Mohammed Faqih – The Last Journey

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of understanding death and the transition from death to graduation, including the lack of knowledge about it and the importance of staying true to religion to avoid becominghasn't done thing. The loss of good IPTV has caused people to lose their respect and have lost their fair share in society, and the loss of good IPTV has caused people to become less valued and become less liked. The speaker emphasizes the importance of healthy lifestyle and being aware of one's surroundings, and the benefits of working from home and being able to connect with loved ones.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is coughing is contagious here.

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Allahumma alumna metronome amalgam tena was nerima,

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Latina Simona qualitative your honor Santa Catarina de la bola

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uncle Emery we're having a live poll Cody Oh god.

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Yeah, I think I'm allergic to microphones.

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The title of this session was,

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was the final journey or the last journey.

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We had, we recently had, you know, a wave of death, you know, many deaths in the community, and one after another.

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And anytime there there, you know, multiple incidents of people dying, people start asking questions, all kinds of questions about,

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you know, this live the end of life, and, you know, questions about the death, and it's in the process of death, and what death is. So I just wanted to shed some light on this issue and maybe engage in a discussion, this is

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this is really a topic worthy of becoming,

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you know, a series of lectures on, you know, journey to the here after we can call it journey to the Hereafter, you know, what happens at various stages of life, and then what happens when people die, and then the transition itself, and then what happens between from from after death until the Day of Resurrection, and then maybe we'll talk about the Day of Judgment.

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Now, all of this, you know, I must say, is from the knowledge of the *, it's from the knowledge of labor, labor is the unseen or the unknown, or something that you don't send directly, right.

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And it will only be known to us.

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base is only known to us through or based on divine revelation,

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only divine revelation only in laws of how the data can tell us about MLA. And we only know about Amadeus, you cannot speculate you cannot assume you cannot imagine, you only know what a loss of Hana data set and what his province Ahmad is

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about Emily.

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the reason this, this issue is of, you know, many people have interest in knowing about it is because when

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it is mysterious, but to anytime there's death, or you know, you go to a janazah or something like that everybody thinks of their own day, like what will happen.

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And it is a fate that is awaiting for all of us.

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You know, if you take the most popular subject, marriage,

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right, the most popular subject if you take married the most popular subject, speaking of marriage, by the way, I don't know if this is appropriate or not for me to make an announcement, not next Friday, but the following Friday, at eight, the same day as the first day of the Beijing Olympics, we'll have we'll have a session we have a special program about marriage. You know, we're not going to be talking about marriage, rather talk about the problem of marriage.

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We're not talking about marital problems, by the way, I don't want people to get the wrong message. So we're going to be talking about the problem of marriage. Right? So and maybe engage the youth in those who are looking for to get married.

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And those who don't know what they're missing.

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And those who don't know what they're getting themselves into. We'll get them on the show to open up and speak. And that will be an open discussion. But if you take a subject like marriage,

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marriage is not the fate of everyone.

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Right? Not everyone is going to get married. In fact, in some areas in some Muslim communities, the statistics suggest that 40% 40% according to one particular statistic about sisters says 40% of sisters under 20 will not will not will end up not getting married, which is very scary. But what I'm saying is what I'm trying to say is that not everyone is going to get married. Not everyone is going to get to have a child. So there are these popular subjects. However, everyone is

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not everyone is going to get rich, but everyone is going to die.

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And this is the one subject that everybody believes in. And everybody knows, and no one has any doubt about it no matter what their political affiliation, religious background, creed, whatever it is, everybody knows that he or she will die. It wasn't a, it's a matter of wanting to deal with it and think about it or just, you know, maybe stick our heads in the sand. And sometimes we don't like it's not a pleasant subject. And it's not. Indeed it is not

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a pleasant subject.

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As human beings, we go through all kinds of stages, we have a stage where we did before we even came to this life. And

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we don't know much about it, except that Allah subhanaw taala had lots of Hamlet Allah had spoken to us, as it says, In the Quran.

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In a life that we don't even remember.

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We have a Lohmann, Benny, Adam and

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Adam, Adam was he managed to grow up become carnuba, hidden Allah subhanaw taala took a covenant from the descendants and from the children of Adam, before they even came to this life, as to who is their Lord is and they recognize and acknowledge the loss of how we all did, by the way, including atheism, including, you know, everybody, everybody acknowledged Allah subhanaw taala, to be the Lord in the Creator, everybody, and if you wonder where that innate nature where that inclination of worshipping a lot, or longing to worship someone comes from, it comes from that, that incident,

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And then there was that stage where, you know, the embryonic stage and the funeral stage, and then, you know, for nine months, and then we come to this wife, and then there's childhood, right, there's, well, life is basically blown into the person, the person becomes a lie, right? And then from there, they go all the way to the end of the journey, that journey may be very long, it could be very short. At the end, it all seems like one day old, seemed like a moment. And Allah subhanaw taala talks about the wisdom behind that process, says look to varrock develop a DVD in one court who had a condition called de la de la palma como en hetalia, blue,

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led Holla Holla Holla, con moto and Hialeah Blue accom, as

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well as usual for Surah 67. Please remember to turn off your cell phones, please.

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Surah 67 verse two, Allah says,

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He is the one that created death and life, he created death and life and death as mentioned first because, you know, according to some scholars, that is the original state, we were, we were non existent. And then we were brought in, and then life was given to us. So that that's why Muslim hunter says that he brings the the living out of the dead, and then the dead out of the living, right, and lots of how Allah says, that, that we were dead, and then we became alive and then we will die and then and then we will be resurrected again we will be given. So there are two stages of death and two stages of life of life,

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two lives and two deaths.

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Right, as the Quran says, Please, with a Corona Villa, you will come to me and you're dead. So, Maria come, then he gave you life. So, mommy to come, then he will take you know, these slides back, who may or may not have to reach out then he will redirect you again and you shall be returned to him and that is the finest so therefore, you have a total of four stages.

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What is the purpose of that? Death, life, death life.

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between the first and the second stage between the first death

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between the between the first death and the second death, there is a life between the first death and the second death, there is a life and that life was meant to be a testing period.

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And that's what a Muslim hatha refers to Leah blew up accelerometer to test and try

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and see which of you is best in terms of their deeds in their actions. So this is it. So you're given this chance you're brought to this life after you are not existing? And then you're going to be given a specific period of time that only the Muslim halat Allah knows. Right? And that's why one of one of the, you know, researchers basically was talking about how this is life. This is a person's life span. This is life. Now, we don't know

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With the length of this is, it could be 70 years. It could be 80 years, it could be 100. It could be 30. It could be 40. Nobody knows. And you don't know where you are

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on that.

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If this is the beginning, because this is my right, right and this is the end, right? You don't know whether you're here, whether you're halfway, three quarters of the way, or where whether you're like one third of the way you don't know, only Allah Subhana Allah knows.

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So lots of hand with Allah talks about this again in Surah. A room sort of 30 verse 54 Allahu Liddy halaqa Camilla.

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Daddy laughing

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so much.

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Yes, loco Masha.

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Katya, it is a loss of Hannah Diana, who created reverse 54, who created you in a state of helpless helplessness, weakness. And that is, as you know, fetus and then as a infant and as a toddler. And then we start gaining strength, gradually, we gain strength. And we start, we started walking at one point, when we gained strength and our muscles got stronger and stronger, you know, and we continue to gain strength and loss of how the data says, so much Alameda de Vaca, then gave us strength after weakness, it is a loss of habitat. And of course, this is the general rule. Of course, there are some exceptions, some people have some kind of, you know, disorder or that some kind of, you know,

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rare disease issues with their muscles or their bones and stuff like that, and they may not be able to, to gain that strength. But normally, the general rule is that people keep gaining strength getting stronger and stronger and stronger,

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until they reach their peak.

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In the old days, it used to be 40. Nowadays, it might be like 25, or 30, with the type of food and lifestyle that we have. And then the decline starts, then lots of how the data says too much. I mean, that is what bluffin was shaver.

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And I don't want anyone here to you know, panic or anything, but lots of Hana what Allah says.

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And then after that is strength, gave you weakness, and

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gray hair. So gray hair is associated with weakness. Some people might say, Well, I mean, I have gray hair all over, but I'm still strong, and

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ask a lot to give you strength and to bless your strength, the Prophet, peace be upon him by the way. He was 60 something and he only had an A says that he had total of 20 gray hair.

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between his beard and his his,

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his colleagues salatu salam.

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Then Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says Yes, hello po Masha, he creates whatever he wills. So, this is this is the basically the law of laws of Hannah This is the you know, the curve that everyone goes through. So there are these stages

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then comes the final journey, or what we will call you know, it is really not the final journey because it's just a final journey in this life, but there's a journey after it and as I said, inshallah, if this is open interest in Sharma we can start after Ramadan series that we call journey to the year after maybe from after Ramadan until the end of the year journey to the hereafter what that is, you know, worthy of one considering it to be final decision because truly gender is a final destination, you know, by the way, even the cover is not final destination,

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you know, your your your grade is not final because you are only there temporary. And then after that there there is resurrection, it is genuine. That is the aim of a believer. Right, everything else is is a stop layover, sometimes it's lengthy sometimes it's short. Right? And that's why someone says, treat this live like you treat any hub

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when you travel, you know, let's say you anyone knows Delta Airlines, what is it one of their major hubs

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people who travel a lot

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Atlanta, Georgia, right, big huge airport, they have you know, huge terminal. Alright, so you go there you might get caught up because of a storm or something like that. And you might wait you know, stay there you don't know how long you're gonna stay there. So you're they're stuck for a while. So imagine someone just, you know,

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putting a tent there. So he said, Just treat this life like, like you treat a hub where you're there for few hours layover, waiting for your connection for light. So when you're there at the airport, you try to just you don't you don't spend as much money as you would spend if you're if you're home, right? You try to only get by right? Eat, drink, whatever you have to do pray maybe find a masala and by the way,

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Most major airports nowadays, they have chapels or mazola. So you can just pray there. And Atlanta does have one.

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The only miserable airport that doesn't have that is lax.

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And we need to do something about it. But most major airports do have something so that's what you do you pray, you eat, you drink you use, you know, and then that's it. You don't find people investing and saying, well, I like these chairs right here, I'm going to buy a few You know, I'm just going to settle here and have a comfortable, you know, so he said, you might want to treat life like that only get what you need to get by.

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This is an opinion of someone, then comes death in the process of Allahu alayhi wa sallam talks about it. And that's what I want to Michelle talk about and then maybe take questions.

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And we'll go over all the a longer animal been listened to this hadith is, you know, it is an interesting Hadith some people find it to be like, scary or horrifying. But this is, this is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is a reality that is awaiting everyone. And, you know, one of the scholars said, I'm amazed at how people treat a certainty, something that is so certain

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that as if it's,

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you know, as if it's a doubtful matter

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if you ask people, do you have any doubt that you that you will die? Nobody has any you know, it's like certainty everybody agrees upon on this, right? Yet, when you look at our behavior, our lifestyle, our attitude about death, we treat it like it's not going to happen to us, it will happen to anyone else, but not.

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So is it I'm amazed at how we managed to do this, how we manage it to to treat a certainty like it's adult young adults will matter. So, the profits of the law, how do you settle on a long run who said in a hurry that is collected by Ahmed and his Muslim Brotherhood it has an authentic chain of narrators corradino Madhavi Solomon who it who will send them a vision as we left with the promises and then when we joined the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a janessa

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t janessa t or Julie mill and so on.

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We followed a funeral procession

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of a man from the unsolved and the end we know who the answer are. They also are the helpers or the group the the the companions who are from Medina who received the Sahaba who came from who came from Mecca immigrants, so they are the indigenous Muslims of Medina.

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He says

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fantana in a while

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you'll help

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he said we then we arrived at the grave, but the in it then we arrived at the grave, but the left was not completed was not done. So what is it? For those people who are interested? I wish I had a board here.

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There were two styles, the mannequins when they buried you know, the grave, right? It goes it's about what what is it like three feet wide?

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Right, three feet wide, maybe six feet or seven feet, you know, long and maybe about what

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maybe about like five feet deep or 60 you know, depending on where where you dig

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the people of Mecca used to do what is known as shock which is very by the way common or popular in the Indian subcontinent.

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Right? shot, what do they do, they dig the grave. And then when it comes to the, to the,

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to the to the floor, or you know, of that grave, they dig another they dig basically they make a trench

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they make a trench enough to fit the body.

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And then they place the body there is deep enough to basically fit the body and then they cover it

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they cover the body. So the body is in a little room in the ground, inside the ground. Another room within within the grave itself that cover that is called Chuck and that is what the people of Mecca used to do.

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Now the people of Medina used to do what is known as lab lab is the grave all the way and then they dig a room to the side of the grave on the side.

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So it is like an L shaped. If you were to imagine that an L shape. And then they place the body in there of course with the right side.

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You know, yeah, they lay the person on his right side or her right side with his face or her face facing the face is supposed to be facing.

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Now the person is facing the Qibla and that's where the opening is right? And then they put basically they put

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They block it with, with anything, you know, with any material, they close it. So the person is in a room or in a box next to the grave to the side of the grave L shaped.

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Now, you know that is that that is like and that's what the people of Medina used to do.

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And I know that someone is going to ask at the end, how was the process buried? We'll talk about that later. So this I haven't said that because this was a man from the outside. When they arrived to the grave, the light was not done. They only dug it. And they were trying to basically dig or make, you know, the,

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the side as they were doing that, because the janaza arrived, they put the janazah next to the grave.

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He said for jealousy Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Oh jealous. And so the messenger was set, and we all sat around him. And this is from the manners of the Sahaba they never say although we sat or the process of sat with us, they never say that they say the Prophet said, and we sat with him, the prophet left and we left with him.

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We were with the Prophet, he never, you would never find a compelling saying the Prophet was with us.

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So when we were with the profit, right,

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so, the profit set and they all sat around him, then he says, Can cinephile as if we have birds standing.

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You know, on our heads, meaning that's an expression in the Arabic language meaning that we were all quiet. We were all quiet.

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what he had to hear udon young kotoba Hill, subwoofer, car, stereo villa.

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And in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his hand there was a stick with it, he was basically

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had a stick with with which he was scratching the ground. And then he says, Seek refuge in a law from the torment of the grave from the punishment of the grave.

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And then

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he repeated that three times, twice or three times the companion forgot and then he says, In that moment, the prophet started describing the journey to the grave. He said in that moment, it occurred at a time in a junior Valley millionaire Naira, Illumina ecumenism a boo, boo

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nahimic Phantom in exile in Munich Phantom Jenna Hamilton Hamilton agenda, Hector Ah, this woman who would elbasan somogy Oh Malik remote alayhis Salam hatake this time the Roxy for a year 200 Super Eva. Luigi LML filati minna la he read one letter for you to see Luca Mata Cyril kokkola to Minnesota.

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Either Alameda Oh happy to hear

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Kevin Murphy delicate hello welcome to Venus Hajime skin wujud on

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behalf of Mr. Boo

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Boo Boo LAN we actually asthma he alleged he can with a mono is a mono be happy dunya how to enter will be hi dounia SFT hola hola whom you share your home in Cali sama.

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sama and lottery ha ha NTV a summer Serbia fell in love was zoa jen octavo kita de firendly in Where are you do you know? In naming her hello to him or at home?

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Or at home? tarakan Oprah

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roofie yesterday at Yahoo Malika t hemella. Can you discern if a hula hula hula bucola la Fey akula Nina who Medina equipo de la slum

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fekola Isla Omaha Raja * Sofia compare Kudo pseudo La la la hora alayhi wa sallam fekola De La Hoya el Mocambo para kita long for me to be here sadhak fionna demon una de minister Ma and photocopy de Wolfie rewire and free Xu hoomin agenda while we zoom in agenda.

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will TV half movie Abrahim would double sorry, y'all stop right there. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said very early

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when they believing servant of Allah when a believer man or a woman

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is leaving this world and entering, entering in the next

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one physicians give up on him and there is no hope and the person is dying.

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Angels from heaven descend to him. Their faces are so bright, like the sun, there, they're as bright as the sun, the brightness of them. And they come in in a very good form and good condition.

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Carrying with them, burial sheets, Kevin.

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And cents from Paradise. The sense that we use this life is not comparing, you know, you can't compare that to what they bring. Now that is at the spiritual level, something that we don't see, but the person who is dying, he sees that and he smells that.

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And Allah subhanaw taala tells us, when a layman qumola cannot observe when the person is dying, right, we are closer to him than his jugular vein, or we are closer to the human being than his jugular vein. And when the person is dying, Allah subhanaw taala tells us and soda

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and salt and waka when

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we are such, we are much closer to him than you are you have those of us who are standing who are standing around someone, some of their loved ones as they were dying. Allah says I am we are closer to him the angels a Muslim Hello that is closer to that person when I can get up soon. But you see not you can't see.

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And I don't know if any one of you have witnessed or was around someone as they were dying. Somehow. They are just looking staring. You know, you feel like they're there. They're still alive, but they're not with you. They're looking at someone else or something else they're staring. Right.

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So so the angels basically come in this form, which gives the person black tidings.

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And by the way, it is at that moment that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man, I have been in a lot of the lovely whosoever loans or or is anxious to meet a lot. He's he or she are they're anxious to their meeting with Allah. I have Beloved, Allah will be anxious to meet them

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or to meet with them. And whosoever woman Kitty, hello, mockery, hello, Hola. Whosoever hates

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whoever hates to meet to meet with a loss of habitat, loss of habitat, he hates to meet him. When I showed her this. She said oh Mercy of Allah, nobody gets excited about death. Nobody likes to die. I mean, we all have this resentment or this fear, this natural fear from death, nobody wants to die. He said, That's not. That's not that's not what I'm talking about. He said, when the when the person is dying, he or she will see what is awaiting for them, they get glimpses or they get hints, from what they see around them from, from the demeanor and from the looks from the from the angels, they can they can tell that whatever is going to come next is better.

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Likewise, if it's bad, then they know what is going to come next is worse. So he said at that point, the believer becomes anxious and excited to you know, because that becomes their best day. And that is why when I shuffle the alarm on a set, she reported when the Prophet was dying, the last three words that he uttered the last three words that he had repeated according to Isaiah he had repeated twice. He said Benny, Rafi, Allah,

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ne I rather be with the highest companion, I rather be with the highest companion, he repeated that twice, actually said at that point, I knew that he was being given the choice.

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The Prophet was being you know, because the Prophet said in the Hadith before that he said, no prophet had ever been, had ever died, except that the angel of death will ask for his permission. So when the Angel of Death basically as a profitable Learning Center, that he wants to die or not the process and said, No, I'd rather be with the highest companion, meaning I'd rather be with that law. And these were the last three words that he said. And he repeated them twice. Shortly after that. He said, the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt,

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you know, because she had him on her chest, she was, you know, holding him. And she said, I felt the muscle alive. She said, I knew that he died. That was his last wish. And that was his last answer.

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So, from their demeanor, the person will know and they become anxious again. So he said, I said with a believer sees what are the waiting, he becomes anxious and a lot becomes anxious and unhappy, you know, to meet with him. And when of course, the wrongdoer sees what is finally the moment comes, they don't want to die, and they become they're so terrified and and they don't want to meet with a lot and lots of Hana data. Wouldn't want to meet with them. Right? So, in this Hurry, the process continues, and he's

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says that they come and they sit, they descend with that kind of condition with sheets, various sheets and cents from Paradise. And they sit before him at a distance as far as his eye can see.

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And if you wonder, I don't know, again, how many of you, I don't know how many of you were around people who were dying, if you wonder why a person has, you know, somehow some, you know, I've seen this, so many people reported this to me, and I've seen it myself, you know, some relatives and some very close people, the person will be staring at a distance, they're not looking at, at the people around them, they may be surrounded totally by everyone,

00:30:42 --> 00:30:47

pretty much surrounded, right? But they're not, they're looking through, through through those people who are around them.

00:30:49 --> 00:30:59

And they're not paying attention to everybody else, or whatever the commotion and all the you know, whatever is happening, but they're fixed, they're either fixed on something else, that's because they see the angels.

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And the angels have to wait for that moment. They that, you know, that point maybe the person is, is basically struggling with the agony of depth, psychology mode, but the angels wait.

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Those angels wait for the arrival of the angel of death, the province of Watson said, Then the angel of death comes to the person sits at his head.

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And again, nobody sees this except the person and says, Oh, good soul,

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come out to your Lord's forgiveness and pleasure.

00:31:39 --> 00:31:42

Remember what Allah said in sort of alpha, yeah,

00:31:43 --> 00:31:44

movement in

00:31:45 --> 00:31:46

a peaceful

00:31:47 --> 00:31:48

soul come out.

00:31:50 --> 00:31:57

Yet with natural movement, energy in Arabic, Iranian Maria, come back to your Lord returned to your Lord pleased.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:24

And he shall be pleased with you. For fully theory value with what eternity and you shall enter be amongst my special my service my writing service, and you will enter My Paradise, that is the glide timing or the news that the soul will be given. The Prophet says that the soul of the believer becomes so anxious that it comes out easily it comes out flowing, like water flows out of a container.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:46

It comes out with ease, and we're talking about, we're not talking about the agony person might might have some agony of death, and might go might suffer before but the last the very last moment, one of the one of the signs is that the person's soul just comes out easily. Sometimes you can't even you won't even be able to tell whether they died or until you look at them and

00:32:47 --> 00:32:59

or until some of those machines indicate that or until until you know basically they stopped breathing. You can't. So how am I again I've seen something like that. I've seen people basically

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they just take a deep breath

00:33:03 --> 00:33:08

and then everything stops. That's it. And then you're waiting for them to basically inhale.

00:33:09 --> 00:33:10

Nothing that's

00:33:12 --> 00:33:25

very, very, you know, very easy. So the prophets, Allah Allah says, when it comes out, and they in the Angel of Death is about to approach it or hold it or embrace it, there upon the soul flows.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:28

The angels

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and as that happens, the process of said, all of the angels, between the sky and earth supplicate for Allah blessing upon him upon that soul.

00:33:43 --> 00:33:53

So when the believer is dying, the angels actually are engaged in this process, they're part of this and they, the doors of Heaven will be opened

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for that person. And and the prophet SAW Selim in the Hadith says that those angels when the Angel of Death basically embraces the soul, those angels Don't, don't wait too long before they jump on it, and they embrace it and they took the soul they take the soul. What does this all look like on the Alaska dinos, they take the soul, and they wrap it in those sheets.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:43

And they embrace it with with this sense that they have, and then they basically elevate or take it up to heaven. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, then the gates of heaven will be open for the soul, one after another all seven heavens, every time they come upon one of those heavens or one of those gates, the angels of this heaven

00:34:46 --> 00:34:47

the angels of this heaven

00:34:49 --> 00:34:53

receive it and they follow it all the way to the next to the next habit

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and each time they

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come upon one of those heavens, the angels will say, what is this beautiful and pleasant smell, the angels who are accompanied, who are basically accompanying the soul, they will say this is the soul of so and so naming him or her with the most beautiful, or with the most pleasant of his names in this life, whatever name he he loved the most, or he was known with that, that's what they will. So the angels pray for that individual. And welcome that soul. And again, they follow it to the next heaven, and to the next one to the next one from each heaven.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:45

The highest ranked angels follow that soul to the next one, until they end up above the seventh, the seventh heaven. And Allah Subhana, WA tada then says,

00:35:50 --> 00:35:53

register my servant, register my servant,

00:35:54 --> 00:36:02

it fearly in the basically, in the records of those who are who earned the highest ranks in Paradise.

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00:36:06 --> 00:36:25

And lots of how North Alice's take back his soul to his body. In the meanwhile, the burial process, we are left with the body, the soul is gone, we are left with the body. And this is the moment that happens after death, by the way, right? You have noticed that the person knows his or her identity.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:28

And they start referring to that person as what

00:36:29 --> 00:36:58

the body, in fact, somehow one of those things that is really, you know, kind of painful here is how the body of the deceased or the dead people is mistreated. And it's that we have to handle the body of a dead person. Right, especially whether it's a believer or not a believer, but a dead person, especially a believer, you should handle his body like you would handle him if he was alive. But here we refer to it as the body, put it in a bag and put it shove it around and stuff like that. They tie a little, you know,

00:36:59 --> 00:37:26

tag, you know, as the toe just to identify the body, very disrespectful, very disrespectful, right. But people refer to it as a body, what happens, you still have the body, you still have the six feet, you know, you still have the 210 pounds of meat, they used to walk around, you still have it. No, the person loses his identity, they say also left, he left us he passed away, he passed on, gone.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:54

That's because the body gets its value from the soul. So when the soul departs and the separation takes place, that said, we refer to that as the body. In the meanwhile, as the body is being prepared for burial, right, the soul is a waiting for the body to be buried. And once the body is buried, the prophesize element This tells us that Allah subhanaw taala says, Take the soul of my servant back to his body, and the soul will be brought back.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:31

And it will not it will not be reunited, meaning it will not get into the body in a way where the person becomes alive again, but rather it will be basically somehow there is a link or connection between the soul and the body. And very similar except that the body will be dead, very similar to the connection between the soul and the body when a person is asleep. Except that the body the flesh itself, and the cells of the body cells and the organs are all dead. They no longer function function. Because it's not a it's not a full a full union. Don't ask me about the extent of that union because we don't know again.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:39

That's a mystery that we have no clue of. And we don't have to be very hasty, because everyone will experience it.

00:38:43 --> 00:39:01

Now, I will stop right here, because from the works of our scholars and from the opinion of our scholars, there seems to be a connection between the soul and the body, during this stage, some kind of connection. And the soul is either aware or feels what happens to the body.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:02


00:39:03 --> 00:39:24

anything that happens the way the body's treated and all that, but the Prophet tells us that at this stage, basically the soul wants the person is buried, the soul is brought back and then the the person or the soul will be approached with two angels. And the two angels basically set the person up again, not physically, but rather

00:39:25 --> 00:39:26


00:39:27 --> 00:39:33

Now the conversation has been between the angels and the soul and the soul is attached is attached to the body.

00:39:34 --> 00:39:38

Right. And they will they will question that person.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:44

So the believer also will be questioned as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us

00:39:47 --> 00:39:52

right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in the Hadith, and let me just, you know, go over

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They will they will begin to ask him questions. They say Who is your Lord? That's the first question. He replies, Allah is my Lord.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:23

Allah and Allah. They continue. What is your religion? He answers Islam is my religion, solid state of submission, Islam is my religion. they proceed with their questioning,

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asking him Who is the man? Or what do you know about the man that was that has been sent to you? He responds, he is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Finally they asked him about his deeds and his knowledge. To which he replies, I read the last book, and I believed in it

00:40:47 --> 00:41:25

and I followed it. Right. So upon saying that, not anyone, by the way, not everyone will be able to answer like that. Not everyone, only true believers who had connection with those concepts, those who had connection with Allah, it will be easy. Why because they had connection. Those who had connection with the Quran, those who are connected with the sooner they will easily be able to identify the process and as the messenger because their lifestyle basically was was in alignment with his with his teachings and his traditions, they will be able, that's when the prophet SAW someone said, then a voice will call or a voice will be heard.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:32

My servant has told the truth. So clothed him,

00:41:33 --> 00:41:44

in the clothing of Paradise, spread for him furnishings from Paradise and open for him a window with a view of paradise.

00:41:46 --> 00:41:56

There upon he is engulfed by a breeze of fresh air and fragrance, while the wild his grave is expanded for him.

00:41:57 --> 00:42:02

And that is stage four, the believer will be like a very pleasant sweet sleep.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:09

In fact, in the hoodie that says that when the believer sees that, he will say, Oh Allah,

00:42:11 --> 00:42:20

when he says that, and he and he, he knows what is waiting for him is even better than that. He would ask Allah subhanaw taala to start the day of judgment

00:42:23 --> 00:43:01

to start the day of judgment in that period, I mean, the scholars say that period will seem like like a very pleasant Sweet dream. And what we know from like, very pleasant if you're very comfortable, you're you have a very deep, very comfortable, very peaceful sleep. And especially if you have like a very nice dream, you know, that you're enjoying, it's quick, you won't feel it at night, you nightmares no matter how short they are, they, they they feel like you know, karate, right. So this is what the prophet SAW said and said about the journey, the last or the final journey of the believer from this life to the life of the Buddha, which is before the year after.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:38

And of course, the Hadeeth continues is a linear ad. And in the process one talks about the opposite. In contrast to this, the process of talks about what happens to disbelievers and wrongdoers, and you know, and and it would be like, with everything that I said pretty much is the opposite of what I said that was not my intention to go over it right, but rather to give the glad tidings for those who believe in Allah subhana wa tada and they believe in a leap and the DNA of a will up masala woman man as of now. So if you have any questions shala regarding the process of death or anything of that nature is shallow, I'll be more than happy to answer it.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:48

You know, anything that is related to this subject? You know, somehow I'll be more than happy to answer this show. The floor is open for your questions.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:51

You want to take this

00:43:56 --> 00:44:03

just because you told me not to move around any if you just you told me not to move around, right. Okay. Why do you consider

00:44:05 --> 00:44:08

to question what is

00:44:13 --> 00:44:14

the sun

00:44:17 --> 00:44:17

and the

00:44:20 --> 00:44:22

sun is going down

00:44:24 --> 00:44:25

after his death?

00:44:27 --> 00:44:30

integrate first before asking questions.

00:44:31 --> 00:44:37

I've not come across any authentic narration that that that.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:46

By the way, one thing of course, we have to be aware of when it comes to the here after the punishment of the grave what happens on the Day of Judgment, all these things.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:48

You know,

00:44:49 --> 00:44:59

there are a lot of narrations that that may not be authentic. So we have to be careful. We have to basically be able to filter those and only you know

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

only follow that which is which is authentic, which has been verified is

00:45:05 --> 00:45:06

about wishing for the death.

00:45:13 --> 00:45:14

Wish wishing.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:17

The prophecy

00:45:18 --> 00:45:29

of the brothers asking is there anything about about wishing death, wishing them, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, there's a man named had to come and tell us about

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this and none of us shall ask for death, or wish for death, because of some kind of pain or because of some kind of hardship or difficulty that he is, or she are experiencing, you should not ask for death in Canada would define if the person must, let's say, someone has given up a doctor's, you know, medicine basically gave up on that person, that person is in a lot of pain, and they're just, you know, the quality of life is very, the process I've said, if one must do that, then let him say, you still should not ask for death. But let him say the Prophet teaches us teaches us how do I let him say, a lahoma, to a funny mechanic with Aloma Haney malim, to repair to hire me, whatever funny

00:46:21 --> 00:46:22

man, I need to go find

00:46:28 --> 00:46:31

a new manager hire to hire a lead, whatever funny.

00:46:34 --> 00:46:35

There are different

00:46:37 --> 00:46:57

versions of it basically the process of said, the person that should say, online, give me life, or prolong my life, as long as you know that life is good for me. And Oh Allah bring death upon me as long as death is good for me. So whatever is good for me, and you know, what is good for me? Cause it to happen.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:17

That that should be any the, you know, the way the person but no one should say, you know, no, no, that person should not say Oh, Ma, take me online, make this my end date, you know, and in fact, the process of discourages discourages us from, from having negative thinking and negative thoughts.

00:47:20 --> 00:47:24

The Prophet went to visit a sick person. And by the way, one of the you know,

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teachings of the Prophet is when we, when we visit the sick, that we need to basically motivate them and we need to cheer them up. And we need to basically, you know, boost their, their, their, their morale, and make them feel better. Don't tell them tell them any bad stories. And you know, how, like, you had a cousin that had a very similar disease and just didn't make it and that is the worst thing that you can ever do to someone who's dying, they're already in a lot of fear. The last thing that they want is someone to do that. So the process tells us that so the Prophet comes to visit this old Bedouin, who was sick in the process of cheering wants to cheer him up. And he said, the

00:48:03 --> 00:48:20

whole set he said, This, hopefully this is purification for you. So he said, No, this is not purification. This he started complaining, this is this and that, well, I can now have multiple he said, and it shall make it shall cause death or it shall make me go to the grave, and I will die out of it.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:28

The process of lesson number as far as you know, the frog didn't like this kind of attitude, he said then it is as you wish,

00:48:29 --> 00:48:31

and the man didn't make it he died.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:37

So you know, it is very important to keep positive, positive attitude. Now. He has

00:48:48 --> 00:48:50

what? gender gender

00:49:01 --> 00:49:01


00:49:03 --> 00:49:06

first question, does this soul have gender?

00:49:08 --> 00:49:09

I don't know.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:12

I mean,

00:49:13 --> 00:49:14

what is gender?

00:49:21 --> 00:49:26

Male or female? I guess my assertion was the soul of a female is female and the soul of a male is a male.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:31

But isn't gender specific?

00:49:36 --> 00:49:48

I guess when you see the thing is okay, here's what I'm gonna say the Prophet sallallahu. The center was asked about the nature of a rule a rule is another word for soul or spirit. And the song that

00:49:50 --> 00:49:58

he was asked about it about it's about the the the nature of Apollo. And it wasn't her dad told him to say the following

00:50:00 --> 00:50:41

The above do metal in the roof, the knowledge of the road and its condition or its conditioning. And its nature is only known to a loss of habitat. And that's why when I started I said this, this is an area where you cannot speculate or where you cannot like do some guesswork, but rather leave the knowledge up to a loss of data. So, so I would say over the loss of data on the analyst diagnose, as for the second question, how was the prophet SAW the love and he was sending very, very interesting when there's a habit of one on one having him took care of the body of the prophet or when the close you know, the family of the prophets and the close members of the family of the Prophet and some of

00:50:41 --> 00:51:09

his companions, took care of the body of the Prophet. You know, they basically washed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his body. And by the way, they did not they did not expose his body, meaning they did not take off his clothes. They washed him with his clothes on La salatu salam, whatever he died in his garment in which he died, they kept it on. Because they were actually debating, they said, what's the process and it was covered laying down where he where he died on a salad with salad baby. Oh, me.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:48

So they said, What should we do? They were so you know, you can imagine what kind of so they said, what should we do. And as they were sitting, debating whether they should take off his clothes and wash him or not, they heard a voice. They didn't know where it came from, or who it was saying, Do not uncover the Messenger of Allah. don't expose them as the body of the Messenger of Allah. So they decided to wash him with his garments on him. And it's a lot of stuff. So they washed him they pour the water and they did everything from above any his his garment, and they shrouded him and his garment, so they never took off his garment. So if anyone, by the way, claims that they have the

00:51:48 --> 00:52:03

government of the province in which he died, they're lying, because they never took it up. They surrounded him with his garment. And they put him in three rolls of white sheets, right, and then they left the body there. Up until that point, the Muslims don't have a leader.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:41

Up until that point, I wasn't going to have a leader except that a worker is leading the salon. But when it comes to offering salon janaza, every person every individual came and offered the his his respect and creates a lot of janazah for the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. As individuals, they came into small groups into that room, they did not they never took the body out of the room. They left it there. And men, the men first came, the elders of the community came and they walked in and the small groups, and they offered a lot of janazah. And then they would leave and then then the next group of people come. And then after that, I believe it was women and then children or children

00:52:41 --> 00:52:52

and then women until the whole community basically preyed upon the Prophet sallallahu. I think it was send them and that process took a day and a half. The problem passed away midday on on a Monday, and he was buried

00:52:54 --> 00:52:54

Wednesday night.

00:52:56 --> 00:53:06

So so that's how long How long is it? When they wanted to bury the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they didn't know where to bury him? Should they bury him next to his uncle and or hurt?

00:53:07 --> 00:53:18

Or should they bury him? Or should they take him to Mecca? Or should they bury him? To me? I don't know if it was an option, or should they bury him with his companions and his children who were buried in a dock here.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:58

And again, as they were debating about that a worker of the law Who said I heard the message of a loss of a lot of incentives say, I heard him saying that no prophet dies, except that he will be buried where he died. So they did they decided to basically move the body of the proximal alliance with him to the other side of the room, and then dig beneath right where he his body was was was laid. So they dug right there where the process of the past that's where they get, now, the worker of the law, and the Sahaba pray, the worker prayed, he said, Oh Allah choose for your prophet the best. And they sent to two people, two individuals who were specialized in digging graves aboard

00:53:58 --> 00:54:04

Aveda, who was from Mecca. And a Buddha who was from Medina

00:54:06 --> 00:54:08

Aveda got caught up

00:54:09 --> 00:54:53

with something and by the time he made it, he had already arrived. And the style of the people of Medina was what led to the progress on the law. They said it was very aligned. That meaning that he was buried in you know, to the side of the great so they they in an L shaped and ever since then that basically became the most dominant, not the only center but the most dominant tradition. And it's okay to bury with a shop that is absolutely. So that became basically the the most common or the most dominant in a way of burying. And if you ever went to Medina and he witnessed people being buried in a buffet, that's what you will see. You know, always there is a grave and then to the side

00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

there's a little room where the body is made. So that's how the promise will lie. The cinemas was buried

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00:55:02 --> 00:55:02


00:55:13 --> 00:55:15

Even in our household, we have the discretion

00:55:17 --> 00:55:21

to just walk away from it and say, You know what, I just thought

00:55:23 --> 00:55:27

he was a man. He's even said, you know, when

00:55:30 --> 00:55:35

he said what if you don't care for it. So I take the same kind of orientation as

00:55:37 --> 00:55:38

you have two sides.

00:55:42 --> 00:55:48

One side, it's very like the graphic description of the punishment of the grave and the snakes and

00:55:49 --> 00:55:56

you know, in the hereafter and that fascinates people, a lot of people gets gets fascinated with these with these kind of details

00:55:57 --> 00:56:06

and kind of distracting them or losing focus from the main from the main from the main issue and the main point now, as you know,

00:56:08 --> 00:56:08

is it

00:56:09 --> 00:56:48

part of one's good? We need to go back to the fundamental issue of good IPTV based on a had narrations there are differences of opinion on that matter, the opinion of the Jim Hall the you know, the opinion of the majority of the scholars and the one that I feel very comfortable with and confident about is that it does it does it does it is it is it does establish a heater, so that I have no problem with it. It does establish either, but my issue was again, what is the point of it? I mean, what is the point of the process of loss and then describing even, that even the mistake the Quran,

00:56:49 --> 00:57:07

the Quran gives us graphic details and descriptions about what is awaiting for the believers in paradise. And in many verses or ism verses, it talks about very, very detail or gives you a lot of description about what is the horror of Hellfire and the Day of Judgment. What is it?

00:57:10 --> 00:57:27

Allah Subhana Allah says, then you can live your home from law behind a bed, yeah, a bed, if that's the whole point. If Allah subhanaw taala tells you something, there are some people, we have to understand that there are all kinds of people, different psychologies in a different there are some people who are driven by fear.

00:57:28 --> 00:58:07

And there are some people who are more motivated by, you know, positive, you know, feelings and, and, and, and, you know, positive reinforcement, that's what motivates them. But to me, it is problematic, when are we all when we all become nothing, but those who are driven by their fear. And, and like, for example, one time or some people about, about salah and how important it is. And they said, can you tell us about the punishment of the great. I'm like, I'm telling you about something great, I'm telling you about about Salah, and how of how great of a condition it is with a loss of habitat and how important and how great it is. And you're like, Yeah, because we have to

00:58:07 --> 00:58:07

scare us.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:13

And that is the effect of Hollywood horror movies.

00:58:14 --> 00:58:38

Unless, and the problem with that kind of mentality is that it doesn't last, it is not based on conviction. It is not based on real authentic connection, but rather write very quick fix temporary or you feel very, you're scared and you want to feel better. So you pray a couple of records, and you have good for a day or two or three and then what happens that fades away.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:55

That fades away. Right? So you know, a believer, I believe the best of the believers are those who are driven by their love. And their their their, their, their hope or their connection with the loss of Hannah, who

00:58:57 --> 00:59:00

I don't know if I covered all the points that you asked you kind of just

00:59:01 --> 00:59:07

Yeah, but you get you you basically asked what I call what I classify as a fully loaded question.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:12

Sisters, this is another ask any questions?

00:59:23 --> 00:59:24


00:59:25 --> 00:59:27

Are you done with your question? Okay.

00:59:37 --> 00:59:50

Well, the last moment happens before death. And what we said about the grave and what happens after death, I was literally alone. It was said that when a man sees a grave and especially an open grave, he would cry.

00:59:52 --> 00:59:59

So they said to him, you know, Hellfire is mentioned paradise as mentioned, many things are mentioned and you don't cry but when you see a grave you

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Cry, he said, this is the first stage of Akira.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:32

He said, this is the first stage of Africa, if this is good, whatever comes after, it will be better. And if this is bad, you know, whatever it is horrible that whatever comes after it is even in a much more miserable. So he said, That's why this is a very critical, basically it to him, it's a critical stage. And it's a very profound and strong reminder for him. So, again, the person will will know their fate after their death, or will have an idea.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:40

You know, somehow regarding the grave, the punishment or the reward in the grave,

01:00:41 --> 01:01:00

you know, in this Hurry, there is, yeah, specifically, the problems are the measures, that the person will have to basically live or deal or be in the company of his deeds. And this lead measures that the deeds will come in the form of a person,

01:01:02 --> 01:01:08

if it's their their good deeds, then in the form of a good looking, you know, pleasant individual, keeping that person company,

01:01:09 --> 01:01:14

keeping good company, and if it's the opposite, and then the opposite.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:55

But basically, the, whether it's metaphors, it's, it's, the point here is that the person will be living with his actions or his deeds. And then another Hadith, the prophet tells us that when a person goes to the grave when the person is very free things follow him, his wealth, his children and his deeds, two things, go back and leave him behind with one. And that is his deeds, but his wealth, the entire entourage, his car, maybe the car that he paid for, right, his wealth will follow it, and his children and his family will follow Him, they deliver him to his grave, right, and they leave him with one thing, his deeds, he's left with nothing, absolutely nothing, your wedding ring

01:01:55 --> 01:02:09

will be taken out everything, all your special, you know, everything will be taken away from you. And only these accompany In fact, even the glue that is that people basically something that you don't even choose or you don't get to pick, someone else will.

01:02:10 --> 01:02:19

And it's someone else's courtesy, right. So the person will be left with their deeds. And that's what we need to focus on. What kind of deeds do we want to be with?

01:02:20 --> 01:02:24

What kind of what kind of companionship do you do you plan for that stage?

01:02:26 --> 01:02:37

That is the most the most important, most critical question that we have to, to answer. And I'll leave you with this analogy. Imagine, imagine a criminal awaiting a trial.

01:02:38 --> 01:02:51

And then all of a sudden, he is kept in a cell or in a room somewhere in the chamber, where he all of a sudden he is in the company of all the people that are going to testify against him, and were his partners and his crime.

01:02:52 --> 01:03:07

What kind of any, let's say he's, he's there for an hour or two or three hours, these will be like the worst three hours of his life, he knows that these people are going to come out of that room with him pointing fingers at him. He knows, he knows he's guilty.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:24

Right? Imagine the kind of three hours of waiting period that that person will be. And imagine a person and innocent individual or someone who is about to be awarded something, or rewarded. And he has this waiting room he's about to receive his reward, and all those,

01:03:25 --> 01:04:08

you know, accomplishments that he have accomplished, whatever, whether it's a book or research paper or degrees, whatever are brought, and he like, the whole time he's looking at them. He's so excited. He doesn't know, you know, which one, which one made it, you know, and he's so excited about his work and whatever, whatever earned him that award. Right? How, how excited, you know, How exciting is How exciting is that, that that particular period, and he's so excited and so happy that that he or she will not even feel that time no matter how long the wait is, in fact, they have so anxious, very similar. So good deeds are the achievement of the believer, they will be with him in his grave.

01:04:08 --> 01:04:13

bad deeds and sins are the, you know, horrible.

01:04:15 --> 01:04:22

You know, earning of wrongdoer coming up and the person will have to face him or deal with them.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:33

You know, at one point or another, we asked him lots of data to make us from the people of good deeds. We asked them to make use of those who prepare themselves for this for this journey.

01:04:34 --> 01:04:49

And those who will have a peaceful journey back to a loss of Hannah Montana, a peaceful journey back to paradise, where they will be inshallah tada where we wish and we're looking forward to be reunited with the prophets.

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

And the sub, the theme, the truthful followers of the prophets, and Shahada markers and a solid game.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

The righteous virtuous servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala Roberto COVID Meena kandasamy already metallian emollient, Rahim Allah dunia Hassan, Hassan okina, Radha na are benefit Ana de novo so often Effie emelina with a bit akademin also not uncommon. Catherine soprano be cannibalized for

01:05:23 --> 01:05:24


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