Karim Abuzaid – Uthman 01 Virtues Of Uthman Ibn Affan 1

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the deaths of Muslims and the persecution of individuals for their actions. The speakers also mention Dr. Phil and a woman who talks about praying with her partner. The history of Islam includes the predictions of the Prophet sallua Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali
AI: Transcript ©
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I really did.

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Mohammed's message from

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the prophets faithful friend trust, protected him, his love had

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him companion in

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the prophets, Allah Nakamoto who want to stay in

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fusina woman say Dr. Medina Manya de la who Fela mobile Allah, woman little fella her the Allah. What a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa hula shriek Allah. Well, I should say Donna wannabe ana Muhammadan Abdullah hora solo brothers and sisters in Islam, as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to righteous companions, brothers and sisters in Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said, in a hadith that is authentic,

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either a commitment or Bona Deena who who Luca

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fuzzer will do a lot of Fallujah conflict not until a certain career.

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If you are the guardians of a woman, you're a father or a brother or someone who is both in charge for a female

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and someone comes to you ask him

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to marry this female who is under your guardianship

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and you are pleased with their deem with their religion

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and also with their manner,

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then give him

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the women in marriage.

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Imagine Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam

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given his two daughters, Rohingya

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and unconsumed

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to the companion,

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that we will talk about today in marriage,

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and he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if I have a third daughter,

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I would have given it to you have man

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because both of Rokia

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and uncle

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Rokia died, right when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and the 300 Muslims,

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the people of whether we're fighting the disbelievers in the Battle of better

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and this is why of man of no fan. Ravi allow one missed this battle.

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He did not want to go. No, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him off man, take care of my daughter,

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take care of my daughter. And she was extremely ill, to the extent that when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is marching back from better

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happy because of the bounty in the victory that Allah subhana wa Taala given the Muslims in the day is better.

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But he receives the news of the death of his daughter Rokia, the possessor of the two lights. This is off man of Noah fan. Brothers and sisters in Islam.

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A very special Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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a very special character, a giving character, the most giving character of the Prophet, the character of the companions from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Brothers and sisters in Islam of man have not offend or are the alarm one. Upon meeting Abu Bakr Sudeep after Abu bakkar became a Muslim, Abu Bakr right away, winter of man about the last one. And he talked to him about Islam.

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And like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said he autoconfig j helia.

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Dr. Phil Islam

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the best of you, India Hillier are the best in Islam

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of man have an affair and never prostrated to Iraq to an idol. He has never drank alcohol.

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He never committed adultery.

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This religion

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is just an enhancement of His goodness. He did not hesitate. He immediately became a Muslim. And he joined.

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He joined those who joined the dean when it needed them most.

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My heart is aching brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Because we have people in the oma who have carried to speak about these righteous companions, in a way

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that is so humiliating.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam, these companions who believed right at the very beginning, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with the deen

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they deserve better than that from us.

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He is now a fan of the long run

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a very well known character in the community. We'll see. He comes from a very strong tribe.

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But yet he was persecuted. Like everyone else. He was humiliated, like everyone else for saying La ilaha illAllah.

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He lost his prestige.

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He was disrespected because of Islam. How much did you do for Islam? My dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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And I asked those who speak ill about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, just compare, compare what you did for Islam. With just one of them.

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You will find out that you did nothing. In other words, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that if you would have spent the mountain of offered in gold, you would not equal a handful of one of them, not even half.

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Because of the persecution brothers and sisters in Islam of man or the Allah Han with the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rokia migrated to Estonia in order to save their Deen,

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but they could not stay away from their beloved messenger Rukia could not stay away from her beloved father. So they returned again to Mecca.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam,

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I have to go through of man quickly, in sha Allah, I'm not narrating, no citing the biography of man, rather and after certain events to show you the caliber of this companion, brothers and sisters in Islam after the hegira from Mecca to Medina

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and the Hadith featuring the tirmidhi.

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The Muslims when they arrived in Medina, they had a big problem.

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Once it came to drinking water,

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the source of the drinking water in Medina was a will gold aroma or Rumia, the Rumia and it was owned by one of the non Muslim locals in Medina

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and he used to charge the Muslims for just one bucket of water, a handful, a handful of wheat or corn

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or pearly or date.

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He needs to make a lot of money.

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the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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complained that this man is taking away our provision our food in order to give us water Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up in front of the companions and he motivated them to give who can who can buy that will

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For the Muslims, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will replace him with a better will in Jenna.

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Who else but off man? Yeah Allah of man, the giving of man the giving. He rushed to the man.

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And he told him,

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sell me this will? Of course he would not do. He would not do it because he's making a lot of money. Subhan Allah, Allah inspired of man, Allah subhanho wa Taala, giving him the light of the heart to make another offer to this man, that, can you sell me half of it? The man did not comprehend what do you mean? He said, You took you take the water one day and I will take the water one day, you benefit from the water of the will one day and I will benefit from the water of the will another day. This way we have you have half and I have half and I'll give you the money for the half. The man agreed. And he given him the money for half of the will and of magnet offender of the law and

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started inviting the Muslims to come and take their water on the day that he owns the will and he asked them to take sufficiently whatever is sufficient for them for two days. This way they would not have to buy the day when this man is owning the will and for free for Allah subhanho wa Taala the non Muslim original owner of that will discovered discovered that this is not gonna work for him. So he came to earth man have not found the Allah one. And he told him please by all the will. So he did and he bought the will for the Muslims. And he received the first glass hiding from Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam once it came to Jana, that Allah subhana wa Taala will give him

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a better will in paradise. The Possessor of the two lights of Nirvana fan of the 11 will return after a short break. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So this is something that you have to point out to the to them in the Bible, something which is I think, very, very limited by the use, which is staying firm on the truth. This is just one of the greatest examples for me of how to control your anger within the framework of being the cleanest religion, the cleanest jurisprudence and in the meantime,

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the kindest religion to animals.

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Let's talk with Helene a minute as he interviews guests and discusses a variety of topics, everything from youth issues to religious issues, join us here on

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome back to righteous companions. And today the first episode

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talking about of man of not a fan of the law one, the possessor of the two lights, brothers and sisters in Islam. of men have not found the law, the law one giving to the oma did not stop there.

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After Islam came to Medina, and people started becoming Muslims, a lot of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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wanted to pray with him behind him in the masjid, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam constructed,

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but the machine is too narrow. It is not enough for all those people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up again and he addressed the oma.

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He asked them who can help us make the machine a little bit wider and bigger for my companions to pray with me? Who can?

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Who else brothers and sisters in Islam, but of man, if not a fan of the Allah one? The narrator of the Hadeeth men Benelli lahemaa Gita welcome of our Okami posse Kota Ben Allahu Allahu Beetham, Phil Jana. If you build

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For Allah sincerely for Allah, not for showing off msgid

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if you construct a nested for Allah, even if it is the size of a bird nest, Allah Subhana Allah will build a house for you in general. Of course, you cannot pray in a bill in a birdnest so small, the scholars of Hadith they said about this, if you contribute to the building of a Masjid, the size, the contribution of a birdnest which equals a birdnest, Allah subhanho wa Taala will build for you a house in general. He is automatically a fan of the Allah one. Upon hearing, upon hearing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam making the request and making the call, he rushes and he goes to the owners of the land. Next to the nether we message the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam in Medina, and he pushes some of the land and he comes and he gives it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Allah.

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This is of man, if not a fan of the Allah one.

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His giving did not stop here, the nine peer of hegira when the Muslims were threatened by the Roman Empire, and the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam learned that the ruler Caesar is preparing an army to come and attack the Muslims Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam decided to go and meet them outside of Medina, rather in the outskirts, rather at the border, because he decided since the Battle of the trench to always be on the attack, not in the defensive.

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But he chosen sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a time or Allah subhana wa tada ordained that the time is very difficult. The summer, the harvest is not here. The people in Medina they don't have a lot of money. And here is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up again, in front of his companions, asking men yuja his is J shell or surah. This army actually was labeled after the condition of this army, the army of hardship, who can prepare the army of hardship. Who else but of man, brothers and sisters in Islam, who else but of man, the processor of the two lights of man who have not found out the 11 he came with 1000 dinar

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made out of gold at the time, placing it in his clothes like this. And he came and he pulled it

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in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looks at him and he says ma ma ma ma ma

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ma, ma ma ma ma.

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Ma. Ma Ma Allah do nothing with the harm of man after what he did today. Another wording of this Hadith, which the authenticity or the chain of narration is spoken about that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up asking, motivating the companions to give in order to prepare the army of hardship that will march towards the borders with the Roman Empire. He said menuju his je shell surah wala hujan who can prepare the army of the hardship and he will get gender in return of man of an offender of your loved one stood in front of everybody and he said your rasulillah minima are 200 camels the last one up Tabitha. I will prepare 100 camels with their provision with

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their weaponry, everything. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam stood up again and he said who can prepare the army of the hardship and he will receive Jenna and the return of men who have not stood up for the second time and he said your rasulillah Miata, the ef 200 camels the Atlas see how after the HA

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up for the third time

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and he said who can prepare the army of the hardship and who will get gender in return of maroubra Fernando de la Juan stands up for the third time you're a sole Allah tala to me at the end.

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We see how after we have 300 camels with their equipment or messenger of Allah

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes down from the pulpit and he's hitting his thigh like this, the hinda Kenya of man. Now Allah of melanoma for Alabama do nothing with harm of man, after what he had done today, this is off man of na fan, the giving Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is why brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala in the tongue of his companion, given him the glad tidings of Paradise in this world, the Hadith that I shared with you once we talked about Abu Bakr Sadiq and Omar Abdullah trabajo de la Juan Hadith, Abdul Rahman, Rahim, Allah Juan and the Hadith in Sunni tirmidhi authentic chain of narration.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Abu Bakr infil Jun wa Omar Abu hapa. Phil, Jen, and here is the third one off man.

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Phil Jen, off man ignore our fan Phil Jen. Rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him Yeah, man told him in a hadith that of Man will die as a martyr. The Hadith that I also narrated to you once I talked about Aviva Casa de correo de la Han and Omar katavi, Allah one, Hadith NSE Malik la de la one, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr Omar and off man went up to the top of the mountain of offered and offered shaked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said stand still offered, the firm offered. On the top of you. There is a profit through full and two martyrs. Omar was one of man is the second brothers and sisters in Islam. But the martyrdom of man

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was so special was different to the martyrdom of American hombre de la Juan and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who does not speak out of desire indicated this type of man is not a fan of the Allah and the famous Hadith that I also shared with you.

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How do you feel Bukhari Muslim men Hadith Abu Salah Saudi Arabia the loved one, when Abu Salah Sharia law one decided to be the doorman of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day when he followed him and he found him sitting around a will placing called the will of Eddie's placing his feet in the ground. And he was sitting by himself there and Abu Bakr came, and Omar came and a Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam always told me Mazel ashari give them permission to come, but give them black tie to give Jenna give them glad tidings of Jenna. And a worker came and sat next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his right. And then Omar came and sat next to the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to his left. Then it was off man was the third one of man arrived.

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Abu Salah, Sharia law, one went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said, O Messenger of Allah, when his two companions are next to him, of man is seeking permission to come and speak to you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me Musashi Ravi Allah gave him a permission to come in

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and give him the glad tidings of Jannah. Allah Bella to see boo after a calamity that will befall him or afflict him.

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is referring to his death, referring to the fitna that he will die. He will die. He will be killed in the hands of rebellious individuals in the oma at the time.

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When of man if not a fan heard that lactating of Jenna, but at the same time, he heard that a calamity will befall him. He made that statement.

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Not an ill Buhari or Muslim, but he said NUS bill insha Allah

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I will be patient by the help and the support of Allah subhana wa Taala.

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And yes, of man was patient, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Don't miss the next episode of righteous companions as we talk about the possessor of the two lights

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and we get into the trial and the fitna that happened and erupted towards the end of his life in the oma and caused his death.

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Till then Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh compans spreading

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to the people who need it.

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I really did.

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Mohammed's message

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the prophets faithful friend trusted protected him his love had no and

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be pleased with him companion and

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the prophets faithful

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