Mohammed Faqih – Family In The Quran

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The upcoming discussion on a series on family history in Islam will involve personal discussions and a series of lectures, including a workshop. The church's values and principles were not discussed, and the challenges faced by Muslim families are addressed. The rise of hate and anger in the social media and online media is discussed, along with the importance of learning from examples and reading their own stories to gain insight. The speakers emphasize the importance of family laws and rules in community relations, particularly in light of the loss of a child. They also discuss the importance of voting and emphasize the need for everyone to exercise their rights to vote.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I want to come over to LA here

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from the LA salatu salam ala rasulillah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Loma Linda mefoto. And finally, Valentina, was it naghmeh agenda, Medina is semi qualified to be on our center longmen and estado kalamunda. What is completely bare wire, I'm an amateur Kabbalah. But first of all, it's, I must say that it's

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lovely to be back

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here in the community

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kind of feels awkward.

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haven't spoken in a long time, but five months, six months, Mashallah.

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But I've come to the Lam, I'm happy to be back and looking forward to reconnecting your chalazia gel. With you, I don't want to have any further delay, we can always have these personal conversations and discussions on the site, I'll be more than happy to entertain any

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questions at the q&a session, I want to get started with a subject. And I just want to let you know that it is my intention to,

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to turn this into a, this is a work in progress, to turn this into

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a series of lectures and hopefully make it into you know, a seminar or workshop and maybe, hopefully, not workshop but rather a seminar. And maybe hopefully it could be published in a form of a book in the future. So the idea of this discussion, and again, your input is highly

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The idea of this discussion is to talk about the family in the light of the Quran, by one of two ways, either we look at the various family

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stories that revolve around family relations, familiar relations that were mentioned in the Quran, and you will find that in the story of Prophet Adam, Adam, his wife, his children, and the story of profit nor know the dynamics of the relationship between knew his son, and you know, his wife as well, or the story of Prophet Ibrahim, which is a little more vast because it involves Prophet Ibrahim, it involves his wife, you know, there are different dynamics to it involves his other wife, Hagar, two sons, grandchildren, nephew, Luke Ali salam,

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or the story of his Marine, his son is married what Allah said about a smile and the way he

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he basically provided guidance for his family and what he was praised for. Also the family of yaku Jacob is mentioned. And, and then the story of use of his son, and the whole dynamics in that story, one of the most interesting chapters of the core and the story of use of and his father Jacob, yeah, of course, the APU is mentioned in other places as well.

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The story of loot, or profit, loss,

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peace and blessings be upon him. And again, his relationship with his wife, also the story of you,

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you know, the family of you, and you've been his wife, job.

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The story of the family of Milan, lm Milan, there's an entire surah right, the story of Moosa and Harun Moses, his family, his mother, his sister, you know are mentioned and then his relationship with his brother. So the dynamics of the relationship sibling, you know, relationships, also Moses and his in laws, right, Moses and his wife and his in laws, how Moses got married, for instance, you know, how he got to know somebody in marry them.

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The story of Jesus is the son of Mary, and that story and hurt his mother, Mary, who was a single mother, right. So there is, you know, a different example there.

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That would David and Solomon his son, Solomon,

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lock man and his son, you find also the Prophet peace be upon him, our Prophet and his household. You know,

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Story of Zakaria and his wife and his son, peace be upon them all. And then we also have some, some different type of stories, the story of Pharaoh, for instance, and his wife, and the you know, and how they adopted Moses and and what the Quran says about that kind of relationship, or the story of Abu lahab and his wife, you know, who were, you know, fierce enemies, he was the uncle of the Prophet, but they were, you know, amongst those who were condemned. So, so these are stories of different familiar relationships that were mentioned in the Quran. And there are a lot of lessons for us to learn from that. So and, and there are two approaches to this either we, and of course,

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it's up to you, and your input is again, as I said, will be valued and highly appreciated of how we should proceed, if we want to do a series on this topic.

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So, there are two ways of doing this, either we take a theme, and then we look at the various stories that address this particular theme or this particular subject, or, you know, you know, family, familial relationship or dynamic, you know, for instance, we can say, you know, father and son, or like parents, or, you know, in laws or, you know, this is one way, or my personal preference is to take each family or each story, right, separately, and to dissect it, and go over the lessons, because there are great lessons to learn from this, but why are we doing this? I mean, the question is, why are we, you know, really doing this, what's what's, what's the importance of family, in

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Islam, I mean, of course, family, as you know, as a unit is celebrated, family values are celebrated, family is very important, Islam puts a lot of emphasis on a family, before Islam, the family was based on

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you know, there a lot of issues with, with the, with the way font family was defined, and the way family was, was, was maintained. Now, again, you know,

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you know, Islam came to a society that has some great, you know, values and principles, but also they had all kinds of issues and deficiencies, but one of these apparent problems and challenges was that all affairs were controlled primarily by the men, in the family or in the society, the males and the women and girls, you know,

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you know, actually, even younger males, you know, were, were looked down upon and oppressed, as well as of course, females within the family, as well as you know, you know, other members of the household like slaves or servants.

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And there are many examples of that,

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of how, you know, family members were treated.

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the, there was a bigger family and a more important family that had more importance and more priority and even sometimes more say, the, in the Arabian Peninsula before the time of the Prophet before Islam brought before the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, received the message of Islam and he was ordered to share that message with his people before that,

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the tribe could actually you know, tell the family what to do and what not to do the tribe, the tribe was more important your tribal affiliation and your, your connection with your tribe was more important than your immediate family or your extended family had more importance. So, so, you may have to give up or even you know, recruit your your children to serve the the, the, the, the chieftains or the or the demand set by the tribe and expectations, you know, from the tribe, you may have to you know, basically deprive your family and share your revenues or your income with with with your tribe,

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the chiefs of certain tribes had more rights than family than family members. And more say, right.

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Part of the problems also was that the eldest child, you know, had, you know, was was expected to be the heir of the Father and be fully in charge and in control of the family assets and be the, the sole decision maker and no other member had any, any involvement. But when Islam came, these things were dealt with, you know, and you will find that in the early revelations, a loss of hands

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What Allah addresses some of these problems. You know, for instance, just an example of it would be that female emphasize, emphasize in general, but female is, besides, in particular, which is killing a newborn child, whether it's out of fear of poverty or shame was condemned, and it was addressed in the earlier revelations, right? As a practice that will not be condoned by by Islam. And not only that, but also the Quran came and said, Yeah, you have nothing in Amarillo, or you believe, oh, amphastar como, la coonara, protect yourselves and your families from hellfire.

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And in the example of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam himself, the very first people that he began with, when he received his message, he shared that message, first and foremost, with his with the closest members of his family of his household. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam shared it with his wife, and then and then the other members of his household. And that's why they were the first people to come into Islam. And then he went further and further, you know, he went to, you know, his extended family, and then clan, and then from the clan into the tribes, and from the various clans within the tribe itself. And then once he shared his message with the people of Mecca,

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and those who accepted, accepted, and there were very few of them, and most of them rejected, he went beyond the city of Mecca. So you find an obvious, you know, application of this,

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you know, in the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

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So, so, so, this is what this

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basically, subject is all about, you know, we want to study family, why am I saying this, you know, in addition to the importance of family in the Quran, because it looks like, you know, this is the first of all, I mean, of course, here in the Islamic Institute of Orange County, we have realized, you know, the importance of family. That's why we call this program this whole night, we call it Friday family night anyways, so we're trying to focus on the family, as a unit. But also, we are faced with all kinds of challenges, especially as Muslim families living living here in America. And as I always said, and I continue to say, it's the challenges that we're facing,

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we can't just deal with them as individuals, we can't even deal with them as you know, individual or separate families, we have to come together as a community and face them.

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One of the things that really concerns me is that their family, familiar relationships, and, and, and ties, are really under a lot of stress. And they are, you know, we're being challenged day and night.

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And it's very hard. I mean, in the old days, or even, you know, nowadays, in certain parts of the world, you know, the whole village, or the entire family, including the extended family is there to provide support. And, you know, for for, for the that the the small, the smaller the immediate family, right, if you're having a problem communicating with your son, you know, there's always your youngest brother or his uncle, they're very close, or maybe your sister, you know, can take them aside, and, you know, so so you, you have that family support, the family comes together to deal with any issue, if you need a break, there's someone to give you a break. But that's not the case

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here in America. In addition to that, we also have a new factor called social media, right. And all these gadgets and devices, you know, devices, you know, technology, and it's really changing the family dynamics. By the way, we don't yet know researchers are doing a lot of research. But up until this point, we don't even know the effects of what we don't know what we have done to ourselves, the social and, of course, moral, psychological, emotional ramifications of our dependence on technology, and these devices and the various ABS has not yet been been realized. I'm sure studies will come right more and more studies every year and maybe 10 years down the road, 20 years down the

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road, we may be looking back and saying what have we done? And look what we where we ended up you know, we live in a time where you know, people cannot we cannot have and I'm currently Charlotte to Allah in the process of reading some books. And a book that I just recently like today, actually, I picked it's called Crucial Conversations. I have no idea what what hopefully it will help me but it's about communication. One of the challenges that we have is we can't even have real conversations. In person we can't. I mean, you find

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Individuals communicating and you know, really, what's, what's the term nowadays for this, like, clicking or

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no clicking on it, you know, when people connect in a, you know, people really connecting on social media or through various apps, but when they meet in person, they can't, like, have conversations, because there are no buttons. There are no emojis. There are no, you know, I mean, like they can, they can, you know, like, it's very awkward, right? You know, what I'm talking about, you know, guys, what I'm talking about, it's like, very awkward, because you, you know, believe it or not, and I've seen, I've seen this, you know, people, people do something, and I saw it within my own family, people do something, and instead of saying, That's excellent, that that's great. And using, like,

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actual words, to express how they feel, this is what they do.

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That's it.

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Right? Even my own sound goes like, you know, he tastes, you know, a dish or something, once he tastes it, and then he goes, like,

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you know, something like that, you know, it's

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let alone that, that, you know, now if you want to get your child's attention, you know, you have to you you need to pray for, for, for something to happen to their internet to the internet connection, or to their Wi Fi, or to their data plan, you know, something has to go wrong with it with with with their, with their device. And at home, you know, the joke, if you want to basically find where your children are, all you have to do is just turn off the Wi Fi, and everybody comes out of there. Right? So

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we live in a time where I mean, I mean, seriously, you have better conversations with your spouse, or with your with your, the members of your household, you have a better chance of getting their attention and getting an answer for any question or for any concern that you have you texted them, texting would be the best way, you know, to do it. And now and again, I'm not by the way, I'm not denying that there, there are some positives, for instance, you know, WhatsApp, you know, you see people saying, the only reason I signed up or the only reason I joined WhatsApp is because I want to do solidarity and I want to connect with my family. You know, there are some, but you know, but to

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get to a point where we can even, you know, have conversations or connected unless it's through WhatsApp, then it's a problem, you know.

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So, so it's changing us is changing us. And we need to reflect and ponder. We can just follow follow trends.

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Also, we live in a time where there is a rise in the level of hate and the level of anger, frustration.

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We live also in a time where violence has become so prevalent, you know, I'm standing here today, you know, just a week ago, I was just I was heartbroken to hear you know, about a Muslim family, you know, from East Africa, you know, where, you know, the tragic incident that took place, you know, some of you may be aware of it, some of you may not be aware of it, I just happened to, you know, for instance, you know, my family happened to, you know, a member of my household, one of my sisters happened to be related or married into the same family of one of the victims, you know, where, you know, a guy basically went shot his wife to death, a mother of two daughters, you know, at 18 months

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old, and a four, four year old, and a week before that. And in Texas, in another city in Texas, all these

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incidents, both of these incidents happen in Texas, basically, a man from from East Africa, Muslim man, from what I understand, is someone that used to go to the machine as well basically shot his 20 year old son, and then he shot his wife. And then he turned the gun to himself and took his own life, you know, and now and his eight year old son basically lost his father, his mother and his brother, right? And there's, so

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it's quite alarming. And there seems to be, you know, a rise in these type of these types of incidents. There's great level of frustration, and a loss of how to Allah sent this book for us to seek guidance from it. And a loss of habitat. Allah told us the stories of our prophets and messengers for us to learn lessons from it. A law did not make prophets and messengers. He did not. They are not different species. They're human beings just like us. A lot of not send us angels.

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He sent us prophets and messengers, part of the wisdom of sending us prophets and messengers choosing from amongst us, you know, human beings who who will carry the message of God to us and then implement it in their own lives is so that we can relate to them.

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So this this

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idea or misconception that some people have that all prophets and messengers are perfect human beings, even if they're human beings, they're perfect human beings, we can relate to them. They're different. No, they're not. They're not different. They're human beings, they're, and we're supposed to learn from their examples and be inspired by them. And guess what, even prophets and messengers had issues had, you know, marital problems and challenges, they had family problems, and we'll see from the stories, some of the prophets were great communicators, the best diaries, knew had a solemn he was a great prophet and a great communicator. And and God sent to him, and he had a long

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experience of DERA 950 years, he was calling people to God. But when it came to his own son, he could not convince his son to, to accept the message. Right? So this is a no, does that mean that Noah was a bad father? Or was he a bad? You know? No, of course not. Right? So So for us, there are great lessons in this How did no, you know,

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peace be upon him? How did he cope with that? I mean, it wasn't an easy thing. Right for him to deal with, that we find the example of Abraham, Abraham had issues with his own father. So in the in the story of Noah, you see, Father having challenges with his own son, and his wife, as well, by the way, in the story of Abraham, you see, you know, a great prophet peace be upon him, you know, had issues with his father, with his dad, and how he felt he told, you know, how he dealt with his father, of course, we don't find much being said about his mother, right? Because and this is what is interesting about these different stories, that they highlight different aspects and different

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relationships. Right, so

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And Abraham, but Abraham, Abraham with his own son, great success, amazing, both of his sons, you know, were messengers and prophets peace be upon upon them all. And, you know, we see that

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Another example would be, for instance, you know, we have the story of,

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of the mother of Mary,

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the father of Mary is not mentioned. I mean, he kind of, he's mentioned, you know, but there's, you don't see in the story of Mary, at least in the Quran, you don't see, the emphasis is put on the mother of Mary. So the mother and her daughter, and then later, of course, Mary and her son, right, and Mary was a single mother, you know, in that there is there is, you know, an example, and that there is something that many can can relate to, in the story of

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Jacob and his son, for instance, Yusuf Ali Salaam,

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you don't see much about the mother of user.

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Right? It's all about the father, right, the father and son, father and son and his other sons. And, and some historians say that that's because the the mother of use of was had passed away, you know, but you don't see much. So it's Father, Son, right? Where in the story of Moses and his mother, you don't see much being said about the father of Moses, it's all about mother and child, mother, a child, mother and son, and how, you know, in both stories, I mean, it's just very interesting, how, you know, how a father, you know, deals with the loss of his son, and how he copes with it, and how he deals with it. And then how a mother what a mother does, you know, with her son and how she copes

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with, with, with the, with, what her son had to go through what she had to actually put do for her son. Right? And how she dealt with that. So there are many lessons for us to learn from these stories. In addition, of course, to what Allah subhanaw taala spoke about regarding family laws and laws of inheritance,

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marriage and divorce, we're not gonna go over that. But what I'm just trying to show you how the Quran basically addresses families, through set of laws and rules and regulations, and it's it,

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you know, speaks extensively about family relations. And at the same time, you know, it encourages us to take care of the family and tells us that we are all responsible, and then the Prophet peace be upon him comes and he basically complements that by saying every member of the household has their share.

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In their responsibility, the father is responsible for his family, the mother is responsible for her family. You know, and of course, in other places, we see that the children are also responsible for their parents when they need them.

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We even have cases where How do you deal with your siblings, stories that basically highlight sibling, sibling relationships? So these are, these are for us to learn from and to be inspired by and obviously a lot, you know, as a loss of Hamlet, Allah says in the Quran, Allah can if you can sustain him, indeed, in their stories, April, there is a lesson they will absorb. For those who reflect those who see those who are insightful, right, those who are insightful, they will find not only inspiration, but they will also find guidance and learn lessons from the stories of the prophets. Again, they're not meant to just inspire us, or fascinate us, or mesmerizes, we're like,

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wow, we are interesting, no, these are actual, you know, life lessons that we can benefit from in our every day. You know, life.

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These are lessons.

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You know, when we have a man like the Prophet peace be upon him was devastated, or who was who was, let me say, maybe devastate is not the right word, who was basically

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who was tried, and was tested with the loss of his own children. I mean, he lost children, they died in his lifetime peace,

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of God be upon him, may God bless him and bless his children, the prophet peace be upon him had to bury, you know, some of his children, actually all of them with the exception of one with his own hands, peace be upon him, and this is God's beloved prophet. So how does a parent cope with with the loss of a child, we also have stories of prophets who were not given children, you know, at least we have two cases where for a long time, they did not have children. Right, how they dealt with that, and how they basically cope. And then then how, when God gave them, you know,

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a child, you know, what happens with that. So there are lessons, these are real stories of great people, how they dealt with it, and what kind of lessons were highlighted in the Quran? And then what is interesting about the plan, I will conclude with this inshallah, then I know, you probably have a lot of questions about the subject and about,

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and about, you know, Community Affairs and about, about where I was, and all of that. So I would like tonight to have to have real conversations inshallah and engage you. But

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one of the interesting things is that you might find, you know, you will find a story, right, the story of Moses mentioned, different aspects of the story of masa are mentioned in different places and different sources. Right. So for instance, if you take the story of Musa alayhis salam, and again, we can study this in detail, if we decide to go if you if we decide to present this, you know, this topic,

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you will find, in one area in one place in the Quran, for instance, what the mother of the story begins with the mother of Moses, being told to take her own son, newborn, and put him

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in a in, in a box, basically, right, and then take the box and throw it in the water. That's where it begins, the story begins there,

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you know, you'll find, you know,

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in one place, then you'll find different different scenes or different stages of his story, peace be upon in another place, you find that the story, you know, starts with what happened between him and Pharaoh, or when Moses when Moses peace be upon him receive the revelation, for some he saw, and then he had to leave his family, right? Because he was seeking guidance, or he was seeking some something, you know, some kind of help to help establish his family. So he was, so the story begins by saying that Moses was traveling with his family, meaning his wife and perhaps children, right? And that's when he saw what he what he thought, what he perceived as fire, and then it was nothing

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but you know, God basically brought him to that, to that safe to the Sacred Valley to reveal to him and it spoke to him. So the story begins there. Again, his family is involved there. So it's, it's, it's quite interesting to to look to look at these various revelations, and study them in depth and see what kind of lessons we can learn from them.

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Having said that, I don't want to just keep lecturing and talk all night tonight, I just wanted to present this to you this is again an intro

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again great lessons that we can you know learn from these stories

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Father, Son, mother, son, mother, daughter, husband and wife, wife and husband, good husband,

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wife there is not so good or good believing a wife dealing with a tyrant you know the wife of Pharaoh and what she had to deal with you know, abusive husband,

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single mother,

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you know, son father relationship, a son dealing with with a father or a father reading and dealing with the rebellious, rebellious child,

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siblings, you know, feud between siblings, you know, the story of use of and his brothers

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and, and what happened

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dealing with in laws. So these are, you know,

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feud between two brothers jealousy between brothers and what that leads to, whether it's in the story of the two sons of Adam, or the story of use of and his siblings.

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So, and and how you have basically handled his his brothers, you know, what, you know, after what they put him through

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great lessons for us great lessons for us and I hope

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that you will be able to enjoy this and participate in it. Having said that, inshallah isagen because of the fact that I've been away for a while from from, from the community, I don't know what happened

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before before me, I inshallah, to Allah would like to invite you to, inshallah, ask any question or share a short, concise, precise thought, with with with me, Sokoloff, Aaron, again, it's good to be back. Brother Nina, do we have any announcements?

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Like, so?

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By the way, it's good to be back and it's good to see this many people come on the same? Yes.

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Is that cool? Okay.

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Sure. So first of all, let me ask you, what do you think of this topic? Should we? What do you think of it? I mean, the idea was, again, to have PowerPoints, maybe take each story in dissected and say, you know, the family of Adam, you know, what the various verses were our loss of habitat talked about Adam and his family, any reference to Adam and his family, in the Quran? What lessons do we learn from them? Where were they mentioned? You know, what did what, what the scholar, the scholar said about about the story and, and, and maybe if Shabbat Allah,

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if I can maybe also sometimes do a comparative study or explanation of it, you know, the Quranic version versus, let's say, the biblical version, where do we, you know, just to make it more informative inshallah. Tada. So this is, this is one approach. So, if you think is, this a good idea, is something that we can benefit from then. That's great. We'll do it on Friday, once a month, we'll take one of these stories and, again, speak about in detail and dissected. If you rather, you know, if you want to say no, let's just take a theme. Let's take for instance, let's say marriage, or miss you know, marital relationship not sorry but not marriage. Of course, if it's married, then

00:33:51 --> 00:34:14

this place will be full of people everybody's gonna show up right? The most interesting topic in any Muslim community I was in I was in Europe and I was in the Middle East. Anytime you want to fill up a place with people just speak about marriage. Right? Or the other story is Jin's demons and devils for somebody that I don't know why people like to talk about that topic.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:21

And of course, to make it even more interesting, one of the best ideas that I have is actually to talk about the marriage of the devil's

00:34:23 --> 00:34:26

like, diva, can you imagine gin marriage or something?

00:34:27 --> 00:34:29

Like you combine both topics

00:34:31 --> 00:34:45

everybody's gonna show so so not about marriage, but rather about marital relationship in the Quran, or you know, or in the, in the lives of the, in the stories of the Quran, not in the Quran, you know, or maybe we can talk about

00:34:46 --> 00:34:56

marital or Family Feud in the Quran. And so these are just two approaches to that. So yes,

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

Two years.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:09

So I was wondering if this so many generations Yes.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:16

Would be face to face support to the receiving process taking that

00:35:19 --> 00:35:19


00:35:24 --> 00:35:35

No, though I'm sure that there were profits at the same time because every, every generation or every society, every, every nation received a message of some kind.

00:35:39 --> 00:35:39


00:35:42 --> 00:35:53

and that's why, you know, it makes perfect sense when we learn when the Prophet was asked about prophets and messengers, how many gods sent the prophet in this little authentic hadith, according to our Prophet peace be upon him?

00:35:55 --> 00:35:58

God sent 124,000

00:36:00 --> 00:36:06

prophets, and he said, out of them 300 What was the 318?

00:36:07 --> 00:36:15

Or 330 380? Or 340? I think 300 sorry. 318 out of them were messengers, they were prophets and messengers.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:22

So this is an authentic hadith marriages. So 124,000 That's a lot. That's that's a large number.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:24


00:36:25 --> 00:36:31

considering the what scientists right now, say, you know,

00:36:33 --> 00:36:42

about how old our, you know, we are Homo sapiens. You know, it makes sense, right?

00:36:43 --> 00:37:12

How long we've been on this on this planet, so, but what we know is that, you know, there are certain facts we know, we know that they were 124,000 prophets, we know about the concept of prophethood. We know that the first Prophet was Adam, the last prophet was Mohammed. We know of 25 prophets that were mentioned by name in the Quran, and we know aspects of their stories. And then there are other prophets that were not mentioned in the Quran, but they were mentioned by the prophet or they were mentioned in different narrations.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:40

So these, these are, this is what we know. What we don't know is when each and every single one was was was sent, except those who were who were mentioned, who was sent before who any of these things, you know, unless there is a hidey hole there the state No, we don't we don't know every detail about every prophet. But But to answer your question. Yeah, I mean, it makes it makes sense.

00:37:43 --> 00:38:05

It makes sense that there were prophets at the same time, they were. I mean, we know for sure. For instance, during the time of Jesus, john yahia, Elisa Lam, john the baptist, and his father is a courier. They were there. These are three prophets at the same. At the same time, Moses and Aaron, for instance, that wouldn't surname and David and Solomon.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:26

And by the way, some of the differences that we have, for instance, and Islam, David and Solomon, were both prophets. Were in the Bible. Right? At least Solomon is just a king. He's not he's not even a prophet. They don't even because in addition to the fact that our definition or our understanding of prophets and Prophethood is different from the biblical

00:38:28 --> 00:38:32

from the biblical definition. Yes.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:54

Until now, we don't have a life

00:38:55 --> 00:38:58

like this now, but we need more is that

00:39:02 --> 00:39:03

not just

00:39:07 --> 00:39:08

marriage is that

00:39:10 --> 00:39:13

instead of going to churches or going somewhere

00:39:22 --> 00:39:31

you're talking about community service. Oh, oh, you're talking about support support group? Yeah, we should have

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53

Oh, what's up?

00:39:54 --> 00:39:55


00:40:02 --> 00:40:41

I agree with you, or now Nowadays, people are even posting things on Facebook. I mean, seriously, I'm not I'm not making this up, I was just dealing with it with with a couple of cases where people were doing, they were just airing their dirty laundry on Facebook, you know, posting, you know, this is what my father did to me, I just want everyone to know, the reason I'm not talking to my father is because my father, and then they tag the Father. And then the father responds, you know, or the mother, you know, I don't want to ever talk to you, to me, you're dead. You know, and you know, things like that people are doing this now on on social media in such a public fashion. So, you I

00:40:41 --> 00:40:43

agree with you, I mean, this, yeah.

00:40:45 --> 00:41:24

By the way, during the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, there was something I mean, it may not have been like structured or organized in, but you know, people used to do that people used to, there was therapy, or group therapy or, you know, counseling, you know, people would do would do things like that, you know, they had someone to turn to or someone to talk to go, you know, and the same thing, by the way with women. I mean, just today I was sharing after Margaret, you know, that a woman came to the Prophet Allah is Allah. And she said, and she, she spoke to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about her, you know, problem with her husband and what she should do and what her husband has

00:41:24 --> 00:42:03

done. I mean, we're not talking about just people getting together and just venting. And, you know, just complaining and whining, you know, we're talking about like, serious crisis, you know, marital crisis. You know, Arab, for instance, Allah subhanaw taala talks to us about it, she says, Praise be to Allah, who heard what this woman was talking about. She was next door, she's not next door, she was next to her. Like she was the only room in a small room. So they were in one corner, the profit and this woman is talking to him about an eye, she's sitting on the other side of the room. And she could not hear some of the things that she was whispering she couldn't make much of it. And she

00:42:03 --> 00:42:14

said, so padam and was the assembler who could see a lot harder herder from above his throne, and revealed regarding her case, revealed, revealed

00:42:15 --> 00:42:25

the verses that address the issue that she was, she was bringing it to the Prophet, it was a crisis. You know, her husband said something that during the time of

00:42:27 --> 00:42:35

in those days was a statement that will suspend the relationship between the two but it's neither divorce or, or so he pretty much suspended her.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:48

Right? He said, Auntie Alia. calvario media is called the hub, which, by the way, which is very strange, like, in spite of the fact that Islam basically prohibited this, in some

00:42:49 --> 00:42:55

Muslim and non Muslim cultures or societies, this practice is still around.

00:42:56 --> 00:43:20

I mean, maybe very, in very limited within the, you know, in some parts of the world, people do this, and say, this is just weird. The the Quran addresses so heavily when it comes to the prophecy talks about this, and what her husband said to her, and she wanted a solution. And a loss of habitat, of course, revealed certain genre or an agenda, saying, concerned me Allah, Allah has indeed heard

00:43:21 --> 00:43:39

the statement of the woman that came to you complaining concerning her husband, and arguing with you, regarding what and then Allah subhanaw taala address the whole issue, and what the, you know, solution for that particular case and what the punishment is, if a man does that to his wife.

00:43:41 --> 00:44:16

So it's, it's interesting, this is, you see, one of one of the benefits, I think of this is to realize how how, how alive, and how real and how relevant and how dynamic this book is The Paradis the book of guidance, it didn't, you know, it came to guidance. It came to two directors, so and when we start studying the Quran and realizing how relevant it is, I think it will change our relationship with this book. And I think it will, it will be a great source of inspiration for us and for the members of our of our of our family. Shall any questions from the brother side? Yes.

00:44:31 --> 00:44:31

You prefer that?

00:44:33 --> 00:44:34


00:44:40 --> 00:44:54

I agree with you. Well, I'm leaning towards that as well. I think I'm I'm, I'm leaning more towards this particular approach is to take each story one story at a time and talk about the details of each of these stories.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:56


00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

You know, one of the stories of his families don't just look at them as

00:45:06 --> 00:45:07


00:45:09 --> 00:45:13

But to show you this aspect of the process,

00:45:24 --> 00:45:24


00:45:28 --> 00:45:28


00:45:32 --> 00:45:32


00:45:37 --> 00:45:46

and by the way, anyone that has any background when it comes to biblical studies or background on, you know, family and social,

00:45:47 --> 00:45:47

you know,

00:45:49 --> 00:45:56

relationships or, or, you know, anyone that has grown in any of these areas,

00:45:58 --> 00:46:01

your input your your, your,

00:46:02 --> 00:46:06

your help, will be greatly appreciated as shabbaton.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:15

James Thompson

00:46:22 --> 00:46:25

What is it called? Focus on family.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:31

But he's a Christian, and he established a situation in order to work specifically.

00:46:38 --> 00:46:42

Okay, so it's called, what was the name of the of the author?

00:46:47 --> 00:46:49

James, how do you spell the last name?

00:46:51 --> 00:46:53

t o, b. s.

00:46:54 --> 00:46:55

n. Okay.

00:47:16 --> 00:47:35

Michelle, by the way, if anyone has any suggestion of a book that I must read, like you believe that as an Imam, or as the community, you know, someone involved in the community leadership, I should read on any subject. Anything that you think I should be, you know, suggested, that doesn't mean that I'm going to read it, but I'm just saying,

00:47:36 --> 00:47:57

No, but I will highly appreciate any, any suggestion, I'm just coming up with a list of books, you know, for me to read in 2017. So if you have any suggestion, anything that you think, you know, I should really, you know, like, I should consider reading. It could be about politics, about geopolitics, about about economics about, you know,

00:47:58 --> 00:47:59


00:48:02 --> 00:48:02


00:48:03 --> 00:48:10

Whatever I get in anything, that you think that I should now urgently, you know, read before before anything.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:25

Donald Trump, Donald Trump doesn't concern me to be honest with you. I mean, I don't think he has a chance to win. I don't think I'm supposed to be talking about politics. Am I? Yeah, I'm not supposed to be okay. So I'll just leave it at that. But by the way, if anyone has anyone voted already.

00:48:27 --> 00:48:49

You have sent your your Okay. Oh, somehow today was allowed. If you haven't sent it, you may you may be able to mail it tomorrow. I mean, you're taking a chance. But you know, you may be able to mail it tomorrow. You want to make sure that it freezes. But anyways, the point is that if you decide if you decide to vote, then good for you, and good for our country.

00:48:50 --> 00:49:00

That for Donald Trump, of course, I don't think he has a chance to win. But what I'm telling you people, people are asking me, what I'm telling people is that you must

00:49:01 --> 00:49:44

vote your you know, your act upon your conscience. Right? You must act upon your principles, right? So, so make sure that any whatever you choose to do is something that you will be able to answer to your self, your children, and most importantly to God about this is why I did it. I want you to know why you're doing or you're voting the way you're voting is a huge responsibility. And when people say voting is a right that you should exercise, it's not only a right, it's actually an obligation, right or let me put it it's a responsibility to vote or not to vote is a moral responsibility. So you need to exercise it and

00:49:46 --> 00:49:46


00:49:48 --> 00:49:55

Yeah, it's sad though that we are at a point where we have to choose one from one of these.

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

Yeah, anyways. Yes, yes.

00:50:07 --> 00:50:09

What I tell people is that if you

00:50:11 --> 00:50:17

know what I'm telling people that if you choose to vote, and you know exactly why you're voting, you know,

00:50:18 --> 00:50:59

I'm fine with that, if you choose not to vote as a statement, because if whether you don't, you know, you think that boycotting it or, you know, you, you believe that the system is rigged or whatever, you know, so if you're doing it out of conviction, you know, again, you have the liberty to do that you have my my respect, and my support, whatever, on whatever you decide to do. But all I want you to do is you must care. And you must, like, apathy is something that I don't, I don't like or enjoy or tolerate. You know, I mean, again, I mean, I tolerate it, it's fine. If you want to be apathetic, that's fine. Some people it's a coping mechanism with it. But not to care is is, you

00:50:59 --> 00:51:04

know, agitates me when people just simply don't care. Oh, why didn't you register? I don't know. I don't care.

00:51:06 --> 00:51:09

either. But but but if you register?

00:51:18 --> 00:51:21

Yes. That's a very interesting question.

00:51:29 --> 00:52:08

Yeah, by the way, it doesn't even have to be killing Muslims overseas, because we think that they go overseas and they kill Muslims. They kill people here. There are so many people are dying because of the negligence or because they're the victims of the of the of the system and people who are not, you know, there are so many people who lost their homes. Right, many people who became depressed or took their own lives, you know, the financial meltdown, when it happened, it caused more than 6 million people to lose their jobs. 15 million people lost their homes. You know, why do you think there's an increase in the number of I mean, in addition to of course, the issue with the with the,

00:52:08 --> 00:52:18

with the jail system, and the but but this huge increase or spike in the number of homelessness, homeless people around? Right.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:19

You know,

00:52:22 --> 00:52:50

there there is, there's corruption. And then we need, we need to reform we need serious reform. And I personally don't think that, you know, bringing the same people who were who caused the issues, and were part of the problem, right, either due to their, you know, them mismanaging this or due to them, you know, being involved with big corporations, bringing the same people I don't think it's the solution, but

00:52:52 --> 00:53:02

we get to work within the system. So so if you if you feel that if you're not comfortable, I mean, by all means you can, you can boycott, you have the right to do that and say, you know,

00:53:08 --> 00:53:19

you can vote for you can write my name and vote for me if you want to, you can, by the way, I'm not eligible to run for president. So I want you to know that don't waste your vote on me.

00:53:28 --> 00:53:54

Okay, again, let me just say one thing, don't be deceived by statements and whatever positions people take, look at the person's entire record in Sharla and history, right, and what their agenda or what their political program is, and when you base your decision on that, I think that's, that's a decision that is based on information. We have to conclude we're done and I know that we have to pick up our children

00:53:55 --> 00:54:08

do we still pick up the chairs? Or we usually when we pick up all of this, you know, Xochimilco head again, it's great to be back. One thing I forgot to say is, I just wanted it to be for the

Sh. Mohammed Faqih discusses the Family in the Quran

11-04-16 @ IIOC

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