% and it will, it will cause corruption and we're already suffering of the consequences of that corruption. So we asked Allah Subhana Allah not to be responsible for it in any way or fashion, but we really need to, to, to examine ourselves and see if we if we are contributing to it in any way or fashion fitness. It will be a better process and said emphasize corruption, a widespread corruption
and we're already seeing it.
What do I mean I'm Alana
who won't allow me
to come in and
it was it was sentimental
to me
a lot of nights I mean, a lot of every woman to me, Mr. Russia, robotic.
He said
a woman
alarm is a bit of
a random walk in the