Kamil Ahmad – Reflecting upon the Qur’ān

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad sallali wa taala was recited in a way that is the only way to reflect the message of the Quran. The loss is a blessing book, not a loss, and the main objective behind reciting the Quran is to attain reward of reciting the message. The three types of people with respect to the Quran are discussed, including those with a dead heart, those with a somewhat living and ready heart, and those with a live and ready heart. The importance of learning the material and not just reciting it is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of studying the Arabic language to achieve the goal of being a Muslim, and the importance of reciting the Prophet's statement in order to understand its meaning and benefit from it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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he was

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the topic that we have for today is regarding the Quran

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and reflecting over the Quran

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and so this is the month of the Quran

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as a loss of Hannah who says shahidul Ramadan and lady on Zee Hill Quran.

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Allah mentions this along with the verses regarding fasting in the month of Ramadan shahara Ramadan Illa de la

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and so after a loss of Hannah who attended prescribed fasting in the month of Ramadan, he mentioned

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that the month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed

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the month in which the Quran was revealed.

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However, it is very unfortunate that for many, many Muslims,

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the only time they know the Quran is in the month of Ramadan.

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Yes, the month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. But it doesn't mean that we abandon it.

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It doesn't mean that we abandon the Quran for the rest of the year.

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Rather, the Quran is a guide for us,

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a guide for us

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to show us the path every single moment of our lives every single day, every single month of the year.

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And with regards to the Qur'an, every single person is different with regards to his relationship to the court.

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And so with some

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they simply pick up the Quran and recite it every now and then.

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Others like I mentioned only in the month of Ramadan.

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And for many, for many, the Quran is simply something to read,

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to recite, without any pondering, without any reflecting without trying to understand the meanings of what a loss of Hannah who data is telling us.

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And so the Quran, they are the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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D are the words of the loss of Hannah who went to Ireland his message to his servants

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and although recitation of the Quran, a tilava

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is a noble act.

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It has its rewards as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever

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recites a single letter of the Quran What is his reward? It is 10 times.

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That is just one letter, not one word, but one letter of the Quran, you get 10 rewards. So there is no doubt that the rewards and the virtue of reciting the Quran, they are very great.

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However, the main objective

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behind reciting the Quran should not be simply to attain that reward without understanding the meaning of what we are reciting.

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And so the very objective behind why Allah Subhana Hua data revealed occur unto us is for us to understand its meaning, to reflect to ponder over its meanings. Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned this in various places in the Quran.

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And so Allah subhana wa tada says Kitab one and zelner who la caja, Leah de baru Kitab and Angela who Elijah Mubarak, Leah de baru iottie he will he attacked or LDAP

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us here the objective The reason for why he revealed the Quran

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he says that this is a blessing book Kitab on Mubarak,

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that we have revealed to you, oh, Mohammed, that they may reflect that they may reflect upon its verses

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and that those of understanding those people who have intellects those people have an understanding that they may be reminded by these verses.

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And so here we can see that loss of Hannah who with data tells us that this is the reason why he revealed

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For us to ponder over its meanings to reflect and try to understand the meanings of these words.

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And the loss of Hannah who Adana also rebuked those who do not reflect over the Quran. And so a loss of Hannah who without it says a fella to the Barun Quran and Allah has mentioned this in more than one place. So Allah to the Quran, do they not reflect over the Quran? Well, can I mean the Hindi well can I mean the end of all you de la la vida de de la Finca to?

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What does the law say? After he asks? Do they not reflect over the Quran he says, that if it had been from other than Allah, if this book was authored by other than a loss of Hannah, who would data they would have found in it what they would have found in it, much contradiction.

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And so this is one of the miracles of the Quran, that until today, no one has been able to find any fault in it.

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Compared to the previous books and scriptures that Allah had revealed, that became corrupted

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by man's distortion. And so human beings became involved. And they distorted the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala, in the Torah, in the Injeel, and the other scriptures of Allah subhana wa Tada. And so as a result, if you were to examine those books, you would find many contradictions, you would find many mistakes, many errors, many contradictions, whereas the Quran till this day has been preserved. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala here says, that if it had been from other than Allah subhanho wa Taala, you would have found in it

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many contradictions.

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as we mentioned earlier, people they differ with regards to the court

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and they differ also with regards to their listening of the court.

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And so,

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each and every single night in Ramadan, we hear the Quran being recited in taraweeh.

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But every single person is different

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with regards to his listening

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to the Quran being recited

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and so Allah Subhana who Allah says in Surah Kahf we'll come back now cabela home Quran

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whom shall Domine whom Basha Fennec kabu Phil Villa de Hellman fields

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and how many a generation before them did we destroy? Who are greater than them greater than?

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greater than them in power? And they had explored throughout the lens?

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Is there any place of escape for them?

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A lot destroyed them. There was no escape for them.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Fida leka, dechra leemon can Allahu Allah, O Allah Kasama wa Hua he

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indeed in this is a reminder

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for anyone who has a heart

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or who listens while he is present in mind,

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him look I am

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able to call him Rahim Allah He says regarding these verses in Surah cough and surah Kahf is a surah that is extremely great.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to recite it

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in the Juma hota. In fact, his entire Hooda at times would be just this surah he would recite this surah and that was sufficient as a hookah

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and that is because of the many reminders in this great surah

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the reminders regarding man regarding

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his death, regarding what comes after death and so on and so forth.

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So, if you look at him, he says regarding these verses that we just mentioned.

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He says that there are three types of people.

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There are three types of people with respect to what Allah has mentioned here in this verse.

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And so what what verse did we mentioned, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in a fever, Luca decra, Lima and Canada who call boon

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Oh Alka sama. Hua Shaheed indeed and that is a reminder for for anyone who has a heart or who listens while he is present in mind. So this is regarding the Quran regarding the words of Allah, those who listened to it.

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Even though claim says there are three types of people with regards to these verses. The first is

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a person with a dead heart,

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a person with a dead heart. He says this is the person who has no heart. So this verse is not a reminder for him.

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This verse is not a reminder for him, because his heart is dead. And what does Allah say in this verse in Nikita Nicola decra, the man can Allah who called indeed in in that is a reminder for he who has a heart.

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So, the one who does not have a heart or his heart is dead, then there is no reminder for him.

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The second is a person with a somewhat living and ready heart

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is not a fully living heart, not a fully attentive heart. Rather, it is a person with a somewhat living and ready heart,

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but who does not listen to the recited verses of the Quran, through which Allah conveys his science.

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So, he has a heart that is ready to receive, to receive that guidance.

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he does not listen to the recited verses.

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And he says, He does not listen

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to its verses either, because they do not reach him.

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Because the verses do not reach him,

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or because they reach him while his heart is preoccupied with other things. So either he has not heard these verses of the Quran,

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they have not reached him or they have reached him, he hears them, but his mind is not attentive, he is busy with other things.

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And so the heart of this person is not present. And hence this person does not receive the benefits of the reminder, even though his heart is ready to receive that reminder and guidance. And so, this is the second, the second type of person whom many fall into this category. We listen to the Quran being recited in Torah we have for example, but our mind is elsewhere, we are exploring the world, our mind has gone far, far away from what is being recited the verses the words of a lot that are being recited.

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He says that the third

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type of person is a person with a live and ready hearts.

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When the verses of the Quran are recited to him, he attentively listens, he does not keep his heart busy with anything except understanding the verses that he is listening to this person has a present, this person has present attentive ears, and a present and attentive heart. Therefore, he benefits from the recited verses and the signs that a lot of mentions in those verses.

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And so, this is the type of heart that we all must strive to have. This is a type of heart that benefits from what he hears of the Qur'an that is being recited even okay and he goes on to say, that the first type of person is like a blind, a blind man who does not see.

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So, the first type of person we mentioned, was the one with a dead heart. He is like a blind man who cannot see

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the second is like a person who sees but he looks in the opposite direction.

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He sees but he looks in the opposite direction he looks away.

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And so both the first and the second, they do not perceive the Quran. They do not reflect over the

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US where the third type of person then he is a person who sees and he looks at his target he follows it with is here with his eyes and his ears.

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This is a person who truly perceives the Quran.

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This is a person who truly perceives the Quran understands its meanings.

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And so this is what is required of us

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to not only recite the Quran to not only listen to the Quran being recited,

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but to reach a level where we benefit. We benefit from what we are reciting, or benefit from what we are listening to have the Quran being recited.

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And we also have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the best of examples.

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He is the best of examples in everything. And he is also the best of examples when it comes to

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our relationship to the Quran. And reciting the Quran with

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pondering and reflection.

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And so today for all the Allahu Allah, he said, that I once prayed with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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at night and he was reciting Surah Al Baqarah. So, I thought that he would bow at the end of 100 verses 100

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but you continue,

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I then thought that perhaps he will recite the entire sutra in one Raka

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and this is pseudo tillbaka is not any surah is the largest surah in the Quran.

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So then he finished surah baqarah and he continued on to Allah Emraan.

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He finished the entire surah

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and then continued on to Surah Nisa.

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These are the longest sutras of the Quran.

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And then in Surah

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after about 40 verses, he came across one verse,

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the modem he's reciting these verses, and then he came across one verse and that is where Allah subhanahu wa tada says, Okay either either na min Cooley met him bisha he

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was it na Vika

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he came upon this verse.

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it been Mr. Udo Viola who I mean another Hadith he says

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that he came in he started crying at this verse.

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And so a loss of Hannah who without it says here. So how will it be,

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when we bring from every single nation from every single one that he

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a witness? And this is on the day of judgment? Allah says how will it be when we bring a witness from among every single nation, every single Oh man, and we bring you all Mohammed as a Shaheed as a witness, against these people,

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against your own man.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wept when he came upon this verse.

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The only way he could have wept and cried is if he was actually attentive

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and pondering, trying to understand and reflecting over what he was reciting. Not like most of us we just recite

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leisurely without trying to understand what Allah subhana wa tada is saying.

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in the same hadith of today for the Allahu Akbar,

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he mentioned that when the prophet SAW Selim was reciting these sutras Surah Al Baqarah, earlier on,

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whenever he would come across

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a verse that mentioned glory of a loss of Hannah who Adana. The prophet SAW Selim would glorify of law, so he would say subhana wa.

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And when he would recite a verse that contained a DA, he would make dua.

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And when he recited a verse, that dealt with seeking refuge with ALLAH Subhana who were to Hannah Elise tiada, then he would seek refuge with ALLAH subhana wa Tada. All of this proves to us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was attentive in his solo.

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Understanding what he was reciting,

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reflecting over the words of a loss of Hannah, who attended that he was reciting

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Unlike most of us who we have no clue what the Imam is reciting.

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And even for those who know Arabic, I mean for some we may be thinking that I don't know the language so how can I understand?

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But even many who know the language, who understand even many of them, their minds wander off

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and they don't pay attention.

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Not only do they, if you were to ask them what did the Imam or site not only would they not be able to tell you which verses he recited,

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but they wouldn't even be able to tell you which tool he recited.

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I mean, that is how far we have become from the Quran, the words of Allah Subhana, who

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also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would invite us to reflect over

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the verses of the Quran. And so, when the last verses of surah Allah and Moran were revealed to the prophet SAW Selim, were a loss of Hannah who Allah says in a few Hello Okay, so now it will audibly walk the laughing lately when I heard either it will Albert alladhina is Karuna La Jolla. moku. Allah juby him Wyatt Karuna SMRT will rob banana, Dr. Harada appearance of Hanukkah, fokina, the NA v these verses from the end of surah Allah and Ron, when they were revealed to the prophet SAW Selim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he said woe to anyone who reads these verses, and does not ponder over them.

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And so, he is basically praying against anyone who reads these verses, and does not reflect over them. Why because these verses they mentioned many signs of Allah subhanahu wa tada in his creation. And so a lot says in these verses in the Hulk is somehow it will always work the Laffy layli when necessary, that it will adapt very early in the creation of the heavens and the earth. And the alternation of the night and the day, there are Signs for those of understanding for those of understanding meaning, those who try to understand

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who tried to look at this universe,

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this earth, the sky above us, the day, the night, the alternation of the day and night, how the day enters, how did how the day leaves, how the night enters. All of these are Signs for people who understand, who have minds to understand and reflect with

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alladhina kurunegala, heracleum and workqueue then

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wahana, Jr, V him, those who are reminded or rather those who try to remind themselves and remember Allah subhana wa tada while standing and while sitting, and while under silence, those who the remembrance of Allah is always on their tongues, and in their hearts.

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Wherever Karuna Fie Hulk is Santa watty will audibly and they reflect and think about the creation of the heavens and the earth. And they say Europe then Mahabharata heard about Britain. So the Hannukah fuckery. Now either now, they say Our Lord,

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you have not created any of this in vain. You have not created any of this aimlessly. Meaning what do they say? They say that Oh Allah, you have created this entire universe, that we are witnessing, that we are looking at the heavens above us, the stars, the alternation of the day, and the night all of this all allow you have created for a purpose. You have not created any of this aimlessly.

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So the hanakapiai, neither the nor glory beat you,

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save us from the punishment of the Fire.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Woe to anyone who recites these verses, and does not ponder over them.

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We also have the examples of the best of generations,

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the Sahaba

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and those who follow them in righteousness

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how they dealt with

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verses of the Quran.

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And so in our bass or the Allahumma, he said

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that performing two records,

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performing two records,

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with reflection

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will reflect reflection over what is being recited of the Quran. Performing just to rock eyes with reflection is better than performing salaah and prayers the entire night without a heart without reflecting with one's heart.

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And so some of us think that, you know,

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let me pray as much as I can in the night

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and pray and pray.

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But we pray without reflecting over what we are saying.

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This is exactly what it means here when he says that to pray just to lock eyes

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with an attentive heart,

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pondering over what one is reciting is better than staying up the entire night and praying, but not having an attentive heart, not trying to understand what one is reciting.

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Also Redman or the Allahu Allah,

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He said, If our hearts were clean and pure, we will never become tired of the Quran.

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And so, some people, they become tired. With the Quran being recited every single night, they find it difficult to stand in taraweeh and Korean

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when the Imam is reciting long a yacht and sutras

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they find it difficult. And so that is because their hearts are not clean.

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And so it's a matter of the Allahu I'm he says that if our hearts were clean and pure, we would never become tired of the Quran. And that is the reality of what we see today. That many have turned away from the Quran.

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And when the Quran is recited, in Salah, they find it very, very difficult.

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And they don't find it enjoyable. And that is because our hearts are not clean and pure.

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Also, we have the statement of

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one of the great scholars of the self, Alphaville ebina yob, who said

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that the Quran was revealed to be implemented, to be acted upon.

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But people made its recitation there.

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And so this is in the time of the best of generations.

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So how about today, centuries later.

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And so he says that the Quran was revealed for us to implement it, to act upon what Allah has mentioned in the Quran.

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However, people have taken it to simply be something that is recited

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and that is a reality.

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We find many Muslims, they only come to the Quran

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on certain occasions,

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whether it be a wedding,

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or whether it be the death of somebody, and especially

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at the time of someone's death, they come and they recite them for

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the rest of the time the Quran is on the shelf.

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They have abandoned the Quran.

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And so the people they asked

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when he said this, they asked them, How do we implement the Quran?

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You said that the Quran was sent to be implemented. So how do we implement the

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He replied, he said, By holding on to it, or rather by holding it's permissible acts as being permissible basically, by considering what is halal as being Halla.

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So whatever Allah has mentioned, the Quran is being halal. We believe that it is actually halal, and don't make it wrong, and vice versa. Making its prohibited acts has been prohibited, meaning whatever Allah has made her arm in the Quran, we actually consider that to be haraam.

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He says also by abiding by its commands, and abandoning its prohibitions and reflect

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Upon its wonders, so all of this comes under implementing

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all of this comes under

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implementation of the Quran. And so as you can see, one of the points that he mentions here is reflecting over its wonders.

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And so the Quran was sent to the implemented and for us to reflect over its verses.

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But now the question is how can we reflect over the Quran?

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What does it mean first of all to reflect over the meanings of the Quran,

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what it means is

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that we try to understand its meaning in general, firstly,

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to go beyond its meanings,

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and try to bring out its gems

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and the many wisdoms

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behind these words of a loss of Hannah What?

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And if one was to truly do that, he will come up with many pearls and gems,

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and wisdoms, from the words of a loss of Hannah who would die Why is that? Because these are the words, not of any human being. But rather These are the words of a loss of Hannah who, when

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they are not invented words,

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they are not from the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Rather, the Quran is uncreated.

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And that is the meaning of it being uncreated. That they are the words of a loss of Hannah, who had data that he himself spoke, heard by jabril alehissalaam, who then recited them to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he heard them and pass them on to us.

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And so how can we properly reflect over

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the Quran? What are some of the ways that will help us to achieve this goal of

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attendance double, or reflecting over the meanings of the verses and words of a loss of Hannah, who went to

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the very, very first

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means and way

00:32:46 --> 00:32:47

to achieve this goal

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by turning to a loss of Hannah, who was to Hannah, with a humble and humiliated heart,

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what that means is that we turn to a loss of Hannah who is

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implementing that what she loves

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coming to a loss of Hannah, who were to add with a clean heart.

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And so as I mentioned, as we mentioned, that

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those who do not reflect over the Quran, it is because they have dead hearts, their hearts are dead.

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And so the very, very first step towards

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reflecting over the Quran is by coming with a clean heart. staying away from everything that Allah subhanho wa Taala has prohibited us from

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purifying ourselves

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and coming to a loss of Hannah who died with a humble and clean heart.

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And this is something that wassup Hannah huhtala has mentioned in the Quran. And so ally says what duckula what you Halima kumala

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fear Allah, have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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be conscious of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. What you unlimited mala and as a result of that taqwa, Allah subhanho wa Taala will teach you.

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And so if you truly want to achieve success in anything that you want to study, than fear of loss of Hannah who would die because in the end of the day, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who teaches us what we learn. We don't learn it from our teachers, from our professors, from our own self study, whatever we learn, it is from Allah subhana wa tada teaching us and so Allah says, What up Allaha were you at Lima como la, Fear Allah and Allah will teach you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

It also Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you have Latina Amman interco La Jolla confer Karna.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:11

And so, Allah says, Oh you who believe.

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If you truly fear Allah,

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if you come with taqwa,

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then Allah will make for you a criteria, a four on

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a criterion, something that you can distinguish things with. You could see evil as being evil, and good as being good.

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You can see the truth as being truth and falsehood as being false.

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Why is it that most of mankind are

00:35:43 --> 00:35:51

lost in misguidance? It is because they don't have that photoscan they don't have that criteria that Allah bestows

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to certain individuals who he loves

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something to measure with a criterion to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and falsity.

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And so knowledge is light,

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knowledge of the Quran of the sooner it is light,

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala throws in the heart to the individual.

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As for sins,

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whether they be minor or major, then they are nothing but darkness. And so we have knowledge, which is light, and sins, which is nothing but darkness.

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And so anyone

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

who wants that light,

00:36:43 --> 00:36:53

then he must go past everything that comes in his way of darkness, meaning that he has to stay away from sins as much as he can.

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And so, if you truly want to sit and recite the Quran, and understand its meanings, reflect over and ponder over its meanings. Then the first step towards doing that is by achieving the taqwa of Allah subhanho wa tada by implementing everything that Allah has commanded us to do, and staying away from everything that he is that he has prevented us from.

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The second step towards achieving

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this goal of reflecting and pondering over the Quran

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studying and learning the Arabic language,

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and this is something that we cannot stress enough.

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And so it is very unfortunate that most Muslims don't have or don't give any importance

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to the Arabic clan.

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And so this Quran was revealed

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in the Arabic language, a loss of Hannah, who had to Hannah chose this particular language for the Quran to be revealed in.

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And so a loss of Hannah who went to Hannah has mentioned in the Quran that this is

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that this Quran has been revealed in a pure Arabic tongue, in that Angela who Quran and de la la quinta de Lune. Indeed, We have revealed this for an acre and that is in the Arabic language, so that perhaps, you will understand and use your intellect.

00:38:49 --> 00:38:53

And the scholars have mentioned the importance of the Arabic language

00:38:54 --> 00:39:01

in terms of studying it, understanding the Arabic language, and social Islam, Hebrew Tamia,

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he was known for

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giving special importance to this. And so he

00:39:09 --> 00:39:15

had even mentioned that studying the Arabic language is actually an obligation

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upon every single Muslim.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:20

And he mentioned that the reason for that is

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that in order to be a Muslim, you have to understand

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you have to understand the very source of Islam, and that is the Quran, and the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And the only way to do that is

00:39:38 --> 00:39:40

by knowing the Arabic language

00:39:42 --> 00:39:47

in which Allah spoke these words, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke.

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And so, if we truly want to gain that benefit from the Quran, then we have to give special importance

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to studying this language in which the Quran was revealed,

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and studying the Arabic language, yes, it takes a lot of time, a lot of efforts.

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But the more effort we put, the more results we will see.

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But for those who are in that beginning stage

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of studying Arabic, they may be wondering how can I benefit from the Quran at this stage?

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Then the answer to that is by

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at least reading the meanings of the Quran, in whichever language you feel comfortable with. And so the point of reflecting and pondering over the Quran is that we come up with some kind of benefit from that.

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And so, it is these words that Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed has revealed to us that we have to try to understand its meaning. So, if that is not possible, in the very Arabic language, that these that these words are in, then at least we should understand their meanings. in whatever language we understand.

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Among the means and ways that we can achieve this goal of reflecting and pondering over the Koran.

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And the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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by imagining when we're reciting the Quran or when the Quran is being recited and we are listening to it, to imagine that Allah subhanho wa Taala is addressing me

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to imagine that lots of Hannah who had to Hannah, he is addressing me directly and not anyone else.

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And so in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses various

00:42:02 --> 00:42:15

ways of addressing us. And so sometimes Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, are you Latina? O you who believe other times Allah subhana wa tada says, Yeah, you harness all mankind.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:23

Other times I watched a panda who attalla addresses man himself. Yeah, Are you insane?

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and so on and so forth.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:36

And so when the Quran is being recited, we should imagine that loss of Hannah who had to Hannah is addressing

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not only the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, and the companions, but that he that he's apparently who attalla is addressing me directly. And so when somebody is talking to you, what do you do? You pay attention.

00:42:52 --> 00:43:00

You give him your ears, and your heart and try to understand what he is saying. So how about

00:43:02 --> 00:43:07

the Lord of the universe? How about Allah subhana wa tada

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when he is addressing us, in Accra.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:21

So it hasn't been Ali, the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said

00:43:25 --> 00:43:31

that those before you those who came before you, here, he is basically addressing

00:43:32 --> 00:43:36

the tablet own. Those who came after the next generation after the Sahaba.

00:43:38 --> 00:43:42

He says to them, those who came before you, meaning the Sahaba

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they looked at the Quran as being letters,

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messages from a loss of Hannah who would data to them.

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So just like

00:43:58 --> 00:43:59

a person who has

00:44:01 --> 00:44:03

a loved one in a far off country,

00:44:05 --> 00:44:08

and he expects or he's awaiting their letter

00:44:09 --> 00:44:17

being sent to them. This is in the old days. Now we have internet we have emails, but the point is that somebody who you love,

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you await and you're anxious to hear from them.

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You want to hear what they're saying. And so and has an array of the allaahu and he says this is how the Sahaba used to be with the Quran.

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They used to anticipate

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they were anxious.

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With regards to the verses of the Quran being revealed to them. They would await for the next

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message and the next letter to come to them.

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Among the ways and means that we can help ourselves to achieve this goal of reflecting and pondering over the Quran. Over

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words of Allah subhana wa tada

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constantly reciting certain verses. And so when you recite the Quran,

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don't just recite it in one tone,

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and start it from the beginning.

00:45:24 --> 00:45:28

And, you know, finish the surah, without having gone back

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and without having repeated certain verses.

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And so when you come across certain verses, that stand out, you should repeat them,

00:45:42 --> 00:45:43

go over them

00:45:44 --> 00:45:45

again and again.

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And so when you do this, this helps you

00:45:50 --> 00:45:51

to reflect over its meaning.

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And that is because when you just hear something one time, it goes by, and then that's it. But when you go back and you review it,

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it sticks and it stays with you.

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And that's how we study for exams.

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We go over what we studied, again and again. Why, because we want to properly understand it, and we want to have it stay with us. And so, if that is with you know,

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studies of the dunya Then how about the study of the Quran.

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we have an example of this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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once was reciting the Quran in pmla.

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And he came across one verse that he kept on repeating

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until as the narrator of the Hadith, Abu Dhabi, Allahu, and he says, that it became morning,

00:47:02 --> 00:47:13

it became morning, and the Prophet soul seldom was still standing there, repeating this one verse, and that verse is where a loss of Hannah who would add a certain sort of trauma either

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when Allah mentions a story of a Saudi his Salaam,

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and how he will come on the Day of Judgment, and a law will bring your Isa alayhis salam to testify

00:47:27 --> 00:47:34

that did you tell them to worship to worship you? meaning is it Salam meaning the Christians

00:47:35 --> 00:47:37

and so are you Salah his salam o se

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00:47:40 --> 00:48:06

gorbea to Allah subhanho wa Taala I never told them to worship you. Rather, I never told them to worship me. Rather, I told them to worship you alone and then are easily Salaam What does he say? And this is the verse that the process of them kept on repeating into a verb whom for in home a bad look. We're interfering the home for in Mecca analyzes will Hakeem

00:48:08 --> 00:48:14

Are you Sally his Salam says Allah subhanho wa Taala says into the boom for in the home.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:21

That if you were recently Salaam says to Allah subhanho wa Taala if you were to punish them,

00:48:22 --> 00:48:25

then indeed they are your slaves.

00:48:27 --> 00:48:36

Meaning they are your slaves. You can do with them, whatever you please punish them as you please. However, in total field

00:48:38 --> 00:48:46

analyzes will Hakeem, if you were to forgive them, then you are the Almighty and the

00:48:51 --> 00:49:03

among the ways and means that we can help ourselves to achieve this goal of pondering and reflecting over the Quran and the words of a loss of Hannah who attalla

00:49:06 --> 00:49:07


00:49:09 --> 00:49:10


00:49:13 --> 00:49:15

reciting the Quran,

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00:49:19 --> 00:49:22

pondering over its meanings, and

00:49:24 --> 00:49:25

asking questions

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and this is not the type of asking questions that is prohibited

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but rather asking yourself

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certain questions regarding

00:49:39 --> 00:49:40

the style of the Quran.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:48

For example, why did Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this verse before this verse.

00:49:49 --> 00:50:00

Why does the loss of Hannah who I mentioned this here and why he did not mention this somewhere else, and so on and so forth. And so these are basically

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regarding the wisdom of a loss of Hannah, who would data concerning how he revealed this.

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And so when we do that, what will we come up with, we will come up with many,

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many pieces of wisdom that will further

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strengthen our E man in our hearts regarding this grant, as being the true Word of Allah subhanho, wa Taala, and not the word of any human being.

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Finally, among the ways and means that we can help ourselves to achieve the goal of reflecting and pondering over the meanings of the Quran is

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by remembering

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that we should always go back

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to the Tafseer of the Quran.

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And the authentic truth I see that are out there.

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And so when we say, reflect over the Quran, try to understand its meaning.

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This is something different than the Tafseer of the Quran.

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And so the Tafseer of the Quran is basically the meanings of these verses of the Quran, as explained by the prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam or the companions or the scholars

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as for reflecting over the meanings of the Quran, it is reflecting over these meanings that the scholars have mentioned. So basically, when we say reflect over the Quran, we mean reflect over the meanings

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of the Quran. And so, the only way to do that is by referring to the authentic FRC that are out there. And so, we should not come to the Quran and recite it and try to understand it on our own. Rather, we should refer to we should refer to the authentic statements of the scholars regarding the meanings of these verses. And also remembering

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one of the, one of the principles that the scholars have to state

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regarding the Tafseer of the Quran is

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the man mentioned a very broad view room and loft lab is a seven

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that basically

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what we gain from the Quran is the generality of the vertices, not this specific

00:53:04 --> 00:53:13

incident in which it was revealed. What does that mean? Basically what it means is that the Quran was revealed

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over a very, you know, long time span many years, and it was revealed in parts. And each part of the Quran was revealed, according to a certain incident, a certain story behind it.

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Some verses of the Quran were revealed concern concerning certain individuals.

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But what the scholars say is that that does not mean that these verses are meant only for those specific incidents and circumstances. Rather, we take from the Quran, its generality

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take from the Quran, everything that is mentioned in it, and implement it in our own life.

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And so, in sha Allah who to Allah in the coming weeks,

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we will go over some parts of the Quran reflecting over their meanings,

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and especially those parts of the Quran that all of us have memorized, and we recite in our Salawat, such as surah, to Fatiha ayatul kursi and other very important parts of the Quran. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from the people of the Quran, annual hostility or hostility, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from among those who not only recite the Quran, but also recite it and ponder over its meanings. We asked a loss of Hannah who was added to make us to benefit from what we

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Recite and listen to of the Quran. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make the Quran

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in evidence for us on the Day of Judgment, not something against us. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us with having the ability to

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to complete the Quran in this month of Ramadan, either reciting it or listening to it. So panic alone melby hamitic A Chateau La Ilaha Illa and Estelle Furukawa to Lake wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Although the recitation of the Qurân is one of the most virtuous acts, simply reciting it without understanding or reflection is not the goal. Rather, the main objective is that the reciter wholeheartedly ponders upon the meanings of the Qurân and fully reflects on, understands and thinks about its secrets and pearls of wisdom.

Lecture delivered at Abu Huraira Center in Toronto.
Date: June 18, 2015 (Ramadan 1, 1436).

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