Mohammad Elshinawy – Legacy of Sh Abdullah Kamil #04 Determined To Make A Difference

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the challenges of self worth and reliance on the ultimate resource, which is the Prophet
sallahu alayhi wa sallam. The speaker describes how the man had a visual representation of himself in a magical way, which had a ripple effect throughout society. The speaker suggests that there is a need for optimism and creativity to address these challenges.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah on early or SOFIA drain, this may be my last reflection on the incredibly deep impact and imprint.

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My short and brief

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interactions with Sheikh Abdullah camel rock and a whole lot

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have left on me. And it is the fact that you know in our perception of ourselves our self image, and also our share of contributing to the Sacred Work of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah his Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Quran.

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Our real challenge today is a challenge of self worth a challenge of, you know, reliance upon the ultimate resource, Allah azza wa jal, a challenge sometimes of creativity. And that our problem right now, as in OMA is far more, you know, the possible things we can do, yet we sell ourselves short than the impossible things we wish we can do. And we just lament on them in unproductive ways without end. And how that pertains to Shehab law is that this was a man who was visually impaired, right. And yet, he was able to penetrate so many hearts and homes, he was able to impact so many lives and touch, you know, so many sectors of society. You know, I referenced the fact that he would

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face political pressures and harassment, because he refused in his life, despite his inability, and despite the pressures to be marginalized. In his data, you know, the man was a, a competent poet, he would write his own original poetry all the time in a flash, many times if you, you know, visit his videos, he says, I wrote this last night while thinking about a subject. So he would write his own poetry and he would perform it in his magical voice.

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And one of his most famous

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spoken words or write ups was in defense of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during one of the many cycles that we all, you know, experience of people attacking disparaging, demonizing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you know, he called the Muslims and it, you know, it had ripple effects throughout the Muslim world, 10s of millions of people, you know, for the first time in their life, you know, they're hearing this message because he crafted it in a thoughtful way and delivered it in, you know, a beautifully artistic way. And so he used what Allah gave him the articulation and the, the vocals, and he told the people, you know,

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do you really long for the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam? These are the opening lines of the poem. Do you really wish you can drink from his hand on the day of thirst, the Day of Judgment? Did you then at the very least, send your Salawat upon him today? Do you pray for him every single day? Because loving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam has a sign and it has a fruit. If that love is there, it's sign is you're constantly going to be mentioning him and mentioning him to Allah as a part of that praying for him Allah wa salatu salam ala Nabina, Muhammad Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad, Ali Muhammad, and the fruit of that love is going to be following his example. And so the,

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the least the bottom threshold is you praying for him daily. So he's saying we cannot sort of in a reactionary superficial way, act all upset that some, you know, wrongdoer, some oppressors, some ignorant person, you know, marks the Prophet alayhi salatu salam or criminalizes some practice some peaceful, well, guided practice we take from his sunnah in any part of the world. That's not enough. You need to do more and this had ripple effects throughout the Muslim world. And it even you know had political ramifications on him and his freedoms that he still did it. So for a man with his challenges with his hindrances, being visually impaired, being in a, you know, developing country

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being you know, politically so pressed could do things then so can you do not get bogged down with the things we wish we could have right now is in OMA, but we can't, we can't some things will not happen by tonight midnight.

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And so let's not be distracted by them from the things that we can do right here and now, we just need a little bit of optimism, a little bit of determination, a little bit of creativity. Nothing's random. Why did Allah cause you to live in this age in that part of the world with this skill set? You have it if Shahab de la had it, you have some to.

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