Mirza Yawar Baig – Ramadan 2024 Reminders #30

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speaker, who is not identified by role, is asking for everyone to grant him to be part of a wider movement, specifically the movement of peace and peace in the Middle East. He also requests that all Muslims be given the opportunity to participate in a declaration of Islam and to receive water from Islam's blessed hand. The speaker also requests that all Muslims receive special incentives for their families.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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Eid Mubarak to all of you.

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Inshallah, today or tomorrow will be Eid.

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We ask Allah

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to accept

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whatever we could do in this month of

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Ramadan al Khairi, which was

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a gift to Allah.

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We ask Allah

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to accept what we could do.

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We ask

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Allah to forgive the shortcomings

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of what we

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did. We ask Allah

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to beautify our deeds

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and make them

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worthy of his

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of his

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We ask Allah

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make this the best Ramadan of our lives

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if this is the last one, and if

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it is not the last one, then give

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us and then in that case, to give

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us another one and make that one the

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best of our lives.

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Ask Allah to forgive all those of our

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friends and relatives and brothers and sisters

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who passed away before this Ramadan.

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I want to make special mention

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of my very, very dear friend and brother,

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in all the works of

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my brother Adnan Mahmood,

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I asked Allah

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to fill his cover with noor

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and to make it one of the gardens

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of the gardens of Jannah.

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I asked Allah

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to give his family,

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which is literally like my family,

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give them

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saber and to

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protect them from all evil. I ask Allah's

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to accept our

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for Adnan and to

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make all the good things that he did,

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it means of

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to forgive his sins

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and to accept him in and

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to grant him the company of Rasulullah.

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this for all of us, all those who

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have passed away and all those who are

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going to pass away from now until the

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day of judgment, all the Muslims who have

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died and all the Muslims who are going

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to die ask Allah

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to forgive all of us, to fill our

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with noor, to make our graves

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the gardens of the of Jannah to save

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us from the from the trials and tribulations

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and the Azab of the Assar

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asked Allah

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resurrect us with

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and to grant us the share of his

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on the day when there will be no

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shade except the shade. Ask

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to grant us to meet Rasulullah

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on his house and house Al Khosr

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and to receive the water of Al Khosr

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from his blessed hand. Ask Allah

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to show us the beautiful smile of Rasool

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Allah when he looks at us and he's

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pleased with us, and we ask Allah to

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enable us to say directly

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and to grant that Rasool should reply to

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our salah and give us dua, and we

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ask Allah to accept that dua in our

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favor and his shafat in our favor. We

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ask Allah

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to grant that we cross the Sirat behind

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Rasool, salaam, in the hills and iman of

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Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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and that Allah grants us the entrance into

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janatil filhosool Allah, alayhisab

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without his help in the company of Muhammad,

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walking behind him. We ask

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to grant us the company of

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to grant us

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a space at his feet, and we ask

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to enable us to listen to the recitation

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of the Quran

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by in in the in the beautiful voice

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of Rasulullah

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fellows. And finally and most importantly, we ask

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to grant us his own, his own as

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he promised

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to make us among those who will listen

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to that declaration of Allah,

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the announcement that Allah

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will make to say that from today, I

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am that today I'm pleased with you, and

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I will never be displeased.

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To all of you and all your families,

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and I request you for special dua for

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me and my family.

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