Karim Abuzaid – What’s Your #1 Goal In Life (Part 3)

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The announcement of the fifth pillars of gender was made to the pillars of gender, with brothers and sisters in Islam promised to live and never grow old. The success of the Islam culture in shaping women to be the ones they want and the challenges of achieving them are discussed. The importance of working towards a goal of gender is emphasized, along with the need to achieve goals and make their own choices based on their beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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when I will let him in surely and fusina amin sejati armanino

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manga de la hufa Mobile Allah.

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Allah, Allah.

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Allah Allah Allah Allahu la sharika

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Why should I do unnecessary then I want to Vienna Mohammed Abdullah, who are a solo brothers and sisters in Islam, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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What is your number one goal in this life?

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If it is not still genda Hear me out. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Last episode, we talked about the announcements that will be made to the pillars of gender, or the pillars of gender. You are to live, you are promised to live and never die. You are promised to be healthy and never be sick. You are promised to stay youth and you never grow old. You are promised to enjoy your living, and you never this misery again.

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And we even said

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not actually us. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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this is a Muslim. In Hadith, Anna signo Malik, Allah one that

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a believer who had a very difficult life in this world, just one did. engine will make him forget all the hardships that he went through.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam, you will never be bored in general. You will never have envy, hatred. When azana mafioso do he mean Really? no hatred, no in no envy. The greeting in general is peace, peace, peace. Brothers and sisters in Islam. You will get whatever you want in general, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke in the words of Allah, in the Hadith, Pudsey Muslim, Allah subhanho wa Taala said, I have prepared for my righteous servants. What an I never seen what Aeneid never heard, and whatever you think of you will find it in gender. Brothers and sisters in Islam of the live na s or the Allahu anhu Ma, he said, the only common thing or the only thing that we know

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about gender in this world is the names or are the names, the names of the things in general, but the real things you will be surprised to see it

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tonight or today, inshallah, we promised to share with you a fifth goal, a fifth announcement that will be made to the pillars of gender. And that announcement brothers and sisters in Islam is so dear to them.

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The Hadith fee Sunni Muslim dilemma Muhammad was a Muslim man Hadeeth faulhaber Rumi about the Allah one Listen to this.

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He that the hydrogen nitrogen lunarian now when the dwellers of Jenna intergender have intergender and that winners of the Hellfire have entered the Hellfire near them when adding a caller will call upon the winners of Jenna. Yeah, lol Jen Oh dwellers of Jana. In Allah como Adan en de la he read de como. Allah subhana wa Taala has promised you something and Allah always subhana wa Taala fulfills his promises and he wants to fulfill that promise for you. Look at the reaction of the dwellers of gender because of what they are enjoying. In Jenna. Woman. They will say what that could be.

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I love you thought kilonova Xena has he subhanho wa Taala made our skills heavy. lm yo boo boo Hana has in he subhana wa Taala made our faces Brighton

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has in he subhana wa tada LMU the fill an agenda permitted us into Jenna has in he subhana wa Taala saved us from the hellfire. Look at this stage, the veil will be removed from the face

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala brothers and sisters in Islam, the believers then will be able to see Allah Subhana Allah, face to face with Allah He one law he, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam swears one law he nothing of what Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted them previously of the pleasures will be dearer to them than looking at the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala at this time, a crow in tomb recite if you want would you Hoon Yama in the era faces on this day will be beaming in happiness, why ihlara behind avera because these faces will be looking at the Feasts of Allah subhanho wa Taala fo inshape tomb

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Villa Dena accidental host now was the ad is a Muslim, Saudi your costs above the Allah one the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah snehal Jen and the audition, the increase is looking at the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala in Jenin la Masha una de la, Valentina z, whatever you want, the increase is looking at the face of Allah subhana wa Taala May Allah Subhana Allah make us all amongst those who look at the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala in your blood, I mean, do not deprive us from looking at your face in general, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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This is Jenna.

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Is your number one goal? Not the agenda? Why? The dunya? How dare you? How dare you trade Jenna for some years.

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Did you know that in Jenna, there is a mall? You like shopping? In general there is a mall. Every Friday you can go shopping in general.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Muslim men have a tendency to nomadic over the long run. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in nephele genetti less huka in gender. There is a marketplace. There is a mall where you can go shopping. Yeah, two and a half million dollars of gender will go to shop on the Friday brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a comparison between the dounia and Jenna and the Hadith. Faisal al Bukhari Hadith saladna Saudi Saudi Look what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said lemma although solten Phil Jenna hi Amina dunya on a fee her at distance occupied by a web in general is better than the whole world yeah Allah brothers and sisters a distance in general that is occupied by a whip, you know the whip?

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Very short distance is better than the dunya and whatever is in the dunya

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Do you know the person who will own the leased property in general how much he will own. And this is not my talk brothers and Sunni brothers and sisters in Islam. This is coming straight from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and the Hadith al Bukhari and Khalid Abdullah have never sold about the alarm on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about the last man who will enter Jannah from the pillars of gender. And he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he will own 10 times this dunya 10 times this dunya my brothers and sisters in Islam or for gender, make your number one goal gender. But now, if your number one goal is is gender, hopefully within later

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Allah you have decided this.

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You need to learn and understand that gender does not come for free.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and handed over even a copy of the law and said Allah in Silla de la hora de la se la de la heljan. The community of Allah Subhana Allah is expensive. The community of Allah subhanho wa Taala his agenda, you know the Hadith that I shared with you about jabril going and looking at dinner, when Allah subhana wa Taala created at first holy feast on an Abbe de wood was certainly thermally enhanced every hora de la Han towards the end of this hadith. Allah subhanho wa Taala has surrounded Jenna with showered with desires and difficulties. And then he asked gibreel ru salam to go again.

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Look at it jabril ra Salam went back and he looked at the agenda again being surrounded with desires and difficulties. And he came back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he said, Why is xotic for Your glory Allah, I'm afraid, because of all these pleasures that are surrounded, or surrounding gender, that no one will be able to enter it. You have to cross through your desires in order to make it to gender, but it is easy on those whom Allah subhanaw taala makes it easy. May Allah Subhana Allah make it easy on us so that we can defeat our desires, defeat ourselves and work for agenda. Brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Getting to gender

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is not through your deeds, but at the same time. You must work the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a lot of people misunderstand this hadith and the Hadith.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a llama hula hula Hakuna Matata homily. Rest assured that no one will enter gender because of his deeds or her deeds. The Companions asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what until Rasul Allah, not even you or messenger of Allah. He said not even me. illa yadava madonie Allahu

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Allah, Allah subhana wa Taala bestows His mercy upon me. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us amongst those whom Allah subhanaw taala bestows His mercy upon so that we can make it to gender. But remember, you must work you must do the acts. The acts are a condition in order to receive the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. But it's not the price for gender. The community of Allah has expensive, the commodity of Allah has Jenna. Brothers and sisters in Islam, work for agenda. change your direction, make your goal gender.

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study more. Read more about Jenna. One of the things that can help you be steadfast in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Imagine being in that beautiful place where you forget all your pains. You will forget all your agonists in this world, you will be with your beloved ones, if they died as believers or Latina em and what about Tom Doria to be a man and

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a woman.

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Now when I met him in shape, those who believed and died as believers and their family members followed them as believers will make them join one another in gender and you're going to enjoy living together in gender. As a family. You will never fight. You're not going to have any problems. I assure you, that you it's going to be a wonderful life in general. But it's now the time to work for Jenna

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a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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