Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Tafsir of the Whole Qur’an in 30 Hours (Commentary) Part 14
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Do we lie him in a shape on your Jeep? Bismillah your Walkman
you're walking Elif lum ball DeLuca I've
been when I do live in a ghetto moolah again, who was leaving them
who knew?
He will Emmylou for Sophia Moon
Mattis be booming. Medina JELA Amaya still rude. Oh God, who are
you? Hello, Zilla Ali,
Nicola Majan Loma de de la mala
Domina Saudi been known as zero Illa will help you
What a
lovely GIF eg a woolly one I
was fooling gang be history
Gaddi get us look goofy who will GD mean? La you're gonna be over
the holiday
worrying well over the
minister Eva Luffy
look all
rune Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam Orland
MOBA Ruthie Ramadan linaria alameen wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
odaka are seldom at the Sleeman Cathy Iran, Eli Yomi Dean Amma bad
Alhamdulillah we have reached the 14 jewels of the Quran nearly to
the halfway mark. And today we begin with sorbitol Headjam.
One either of which is in the 13th juice and every other idea of it
is in the 14th juice. The 14th is just the 14th part also begins
then sorted to null.
So we've got to sort of in the 14 Juice certain Nahal takes the
majority of it, it's the largest surah and sort of the ledger is a
much smaller Surah Surah till hedger,
hedger, it's a murky, it's a murky surah. So it's a second chapter
and there are 99 verses they're in but they're very, very short,
short verses, they're shorter, relatively speaking. And it's
split up into six sections, even though it's got 99 verses. But
though, when I say it's shorter, in terms of verse number, you've
got 99 whereas in the next Surah, you've got 128 verses, so 28 more
verses, but it takes nearly three quarters of the juice whereas this
one only takes a quarter. So that means the the ayat the verses are
very, very, very small. The reason why it's called subtle hedger.
hedger means generally they say he is smart enough. The semicircular
area next to the Kaaba is called a hedge prismarine. That means like
a boundary of some sort, but here this is the word he hates, while
the hedge is basically the place of sila howdy Salaam. So this is
in between Madina, Munawwara and sham Syria that comes a place muda
in Salah. And that's what the people of Saudi Ali Salam used to
live there, and because of the events and the punishment that
came into the area, that's why that discussion is mentioned in
here. We'll come to it when we come to it, but that's why the
song is called sorbitol, hedger.
Essentially the calm of the mood. Right there are based they call
muda in silence today, that area. It's kind of a world heritage site
or something as well, I think, again, the first, the first part
of this chapter starts with Elif lamb. So the whole of Macatawa
starting with Tilka IR tool kita B, we're currently moving these
are the verses of the book and the clear Quran, the clear Quran, the
word Quran itself can come from the word Cora which means to read,
so that which is read the macro that which is read.
So, that's one meaning. The other thing is that it could come from
the meaning of to join together because all the verses come
together. So the literal meaning of Quran is either to be joined
together or to be recited, which applies you know, in both senses.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says rule by Maya do Latina kifaru
Locarno, Muslimeen
those who disbelieve sometimes they would hope that eventually a
time will come and they'll hope that they will Muslims.
You will see the same this is the murky Surah there's a lot of
discussion about establishing the firm beliefs and correcting
misunderstandings, correcting a lot of the wrong ideas and so on.
So the first thing is Allah subhanaw taala discusses how the
disbelievers because they would have maybe seen the descriptions
of the Hellfire I mean, they would have seen Hellfire by that time,
they would then hope that
they were Muslims.
But at that point, there's the hope of being a Muslim doesn't
make a difference anymore.
That's too late. So that's why the prophets Allah subhanaw taala
tells the profit and loss of their home yet Kulu ate a material just
leave him let them eat and enjoy and let their hopes make them
heedless and distract them for sofa yellow moon soon they're
going to go into no warmer I lucky now I'm in Korea in Illa Allah
Kitab Oh, madam, any place that we destroy, or any people for that
matter as well, they've got a certain they've got a fixed
period. That's where the time is fixed for every single individual.
And that's why matters be coming met in Agile, how am I stuck your
own? Nobody can go beyond that fixed period, that fixed date.
Nobody can go beyond that. And neither will it come later. This
never change. We know exactly. It's completely plan 100% And
there's no mistakes in that. You see, then Allah subhanaw taala
says that how is it that they're going to you know, how is it that
they believe in this when they
call you Yeah, you have Latinos the lady here the crew in Nicola
mission they call the province of Austin, they said the one that who
this reminder is being revealed upon you are insane. And then
LaMattina Bill Mullah equity in condemning or siding and same old,
you know, why don't you bring us some angels if you're truthful. So
Allah says Mandarina, zero melodica. David, Allah will help
you America and even Vereen, if we were to, if we were to send down
angels, right, that would be like a last resort, they would not be
given any time afterwards. They would have no they would have no
respite afterwards. Then Allah subhanaw taala says, in an
afternoon as Zelner, the carova in the hula haffi alone, we've
revealed this reminder, which is the Quran so the Quran is a vicar
is a reminder, and we will protect it. This is a such a protected
book of Allah subhanaw taala, that when it came to the other prophets
and their scriptures, their scriptures was that were actually
given over to the people to protect them, they were given
certain maybe laws and so on, but unfortunately, they did not
fulfill that fulfill that. And thus the books became
interpolated, their scriptures became changed and altered, and
split up and all sorts of things, and so on. So there's a lot of
change that took place in the, with the Quran, even though over
1400 I know this is off quoted idea, but it's well worth
mentioning again, that Allah subhanaw taala, himself has taken
the responsibility of its preservation. And you might say,
Well, why didn't he take the responsibility of the previous
ones? The previous ones were time specific. Right? There was going
to be another prophet that that was going to come a new Sharia,
right, new revival of things. So maybe that's why he left it to
them, and then they changed it, because it was never meant to be
forever. But when it comes to the Quran, it's supposed to be
forever. That means it has to be, it can't be left to human beings,
humans are prone to mistakes, right? Humans are prone to
mistakes or insaan makes a lot of mistake.
So that's why Allah subhanaw taala taken the preservation himself,
and that's why he's facilitated several different things. That's
why the Quran is probably the only book of this size, right? The only
scripture book of this size, I mean, this volume that I have is
800 and something pages, right?
That is memorized by children as young as four and five years old,
sometimes. I mean, I personally know children who memorized at the
age of six and seven, right? I personally know them. That is in
itself a miracle these children are sometimes they don't even know
their own full language properly. They can't even read their mother
tongue English or whatever, maybe property but they know this by
heart. They may not even know a word of it, but Allah makes it
easy for them. If they're going to try to memorize something else.
Sometimes it's not that easy. This is just flows that just the way
Allah has made it so conducive for memorization and that is pretty
much the world over. Then we have numerous other place, do it in
Torah, we repeat it in Ramadan review in Ramadan, and so many
other things that we have
to keep it then that in itself is another miracle of the Quran. The
preservation that not a word has changed. In fact, we have some of
the oldest versions of the Quran purported to be the oldest, as I
mentioned to you or tomorrow the other was the first to have it
consolidated the all the various readings and modes of reading
consolidated and scripted in his very specific style that allowed
for all seven readings that I talked about the other day and
sent out to the seven different cities of the Muslim world.
And so the way it was written as well, not a thing has changed
since then yes, we've added dots and we've added there were no dots
in those days, they didn't have a difference between the bar data
and thought or Jeem HA and HA, that's why they knew how to read
it, we wouldn't be able to make that difference because we have no
training. But then they added the dots. Then they added the Fatah,
Casa de Rowling, right, that was all done later. And then
additional things that they've added. But otherwise, the
lettering the wording is the same. Right? Not no, nothing has changed
in that regard. That which was allowed to be the way it was to be
read from before. That's exactly the way it can still be read
today. Now, the rest of the surah obviously, there's a lot of
discussion about the Quran and the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala
and the evidences Allah subhanaw. Taala is openly loudly, explicitly
stating verse after verse throughout the Quran, speaking
about how Allah is the Hurlock he is the creator of the entire
existence, he points out, can you create this? Can this be created
by anybody else, just look at this. Just look at the might of
this look at the mountains, how the mountains actually work as
pegs to stabilize the continents, and so on and so forth. Subhan
Allah, which science discovers later on the truth behind these
things, right? We don't wait for signs, this is what it is, but
it's nice when something is confirmed. So all of this bears
witness to the greatness and the might of Allah subhanaw taala his
wisdom and everything Allah speaking about the heavens, you
will see that discussion when you read through the surah the earth,
the moon, the stars, the mountains, the most expensive
fields, and planes, oceans lakes, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks
would you call it trees that Allah speaks about? The birds, so only
theology that's represented in the Quran as well the study of birds.
That's why for example, let's just take a look at the few verses you
can which you can find Sharla for yourself. But verse 16, for
example, Welaka Jana is sama Hebrew region was a Jana Haley now
when we've placed these towers in the heavens borouge Bucha is a
tower, right? And they look like towers like something peak high up
there, right meaning in the elevation height, these are the
stars, and we made them adorn, we beautify them for those who look.
And the star gazing that is amazing, right? But because we've
lost that due to our light pollution, we then sometimes have
to take expensive trips to worthy room in Jordan, for example, to go
on, you know, gaze at the skies, or when I go to Perth, Australia,
mashallah there, you can actually still see the stars is quite
amazing. Especially if you use Google Google Sky, I think that's
what it's called. You can actually, and a lot of the stars
out there, you'd be surprised. They've been actually mapped by
Muslims, right? Muslim astronomers, that's why they still
have Muslim names, like the official name is a Muslim name,
and many of them were having dinner and then Allah subhanaw
taala speaks about the jinn and so on how they used to steal some of
the information from there, but we're not going to go what your
Anala comfy hammer and Irish in this earth we've placed for you,
venues sources of living. That's why nobody after reading this
verse can say that they don't have something if they make an effort,
they can get something I recently visited a country. And I said, How
are people they said, basically, anybody who makes an effort in
this country can do well. If you see somebody who's not Well, that
means he's not willing to work hard, right? They just want to get
by meaning they don't want to work hard. They just want to maybe take
handouts or something. So Allah's place where another computer, my
Irish woman less than law, who will be Razia teen. So make an
effort. We're immune che and Allahu Akbar These are Verses were
immune che in verse 2122, we're immune che in Illa, Indiana has,
you know, there's nothing except that ALLAH has the keys of the
treasure or the treasures of it. Allah has the abundant storage of
this, right as much as he wants to give woman Luna Zilla who in love
with Catherine maloom but when we give it to people, we obviously
give it in measures based on how we want to do things and how
people make an effort. What are celeea Halawa kihavah Anza La Mina
sama EMA and Allah then, as I said, he's pointing indicating
towards some really important aspects. So for example, he's
saying that we've sent the winds right we've also caused water to
descend from the heavens for a strainer Kumu and we've basically
watered you write we've given you water from it warmer and tuna who
because in is not something that you could have stored and just
just think about that one single example. What is the storage of
water? What's that Allah subhanaw taala saying that you could not
have stored that much. Because okay, we've got the oceans full of
water, the seas and so on. But how do you take it from place to place
that's a huge irrigation, irrigation feat to be able to do
that what Allah does, he lets it evaporate, right uses the sun
evaporates form into clouds, drives the clouds to wherever he
wants it to rain, and thus it just rains and that 1000s and 1000s of
liters or gallons of water, that are basically absorbed up and then
traveled, they're taken to wherever Allah wants to provide
that fertility. And then that's where it goes. That's why Allah
subhanaw taala is saying is that you don't have that kind of
storage ability to do that. Why not know who you want to meet, and
we're the ones who give life and we give death when and why the
throne and we're gonna, you know, the inheritors as well. Everything
is going to be left to us. And Rohan Allah, we know those who
will come before we know those will come afterwards. So you it's
well worth, you'll see that that second section, that second page
is all about that. Now the third one,
Allah subhanho wa Taala starts to now focus from outside to now the
human being, I mean, talking about the human being the human being is
a biological miracle, right? Anybody who studies I mean, you
get a book of anatomy, and you just start looking at the
complicated, sophisticated, elaborate design of just how the
food goes down, goes into the stomach, large intestine, small
intestine, something goes into the colon, then there's other that go
into the bladder, and the large intestine its function is to take
absorb certain minerals or whatever the small intestine takes
some other aspects of the stomach basically process the food, and
how in each of these places, there's various different goodness
that's taken out, whatever is bad, whatever is excess, whatever is
fluff, that then is passed through. And again, the whole
picture, the one way path, and so on. So it's just amazing. I mean,
we could be talking about that today, the way Allah subhanaw
taala has created it, but anyway, I'll leave that to you and the
anatomy books that you can look at in biology. So now Allah subhanaw
taala starts to talk about the inception of man, how Allah Subhan
Allah says what I call Harlequin Al Insana means Sol Sol in min
hammer in Miss noon. And while Jana Halacha, whom in Cobb Luminor
is some so Jin Jin created from fire, that's the origin You only
like how a gin created from fire when they're not flaming all the
time. Right, as though you know.
And human being is told to be is mentioned we create created from
clay from from dirt. So, just the way I mean, when you pick out
yourself, when you scratch yourself, there's no dirt that
comes off meaning there's no there's no soil that comes out you
can't unhinge and dissolve the human being and make them vectors
unless you put them back into the so what do you mean you're created
from soil? Angels are created from light? What does that mean? So the
source is the soil, how Allah took from the soil and the crater,
another mighty salaam was that Allah subhanaw taala told the
angel to bring him soil from different parts of the world after
the Earth was created different parts of the world so the other
medicine could represent everybody. Right? That's why from
him comes all shades of colors, ethnicities, backgrounds, various
physics and so on. Because he comes from everywhere. Allah took
that soil, we blew the soul in there. And that's why wait for
either as a way to verse 29, for it is a way to win a fight to be
human Rohi. Now, since the human being had been given so many
privileges, so many merits so many virtues, so many excellences.
Right. Other Madison was given that, but from him all the human
beings, they've inherited that so Allah subhanaw taala then says for
Carla who says, He tells the angels and everybody then
for prostrate, prostrate for them out of respect. They all prostrate
it except the bliss. Now bliss is generally linked to the angels
that they all frustrated except the bliss as though the bliss is
part of the angels. However, according to the strongest
opinion, which actually is mentioned in the Quran, that can
Amina gin, the bliss is never an NG was not made from as mentioned
here. The he was never made from light. He was made from fire. He's
actually one of the jinn just a really bad place. Sorry, just the
really bad category of gin the worst of the gin or the Iblees.
There are good gin as well. Right? But these are the worst of the
worst. And he's basically got charge of misleading humans and
the gin folk.
So he refused. And then the whole discussion there is about his
arrogance, right. That's one of the main things of his arrogance
that reefy reason he refused is because he says I go up and the
soil is from low and so on so forth. This in there is a message
for the people of Makkah that do not be arrogant just because you
got the power in your hand. And likewise for any other people do
not be arrogant because arrogance does not lead you. You should bow
to the truth when it comes. So this essentially this story that's
mentioned here while it looks like it's the story of other mighty
salaam, it's actually the story of all humanity.
Tea, because that's where we come from. Now, gin, sorry, the
Shaytaan, The bliss, the bliss, that's his particular name and
name. shaytaan is basically everybody. But a bliss is the
particular the arch shaytaan. He used to hang around us a
worshiper, before he used to worship Allah. They said,
he worshipped Allah, in many, many, many different places. And
that's why he used to intermingle with the angels. But when he did
done this, he became the rejected one. And subhanAllah. He changes
like immediately because it was destined, right, it changes
immediately. He asks for respite, right after he refuses and then
he's thrown out and whatever is made a rejected one. Then he asks
for respite. So he was given respite, and then immediately he
makes a promise. Right? And he makes it very clear that I'm going
to mislead everybody. Maybe that's a good thing. So at least we know,
right? Maybe it's a good thing. So at least we know. So he says, I'm
going to basically stand in their path. I'm going to mislead them.
I'm going to detract, distract them, and I'm going to make sure
that none of them worship you. But this is where this is a really
beautiful part. Allah subhanaw taala says In response, called a
ha sera tune Allah Yamasaki well, actually first a bliss himself
says in verse 40, illa, Abba, the Coming Home of Racine, I'm going
to mislead everybody Except your sincere servants. That's why I
developed sincerity and that, you know, a lot of people are saying,
oh, man, we've been fighting with the devil for years and years and
years, right. For all our life, we've been fighting with the
devil, the way to get out of it become a sincere believer in
Allah. And that's the way the shaitaan will stay away and have
the Dhikr of Allah on your lips and in your heart, then the
shaytaan will, we will reject inshallah from the shaytan because
that's what the shaitaan himself is saying that I can't touch the
meclizine. Then Allah says that this is the straight path to me.
And my servants, you will not have my real servants, a buddy les
Celica Allah Himself, Tom, you will not have any power against
them. Illa Manitoba aka mineral Horween except the ones who want
to follow you, those deviant ones who want to follow you, but then
Jahannam is basically the place of promise. Right, that's the place
of warning, and Jahannam has Lucha saba. Now there's a lot of
dissuasion going on here, Lucha sabar to Abu Musab Jahannam has
seven doors, so we got lots of space inside. And for a place to
have seven doors, that means it's got a lot of space. Right? Just
talking about one of the doors of Paradise. They say that just one
of those doors 70,000 Those initial contingent of 70,000
people that will not be questioned, will go in paradise
and says that they will all go in together. Nobody jostling one
another. Nobody's going first or second everybody together. That's
one door of paradises. Hellfire must be similar that he's got such
huge doors and seven, but Allah for her for Paradise, he keeps the
eight doors out of the norm. Everything is 777 throughout the
heavens comes a paradise it gives you eight to give more optimism
I'm assuming, but anyway, Allah then says La Saba to Eduardo
Equilibar Birmingham juice Amok soon and for every door that there
is already a lot it people are allotted groups for every door May
Allah protect us and may Allah not make us of those who will be you
know in one of those registers for hellfire. So that's why Allah make
is making it very clear that only those with impurity in them, only
those with
only those with impure ideas impure beliefs too much desire
impure desires only the hubby basically only you're going to be
able to mislead mislead those people but for them we've got the
Hellfire ready. But as I said always whenever there's dissuasion
there's going to be persuasion so whenever there's title he that he
so initially all of this was that he now comes to reap.
Now comes to now comes to him. So Allah subhanaw taala starts a
discussion of paradise in Hellmuth. Akina Fijian team are
you Oh, the Hulu happy Salah mean, meaning for the righteous ones
will be the gardens and the springs. And it enter them with
completely complete safety and peace. And subhanAllah another
discussion about paradise a lot of people are wondering, especially
husband and wives who don't like one another, like how am I going
to stay with my spouse in paradise? Or whoever it is? Allah
says when is that? Murphy sudo the mineral we're going to remove any
hatred, any jealousy, any of this Ranko in the heart will remove it.
It one and they will be brothers. Right? They will have that love
between them. And Allah Surah remota Korbinian sitting face to
on those platforms they're on those thrones they lie I'm
assuming via NASA, not a place of any difficulty or hardship. There
is no effort in paradise what
ever you want you get? That's why when somebody said that I want to
do farming will they be farming in paradise a person, you just put
the seed in and it will grow, and everything will happen the same
day, what's the point of farming them?
So my sister called me the other day, she says, I just discovered
there's going to be no children in peril. I mean, you can't have
children paradise. I don't have children here. I don't expect to
get children here. That's going to be really sad. And said, don't
think of it as though you still in the world that farmer asked the
same question. And then when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him
it's all going to happen, like in an instance he probably doesn't
mention the Hadees very poorly for like, what's the point of that?
The whole point of farming is you put it in you wait for Germany,
you look after it, you tender, you know, tender care. And then after
that, Marsha, you get it and you get excited with someone you put
it in, it's all done. Right? Why do you even want to do that? Allah
knows best. Allah knows best. Of course, you can do whatever you
want. But it's a time of enjoyment. Why would you want to
do things like that? It's a time of enjoyment. People think that my
enjoyment is in this in the world. Well, if that's what you want,
Allah will give it to you. Right? If he wants, if he wants in that
way, but there are certain things that is mentioned Hadith and there
will be no children paradise, they will be the children of paradise,
but not biological birth in paradise, the whole body is going
to be recruited. Right so there's no interest in the you don't you
don't what do you call it you don't dissolve your way of
digesting the food is basically the whole body's recruited to
produce like a perspiration of musk. Not not not stool, not
defecation. It's a whole different scene. So just wait, just ask
Allah Allah, I want you to give me paradise and I want to be happy
that that's what you're worried about. Then take it at its own
level, take it on its own terms. Don't try to impose your dunya
onto Paradise because that's a totally different world. We've
seen many times this Sunday. You think that way you when you go
somewhere else, you're going to do things that you're going to stick
to your ways. When you actually go there. When in Rome, you have to
do what the Romans do basically you you change and then you become
adjusted. There's a lot of people like that this person told me she
she got married. The guy I know is a friend of mine, his wife's from
India. He she could not eat Thai food. Because Thai food is sweet,
sour and hot all at once. It's like various different flavors in
that one time, right? She for two years she couldn't eat that after
that. Now she can eat it. How long are you going to resist? You
become like that like Jana as well. You just enjoy Jan and you
do it very fast as well in sha Allah. Anyway, let's move on
Allah subhanho wa Taala so talks about paradise in that detail. May
Allah grant us paradise and how he will be forgiving, not be a
birdie. These are very, very promising verses. These are a lot
of optimism here in verse 49, Allah subhanaw taala saying not a
birdie, any unlawful Rahim after talking about Paradise. Allah
says, Let my servants know that I am the forgiving and the merciful
one. But what another be who will either be let in, but my
punishment is also a very severe punishment, very severe
punishment. And this is exactly what Allah wants us to be in
between hope and fear. We have fear, but not so much to
debilitate us. But we need hope, but not too much that we have no
fear, and so on. There's a lot of people without any fear. That's a
bigger issue. There's a few people I've seen with extreme fear, which
be debilitates them. Most people are suffering from an abundance of
hope that gets to be whimsical and fanciful. And that's why Allah
give us sufficient via Hashi attack, right? That basically
allows us to stay steadfast. Then there's the story of Ibrahim Al
Islam is suddenly put in between and how Ibrahim Al Islam the
angels come to him and give him the glad tidings. And again, I
think the reason of the glad tidings Yeah, he's about 120 years
according to the narrations when this happens, and he gives gets
given a glad tiding of a child at that time. And he's wondering how
is that possible? But look at the verse, verse 56, where Allah says,
called a woman here cannot tell me rahmati rhombi Illa doll Loon, you
know who's going to be despondent, who can be disappointed with the
Mercy of Allah except those who have gone astray? Right? Anybody
who is not a stray who's on the path of Allah, the path of Allah
means that you're going to have hope. So even if you're old and
you want a child, you can have hope in Allah and pray just the
way when it comes to sort of medium, you will see how to make
that prayer, how Zachary Allyssa made his prayer. And I think
that's mentioned here to give the whole hope aspect, you know, a
bigger, bigger impact as well. When he asked the question that
how am I going to how you give me this glad tiding the angels then
said, Bashar NACA Bill Hawk, we're giving these glad tidings with
absolute truth, don't be from the despondent ones. So then he
responds that, to be honest, he he responds, that nobody can be
disappointed at the mercy of Allah except the misguided ones. And I'm
not the misguided one. So he can't be I'm just asking, I'm like
finding out am I going to have another wife? My wife is very old.
Am I going to is it going to be from another wife? That's kind of
the question that he was trying to ask. Now another very interesting
thing here, right, which is one of the kind of mirrors
because one of the very special features of the Quran is that
where there's a lot of hope being discussed now the theme is hope.
So now look at this.
Called hula Tojo. See what common thread you can see Latasha in Nanu
Bashir who can be hola when adding color A Bashara to Mooney Mustaine
Yukimura Fatima to bash Sharon Kalu Bashar NACA Bill hockey for
the Camino carnitine what is the common theme you see there? There
are there in just like two or three verses there are for Bashar
for words of Bashara glad tiding. Right. And again, for somebody who
really understands and who feels the Quran as they read it, this
will not be devoid. Then after that the angels go from him after
giving the glad tidings to his nephew to look at A salaam And
subhanAllah that whole discussion takes place the weed loot Ali
salaam, and
he's obviously worried because they he thinks his people who are
homosexuals, were going to attack the angels. So then he talks about
the girls of the area and so on. But
these people say don't worry, everything is taken care of. And
now we're going to come to
they're going to be destroyed. So
Allahu Akbar.
Allah says
the other Tomasi had too much routine. It was the morning time,
and there was a shriek write a very loud shriek for Jana Alia has
Fila we put the top level below so we basically turn that entire
coastal region wherever it was upside down. And then after that
they're dead by now. I mean, there's nothing you can there's
nothing that apparently says that Gibreel Islam came according to
some originally mentioned gpdr Islam came from the corner of its
wing. He took that entire area up, like you know, you just take like
a whole segment up like you take you take pieces of grass and you
replant them, take that up, turn it upside down, flung it down by
that nobody's alive, but just to show anger of Allah Allah says,
what I'm tarna I lay him hijab at them in CGL then they showered on
them stones and in other bases Musa woman and they were also
named to show real, you know, to show real
dislike for this for those people.
Anyway, then Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses woollacott
Kasturba, the namesake of the surah Walcot Coronavirus, Habel
Hadeel. mousseline, the people of hatred, they also denied the
messengers, and we'd given them a lot of signs, and what can we do
in the middle Jabari? Butan. I mean, these were the people that
used to carve out from huge mountain sides and rocks they used
to carve out these to carve these dwelling places. I haven't been to
Medina and Sally, but I've been to Petra, which is a much later
people they were before there were there were just a century or so or
two before the Prophet sallallahu idea. The Arabs basically in
Medina in Mocha, mocha Rama, so
you you see the way that that his honor and all these places, it's
cut into the rock. It's amazing with such elaborate, you know,
craftsmanship, and, you know, the Masons must have been amazing. So
that's what he's talking about. But it says that again, they were
taken by a, a scream in the morning, and nothing could avail
them. And Allah subhanaw taala had given them a sign right? Allah had
given them all of this ability and given them a sign that from a
mountainside of rock, he produced a pregnant Chico
right that was just about to give birth and that is to give huge
amounts of milk. But they killed it rather than benefit from it.
They killed it. So signs, amazing sign like that and it was larger
than usual. So it was not a normal she company was larger than usual.
Definitely unique, right and extraordinary but they didn't they
didn't listen.
So Allah subhanaw taala is saying that you basically don't listen,
Allah has given you the net amount of the Quran zone. So anyway,
finally, the last discussion here is to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Welaka Netanyahu and Nokia de casa de roca be my
Akun we know that your heart gets constricted because of what they
say you get anguish you get you get.
You get anxiety because of it. But for some baby Hamdi robic, and
this is a huge lesson for all of those who have anxiousness.
This is a this is a prescription to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
to remove his concern his worry his grief over what people say.
When he gets vexed with people. Allah is saying for some behind
the Arabic certain do some despi with the with the praise of your
Welcome Mina surgeon and be of the priests traitors. Why would drop
back and continue to worship your Lord until the Yaqeen. The
certainty comes to you, that could mean so many different things, but
that means death, or whatever the case is you have to until that you
have to worship anyway.
So remember, that's a prescription to the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
it's good for the prophets of Allah assume that it must be very
special for us as well. By that The chapter ends, the surah ends,
that's the end of certain ages. And now we begin certain non Surah
to Nahal is also a murky surah. This one has jumps up to 128
verses and they're longer verses as well, and it splits up into 16
And it's called null, null, it means a honeybee. Allah features
the honeybee in the Quran, people get annoyed with the buzzing and
they shoo them away, they kill them, exterminate them, but
really, wasps are worse than the honeybees. The honeybees are
really good. And subhanAllah this, there's a special feature in this
surah of the honeybee that will come much later in much of the
later verses. But the idea of the honey bee I just want to explain
to the verse let's just quickly look at that first before we talk
about the rest of the surah Allah so that you can follow Allah
subhanaw taala says, What Ohara Buka Illa Nahal verse 68 What oh
* rabuka Ilana * and it ducky the immunology Bernie buta
we basically inspired the honeybee, right that they should
make their homes in the mountains and entries Amina szegedi When we
may already shown some McAleenan Cooley Samara now go and basically
forage all the different flowers right all the different flowers to
look for your nectar first look for your soup and Arabic is do
that be humble in your in your
part of your Lord. And then Yahoo Jomon Botosani ha Shara on my
telephone Allah no fee Shiva holiness from their stomachs come
a liquid which is of different colors. But in there is a
cure for the people.
And in this is a sign for those who reflect. And believe me if you
start thinking about the honeybee there is so much study on the way
honey is fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. And just about the
various different colors of honey. I mean, in my life, I've had black
honey, like just dark, black treacle like honey, and I've had
the purest white honey. I remember the black honey was from Panama.
And not that it's only available there. There's other places and
the white one was actually from
Hawaii. Right? And I've had honey I mean right now I've got
Ukrainian honey in the house and honey from New Zealand and from
Australia and a few other places. I G Allah Subhana Allah honey is
amazing. I just was given sent some honey, pomegranate honey from
Bengal, but unfortunately, I think it's, it's messed up. So anyway,
the honey bee now is quite amazing.
Why would something so small that people treat in fact, in a hadith
he mentions that the inside is like a honeybee. A good insight is
like the honeybee because it only consumes good, it will never take
the wrong, it will never take the impure. And when it produces all
the honey is always a pure, pure substance. Right. And then he says
that when he actually does go on to the flower, where it's going to
take his pollen from a very delicate stems you'll see in
there, it says it hovers around it, it doesn't actually alight on
it. It just lights around, it hovers around it takes it pollen,
and then it goes away. It's amazing how the honey bee works if
you just follow that so amazing. There's a museum in South London,
right? Which actually just shows you it kind of close up a lot of
this stuff. It's very interesting. So what since Allah has mentioned
it, what we have to understand is why is this When apart when the
humans look and study at the honeybee, they just astounded
because they hardly see any other animal like that other animal,
they have the accrued ways, but the honeybee is one of the most
sophisticated beings, right? And they got very similar strategies,
and very similar management and very similar setup to human beings
in many ways. So let's look at that. For example.
They have their responsibilities divided. There's a queen bee,
right, which is protected. And then they have basically the
offspring. They have the young which are looked after they have
the worker bees, they have the guard bees out so I'm not not sure
if I'm using the right words for those who you know, understand.
Honey, you know, maybe I'm not using the right terms but so they
have all the jobs lit up like that. All organized like that.
Some they go to the various different plants and they take
from there. Now what's very interesting is that
each one of these hives, each one of these hives will have maybe
30,000 or so
30,000. So small
cavities, right, which are so well done, they are basically in the
same shape of a hexagon. And they saw proportionate that you'd
hardly ever find that one is bigger or smaller than the other,
like they just completely, perfectly in tune with one
another. Even if you use modern, you know, like, if you try to
measure it up, you won't find much of a difference. They obviously
have the storage area, they have the area where they take from
where they consume from, they have the gods at the door, as I
mentioned, they have the queen bee. And some look after the
larvae or whatever they they have. There's others that look after the
children. There's some that are involved in the engineering. And
they're basically the construction workers, they make sure they keep
it all fixed up, right if anything goes wrong. And there's the ones
that go out. Now, when they go out and they find a flower or
something, and they take the nectar from there, they leave a
sign there. I'm not sure exactly how that is yet, but they leave
something there. So another bee that goes and finds that same one,
it won't waste its time. So you hardly see like so many bees on
one place, you don't see one or two they take, then after that
they go, no other bee has to go there they go and find some new
place. And of course the honey will change depending on what the
what they're taking from. So that's why I talked about the
pomegranate honey that has a lot of pomegranate trees there. And
that's why when you actually have that honey, you actually taste the
pomegranate taste. And that's why you have the various different
types of honeybees, eucalyptus, and so on and so forth. Now, if
any of them bring back bad nectar that's impure, whatever the gods
at the door will not let them come in, and then they'll get punished.
It's amazing. Like the system is amazing. And it just works like
clockwork, they can't bring any pure, impure substance in to mess
up the rest of the honey. So Allah subhanaw taala is very clearly
stating in here that we inspired them. We basically guided them in
that way. And the even the word use Oh Ha, generally which is used
for profits to inspire them with something. Right. So it's a very
complicated, very elaborate and sophisticated system. And that's
where Allah subhanaw taala says that there's enough in there for
people to think about and this is actually the few verses that Allah
subhanaw taala. Starting from verse 66, he says, we're in the
Leconfield anatomy libre, you also can take lessons from the cattle,
right? We provide you to drink from what's in their stomachs,
that comes from between the impure section of
where the where the dirt where the dirt accumulates, and where the
blood is. And in between that we provide milk for you. That is
initially been one of the most, you know, amazing drinks in the
world. And then he says warming Thammarat in Nahida. Well Anna
talks about now fruits and flowers, right you take from there
what you need, and in there is also a sign for people who think,
right, and then Allah subhanaw taala talks about the honeybee,
and so on so forth. So that's a place of, I would say that Surah
Surah, this Surah Surah Nahal is another word for it is another
name for a surah to Nam,
plural of nema. So he's got several verses about NEMA in
particular, and all the name all the bounties that Allah subhanaw
taala is enumerated in here, including the honeybee including
the fruits including the animals, the cattle, the milk, even milk is
mentioned here, Lebanon, right milk is mentioned here.
So anyway, if we go back to the beginning of the chapter,
beginning of the Surah, Allah subhanaw taala starts to talk
about the bounties that he's given to human being Holika summer where
they will or they will hotkey to either holla call inside I mean,
not far, right, how Allah created a human being from a clot for
either who ASIMO Mubin Well, an anima halacha Halochem talks
about, again, the anatomy, which is the cattle and all the benefits
you get from there, right, how you can eat from there, how you can
take things to your cloth to warm yourself up with and then this is
amazing. Look at this. In verse seven. Allah says what can we do
Escada? Illa Bella dilemna Kulu Bella de la Bishop will enforce if
you are if it was left to you, you will you would not have been able
to go very easily to far distant places. But Allah subhanho wa
Taala has given you the horses and
Allah has given you, the camels, the donkeys and so on where if it
wasn't for them, it'd be very difficult for you to travel
in Europe, Bakula, Ufa Rahim. So basically showing how for the
human being Allah has put them at his disposal go around the Earth,
right? Using these animals. Allah is compassionate and merciful.
Then Allah says while Hyla will be heard that will help me later
Buho Xena, right you have these the horse the mule which is a
cross between a horse and a donkey right the very strong and the
donkey itself. This is what you use for mounting on to take you
places and also or or to or to basically carry things for you and
you also take it as a zine and these are your assets. Right I
have this many horses I have this many camels and if any Medina
menorah says that looks terrible. He's got 100 cameras, right so
that was it, you know had 100 camels? Right? Well yeah hello
Kuma, Allah, Allah. And Allah will create what you do not know. In
the same discussion of traveling means Allah mentioned the few
right that which was the Traveling means of the day some of them,
then Allah says, Allah will create that which you do not know, how
could he have mentioned cars and segways at that time, never made
any, you know, but Allah said it, he said, Well, lucuma data at the
moon, and he is going to he will create what you do not know. And
that's why Subhanallah this is you can say one of the greatest
miracles of the last century because a lot of this has just
come up in the last century or less century and a half. So
basically, we've got steamboats, bicycles, trains, planes, trams,
submarines, rockets, cars, buses, motorbikes, hovercraft,
snowmobiles, dune buggies, segways flying taxis soon, right flying
boards hoverboards and SWANA. We don't even know what else and
Allah says We have local Marilla Tara moment, Allah is going to
create that which you do not know. Subhanallah this surah is just
full of the signs of Allah and blessings. And then Allah says
from verse 10, who Allah the unzila Mina Sama, ima Allah con
minutiae, Robin is explaining the benefits of everything he's caused
the water to descend from there you drink, and it's from there
that you give water to your crops, you irrigate your land, then Allah
Eunbi telecom is zaytoun here, and Allah has created these crops for
you, again, talks about the zaytoun the olive, then the heel,
the palm and the Anna the grapes, right? When when Cooley Thammarat,
and all other fruits, and again, there's a sign in there for those
who think Allahu Akbar, you know, there's one thing that you have to
realize that many of us who don't understand Arabic, right are
deprived of is engaging with the Quran, we read it, but that's it,
and we listen to it and we enjoy it. But that's it. The Quran is
for engagement. Just look at the way Allah subhanaw taala starts
this Surah At Amarula. He, the Command of Allah has arrived
follow the strategy Lu who don't rush him.
Direct address, not talking about the third person, DIRECT address.
That's why in IT people sign for people who think if you don't read
this and understand this, then are we one of the thinkers, how are we
are going to benefit from this. Unless you get it to see it in
another language. That's understandable. Right?
Then Allah subhanaw taala talks about the heavens sorry, the night
and the day, the sun and the moon and the stars, right. And again
says the sign in there for the people who understand and whatever
Allah has then spread in verse 13, Allah says whatever he spread on
the earth for you, which is full of different colors, variety of
colors, this again sign in there for people who remember remind
themselves Allah talks about that. I mean, you'll I'll have to let
you read it to yourself. He's talking about the oceans. And then
from there he says the fish come later Kulu mean Hoolahan Talia
right so that you can eat from the oceans fresh meat and that's
basically talking about fish and then from there you can take out
adornments you know, your route your your various different pearls
and, and things like that. Subhanallah and then it talks
about chips. There's just so much I'll have to leave it to you
because we absolutely don't have the time to discuss all of this.
But the main thing that I want to point out here is after mentioning
a lot of those Allah subhanaw taala says in verse 18, we're
intero dunya, Matala, Hila tofu, he gives such a variety of
bounties and then he says, if you try to count the bounties of
Allah, you would not be able to enumerate them.
That's a statement in effect, even if you try to take one of those
boundaries, count the bounties in there, just the human being
itself. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala then continues to
discuss talks about the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and, and
so on. And then
Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the human I mean, if you
look at the anatomy of the human being himself, just the way the
whole system in that I talked about the biological setup of the
human being, just if you have a problem and you can't urinate
properly, or you can't defecate, you're constipated, the kind of
misery it creates. You don't even feel like eating afterwards if
you've got a stomach upset.
You don't feel like eating again, if you have the best of foods in
front of you, all of that has to be in balance. And Allah subhanaw
taala has made it in a way that it repairs itself right after having
even two minutes, even if you abuse it.
Now, what I want to mention here is that it's something you're
gonna have to, you know, reflect over the rest of it. But there's
one verse in here in the Surah, which is considered to be one of
the most comprehensive verses
that is repeated over and over again.
It's mentioned in
Abdullah Abdullah Masuda the Allahu Anhu mentions that this
this particular verse in the Quran is considered to be the most
comprehensive verse that brings together all the goodness and evil
in one place as to what is our responsibility, and that there was
a Willie Debnam O'Hara, one of the enemies of Islam. When
he heard this verse, He had to break out in praise, that wow,
that is such a comprehensive, one verse that encapsulates so many
things. There are three things that are mentioned in this verse.
And let me just bring the verse up. It's at the three quarter
mark, verse 90, are sort of null in Allah yet moral Bill Adley will
ehsani were either ill coulda this for Muslim or non Muslim, this
works for anybody who can understand Allah says that Allah
orders justice, yes, and excellence and good behavior in
every aspect, either it will CORBA and basically giving to your
relatives. And then He prohibits from fascia, obscenity, right of
sanity while Moncure and all other evil while buggy and excess. Yeah,
it will come Lila come to the karoun he reminds you counsels you
so that you take heat. And then Allah says what oh four will add
and so on and so forth. But what you have to remember here what
Allah subhanaw taala what why this is so important is because the
idle that's discussed the the idle, the Enola mobile addley,
right, the idle and the justice that's discussed, discussed, that
refers to everything, whether that mean,
you have to be just in the way you give a ruling, just in your
dealings in everything. Also, you have to be just in the way you
observe your obligations. Just because something is obligation,
you don't abuse somebody else, in your words about everything, with
your children, with your friends, even with your enemies, idle is
important. Just because they enemy doesn't mean everything is
permitted. There's boundaries within that as well.
Likewise, with strangers, with your own with your staff, with
your with your spouse, and everybody else. The second thing
is exon what does that sound mean? Since this is such a prominent
versus in one to understand exon means, beautification of your
deal, in what you do exon means beautification person means
goodness and beauty, or excellence. So basically,
goodwill, excellence to people. And that means
with Allah, your relationship with Allah, you do things well for him,
with other people outside, with your own people, and so on and so
Even with the animals, even with the environment, so, right, you
treat everything well, from neighbors, to the environment, to
your cars, to everything, to your clothing and everything. That's
why you don't abuse things. You can say, what is mine, I can abuse
it. No, there's a reason why you don't do that because it's about
yourself. Number three,
is special focus on your relatives that they need help you need, if
there's something they need, you need to provide for them, you get
reward for doing that to anybody. But when it comes to your
relatives, then it's a bigger issue, because that's the way
you're going to strengthen the nuclear family and the larger
family and then the community. Then in terms of prohibition,
Allah subhanaw taala says, He prohibits you from four Hush, and
that means obscenity. Right. And that essentially refers to
everything which is considered a sexual vise. So in Islam that
would be fornication, * outside of marriage. premarital
If it's haram post marital Yes, post, extramarital, and of course,
homosexuality in Islam is the act of it is also going to be included
in this as Allah mentions in the Quran, drinking wine, gambling,
and all of this is going to be forged according to this, then
most moon garden mancha is more generally anything repugnant and
wrong. Basically anything that the Sharia two things, anything that
Sharia considers to be repugnant and any things that are sound
Petra a sound mind, nature would consider to be off balance and
wrong. Right. So a lot of people think this is not haram Brother,
why are you saying that? Well, it's not considered social
decency. So there are two aspects of monk a lot of people miss that.
I think there's no Hadith about it. There's a Quranic verse about
it Moncure includes that moniker is not just what the Sharia
prohibits, but also what is considered to be
socially repugnant, according to good people. And number three is
buggy them what is buggy mean? Buggy means going over the limit
going beyond the boundary, and that could be in in anything,
whether that means, you know, going beyond in your treatment of
somebody in taking from someone beyond what is there, not not
giving what is what is due to someone at the end of the chapter.
To end it. There is the discussion of Ibrahim or Islam is bought
again, you probably already some always is brought up because he is
that perfect archetype that Allah subhanaw taala speaks about
because of his toe hate, the monotheism that he practiced, and
that he expressed and that has been left for us. And that's why
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been told to follow
Ibrahim Ali Salam Ibrahim akana Amata incarnata de la Hanifa
Onamia criminal Mushrikeen Sherkin only an AMI again that theme of
the bounties is brought there. Ibrahim Morrison was always
thankful and grateful for His bounties. That's why then the
prophets of Allah Islam is told in verse 23, one sorry, 123 123 some
Oh Hanaa Ilica and Debbie Miller to Ibrahima Hanifa, then we have
inspired you that you must follow the way of Ibraheem Alehissalaam,
the Dean of Ibrahim Miller, the Dean of Ibrahim Al Islam, who was
absolute monotheists. And he was not from the machine. And then
there's several other things, Allah subhanaw taala. Then, let me
just bring out to you some of the few other verses that I've marked
out that I think should be focused on before I read the last verse to
end. Today's today's stuff. See, we have, obviously the verses of
NEMA that I already mentioned, and the concept of the Bushra that we
discussed, then
the point of network comes back quite a few times. Allah subhanaw
taala then says in verse 43, which is a very prominent, important
verse as well, verse 43, bomber or salamin, Publika Illa region and
new helium, right?
It's talking about people that Allah, the Prophet said, Allah
subhanaw taala said before the Prophet salallahu Salam that he
would, he would inspire them. Now, the command for us is first of
all, a victory in quantum data alimony. Right? First of all, a
victory in quantum data at the moon, us the people of knowledge.
If you do not know, this is a huge command that when you don't know
something, go and ask, don't suffer in silence, and don't
become ignorant, but go on us. That's where you get the idea of
taking classes. This is basically the basis of all the education
that takes place, right to go and ask the people of knowledge.
That's why you would go and sit in a class and study with somebody
else. Then another one I want to point out to you is why am I
becoming Namath informing Allah, which is verse 54. That's why as I
said, the 53 rather huge theme in this is the bounties of Allah.
That's why why am I becoming NetMeeting any bounty that you
have? It is from Allah.
Right. And if you think hard enough, you can take even the
bread that you eat all the way back to that same water irrigation
and the land that I spoke about earlier, that Allah subhanaw taala
spoke about, if it wasn't for that water, and that land, you would
not have had bread. So anything that you can think about goes back
to Allah subhanaw taala. Then something that the Meccans used to
do is that they used to say that the angels are the daughters of
Allah. And that was a blasphemy. Because number one, they're
ascribing a partner to Allah but then is a greater blasphemy
because they used to hate daughters for themselves, but then
to God who they supposed to believe they're saying that Allah
has daughters, and thus the angels but he doesn't have daughters
orchard or sons for that matter. That was in
that was basically that discussion. You can read that
discourse in 5857 58. Right? Then Allah says that when they're told
about a daughter given a glad tidings, they they face becomes
dark. Since we can't cover every single one, especially those that
I think are important. Allah then says in verse 96, murder in the
commune, furred
warmer in the law, he buck, right? Anything that you have, it's going
to end but whatever is by Allah, that's going to remain forever.
That means our good deeds will remain the Quran that we read the
Quran we study all of that in sha Allah will be counted as the buck
what a Nigerian the Latina Sadhguru I Giambi, Asante
Macedonia, maroon and
The last the last verse was the woman Saba Ruka Illa. We're in our
costume for our Kibo be Muslim. I will keep them actually, there's a
few things here. Number one, let's look at verse 125. We can't miss
this out. This is talking to the Prophet salallahu. Salam and the
general believers as well as to how to call people to Allah.
Right, not in some kind of militant hyper way. But oh,
Elizabeth Rebecca Bill Hekmati. Well, more either till Hasina,
invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom, wisdom is to think
how can I most effectively have this message, so give to them so
that they can actually make a difference? And they will change?
Well, more either till hasna and goodly advice, which I didn't
mean, if you have to debate with them, bility he asked them that
needs to be done done in the most excellent way. Right? Not in crude
ways. That's not what you do.
Then, the next verse 126, is if you do punish someone if you do
not punish, if you take revenge, right, for something they've done
to you, then it needs to be for our people be minima. UKIP Tomita
needs to be exactly in the same proportion that you are
transgressed against, that reminds us of Shakespeare's play of the
Merchant of Venice, right.
I don't have time to elaborate on that. But basically, you can't
take more than if somebody said one thing do you have to say
exactly the same way if you want to, not in a more vile way, not in
a more aggressive way, because that would be extra, right? And
that's why Allah says Wallah in sabato. Hiral nisab 18 If you
don't take revenge, but you just patient, then that is actually
better for the patient ones, because you could actually go in
excess, if you try to take revenge, you might say worse, just
slightly more.
And then finally, Allah subhanaw taala ends by saying
that to the post Allah Islam, you also be patient, your patience is
all counted with Allah subhanaw taala and do not be grieved by
him. Do not be greedy them Do not be grieved by all that they do.
And in Allah humma Alladhina taco well Latina who mercy known
because Allah subhanaw taala is with those who have Taqwa and
those who who do good. So just a quick recount. I forgot to do that
yesterday. Just just a few points, sorbitol hedger begins with the
way the Quran is is protected, and how Allah subhanaw taala has taken
responsibility for that, and then giving the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam a lot of comfort and solace and so on. Then Allah
subhanaw taala discusses the greatness of the creation of Allah
subhanho wa Taala around us and he mentioned the resurrection and and
so on. Then there is the discussion of the creation of the
human being and the jinn. And then the discussion discourse between
insaan and the other Marisol and a beliefs and the deviance that he
is going to create and so on. Then Allah subhanaw taala says, gives a
lot of hope by saying not be a birdie, any animal for food or
Rahim, if you remember that verse that let my servants know that I
am the forgiving one. And I'm the Merciful One. Right? So yes, you
may have done something wrong, but I mercy for which means that I'm
going to do as much as I can to, to respond to but then also my
punishment is severe. So that gives us the balance between the
two. Then after that, you see in those verses that we read, where
there was Bushra Bushra following following verse 50. Bushra three
four times actually glad tidings mentioned four times, which in
itself is very symbolic. Then there's the discussion of Luth Ali
Salam and Ibrahim Ali Salam right and the vices committed by his
people, Luther isms people, then the end of Surah till hedger tells
us that when you do have difficulty in your heart and bad
feelings, then do this be the prescription given to the promise
of Lauricella then Surah to null, which is also called sorta to name
bounties, right?
That that sorta is there to give sugar, because every time you read
one of those verses, he doesn't Allah doesn't say Fabio, erotica
to Kathy burn, he could have said that, right? But he doesn't. But
it's for us to just reflect in several places that he says is the
sign in here for those who think for who listen, for who think for
who understand. And for those who are believers. There's four or
five of them, where he mentioned that and you can find them
Inshallah, and just read it and thank Allah as you read it.
And then of course, there's the discussion about the Oneness of
Allah subhanho wa taala. And the huge bounties that he discusses
especially there's that one place he discussed where Allah gave them
huge bounties, but then they weren't grateful. So then Allah
subhanaw taala
they were destroyed basically. And at the end, there is the
encouragement to do Dawa. But in a nice way, in an excellent way to
basically propagate and to spread the virtue and,
and, and patients. In your, in your, in your in your data.
There's always going to be difficulty, right? Sometimes you
may talk to one person and mashallah they change and you
think wow, wonderful. Next five people are gonna give you an
aggressive attitudes, a bad response and you're gonna think,
Oh no, I can't do this anymore. One of the biggest pitfalls or
challenges to a diary is the rejection.
And the true die is the one who doesn't care about rejection who
just carries on because he knows he's planting seeds. And if it
doesn't germinate right now he's gonna germinate tomorrow. So may
Allah subhanaw taala give us that ability. And may Allah subhanaw
taala blessed us may Allah allow us to be grateful for the bounties
that he is enumerated here and everywhere else as well. And may
Allah subhana wa Tada allow us to be true that is, may Allah bless
our Ramadan and make this Ramadan better than any Ramadan before it
and allow the virtues and lights of this Ramadan to continue after
it. Jazak Allah here I request you to us as well for all of us.
Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh