Kamal El-Mekki – Good Manners 1

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The importance of good manners and good behavior in achieving success in Islam is discussed, along with the hotbar and holy spirit. The use of fasting, shaping one's appearance, and learning from peers and parents is emphasized. The importance of learning to apply good manners with body and behavior is also emphasized. The need for strong manners is emphasized, particularly for individuals living incoangled houses. The importance of renewing and rebuilding intentions is emphasized, and the need for people to apply good manners is emphasized. The importance of following rules and not offending people in the world is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In an hamdulillah mother who wanna stay you know who wanna stop fiddle when I wrote the bill,

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gentlemen say it I'm Elena Maria de la hufa mobile data woman.

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Why shadow Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Masha Allah Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah,

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all praises due to Allah, we praise Him and seek his assistance. We seek refuge with a loss from the evil within ourselves and from the evil of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him, yet whomever he allows to go astray, none can guide him and I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah alone. He has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger

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Yeah, you had levina Armando Taka la haka, Ducati wala tomahto nyla, one two Muslim on are you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam? Yeah, you live in LA kulu. Colin said EDA, useless. Docomo Sherlock Holmes in obaku. Amaya la Sula who suffered Sasha fosun Halima oh you who believe. Fear Allah and speak the truth, who will direct you to do righteous good deeds and we'll forgive your sins, and whomsoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great achievement and about fantastical hijiki tabula rasa howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Sharla muramasa to Hakuna Matata 10 beta Waka livedata

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Allah Allah, Allah Allah now

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brothers in Islam,

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the topic of our hotbar today is one of great and vital importance. It is an extremely important topic in Islam, and an important part of the religion and an integral part of who the believing man or woman is. But unfortunately, this topic that we're going to talk about, it's regarded as being from father in law from the extra good deeds, or it's something that you do once you complete your act of worship. But the truth is, it's not something that you do or new add on, on top of your acts of worship. It is an integral part of who you are. The topic of our hotbar today is good luck, good manners, good behavior. It's an integral part of who the believing man or woman is. And it is not

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something that you add on

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as extra credit, once you complete the act of worship, and once you finish the other aspects of the religion, then you add on good enough for good measure. No, it is one of the most important parts of the religion. One of the most important things in Islam, your good manners as we're going to look at that in sha Allah.

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The first thing we see that when Allah azza wa jal mentions why he sent the Prophet sallallahu sallam, there is the mention or an indication to the importance of luck. Allah azza wa jal says to the Prophet sallallahu, I said lamb in the Quran. Well now also Naka, Illa Ramadan Delilah me and we have not sent you except as a mercy to mankind or to the universe. So a lot of good is still in the presence of lamb that you're sending is a mercy to the universe. So we can all understand how the sending of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is a mercy because it is through the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that someone will enter into paradise and avoid eternity into the

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Hellfire because he's the one who taught us the tawheed who taught us how to pray to Allah azza wa jal. So we can clearly see how in the alpha in the next life, the sending of the prophets of Allah Salim is a clear mercy.

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But no doubt he was sent as a mercy in this life and in the next as well. And part of mercy in this life includes having good luck. If someone were to tell you that there is a village and in this village there is every aspect of bad luck.

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There is this village and everyone in this village hates the other person. People lie about each other.

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They spread rumors about one another. They there's a lot of backbiting. There's a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred. Could you describe that there's a lot of mercy in this village. For sure you can't, because you cannot have mercy without having good luck. You cannot have mercy without having the rules of how to deal with one another, the rules of kindness and speaking the truth and being gentle with one another and not lying and not backbiting. So that means in order for there to be mercy in this dunya there has to be good luck. And that means when Allah azza wa jal tells the Prophet salallahu salam, wa opso Naka, Illa, Allah mean, we have not sent you except as a mercy to

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the universe in this ayah there is an indication to good luck and to the importance of good luck.

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Not only that, when we see the Prophet sallallahu I didn't sell them himself speaking about why he was sent. He also mentioned a flop it's as if he was just sent for the sake of luck. So the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam says in NEMA birth to Newton Mima, Makarem Allah, Allah, verily I was sent to complete or to perfect, the most noble of good character. So the prophet SAW Selim is telling why he was sent, and he could easily have said I was sent to establish the heat, I was sent. So people would say la ilaha LA I was sent, so people would pray I was sent so people would go to jihad or so people would go to Hajj or so people would fast in Ramadan. All these are important things. But the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, I was sent to perfect, the most noble of good character, it's as if he was only sent to improve people's manners to improve people's love.

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So we begin to see how important the topic of a flock actually is in Islam. Not only that, but we also find that the acts of worship, the acts of worship of salah and Zakah and Hajj, and fasting, part of their aim is to impact your HELOC. Part of the goals also of the acts of worship are to affect your manners and to affect your flock.

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That's why we find a lot of judgments about the Salah in the salata, tinha and in Sasha Verily, the Salah prevents the wicked deeds and the reprehensible apps. So we see the act of worship salah and we see the effect it's supposed to have on your luck when it comes to Hajj. Allah Subhana Allah says Allah Azza wa Sissoko, Elijah Phil hedge when it comes to hedge, there is no, there's no sexual activity between a man and his wife. But there's also no vain talk and no argumentation and hedge. So we see the act of worship hedge, and we see the effect it's supposed to have on your HELOC.

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Likewise, when we look at other acts of worship, such as fasting, we see a clear link between fasting and a flop. It is so unfortunate that the majority of people they only define fasting as not eating and not drinking from sunup to sundown. So many people are very concerned about what goes inside their mouth during Ramadan, but they don't care what comes out. So these people are very cautious and very careful when they make will do they spit 100 times to make sure not a droplet of water goes into their mouth, but they don't care what comes out. And while they're fasting during the day of Ramadan, they're saying the most horrible things. Well, one of the with the impact of

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fasting on your flock is that you guard your tongue. And that's why you find when someone insults you while you're fasting, you're supposed to respond by saying in Islam, in Islam, I'm fasting, I am fast. So even in fasting, it has an effect on your luck, it's supposed to impact your manners. So we see a lot of people their focus would be on certain acts of worship, and not really on having good luck and good manners and good behavior with their fellow human being. Well, the truth is, even the acts of worship, were there to have some impact and to improve your manners. And the problem is brothers and sisters in Islam.

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That when someone does not work on their manners, and if they were focusing on their knowledge and it comes packaged with bad manners, no one will accept that knowledge from them. No one will accept that knowledge and you have probably all encountered someone who was fairly knowledgeable in your community or in your message, but very bad in manners and most people don't like to deal with that individual. Even though they know what Allah says and what his messengers to the loudest lm says, But whenever they present it to you, it's packaged in bed.

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And because it's packaged in by the flap, you don't accept it from them

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a lot as the origin tells us in the Quran, that the best of people the best of hearts, the hearts of the Sahaba would have refused the best message ever sent to humanity the for an if it was packaged in bed Allah, Allah azza wa jal

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does the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Willow couldn't have done valleydale can be done for bloomin Holic. And if you were crude and hard hearted, they would have scattered from around you. So Allah azza wa jal is telling the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even though you're bringing them the best message the Quran, and the hearts of the Sahaba the best hearts, they would have refused this best message if it came packaged with bad luck.

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They would not have accepted it. And so we see the importance and the impact of love on how you deal with people, on everything. On your dour on whether or not people accept advice from you on whether or not people want to engage with you in any kind of dealing in this life. It all depends on your Allah.

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Especially for the die It is so important. And that's why you find for example, Mr. Mallika Hana Hola. When his mother sent him to study with a scholar of Medina or Beata Ray, she sent him as a young boy to study and she gives him excellent advice she tells him is the hub in Arabi. For the alum min Adobe, he cobla. In May, she said go to Adobe Atari, and learn from his manners before you learn from his knowledge. Learn from his manners first. Because if you have knowledge, with bad manners, no one will accept it from you. No one will want to sit around you to take that knowledge and no one will want to deal with you. So she said learn from his manners before you learn from his

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knowledge. And a lot of times we see young men who put a lot of time into learning the knowledge, but they have bad manners, and so no one except from them, and no one wants to deal with them the importance of good manners brothers and sisters.

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So then we see if this advice of the mother of Mr. Malik Ramallah if this advice worked or not, later on one of his students, a brilliant student stays with him for 20 years. He said with within the first year, I gathered all of the knowledge of the EMA. In one year, he learned all of the knowledge of the Imam and all the Hadith for 19 years, it was repetition to him. Every time he heard the Hadith. He heard it before. So they asked him, if you gathered the knowledge of the amount in the first year, why did you remain for 19 other years with the email. And he said, I remained with the amount for 19 other years, just to learn from his manners, just to see how he dealt with his

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neighbor, how he dealt with a fellow scholar, how he dealt with his students, how he dealt with a man, how he dealt with a woman how he dealt with an ignorant person, how he dealt with a child. So you see him being an ocean of knowledge himself in his dealings with people, that someone would stay for 19 years just to learn from his manners. But not only that,

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then he says something more profound. He says, and I wish all of the 20 years was just to learn from his manners. I wish I spent that first year as well, learning from the manners of the email.

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And then when you look at many Heidi, they show you the importance of good manners and how important it is for the believing man or woman to have excellent manners. So many people focus on certain aspects of the religion, or they focus on certain acts of worship.

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And they neglect the good manners. They focus a lot on Salah. They even focus on a lot on the external appearance which has its importance in Islam and there is nothing in Islam. That is not important. Everything that Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us is important. And this is a huge mistake that some people make when they try to break this will not into important and to peripheral issues know everything the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught is an important issue.

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we see that with the importance of good manners we see many Hadith when they speak about a great reward. It's linked to good manners and good manners is linked to your Eman as well. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said men can you know Bella Julio Mila her fileopen hiren is not whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day he should say that which is good or remain quiet. If you don't have anything good to say just remain quiet. But this this act of manners the Prophet sallallahu wasallam linked it to belief in Allah azza wa jal. So you

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Good manners are linked to your email, as well.

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And people like I said focus a lot on external appearances even though they're important. But the point is Islam never focused just on your exterior. Islam never just focused on your appearance without giving as much if not far more attention to internally to what happens internally. And that's why we find even that of looking in the mirror. When you look in the mirror, you're mostly focused about your external appearance. No one looks in the mirror to see what's in their heart. They look in the mirror to see their physical appearance that they are of looking in the mirror, while you're looking at your exterior appearance reminds you of your interior.

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So in the door of looking in the mirror, the believing man or woman they say Allahumma Epson, hello, hello hey come on center, healthy or the or in another nation. Aloha mahasin Hello, t comma center, healthy, Oh Allah improve or improve or complete my manners as you have improved my external appearance, my creation, my my physical appearance, even when you're looking at yourself physically, that reminds you to look internally because of the importance of good manners.

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One day the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked his companions at a Drona Manila Phyllis, do you know who is the one who is bankrupt? So they said they are sutala and muffler Safina mela Durham Allahu wa. They should Oh prophet of Allah. The one who is bankrupt is the one who has no dyrham no currency, and he has no possessions. So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to them that the one who is bankrupt is the one who comes forth on the Day of Judgment with a lot of good deeds. He comes forth with a lot of fasting and a lot of Hajj and a lot of zakat. So he comes forth with a mountain of good deeds.

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But he also came forth with bad manners, and he has insulted this person and he has hit that person and he may have lied against that person or killed that person. So they will take from his good deeds, they will take from his good deeds. Beware of this brothers and sisters in Islam. Because when you commit an offense against Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanaw taala might forgive you. But if you commit an offense against a human being, make sure you get forgiveness from them in this world, you make it up to them in this world, or they will take it from your most valuable possession, they will take it from your good deeds. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam describes this man who came on

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the Day of Judgment with a mountain of good deeds, he insulted people. So he starts to give them from his good deeds. And then when he has no more good deeds, when his good deeds expire, there's still a list of people that he has offended in this dunya. So he will start to take from their bad deeds. Until the prophet SAW Selim described he will be thrown into the hellfire.

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But let's contemplate this Howdy. Where does this take place? Where does it take place? Where is this the sphere? And the settling of accounts between the Muslims? Where does it take place? It takes place in front of the gates of Paradise in front of the gates of paradise. So let's contemplate how many stages and how many tests this man made and passed until he got in front of the gates of paradise. First, there is the difficulty of death itself, and on those for those who have good deeds, it's not that difficult. So he made it past the difficulty of the soul leaving the body and then he made it past the difficulty of the questioning the three questions in the grave, and he

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made it past the torment and the punishment in the grave. This person also made it past the difficulty of the Day of Resurrection itself.

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where Allah azza wa jal brings back to life, every human being that ever lived, and he sets them and lets them stand on one plane and level earth. And the sun is one mile away from people's heads, and people will stand there, naked, not talking, no joking, no side conversations, no smiling for 50,000 years, people will stand like that. But for those of you who do good deeds, it will seem like a short date. So he made it past that stage as well. Then he made it past being called in front of Allah azza wa jal, as everyone will come and stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala and will be asked about everything they did in this world. He made it past that stage as well. And he made it

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past the set up the bridge that's 500 years over the Hellfire sharper than a sword thinner than a hare and craftier than a fox. He crossed over

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Surat, Well, some people crawl, and some people fall and don't make it up again. But he made it and he passed and he got in front of the gates of Paradise, then the believers will be called again one by one, whoever has anything anything to settle with this person, come and take it from him.

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So can you imagine that he made it past all these difficult stages, and he's right there in front of the gates of paradise. And then he's thrown back into the hellfire. After all this thrown back into the Hellfire, even though we had a mountain of good deeds in the beginning, but he was thrown back because of his bad manners

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because of his poor luck, and so now we begin to see how in Islam, a flock is a very important part. It's an integral part of who you are. And it's not just something that you add on on top in the end. That's why one of the early Muslims that have demography Mashallah, he used to say that good deeds do not compensate for bad manners. Well, good manners may compensate for bad deeds.

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Good deeds, do not compensate for bad manners, your good deeds will not make up for your bad manners, just like we saw in the hudy. The man came forth with a lot of good deeds, but he came forth with bad manners and his bad manners ate away, took away all of his good deeds. That's why good deeds are not enough. They don't make up for your bad manners. And then he says, Well, your good manners, possibly they can make up for your bad deeds. How do we know that we know it from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam where he describes that nothing on the scale of the believer on the Day of Judgment is heavier than good manners. So when

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your good deeds are physically weighed on the Day of Judgment, the heaviest thing you would expect it to be your Salah, you would expect it to be yours, aka your hudge your own rock. But the heaviest thing on your skill on the Day of Judgment is your good manners. And that's why if you have a lot of good manners, it's possibly could make up for your bad deeds. So we'll begin to see then the importance of good a club that is not just something extra that you add on once you completed the Salawat. And once you completed other aspects of the religion, but it's an integral and very important part of who you are, and how you deal with people. And so many times you look at something

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that's great and reward, it goes back to having good manners. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the best amongst you. Scirocco hydrocone, one of

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the best amongst you are the best of you to their family. Then he says, and I'm the best amongst you, to their family. So we see again the best and it's related to a flower, the most beloved people to Allah, those of those closest to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam on the Day of Judgment, the best of you and Allah so many times when you see the best or great reward, you go back to the Hadith, and it has something to do with a flock, it has something to do with good manners.

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And so with that, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make use of those who are excellent in their manners and in their dealings with their fellow Muslims and with humanity in general. Apolo kolyada was tougher Allah Allah many welcome As you may know, first of Pharaoh Pharaohs and Mr. Green, ask Allah Subhana Allah for his forgiveness, surely those who asked for his forgiveness shall prosper.

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under law behind me, of salatu salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, early he was a big mine, and my bad.

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So now we begin to see how important this topic is. But it is so unfortunate that many times we attend hottap or we learned something that is important. And then our practice falls short. Our practice falls short. We all know that we're to have good manners with men and women, we're supposed to have good manners with the believing men and women with Muslim and also the non Muslim as well. And we,

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especially those of us who who live in countries where there are a lot of laws against physically injuring people or physically touching people, people will follow those laws, they will not inflict any physical injury on someone in certain countries. If you touch someone with the tip of your finger, it's considered physical assault. And so you'll find Muslims in those places. They will never touch anyone, but they will say the worst things about people. The worst thing is they will say because the law permits it, but they won't touch because the law doesn't permit it. But this is not how a believer behaves. And sometimes you find that in an Islamic court, the offense of the

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tongue is far more severe.

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In the fence of the hand,

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if we have someone who slept another or he who hit another person, if he takes him to court, the judge might make him pay a fine. Or he might ask the other person to hit him back in the same way of equal measure, not harder and not softer. But if someone comes to court, and he has accused a good believing woman of doing something immoral, here, he might be whipped, and he doesn't have enough witnesses, he will be lashed at times, he will be lost at times, because it's something that he said with his tongue. We see here the judgment being far more severe than an A then on something that is physical. But it was more severe on something that was said with the tongue. Sometimes the tongue

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can be far more damaging than what is physical. But so many times people, they don't have any regard for what happens and what is said by the tongue. And they care much more so if someone is hit, or he's physically pushed or something of that sort.

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But because now we understand the importance of this topic, we're going to care more about what comes out of our tongue inshallah. But the problem is, so many times people hear things and hooked up, and they hear things in tapes and CDs and lectures, and they read books, and they read articles, but nothing happens. But nothing happens after that.

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So make sure that when you come and you attend any football on you attend any class, that one of your goals and your intentions while going to that event is that you will learn something so you can come back and start applying it immediately. So you can learn it in order to apply. And this is how the companions of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam where they learned so they can apply, they did not learn just so they can gather and accumulate information and have the Hadeeth ready, so they can argue with other people about it. That's all people do. Now, they just learn this information and they argue, they sit at dinner, they argue about religion at breakfast, they argue about religion,

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they meet people in the street, they argue with them about religion. And that's not our job is to argue constantly to gather information just so we can argue, to gather information so you can act upon it. I will borrow the level on which came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he told him eliminate an Adobe salaat and in another generation eliminator and Adobe facility, was he Beatty teaching me how to add that I can use in my Salah, or that I can use in my salah and in my home. So he came to learn so he could go apply. So today we learned about the importance of good luck.

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And so many things the Prophet sallallahu wasallam has linked to your Eman as we said that are actually part of good a flap, even smiling with the Basilica he witchy Africa sadhaka even smiling in the face of your brother is a charity. But how many of us now test yourself how many of us smile at the face of everybody?

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How many of us always smile at people and even those who are in some people's sites or doing other jobs those who open doors for you how many people smile at them, how many people ask them about their personal affairs and if everything is okay.

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it is unfortunate that just within the one day that we've been in this country, we noticed that certain people when you give them Salaam they're surprised that you give them Salah, the people who clean the floors, the people who clean the bathrooms. When you give them salami and you smile at them, they are surprised that you give them Salaam they're surprised that you smile at them. Why? Because they're not used to it. Nobody smiles at them. Even though we claim to follow the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who used to make everybody feel important. Even children, the province seldom would make them feel important. But how many children now in the masjid, when you give Salaam den

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you shake hands with their father, the child won't extend his arm out because he's used to people ignoring him. The prophet SAW Selim made everybody feel important part of the proof of that during the Battle of butter on the way to better the proscenium stop the army and also on the way to a HUD. They stopped the army and they took all the young people out of the army. So the question is what were the young people doing there to begin with? The young people were there because they felt they were worthy. Because at that time, everybody felt they were worthy. And young people felt they were worthy. But we don't do that today, even though for sure everyone in this room is aware of that,

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that the process seldom used to behave in a certain way with people used to smile was always kind. But yet, we always fall short when it comes to application.

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And that's why it's so important for us now to renew and refresh our knee our intention this instant, that we're going to start to apply to the best of our ability. What we learned

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In any football and what we learn in any speech,

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and one of the one of the things about a flop is that part of it is hereditary, you acquire certain traits from your parents. And the other part is that you can acquire it by yourself. Because if you could not acquire it a low wouldn't ask it from you. So you can improve on your manners. That's why one of the one of the Bedouin Arabs, one of the Muslims, he came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then he says, that I have this, this crudeness, this harshness of the Bedouin, so give me advice. That's what he wanted from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he wanted advice so he can fix himself. So you get advice from your brothers and your sisters, about your Salah. So you can fix

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yourself, because every single one of us wants to improve. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam only tells this man, three words, and he changed his behavior until his death. For the rest of his life, he changed from three words.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells him fella to sabana do not curse anyone. And he says immediately feminists have up to 100 and what a shot and what a variable. From that day, I never cursed anyone. But not only that, he added to it. He never cursed any human being. But he added animals as well. Not even a sheep, not even a camel. Even that, and he stopped cursing immediately. And he didn't stop gradually, as people do now, and he didn't go back to it. He didn't stop for two weeks, and then go back to it. But why was it that three words change this man immediately and change his color and change his behavior? Just three words, because he was sincere in wanting to change. He was

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sincere when he came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to ask about something he came to ask because he wanted to change. So many people now they asked you about something and they don't want to change. So why are you asking? Why are you asking? So many people will ask you is what I'm wearing haram? And tell them? Yes, thank you. And they don't take it off. So many people ask me, is this permissible? You tell them no. And they keep doing it. So why did you ask?

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A young boy used to come to her, and she would teach him Howdy. She taught him to Heidi on the first day. And then he came back the next day. So she asked him, did you memorize? Did you act upon the Hadith that I taught you yesterday? Did you act upon it? Did you do it? And he said no. She said then why are you increasing the arguments of Allah against you?

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Because every time you know, this is the ruling in Islam. And you know, this is something you're supposed to do you memorize the ad, you don't do it. Allah has an argument against you, you memorized it? Perhaps the person who never heard it might have an excuse, but what excuse do you have? So I was teaching him? Why are you increasing the arguments of Allah against you? So why would you just gather knowledge, attend lectures, attend hooked up and listen to lectures, just for the sake of gathering information, and not for the sake of applying it. So inshallah we all renew and refresh our intentions right now that whenever we attend any lecture, or listen to any lecture, we

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do that with the intention of wanting to learn something, so we can go home and apply it. And we all now advise one another and accept advice when someone tells us about a certain act or mannerisms certain act of behavior, because we don't want to offend people in this dunya. Because when you offend people in this dunya, they take it from your most valuable belongings, they take it from your good manners. And that's why Sophie understorey, Rihanna, Hola. One time he was told about certain people that were saying bad things about him. They were saying bad things about him. So he sent them a bowl of dates, a gift, a bowl of dates with a note that said, I heard that you have assigned to me

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You have given me some of your good deeds, because there were speaking bad about him, he will take it back from their good deeds. He said, I have heard that you have given me some of your good deeds. I could not find anything to thank you with besides these dates, so please accept them from me. So try that the next time someone says something bad, instead of going and fighting and so forth, send them a gift and say thank you for giving me some of your good deeds. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to improve our flock.

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And I'm told to remind you that there is a there is a lecture here at funner. Tomorrow, which is Saturday, and there'll be flyers distributed around the place. So make sure to get a flyer make sure you you come and bring a friend and attend with the intention of learning something that you can apply. So with that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make use of those who hear the speech and follow the best of it.

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Aloma I didn't have to happen was a Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba

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last show us the truth as clear truth and assistance in following it and show us the falsehood as very clear false with ministers and abstaining from it. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to give victory to Islam, we ask Allah azza wa jal to give victory to the Muslims who are being dealt with and justly around the world, and to grant the freedom to all the Muslims who are being held unjustly worldwide. And we asked him to send his salah and Salam upon his final messenger Muhammad and upon his family and those who follow them upon righteousness until the Day of Resurrection. For lahoma Bermuda de la Motta Marsden, you as a fee allopathic within the sciatic wave Murphy he will win

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Happy Halloween. Yes me I

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mean by the

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