Mirza Yawar Baig – Friends

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of friends in life and how they are the ones who are closest to one. They stress the importance of monitoring conversations and seeking out information to determine the best way to spend one's time. The speaker also touches on the importance of avoiding empty promises and finding good friends in a blind woman who died after her date was removed from her date store. They emphasize the need for people to be aware of their friendships and find opportunities to make friendships successful.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, I want to talk

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to you today about

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an extremely important aspect of our lives which

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is our friends.

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Now today the interesting thing is that thanks

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social media, even the word friends have become.

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You have Facebook friend, then you have this

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friend, that friend, and many of the there's

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a joke, which is that this guy,

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he dies.

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in his funeral, there are 3 people.

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So his mother says, but on Facebook, he

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had 15,000 friends.

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And his funeral is 3 people.

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The reason I'm saying friends is because Allah

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mentioned friends

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in the Quran.

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Friends are so important that Allah

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himself mentioned friends in the Quran. Allah and

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in in terms of friends, Allah used the

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Now in the Arabic language as you know

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there are many words for friends. There is

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Zamil and there is and there's, you know,

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many things. And but Khalil

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a friend who is so close

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literally there are no secrets between these two.

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And they're very, very, very close. They they

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are they protect each other. They

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know each other's secrets.

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That Allah,

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is like Ibrahim

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gave this this title

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And Rasoolullah sallam said that Abu Bakr would

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have been my khalil or the but

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Allah has taken me for a khalil.

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Right, so this is the level of friendship.

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Now Allah says

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in the Quran

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al akhilah which is the plural of khalil.

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Now the point is

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look at the wording of this. First of

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all, Allah is talking about.

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He's saying these are the people

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who in the life of the world were

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not simply friends.

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They were the closest, the dearest.

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They literally see each other every day, and,

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you know, you can't live without the person,

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and you miss that person if you don't

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see them and so on and so on.

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Those people

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on the day of judgment,

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they will not simply ignore each other. They

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will not simply refuse to recognize each other.

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They will not simply say somebody says salaam

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alikum. They will not say I I will

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not say. No.

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They are enemies to each other.

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Enemy. Now what's an enemy?

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An enemy is someone who wants to harm

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you. Right? I mean this is this is

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extreme. This is not somebody okay. I mean,

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I I knew you now. I don't know

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who you are. No. No. No. No. No.

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This I want you to die. I want

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you to be destroyed. I want you something

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bad to happen to you. They will be

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People who are that close

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will be enemies to each other on the

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day of judgment.

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Except the people of Taqwa.

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Now what does it tell us? It tells

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us that one of the most important things

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to do in this life

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is to look at our friends list.

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Who are my friends?

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Rasool said you are on the faith of

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your friends. You are on the iman of

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your friends.

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You will be like your friends. You know,

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people say you are the you are the

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you are the you are the total of

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the 5 people closest to you.

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So do your own thing. Who are the

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5 people you see on a daily basis?

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Who are the 5 people? Just out of

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the like you're sleeping, somebody wakes you up.

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Name 5 people who will love the most.

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Who are those

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You are the sum of those 5 people.

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Now imagine if those 5 people are people

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who are not the best people.

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Now who are the best people? Alhamdulillah. This

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is a

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the thing that, you know, that that strikes

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me and over and over and over and

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Alhamdulillah, you know, many, many years now. Is

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how complete this deen is?

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Allah has completed.

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There is nothing in this deen which is

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left vacant for someone to come and say,

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well, this is my piece. I'm going to

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stick it here. No. Everything is completed. You

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you ask a question, the answer is there.

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So you say, okay. These friends are so

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What should my friend be like? Who should

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I take as my friend? Rasulullah mentioned this.

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said a friend

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must be somebody

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when you see him, you remember Allah. That

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means the friend reminds you of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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The friend must be somebody who reminds you

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of your meeting with Allah.

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The friend must be somebody who you learn

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something from, something beneficial.

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Right? So when we look at our friends,

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we must

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look at them in this context. This person

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I'm meeting on a daily basis,

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does he remind me of Allah or does

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he take me to Hainulah? Does it I

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mean in the worst case, of course, he

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takes me to it takes me to sinning.

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But even if it does not take me

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to sinning, what is my conversation?

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Monitoring conversation is a very good way of,

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of assessing friendship. When you're talking to somebody,

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what I would I'm not saying

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necessarily that you have to recite Quran to

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each other all the time, but I'm saying

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what is the general conversation? Are you talking

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money and this and that and you're chasing

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this and chasing that or whatnot or is

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the conversation at least some part of the

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conversation to say,

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where is my life taking me? What is

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the direction I should go?

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What is the best way of spending my

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Right? What is the the I I'm I'm

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engaged in certain some activities. What is the

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benefit of this activity?

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What is this conversation?

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Are you talking about people? This is

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may Allah protect us. I mean, for for

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a lot of us, the is social life.

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Our social life is social conversation. It's about

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people. This one, that one, that one. If

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it's not individual, then it's it's, it's politics.

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This is what so and so should this

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king should do that and that Biden should

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do this and this one.

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What is the good of that? They don't

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listen to you. You don't know them. What's

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the point? You're wasting your time talking about

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things you have no control over. Nothing. So

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what's the what's the point of that whole

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conversation? The

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best is it's a waste of time. That's

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the best.

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And the worst is that it is it

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means your deeds are going to somebody else.

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So monitor conversations.

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Monitor silences. Some of my best and closest

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I don't speak at all. They don't speak

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at all.

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But it's wonderful you are in their company.

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You have to say something. You say something

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useful. That person will say something which is

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you you enjoy that. You enjoy something together.

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We don't talk.

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Companionship is in silence. You

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don't have to chatter all the time. You're

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not chickens. Right? You're human beings.

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There's no need to chatter all the time.

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companionship in silence.

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There are some friends of mine, almost

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check which what book are you reading now?

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What book are you working on now? Which

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means which book are you writing now? Which

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book are you working on? Standard question. If

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I if I meet the guy, I must

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have an answer. I know this person is

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gonna ask me, what book are you reading

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now? So either I tell him a lie

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I should be reading some book, some useful

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Alhamdulillah, I mean, I Those are the kind

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of friends who are good because they they

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stretch you. Right?

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So you you you If you you know,

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you're gonna meet the person. He's gonna ask

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me these questions.

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What's my reading list?

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It's very, very important.

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Some of the closest friends, let me end

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with that, which is you take so say

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the Abu Bakr Siddiq Adal Anhu and say

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the Omar of the Fata.

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2 of the closest and dearest friends.

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Also 2 of the greatest rivals.

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Actually I don't think

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was in that rivalry.

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What's his rivalry? I must try to do

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more than Abubakar Abidilam.

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Something better than him.

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It's a beautiful rival. You know you are

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you are your rivalry is in.

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What can I do better than Abu Bakr?

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And there are so many of these

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of the different kinds of stories

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of how they did this rivalry.

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Like when

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Nabi was collecting funds for tabuk. He says

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Rama comes and he says half of my

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wealth I have brought.

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comes with 1 small bag.

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And says

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what is this? See, Rasulullah, this is all

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I have.

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So what did you leave for your family?

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He said, Allah for

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my family.

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I mean, there's more to this story, but

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we leave it at this point.

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The story of Sahid

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al Khattab

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going to that when after Saiedid Nawar passed

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they told him they told Saiedid Nawar who

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was the Khalifa

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that Sahid Nawar who used to go to

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this place, this this, outside of Madina. There

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was this hut camp

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and they said everyday he would go there.

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He would spend some time. He would come

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And what did he do? We don't know

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what he did.

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He goes there and he finds there is

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this old woman who's blind.

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She's almost bedridden

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and she's in this tent. She has a

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couple of goats and so Sareen Nava realizes

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that, you know, she has he has to

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clean and whatnot. So he cleaned up the

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thing and so on, takes care of the

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cooks her food,

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and then

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he leaves it there.

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And there are various aspects. So they said

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somebody said he gave her a date to

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eat and she said, you are not the

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person who comes before.

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You are a new person.

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She said, why did you ask? How do

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you know that? He said, because he used

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to remove

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the date store, the seed from the date

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before giving it to him.

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In another version, they said he cooked the

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food and he left it there. She said,

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you are not the person. Why? Because he

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used to feed me.

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He knows I'm blind.

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So what happened to him?

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He said he passed away. So she said.

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Sir, do you know who he was?

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He said, no.

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He never told me.

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Sir, the number says he was the Khalifa

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He was the Khalifa. He was the ruler.

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And Sahid Nama sits down and holds his

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And he says, yeah, Babakar.

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You have made it very difficult for us.

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And the final story and think about this.

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Saeedullah, Saeedullah is walking.

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And he overhears some people sitting and talking.

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And these those people, they look at Saeedullah

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and they say there has never been a

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ruler like this.

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Is the best ruler and he's better than

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Abu Bakr.

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says this.

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Say that now imagine if if if you

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are in that place, right, what would you

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Somebody who passed away before you and somebody

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is praising you and saying, you are the

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best, you know, the greatest one.

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Says, turns around and he comes back and

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he says, what did you say?

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They said, yeah. We said this because, you

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he says, says,

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Omar's entire life and every deed

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and every deed and and the life of

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the whole family of Omar

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is not equal to one day in the

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life of Abubakar.

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So don't say this.

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All my life and all my deeds and

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all the deeds of my family, everybody together

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is not equal to even one day in

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the life of Abu Bakr.

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This is the meaning of friendship.

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This is the meaning of friendship. I realize

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we don't

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have friends like Abu Bakr, Hanuman, or Al

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Anwah but

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there are good people in this world and

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And I remind myself when you let us

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be with such people.

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Has given us such company in this

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place itself. Allah bless all of you.

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Let us find such people. Be with such

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people. Spend time with such people.

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Because that's where we learn and that is

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where we make dua for each other and

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept these dua's.

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You ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bless

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us with good friends who will be a

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good influence for us, who will guide us

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to the right path and keep us on

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the right path and who will correct us

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when we go wrong because this is another

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part of friendship.

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Said a friend is like a mirror. You

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look at your face in the mirror, you

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correct your beard and you correct your your

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hat and whatever and, you know, you look

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good because that's the friend. He's giving you

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this feedback.

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this is a huge blessing. We ask Allah

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to guide us, give us friends like that,

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who support us, who protect us, who will

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take care of us, who

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correct us when we need correction, who will

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support us, who will who will, you know,

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guide us and who will

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will praise us when we need that encouragement,

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who will encourage us, and who will most

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importantly will make dua for us before Allah

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because this is the last point he said

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if you make a dua for your friend

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00:14:27 --> 00:14:29

appoints an angel to make the same dua

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for you and he said the dua of

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the angel is better than your dua. Angel

00:14:30 --> 00:14:33

is better than your dua. So we ask

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Allah to give us friends who would make

00:14:33 --> 00:14:34

dua for us. I request all of you

00:14:34 --> 00:14:35

to make dua for me.

00:14:36 --> 00:14:36


00:14:39 --> 00:14:41

And we ask Allah to accept our dua

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and to forgive us and to

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to forgive our shortcomings and to,

00:14:45 --> 00:14:47

be pleased with us and never to be

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