Mirza Yawar Baig – HM Khatira #07 Seek Forgiveness

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and the cultural and personal factors involved in forgiveness. They also share a story about a man who died and was thrown out of town, and how his actions caused his suffering. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and asks oneself questions about their actions. They stress the need to reflect on the Arabic language and ask oneself questions about their actions. They also stress the importance of forgiveness and turning towards Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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I intended to talk to you about today

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the most important thing

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in our life, which is that

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of achieving and attaining and gaining and getting

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the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Nakfirah.

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There are only 2

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things which can be called is

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something which

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the absence of which will cause harm.

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It's not something which you like to have.

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It's something that if you don't have it,

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it will kill you or it will cause

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you some major damage.

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This is the rule.

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Now in that context, there are only 2

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the rule yats of the human being.

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1 is Hidayah,

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is guidance in this life

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and 2 is Maghfara when he dies.

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Is forgiveness of Allah

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Everything else is

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not daroori.

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We need help, we need, wealth, we need

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food, we need children, we need families and

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whatnot and whatnot. But none of those are

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the rules. If somebody does not have that,

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if somebody is sick and remain sick all

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their lives and dies, they will not go

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to Jannah.

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If somebody has no money and dies in

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a state of poverty, they won't go to

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and so on and so on and so

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But if somebody dies without Hidayah,

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without Islam,

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that's it.

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If somebody has Islam, but the way he

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or she

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lives that Islam or fails to live that

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Islam and they do not gain

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the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala when

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they meet them,

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there is no hope after that.

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So he died in his life and

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when we

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die. The question is not about them. The

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question is about me.

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Because I'm alive.

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That is why

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the Sahaba used to say

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Abdullah bin Masood Al Anhu

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is one of the famous ones. He used

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to say, follow those who are dead

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because they have achieved. So if they died

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on iman, alhamdulillah, Allah forgave them, they are

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on the right path. They are safe.

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But those who are alive,

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we don't know.

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So we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for

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forgiveness. And this is the the the dua

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that our mother

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increase her

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and be pleased with her.

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She asked Rasoulas Salam

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this specific question with respect to.

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She said,

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I happen to find

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I happen to find

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what should I ask Allah? What dua should

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I make?

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And he taught her the dua which all

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of us know.

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You are the one who forgives.

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You like to forgive. You are the forgiver.

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You like to forgive, so forgive me.

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See the see the beauty of this dua.

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We have to reflect on

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the language.

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The Arabic language is difficult, I know, but

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it is a miracle in itself.

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See this Dua. This Dua is not saying,

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allah, forgive me because

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yeah. You like to forgive,

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so please yourself.

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It makes you happy, so be happy.

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You like to forgive, so forgive me.

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See the see the the the the this

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is the essence of. Yeah. I don't exist.

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I'm asking you, Arab, you do something with

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Right? Think about this.

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There is a beautiful story

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about this man

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who was in the time of Musa alaihi

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salaam. And Rasulullah mentioned this story in the

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hadith behind this.

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Now this man was so evil, so bad,

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and he was so troublesome, such a big

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nuisance to everybody that eventually

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the people of the town, they threw him

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out of town.

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They they vanished him. He said, get out

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of here.

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So this man now is on his own.

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He's in the wilderness somewhere and,

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nothing happened to him and so so forth.

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No one to take care of him. He

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sent Wahi to Musa alai Salam

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and Allah

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said that man which all of you throw

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away, throw out from here, expelled him,

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he has died in such as a place.

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Go and do

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and make his

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and bury him.

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Who is being sent through that?

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Alaihi Salam. One of the greatest of the

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Not only that Allah says

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to him,

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announce it in the town that whoever accompanies

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you, Allah will forgive all of them.

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So obviously, the whole town now goes there.

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They find the body of the man. They

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do his.

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They bury him. Musa alaihi salami is dua.

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All of these people pray behind him.

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When all of this is over and then

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Musa alaihi salami is

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he had this relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa

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So Musa Alai Salam said, yeah, Rab, I

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did everything you told me to do. You

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saw this. Now tell me why.

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What is this thing? Because this man was

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such a big nonsense, such a big nuisance.

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We threw him out. And not only do

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you send me to make his jannah, you

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tell everyone to go and you forgive everybody.

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Good for us but why?

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said, Musa,

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listen carefully and reflect on this.

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said, yeah, Musa, when he was lying there

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alone, there's no one there

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And he cannot move. Whatever happened to him,

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he was, you know, dying last

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minutes of his life.

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He said he called to me and he

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said, if I

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if I knew

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that by punishing me,

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it would increase

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your rank by an iota, I would not

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seek seek forgiveness.

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If I knew that by punishing me, it

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would increase your

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jalal and your jamal and your rank even

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by an iota,

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I would not seek forgiveness.

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Then he says, oh, Arab.

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If I knew that by punishing me, it

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would make you happy even by an iota,

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slightly happy.

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I would not seek forgiveness. I would say,

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like, punishment.

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But I know that by punishing me, it

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will not increase your and

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you will not be happy.

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So forgive me. So

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Allah says I forgive him.

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Now that is not the bottom line of

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the story. The bottom line of the story

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is who gave this man this tophir to

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make this dua?

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How did you get this from where?

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This is our app.

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That is why he said in this collab,

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Again, reflect on the Arabic language.

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Ask yourself a question.

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If your own child you hear this in

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language all the time.

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Your children do something wrong,

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so what do you say to your wife?

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See what your son did.

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Now if he does something good, see what

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my son did.

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Whoever does anything wrong, we distance them.

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See Allah

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language. Say to them, oh, my slaves.

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Say to them, oh, Muhammad

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slaves. Who?

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Those who have disobeyed me. Those who have

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transgressed against themselves because we cannot have Allah.

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When we when we do,

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this is against ourselves.

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My slaves. Who are my slaves? Not the

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Those are the the my slaves are sinners.

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My slaves, the people who make mistakes. My

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slaves, the people who commit crimes. My slaves,

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the people who disobey me. My my slaves

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who are haram. My slaves who eat haram.

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My slaves, but who turn towards me.

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Those who have transgressed

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against themselves.

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Do not despair of the rahmat of Allah.

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According to me, this ayat was complete by

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itself. Idiot. But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Do not despair of the

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mercy of Allah.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgives all sins.

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The ayat is completely aware. No. Allah is

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Verily, he is the one who is the

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most forgiving, most possible.

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My brothers and sisters, I ask my I

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remind myself when you seek forgiveness of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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If this if Allah loves a slave, he

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reminds him again and again of the sins

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that he had committed in his life.

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Allah has forgiven those sins. Alhamdulillah. If you

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make tawah, make it complete. Insha'Allah. Allah said,

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he will forgive, he forgives. But Allah reminds

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the slave

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of his sins or her sins so that

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they can seek forgiveness again and again.

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This is a sign of the mercy of

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We don't forget. We remind it again and

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Right? So very important. Seek forgiveness.

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The Hadis of, of, from, Muslim Mohammed

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and Mohammed. Rasulullah said that the one who

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seeks forgiveness

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again and again and most often,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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will remove him and take him out of

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his difficulties

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and will provide him from sources that he

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cannot imagine.

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And Allah

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will become sufficient for him.

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This hadith is the tafsir of the ayat

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of Surat,

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Exact meaning.

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And now, the wizard of Islam is saying

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that with respect to tawah and istighfar.

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So what does it mean? The connection between

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istighfar and tawah and taqwa. Taqwa begins with

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istighfar and tawah.

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Allah said seek forgiveness and turn towards Allah.

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Right? So we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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in these nights especially.

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This is the time. Seek forgiveness.

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Turn towards Allah

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We ask Allah

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to forgive us. We ask Allah

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to open the doors of his forgiveness and

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his mercy for us. We ask,

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Allah, to turn to turn towards us with

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mercy and to turn us and put us

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on the path of righteousness and to keep

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us there with

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with steadfastness.

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