Karim Abuzaid – Falling back into the traps of Shaytan porn videos, what to do

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The speaker, Ahmad Qaeda, discusses the ruling on " backstage" and how people try to think of "backstories" in their minds. He warns against being too afraid to avoid "backstories" and reminds people to avoid reminders of "backstories" until they leave everything completely. He also mentions that people may feel overwhelmed and tired from "backstories" if they don't do anything about it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah, I'm Ahmad Yunus and I'm from India. And I wanted to ask what is the ruling on

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whether our mind tries to think of some haram videos, which we have

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paused earlier and

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repented from that, but some zooms So Brother Brother haram videos, okay, you have a lot of videos like on the internet or on actual videos of what

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I have posted earlier and now it just goes on in my mind and I can't stop it. Yeah, if you make repentance keep making repentance. Repent from it insha Allah repent from it.

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You know the problem what is your name? Brother,

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Jonas Jonas, you know the problem us with this, that the picture is already printed out in your heart in your mind. And Chaitanya is gonna get you to recall it. Now, you have to do a lot of repentance. And a lot of struggling to clean your heart is not gonna come easy.

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Because I left these things. Last comes on and I hunger Allah. Remember Alhamdulillah that's good. But if you will call it again make repentance right away. Okay, just go back to repentance. Don't Don't assume

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you're perfect. You're gonna go back to it, then go back to repentance. Go back immediately to repentance until you leave it completely. Okay? Just like a local news.

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