Jamal Badawi – Tearful Eyes – Heavy Responsibility of Being a Witness

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding the title in Arabic language is discussed, as it describes a specific area or topic. The discussion touches on various topics related to Islam, including the meaning of Jesus, the topic of the Holy Spirit, and the use of "ar passion" in the Bible. The importance of witnessing before Islam is emphasized, along with the need for people to be mindful of their actions and be true to themselves. The need for people to be sensitive to political and moral dynamics of Islam is emphasized, along with the need for people to be true to themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm off work

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and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa shadow Allah Illallah Julio Salah Hain ye shadow aniseed and whenever you have even a Muhammad Rasul Allah, cotton will NBA when mousseline,

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my dear brothers and sisters Islam as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah my village Brothers and Sisters in Islam and brothers and sisters in humanity from all other faith communities. I greet you with the greeting of Islam as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah here when occurred, which means me the Peace, blessings and mercy of Allah, the One true God of all be with you.

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The course the topic description has been one of the most liberal and if you look in your,

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your program, the only thing it says is quoting one particular area from the Quran, namely, that the 41st area in Surah thinness and the fourth surah in the Quran, there is no other directives given. I like some of those topics because it leaves you free to interpret it and approach it in any way that you feel comfortable with.

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But then one important aspect of understanding the Quran

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is to keep in mind what we call the textual context, not only historic, historical context, but the textual context. What does that mean? Well, it means that there are some ideas that might be like might say, stand alone, you can understand it, without necessarily looking into the verses before and after there are some instances of that fat alum and Nakula ilaha illallah know you that there is no God. But Allah, it's useful, of course, to see the context texturally. But you can really very much grasp the meaning of the area alone.

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But there are many, many other areas in the Quran, where it is very helpful not only to look at the broader context, textual context, that is the whole Quran, in a given topic, could appear in so many sources in the Quran, but you have to cut it together in order to have better understanding.

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In this particular area, it may be understood reasonably well

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by looking into a narrower context, the yet that I've seen before and the one after that. So, you might notice that I'm starting even long before that, the last part of verse 36 of swords in Nyssa.

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For each of those quotations in sha Allah,

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I will be reading it in the original Arabic

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I will be using basically very heavily actually, the translation by Muhammad acid with very, very minor modification, such as changing the term God to Allah.

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I happen to believe in that and for decades, I say that, or I believe that

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the term God theoretically in English, theoretically, you can add s to it, and it becomes gods and plural.

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You can add ESS then you're talking to a female God, Goddess, or goddesses, linguistically, at least.

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But amazingly, in the Arabic language, there are no such forms of love Dolgellau Allah or the term Allah. And other word linguistic it is impossible, there is nothing like Allahu Allah, or Allah has. It is a term that is unique without any other format. And that is more appropriate in referring to Allah subhanaw taala as neither male nor female, and the fact that sometimes when scripture you read like he is simply because you don't have in, it's a short shortcoming of language itself. You have either he she or it it's not appropriate, if you say he, somebody might lie by Nachi if you say she was not see, this is a conveyance of meaning because of the short shortage of language. So this is

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one reason. There might have been a few occasions

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is also that I tried to change Shakespearean English to common days English I think I might have missed one instead of using thou just you so these are of minor nature but in essence the credit goes to Muhammad Asad. Mahalo, I began again for the shortness of time with the last part of an area because that is what is connected directly to our topic. In Allah Allah your Hibou mankind I'm a hotel and for hora.

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Verily, Allah does not love any of those who are full of self conceit act in a boastful manner. We're still away from 41 That's 36 part of 76

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Just think about the context

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And Levine Aoba Haroon, our Morona, NASA will, why act to moon hula hooping fugly what artisanal carefully in other Mahina

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those who are negatively and pit others to be negatively and concealed whatever Allah has bestowed upon them out of His Bounty, and so we have read it shameful suffering for all who thus deny the truth.

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Okay, let's move to 38

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and 38.

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We read

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while Latina kupuna and wild hungry nurse, whether you know Nabila, he will I believe will airfares are maniacally shaitan Allah who will Corinne and Fussa Farina

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and Allah does not love those who spend their possessions on others only to be seen and praised by others.

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The while they believe neither in Allah, nor in the last day, and he of course, and or she and he who has set in for a soul mate, how even a soulmate he is

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We're getting close to the area, that is the topic

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one or the other, you him love man will be law he will Yomi fakuma Rocklahoma Allah, what can Allah who will be him Halima

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and what would they have to fear? If they would but believe in Allah and the Last Day and spin in his way out of what Allah has granted them as sustenance since Allah has indeed full knowledge of them

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and now the immediate area before the area that is represented topic of today

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In hola hola. Yet Lima with Carla Vera. We're in Tallahassee Nathaniel life, where you're at Mill lagoon agilon Hobbema.

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Verily, Allah does not wrong, anyone by as much as an atom's wheat. And if there be a good deed, if that deed is good, meaning he will multiply it and will restore out of His grace, a mighty reward.

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Now we come to the central idea for this topic.

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I hope you've formulated an idea now about how people behave the things that should be avoided, what they are missing of multiplication of the good deeds.

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Then we did this

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case at the NAMM and quit Mattoon. Bucha he didn't Vika Shahida.

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How then

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will the sinners that we talked about before profile was presented?

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Will the sinners fears on the Day of Judgment, when we shall bring forward witnesses from within every community

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and bring you or Muhammad or or Prophet sallallahu Sallam as witness against them? Of course witnesses here according to move Assyrian the commentators in the Quran refer actually to prophets. Every prophet will come to give witness

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against his people who rejected the truth, testifying before Allah that He has conveyed the message, but they didn't listen.

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Okay, just to give one more after that and come back to this, again, to look at the occasion, or something and heavies that relate to this area.

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It could include that session or section I'd say,

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Yo, maybe the word to Lavina Cafaro was our Rasul Allah to somewhere behind on earth. Why extra mon Allah Hadith and those were bent on denying the truth, and paid no heed to the apostle or messenger will on that day wish that the Earth would swallow them, but they shall not be able to conceal from Allah, anything that has happened.

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Now is there anything that hadith and this is also useful methodology? We've seen the reference in the Quran and because of time just even the immediate textual context after that, we find a different topic in the following verses.

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But it is also essential maybe in that order to find out if there is any sound or authentic hadith that relate to this A and Hadith Yes,

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we find narrated in Buhari

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the most important authority on summon Hadith

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told Abdullah ignoramus Ruth

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he said to him, recite the Quran to me.

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Abdullah Agnes Earth was really, you know, puzzled.

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I read the Quran to the Prophet, the Prophet was the teacher of all in the Quran. He said, Should I recite it to you, and it was revealed to you as it was sent down to you.

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Look at the hump humility of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in new hippo and Esma who mineraI

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but I'd love also to hear it from other than me from others.

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So I'm gonna start reading from Surah Nisa.

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When he reached that particular verse,

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that when we get witnesses, ie profits, and growth you or Muhammad as witness to your people, to your contemporaries, he said, Hasmukh, stop, stop.

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So it said, I looked at the face of the prophets, Allah, Allah, Allah he was

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and he found that his eyes were shedding tears.

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Were shedding tears.

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can argue

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that perhaps, he feels sad for them, that they brought this destiny, bleak Destiny upon themselves?

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Maybe they miss all the reward that Allah gives multiple. I call it the arithmetics of grace. You do one wrong it's written one wrong. You do one hacer una it could be minimum 10 times 700 times and yet avoids okay it says wala who you'll die for the man is Allah even multiply not only seven and Allah multiply even for whoever he wished, depending of course, on the extent of sacrifice, and the sincerity of that.

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But then we can look again to the Quran to see what does it say about the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Now, moving to the second page, there are only two pages

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and I hope this makes it easier to follow.

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One important reason we can derive and we find lots of evidence for that in the Quran.

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Is that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had really, really genuine love of people.

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You including his opponents, yes, including his opponents.

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He was very earnest to guide his people or people in general because he was central admin for all human beings, Muslims and otherwise.

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That love for guidance is but one aspect of a centered quality of profit margin.

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mutt sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is summed up so beautifully in the 107 area. And so that's an MBA Surah 21 Alma of Seneca Ihlara Martin, Lil al Amin nutlin muslimin. Alone, they'll either mean

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and thus,

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or profit we have sent you as an evidence of our grace or mercy towards all the worlds

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allow me to stop for a minute on the use of the term al Amin in plural.

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We often talk about an island everything. Yes, I mean in Florida,

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for he was Rama for human beings, whether Muslims or others, and he was keen to help all.

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Secondly, he is Rama and mercy from Allah to Jin

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Those who

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Inessa Marina Khurana Niger been yeha de la Rushdie for Amman NaVi you know Jin is a is like a generic term referring to this special kind of creatures who shares something with angels, something with humans, freedom of choice.

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And according to the Quran, one minute Muslim Munna, Amin Nakazato. And some of us are believers submit to Allah. Others are wrongdoers. So here's the Quran tell us about Navarro, managing a group of jinn

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who listened to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam recited the Quran at night. And they say we heard a wondrous Quran guiding to rushed to reason.

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So we have believed in it. That's why they have this believing gin. So he was Rama for gin. He was Rama for the world of animals. And we find numerous Hadith, echoing the Quran and its

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approach of kindness toward animals that could be a whole presentation by itself, nothing new, just right there in the Quran, as well as that hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was Rama to the world of vegetation,

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as we find in his instructions, to abstain from destruction, unnecessary destruction, the prohibition of cutting trees, fruitful trees

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in the warfare if there is no pressing strategic reason to do so. He is Rama to other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala bring to our attention to appreciate all the creation not only the living creation, when he passes by the mountain of code, and he says this is a mountain that loves us, and we love it. What does it mean to love the mountain to go up the mountain and embrace and smoosh on all sides? Or obviously here they're talking about? We love it because it's a creation from Allah to remind us of what the Quran say also about the aesthetic part not functional part, not only in animals and vegetation, but also mountains I mean algae barely do that don't be don't have the Food

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and Wine haha. Robbie was sued in mountains which has different colors and use. He teach us that he is Rama also to the resources like water, passing by one companion making evolution for Salah and splashing water carelessly. He says what is this? The man said? Is that any excess in using water, a messenger of Allah? He said yes, even if you're making Moodle from a running river, you can give evidence of that evidence that this Rama in fact, is all impressive to all the creation of Allah, not one word. But I mean, world's in Florida.

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And when it comes to humans, the most important creation of Allah, we find there is evidence from the Quran that he was so grieved that people will reject him not personally. For them. He cared for them for the kuffaar who rejected even the truth. Look at this area in Surah Tilka

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Fela unlockable Neff sack him Ilam you know we had that hadith SFR

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but would you perhaps the address here is from Allah to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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Would you perhaps torment yourself to death with grief over them, if they are not willing to believe in this message that will continue, but don't kill yourself of grief that is he was in bad shape. There is a similar idea in the Quran, Allah, Allah Kobelco NAFSA. And they are gonna want me in a very similar meaning to emphasize. But then there is something that is very interesting, related Hadith about the kindness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even towards the rejecters of faith, and still hoping to guide them.

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That was Narrated by Abu Hurayrah at the hola Juan.

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He said, I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, My parable and the parable of the people

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is that of a man

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who can build a fire.

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And when it's illuminated, what was around it, math, and other insects began to fall in the fire. The man tried, meaning his best to prevent them,

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meaning from falling into fire.

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But they overpowered him and rushed into the fire.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam added, Now, similarly, I take hold of the nuts of your waist,

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hold you from your waist from your belt

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to prevent you from falling into the fire, but you insist in falling into it obviously, address is not necessarily to the Sahaba already accepted the mission of the Prophet SAW Salem. But it is actually a description of those who insist on rejection of truth. Many of you might, perhaps can find a parallel of this very, very

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artistic description of hidayah.

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Have you ever done some barbecue, right? You get the barbecue and then you have the fire there or whatever.

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And then you find the animals actually the insects and most rushing, you don't have to have barbecue. By the way, if you have a lamp at home, don't you notice that also they rush into the shape of the lamp. If it's you know, in that shape, they rush into it and get burned, and they keep coming.

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So it's just the same like the butterflies. The Moth humanity is, is continuing to rush itself into fire to get burned. And the President is trying to save as many people as possible, not like the motto of those who claim to belong to Islam, and they simply want to see as many heads are cut to save as many souls as possible is the readmission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and concludes what is it all about, then?

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What is the essence of this efforts and grief of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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is to be Shahidan before Allah subhanaw taala to witness on his own now.

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What does it mean to be witnesses of Allah? There are many areas but I chose one and then very finishing very soon inshallah the 143 In the Surah Al Baqarah, the second surah

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what can Delica Anelka Mata wasa SATA, Lita, Kuno, shahada, either NAS way Hakuna rasuluh alikoum Shahida, Allah Subhana Allah addresses as he says, and thus we have will, you will do but whether we achieve that through our behavior and abiding by his guidance, it's left to us. But Allah will do. We will do to be a community or an OMA, which is a better word than nation, or even community. It's a community of believer, regardless of time and space

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of the middle way, I'm not particularly happy with the 10, middle way, middle between which points, but I'm just conveying the translation but adding my preferred translation, just be balanced, some translated moderate, but a better translation in my humble view, giving you the political reality of what the word moderate means to some people, just a balanced Omen, so that with your lives, you might bear witness to that

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Truth before all human being, and that the apostle or the Messenger of Allah meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, bear witness to it before you so he's a witness on us. And we are supposed to be witnesses for Allah also to the rest of humanity.

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To conclude, then, how to bear witness to the truth, the truth of Tao hate, the pure monotheistic faith, of all of the prophets, and its implication in our lives.

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Yes, we can do it by word, spoken, written, recorded, you name it.

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We can do it by service to humanity.

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And I felt as much sympathy with those who are suffering suffering in Nepal,

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even though Muslims are small, persecuted minority, as much as I feel for other people who are suffering all over the world, in a more tragic way even

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service to humanity is not a luxury.

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service to humanity is not a political correct statements or action. service to humanity is something that is founded love will see and talented in the Quran and Sunnah. In fact, some topics that I have been invited to speak about frequently here and elsewhere, I give the title to it actually, serving Allah through serving humanity, or serving humanity is serving Allah subhanaw taala. So that's the topic by itself, it's not election.

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But most importantly, we can be witnesses to Allah subhanaw taala. Through our good example, when people look at Muslims, and find that there is a big gap between the ideas that they confess that we live in, and their actions, it is not very helpful in Dawa, historically, people who came to Islam, in droves all over the world. It was not as much as listening to lectures that was part of it, reading this or reading that. It was, as reported, because of the good examples of some Muslims that they saw. That began to ask them what makes you at peace. What makes you honest in your dealings, and the opposite is true. Some people do that our and some people do the our opposite, drive people

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away from interest in Islam, the final words that we need, indeed, to study because 20 minutes doesn't give us much more time to go in detail. Study, the example of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, not only in his ethics, in his character, that the Quran describes where in Nicola Allah, hello can have him so that will tell him, You are indeed, on a high pedestal of moral behavior. And the shahada is not coming from the human, this is the witness and testimony of ALLAH SubhanA. himself about him,

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we have to find out also, aside from this, his wisdom, whether

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innate wisdom, or wisdom through inspiration from Allah subhanaw, taala, or a combination, that how he dealt with people, especially people who differed with him. Just one example. Great entering into Maccha, victoriously everybody submitted, nobody can resist.

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And people gather around the Kaaba, say, What do you think you guys I'm going to do to you? And many might have been thinking, this is the time of bloodshed. This is the time of settling accounts about all those who have been harassed and humiliated because of their faith. And then the general amnesty practically, gender amnesty, very, very rare exception of people to what, dozen or so less than a dozen, who might be called war criminals. Actually, it happened for Antonio tilaka. You go, you're owed free. There is a reference also sometimes quoted that he quoted from Sue that use you know, when Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam went back to Egypt, and then his brothers began to apologize to him

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for all the wrong they did to him. That profits are seldom quoted letter three, Hola, como Leone. I tell you what, Joseph said, Use said to his brother, there is no blame on you these days. May Allah forgive you all. We have to study that and find how he won the hearts of even non believers. The case of a man who came to him and

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admitted later, I came and there is no one that I hated more than the Prophet sallallahu. And the prophet does him a favor. And he goes to his people, and he says, to come in and the hyenas, I came to you from the best of human beings. So the most hated one to the most beloved one, and examples on that are too many. After all, as the Quran directors, naka de cannula comfy Rasulillah he was watching hacer una de mankind Ayatollah will Yeoman Phaedra was a Corolla cathedra Verily, in the Messenger of Allah meaning Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in this context. You have a good example for everyone who looks forward with hope and all to Allah. And the last day and remember, Allah on CZ

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala Nica among those me salam ala

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