Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Qur’an – Parable #44 – Those who Turn Away from the Reminder

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes various parables and scenarios involving animals, natural instincts, and danger. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding animals and learning from examples of cowardice. The speaker also discusses the danger of predators and wild animals causing people to become scared and become fearful, as well as the importance of removing fear and acceptance of Islam. Examples of parables that have not been covered in the title of the book are given, and the possibility of shadow Islam and a still Furukawa breaking Salalah is discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next parable that we have and this will be the final parable

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that we have

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in this

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series, the parables of the Quran,

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this is in Surah tournament dafair

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verses 49 to 51

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or loss of Hannah Hua tada says

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Femina lahoma Ione. Quixote Marie blean. Karen,

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for your third

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cause suara.

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Loss of Hannah who want to add, it says here is sort of dealing with death. We're

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talking about

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the example of the kuffar who turn away from the reminder who turned away from the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, from Allah who monitored karate Maria William, so what is wrong with them, that they are turning away from the reminder and then Allah mentions what their example is,

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and whom whom or almost and feel

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as if they were frightened, while donkeys

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forgotten in cascara, fleeing from a lion, or a hunter, or a predator.

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And so, in this

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parable, Allah subhanho wa Taala compares those who turn away from the Quran after they are,

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you know, being reminded with the ayat of the Quran, they turn away Allah subhanahu wa tada compares them to wild donkeys who see a lion or a hunter, and wild donkeys in Arabic alohomora. Shia refers to zebras.

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And so zebras are referred to as wild donkeys. So some scholars they mentioned that what is meant here are zebras, while others collars said

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it doesn't necessarily mean zebra, but any wild donkey

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and so, wild animals

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whether they are wild donkeys wild zebras,

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or you know, whatever wild buffaloes, wild

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deers, goats, etc, that are usually prey animals. They're usually prey animals.

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These wild animals, they don't have minds of their own to think quits.

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So they are prey animals, other animals prey on them

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and take them as food.

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But they don't know how to protect themselves.

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Based on intellect, like we human beings, we protect ourselves

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by building protection for ourselves, based on the intellect that Allah has gifted us with what these wild animals they don't have brains, they don't have minds to think okay, how can we protect ourselves

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but what they have our natural instincts

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that Allah has given to them, that allows them to sense danger,

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natural instincts

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and so if they hear the sound of a predator animal,

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whether it be a lion,

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a cheetah,

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or tigers,

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hyenas, whatever, whatever kind of predator animal or if they hear the sound of the hunter,

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if they hear the sound of a hunter

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as soon as the the sense danger, what happens? They become filled with fear.

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At once they flee, they run in every direction,

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out of extreme fright.

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And so here Allah subhanahu wa tada

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gives us this example, to say that this is how the kuffaar or

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the kuffaar, who turn away from listening to the Quran, and being admonished by it.

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And so

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when they hear it,

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they become filled with fear.

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Once they become filled with fear, and then they flee, run away, as if they're about to be attacked.

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Even though the opposite is true,

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even though the opposite is true,

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they are fleeing from that which is guidance for them, which is salvation for them something which is good for them.

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unlike these wild animals, that are actually fleeing from a real danger.

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And so this shows their ignorance.

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It shows how ignorant they are, and how they're actually worse than these wild prey animals.

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And so

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these people, they haven't truly

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understood the message of the Quran that they're so afraid of.

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And this is why

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the machete corner of Mecca

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would warn

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those who would come to Mecca from outside this was in the beginning of

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the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, when he was giving Dawa in Mecca, and people were slowly slowly accepting Islam

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because of

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because of the effect that the Quran had on them. So when the, when the leaders of Quraysh, they noticed the impact that the Quran was having on the people,

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they would warn

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outsiders, when they would come to Mecca,

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they would warn them that look,

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there's this man Mohammed,

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who is basically, you know, causing a spell on people. Through these words, he's a poet, he's a magician, so be aware of him.

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Be aware of him, don't let him to recite these verses to you.

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And so they would warn them to cover their ears, from hearing the message of the Quran.

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And so those who would do so, those who would actually cover their ears and avoid listening to the message of the Quran, then they resemble these wild donkeys? Why would they cover their ears?

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As soon as they would hear the Quran

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because of fright, they're afraid.

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What's going to happen to us, we're going to become affected by this Quran.

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Why? Because the enemies of slam put that fear into their hearts. So now, they're like these wild animals. As soon as they hear a predator or a hunter, they get filled with the fear and they run.

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But on the other hand,

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who did not do that,

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when they listen to the Quran,

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with an open heart,

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they were moved, and they realized the truth of its message.

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And, you know, these were the various Sahaba who accepted Islam, who were not from Mecca. They came from outside of Mecca. And there are many examples of such companions, who

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they were warned not to listen to the message. But they decided not to take their advice. So they listened to the Quran, and they were removed and realized that there's nothing to be afraid of. And so they would embrace Islam.

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And so,

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among the lessons that we can learn from this

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example that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us is firstly, the humiliating state

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of the Kafeel, who turns away

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as a loss of Hannah, who without a compares them,

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to these wild animals that are described with cowardice, they're cowards.

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And so

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any person who,

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you know,

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flees from listening to the message of Islam,

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it shows that they're cowards.

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And they're afraid.

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They're afraid, because of what they have been told.

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The second lesson that we can learn is

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if most kuffaar were to actually stop and listen to the Quran,

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with an open heart,

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not being judgmental, or coming with preconceived notions about Islam,

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then they would see the truth of the Quran. And they would accept Islam.

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Which is why we Muslims have a huge responsibility on our shoulders.

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To not just give power to the people, but

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to remove the fear that has been associated with Islam. in the minds of people today.

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The majority of people today, they have a fear for Islam, and this is the whole

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phenomenon of Islamophobia.

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Islamophobia, it literally means, you know, fear for Islam, people are afraid, you know, what is this religion,

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all about oppression and bloodshed, and this and that. And so

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they're so afraid such that

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they are like these frightened wild animals, when they see a Muslim, or they hear of something associated with Islam, they become filled with fear. And I'm sure all of us have come across, you know, individuals who may have never had contact with Muslims.

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When you first meet them, they're very, very careful and afraid. But then when you speak to them, and show, show them how, you know,

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there's nothing to be afraid of Islam.

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They calm down. And so there's a huge responsibility on our shoulders to remove this fear that's in the minds and the hearts of many people concerning Islam. And to show them the beauty of Islam,

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and how there is nothing to be afraid of, but rather, there is

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everything to, you know, there's everything in Islam, that they actually need

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for not only their dunya, but also for their IRA.

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And so with that, we come to the end of the parables of the core and that we have been going through

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since the beginning of this series.

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We have not covered every single parable in the Quran. But rather we have covered all of the explicit parables.

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We're allowed mentions the word method, that this is a method, a parable.

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And then there are so many others that are non explicit parables that we have not covered. But we have tried to cover the majority of the parables in the Quran.

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And so I ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to grant us benefits from the Quran. And I asked Allah subhanahu wa ala

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to accept whatever we have gone through and wherever I have said

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that was wrong than it was from myself and from shaitan. And whatever I said that was right. Then it was from none other than Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Without we come to the end of this session, sort of Helena colome they'll be handed a shadow Allah, Allah Allah and a still Furukawa to break Salalah who is seldom Allah and me you know Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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