Kamil Ahmad – The Nature Of Fasting #7

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The importance of following rules and rules of thumb for drugs is discussed, as well as the need for clarification on "will" and "will" to avoid confusion. The discussion also touches on the shift in behavior between men and women, where men are considered nervous and women are considered nervous, and the use of cookies and brushes to prevent dangerous things from reaching the stomach. The importance of clarification and clarification on "will" and "will" to avoid confusion is emphasized, as it is used to describe dangerous substances that do not reach the stomach and are not considered to be excused.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala terminal acmella Ania Allah Hollyhock Allah He urged marine while early he was so happy woman that you had the wisdom to be so Nettie healer yo me Dean along the aluminum ion trona one fan Bhima alum tena was it in a elimine well I'm Ella

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In the last session of our

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explanation of

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this book by Scheffel, Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah help please go to cm or the nature of fasting. In the last session we covered

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where the chef spoke about

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certain things that he says do not break the fast, certain things that certain scholars certain focal heart

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considered that these things break the fast.

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And basically, the shelf mentioned among these things, alcohol that is used in the eye.

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And, you know, different injections.

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He said none of these things break the fast. None of these things break the fast. And he mentioned that those colors who said that these things break the fast. They did they did not have any explicit evidence from the Quran or from the Sunnah. But rather in the absence of evidence, they resorted to what is known as LTS LTS, and so LTS

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is one of the one of the evidences of our Sharia. It's a legitimate evidence

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that we use in the absence of evidence from the Quran or from the sun.

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However, and as the chef explained

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to us class,

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we have to follow its conditions for there to be a valid plastic in place. And so class is basically analogy, where

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you look at two things. And you look at the ruling concerning one. And you apply that ruling concerning concerning this new thing that we're looking for a ruling for

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an example of a valid usage of the US is, for example, we have

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we have alcohol being harder. So we have a explicit evidence for that. Now, we have certain things nowadays, which we need a ruling for. So the question is, what is the ruling concerning that, for example, certain drugs that did not exist in the past in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So the question is, what is the ruling concerning that, so, what the scholars will do is they will take,

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they will take the ruling concerning alcohol, and that is that it is haram.

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And they will apply it to these

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to these narcotics and these drugs. But it's not as simple as just taking one ruling and applying it to to another, but rather there's a there's a system to follow in order for this class to be valid. And so the first thing that the scholars look for is they look for that. They look for a common

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a common reason for why that thing was made around. So in the case of alcohol, Why did Allah make it haram? We have to look for the reason behind that. And so, when we analyze it, the reason for why alcohol was made Haram is because

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it is toxic, it's and it causes the mind to go.

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So they take this reasoning, this reason and they look is it also available? Is it also

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Available in the case of

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in the case of

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these drugs are not

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so, clear US has certain a certain system a certain procedure in order for it to be valid. And so, that is how scholars derive rulings for things for for contemporary and new things, which, you know, there is no ruling for that thing in the Quran or initially. So, what the chef was alluding to here was that, with regards to these things, that these callers deemed to break the fast they resorted to pay us. However, what he is saying what he was saying, even Taymiyah what he was saying was that their usage of kiosks was incorrect, because they did not follow the correct procedure. And so, he mentioned, he mentioned this in this what we covered in the last session will continue from where he

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left off. And so basically

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the show starts to refute them, one by one, he mentioned one point after another. And so we were on the second point, we were on the second point. And

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basically the second point that the sheriff mentioned was that

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everything that we are in need of knowing, as Muslims

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam must have clarified it for us

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in a way that you know, there is no room for doubt left.

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And, and then he and then he gives examples, he gives one example after the other,

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to show how there are certain things that you cannot just claim about this Dean.

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Just just like that, you know, without any evidence, without any strong, you know, solid evidence for it. So he said, for example,

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we all know that fasting, the month of Ramadan is obligatory, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not

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mandate that we fast any other month besides it. Likewise, the Salawat the five daily Salawat these are the only ones that are obligatory upon us, no six or seven Salah in the day is mandatory on us.

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not make looser to be obligatory

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just by touching a woman, but rather

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by, by sexual *, likewise,

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we'll do

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he did not make Lulu obligatory.

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Just by, you know, if somebody

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if somebody was alarmed at something, he became alarmed by something he became frightened by something.

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There's that possibility that you know, that would have caused him to release something, whether it be drops of urine or gas.

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But yet that possibility,

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even though it exists, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not say that we have to make although as a result of that.

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And then he gives example after example. And so he says for example, also

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praying to rock as after tawaf, when you go for Hajj or Umrah.

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We have the we have the two locales that we pray right after tawaf, he said, There is no to lock eyes after the say, between Safa and Marwa.

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And so all of these examples, all these examples, what he's trying to allude to is that you cannot come and say that based on trs based on the US,

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we, we come up with a ruling so for example, in the case of the two rock as after toe off, he's trying to say basically, you can't say Okay, so there's two doctors that we pray after tawaf, therefore we should also pray to doctors after the say,

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or, you know, other examples he gives. So for example, he says

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and basically what he's doing he's he's mentioning all of these points because their worst color is

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should i do i

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should i do one

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Should I do it

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should I do one

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soon all

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no slide

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I know sloughed

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lot were scholars who

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mentioned these these rulings concerning all of these things that he mentioned.

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And that he's gonna mention. So for example now he talks about the issue of,

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of *, whether it is nudges or not. So he says

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there's no reason to claim that it is not just impure, because we don't have any evidence for that. He says there's not a single Hadith

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in relation to this, even though even though

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it was something that the Muslims were in need of knowing whether this is not just or not.

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And so, you know, he says that * can end up on someone's clothes on his body. And yet,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not ever say that it is not just that it is impure.

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And like I said, the reason why he's saying this is because there were scholars who said that it is not just

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that it is not just and their reasoning for that. They said, because it comes out from the private part and anything for them. Anything coming out from the private parts, they declared it to be ninjas.

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Again, this is a class, this is a form of class analogy. So they said urine, stool blood comes out from the private parts and all of these things are not just therefore, they said the same thing about *, but the sheriff is is, you know, opposing this claim, because he said, We don't have any evidence for that. You cannot just claim something, even if it'd be based on clear

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us when we don't have any explicit evidence for it, even though the prophets also could have clarified whether this was an address or not.

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And then he mentions, you know, their justification for

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their justification for why

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why * is not just one of their reasonings, they have a hadith that that I showed all the Allahu anha would scrape it would scrape it off the clones of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the sheikh now, he says that this is not proper justification, because

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this was something she did voluntarily. And it's not something that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam commanded her to do.

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And so if someone wants to clean it off, there's nothing wrong with that, but that does not mean that it is not just that in and of itself does not mean that it is impure.

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And then he goes on to talk about something else, and that is

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we'll do perform in Gulu, simply as a result of touching women. And this was a view of some scholars, this was basically the view of Imam Shafi.

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And it is the the predominant view in the shadow Image App.

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once again, you know,

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the shell he he refutes this position.

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And he says there's no evidence for this, there is no evidence for this. But rather,

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does break one's will do is

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if you know something comes out, if there is

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a desire that develops, and as a result of that shower,

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you know, something comes out from the private part, then in this case, a person has broken his will otherwise, just simply touching a woman alone does not break the will.

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And then he mentioned is also the case of

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anything that is leaving the body, anything that is leaving the body

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anything that is leaving the body, because there were scholars who said that anything that leaves the body,

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anything that leaves the body is considered nudges. So blood,

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vomit. They considered these things to be not just simply because it's coming out from the body.

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And they had other evidences that they used. But the point here is, that assures he now refutes us and says that

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in a time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So we don't have any Hadith, we don't have any explicit Hadith that states that

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blood, and we're talking about blood coming out from other parts of the body, not the menstrual blood of women, because that is an address that is impure, but we're talking about

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blood coming out from other parts of the body from an injury, for example, and we're talking about vomit as well. And we're also talking about plus, so the sheriff, you mentioned all three of these things. And he says that

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in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

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You know, they used to go for jihad, and they used to get injured, a lot of serious injuries, a lot of bleeding.

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And there was a need for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to clarify in explicit terms, if this blood is unaddressed or not.

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So what the sheriff is saying is that since we don't have any Hadith

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with regards to that,

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then this proves that we cannot simply claim that it is not just not just and impure

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and that you know, a person has to make will do from it. Now, here, I'll just mention

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an important point.

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And that is

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here's the difference between

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There's a difference between a lot of people mixed between these two things, there's a difference between

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blood being considered,

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not just

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are not. And

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making woowoo, making woowoo

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after blood comes out from the body, so the vast majority of the scholars there have the view that

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that blood is nervous.

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But where they differ was, with regards to do you have to make wudu after blood leaves your body.

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So a lot of people mixed between these two thinking that they're the same, the same issue, the same thing that is being discussed, but these are two separate issues, these are two separate issues.

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And the correct view concerning concerning making will do after you bleed is that it is not obligatory. So if you bleed, even if it be in large amounts, that does not nullify your will, that does not nullify your will. And that is what this shift is speaking about here.

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That is what the shift is speaking about here.

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Yeah, and so the show, he goes on to mention all of these examples.

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he mentions all of these examples, and,

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you know, sometimes he'll delve into one of these examples, more deeply. Again, this is, this was the nature of Ibn Taymiyyah, if you were to read his books, he goes on a lot of these tangents, he goes off topic quite a lot.

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And he gets carried away in, in those topics.

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And then he kind of, you know, he comes back to the topic eventually.

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Which was much different than his student liberal claim. And that's a huge difference, if you were to read

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the works of both of these great scholars, you'll find that even Tamia was an ocean of knowledge.

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But he did not

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have the talent of being able to, to write in an organized way. And so a lot of his works are like this, where he'll be talking about one thing, and then we'll get carried off, and he'll be talking about something else. Whereas Ibaka, Liam was much, much more organized in the way that he would write,

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you know, staying on topic, staying focused, breaking, breaking concepts up, categorizing them, you know, having chapters in his books, and so on and so forth.

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And so

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the shell, he mentioned other examples as well.

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And we'll skip over a lot of these examples

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and then

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and then he comes back,

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he comes back to the topic that he is discussing.

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And that is what breaks the fast.

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So, he says at the end of venturing all of these examples

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Yeah, so, he says, After mentioning all these examples,

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the All of these are examples of things that were necessary for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to clarify for the people. These are not like, you know, side issues that

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you know, the protocol Salam could have ignored and not have given an explicit ruling concerning but no, these are

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major issues, and a person's Salah is invalid.

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Depending on this issue, for example, the issue of bleeding, that if you bleed, does it invalidate your will do or not?

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And other such examples we need

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A proper clarification for these for these matters. And basically what the chef is saying is

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that if that was the case, if it was the case that, you know, for example, you have to make will do after bleeding. Or, for example, that * is not just or, you know, all of these examples that he mentioned, if it was the case, then the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam, would have clarified it, he would have mentioned it, but he says we don't have a single Hadith, we don't have a single Hadith, mentioning any of that for any of these issues.

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And then he comes back to the issue of the things that are claimed to break the fast, such as alcohol. So he says, alcohol that is used in the eyes.

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And also, he says, you know, the other things that he mentioned, these things do not break the fast because we don't have, we don't have an explicit Hadith or statement from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that, you know,

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using curl in the eyes, it breaks fast, even though they used to use this in their eyes.

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the other examples that he mentioned that the sheriff mentioned, injuries in the head, or in the rest of the body, that if a person was to treat these injuries with some kind of medicine,

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that would seep into the body. So there were scholars who said that that breaks a fast. So the shirts were saying, in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam they had these injuries

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you know, and it became binding upon him to clarify, does this break the fast or not? And so, since we don't have any evidence, any Hadith, mentioning that, therefore, we cannot claim that it breaks the fast

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and then the chef mentions

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other things.

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That once again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not mention, does this thing break the fast or not, such as using oils, rubbing oils on your body, taking a bath, taking a shower

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will hold

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sense, the sense that you inhale, perfume that you inhale,

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he said these things existed in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam he did not say that these things break the fast. So why can we treat these other things in the same way? So, basically,

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there is no scholar who says that taking a shower breaks a fast

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so why have they said that using Kohle for example, it breaks a fast so that's what the chef is saying that just like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not give a ruling concerning these things,

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taking a shower smelling perfumes,

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rubbing oil, just like he did not give a ruling on these things, whether they break the fast or not. Likewise, everything else likewise, everything else that existed in his time or could have existed in his time and yet he did not give it a ruling, he did not say that you know this thing, it breaks a fast

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and so, this is as we mentioned earlier

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of this in contemporary times, where

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people claim that certain things they break the fast

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even though you know, we cannot make that claim

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just because of the possibility just because of the possibility of something entering the stomach and we gave the example of toothpaste. And so there are people who claim that

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brushing your teeth, it breaks the fast and using toothpaste it breaks the fast

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and other such examples. And so it's one thing to to make a claim that something breaks a fast and then it's another thing to

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Say that, okay, if you want to be on the safe side, stay away from it, that's okay to say, you know, to say that, this thing,

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it's better to stay away from it, you know, so for example, brush your teeth, early at the time of solitude, instead of once the fast starts,

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this is safer.

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But if you were to do it, it does not break your fast, you know, to say this is much better.

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And once again,

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that is because

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making a claim about something

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is a very, very dangerous thing. And that is what the chef mentioned next. And so, all of this was point number two, all of this was point number two, after that, we'll move on to point number three. And so, in point number three in his reputation, the shell you mentioned

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that basically, for these things, to break the fast through

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class by using TLS it requires that this class is valid,

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it requires that you know, this analogy that was used is valid and

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the the reasoning, the Islah the reasoning for why that thing is haram for example, that reasoning that if it exists in

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in the thing that is being you know, compared to then it also that same reasoning that same elder needs to be in the contemporary thing. So, to clarify,

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when we perform PRs, we have what is known as the apostle and the further the apostle is the original ruling, we said we gave an example in the case of alcohol. So, alcohol is haram, this is the also the further the the secondary,

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the secondary thing or the contemporary thing in our times is narcotics and drugs.

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So the same reason for why alcohol is haram, that same reason must exist in,

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in drugs and it does exist. So here we have a valid PS. So the sheriff is saying that

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we don't have a valid PS in the in the case of these things that are claimed to break the fast were the scholars, they said that, you know, for example Kohle

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using it in the eyes, it breaks a fast or

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you know, treating certain wounds, it breaks a fast they use cases where he's saying that this PRT is invalid

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and so, he says this is because none of these things actually reached the stomach, none of these things reach the stomach. So, using Kohle in the eyes and likewise using eyedrops

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these things do not reach the stomach,

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also rubbing Treatment Treating wounds although it seeps into the body, it goes into the blood

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it does not reach the stomach.

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And as we mentioned previously, even if it does reach the stomach, it is not it is not something considered to be nourishment, providing nourishment to the body.

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And so the chef he goes on to say that

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to make these claims that certain things are halal, or certain things are haram. This is a huge claim.

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It's a huge claim to say that something is haram for the fasting person

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that he cannot do certain things, he cannot use certain things. This is a huge claim.

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And he says that it is a claim that is not based on knowledge and any claim that is not based on knowledge and is attributed to Allah. It is attributed to Islam. That it's a very, very dangerous thing because Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah subhanahu wa taala he started

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In the Quran, Allah Kulu Lima tells riffle Alsina to Kumala COVID the halal or haram Dita therouanne Allah al Khatib, Allah subhanahu wa Tada says, Do not

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say about certain things describing certain things by lying, saying that such and such as Halal such and such as haram,

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lying about Allah, because that's the reality of what it is

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anything that you claim about the deen of Islam,

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where you don't have any evidence for you are basically lying against Allah,

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you are basically claiming something

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that Allah has revealed and yet he did not reveal.

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And then the sheikh says, however,

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in the case of scholars, who may have made these claims, he says in the case of scholars who made these claims,

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they are excused, they are excused.

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And that's because

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the scholars of Islam who have reached a certain level of scholarship, where they are now considered to be a mujtahid

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able to go through

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the texts of the Quran and Sunnah and derive rulings

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for contemporary issues and give fatawa etc.

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They are excused if they happen to make a mistake.

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So if they are, then they are excused. Why, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that if

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if a judge makes a ruling gives a verdict, and he is, he ends up being correct in in the verdict that he gave, that he will get, he will get two rewards, he'll get one reward for his he had for his

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at arriving at the correct ruling, and putting all his energy and his effort into trying to make sure that he he comes up with the correct ruling. So he gets a reward for that effort. And then he gets a reward for

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for coming to the right conclusion.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said As for this, the judge, who ends up giving the verdict that is wrong, then he will get one reward. And that is his reward for his attempt. He tried, he put his effort into it. And he saw that you know what this is, this is correct, but he ends up not being correct. In this case, at least he does get one reward. Likewise, the scholars of Islam

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they perform HD had put in a lot of effort into coming to the correct conclusion regarding different matters, they will be rewarded for that, because they are not making a claim without knowledge, but rather with knowledge. And then they happen to be wrong in their conclusion. That's different than a person who does not have the tools and he's not qualified to perform he had. And he goes about claiming that such and such as halal, such and such is haram, without evidence without knowledge. And so that is a difference between the two dishes. He pointed this out because it's very important that we don't throw everyone into the same bucket.

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And so that is what the chef he mentions here.

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And after that, he moves on to point number four. So this is where we will stop in sha Allah to Allah and in the next session, we'll move on to point number four. We ask Allah subhanho data to grant us beneficial knowledge we ask ALLAH SubhanA who went to Ghana to accept from us all of our good deeds during this month of Ramadan?

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Also Allahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine was salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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Salam Alikum and Ramadan Mubarak Hamdulillah I will present it has grown from just an idea 1995 to two centrally located easy access centers that stretch over three acres and 63,000 square feet. Our vision has always been to facilitate the spiritual application and growth of our community. Abu Huraira Youth Center brings the community together and offers a variety of regular programs and ongoing ones including a full time is timely school, a full time health program, a weekend Islamic programs, youth programs, counselling services, conferences and events and much much more. We know the epidemic has affected all of us this year. But Alhamdulillah Allah

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after the seeking the help from Allah, we are also seeking you continuous, generous donation to support our center. Donations are needed for our annual operations and to pay off the interest rate loans for the new property.

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