Kamal El-Mekki – Eating Habits In Ramadan Part 2

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of eating healthy and safe foods, including bread and oil, salt and pepper, and alcohol. They emphasize the need for control and practice eating habits to prevent overwhelming effects. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding bad deeds and staying true to one's beliefs. The speakers emphasize the need for practice and control, and encourage parents to teach children the value of healthy eating and practice healthy eating habits.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we'll look at some as we go. Some possible cures for these situations, especially with our mothers and our sisters.

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One of the things that the scholars give advice, if you don't don't shop when you're hungry for Ramadan, shop at night, because some people, they go shopping while they're fasting. So they become very creative. And they think that they can eat everything, and they shop and they bring food in excess.

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So they scholars, they shop at night. So you know, you've got your mental faculties back, and you can think straight and you're logical, and you buy enough food and you don't need

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shop, buy things excessively. And this is not how illustrata has had intended our eating,

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but could watch what I eat and drink and do not be wasteful or you're not exceeding that.

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So I'd like to look at some historical examples of eating perhaps, we're not as bad as these examples, but they're humorous for that sake, we'll look at them.

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It was, it was said that a wandering man, a man that was traveling, he came to the house of a hermit or someone that was living alone. And the men, the the host, he wanted to be nice to him because he's traveling, so I want to offer him some food. So he brings in four loaves of bread. And he tells him wait, I'm going to go get you some lentils, some done. Okay. So then when he goes to get the lentils, he comes back, and he finds that the man has eaten the four loaves of bread. So he leaves the lentils there, and he goes to bring him the bread. When he comes back, the man has eaten the lentils. So it goes back to get him more lentils and he comes back, the man has finished the bread.

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And they say that this goes on around 10 times. So then he asked the man, he says, where's your destination that they asked to travel. And the man told him that he is going to Jordan, the area of Jordan, because he heard of a very skillful doctor there that would cure his stomach because he was suffering from the lack of appetite.

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So then the man asked him, I ask you a favor, and the traveler said, Sure. He says, If you find that doctor and your stomach is is curious, please don't come by this route when you're on your way back home.

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It is also said that there was a wandering Arab Bedouin Arab and he attended the dining table of holly for one of the hot

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and then he served a roasted goat. And the men started rushing at it and devouring it very greedily, until the halifa tells him you eat of it as if his mother had buttered you. So he's telling him as if the mother of this goat hit you with its horns. You're so mad, you're getting revenge in the way you're tearing away at this goat. And then the man quickly responded to the Hollies, and you have pity on it as if it's motherhood speckled, do

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another shimmer did his name and he narrates about Solomon, Abdul Malik, who is one of the qualified, he was the halifa right before Ramadan, Abdul Aziz or Golan. And so I'm not the medic who is known for having a voracious appetite. If you find books about him, you'll always find the mention of his appetite. So this man is Chemin de la la he narrates saying that when Superman and the medic visited visited the city of a five, he accompanied with Omar Abdulaziz, he was accompanied with Omar and he came to me and he said, Oh, Shama, what have you got for me to eat? And I said, I have a fat goat for you. So he says, He urged me to bring it and I did. And he said, the goat was as

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if it were busser. He was so soft and tender the meat. So he says I, he said on eating from it without inviting Mr. Naugle as is, until he devoured all of it except for one leg. Then when he had one leg left, he turns to him and he said, Come on, or whichever, and almost said that he was fasting. So then Solomon ate the link. And then he looked at me and said, Well, we will do you shimmered? Haven't you got anything else? And I answered, I have six chickens as if they're the size of an ostrich. So he says, bring them to me. And I brought them to him, and he ate all of them. And then he asked me if I had anything else. And I told him that I had porridge that looked like gold

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flakes. And I brought it to him, and he swallowed it out. And then he says that, he asked his servant, he called his servant and asked if he had prepared the lunch for them. So this is like almost an appetizer. And the servant answered in the affirmative. And he asked what it was and and the servant said, I have a couple of pots. And then he says, bring them to me just one by one. And he says, The servant would bring some pots with bread. And so the man would eat about a third of each one until he finished all of them. And then he washed his hand and he lay in his bed. And then he says, later on the attendance called, and they came in and table was present, he sat down to

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input the people again. So I'm sure we're not all to this level. But this is just humorous examples to us. The

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Examples are humorous because they ate so much. But perhaps the way we eat so much would be appalling to the companions of the Prophet who have said them, because we eat so much in comparison to what they're used to. Another incident tells you and this shows how people used to how viciously they wanted to eat better when Arab ordered his son's to buy some meat for him. So they brought in the meat and they cooked it until it was done. So then he starts to eat of all the meat and then he was full and he left a little bit of meat and some bones. So now all his sons were looking at him expectantly, they wanted that the rest would go to them. So then he says, Now he is a wise man, he

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must say, which is the most deserving of his sons to get this meat. So he says, I'll give it to none of you except the one who would eat it properly. So then the first son said, I will chew it until no particle finds home they're in. And then he tells him, it is not yours, it's not for you. And then the next one says, I will chew it until it looks as if one whole year has passed since it was eaten. So this is strong intention here, and the father says them is not for you. And then the third son says that oh pulverize it and make its marrow as condiment. And then the father said at last, it's yours. So I'm sure that we don't eat to this degree, but we still eat so much that we need things

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after eating we need something to aid in digestion. After about a great ingestion, a cup of tea to aid digestion. The action takes place in the non smoking section, but who's paying the bill is the bigger question.

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This is how we eat we need something to help with digestion after that we need so this we need antacids, we need medication for indigestion when it gets x we need Urbino all the things that help people with their digestion. Now let's look at how some of the early Muslims used to regard eating. And we find that first of all, the Allahu narrates that the prophet SAW said them. He never spoke bad about a food. If he liked it, he would eat it. And if he disliked it, he would leave it. And the thing is, many of us know this, this howdy to the pros, never spoke badly about any food, he would leave it if he didn't like it. And if he liked it, he would eat from it. And yet so many people,

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they're so vocal when it comes to

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talking about food that they don't like, and when comparing it its taste to other things, and insulting the food and perhaps there might be someone who enjoys the food. And at the same time this is a blessing from Allah Zilla Genesis food, and people who don't have that. So we're sitting, and we start to insult on I hate this. And I hate that. And when should keep this aside. And perhaps this is one of the reasons because fathers and husbands complained so much if there's anything wrong with the food, that now our mothers are forced to spend so much time in the kitchen, to make sure that the husband doesn't complain about the food. And he shouldn't be complaining any anyways, if he

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doesn't like it, he doesn't eat it and he stays quiet. And he eats from what he likes. I also heard on the lawn who

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relates that the profits are low, I said them said that the meal for two people suffices three, and the meal for three suffices for this is how it should be. If there's food for two people they've prepared to that's enough for them. And the third person comes, it's enough for all three. And the same for three if there's a fourth person. And if you look at it now,

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the like the the, the orders that we get, when we go to restaurants, they're not for one. Realistically, if you want to eat like the sinner, many people can eat from that one plate. But if we want to go to the maximum of the sinner and fill a third two people should eat from one plate. And you go to a kebab place to give you so much rice and so much meat and so much bread and certain salad with it. And some of that little good stuff the sauce on the side. And then sometimes I go to these places with brothers, or before when I used to eat meat and brothers would say splits the serving is so small and is like a huge piece of bread it's like a

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huge like the size of a clown shoe. And, and the brothers complaining there's not enough food there. And I made a deal with one of my friends in our kebab eating days I told him, let's just get one plate and we'll eat it together. And we did it the first time and the second time he said get your own plate. I need my own plate. We eat so much we're used to that.

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let's look at the last one home. He used to for a while when Medina was struck with famine. He used to he swore that he will eat nothing but oil and bread so he doesn't want to be the greedy halifa who's eating

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roasted goats while everyone else is starving. So he said he's not going to eat anything but bread and oil until the starvation is lifted or the feminine lifted. So he eats just bread and oil. And in the said from the people who would be at his gathering, that they'll be sitting with him and his stomach was wrapped with with rumble. And then he would speak to his stomach, and he would tell it, you have nothing with us except for bread and oil. Can you imagine, especially someone in a place of power, leaving on something such as bread in oil, and I, as I say, many times, if we ever tried this, three days, we're going to start to write to bite our brothers and our sisters, because we

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need meat.

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So one day and in the brothers, you know, back, then they would get like the wheat or the grain, and then they would grind it. And of course, there was a strenuous job to grind it. If you want to make it very fine, you would have to spend a lot of time grinding that flour or the, the wheat. So his bread, the bread that he used to eat was very coarse that was had like bits of wheat in it. And you know, they are very hard when you're eating that. So he used to eat such rough bread with oil. So one day a man visits him. And he tells him

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tell them, why don't you eat with me. And the man says, No, he saw that the food was too rough faces now inshallah, later on I'm going to the people of so and so. And I'll have some of their their food and the bread is finer, and the food is a little bit better than this. So there will be a long line who shows him two things, he shows him one I know about good food. And two, I am capable of having good food, he doesn't do you see me not capable of ordering a young goat, look at the choice young goat and then have its hair removed just the hair up the skin. And then let it roast over a gentle flame for many hours. So that becomes soft like butter. And then order bread to be grown to be

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ground very nice and very fine. And then nice bread to be made from that are order that the wheat be grown very finely. And then nice bread to be made from that. And then I would order them to remove the skin from the goat. And I would order them to take some raisins and put it in water so that it becomes red like the blood of a deer. And then I will eat from this. And I will drink from that. showing him that I have the ability to do that. And I also know very well about good with gourmet and good food. But I choose to eat this. And look at this quote from Mr. della Juan, who He says He used to say woe to the one whose stomach takes him to the hellfire. What does that mean? He says he

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looked at it like

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that you can survive on anything.

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The believer can survive on any kind of food, it can be course bread and oil. So why would you ever let your stomach because of something haram that you ate, take you to the health part? Well, you could have lived on anything. So he used to say to your loved one who woe to the one whose stomach takes him to the health fire.

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Now, the act of eating too much it goes against many things in Islam. For one, it goes against the idea that we mentioned.

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One of the early Muslims said that Allah has put all of medicine in half an ayah. And then he recited this as local trouble.

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He's saying that Allah put half of medicine meaning your health and the key to being healthy in just half an IRA, and then he recites this. And eating too much goes also against the teachings of the prophet SAW Selim. As we saw in the study, that one is to eat little or enough to sustain a person. And we find people because they eat so much. They're not able to stand in thought I wish and they're not able to make some juice and they're barely able to speak. And I know many people don't like to mention things like this, but we suffer from the burping.

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And we stand there the person next to you burps and you know what they had for dinner, and they burping you know that they had nothing but a plate of garlic for dinner. And this becomes a distraction to you. And we know very well every one of us knows the Hadith that you're not supposed to eat anything with a foul or odor like garlic or onion before going to the masjid. And people now can focus on their Salah because now they have to hold their breath until this passes over. So these are all problems that happened because of eating too much. Not to mention the fact that the person himself who overeat is not able to worship Allah as energetically had they not eaten too much. So we

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find if you eat too much, one of the things you become sleepy are people right up to the all you can eat they want to go straight to bed after the buffet. Why is that? There are many reasons behind that one is that one of them is that your blood pressure drops and because you brought

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You don't pressure drugs, because not all the focus and the concentration has to be around the stomach where all the action is. So because of that, you feel lightheaded a little, and you think that you're sleepy, while it realistically your blood pressure has dropped a little. So you feel sleepy and you want to go straight to bed. And at the same time, there are other certain things if, for example, too much sugar goes into the blood, then insulin comes into the blood. And then insulin causes other chemicals to come. And these other chemicals give you the feeling of fatigue and being sleepy. Doctors will tell you that it takes 22 minutes for your brain to realize how much food is in

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your stomach. You've all heard this, right. And for this reason, if you if you're eating, and then you go to the phone, and you stay on the phone for a few minutes for 1015 minutes, and you come back, you don't feel like eating anymore, you feel full. A lot of you have experienced this right? Why is it that you feel full because now your brain has caught up with how much is in your stomach. And now you feel that your food. So one of the keys is to eat slowly. Because when we eat quickly, if I get so full, and then after eating quickly and eating so much, then I start to realize I'm full by the time the brain realizes how much is in the stomach, you're only this far away from exploding.

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they tell you eat slowly. scholars who say Eat slowly, the process element would eat slowly. And now there is an invention or a contraction, you put something in your mouth, I forgot what the name of it is, you put something in your mouth, and it can affect your speech slightly. And then they say you can learn to speak with it. The but you only put it in your mouth at the time of eating. And it only allows you to chew at a certain speed and to eat so much. So what is this when I need to put something in my mouth to control how much I eat? And do I not have enough control? Where I can just stop myself from eating too much? Why do I need to put a consumption in my mouth to stop? Or to

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limit my eating? Why do I need to staple my stomach? Usually it's the animals who are the ones who don't have control the difference between human beings and animals. Among the differences that human beings have self control, animals have no control. Ever see an animal that were that was hungry and then sell food and said oh, wait till later, they eat immediately. They're impulsive like that.

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And certainly sometimes in school, they teach us that the only difference between humans and animals they tell you that that man is is an animal. But the only difference is the opposable thumb. We have an opposable thumb. And that's difference between us. And then we can use tools. And that's a physical difference. real difference is that we have control we have we can control ourselves.

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So we look how the professor said them. After breaking his fast he would eat just a few dates, before going to the masjid for Salah. So he goes to the masjid with just a few days and some water in his stomach that alone He said, and Scott is also comment on the date that when you when you eat a few days, it fills you more than the physical space that two days take up. So you go to the salon, and you're not absolutely famished, and at the same time, you are not stuffed. So the problem is we go to the salon, and we're so stuffed with food.

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And I was in a mess at one time and someone who was so stuffed, and he was moving very carefully and very slowly and at the same time when he still made his sujood over food exited.

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So one of the things we don't want to eat too much. At the time of this talk, we said that when the hunger in the stomach is hungry, the other parts are full. And when the stomach is full, the other parts become hungry. But people after it started, they become so full, other parts become hungry. And that's why if you compare the deeds, the actions of the people during the night of Ramadan, you see that they sin typically more during the night than they do during the day. Why? Because the stomach is full. Now you're looking for other activity and other excitement and other action. One of the benefits that we lose if we eat too much is we also lose this ability to control our desire into

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the control our self our next because when your nuts or your self is hungry, it stays away from the bad deeds. It has no power and no strength for desires. And this is the essence of fasting is that it weakens the desires. And the desires are an avenue that the shavon leads people with to evil deeds. So we're supposed to realistically eat the same way that we eat before Ramadan, or at least in the same capacity. But people insist the food to the max and in that way they lose the lessons of self control and persistence or self control that being exposed to learn during the month of Ramadan. So we mentioned that hunger makes us feel pity

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It makes the rich feel

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pity for the poor. And it makes them feel also this equality. So one of the one of the early Muslims was asked why was fasting legislated? And he said, so that the rich can feel the hunger and not forget the poor. But brothers and sisters, we need to act on this. It can't just be that we know this is one of the reasons and that's it. And we don't act on it. We find that the early Muslims, Abdullah, would allow me to be humble and many others, they would give their food at the time of his thought to a poor person, if they come into a poor person comes into the house to give the food that they had for a star. What does this mean? It's not like they have a fridge where there's more food

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that's prepared. because of a lack of fridges, people, typically, they prepared enough food for that one meal,

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because the rest couldn't go in the freezer. So some of the early Muslims would give the food that's prepared in front of them, this is what they're going to eat for his thought. And they would give it to the poor and stay the night hungry? Because the question is, how do we feel hungry?

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How do they feel the hunger of the poor when we stuffed ourselves that night, so it's just a temporary starvation, and then we'll make up for it. When it's time for marketing.

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We see how this how they used to feel the pain of others of their 100 over the alumni home. At the time of this thought they brought him two kinds of food

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is one of the five now the companion or their loved one. It's time for a start. They put two kinds of foods in front of him he begins to cry. So they asked him, Why are you crying, he said, I remembered most of it no matter what your loved one.

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before accepting Islam needs to be known as one of the most wealthy and luxurious and best dressed and most spoiled of the young men in Mecca. It always had on the best clothing, the best oils. And after Islam, his mother stars him and he she sends him out of the house. And he lives in poverty after that. One day he appears upon the companions of the Prophet in Salem. And they looked at him and they looked down and he starts to shed tears, why he used to have been so well dressed and so good looking. And now they seem he's so poor, all of it because he said, Allah is my Lord. So I'm the husband of Christ. And he says, I remember my father, who died when he died. And we did not find

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anything to cover him with except a cloth. If we covered his head, his feet would show. And if we covered his feet, his head would show. So he's saying this is one of the one of the great Muslims who sacrificed so much for Allah. And when he died, we were there was not enough, even not even a cloth to cover all of his body. And then look what he says. And he says, and now we eat from all these different kinds of foods. And I feel that Allah has given us the good in this life. So what is the thing? He's saying that

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this is the poverty back then. And now Allah is giving us all these different kinds of foods, and how many we say they put in front of him to two and he cries.

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So he's saying that I'm afraid that Allah is giving us the good in this world, and there is no good for us in the hereafter. And this is just from his talk. What are the alojado? So the hunter Alfie Christ because they put two different kinds of food in front of him. And what if he sees the average table today, sometimes up to eight or nine different types of food with varying colors and fixtures and odors? And no one says it here. So

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the reality is those who grew up in luxury, never taste the hunger and the pain, and they don't know what others feel of staying hungry. So the question is, why is it that we do not feel the pain of Muslims who pick up grains, they follow these trucks that bring them aid, or they follow any whatever is left over in the market, and they pick up from the ground the grains, just gather them up, and then go and boil them and eat that? Why is it that we don't feel their pain, and to feel the pain of other Muslims who go and dig up to the burrows of the end, to take what the ants have gathered over the years and they boil it and they eat them. They say the one who is full doesn't

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feel the pain of the one who is starving. But with fasting, it's an opportunity to get this feeling. And we can lose this feeling if we eat too much. So they say that the one who knows the value of a blessing is the one who doesn't have that blessing. So when we have no food in our stomach, we truly understand the value of food. And what a great blessing it is. And the more we know that something is a great blessing the more we should then immediately increase in prayer and gratitude in thanking Allah subhanaw taala for that blessing. But again, excessive eating and drinking makes us lose all of these feelings.

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So the meal of the day and the shift special has become one of the main aspects of the month of Ramadan unfortunately, but the message

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We're not saying, don't eat, and we're not saying don't cook, we're saying do that in moderation. So that one, we don't lose the benefits and the purpose, the intent of the month to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And to excel in doing that, and to not lose all the other benefits that come from not overeating, as we have mentioned. And we'd like to give

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advice to our fathers, and remind them first. So thank Allah for the for his blessing and to teach your family to thank Allah for the blessings of food. And we are living, especially in a country where people throw away food, like it's not a problem. It goes somewhere, they order something, they throw half of it straight in the trash, and they eat the other half. Why did you do that? I don't eat that. Why did you order it and only cost $1. People don't know that value of food. So we want to teach our children the blessings in the value of this blessing of food. And we want also to feel the situation that Muslims around the world. And not only just feel it, but follow that up with actions.

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And this is our biggest problem is that we know a lot of things, but we don't follow up with actions. And we want to also allow our wives and our mothers to make time for Allah.

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The husband should be the one who tells her don't make too many different kinds of food. And he should be the one who sits down with her and they make a plan for Ramadan, we're not going to spend in excess and buying food and cooking too much, which means we're going to throw away a lot of food.

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And he's the one who should it should be his plan that he wants to eat normally like someone and look like any normal person during the other months, and not like someone who's about to face starvation.

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And as a note here, sometimes people they have too many invitations. And of course feeding, fasting and feeding combined are one of the reasons to enter Paradise. But at the same time, if these invitations go for way too long, and if it puts too much of a stress and a burden on the wife or on the mother, then these they should be limited as much as possible, so that everyone has time to worship Allah, these invitations, sometimes people come in, they sit, and they sit until it's a few minutes before turn away. That's when everyone leaves. But the mother still has to do a lot of cleaning after that. So she may miss the silhouette and miss the actual intent of the blizzard

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month. So realistically, if it's a destruction in the house, then you can make food and send it to the masjid or send it to MSDS or universities or wherever you know where people gather. Muslims gather together and you will get the same reward because the whole goal is to get the reward of the people who eat of the food that you have prepared. And also it is not the month of exercising and not the month of losing weight. Many people the only exercise is Ramadan, never ever during the rest of the year. And we see this in Muslim countries particularly and Allah has blessed us to, to a degree that we don't see some of this here. When Ramadan. You're going through the machine you see

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the country outside jogging, everyone's running their sweat pants and sweat suits, and they're jogging. And then that's it, no one goes to me few people go to turn away. So it's not the month of exercise, it's not the month of losing weight. And when you eat too much it takes from your energy to worship Allah subhanaw taala of the early Muslims they have said do not eat too much so then you will drink too much and then you will sleep too much and then you lose so much. So that is the last data to make use of those who are moderate in their spending and moderate in the way that they eat and asked him to strengthen us in and give us the ability to worship Him as He has designed during

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the month of Ramadan.

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Mr Malcolm masala hamara Muhammad Rasul

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Allah handig a sugar nyla

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