Karim Abuzaid – Why The Sahabah (RA) #2

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam is discussed, along with the need for leadership positions in the world and role models for Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need for a culture of honoring the Prophet's teachings and the importance of finding one's own success and happiness in life. The history of the coming conflict between the United States and Iran is also discussed, including the loss of the United States and Iran's.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Neff Meadow who wanna stay in who wanna start 0102 Billa Himanshu young fusina woman sejati Amina

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manga de la hufa mobila woman your little fella ha de la. Why she had to Allah Illa Allah Allahu la sharika why shadow anessa Donna wannabe Anna Mohammedan Abdullah, who are solo brothers and sisters in Islam as salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome again to righteous companions.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam. This is the second episode and we are still answering this question. Why should we talk about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this time. And we said that the oma at large, and in particular, the youth amongst the oma are in need, are in desperate need for examples, role models,

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and brothers and sisters in Islam. There is no other people who deserve that. But the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because Allah subhana wa Taala, braised them in the Quran, and the revelation,

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and we shared it with you in the last episode, we shared with you the last episode, some of the verses,

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there is one verse so that we did not even indicate or sided to you. And with it, I begin the episode today. The verse that talks about the quality of the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam at large. But we don't want to forget that the people who were addressed by this verse to begin with, were the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what verse going to

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The moon,

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you were the best oma, you are the best oma ever proved to mankind. Because you enjoy what is good. You forbid what is evil and you believe in Allah. yet. This verse is for the oma at large, but who was addressed first by this verse?

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The people the Quran was revealed while they were alive. Brothers and sisters in Islam, also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said so many things about his companions.

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I just share with you one Hadith

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and the Hadith is very famous one.

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The narrator's of this hadith exceeded 10 Abu hurayrah Abdullah

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Abdullah Abdullah hypno Omar, Miranda Husain raffia Laval Jamia the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, as you probably know the Hadith, well how do you feel to Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Hi urine so corny.

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The best of mankind.

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Of course, after the prophets and the messengers, always, of mankind are the people who live while and a life

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and they accepted my message as hobby my companions, then those who learn from them,

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meaning the predecessors, the righteous predecessors, so companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who immediately received and believed and they supported and they given victory to the deen of Allah. Then the next generation that learned the deen from them the Quran and the Sunnah from them, and then those who learn from that generation so three generations hi Jonas economy

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companions from Medina Luna whom then the next to them, their students, and then the students of the students of the companions.

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We have to be careful here that our Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam does not speak out of his desire. One I am Neil Howe inwa, he loves you. He does not speak out of vain desire. Rather, it's the revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, the best of people, the best of mankind, not the best of the Muslims, no, not the best of the believers. No, of course, this is this applies to, of course, the prophet also this applies, but the best of mankind, brothers and sisters in Islam is the generation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is why they are worthy and deserving

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the fact that we address them in a theory like this called righteous companions, because we need role models.

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I don't want to go to the second reason why we are talking about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without bringing in this effort that was mentioned by Abdullah Hubner, Mr. Ravi, Allah Juan and his other famous Nadine enam mahasaya it's authentic, the blindness or the Allah one. He said this in Allah Hannover raffia Hulu bill a bat, Allah subhanho wa Taala looked into the hearts of all of mankind, for Raja de de Mohamed hiral kulu. He found the heart of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be the purest the best of the hearts. Therefore, Allah subhanho wa Taala chosen Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be his final messenger to all of mankind.

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There are lots of heinola to Allah looked into the hearts of a bat of people again, and he found the hearts of his companions are the best and the purest hearts. Therefore Allah subhana wa Taala chosen them to be the supporters and the helpers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in achieving his his mission, which is delivering the guidance to humanity, brothers and sisters in Islam, also of the life and and so has a very important statement that we really need to reflect upon. Before moving to the

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next reason. He made that statement he said, Men can withstand failure stun a demon mat for internal hajela to manually heal fitna. If you want to do like someone try to adopt the methodology and the path of those who died already.

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Because the living they are not still they are yet not or they are not secure from the fit net. Here I am sitting in front of you today. Allah knows best what is going to happen to me tomorrow, not even tomorrow. Not even tomorrow, in an hour in two hours, and how you're never secure from the fitna, especially at this time. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at the time of trials and tribulations towards the end of time, which is the time that we are approaching at least or we are in right now. He said that a person used to be Roger Lumina, a person will wake up in the morning a believer and at night he will turn into a disbeliever and at night he will be a believer,

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and in the morning he will be a disbeliever and he said also that the person who's holding to his Deen is someone who's holding a piece of fire. So it is difficult to find living examples now role models now very difficult, very difficult. Therefore other live nematode is telling you if you want to basically follow role models about those who that now other workers have the over, you know everything about him. O'Meara is secured from the fitna. Omar is secure from the fitna of man he secured from the fitna. He secured from the fitna and so forth. What is the second reason? Why should we learn about the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam because the companions

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters in Islam, were human beings like you and me. Like I said, they will not messengers nor prophets. They will not support

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And they will nobody, nobody. And that Dean, that curriculum that we have the Quran and the Sunnah. They implemented it. Then they became heroes, brothers and sisters in Islam. They were alcohol drinker. They used to be killers. Some of them of course not all of them. A lot of them were good into Hillier, but some of them they were not the ideal people during the helia

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I recall when the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, sent a messenger to the ruler of birgir. He basically tore down the message, the letter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said, You bunch of Arabs Bedouins coming and telling me what to do. Who are you? Who are you?

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And the deen brothers and sisters in Islam, took them from zeros to heroes. That transformation brother and brothers and sisters in Islam can happen in the oma again, because the same curriculum still there. We could do that transformation, you could do that transformation. Anyone who wants to do that transformation, he can do it again it can be done again. But by believing and implementing the guidelines, which is the Quran and the Sunnah, because the oma needs to come back to the deen of Allah, the oma needs to come back to take the leadership in earth. Earth is desperate for leadership brothers and sisters in Islam and the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are the only

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people who are deserving of this because Allah subhanho wa Taala said about them. You are the best oma because you believe in Allah. You enjoy and what is good, you forbid what is evil. But the Omar cannot take that leadership position again, without transforming from Jay Hillier to Islam. Now how can we do it? Let's learn about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they did it. They transformed from Jay helia total Jia helia total ignorance to to know Islam to Islam. Again, my time is up this episode. And I have not even finished talking about the second reason why righteous companions, brothers and sisters in Islam. I'll take a short break and I will

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be back till then Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi.

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Brothers and sisters,

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brothers, husbands, divorce is the last resort. Even when I was given the topic, the art of divorce. I was thinking why are we talking about divorce, as they say in management, do you take

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serious decisions when you are angry?

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No one is taking a very serious decision in his life. Maybe in his business while you are angry, and divorce happened in every six minutes. We are not talking about enjoying the divorce but we are talking about certain steps

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to be followed in order to avoid divorce or minimize the possibility of divorce or minimize the consequences of divorce. Any divorce taking place have many effects. So we would like to minimize those effects.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Baraka two brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome back to righteous companions. Again. We're still answering this question, why? Why the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam why we need to dig deep now to connect with them. Like I said before,

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we need role models. And the second reason that I have not completed, finished talking about that in order for the oma to come back to that leadership position. That is so much needed in earth. Earth none Muslims are in need for you brothers and sisters in Islam. I say what law he and I really mean it. I come I live

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In America and the Western world, and I tell you, they are so much in need for Islam. They need it. But they need you to be a role model at the same time.

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They need to see what Islam did to you. So you must do the transformation yourself from Jamelia to Islam, in order to be the ideal people to present the deen to them. And that generation of companions did that. They did the transformation. And

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sometimes just giving you an example from their lies, would be the ideal thing. When honorable Javier Lohan was in his way to be handed over the keys of Jerusalem.

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The House of Allah, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to bring it back to the believers in Palestine.

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avoidable, Jarrah hora de la Juan met him.

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And it happened that Omar Abdullah Juan was walking and this offer in the mustard rock and it's authentic.

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And he ended up with a pool of water in front of him.

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So I'm going to allow one in order to cross the pool of water. He took off his shoes and he placed it under his left armpit. And then he left his garment like this. And then he walked in that pool of water.

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the 11am evil oma the safeguard of the oma the trustworthy of the oma

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based on his experience with the Christians in Palestine. He told him yeah ameerul momineen Oh Commander of the Faithful, you need to keep some prestige some appearance, because those people they look at the appearance of the leadership.

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Look at the reaction of Omaha top of the lavonne he said a Hindi Abba Aveda

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if someone else said this year other Obaidullah, but not you, I would have done so and so. On top and Aveda they had a very special relationship. Very special one. Some, some time. Omar was sitting with some of the companions and you know like they are chatting and make a wish Make a wish Make a wish. Some of them I wish to be in general I wish to be with the messenger. This is after the time of the prophet SAW Selim. You know what Omar wished for he said, I wish to have a house filled with men, people, the quality of Aveda.

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Because he was a quality and insha Allah, we'll talk about Java 11 in this series be malaita Allah. He told him this, and this is the statement that I'm seeking. He said you are about obey the Quran, then.

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We were the most humiliated people in the face of this earth. Brothers and sisters in Islam, that generation of the companions, they were nothing.

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they existed between two super powers at the time, the Romans and birgir. They did not even bother to invade them. And we know from the policies of super powers that they like to have real estate, just occupy lands, needlessly occupied lands, but yet they did not care about these headwinds. Who are those people? They have no harm. In 10 years, brothers and sisters in Islam in 10 years, never happened in the history of humanity. Never that a generation was empowered in earth engineers. Engineers, right after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They went all over Virginia, all over the Romans, Egypt was taken. Palestine was taken Syria was taken elkaar DC and

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Holland at the time of American copper, the yellow one.

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The yellow one is filling up. Moreover, yadda yadda yadda it is Islam that given us the sense of dignity, as well as home, we were the most humiliated people in the face of this earth.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us his dignity and honor because of the implementation of the deen of Allah. And that is where we see dignity and honor. We do not seek it in appearance, whether or not secret in non Muslims, whether or not secret in resources, just resources of course we need the resources, but this is not the sole reason for me mapped out

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How you analyze data fee add an ANOVA. So that generation of companions brothers and sisters in Islam, they did that transformation from nobody from zeros to heroes. Now, the oma is desperate to do the same process, the same process. Now, if you want to become like those who did the transformation, read that are the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and found out and find out how they did it. Brothers and sisters in Islam. The third reason why we are talking about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they were the people whom we must love. We must ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to forgive them. I could reword this by saying

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they have rights upon us. the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they have rights upon us. As a matter of fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made one statement, and it is inside al Bukhari. He said, this area to a man hope will answer one or two

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books, and saw

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a sign of belief that you'll have an answer. In particular, of course, this could be generalized to the all of the companions, but in particular, and saw and assign of hypocrisy, that you have some hate, towards Eleazar of the prophets of Allah towards the Lancer, the people who were in the effort,

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so they have rights upon us, we must love them, we must love the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they were the companions of your messenger of your prophet Subhan Allah these days, when somebody receives his education at the hands of a certain shape.

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She if so and so? And then you end up meeting someone who did the same. He was the student of the chief, you already feel the bond the bond with them. Now, don't you want to be the students of Muhammad? sallallahu wasallam Shouldn't you fall in love also, with his immediate students, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so they have rights we have they have rights upon us. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said regarding the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, don't abuse them, Allah, Allah Fie us hobby.

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Be careful, feel Allah, once it comes to my companions, and so on. So they have rights upon us. One of the rights that actually was in the Quran.

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Allah Subhana Allah says after he spoke about the Mahajan and saw

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what La da da da

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da da me up una Bana virulent. De Nino la de da de una de ma.

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Wanna geography kulu Bina Latina?

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Ghana in Africa.

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And those who came after in Mahajan and saw what they say about them, or ALLAH forgive our sins, and the shortcomings of Elmo hygiene and in answer and the rest of the believers who followed their footsteps, or a banner or Allah, do not place any hatred towards them. Oh Allah, save clean our hearts from any animosity towards the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Oh Allah, you're full of kindness or Allah, you are merciful. That is why the we know there are people who curse the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, unfortunately, and they named themselves Muslims.

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They curse them.

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When some of the companions and the breed assessors would hear about some people cursing aboubaker, for example, cursing Omar for example, they would say, Omar obon esterified Isla, whom they were commanded to ask Allah to forgive their shortcomings and what Look what they are doing in the Quran. In the Quran. Look what they are doing. They are cursing them. They are accusing them of things that are not true. Brothers and sisters in Islam.

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the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Do have rights upon us.

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The right to learn about them, not to neglect them, the right not to abuse them, the right not to curse them, or to speak ill about them, or to have any ill feelings towards them. This is the rights of the companions to love them to, to love them, too. Let's learn about them. Let's do the first one. And I tell you something, by learning about them, it will lead you to love them. And it will lead you to cleanse your hearts from any misconception that have contacted you. Or you were basically taught in your childhood regarding the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the least this series of righteous companions will do. It will place immunity in your hearts

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against any ill feelings that may contact you. Because there are bad people out there who go after the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Unfortunately, again, my time is up and I have not really covered that third reason sufficiently, therefore insha Allah, the next episode of righteous companions, don't miss it. We will talk more about this reason and also we will explore the rest of the reasons why the Sahaba why, righteous companions till then Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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