Mirza Yawar Baig – HM Khatira #08 Akhlaaq

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of character and manners in life is emphasized, as physical behavior is not the only important factor. The speaker also advises parents to not bring children to the facility and to let children stand next to them. The importance of praying for others and not bringing children to the church is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning to hold one's hand and not to ever be interrupted by others, as it is crucial for success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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we know the famous hadith where he said

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I have been sent for

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the perfection of good character.

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I've been sent for the

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perfection of good character, to perfect good character,

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to perfect manners.

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If you ask me to

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what is the meaning of good character, good

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in one word,

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that word is consideration.

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for each other. Right?

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that you learn to do that which is

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not natural.

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Think about this.

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Consideration requires

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that you learn to do

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that which is not natural

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for the benefit of others.

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To give you a very basic example,

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you have a child. The child is born,

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is growing up,

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still nursing and so on and so forth.

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What is the first thing that the parents

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teach the child? They teach the child what

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we call potty training.

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Potty training.

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Now tell me

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to defecate or urinate,

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when you are feeling like defecating and urinating,

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is it natural or not natural?

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Natural. Every cow does it. Every dog does

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So why do you insist that your child

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must learn

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to hold it

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until he reaches the place which is designated

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for that purpose.

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Polititating is what? Polititating is not to say

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never defecate. Never urinate. No. Of course, you

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have to do it. It's a natural.

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Do it in the right place. Yes?

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So doing something in the right place means

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that you have to hold in your natural

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I feel like doing something, but this is

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not the right place for that.

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The same thing when it is done in

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the right place is beautiful. It is

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It is the essence of good good character

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and good manners. The very same thing done

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in the wrong place.

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The thing has not changed. The location has

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So for example,

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when we are praying,

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if somebody's phone rings,

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how do you feel?

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That ringtone I don't have.

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So I'm going to ask this, but once

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he finishes,

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brother, what what ringtone, can you send me

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the ringtone, please?

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And then I will give you an instruction.

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Everybody, please,

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for this last, you know, don't take me

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seriously, but last 4.

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Turn your phones on to full volume

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and each one time it

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so that every 3 minutes,

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the phone will sound

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the latest ringtone and download all the beautiful

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And while the harp is reciting, maybe it's

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a test of his hips also. While he's

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every 3 minutes, a ringtone goes

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off. Nice.

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Why are you shaking it?

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Why is it not nice?

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A phone has a ringtone. Yes.

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So what's wrong with the 4 has a

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Right place.

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There is a place for the ringtone. Yes.

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So what is the place for

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a child which is behaving like a

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demented Simeon?

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A demented Simeon is,

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for Madmonkey.

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Tell me.

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You got a whole bunch of kids screaming

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their guts out,

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and you've got presumably their parents. I I

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actually, I don't know. Maybe I was.

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Do you rent out this space for anyone

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to come and leave their kids here to

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scream and go home? We have nothing. None

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of those kids belong to any of us

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Is that is that is that true?

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So how do you as a parent

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you know your kid is screaming out there

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and you as a parent are peacefully praying.

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You don't care that everybody else's salah is

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But then if somebody's phone rings, you got

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problem. Does it make sense?

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he will give me.

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You are so, you know, difficult.

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Rasool alaihi Salam

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used to have you know, the Hadis used

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to He came

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and once he came, he was almost falling

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down. Remember, he came down. He picked up

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the child.

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Another time, he did not get up from

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the sujood,

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and they found that he was riding the

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the grandson was riding on his grandfather. You

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know, blessed grandfather, blessed grandson,

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So cause us to be in their company

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one day.

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Let me ask you something.

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Go to that. Re research that hadith some

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Does it say anywhere that Hassan was screaming

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and running all over?

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Little child happened to how many times this

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happened? Oh, another one. Check-in the books of

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Hadith. Please check and see how many times

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did this happen.

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He escaped probably said that Fatima,

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you know,

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And he came into the into the masses.

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Grandfather is there. He went to the grandfather.

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Was he screaming? Do you disturb anybody, sir?

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Believe me, if you are a little kid

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comes in when I am praying and rides

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on my shoulder, I will consider that to

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be to be an honor.

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I got no problem. Today, I was in

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the afternoon. I'd like to ride on for

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a little while.

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And there were some kids here who were

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playing. Then, you know, one of the brothers

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said, I'm sorry, sir. They they I said,

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nobody disturbed

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Me? You can put me under a train.

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I'll sleep.

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Makes no difference to me.

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No. No. No. No. I have no problem.

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I am talking only about when people are

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See, the thing I've said I'll tell you

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Should you bring children to the masjid? Yes

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or no? Yes. Yes. Why?

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To test them.

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If you bring children to the masjid and

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when salah is going on, if those kids

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are running havoc there and you say nothing

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to them, what are you really teaching them?

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Salah is not important.

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Aqlaq is not important.

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Being considerate of other people is not important.

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Feel free to disturb and ruins everybody's salah.

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This is what what I know I won't

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say that to them in so many words,

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but children listen with their eyes, not with

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their ears.

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They don't care what you say until they

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see what you do.

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So when they are doing all this and

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you keep silent, the message they are getting

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is it's fine. Salah is not important.

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Is this what you want to teach them?

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So if you bring your children, most welcome

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bring your children, keep them next to you,

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Teach them how to pray. Teach them how

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to be silent. Teach them what to do.

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If you think the child is too small

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for that, don't bring them.

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Don't bring them.

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If you think you can't control them, don't

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bring them.

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But if you bring them, let the child

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stand next to you in the salah. Once

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salah is over, no problem. Go and play

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and make noise and so on.

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If a child of this age is not

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going to make noise, who I will I

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make noise? No.

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Let him okay. No problem. As much as

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he wants. But in the time at the

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time of salah

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next to you.

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You know, Imam Malik Rahatul Ali,

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he says,

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my and she's going to masjid and Abu

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al Sharif

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where he is learning from

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He says my mother used to dress me

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up in the morning to go for salah.

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Mother would dress him up. She would tie

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a turban on his head, and this is

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Malik. He's 5 years old.

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She would take him

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to the Masjid because she can't leave a

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5 year old to try to go by

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by himself. She would take him to the

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masjid, leave him there. After,

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she would go home.

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Imam Malik would stay in the he's imam

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then. Now he's a 5 year old kid

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with a tower on his head. He's sitting

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there. He's studying. He's learning. He's doing all

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that all the way until Saath ul Dor.

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Then the mother comes there Sarathudor. She praysor

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and she takes you home to have some

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5 year old kid.

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He said never in my life did I

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ever go to the budget without a towel

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on my head.

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Why? Why? Why? What is the need for

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a 5 year old child to wear a

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towel on his head? This is the other

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this is the akhlaq.

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This is the the the the izzah for

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the malaam,

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izzah for the elm, izzah for the for

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for the for the for

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the for the place of the of the

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elm, which is the masjid.

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Did Muhammad Ali also play? Of course, he

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played. He was a kid. He was working.

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He wanna play. Why not? But did he

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play the masjid? No.

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He is sent by his mother. He's around

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6 years old.

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Now Imam Malik had a,

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system where he would give dars of hadith

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from Assur to Maghrib, which is a long

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Outside in in the in the courtyard of

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the Majid the Majid Nawwish Sharif. Because Imam

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Malik was the Imam Abu Dhabi the Majid

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And then after, he would give darshan insight.

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So he's sitting there

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in his, and he sees a little kid

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who comes and sits right in front of

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And his little kid is with his finger,

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he is doodling in the sand. It's all

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sand floor. There's no carpet and so on.

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So this kid is, you know, scribbling

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in the sand.

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Now if Malik notices this, he does not

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like it, but he keeps quiet.

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Whole dust finished, maybe hour and a half,

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maybe 2 hours.

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Then they pray Maghrib.

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And after Maghrib,

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as they are settling down, this kid comes.

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He says salaam. He says,

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I have come from so and so

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to study under you, so please accept me

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as your student.

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Said sorry. I don't like you. I will

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not accept.

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So this kid starts crying. He said he

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said, why why what did I do? He

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said, you are not serious.

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Imagine, 6 year old kid, he's telling you

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you're not serious.

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He said, sir, please, what did I do?

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He said, I saw in that hole that's

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you are playing in the sand.

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This 6 year old kid session, I was

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not playing in the sand. I was memorizing.

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I was memorizing your

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And this 6 year old kid, Alhamdulillah,

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starts at 2 hours, the entire

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this kid repeats.

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That I have to cover 1 page of

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the book when I'm reading. Otherwise, it imprints

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on my mind.

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Can I give a memory like this? Right?

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So he repeated the entire thus, he heard

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it only one time.

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Imam Malik hugged him. He kissed him. He

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accepted him as his as his, student, and

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Imam Shafir Abduladeh was a student of.

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I'm telling you about little kids who went

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to the Masjid to study and how they

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studied. This is our standard. This is our

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These are our.

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Right? Our

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our our nasal does not come from from

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blood. It comes from ill,

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from knowledge. These are our ancestors. Alhamdulillah.

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My brothers and sisters, I seriously seriously

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I tell you I love this budget.

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I love all of you. May Allah bless

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So what I'm saying to you is for

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For the benefit of your children.

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Please bring them to the masjid, but train

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them how to be in the masjid.

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It's not a matter of saying, you know,

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they have a lot of energy. Most welcome,

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please. Let them have the energy when they

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come outside of the play. Even inside the

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Masjid, they'll pray when there is no time

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for salah. When the time for salah starts,

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when the alarm is called, those children must

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be inside

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sitting next to you and learning how to

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behave in the masjid.

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And if you have some kids who can't

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control or not like that, do not bring

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them to the masjid, please.

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Because remember, if you are doing something or

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your children are doing something which is disturbing

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the salah of other people, that sin is

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on your head. Because of you, it is

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happening. Their salah is getting ruined. People come

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here to be with Allah

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to connect to Allah

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If my child is doing something just like

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my phone,

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if my phone is ringing, it's my responsibility.

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Break your salah, turn the phone off, and

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rejoin the salah and make up the salah.

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But do not let your phone, ring to

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disturb other people.

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So, please, let us be serious with this.

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It's all about.

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So let us not have

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children behaving like that.

00:14:45 --> 00:14:46

Really, please.

00:14:47 --> 00:14:48

For listening to me. May Allah

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enable us to correct ourselves and to learn

00:14:52 --> 00:14:53

the best

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and to be people who are actually supposed

00:14:55 --> 00:14:57

to be role models for the world, Insha'Allah.

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