Mirza Yawar Baig – Akhlaaq of the Ummati #32

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of returning value to one's investment and avoiding wasting money during the pandemic. They emphasize the benefits of living in small areas and the importance of being aware of one's finances to avoid wasting money. The speakers also emphasize the importance of not giving everything in exchange for work and avoiding giving everything in return for money and avoiding giving everything in return for work and money. They also mention the importance of science and technology to avoid mistakes and emphasize the need for legal reform.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam, ala

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Steven Greer and cathedra from abajo.

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Just as

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we were talking about the issue of investment

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versus sacrifice

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and I mentioned to you the last

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class, that last night I

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mentioned, how He loves his neighbor visit what happens because of the level of laughter.

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Now, I mentioned to you the reason why I

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want you to differentiate between these two words investment and sacrifice

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and how what we spend in the bath of Allah subhanaw taala is not sacrifice, but investment

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because on their on this is a return there is no there is nothing that slaves parents in the bath of Allah subhanho wa Taala on which there is no return

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and when we have a return on something, then it is not a sacrifice, it is an investment.

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Now, what is this investment? And what is the return on investment unless we live in a shutdown regime. Mangia bill has an anti foreigner who I should Ashu I'm Talia, Mangia be sejati Follow us in mithila wahome lives a lot more, a lot smarter, whatever brings a good deed, which is obedience to Allah subhanaw taala in whichever way

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that person will have 10 times the like they're off to his credit. And whoever brings an evil deed, which is disobedience, all of

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this is the worship of God, that person will have only the recompense of the like they're off and they will not be wrong, which means that for every good deed,

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we will get 10 times the reward. Whereas for any evil deed, we will get at the most equal to that.

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That does not mean we become complacent, it does not mean that it's okay to do evil, because we do not have the capacity even to bear the punishment for one single evil

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because the punishment for one single evil deed could be that we are put into Ghana,

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no matter for what period of time we are put there. It is something which is completely and totally impossible for a human being to bear.

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And therefore being complacent about that feeling that Oh, it is okay. It's only one day No, this is a it's a sign of foolishness. It's a sign and the extreme level it could be a sign of Cooper because we are making light of the punishment of a lost man. So, the the point of mentioning this,

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which one was was that I mentioned before al is to demonstrate His mercy and his and his and his, his kindness and his and his forgiveness. Not for us to relax and imagine that therefore it is okay to do evil. No, it's not okay to do evil. It is the it is not the nature of the believer that he or she deliberately does something which is disobedience of Allah.

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So what is the one word of for obedience to Allah? subhanho wa Taala and what is the guarantee? that whatever it is that I'm doing is obedience to Allah subhanaw taala and will spread what is that one word? That one word is the Sunnah.

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Right? And one word is now let's see.

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How are some more explanation of of ROI return on investment allows rather than as a result of the

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feasibility law e commerce any amateur savasana will have equal

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quality me to have

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one law who will die for the love watching it. And those around that said the example the likeness the similarity. similarity of those who spend their wealth in the path of a lot of manual data is like the likeness. It's like the example of one grain of corn one single seed.

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If you plant it, it grows seven years and each year has 100 grades. So what is this proportion that we are being told that one grade gives you 700 grades now which means

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That one good deed, one thing you do Allah, Allah gives you 700 times the reward. Then Allah says, and then a lot smarter does not count and gives a lot of radicalism and Allah gives manifold increase user if we give it a shot, who gives manifold increase, to whom he pleases how much increase in keeping with his majesty and grace, and allows the hotel as all sufficient for his creatures needs, and he is the all know, Allah knows the need, and Allah subhanaw taala can and can satisfy and be sufficient for all of them, and Allah is sufficient for them. So minimum allows rather I say one is to 10. Then he said, One is to 700. And then Allah is saying that these numbers

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are only because you will you understand numbers. But as far as the last concert, Allah does not count out the thing like cash, gifts, in keeping with his majesty and grace, Allah does not count. He counted for us because we like numbers. And then he and then he says, In keeping with his grace, Allah gives manifold increase to whom he pleases. abundance is just the final point on return on investment. The value of the return is based on its quantum and who is guaranteeing it, right. That is why, for example, US Treasury bonds,

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which is, you know, US dollars

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10,000 attract a lot of investment, US 10 years detect gauges, it attracts a lot of investment, even though the return the interest rate is only 3%. Or maybe less. That's because people consider the US government to be a solid generator or solid guarantee of investment.

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I asked myself the question to ask yourself in water water law, and that too, when the return is not 3%, but 700 times, not percent 700 700 times. And then we shall see that almost America said he increases as he wishes.

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You know, the the

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very important thing to understand is that this is where the rubber meets the road, where you wake up and smell the coffee. Let us ask ourselves how much I really believe.

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It looks like a dumb question. But seriously, we have to ask ourselves question and say, How much do I really believe a lot? How much do I really believe the promises?

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And then look for the answer in our own lives, and decisions or actions. If I believe that one day, I will meet a lot of adults. And I really believe that Allah Subhana Allah will deliver on his guarantee.

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And this must reflect in my investment with him.

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Now, does that happen?

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Does that happen? Because if I believe if I if I'm investing, and I believe that my investment, I need the return on this investment, I am investing. And I believe that this place where I'm investing is the best place for this investment, I believe the

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the the the the authority, which is guaranteed

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then what will you look for? If you say do I buy if I promoted this as it was do this? And you know, this is a guarantee as a beautiful restaurants. So you will say well, how much have you invested? By turnover? I haven't invested I'm telling you, you should invest? Doesn't there's no traction in there, right? It doesn't make any sense. Because if I really believe that, then how come I have not invested? If I really believe it, I must invest? If I'm not investing, then I chose that I really do believe. And that is very important. That is why we must reflect and say that if I really believe that Allah will deliver on his guarantee, then this must reflect in my investment with that does it?

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I'm not I'm not talking fit. I'm talking about counting the two together.

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This is reality, this is reality, not just belief, right? Ask anyone

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working in the Middle East, why he sends money home to India, why he lives in a small apartment in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or somewhere, but builds a palatial house in Hebron or Karachi or wherever is India, wherever, whichever country

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somewhere else.

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That too, and the reality is that this person will spend 35 to 40 years at that small flat and then retire and come to India at the age of 65 or 70. And will not and will most likely not live for another 35 or 40 years. Then if he comes over comes over to India at the age of 70. He's not gonna live to be honored.

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Yet he does that because he considers India or whichever country comes up at to be his permanent home.

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Right. He considered considers that we overthrow so even though he is living in the Middle East and I'm saying Middle East because

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people vote Americans on they settled out the Middle East, they don't give you citizenship and stuff. So you have to go back when there is no, you know, don't no doubt about that.

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So even though he's living in the Middle East, for by far the majority of his life, he does not invest there, he does not buy property there. he invests back home, wherever that home is, whichever hoga hoga. Now,

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what are they after? Do we consider this to be permanent?

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And if it is permanent, then what is our investment in Allah? This is the question that I that you or I need to ask ourselves, right? I see this, they want you to think about these things. I want you to talk about them with your family, and to make the real for yourself. As I mentioned, what we talk about frequently becomes real. And that is the principle behind all advertising and propaganda, for example, which is another form of advertising anyway, talk about that thing over and over and over until it becomes real. And that's why the example I always give it, I think yesterday also is another classic example, which is that even though something like global warming, is a huge and

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and critical danger, it seems unreal to us because we don't talk about it.

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Whereas something has take forward, for example, people are living in fear of COVID.

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I'm not saying it is not real, it is real. But compared to that global warming can result in the complete annihilation of the entire human race. But it seems like this works for us. What a shortage. Today, water is being traded in the futures market, on the stock exchange in California. It's it's that critical. But how many of us turn off taps how many of us have installed water saving taps in our hopes, and in public places where we where we control them? Right? So things that we don't talk about, even if they are real, they seem to be unreal, but things which are, for example, I mean, this COVID is one big, constantly talking COVID COVID, COVID, the whole time, it has become

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so real that people now

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it's like living in a phobia of pall of, of fear, fearing, fury COVID. Whereas if someone is asked you this question and says, What is the worst that can happen, where I can die, when you will die anyway, that you will die anyway. Also, if you look at the actual absolute numbers, I'm not talking about these particular types of stuff, actual numbers, how many people that have COVID. And if you saved that period of time, how many people died of of heart disease are died of cancer and so on. So because all of those are, they are slower to work. And whereas this one is more immediate, so this because we talk about this, so often, it becomes so real for us.

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Whereas the other stuff, we don't talk about it often. So it's becomes you know, unreal. And that's why the question to ask ourselves, how many times a day do we talk about the

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laboratory because I don't even know if we talk about it, if I say how many times a week, and how many times a day is probably too, too quick

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abundances just Therefore, let us make this a

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something for us to do, which is let's talk about Jim, let us talk about the benefits of following sun. Let us talk about the benefits of obeying.

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And let us talk about the immediate benefits of that in this life and in the US and abroad. Because if we

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if we do not see the benefit of something in our present life, simply to talk about it in terms of the after that in the future, this will happen and that will happen is something that I don't know probably doesn't.

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You know, it doesn't.

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It doesn't get us that motivation. May Allah protect us from ourselves. Somehow the

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just talking about the ACA for the Sahaba the accident was the thing.

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They didn't worry about the dunya. But for us, the dunya is so real, that the accuride we only talk about that, then getting people to get motivated to do the right thing. It's even more difficult. So I'm saying look at it also in terms of its benefit in this life

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in the world.

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Now, the beauty is that there is a very, I mean the Sunda of resources.

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The following of Islam, the living of Islam

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actually has been you don't have to manufacture or invent stuff. It has benefit for us in this dunya as well as in the UK.

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Therefore, it is very important for us to talk about that, sit with your children sit with your families mentioned this, you know, make it make it real for us. The another very good way is to cultivate friends, to whom all of this makes sense

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for Allah subhanaw taala. And meeting him is real, and who loves local sources, cultivates friendships, and gather with such with these friends and their families. Now, don't go into it immediately in this COVID times. But when you can do that, outer COVID do that. But now, do it remotely you know, talk about maybe have a zoom session or something.

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Talk on the floor, things like this, where you meet with your with such friends who are

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who love Allah subhanaw taala

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and who talk about it. But don't, don't make this into you know, pity parties, kind of for snack parties kind of things, include your children in them. That is very, very important. That's your guarantee for yourself, if your children are not introduced to Allah subhanaw taala if they are not introduced to a source of Salah if your children are strangers to them, if Allah and His Salam are strangers, then the chances that

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that you are going to

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that those children are going to make law for you and that those chances become very slim. So make sure that you include your children in these meetings that you have, which are to talk about the glory of Allah subhanaw taala. And to talk about the beauty of the Sunnah of his NaVi Mohamed Salah, then think about where you spend your free time today, and what that is likely to earn for you. And then start this and see what you reap, as your harvest when you eat a loss. Today, we spent we seem to spend our free time and best in things which are of no value zero, so we are not virus, but we're also not plus. Now,

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really speaking, there is no zero value.

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Because time is being spent.

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So if I'm spending my time in an activity, which has zero value, then I'm really minus. Now, at best, I might say, Well, you know, I didn't commit any sin. So for example, if I was sitting in watching football, and I'm watching basketball and watching cricket or something, I can say, Well, I'm not committing a sin, I'm not missing my Salah, and so on and so forth. I'm getting a break. I'm not watching something Haram. But what did you gain by watching that football or cricket or whatever it was for that two hours or three hours or whatever? What did you really seriously ask yourself the question, say, I spent this much of time, instead of that if I had read a good book, I would have

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enjoyed that beautifully.

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Far more than I would enjoy this football. And I would have gained because I would have got some knowledge out of it.

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Right? instead of watching this stuff, but if you like to watch for example, if you watch a good, you know, documentary on something important, or will I like I like to watch watch wildlife and natural history.

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things. So, so highlight. For me, this is like making the digger Wallace monitor.

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And that's right opens my eyes to his creation. So I love watching them. So that time now I'm spending those two hours watching BBC, you know,

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BBC World or Green Planet Earth or whatever it was, right? Now that time is, is well spent because I am looking at the photos of Allah and continuously making Nicaragua, Guatemala because of the beauty and magnificence of the clear creation of data that I'm watching. Okay, so now depends on what you want to do. If you like to watch, if you like to read I love reading. So reading reading a good book, I love to write I spend my time writing. I love wildlife photography. So I spent some time you know, looking again, we are seeing the autonomous random through the lens of a camera, on the television and so on and so on. So do something which is valuable and useful even if you are doing

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something which is not a sin. Right. I'm not trying to make your life difficult if so, I'm not saying things everything.

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I'm saying I'm just trying to see how can you make your life more valuable and more useful and more beneficial for yourself. So if you say that I am spending two hours, three hours and I'm doing that just watching some game, what is the value of that? Nothing zero. So if you have spent three hours and the value is zero and you actually minus, you start at zero, so therefore we must try and make our our time valuable.

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The Sahaba there are so many stories about the Sahaba

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for whom the al Qaeda was formed to have a roommate, Abdullah who was one of the greats have a Salah.

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He was called, he's never sorry when he was called a roomie, the Roman because he used to speak Arabic with a sort of, you know Roman accent or like not an accent. And the reason he did that he was actually

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the reason that happened to him was because when he was living in New Haven, his father was a local shifter. His mother took him one day when he was a little boy, his mother took him one day to a seaside resort, Veronica, and

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the Romans raided that place, because there was this constant war between the Romans that the Persians and Yemen was in version control. So one night, the Romans raided that place, and they capture little souhei.

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And they took him away.

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The soldier was a slave.

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Some rogue guy bought him. And he stayed in his house, he learned

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he learned to speak Latin.

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So he's Arabic, Arabic was was the was, had this accent was tainted with this Roman accent.

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There, then somebody from Makkah bought him. And he landed in Makkah.

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He was a very intelligent person, and he was good at business. So he told his, his Arab owner is that instead of making me do some manual work, and so on, why don't you allow me to set up a trading house for you? And we'll split the profits or whatever the proportion was the primary reason okay.

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For him, it was good. Instead of simply having a one body is a slave. Yeah, he was a slave earning money for him. So it is free money.

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So So Mr. Romero, Delano, he set up this business and he used to do businesses to trade and so on, so forth, and he became very wealthy.

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He made a lot of money for his master, he made money for himself.

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Now, I also realized that I'm talking about the reality of just how real is general.

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So as soon as asylum were then came, and he started preaching Islam, and whoever wrote the law, he heard him and he accepted Islam.

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Then Thai came the time but also license Allah made hijra to Medina. Now wherever we wanted to go, but his slave master didn't want to leave because you know, you this man was what money for it. So he didn't want to go. So he put guards on him who were supposed to, you know, ensure that he didn't de Vaca one night

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who gave them the slip. And he took off for Mark

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Medina now.

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But very quickly, they realized that he had escaped, so they certainly set out in pursuit of him. And so now he's going across

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450 kilometers of desert and, and wilderness.

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Several romeoville. amo is ahead, these people are pursuing him.

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Eventually, they got very close to him. And

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he feared that they would be able to capture him.

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At that point, there was a hillock.

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Rocky hillock. And so

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he climbed this hill, got on top and hid behind some rocks, and these people around him. So now it was a stalemate. So he's on top of this hill, he got very well, they have surrounded him.

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So he said to them, he was also a famous Archer. So he said to them, I have

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arrows in my quiver with each one of you your name written on this URL. So if you want to come to capture me, please come and I will.

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You know, I, each one of you Your name is of an Arabic Meaning that I will take you out if you come to me. So now they were stuck. Now what do you do? How long is he going to stay there all along?

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So whoever Rumi Nadella know he said to them. He said, I'll tell you what. You want to capture me? Because you are afraid that if I go away, then my money whichever I have, whatever. And so on so forth. You will lose vision instead of the word limited the here the D

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My deal is, I will tell you where I have kept my money in MK give you the location where I have hidden it, you go and take the money Let me go.

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They said, Okay, so he told them certainly has a place in MK

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they all left him and the metal.

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Think about this, think about his story, if you were one of those people, and if the person you were pursuing tells you the story and says that, look, I've got all this money secret in this particular place, go and collect it. Let me go, we'll let him go. What would you in what I would do, I would send one person to check out what whether this is true or not.

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And then maybe that person checks out and then come back and involve me or send me a message to say look, I got the money it is here, then I would let this person but I would not just let the person go just on his word. Unless, Unless what? Unless I was absolutely 100% certain that this person would not tell me that this person is and can only speak the truth. So what does it tell you?

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Here are a bunch of people are not talking about his friend, we're talking about his enemies, we're after him, want to capture him what kill

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but those enemies have so much respect for the truthfulness of the Muslim that when the Muslim gives them his word, they take his word they do not adopt.

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What does that tell you about the US law for the Muslims?

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Nevertheless, sisters,

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these stories are not just for us to listen to or be happy about. There is a huge lesson in terms of what do we need to do to inculcate these values in our lives today.

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Today we have reached a stage where it become really destroyed.

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Russell Russell Salaam Tao

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completed He finished the journey came down off the hill went off to Medina and now nobody's chasing him. When he reached Medina, Allah subhanaw taala had already formed a pseudo Salah about all the events what what happened. So, when he reached Medina rahsaan says to him, so, have you made a very good bargain? He said, You made a very good bargain, right? You made a very good bargain, what was the bargain, he lost everything he had in this life in this world is complete wealth. Totally, he had nothing else. He only had his his arms and his clothes.

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All his wealth was in Makkah and that he gave away in exchange for work in exchange for light.

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this is the value of the Palomar sisters.

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How many of us are today our how many of us are there today? Who will give everything we own

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in exchange for Laila, hello, Mama.

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Everything except the clothes on on the body. But that's not even accept meaning that a lot Well,

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how many of us will give half of that half of what we want, how many of us will give a quarter of it? How many of you wanted to that? How many of us will give 100.

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There are people Muslims today who

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try to trick now as we load try to trick Allah subhanho data with respect to like a

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two and a half percent of wealth, not even income.

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Two and a half

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percent, even two and a half percent to give.

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We feel hesitant there are Muslims who don't want to give and who are reluctant to give.

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And here we are talking about Muslims give everything and give that gladly

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no compulsion.

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What do we have to save ourselves?

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For the sisters to think about this.

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Today, we have reached a stage where sometimes you feel that we can never come out of this. Now that is first and foremost. If you are thinking that way, I would say stop thinking that that is despair. That is hopelessness within Islam Islam is no way a Muslim is not somebody who is hopeless about anything because we trust you.

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And we believe that Allah subhanho wa Taala can do whatever he wants. And therefore Allah will do whatever he wants and we are not worried or bothered about anything.

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So that is the first and foremost thing if you are

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in that frame of mind where you say, oh, but you know, like, what can I do? It's wonderful, we can do much and we can inshallah

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hamdulillah we can,

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we can do.

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A great deal of America in general will help us. So that is the first and foremost thing to, to understand. But the point is to think about this and say that how did we reach here?

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How did we reach a stage where Today we are as Muslims, we are the weakest of the

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most despised most disliked, most hated, most oppressed people in the whole world.

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And Muslim blood has no value Muslim lives have no value.

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People don't even count anymore.

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If we just say in the last, you know, that one decade or so last 20 years from 2000 onwards,

00:31:03 --> 00:31:13

how many Muslims and I'm not talking about I'm saying innocent Muslim men, women, children, how many were have been killed?

00:31:15 --> 00:31:23

In the many places in which there are wars and these wars are being fought against Muslims for no reason other than that, the other than that they are Muslim.

00:31:24 --> 00:31:27

There's not even any count a vote is this so many have died?

00:31:28 --> 00:31:29

How did this happen?

00:31:30 --> 00:31:31

Think about this.

00:31:33 --> 00:31:40

Because think about this, Allah, Allah mentioned is very clearly said in the law law, you know, you might be a COVID you

00:31:42 --> 00:31:50

said that Verily, Allah subhanaw taala does not change the good condition of people until they change it themselves.

00:31:51 --> 00:32:00

Unless Rotella doesn't take, say, for example, it is a bunch of people who are good people who are doing good, who are you know,

00:32:02 --> 00:32:26

are beneficial to everyone around them. They are pious, the worship only Allah subhanho wa Taala, they do not join partners within the commission. They don't do any of that apart. However, suddenly, one day Allah Sparta decides, okay, let me throw a spanner in the works. Let me destroy them. Let me you know, give them some problems and let me disrupt their lives. Let's not do this.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:34

How does decline happen? decline happens because those people themselves, bring it upon themselves.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:45

Instead of being focused on the acquisition of knowledge, they get focused on the acquisition of direction.

00:32:47 --> 00:32:55

Instead of being focused on hard work and development and progress, they get focused on just enjoyment.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:04

spending money on things, rather than spending money on effort.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:15

Just think about that, take take our take our countries, take our Muslim, Muslim spend it whichever way you want to calculate that as individuals as as countries as whatever.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:41

And see how much money do Muslims spent or luxuries and how much money to spend on, for example, medical research, or, for example, establishing of good and great universities? How many? In an in a year, how many research papers are coming out of universities from Muslim countries?

00:33:42 --> 00:33:47

How many books in science and technology are being written by Muslim scientists?

00:33:49 --> 00:33:54

How many Muslims are are winning the Nobel Prize for science?

00:33:55 --> 00:34:12

Right? I'm not talking about other things. I'm looking at. I'm focused, I'm focused on science asked me to tell me how many people in the world when they have problems, they have different issues, say for example, there's economic collapse as well. We like to talk about Islamic finance as well. Right. So tell me how many

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14

people from Wall Street?

00:34:16 --> 00:34:28

How many great investors, George Soros, and so on, so right, how many of these people have approached Islamic universities? To say please come and teach us Islamic Finance?

00:34:30 --> 00:34:31

What Islamic Finance?

00:34:36 --> 00:34:41

Do people say that you've got a financial system, which is not

00:34:42 --> 00:34:53

subject to the vagaries of, you know, ups and downs, to come and teach us that? You know, why they don't tell you that? They don't tell you that because in your countries, you've got interest based banking.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:55

So what will they ask you for?

00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

What will they ask you

00:35:01 --> 00:35:04

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but there's not one single

00:35:06 --> 00:35:15

Muslim country. I'm talking about, you know, any, in any case, all the all the big names. I don't know my mother Danielle, for example, right. But other than that, I'd say

00:35:17 --> 00:35:23

there's not one single Muslim country, which does not have interest based banking,

00:35:25 --> 00:35:25


00:35:28 --> 00:35:34

And in most cases, the governments of those countries are partners in that banking system.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:42

And we know very well, that interest based banking is something on which Allah subhanaw taala declared war.

00:35:45 --> 00:35:51

And others were hunted up Brahma is to destroy it. Yamaha por la Riva? Well, you will be certified.

00:35:53 --> 00:35:56

And let's say definitely Allah will destroy interest with back.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:05

So how will anybody ask you for a solution to the problems created by interest based bank?

00:36:13 --> 00:36:15

Seriously, sisters, we have to ask ourselves this question.

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00:36:19 --> 00:36:22

And say that if we really want

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to understand how we got here, then we have to understand

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what we did.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:35

And in one word, what we did was we left to some officers.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:38

We disobeyed Allah.

00:36:41 --> 00:36:43

Because we left the Sona off. So light.

00:36:46 --> 00:36:47

And as I say, the rest is history.

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00:36:51 --> 00:36:59

again, I'm not saying this for you to lose hope, because think about this, we didn't get here overnight. Is to time This took a lot of time.

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From the beginning of our account, we were doing well for six to 700 years.

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And then we decline we came up. And if we take the 1920s would be the would be the last, you know, the Ottoman Empire will finish at 923. So we take 1920. Now we are 2020. So 100 years.

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00:37:29 --> 00:37:52

if you go further back from where the decline started, maybe two or 300 years, so it's not as if we have been here forever, we've not been here forever, we have a beautiful history of having contributed enormously to this world in many different ways. People who want to forget it cannot forget it. That is the extent of our contribution hungry.

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But sitting on our laurels is not going to happen.

00:37:57 --> 00:37:59

Number one, number two,

00:38:00 --> 00:38:03

also just talking about it, it's not

00:38:05 --> 00:38:20

talking about our glorious past, having this exhibition that it is good, we should do this, I'm not against it. We should do this because we should know where we are what we are, we should know. You know that we are people who

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we do good things. And we have done good things, we have a good record. So it's nice to know that

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but just leaving it there is not sufficient.

00:38:34 --> 00:38:35

We have to revive them

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by changing our ways, by using our time productively

00:38:43 --> 00:38:49

by focusing on the first thing is on focusing on 30 that is Allah which is focusing on

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worshiping Allah Subhana Allah alone without partners meaning and remove all the shit of our lives and bring our lives with the Sunnah of Rasulullah salah and second thing is then focusing on science and technology because this is the age of Science and Technology.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:12

If we leave zanza technology, we are going to go backwards, we are already backward we will even worse.

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So focusing on zanjan technology is absolutely critical.

00:39:19 --> 00:39:41

We need to do that. And inshallah if we do these two things simultaneously, they have to go hand in hand we cannot be focused on zanza technology and they leave Allah Allah and His Rasul law and we cannot say I'm focusing only on my piety and sanza technology, I will not read I will not study both are not acceptable. You need to have these two things hand in hand together.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:59

Then inshallah we can look forward once again to a golden age, which is not described and which is not dependent on the amount of possessions we have. The Golden Age is not because we are wearing we're wearing

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Gold flux, the golden age of the golden age because our contribution to the rest of the world is good

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in every way,

00:40:08 --> 00:40:29

asked us valterra to make us the kind of contributing people we used to be and better and bow and ask Allah subhanaw taala to save us from ourselves and to save us from our base desires and to save us from from becoming the slaves of our desires. Well, Carrie Valeri he was

00:40:31 --> 00:40:32

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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