Mohammed Faqih – Khutbah How A Believer Deals With Problems

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The segment discusses various topics including the origin of the coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic, and struggles and trials. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one's emotions and dealing with pain in life. The speakers also stress the importance of preparing oneself mentally and physically to avoid surprises and loss of joy. The segment also touches on tests and trials for various issues, including problems, emotions, and relationships. It is emphasized the need to be mindful of the impact of COVID-19 on people, and the importance of following social distancing rules and preparing for potential events.
AI: Transcript ©
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in Alhamdulillah

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Allah was dying who was so beautiful a study?

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Sharon ohmori my desire to have Hakuna Matata sitting Buddha Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah.

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Alhamdulillah a one as

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well. Hello, Danny and yes. Well, hello fellas and Yoruba when Harlan probeer an escort had he recovered in Alba

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dear brothers and sisters, Allah Subhana Allah created us

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and by the mere fact that we are of the creation of Allah subhana wa tada

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the very fact that we are the servants of a loss of had on with that

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puts us in a position where we will be tested by Allah Xhosa

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and I know that we have talked about this in the past and approach this subject from different angles.

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But it seems that our reminder is needed, as we witness and see and experience ourselves. All kinds of tests and trials, tests and trials that vary from the smallest dilemma and every day crisis. That one goes through, like having a flat tire or getting a fever and getting sick. Sometimes people say oh, it's not a you know, it may bother me the same individual may experience the same thing, different days, you'll be bothered you know, at times with the same issue more than other times.

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If you have a flat tire when you have a very you know hectic day, and that adds more to to to your to your preoccupation and your busy schedule. You'll be more frustrated than if it's a day where you had not much you know, you didn't have much planned

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but whether we realize how big it is. Whether it's bothers us or not. Trials or trials tests our test any kind of pain or suffering that the believer goes through, will not go unnoticed by lots of hands on with Allah for to begin with is from the pleasure of Allah.

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Even obey Rahim Allah said that people are four categories when it comes to dealing with calamities, or misfortunes of any kind. One category The first category is the category of those who pretty much as some people say, lose it, or people who become

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overwhelmed. They're overwhelmed by the calamity that it

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disables them. And their incompetence basically, is provoked by that, they do nothing about it, they're either extremely passive to the extent where they just suffer and do nothing.

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And they suffer and they're in a lot of pain and, and they would complain about that pain, and they're always upset or angry and frustrated.

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And very often you'll find people complaining. And sometimes they may be even complaining to someone who may be dealing with or handling a bigger problem than,

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than their problem.

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And it's very, you know, ironic how sometimes you find, you know, individuals, you know, suffering from all kinds of issues. And each individual thinks that his or her problem is the biggest problem in the world, there's nothing bigger than their problem.

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And the whole world has to attend to their issue or to their problem, have to come to their rescue, because no one in the world is going through, through anything that they're going through.

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So even though pay him or him Allah says that this is the lowest of all categories, and unfortunately, it's the most common category.

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And he said, the only one who does not have faith, or one who does not have, you know, good control over his sanity, with resort to this, to this type of reaction.

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The second category is the category of those who are steadfast those who endure those who are patient, either they are patient, hoping for the reward of a loss of habitat. So they do it for the sake of Allah knowing that this is from Allah. So they, they're patient, or, because that's just part of their character, they endure, they deal with the pain, they cope with it.

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The third category is the category of those who are content.

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And please do the last panel with the other regardless.

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And the fourth category is the category of those who are grateful.

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And of course, this is a very rare.

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And of course, you know, all of us wonder how one can manage to do something like this.

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But we do have examples of people of that kind, that we find a lot of inspiration as we talk about them.

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And one of those people was our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and many of the prophets of the messengers before him.

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Some of those people were people like urbanism.

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Some of those people were people like Eli Lilly,

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who are able to see beyond the agony and the pain of their suffering, and maintain their hope and their, their connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And were able to not only cope, in fact, some of them maybe did not even have to cope with a problem, because coping means that you really have to struggle with a lot of pain, and you have to overcome resentment you have to overcome, you know, bitterness, and that they they manage to see the beauty, they managed to see the reward, they managed to see the blessing.

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So how does a believer How can one deal with this practically speaking, how can one deal with all of these things? six points. And that's what I want you to remember. six points to help us maybe be at the level of those who are patient and steadfast and not let us lose our faith, or lose our minds.

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And maybe if we master those six points, maybe we'll be able to experience and get to the second or even the third level and be grateful to share in either the culture had italica we'll see But look, where Anak Allahu Allah, Allah, Akbar,

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a woman,

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an akula. She in Baku in waupaca. First, remember that everything that happens, all things happened by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Almighty, that everything comes from Allah, all things good or bad, from a loss of hello to Allah, as stated in the Quran, Surah 478. And we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not do something that is pointless or that does not have some wisdom in it.

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And Allah Subhana Allah has already declared to all of us that we will be tested, with good and bad with fortune and misfortune with good and evil.

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When the blue can be shared, he will hire a fitna and he told us what the purposes

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so remember that is all from a loss of handle with that, and remember that your ultimate passion is a loss of haddow with that, so whatever comes

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from him, by by way of as a test or as a trial, you have to be determined to accept and deal with.

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Number two turanian

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Ariela Mota Dr. Anil just an Al Jazeera Allah

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Al Jazeera, oh,

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what I actually from what I

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remember the second thing that wants you to remember, is that panicking, losing patience, complaining, whining, getting angry and upset, does not change the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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it doesn't change what Allah has already enacted upon you.

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It is not.

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And that's why By the way, it is a sign of wisdom.

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It is a sign of intelligence, when one deals with calamity, with patience and steadfastness.

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And that's why a philosopher was not even Muslim. a philosopher said that, indeed, a wise man is he who endures on the first day, as a fool does after a month.

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The wise man is he who endures on the first day as a full does after a month.

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Because most people say yeah, and hamdulillah I dealt with it. You didn't deal with it time dealt with it.

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Once people get over it, they say yeah, you know, I'm over it or I'm putting up with it, or I'm dealing with it says it's, it's all over theirs. They realize after a month, 40 days, one year two or three or four. Some people take some longer some people never come out of it. May Allah subhanaw taala help us all. It's very painful.

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So why is it wise person is here who deals with it when it's fresh on the first day, with courage as a fool does after a month.

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Number three valleys and

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Anima NTV aha for a one woman, man or woman.

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Now this one is tough one. It's a tough one to translate. It's a tough one to deal with. And even remember,

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remember, the third thing is that you remember that whatever you're dealing with, is less than what some other people may be dealing with. In other words, remember that it could have been worse.

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And it's it scares me when I hear myself thinking. Even if I Don't utter the words, when I hear myself thinking, it scares me, let alone when I hear someone uttering the words and comfortably repeating words like this is the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

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Oh, things can get a can can cannot get worse. could not get any worse. How do you know?

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Do you want a loss of data to show you that things can really get worse? Of course we can't. We can't handle it. We can't afford it. And that's why we have to be very careful. It scares me when I think about it. When I think oh my god, this must be like the worst thing that ever happened to me. How do I know?

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How do I know the there isn't worth coming. And that's why

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a believer should resist and reject these kind of thoughts and not allow his tongue to utter those words.

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And this is a very useful and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said whosoever thinks that they're in a bad situation, they should look at those who are less than them, or those who are having who or who are having worse time than them.

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And that's why somehow you find people who help other people cope with their grief. You find them that helps them it was said that a woman went to a wise man.

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And she said to him that I have lost my child,

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the only child that I have and then I was so attached to him and I am really really in a lot of pain and I cannot deal with the pain has been a while now. And I can this pain is going to kill me. And I need a cure. I can't live like this. It's very painful. I want you to make something for me that will help me overcome this pain. And so he said yeah, there is indeed something that can be done about this. I need you to bring me a mustard seed. And I will crush that mustard seed mix it with some special oil and make a piece out of it. And you will have to basically mix it with some liquid and drink that solution and you will never feel that pain again. The pain will disappear. She's well

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that's very easy said wait. But there's a catch. He said what is the catch? He said you need to go that mustard seed has to be

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Obtained free of charge, you can't pay for it. You have to get it from a household that had never seen any misery or suffered any loss.

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She said, Okay, sure.

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So she went around knocking around the town, knocking on the doors of people saying, Do you have mustard seeds?

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And the household that says Yes, he's like, Okay, wait a minute. Have you suffered anything?

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Any misfortune any loss? They will say, yeah, of course, you know, what happened? Blah, blah, blah, they start telling her Oh my god,

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after she hears their story, maybe helps to, you know, help them cope with it. She's like, okay, I can't take the mustard seeds from here. So not only. And then she goes to another house, she went through the whole town, she couldn't find a household that did not suffer some kind of misfortune, most of whom had issues that are by far worse than what she had to deal with. She lost her own son. So she had to go to the village or to the town, the nearest town.

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And same thing, until she went around the whole region, she couldn't find one single household that did not suffer a calamity or a loss. Until one day it hit her. She said, Why am I doing this?

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She even forgot why she was doing this.

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And she went back to the to the to the to the man. And she said to him, I couldn't find the mustard seed, but I don't feel the pain anymore.

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So seeing what other people have to go through, and helping other people helped her overcome her own problem.

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Number four, Robbie on

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to that car.

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Remember that what a loss of Hannah with Allah has left, or has given you or has favored you are blessed you with is by far greater than what Allah has taken from you.

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And we can learn this concept from the story of none other than urbanism to be a man that lost his son, his oldest son, he was kicked by the horse, one of the horses. I don't know what he did not the medics stable. During the umayyads dynasty, he went to visit the halifa. They were going around looking at the horses. One of the horses kicked his son, his oldest 17 year old son killed him instantly.

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After he finished burying him, people came to give him his condolences. The man went to vacation or to to visit his friend

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in Sham, may Allah subhanaw taala bring peace to the people of that region. May Allah subhanho wa Taala alleviate their pain and their suffering. So at that time, 1400 about 1300 years ago, he went to visit and have vacation, he took his son with him and his son got killed.

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So people came to him, you know, expressing their sorrow and their pain. And they said, How do you feel? He said, hamdulillah all praises due to Allah. He gave me four sons. he spared three.

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Look, he didn't say he took one. He said he first he started he said he spared three. And he took one to allow belongs what he gives To Him belongs what he takes, and we thank him for what he gives. And we thank him for what he takes. In La la la Raja number five.

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alum Nicola Catherine hikma lower alimta, hello, and we'll see

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in a liquid liquid in hikma

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and the tin can masiva can attain them.

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Know that there is wisdom that almost hot Allah has wisdom remember that Allah subhanaw taala is wisdom is infinite. And if we know that wisdom, nothing happens unless there is wisdom hickmott Ambani Allah, Allah subhanaw taala his wisdom is infinite. So if we and we do not have the capacity

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to encompass or understand the wisdom of Allah, we don't understand the wisdom of a lion, everything that happens, because we don't have that capacity. And sometimes, if you understood the wisdom, or if you are able to understand the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala, but you have to believe in it, you will know that whatever you consider to be the worst thing that ever happened to you may have been or maybe the best thing that ever happened to you.

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The loss of what Allah says you may hate something I said Takahashi and Ohio luck,

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right? You may hate something that turns out to be good for you.

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And Allah knows and you know not.

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And the example of this is there's an infinite number of examples that show this

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infinite number of examples. The worst thing I mean, we know

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You know, Malcolm X goes to prison. And he discovered Islam in prison. Going to prison was the best thing that ever happened to him.

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You can take a simple example you have a flat tire. Sometimes people complain, oh my god, I had a flat tire and I went, and I was very late. Maybe Allah subhanaw taala saved you from a deadly accident that was ahead of you. And because of that flat tire, you know you are able to live.

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In fact, we will even go further than that in the studio that we recite every Friday, Allah subhanaw taala talks to us about the story of Moses, when he met with the righteous man.

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And another. And I must advise parents and your discretion advice here

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ended up killing a little boy.

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And Moses was upset. How could you kill this in this innocent child?

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And of course a little later told him he said his parents were righteous people.

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And this child was going to grow to be someone that will abuse them. A wicked person. He was about to become a wicked person that will cause suffering to his parents and maybe other people.

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Allow order to me to take them at this stage in a loss of habitat or replace them with someone better.

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Finally, number six, sad isn't it lm an akula masiva tillamook mirela Holloman Sowell bin Elmo Puritan autumn Hinson refashioning I will definitely Bella

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whatever Coco Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Emeril movement in Amara hula hula higher in Asada to Surat Chaka Khan a la sobre todo sobre la cara Helena

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when as lol Bella oh yes zero will AB de

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la la la la He will send them a shadow nasty Bella and an MBA from an M cellufun emson there is a little Bella mini I mean at the hotel, Allah Allah Allah even.

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The sixth point is that remember, that any calamity that a believer suffers, whether it be physical or emotional, any calamity or suffering, it will either increase his rank before Allah subhanaw taala or remove from his or her sins or purify them and make them stronger. In other words, there is always benefit. There is some positive outcome for the believer, as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned there's a loss of Hannah with Allah mentioned in the Quran, the least of which is the tremendous amount of reward or loss of Hannah with Allah has prepared for those who show patience and show

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pleasure with whatever Allah subhanaw taala decrees. ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make use of those who accept the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala not to make our loss, the loss of our faith, for that is a loss that cannot be replaced. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to alleviate the pain and the suffering of our brothers and sisters all over the world, especially those of our community members who are ill, or sick or depressed or upset with anything with any loss in life. And ask Allah Subhana Allah to help them overcome their challenges.

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alojado cola soft Allah Allah Allah confessor ferrovia felucca.

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Alhamdulillah Hamza here on Moroccan feet wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala Dear brothers, please move forward and fill in the gaps and do not block the interest of Article if you can, if you see any space in front of you. Please fill that space up.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I initially wanted to talk about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam final days, were seven were for 17 days the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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suffered a tremendous amount of pain, physical pain that is

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and high fever. So I'm sure the profit or loss enough could not join the believers could not leave the believers in prayer.

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And he designated he ordered that aboubaker leaves the Muslims in prayer. He couldn't leave the prayer himself. He couldn't even join them to the prayer.

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And one of his companions entered.

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And he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said almost you have a law you are indeed suffering. You're in a lot of pain. He said yes, indeed.

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He said my pain is equivalent,

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or cannot be handled by two of you. It's doubled. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, We prophets and messengers. Our tests or our trial is doubled.

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It's much more intense

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than when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was asked about that he said

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the prophets and the messengers are the most tested and tried

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to Muslim fellow fell and fell as he said, and he said those who are the closest to them in terms of piety.

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You've Taylor Raja Raja kaduri Dini. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the individual will be tested according to the level of their faith. So if the individual's faith is strong, he would be tested and tried in the in a severe manner than an ordinary person.

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Similarly, if a man's faith is weak, he would be tested accordingly.

00:30:49 --> 00:30:57

The Prophet then concluded by saying, a person would be struck by calamities until he or she

00:30:58 --> 00:30:59

is without a sin.

00:31:01 --> 00:31:03

euteller Raja Raja Catarina

00:31:04 --> 00:31:11

hataoka Lucha at the end of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam alikum, unhealthier without anything, purified.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a famous Hadith,

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how wonderful is the affair of the believer.

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For his affairs are all good.

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And this applies to no one but a believer.

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If something good happens to him,

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he is thankful for it. And that turns out to be good. And if something evil happens to him, he is patient. And that turns out to be good for him because a lot promised those who are patient with unlimited amount of reward in them a awful cyber zombie later he said, and a lot define them as as those that when they suffer a calamity, when they suffer a loss. Their reaction is a verbal statement

00:32:01 --> 00:32:07

is a sweet verbal statement. But it can only be said in bitter circumstances.

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And one will not understand how sweet it is. Until they reflect upon it or they say it and then see the reward or the result of it. And that is in nearly law one in a larger one. To Allah we belong.

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And to him We shall return.

00:32:27 --> 00:32:39

And one by the way has to train himself sometimes we think okay, yeah, I'm gonna say that when something big happens? No, we should remember to say this at all times. No matter how little the losses.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:44

You get a speeding speeding ticket in alila. In LA Roger,

00:32:45 --> 00:32:47

get a flat tire in Atlanta in La Jolla.

00:32:49 --> 00:32:52

You get papercut Bismillah Allahu ala Raja,

00:32:53 --> 00:33:16

so that you're used to it and when something bigger happens, you can easily say it and ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make you and I have those who are patient at the time of calamity, thankful for the fortunes and for the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Brothers and sisters, please pray for, again for some of our community members.

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May Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:33:20 --> 00:33:42

help everyone. So how this has been a very tough day for me. And you think that you you know, whatever, you know, discomfort that you may have, or whatever physical problem that you may have, or whatever issue you may be dealing with, and whether it's, you know, of any kind, sometimes we think that we get overwhelmed by it until you hear what other people have to deal with.

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And by the way, it's a matter of time we will all be tested. I mean, it's a matter of time, and the greatest of all trials and tests, the greatest of all trials, as Allah subhanaw taala calls it in the core MVC, but mode is a calamity of death

00:33:59 --> 00:34:25

that shall reach each and every single one of us sooner or later. So we have to prepare ourselves. We have to prepare ourselves mentally. And we have to prepare ourselves spiritually so we're not caught by surprise. ask Allah subhana wa tada to make the best of our deeds, the last of our deeds and to make the best of our lives, the rest of our lives and to make the best of our days the day we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:34:26 --> 00:34:59

ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make you an AI of those who listen and follow the best of what they listen to. Robin attina Jr Hassan, Hassan tokina 11 now a lot of authorities have been on a fiscal rebel macrobid update Daniel Medina was born our mobile Muslim in a Muslim or non Muslim in a long Muslim albino American Muslim in yeah How are you? Sick and asleep as Liliana shenana hula hula tokina fusina de la melody what Ellen Mousavi in a few Colima can Allah Hakuna Matata con la him encore la la temporada him

00:35:00 --> 00:35:22

Thailand and Bali him alone may be confused on how to avoid the mean when the victim is sure him alone massing Amanda Boston home better than water to water made him. Robin attina Jr has an autofill so it has an Ottawa, Canada but not a better law. In the law. He says anyway he tells him kotoba when he will moon Caravelle, belly

00:35:23 --> 00:35:25

Cronos Corolla, Corolla and

00:35:26 --> 00:35:29

Corolla Corolla Hello moto snow

00:35:34 --> 00:35:49

me MacArthur river to India who yes huddle belly yet Anima fish Kuru Alma de la yanira Anna feel belly yet LA to Twilio? We have never met never met Amina longhouses origin fish koala has

00:35:51 --> 00:35:55

a common lead who was in a battle

00:35:56 --> 00:36:12

was Peter I live in in Almaty? Aurora Hill, Allahu Allah He Sheikh Mohammed The winner of Samia Rahim Allah for Carla in a lil inszone in the Peruvian mercy Betty or Valhalla

00:36:13 --> 00:36:15

and how do I get a sahab?

00:36:16 --> 00:36:23

Well, hello, Danny and yes, well hello Sally and Yoruba when Helen probeer an escort.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:26

Hello, hello, comma in Alba.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:32

Eman It's so hot. We have a fear Luca and he will play empirical monopoly the whole idea

00:36:33 --> 00:36:43

was a manuscript where the fellow men in turn Allahu Allah Allah. Imani will be Marathi Raja Tilak

00:36:45 --> 00:36:55

what a man and Yoruba why that parable costs even a daddy let him wakatobi escort ohada lavatory coup de la Sol Haas

00:36:58 --> 00:37:05

as an Omaha soldier, anyway, yakko we may as well be marketable Lavazza Jalali

00:37:06 --> 00:37:25

finalizers gela Bashara miyabi cabo la caja de Bashara home bill Adrian Avi me Wilma silvermine Allah He came upon the law was origin la dee da Sala Tomasi Allah in any language in La La, la, la, la, la la la to

00:37:27 --> 00:37:28

Carla in the My

00:37:32 --> 00:37:36

dear brothers and sisters, a lot some how to act Allah created us.

00:37:37 --> 00:37:41

And by the mere fact that we are of the creation of Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:37:42 --> 00:37:46

The very fact that we are the service of a loss of hat on with that

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puts us in a position where we will be tested by laws of nature.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:58

And I know that we have talked about this in the past, and approach this subject from different angles.

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But it seems that reminder is needed, as we witness and see and experience ourselves. All kinds of tests and trials, tests and trials that vary from the smallest dilemma and every day crisis, that one goes through, like having a flat tire or getting a fever and getting sick. Sometimes people say oh, it's not a you know, it may bother me the same individual may experience the same thing, different days, you'll be bothered, you know, times with the same issue more than other times.

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If you have a flat tire when you have a very, you know, hectic day, and that adds more to to your to your preoccupation and your busy schedule. You'll be more frustrated than it was a day where you had not much you know, you didn't have much plan.

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But whether we realize how big it is, whether it bothers us or not. trials, our trials, tests our test. Any kind of pain or suffering that a believer goes through, will not go unnoticed by Allah subhanho wa Taala for to begin with is from the pleasure of Allah.

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Even if Abraham Allah said that people are four categories when it comes to dealing with calamities, or misfortunes of any kind. One category, the first category is the category of those who pretty much as some people say, lose it, or people who become

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overwhelmed. They're overwhelmed by the calamity that it disables them. And their incompetence basically, is provoked by that and they do nothing about it. They're either extremely passive to the extent where they

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Just suffer and do nothing.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:11

And they suffer and they're in a lot of pain and, and they would complain about that pain and they're always upset or angry and frustrated.

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And very often you'll find people complaining. And sometimes they may be even complaining to someone who may be dealing with or handling a bigger problem than,

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than their problem.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:43

And it's very, you know, ironic how sometimes you find, you know, individuals, you know, suffering from all kinds of issues. And each individual thinks that his or her problem is the biggest problem in the world, there is nothing bigger than their problem.

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And the whole world has to attend to their issue or to their problem, have to come to their rescue, because no one in the world is going through, through anything that they're going through.

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So even though payable to him on law says that this is the lowest of all categories, and unfortunately, it's the most common category.

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And he said, the only one who does not have faith, or one who does not have, you know, good control over his sanity, with resort to this, to this type of reaction.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:43

The second category is the category of those who are steadfast, those who endure those who are patient, either they are patient, hoping for the reward of a loss of habitat. So they do it for the sake of a lot knowing that this is from Allah. So they, they're patient, or, because that's just part of their character, they endure, they deal with the pain, they cope with it.

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The third category is the category of those who are content.

00:41:49 --> 00:41:53

Please do the last panel with the other regardless.

00:41:54 --> 00:41:58

And the fourth category is the category of those who are grateful.

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And of course, this is a very rare

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and of course, you know, of all of us wonder how one can manage to do something like this.

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But we do have examples of people of that kind, that we find a lot of inspiration as we talk about them.

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And one of those people was our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And many of the prophets of the messengers before him.

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Some of those people were people like oh avenues away.

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Some of those people were people like Eli livanova, who are able to see beyond the agony and the pain of their suffering, and maintain their hope and their, their connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And were able to not only cope, in fact, some of them maybe did not even have to cope with the problem is coping means that you really have to struggle with a lot of pain, and you have to overcome resentment you have to overcome, you know, bitterness, and they they manage to see the beauty, they managed to see the reward, they managed to see the blessing.

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So how does a believer How can one deal with this practically speaking, how can one deal with all of these things? six points. And that's what I want you to remember. six points to help us maybe be at the level of those who are patient and steadfast and not let us lose our faith or lose our minds.

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And maybe if we master those six points, maybe we'll be able to experience and get to the second or even the third level and be grateful to usher in either the Comforter Hana talica. We'll see But look, where Allah Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah to Saba

00:43:52 --> 00:43:56

a woman to the Quran Nakula Shea in bukoba.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:23

First, remember that everything that happens, all things happen by the will of Allah Subhana Allah, the Almighty, that everything comes from Allah, all things good or bad, from a loss of how to Allah as stated in the Quran, surah four is 78 and we know that Allah subhana wa tada would not do something that is pointless or that does not have some wisdom in it.

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And Allah subhanaw taala has already declared to all of us that we will be tested, with good and bad with fortune and misfortune with good and evil.

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When a blue can be shared, he will hire a fitness and he told us what the purposes

00:44:41 --> 00:44:59

so remember that is all from a loss of Hannah with that, and remember that your ultimate passion is a loss of habitat. So whatever comes from him, by by way of as a test or as a trial, you have to be determined to accept and deal with

00:45:01 --> 00:45:03

Number two turanian

00:45:04 --> 00:45:07

Ariela Mota Dr. Anil just an Al Jazeera Allah.

00:45:10 --> 00:45:11

I'll just narrow down

00:45:12 --> 00:45:13

what I actually what I

00:45:14 --> 00:45:29

remember the second thing that wants you to remember, is that panicking, losing patience, complaining, whining, getting angry and upset, does not change the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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It doesn't change what Allah has already enacted upon you.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:35

It is not.

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And that's why By the way, it is a sign of wisdom.

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It is a sign of intelligence, when one deals with calamity, with patience and steadfastness

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and that's why a philosopher was not even Muslim. a philosopher said that indeed, a wise man is he who endures on the first day as a full does after a month.

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The wise man is he who endures on the first day as a full does after a month

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because most people say on hunger laugh as I dealt with it, you didn't deal with it time dealt with it.

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Once people get over it, they say yeah, you know, I'm over it or I'm putting up with it, or I'm dealing with it says it's, it's all over theirs. They realize after a month, 40 days, one year two or three or four. Some people take some longer some people never come out of it may have lots of how to help us all. It's very painful.

00:46:40 --> 00:46:48

said a wise person is He who deals with it. When it's fresh on the first day, with courage as a fool does after a month.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:52

Number three, listen

00:46:55 --> 00:46:55

to the

00:46:56 --> 00:47:01

Anima NTV a call for a one woman man or woman.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:07

Now this one is is tough one. It's a tough one to translate. It's a tough one to deal with. And even remember,

00:47:09 --> 00:47:21

remember, the third thing is that you remember that whatever you're dealing with, is less than what some other people may be dealing with. In other words, remember that it could have been worse.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:41

And it's it scares me when I hear myself thinking. Even if I Don't utter the words, when I hear myself thinking. It scares me, let alone when I hear someone uttering the words and comfortably repeating words like this is the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:48

Oh, things can get a can can cannot get worse. could not get any worse. How do you know?

00:47:50 --> 00:48:06

Do you want a loss of data to show you that things can really get worse? Of course we can't. We can't handle we can't afford it. And that's why we have to be very careful. It scares me when I think about it. When I think oh my god, this must be like the worst thing that ever happened to me. How do I know?

00:48:07 --> 00:48:11

How do I know that there isn't worse coming. And that's why

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a believer should resist and reject these kind of thoughts and not allow his tongue to utter those words.

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And this is a very useful and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whosoever thinks that they're in a bad situation, they should look at those who are less than them. Or those who are having who are who are having worse time then.

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And that's why somehow you find people who help other people cope with their grief, you find them that helps them it was said that a woman went to a wise man.

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And she said to him that I have lost my child,

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the only child that I have and then I was so attached to him. And I am really really in a lot of pain and I cannot deal with the pain has been a while now. And I can this pain is going to kill me. And I need a cure. I can't live like this is very painful. I want you to make something for me that will help me overcome this pain. And so he said yeah, there is indeed something that can be done about this. I need you to bring me a mustard seed. And I will crush that mustard seed, mix it with some special oil and make a piece out of it. And you will have to basically mix it with some liquid and drink that solution and you will never feel that pain again. The pain will disappear. She's well

00:49:42 --> 00:49:44

that's very easy said wait. But there's a catch.

00:49:45 --> 00:50:00

He said what is the catch? He said you need to go that mustard seed has to be obtained, free of charge. You can't pay for it. You have to get it from a household that had never seen any misery or

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suffered any loss?

00:50:02 --> 00:50:04

She said, Okay. Sure.

00:50:05 --> 00:50:13

So she went around knocking around the town, knocking on the doors of people saying, Do you have mustard seeds?

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And the household that says Yes, he's like, Okay, wait a minute. Have you suffered anything?

00:50:19 --> 00:50:26

Any misfortune any loss? They will say, yeah, of course, you know what happened, blah, blah, blah, they start telling her Oh my god,

00:50:28 --> 00:50:53

after she hears their story maybe helps to, you know, help them cope with it. She's like, okay, I can't take the mustard seeds from here, salami. And then she goes to another house, she went through the whole town, she couldn't find a household that did not suffer some kind of misfortune, most of whom had issues that are by far worse than what she had to deal with. She lost her own son. So she had to go to the village or to the town,

00:50:54 --> 00:50:55

the nearest town.

00:50:56 --> 00:51:09

And same thing, until she went around the whole region, she couldn't find one single household that did not suffer a calamity or a loss. Until one day it hit her. She said, Why am I doing this?

00:51:10 --> 00:51:13

She even forgot why she was doing this.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:21

And she went back to the to the to the to the man. And she said to him, I couldn't find the mustard seed, but I don't feel the pain anymore.

00:51:22 --> 00:51:28

So seeing what other people have to go through, and helping other people helped her overcome her own problem.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:32

Number four, Robbie on

00:51:33 --> 00:51:33

to that car.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:37

accident, okay, let me

00:51:39 --> 00:51:48

remember that what a loss of handle it to Allah has left, or has given you or has favored you're blessed you with is by far greater than what Allah has taken from you.

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And we can learn this concept from the story of none other than

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a man that lost his son, his oldest son, he was kicked by the horse, one of the horses. I don't know what he did not the medics stable. During the Umayyad dynasty, he went to visit the halifa. They were going around looking at the horses. One of the horses kicked his son, his oldest 17 year old son killed him instantly.

00:52:21 --> 00:52:27

After he finished burying him, people came to give him his condolences. The man went to vacation or to to visit his friend

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in Sham, may Allah subhanaw taala bring peace to the people of that region. May Allah subhanho wa Taala alleviate their pain and their suffering. So at that time, 1400, about 1300 years ago, he went to to visit and have vacation, he took his son with him and his son got killed.

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So people came to him, you know, expressing their sorrow and their pain. And they said, How do you feel? He said, I'm hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah. He gave me four sons. he spared three.

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But he didn't say he took one. He said he first he started he said he spared three. And he took one to Allah belongs what he gives, To Him belongs what he takes, and we thank him for what he gives. And we thank him for what he takes in that way.

00:53:22 --> 00:53:22

Number five,

00:53:24 --> 00:53:29

alum anila Cooley Catherine hikma lower alimta, Hi Laura eight and we'll see you

00:53:31 --> 00:53:33

in a liquid is Catherine Hickman Noah,

00:53:35 --> 00:53:38

and the tilcon masiva can attain them.

00:53:39 --> 00:53:57

Know that there is wisdom that almost what Allah has wisdom, remember that Allah Subhana Allah is wisdom is infinite. And if we know the wisdom, nothing happens, unless there is wisdom hickmott and barely Allah, Allah somehow his wisdom is infinite. So if we and we do not have the capacity

00:53:58 --> 00:54:24

to encompass or understand the wisdom of Allah, we don't understand the wisdom of a lion, everything that happens, because we don't have the capacity. And sometimes, if you understood the wisdom, or if you are able to understand the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala, but you have to believe in it, you will know that whatever you consider to be the worst thing that ever happened to you may have been or may be the best thing that ever happened to you.

00:54:25 --> 00:54:30

The loss of what Allah says, you may hate something I said Takahashi and Ohio luck.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:35

Right? You may hate something that turns out to be good for you.

00:54:36 --> 00:54:38

And Allah knows and you know not.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:45

And the example of this is there's an infinite number of examples that show this

00:54:46 --> 00:54:50

infinite number of examples. The worst thing I mean, we know

00:54:51 --> 00:54:59

you know, Malcolm X goes to prison. And he discovered Islam in prison. Going to prison was the best thing that ever happened him

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

You can take a simple example you have a flat tire. Sometimes people complain, oh my god, I had a flat tire and I went, and I was very late. Maybe I lost some habitat, I saved you from a deadly accident that was ahead of you. And because of that flat tire, you know you are able to live.

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In fact, we will even go further than that in the sutra that we recite every Friday Allah subhanaw taala talks to us about the story of Moses when he met with the righteous man.

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and I must advise parents in your discretion advice here and ended up killing a little boy.

00:55:39 --> 00:55:44

And Moses was upset. How could you kill this in this innocent child?

00:55:45 --> 00:55:50

And of course a little later told him he said his parents were righteous people.

00:55:51 --> 00:56:03

And this child was going to grow to be someone that will abuse them a wicked person. He was about to become a wicked person that will cause suffering to his parents and maybe other people

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and allow ordered me to take him at this stage in a loss of habitat or replace them with someone better.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:25

Finally, number six, Sadie son, lm an akula masiva Mariela Holloman so I've been a woman ferreting out things in a very fatty Shannon, I will definitely Bella

00:56:27 --> 00:56:35

what are the Kokoda? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as a married woman in a hula hula hire in assata. Shakur

00:56:36 --> 00:56:38

sobre todo sobre la habana

00:56:39 --> 00:56:41

when as lol Bella oh yes zero when AB de

00:56:43 --> 00:56:52

la la la la even send them a shadow Nancy Bella and an MBA from an M sorrowful emson there is a little Bella mini I mean at the hotel Kala O'Malley even.

00:56:54 --> 00:57:36

The sixth point is that remember, that any calamity that a believer suffers, whether it be physical or emotional, any calamity or suffering, it will either increase his rank before Allah subhanaw taala or remove from his or her sins or purify them and make them stronger. In other words, there is always benefit. There is some positive outcome for the believer, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned there's a loss of Hana with the animation in the end, the least of which is the tremendous amount of reward or loss of Hana with data has prepared for those who show patience and show

00:57:37 --> 00:58:15

pleasure with whatever loss of data decrease. I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make use of those who accept the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala not to make our loss, the loss of our faith, for that is a loss that cannot be replaced. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to alleviate the pain and the suffering of our brothers and sisters all over the world, especially those of our community members who are ill, or sick or depressed or upset with anything with any loss in life. And ask Allah Subhana Allah to help them overcome their challenges.

00:58:16 --> 00:58:20

A hollow handle todo sobre la Hollywood la confessor ferrovia filco

00:58:29 --> 00:58:44

Alhamdulillah Hamza here on mo Rocca wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala Dear brothers, please move forward and fill in the gaps and do not block the interest of Article if you come if you see any space in front of you. Please fill that space up.

00:58:46 --> 00:58:58

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I initially wanted to talk about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam final days were seven where for 17 days the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:58:59 --> 00:59:02

suffered a tremendous amount of pain, physical pain that is

00:59:05 --> 00:59:11

and high fever. So make sure that the profit or loss enough could not join the believers would not leave the believers in prayer.

00:59:13 --> 00:59:19

And he designated he ordered that Abu Bakar leads the Muslims in prayer. He couldn't leave the prayer himself. He couldn't even join them to the prayer.

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And one of his companions entered.

00:59:25 --> 00:59:33

And he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said O Messenger of Allah, you are indeed suffering urine, a lot of pain. He said yes, indeed.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:37

He said my pain is equivalent,

00:59:38 --> 00:59:50

or cannot be handled by two of you. It's doubled. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, We prophets and messengers, our tests or our trial is doubled.

00:59:52 --> 00:59:54

It's much more intense.

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was asked about that, he said

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The profits in the messengers are the most tested and tried

01:00:06 --> 01:00:11

to Milan seller financing as he said, and he said those who are the closest to them in terms of piety.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:33

You've teller Raja Raja kaduri Dini. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the individual will be tested according to the level of their faith. So if the individual's faith is strong, he would be tested and tried in the in a severe manner than an ordinary person.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:39

Similarly, if a man's faith is weak, he would be tested accordingly.

01:00:40 --> 01:00:48

The Prophet then concluded by saying, a person would be struck by calamities until he or she

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is without a sin.

01:00:52 --> 01:00:53

You tell Raja Raja Kadena

01:00:55 --> 01:01:01

hotel kala, at the end of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, O Allah, Allah even healthier without anything purified.

01:01:03 --> 01:01:07

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a famous Hadith

01:01:08 --> 01:01:11

how wonderful is that affair of the believer

01:01:13 --> 01:01:15

for his affairs are all good.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:19

And this applies to no one, but a believer.

01:01:20 --> 01:01:22

If something good happens to him,

01:01:24 --> 01:01:51

he is thankful for it. And that turns out to be good. And if something evil happens to him, he is patient. And that turns out to be good for him because a lot promised those who are patient with unlimited amount of reward in them a awful cycle on itself. And a lot define them as, as those that when they suffer a calamity when they suffer a loss. Their reaction is a verbal statement.

01:01:52 --> 01:01:58

It's a sweet verbal statement. But it can only be said in bitter circumstances.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:14

And one will not understand how sweet it is. Until they reflect upon it or they say say it and then see the reward or the result of it. And that is in nearly law one in a garage to Allah we belong.

01:02:15 --> 01:02:16

And to him We shall return.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:30

And one by the way, has to train himself sometimes we think okay, yeah, I'm gonna say that when something big happens? No, we should remember to say this at all times. No matter how little the losses.

01:02:31 --> 01:02:34

You get a speeding speeding ticket in La La, la Roger.

01:02:36 --> 01:02:38

Here a flat tire in Atlanta in La Jolla.

01:02:39 --> 01:02:43

You get papercut Bismillah Allahu ala Raja,

01:02:44 --> 01:03:07

so that you're used to it and when something bigger happens, you can easily say it. Now ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make you an eye of those who are patient at the time of calamity, thankful for the fortunes and for the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Brothers and sisters, please pray for, again for some of our community members.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:10

May Allah subhana wa Tada.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:33

help everyone. So how this has been a very tough day for me. And you think that you you know, whatever discomfort that you may have, or whatever physical problem that you may have, or whatever issue you may be dealing with, and whether it's, you know, of any kind, sometimes we think that we get overwhelmed by it until you hear what other people have to deal with.

01:03:35 --> 01:03:49

And by the way, it's a matter of time we will all be tested. I mean, it's a matter of time. And the greatest of all trials and tests. The greatest of all trials look at the Internet as a loss of power data, calls it in the MC button mode is the calamity of death

01:03:50 --> 01:04:16

that shall reach each and every single one of us sooner or later. So we have to prepare ourselves. We have to prepare ourselves mentally. And we have to prepare ourselves spiritually so we're not caught by surprise. ask Allah subhana wa tada to make the best of our deeds, the last of our deeds and to make the best of our lives, the rest of our lives and to make the best of our days the day we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala

01:04:17 --> 01:04:58

ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make you an eye of those who listen and follow the best of what they listen to. Robin attina for dunya Hassan Hassan okay now that we know a lot of authorities Hemant Mehta moving on to fiscal rebel macro be up to date Daniel Medina was favorable on our model been Muslim in a long mushroom model on our model. Don't listen to me, along with female Latino American Muslim in Yeah, how are you? I'm sorry, Elena shenana con la la, la la la melody what are the most of Athena piccoli? McCann, aloha maquila hamanako Allah him on cola what I term crowding him was it Thailand and Bali him alone may be convenient for her to avoid the mean when I was becoming sure him

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

alone massing Amanda

01:05:00 --> 01:05:12

To whom better than water to water may have been acting as a junior senator. Senator McCain Agha but not a better law in the law at Morgan Stanley when he tells him kotoba when he will monkey well belly

01:05:14 --> 01:05:16

coronas Corolla Corolla and

01:05:17 --> 01:05:20

Corolla Corolla Hello moto snow.

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