Mirza Yawar Baig – Seek forgiveness not Dunya

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the belief that problem solving is a sign of insanity and that money solves everything. They emphasize the importance of being the beloved of Islam and compare the value of people like Israel and the Jews in their fire to their own lives. The speaker emphasizes the need to act the way people act based on what they believe, forgiveness, and mercy. They also discuss the importance of accumulating wealth and pursuing forgiveness and mercy.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear brothers and sisters,

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to expect

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a problem to be solved

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the means which created that problem

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is a sign of insanity.

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Let me repeat that. To expect a problem

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to be solved

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by the same means

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by which the problem

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was created

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is a sign of insanity.

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Today, if you look at ourselves,

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I remember the Hadith

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He said just as

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one shoe fits another. You know, if you

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take 2 shoes and put them

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sole to

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sole, they're the same size, obviously.

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He said just like that, he said my

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will follow the money side, meaning that we

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will do what they used to do.

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If you think about ourselves today

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and see

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the condition that we are in.

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All over the world.

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We are

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abused, the weakest,

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the most reviled,

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the most

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the most oppressed

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of all people

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anywhere on Earth.

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And that is despite our numbers.

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We are a 1,000,000,000. We are a 1,000,000,000

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and a half.

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A lot of the best.

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our material wealth,

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Now that is something

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to seriously think about because

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we seem to have this mental impression that

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money solves everything.

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The reality is that we,

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more money than probably any other

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parallel group.

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If you collect the if you if you

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count the

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of the Muslim countries,

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yet 57 Muslim countries together in the organization

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of Islamic

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57 Muslim countries together

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cannot issue

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one clear statement

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with regard to the oppression that is happening

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We are

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our our countries which have wealth.

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They are not

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economies, but they are bank accounts

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for somebody else

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to take from them at will.

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Today, we are in a position where

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nobody cares what we think.

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Nobody seeks our opinion.

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Our influence despite all this wealth is zilch.

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Nobody bothers or cares or hoot

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what the Muslims will do or the what

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what Muslim countries will do because they know

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that they will do nothing.

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Now just think about it. How did we

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get here?

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If you look at it from the lens

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of Islam, and that is the only lens

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to look at it from because

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only that gives us perspective.

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told us this very clearly in the

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Allah said, do you do you act do

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you believe in part of the book and

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reject the rest?

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And Allah said, what is the reward for

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those who do this?

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and difficulty

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and punishment in this life of this

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and on the day of judgement, they will

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be returned, they will be turned towards the

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worst punishment.

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And Allah is not

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of what you do.

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If you think about this

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If you think about this, this is exactly

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what happened with the Bani side.

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said to them in

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they say

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they say that we are the sons

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and children of God, of Allah.

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And we are the beloved of Allah.

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And Allah

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says, then why does Allah punish you?

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Ask them why does Allah punish you?

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Now if you think about the history of

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the Bani Israel

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of the,

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you know, maybe a 1000 years or more

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being being persecuted

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and and and,

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in in country after country, nation after nation.

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And yet,

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they said we are the beloved of God.

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If you look at ourselves,

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and this is the comparison. We need to

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make the comparison because this

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community, the one Israel, were the people before

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They were the.

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They were the best creation, best people before

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Today, we are in the same situation

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where we think

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if you ask,

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you know, us if you ask Muslims,

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where do you think

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the the people who join partners with Allah

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will be valued on the day of judgement?

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What will happen to them? They will be

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in their fire. Okay.

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What about the Jews in their fire? What

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about the Christian in their fire? What about

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the Hindu in their fire? Everybody in their

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What about you? We will be in.

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My question which I asked myself anyways, on

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what basis do we have this

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great confidence

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that we will be in

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without any

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On the one hand, we have people like

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and all the rest of the other 6.

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The people who had been promised

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Jannah in this life.

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Who have been given the glad tidings of

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Jannah in this life.

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And you had those people, for example,

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said that I wish I was

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like a like a brave blade of dried

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grass that I would blow in the wind,

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and I would never I would never be

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called to account.

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He would say until both my feet are

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in Jannah, I will not believe that I

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am I will be in Jannah.

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So the Ramanujan used to say that if

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I knew that on the day of judgement,

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only one person went to Jannah, everybody went

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to Jannah, I would think that I'm that

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person who went to Jannah.

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And of course, he had hope in Allah's

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pursue also and he said the opposite also.

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He said that if I knew that I

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was only 1 person went to Jannah, then

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I would be that person.

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So these were people who

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been stabbed and he was bleeding and they

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tried to give him some water. He drank

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the water, the water water come out of

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his belly because belly had been slashed.

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He said to his son,

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said put me on the ground on on

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the earth.

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He said, my father, why why would he

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do that? He said, throw me on the

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ground on the earth

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so that Allah will look at me and

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have pity on me

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And forgive

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me. This was the attitude of people who

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had been promised.

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I ask you and I ask myself, what

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have you been promised?

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Do you have a promise from Allah that

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you will get Jannah? Do I have, do

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I have such a promise?

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And if that is not the case, on

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what basis do I

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act the way I act? Ask us ask

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let us ask ourselves this question.

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Why on earth do we believe that we

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can deliberately leave salah, which is?

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And Allah and Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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the I had the covenant, the promise, the

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dividing line between them and us meaning the

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non Muslim and the Muslim is Salah the

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one who leaves Salah has left Islam.

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And we leave salah.

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No problem.

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For for all kinds of reasons without reason.

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Allah made Ramadan

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for us. We live fasting.

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Why are you not fasting, brother? Oh, I

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have to go to the gym.

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The same Allah who is giving you that

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strength to go to the gym can give

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you a stroke.

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What will you do then?

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You have the ability and the and Allah

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gave you the wealth to go for Hajj.

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You don't go for Hajj.

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told us to pay Zakat.

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We try to deceive Allah in Zakat.

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We do all kinds of calculations.

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And yet we believe that we will go

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to Jannah without question.

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We we deal in interest based

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the wrath of Allah

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a declaration of war from Allah

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So therefore, if I am dealing in interest,

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I am at war with Allah. I am

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at war with Rasulullah. Meaning that Allah is

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my enemy and Rasulullah is my enemy.

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And we expect to win this war.

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Not only do we do this, but we

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justify that.

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Please understand.

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1 is to commit a sin. There's nothing

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good about committing a sin but sometimes

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because of some weakness or whatever

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we may commit a sin.

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Immediately, if you make a takwar, InshaAllah,

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Allah will accept this is takwar and will

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forgive us. This is our hope with Allah.

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But somebody who commits the sin, somebody who's

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drinking alcohol, for example, taking some drugs, for

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example, committing, for example,

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you know, for example, or even leaving a

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salah, for example.

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If the person is doing that, knowing it

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is wrong and being contrite and being regretful

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and being

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and repenting that.

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Then the person

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can be forgiven.

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He will be forgiven.

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Even if the person does not repent, he

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has committed a sin, a major sin

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because he knows it's a sin, but he

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considers it to be a sin. He still

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did it. It's a major sin. He is

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liable for punishment, but we hope Allah

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will forgive it.

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But if a person says that the thing

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is not a sin, if he is

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denying it,

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if Allah made something Haram and he says

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it is not Haram, Allah made something halal,

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he says it is not halal.

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Allah prohibited something, he said, it's not prohibited.

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prohibited interest and declared war and the man

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says, no, no, no, it doesn't apply.

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Such a person has left Islam.

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The person says, no, I don't have to

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pray. That person has left Islam.

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My brothers and sisters, please understand this.

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Yesterday, one of our

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the daughters of one of our very close

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friends passed away

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in her twenties.

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Death is around the corner.

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Death is looking at us in the face

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every single day.

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If he can't recognize it, it doesn't matter.

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It's still there.

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What is going to happen?

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We spend a lot of time.

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See how insane it is. That's why I

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began with that quote of mine.

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If you expect to solve a problem the

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way you created it, it's a sign of

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What do you say about somebody? And this

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is this applies to most people in this.

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What do you say about somebody

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who spent his whole life, all his energy,

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all his

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all his time

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trying to collect things which he knows he

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will have to leave behind.

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The more he collects, the more he has

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to leave behind.

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And the more difficult it will be to

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leave that behind because it is more.

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What is it about as a person? Do

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you think that person has is intelligent? Do

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you think that person has sense?

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That person is me and you.

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If you are spending all our lives

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trying to accumulate more and more wealth,

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accumulate more and more stuff.

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There's nothing wrong in accumulating wealth with a

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purpose and then using it for that purpose,

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which is to get Jannah.

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Nothing wrong with that.

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But just money. I must have more money.

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I must go on more holidays. I must

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have a bigger house.

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And my house is perfect divine. No. I

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was redecorated.

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Bigger car, better car, faster car, whatever.

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This is

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simply pursuit

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of this dunya without any sense.

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And that is why Allah said in Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said this life of this

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dunya is only

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Accumulating stuff, knowing that you will have to

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leave it behind.

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Ask Allah Subhanathara to give a sense before

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medical mouth comes to meet us

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and to take us away from this mindless

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of things that we would have to leave

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and instead

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to pursue

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the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and to pursue His forgiveness and to pursue

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His mercy.

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We ask Allah to keep us in His

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protection and to save us from ourselves.

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