Mirza Yawar Baig – The Position of Rasoolullah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of guidance and guidance from the Bible is crucial to achieving Islam's teachings, as it is a complete way of life. Visitors should be instructed to pray and fast before practicing Islam, as it is a complete way of life. Visitors should also be advised to follow the messenger and not just obey it. Visitors should also be instructed to practice Islam and not just obey the messenger.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters and elders,

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I remind myself and you that the opposite

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of knowledge

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is not ignorance,

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but the illusion of knowledge.

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Ignorance, which is recognized,

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is a blessing because the person then

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seeks to dispel it by learning.

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But the illusion of knowledge

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produces arrogance,

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which shuts the door

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to learning and greases the slide into Jahannam.

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As happened for the first time, when Iblis,

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blinded by his own faulty logic

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based on his illusion of knowledge, decided

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to defy Allah's

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that it is possible to convince

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70 scholars with 1 Dalil,

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but it is not possible

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to convince 1 ignorant person, 1 Jahil,

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even with 70 Dalil.

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May Allah

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make us humble

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and be willing to accept the truth when

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evidence is presented to us. And remember

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that it is not about winning arguments,

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but about standing for and being on the

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Allah in his infinite mercy

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sent for us a way of life called

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This came in the form of his revelation,

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his wahi,

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and its meaning and demonstration

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through its teacher,

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our beloved prophet,

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Muhammadu Rasoolullah, salallahu alayhi wa aalaahi wa salam.

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A book of commands,

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the Quran

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and its field book, the sunnah

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of Sayyidina Rasulillahi

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salallahu alayhi wa

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sali yaw salam. Allah

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to protect his word

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which means the text,

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the meaning, the context,

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and the implementation.

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And he said,

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is certainly we who have revealed the reminder,

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the zikr of the kalam of another the

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and it is we who will preserve it.

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The easiest way to consider that Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala

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the easiest way to understand this is to

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that Allah

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commanded us to pray,

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but didn't explain the method of salah in

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the Quran.

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he taught it to his messenger, Muhammad

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who taught it to us and he

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said pray as you have seen me pray.

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this is what Allah did with all the

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pillars of Islam. The arkhan of Islam, all

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5 of them, this is what Allah

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to make the position of the Messenger, Muhammad

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Alaihi Wa Salaam

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said

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that Islam is the only way to Salvation

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on the Day of Judgment and He said,

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He said which means whoever seeks a way

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other than Islam,

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it will never be accepted from them and

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in the hereafter

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they will be among the losers.

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But Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala did not tell

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us how to enter Islam.

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It was Rasool Allah, a sallam,

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who was instructed

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about how people could enter Islam, and it

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is from him

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that we have the Shahadah,

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Ashadwala Illa Illallah,

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or Ashadwala

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Muhammadur Rasoolullah.

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In Hadid Dibrail, which is one of the

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most famous and one of the most important

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Hadith in the collection of Hadith

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and is considered to be 1 third of

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our religion and the knowledge of our religion,

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we have the words of the Shahadah.

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On the authority of Umar ibn Khattab the

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meaning of the Hadith who said,

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while we were one day sitting with Rasool

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Allah, SAW,

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there appeared before us a man dressed

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in extremely

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white clothes

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and with very black hair.

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No traces of travel

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were visible on him,

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and none of us knew him.

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He sat down

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close by Rasulullah, his salam,

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rested his knees

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the knees of Rasulullah

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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and placed his palms

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over the thighs of Rasoolullah, sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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which means he's leaning forward like that, and

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said, oh, Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Asbirni Anil

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informed me about Islam. Rasoolullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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Islam is that you should testify

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that there is no deity

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worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad

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is His Messenger,

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salAllahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And that you should establish

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a Salah,

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should pay Zakah,

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you should fast during Ramadan,

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and perform Hajj to the house of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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alayhi sabeelah,

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if you can find a way to do

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or find the means of making a journey

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to it, he said, you have the person

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who was there, he said, you have spoken

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the truth. It's a very beautiful Hadith, very

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and something which is absolutely essential and critical

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for us to study

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as a fundamental

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piece of learning to learn about Islam.

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The method of praying and all the rules

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related to it, the rules related to Zakat,

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to fasting, and Hajj, all come from Rasulullah

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not from the Quran

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Without the guidance of Rasool, it

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is impossible

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to live Islam.

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To help us understand the relationship

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between the Kitab of Allah, the book of

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and its explanation.

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The sunnah of Rasulullah

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Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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said, And I said, nor does he speak

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of his own volition.

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It is only a revelation

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sent down to him.

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Let us see how this affects us and

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our relationship with Allah

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and his Rasul, his messenger, salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and, therefore,

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what our responsibilities

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are in that

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context. Allah

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drew our attention to his great favor on

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the believers. On us, we ask Allah

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to include us among the believers

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because only for the believers

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is there

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is their success in this world and the

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and and the hereafter. Allah

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the believers a great favor

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by raising a messenger from among them, reciting

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to them His revelation,

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purifying them, and teaching them the book and

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wisdom, for indeed

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they had previously

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been clearly astray.

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Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, called Rasulullah,

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his special

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blessing on us, on the believers

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because to understand the Quran

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and apply it in our lives is not

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without the guidance

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of Rasulullah

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is the key to understanding

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the meaning of the Quran

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and implementing

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its commands

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in our lives.

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This is what I mean

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by the word and its meaning.

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What the word

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without the meaning

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is merely

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sound or text.

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It is only with the meaning that it

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and soothes

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and supports

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and strengthens

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and encourages and consoles and guides.

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The Quran is the what. The sunnah is

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the how.

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Without the how, the what cannot be implemented.

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told us who He sent the Quran to

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where He said,

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Allah did not say alaibadih,

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He said alaabuddihi.

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Blessed is the one who sent down the

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fuqar, the standard, the criterion between right and

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wrong, haram halal, the way of life. Daluforkar,

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blessed is the one who set down the

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standard or the criterion

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to his slave, Muhammad salallahu alayhi, sir. To

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his slave

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so that he may be a warder to

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the whole world.

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The Quran came to the Rasool,

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and the Rasool came to us.

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This is the fundamental principle

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of Islam,

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and the core relationship

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between Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la and Rasool Allah

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Subhana Wa Salam which we acknowledge

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starting from the

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shahad. This is the meaning

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of preservation

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and protection

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of the word of Allah. Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala said,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala directed his Nabi Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam, he ordered his Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam to

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introduce himself and

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to declare this for all of humanity.

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He said,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said which means,

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belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the

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earth. There is no God. There is no

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deity worthy of worship except Him.

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He gives life and causes death.

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So believe in Allah and his messenger,

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the unletered prophet who believes in Allah and

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his revelations

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and follow him so you may be rightly

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The distinction of Rasool

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is that though he is called a messenger,

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he is in fact a teacher.

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Unlike a postman

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who carries a bag of letters, which he

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has nothing to do with, he knows nothing

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about what the letters contain.

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His job is merely to deliver the letters

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to the addressees.

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In the case of Rasulullah, it

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is extremely and totally and completely different. In

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the case of

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Rasulullah the meaning of delivery of the message

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to teach people

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how to live by the orders of

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Allah how to implement that message in their

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how to live by that message, to accept

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the message

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in word, in belief,

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and to demonstrate that acceptance

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through their actions.

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Islam is the name of a practice like

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a martial art, for example. To learn it,

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there is some theory to study and some

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books, but you learn by practicing under a

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teacher, under the guidance of our teacher. And

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that is why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,

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has done the believers a great favor by

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raising a messenger from among them, reciting to

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them his revelations,

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purifying them and teaching them the book and

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wisdom for, indeed, they had previously been clearly

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Allah did not say that Allah has blessed

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the believers by sending them his his book

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through a messenger whose job was to simply

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deliver the book and disappear. He didn't say

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The job of Rasool alaihi wasalam was not

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merely to recite or inform, but to inform

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to prepare them to receive the information

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by purifying them to explain

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what it means

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and then to demonstrate to show them how

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to implement

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what had been commanded.

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Without the preparation,

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without the teaching, without the demonstration, the information

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cannot be implemented

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at all.

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The messenger is intrinsic

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to the message.

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The message came to be acted upon and

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without him, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, the message cannot

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be acted upon and lived by.

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Islam is not merely a theology or a

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but a complete way of life.

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It is a deen. It is not a

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The value of Islam and the matter about

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which we will be questioned is not knowledge

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about Islam, but whether we practiced it in

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our lives or not.

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That is why the agents of Shaitan

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attack Rasulullah SAWSALAM because they know that if

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they can remove the Sunnah from our lives,

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they would have effectively removed Islam and replaced

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it with the desires of people to be

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manipulated at will until they accompany Shaitan to

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his destination.

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Respect for Rasool Allah,

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loving him and following his sunnah are all

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against Shaitan.

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To learn about Rasulullah

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is to study

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his Seerah.

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To learn about Rasool SAWSALLAM,

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to study his Seerah with the intention

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of applying it in our lives to live

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the way that he lived, to mold our

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character on his, to follow his sunnah in

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every aspect of our lives

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is a sign that we love him, sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. And he said that on

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the day of judgment,

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we will be with those we love. So

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let us decide who we want to be

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with on the day of judgment.

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We can say,

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what we can say about the one on

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whom Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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sent His salaam and ordered us to do

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same is

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that He is the best of creation and

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that Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, did not create

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equal to Him or like Him

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in His entire creation.

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After all, what can we say and how

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can we praise the one who Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala Himself about him He said,

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Allah said indeed,

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Allah said, invoke Allah's blessings on him

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and salute him

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with the greeting of peace.

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Ask Allah to give us this opportunity

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to say this to Rasool Allah,

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sir, face to face

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while we are alive in this life, in

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our dreams, and when we meet him, Insha'Allah,

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on his house on the day of judgment.

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Let us make sending salaat wa salaam on

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Rasoolullah salaam,

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our daily habit of goodness.

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The minimum reward of which is that Allah

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will send his salaam

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10 times

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on the one who sends salaam on

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as clearly

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as possible, fearing nobody

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other than Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Our responsibility

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is to convey the message, not to convince

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O Muhammad SAWHAN,

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say, obey Allah and obey the messenger, but

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if you turn away, then he, the messenger

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is only responsible for his duty, and you

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are responsible for

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And if you obey him, you will be

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rightly guided. This is the promise of Allah

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If you obey him, you will be rightly

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guided. The messenger's duty is only to deliver

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the message clearly.

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For us, what must we do?

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Obey Allah and obey the messenger, Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam. Obey Allah in accepting his command.

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Obey the messenger

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in following his way in how that command

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is to be implemented

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in our lives.

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And if you do that,

00:19:43 --> 00:19:45

if you obey him, you will be guided.

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This is the promise of Allah.

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to guide us to that which pleases him.

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