Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf #18
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The importance of knowledge and value in the realm of Islam is discussed, along with the need for leaders to use their knowledge and value to avoid confusion and discomfort. The speakers stress the importance of being clear, well spoken, and humble in order to be recognized and valued. The use of the land to dwell in Egypt and the historical use of Krishna's mercy in punishment are also discussed, along with the potential reward for those who believe in Islam. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book.
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smilla hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a drain will begin the name of Allah all praise and glory be to Allah and mais finest peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his family and his companions and all those who tread his path.
We ask Allah azzawajal to accept from all of you, you're coming out and for those that are listening or would listen online.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala fill your lives in hours with the Quran and make the Quran Robbie localu Bina this spring that feeds our hearts when all of a sudden arena and the light of our chests will gela home Amina and the upliftment or the removal of our anxieties are worries with a habit has andina and the departure of our sadness or grief as the prophet SAW Selim would ask for these four we asked for them here at the
at the onset of our talk inshallah. So we welcome everyone back to the best of stories or the story of Yusuf alayhi salam, the story and sort of yourself. And we are now at
Yusuf Ali Salaam as a free man, Yusuf Alayhi Salam being
taken in as the exclusive advisor, or most exclusive minister of the king.
And what he does with that, once the king opens the door to that
and what we can learn from it. So a lot of dilligent says, This is the 54th verse in the surah. We'll call it Melaka toonie vs. Douglas holy NFC and the king said, Bring him to me, so that I may employ him exclusively to me as the NFC furama kalama who call in Nakayama Dana McKeon I mean, and then when he Yusuf Ali Salaam, spoke to him, the king he said to him, the king said you are today in front of us, or by us highly esteemed McKean. McKenna, I mean, means fully trusted.
And, you know, when when use of La Sallam first came to Egypt, there's a huge contrast between then and now write an amazing contrast in when he first came to Egypt. They purchased him
be feminine bucks for a cheap price. Dada him Mr. Duda few
silver coins, what can you feed him in a Zahedan, they didn't value him much like less to whatever I'll pay whatever, like they were not interested in him, they just purchased them.
And now a stuff less hold enough See, I will employ him exclusively to myself.
This is a good reminder for people. And I guess this is all people, when they find themselves, not appreciate it. Some people might not appreciate you today, right? They may think very little of you. But they may come may come when you are very precious to them. Right.
And so it is natural to want to feel accepted by people and appreciated by people. This is natural, this is fine.
But be moderate in that desire of yours and just trust Alonzo Adel, trust, his wisdom, trust his timing, because maybe later is better. And maybe never, for some people is better, right? That want for acceptance could destroy some people. Right. And some people delaying it is for the greater good.
And so just imagine the transition between nobody wanted him right. And now he's at
the foot of the king. And he's going to replace the Kings feet in a second.
And he and he earned Of course, this lofty place because the king saw all of his beautiful qualities including knowledge and knowledge is what makes you relevant knowledge, especially sacred knowledge, knowledge of Allah and knowledge of his religion and knowledge of the benefits for humanity in this world and the next that comes with living up to a lesser religion. And of course that knowledge means nothing without obedience. And fellated and Al Rahim Allah actually said that when when Yusuf Ali Salaam, received his position
from the king, he was promoted, if you will.
He walked in front of them and the wife of Al Aziz was waiting for him to pass by her. And when he passed by her,
she said
Subhana Allah minella be the Moodle can before it he or Jalla minella Mookie, Avi then be masa, like glorified his God who makes out of slaves kings when they obey Him when they obey God, and makes out of Kings royalty slaves when they disobeyed him.
And so his knowledge and of course had to be accompanied by the fear of Allah and obedience to Him is what raised him to this rank. But the virtue of knowledge is very important. That's what puts you in leadership. That's what makes you relevant. That's what makes you need it. That is why the prophets were so needed and so worthy of leaders
Because they brought the world of all things knowledge, right like you talk about knowledge and education, the prophets were educators of humanity but they didn't come teach us engineering they didn't come teach us medicine as valuable as those things are because the most valuable thing to humanity is knowledge of guidance right knowledge of Allah and His guidance upon Allah tala.
And so that knowledge brought him up there as well the other fella who Latina and gentlemen como Latino Raja, Allah speaks about the virtue of knowledge and we see it unfold here a lot of races people many levels in both worlds by virtue of this knowledge, this knowledge of Deen you know, aka
Rahim Allah.
He was the the the Mufti of Mecca. He was the the great, great Siberian and called the Mecca. He says when I was a child, he met many of us will have when I was a child, my mother said to me, in Arata dunia la COVID
de la serata family cabin, we're in our home and family cabin, if you want to like be glorified here in this world, stick to knowledge, meaning of the religion and if you want to be glorifying the next stick to knowledge, if you want to go glorified in them both stick to knowledge, right? It's your greatest asset.
And interestingly use of a ceramic King now is appointing him and seeing the value of his knowledge and why I have to keep him close. Allah says falam Mecca lemahieu kala, when he use of spoke to him, he said to him in Nakayama Dana McKiernan, he said you have a high rank and very trusted by us. What did you tell him? And he said, um, we don't know.
Why don't we know?
It says if it's not important, it's as if no matter what Yusuf Ali Salaam said? Or will say, or does say it's impressive. And that is also a very important lesson. That
being selective with your words, and being articulate and being well spoken, and of course, being honest that before everything else,
is very important for the caller to Allah subhanho wa Taala to have, you know, my teachers would say that you crafting your wording in doubt whether it's in hotel bar, and like just your skills when you're speaking to people, how am I going to frame it? How am I going to explain it to different audiences, right? It's even harder online because online, you're speaking to all the audiences at once. So this is even more necessary. But when you speak to people in general, you should they will see you as the religion. And so if you speak well, they'll say this religion is worth hearing about. That's just the way people judge books by their covers. The cover is the face. Yes, how presentable
you are. there's a there's a reason why the prophet SAW Selim was sent so handsome, right? but also by the cover is what the first words you speak, they pass a judgement The moment you open your mouth, right? I'm gonna Mahaprabhu della Han, he used to say we're in Nila vaalu, a hairball radula hat, can lemma for either second lemma Sokka. For many, like how many men in my life I continue to have like I was intimidated by them or I had reverence for them. I revered them very much.
Until he opened his mouth and the moment he opened his mouth, he fell from my eyes and I never looked at him looked at him the same way again, I lost all respect for him.
You know, I leave now with all of you to say something similar. He used to say el Moro mickaboo own tattly Sahni that the human being or the man is hidden under his tongue. He once he lifts his tongue, you see him right? He hides under his tongue The moment he speaks you see him?
Socrates actually sorry, said the same thing. Socrates used to sell people speak so I may see you.
He's like Speak up. Let me see if you're worthy of my conversation. Right speak so I may see you. He's trying to say that your words reflect your character more than your your face. I don't see you until you speak. That's when I pass an assessment on it. It is very important. Allah subhanaw taala did not see as if it doesn't make a difference. What you use of Elisa Lam said whatever he said it would have been worthy of being listened to. for them maca lemma who once he spoke to him, he told him you are in our eyes. Makino I mean and trusted and
esteemed and trusted. So what did when he told him that what did use of na Salaam say, Allah? Allah has set in an hour. He said to him,
designate me or a point to me over the slaughterhouses of the land, meaning what's a good contemporary translation?
Someone helped me there has to be a word for it.
Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess treasure is fine. But this is like really like the the guy who rations out the agriculture.
And fills the silos and distributes, you know in with prudence. There is not a name for it. Someone helped me agricultural something.
Minister, Minister of Agriculture, how's that? Does that work that? They don't sorry, okay.
Someone told me don't try it. Okay. He was in charge of the storehouse of the land.
And so he said, designate me I taught the storehouse of the land. That's the official translation in me half even Allium. I am Hatfield. Hatfield means what?
He means honest. Hatfield means have the supertech meaning I am protective of it, I'm not gonna be like playing games, I'm honest. And I am, I mean, I am knowledgeable. I mean, you can trust me on this. And I know what I'm doing.
So there's some rulings and some reflections here. The first of them is that when people need you, you need to step up.
And there's nothing wrong with that. There's actually something wrong with you not doing that. You know, sometimes you want to be humble, and you want to like fear a lot. So you don't step into a position of authority. But when it is needed, you need to fear Allah and not contribute to the authority or the leadership or the responsibility being neglected or being carried in a way that you could have done better. And so when there's a need for you step up, okay? Because if you don't step up, many things could be lost, whether that's knowledge being lost, or the interests of people being lost. And just put aside humility, in that scenario, humility in the sense that it's going to
restrain you, like fate, I want you to think about something Who is the most humble person on the face of the earth?
I bet got it.
said no Mohammed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet, he would say certain things like what NSA, you do? Well, at the Adam Yo, malkia Mati. Voila, I am the master of the children of Adam, on the Day of Resurrection without boast.
The Why did he say that? For sure, it was hard for him to say that. But if he didn't say that, how else were we going to know it? And do we need to know this? We need to know this. And if he didn't do it, no one else was going to come and tell us, right? We don't speak to them directly. There is no profit along with him or after him, right. And so when there is a need for you, you need to step up. You know, this is the same reason why scholars
like Mr. Lyman Malik, others, Sophia NFlt, they used to have no problem. They even if you think consider it necessary for the scholar who has been trained in Islamic scholarship, to distinguish himself in the way that he dresses to distinguish himself and the way that he sits or in where he sits, so that people would recognize him and the sacred sciences are not lost. They don't ask ignorant people and then people start speaking without expertise and the religion of Allah azza wa jal is turned into a game.
So it was for what they carried that they did this.
Universal habit of the Allahu anhu you may not find as much of this, you will find some of it but you won't find as much like the Sahaba used to always refer to each other. You're doing a Holic feed photo, you hear the tap dancing, I'd go. And each so happy would push me to the next hobby and say no, let the get
let that guy give you the photo. Let him give you a photo. Let him give you the photo. He says until I come back to the first one. I'm saying like I'm going in circles here. Why am I doing a Holic feed Howdy. And he'll wish that his brother say the Hadith instead of him, just in case he makes the mistake. So he doesn't want the responsibility once on somebody else. But if you're in a different situation, right? Like I frequently brothers speak to me that feel guilty about giving cultiva or leading Salah, like in different places, not necessarily here.
As an athlete, you are crazy if you think you're a scholar, or a chef or a real student of knowledge. And I'm crazy if I think I'm a scholar or a chef or a real student of knowledge, but you have to employ the rule of like the law of relativity. Like if you say like when you're in a situation and you're the only one that knows just write with Tajweed and you know, its meanings, and no one else does your their share. You have to teach the people and you have to leave them in prayer, so long as it's possible for you to do so. Right.
They would even be obligated to hire you to make sure you do that. Because their religion would be lost otherwise with this misplaced sense of humility, and so use the value system. Of course of course whenever we say this, we don't mean you're eager for it. You wish you didn't have to but you need to. He said Johnny Allah has a lot of employee me hire me in this place because I know what I'm doing
and he
Mr. Malik about this ayah you're gonna consider me like ethnocentric right now or like just biased here. But this is a man Malik, who's not from Egypt. He said about this ayah. And he would recite this ayah and say Masaru has a lot that he didn't mean, he didn't mean,
employing me
on this sector of Egypt, which is the agricultural department, right? Like the the plantations of Egypt, he said, Make me in charge of the agriculture of Egypt. Right? So he called Egypt, the storehouse of the land of the earth. Right? You understand? So am I making sense? So employ me on the storehouse of the Earth has that in the treasure chests of the earth, He doesn't mean employ me on this position, you know, in this warehouse in Egypt, that's not what he means. He means employ me to control everything that happens agriculturally in Egypt, and he called Egypt to store houses of the earth. So Mr. Malik took from that idea that Egypt is the storehouse of the earth. And then
there was a time when this was much easier to be appreciated.
And that is a lesson as well. But Egypt is known to be a place with just remarkable production, fertile soil, you know, a very blessed river, you know, that had Ethan's intellect.
And Bukhari and Muslim mentioned that denial is one of the Four Rivers of genda.
And now we'll handle it has means it originated from Jenna. It's one of the four that originated from Jenna. And so it's a very blessed land with very blessed, unique production. And that's why historically, by the way, the Empire used to fight over Egypt, because whoever gets to win Egypt, they would milk it, they would abuse it, but they would milk it for everything. Right. And that hasn't changed much.
But why do I say that? It's not because I'm gyptian. I'm saying that because when you look at the economic and the agricultural woes of Egypt right now, it reminds you that as blessed as this storehouse of the planet is it is not inherently blessings, blessings are by the hands of a lot of diligent. He withholds them whenever he wants, and he releases them whenever he wishes. He locks them in the earth sometimes. That's why the Hadeeth also about the time after the jet after the end times, it says that Allah will command the earth and fvg Baraka Turkey, to extract your blessings meaning there there there are certain places I love made blessing. But Allah traps them inside for
whatever reasons, and he allows them to emerge at other times as well.
Okay, so he said, appoints me over the earth in knee heavy alone, alim. Because I am honest, and I am knowledgeable, meaning what you can trust me, and I'm skilled at this, I know what I'm doing.
And those are the two most fundamental qualifiers for any line of work. For any line of work. It is not enough for you to be what honest, pious religious, if you are not specialized in something, you should not opt for it. Right? You should not assume yourself, oh, I have to go carry this because I'm the most trustworthy guy and I'm the most religious guy. No, no, that's not the way to when I tell you, you have to step up. It's because you you are protective of it, you're sincere to it, but you also know what you're doing. That is extremely important. You know, speaking of Imam Malik, when we were studying
the science of Hadith, I always get caught with this one narration you know, Malika Han Allah used to say that I have met in this semester. You know, my Malik was the amount of Allah Medina he was the Imam of Medina and his time, he used to Melaka bananas. He used to run of course, the greatest circle of Howdy, in the masjid of the prophet SAW Selim. So when he says I found in the masjid, he means mission in the belly, right the heart of Islam. So he says, I have met 70 people in this Masjid. 70 people in this Masjid, who narrate on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I accept nothing from them. Even though I know that if I were to place them in charge of beta
ledger to who I mean and I would have found him trustworthy. Well, I can Avenue avana who lay Sela Who? We had a laser level shaman had a shot. But I believe that he has no business in this discipline. The science of Hadith is not just about you, being an honest guy. You have to be precise. You have to know what you're doing. It's not just about credibility of character. It is about you mastering the discipline. So in general, that needs to apply everywhere. No matter how religious no matter how big of a scholar, that does not mean that you're good at others.
disciplines that doesn't mean you're good at other specializations.
And we do a great disservice to Islam whenever we we confuse those two things. And of course if you're skilled and you don't have honesty or sincerity then no Bennett not much benefit will come from you. Of course if you're just you know consumed in greed or in insincerity or just egotism or whatever else in the field on on him. The next is what cleverly can can use of and in this way, so the king gave it to him. And in this way, we established use to fill out in the land, yet about what we mean her hi Felicia to dwell it about what it means to take as a residence. In it in Egypt in this land, wherever he wishes. newsleave will be mattina many men Nasha we touch with our mercy,
whomever we wish, well, no, Leo agilon Marcin, and we will never allow the reward of the righteous to go to waste. That's the next idea. This is how we establish use of the land to dwell in Egypt, however he wishes and who and we touch with our mercy, whomever we wish. And we will never allow the award of the good doers to go to waste.
So something to notice, or a few. This is the second time in the surah we hear we can barely can make use of this is how we established yourself. When was the first time
use of
he raised his hand so I just have to act like I I'm fair and just huh.
When he
Yes, when he was first purchase, and brought into the house of Aziz. Allah says, look at the liquor, this is how we established yourself and to teach him how to interpret events. The second time allows you to sing and this is how we established yourself to dwell in Egypt wherever he wishes, okay.
What's the difference? This was for sure, a lesser establishment than that Allah has we established use of La Salaam here, so that he may in learn linear alemayehu that we had it. So we may teach him the interpretation of statements or events.
So he's developing skills here, he's being established, he's learning how the other country runs from a disease. He's also maturing, he's learning more and more from Allah azza wa jal, how to interpret dreams. And so he's becoming knowledgeable. He's established in a place where he can become knowledgeable and become skilled on how to interpret events, whether their dreams or droughts, hey, that wrong Oh, it doesn't rhyme. But they will start with a Dr. Interpret all of this. And now we're moving on to a different phase, right? We're establishing use of to do whatever he wants in Egypt.
So you being established by Allah azza wa jal are given access points to influence to benefit happens in stages. And this is from the mercy of Allah subhana wa, tada for sure. Because if you don't, you know, do well, with your, your lesser form of establishment, you don't want to get established on higher levels, you don't want greater responsibilities. Because the higher they go, the harder they fall, right. And so it's as if in all of our lives, our lives, just gives us opportunities. And if we make the best of those opportunities, we're given at that point, another step in the ladder, a ladder does not give you all the steps at once all the access at once, so that
you don't destroy yourself, right. And if you do well, with the first you get the second, this is from the great Rama vilazodone in the edge of the opportunities he gives you, and also in punishment, by the way.
Also in punishment, that's a different subject as well. But it could be said that from the mercy of Allah is that he gives you lesser punishment here in the dunya
out of his mercy for you, right, so that you come back and do not go further down. But he established him a second time in the earth. You hit the bell Whoa,
man, hi, Sasha to go wherever he wants in Egypt. And we can also say here what a gentleman just said, Amen. You know that the rule we always talk about that a lot repays you His perfect justice, in the same nature or same kind as the deed. Like if you're merciful. Allah shows you mercy if you forgive others, Allah forgives you. The generous people was generous with them. Those who forget a lot of love forgets them. The plotters Allah plots against right it always matches. So he puts up with being locked up in Egypt in a corner of Egypt. Some say it was a cave at the prison was in a cage in a cave and the repayment was
What now all of Egypt is yours, Al Jazeera emergency Rama.
And the scholars mentioned that from this point onwards in the story,
the king is no longer mentioned whatsoever.
And so it appears that he either gave kingship to use of a solemn, he conceded abdicated rule to use of a solemn or perhaps he appointed him as his successor and died soon after. But de facto like whether or not these details happened or something else. Yousuf is everything right now in Egypt, because the king is not being mentioned at all. And Allah just said, it's about what woman has to do whatever he wants to dwell and go and settle wherever he wants in Egypt. He became the undisputed in Egypt alehissalaam
after being after tolerating being locked up in it,
and then he says, No,
no, no, Cebu. mattina menasha. Well, no, the original sin, we touch with our mercy like he talked about, he's the undisputed and then Allah says, we touch with our mercy, whomever we wish, because a touch of Allah's mercy, an ounce if it's proper to say that we use that loosely, of course, an ounce of Allah's mercy is enough for every success imaginable. Right? And for every pain to be forgotten, an ounce of is a touch of His mercy. A touch of his blessings. apana Hola, Donna.
The the poet he says very beautifully one poet, he says
workato ratoon mean failed Lee Judaica, la minvalue Judaica Tam level aldara year whenever attune bi in Erie, locka Tagil, Cafiero Walia.
A drop from the ocean of your generosity can fill this earth with water.
And one glance, not my glance, it's just the habits right the point here, and a glance from your eye of pleasure, like you looking at me while pleased with me. You know, one glance from you while please that me can turn a disbeliever into the closest servant of Allah Subhana Allah God, we ask Allah to look at us with His pleasure.
But this is it no see, you will be mighty Nemanja, we touch with our mercy. It's all it's needed. Whomever we wish.
Well, I know the original machine and we don't allow their award of the good doers to go to waste. Well, of course, how can the reward of the good doers go to waste?
You know, Razia Rahim, Allah and His Tafseer on this ayah
loosely, I don't recall it completely. But he says How can the reward of the good do or go to waste?
That would mean that Allah is what ignorant of it? No, it was not ignorant of my good doing that I love for God to maybe
know let us forget sometimes we do good deeds. We forget what we did years ago, right. I love didn't forget it's a pinata. He's incapable of rewarding you. There's some sort of shortage. No, not gonna happen, right? There's some sort of stinginess? Impossible, right? He didn't, he doesn't want to reward you or he doesn't have to reward you because he didn't promise No, we know for sure he promised. And so for a certain of all of these, for the believer, it cannot be imagined that Allah would let your award go to waste.
Allah would never because it doesn't match with what we know about him. So kinda Hola, Don.
And the last I will discuss today very quickly, while agile ferati hi Ron Linda Vina Amano, what can we add chacun but, you know, the well here would mean but right, but the reward of the Hereafter is better. For those who am I know who those who believe, and yet Kuhn and they used to observe taqwa used to observe piety.
So why do you think what is the value of saying that after we touch with our mercy whomever we wish and one drop of our mercy basically the intended meaning gives you some value to them all of this? Why this next I
think with me,
someone think nothing. Why?
Yes, first of all, to not lose sight of the vast generosity of Allah
this dounia can
Ever contain a lot of course. But even the reward of the believer cannot be contained by this dunya. Allah is so generous his generosity is so vast, that the real reward the actual one that he wants to give you some kind of with Allah is in a place that is better and a place that doesn't end and never last thing.
And also because what gives me another reason
not everybody gets rewarded in their dunya right.
And so to console those who don't get this in the dunya because I told you sometimes it is from his mercy that he doesn't give you because it would destroy you
to remember if you are not given in this dunya the glory and the authority and the sovereignty and the rule and the riches and remember this is nothing anyway compared to the hereafter.
A third reason the scholars mentioned about this is Sophia and
Marina Rahim Allah he says and this idea is to assert
in meaning
that the believer is rewarded in this world and the next because you know many times in the hold on and this should concern a believer that a person may be in a place where Allah rushes to them their reward in the dunya that should worry a believer or their loved one you used to cry very heavily on who'd read the eye and a laugh when I lost Oh Jen says that some people will be presented to the fire and they will be told and habitant by evatik comfy hieratic madonia was stamped out on do you have expired used up all of your your pleasantries in this world, and you've enjoyed them. Now here, here, there's nothing for you.
And so substandard Marina Rahim Allah saying for the believer, he is rewarded here and there. Whereas alfalfa, he said, the wicked person, like the cafard, or the believer whose belief is, he is given some here and has no share there. And so this is to come and say, by the way, this doesn't apply to the believer, the believer the more sin the good door gets rewarded in both This doesn't take away from that, as opposed to the majority of humanity who used up their opportunities for the afra for a shallow
short lived reward here.
That's important to remember as well. So number one of the reasons is to remember our last generosity, this is nothing compared to what Allah has in store for you.
Number two, for those that don't get even this little, the dunya reward to be consoled by that. And number three, not to assume that you're being rewarded here will take away from your award there. If you are in fact of the machine.
That's all so panic alone will become the shadow law in Ireland and stuff. It'll gradually go lozada Ireland. Any questions?
Mohammed and heartily wikidata visa