Ismail Kamdar – Virtues of the Ansaar

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the feeling of people migrating from their hometown to Islam, including the importance of protecting and being an "unsolved" person in order to achieve their goals. It also touches on the idea of helping others in their lives, such as being an "unsolved" person and helping others in their lives. The transcript does not provide any additional context or information.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah, Madhu and as the guru one minute we hit the workaholic one how do we learn Himanshu? Ruri and fusina when we see ya Dr. Molina Miyagi Hilda who for them will they love me you know for that hottie that my brother

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for God call rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who will answer me now Eman.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to love the answer is from Iman.

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And in another Hadith he stated that whoever loves the answer is a believer. And whoever hates the answer is a monastic, a hypocrite.

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Today, I want us to take some time to reflect on the story of and the status of the answer.

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Because this is, in my opinion, the most undervalued part of the sahaba. When we talk about the Sahaba and the lives of the Sahaba, most of us are familiar with the lives of the MaHA JRun. The immigrants, they are familiar with the story of Abu Bakr and Omar and Osman and Ali Abdullah one much mine. We are familiar with the story of the ashram, Oba shara, and Omaha to mumineen. But many of us many of us need may not be as familiar with the stories of the people of Medina.

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We know that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam preach Islam in Makkah for 13 years. And towards the end of those 13 years, things got so difficult that he had to seek a way out here to look for somewhere else to live. And Allah subhanho wa Taala opened the doors for him to move to yesterday, which will become Medina. And so when he and his companions moved to your trip,

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the people of your trip, the believers of your trip we welcome them in who took them into their families who treated them as their own family. These people became known as the answer to help us and those who had moved from Makkah to Medina, they became known as the more * rune, the immigrants. And so from that point, the Sahaba of two categories. We had the Mahajan rune and the Ansel, we have those who emigrated from Africa and those were born in Medina.

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But what I want us to get there today is to understand who the answer were in terms of the importance in our religion, who the unsavoury What is the story, what is the legacy, and why we should take time to learn the biographies to understand who they are, and to love them. The hadith we put in the beginning say that the love of the answer is part of Emaar. But if you know somebody, you can't really love them, you can't really appreciate them if you don't know their story. And that's a problem that many of us have, that we know of the answer as this terminology, or we don't know of the answer, in terms of what they went through what they sacrificed what they did, what they

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accomplished, and even what the names were.

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So let's go to the story of the unserved opportunity, appreciate who these people were and what role they played in the history of Islam.

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Medina, as we know it today, that then it was called your trip, right? It was a small town of palm trees. And in your trip, there were two Arab tribes, the oats and the Asajj. These two Arab tribes, the oats in a hodgepodge, were constantly at war with each other. So this town was constantly in a state of civil war, with these two tribes always at each other's throats. Living around a town where Jews there were three Jewish tribes living around the town in their own fortresses. And these Jews controlled the marketplace. David, the businessman of the area, the Arabs were farmers and the Jews were businessmen. And together that's how the economy ran. And what would happen was these Jewish

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tribes actually move there, because their daughter had predicted what they had learned from the Torah and predicted from the Torah that the last prophet will arise in that city. That is where the last prophet would be. So they moved to your trip and they formed the communities in your trip, hoping that the last prophet will rise to amongst them in the afternoon. And they used to tell the Arabs when the last prophet comes, we are getting rid of all of you and this is going to be our land. So this is the city and the climate in which the unsolved come about. Now what happens

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around the same year that we call the year of sorrow, right, the yo when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lost his beloved wife Khadija a regular one has lost his uncle Abu Talib was chased out of toys around that same time, why all of that's going on in Raqqa. In your trip, a civil war breaks out between the o's and the husband. And this civil war was known as the war of wealth. That's because that's the place where it took place. And this war was absolutely *. It was a massacre. All of the leaders of

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Both sides were killed. So in one battle, both the o's and the Asajj lost almost all of the elders, the entire generation of this tribe was wiped out. And in light of that, in light of an entire generation of elders and leaders being wiped out, their children now have to take over running the tribes. So now suddenly, the Arabs, the Arabs have mitochondria trip. These small tribes and the leaders are often the teenagers really deleted on yesterday, but that at this time, are people who are between the ages of 15 and 25. Very, very young men with no experience yet in life. But they all have one thing in common. They are tired of fighting each other. They are tired of the words, they

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saw the wars destroyed their family, they saw the words, tear apart the community, they saw their own parents killed, and they are tired of the war. So these leaders, one of the first things they decide to do, because they're tired of fighting the tide of environment, they just want to get out. They say, Let's go for Hajj. Let's go for Hajj. And so about 12 of the leaders of the different tribes of the ocean, hundreds go remember ocean Asajj other mega tribes and each of these tribes is split into smaller tribes. So 12 of these leaders, all young men, they leave your trip and they go to Makkah for hajj around that time. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's by the Hajj during

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the hour to every delegation that comes and he speaks specifically to those delegations that are powerful. They have elderly tribal leaders who are known for their power and for their might have an influence over society and the other people he's doing our to hoping that they will convert and invite him to their city and protect him. This is the same reason why he went to toys. And then he sees this group of young men and they want to hear His message. And he's this one is just him and Abu Bakr and Ali walking around doing Dawa and Abu Bakr, overcorrect Yan who has this special skill, and he has the special knowledge and skill set or somebody has lost art in our times, which is the

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knowledge of lineage. He can tell like, you know, you get the old uncle to tell you you relate to this guy, this person, your cousin, and that person's, the auntie, they know everyone how they related to each other. Our Buckler was gifted at this. If he met anyone, he knew that person's family, he will tell you, Oh, can you relate to this person in this way and that way, and this is a skill and this is an art form. And it's a very important skill, one that's dying out these days, but it's very important skill. So what Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was doing was every time he went to do Dawa, to, he will ask Abu Bakr to tell him how they are related and how they are connected and to

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tell him about the lineage and the tribal influence. So in this group of young men come from here to Abu Bakr tells him, these are your relatives from your trip, right? Because when Sula, grandfather and mother and mother were from that region, that these are your relatives of your trip, and they are orphans and they are young, and they don't have power. They don't have money, but they want to hear us out. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam sits with these young men, very young men, and he needs them to Java, and he recited to them Quran. And he explained to them Islam, and all of them take the shahada, all of them convert to Islam on the spot. Because they recognize that these Jewish

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tribes are telling us a prophet is going to come a prophet is going to come, here's the Prophet, let's embrace him plus, and he recognized him all the signs of truthfulness, and this is the honest profit. This is the this is the true prophet of Allah, should they not only convert to Islam, but they become staunch followers of Islam, they become the staunchest supporters of Islam. And so these young men, they told the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, send someone back with us, who can teach our people to religion. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chooses a young man from Makkah by the name of Musab even Amir. And he sends him with this delegation to your trip to teach the people

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Islam. So most of even on air becomes the first day, the first person given the job to go to another city to do Dawa. And he goes to yatra. And he sits with each of the tribal leaders. And he does Dawa to them. And one by one, the leaders of Yathrib convert to Islam. And what happens and ripple effect he gets he does Dawa to one leader, that leader goes to his people and say I'm a Muslim. Now you all get to become Muslim, and many of them become Muslims. Same thing happens with the next tribe. Next same thing happens to the next tribe. One year later.

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A delegation of over 70 people from Medina come for hutch, all of them Muslims, and they go to meet Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi, wasalam in secret, and they make a pledge to you. And they make a pledge that you and your followers can come and live in Medina and we will protect you we will provide for you. We will die for you. They made a pledge to defend these people with their lives. Keep in mind that they don't even know them on a personal level. Right? They didn't know the other person. These are two different cities were two different political situations. And these are young men. These are people who don't have much influence, right. These are people who don't have much

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money and power compared to what the people of America had been

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They had Iman. They had true Mr. They truly believed in a message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were willing to die for him. So they took a pledge of allegiance. And so the Hijra began, the Hijra began. And group by group. The people of Makkah, the Muslims are markers that moving through your trip, until eventually you Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself moves from Makkah to your trip, and then they change the name of your trip to Madina, Munawwara or Medina to Nabhi, the city of the Prophet.

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Now, what we fail to understand about the story is how much the people of Medina sacrificed for the people.

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How much this community sacrifice for the immigrants were coming to the lab. And I believe this is a very relevant topic for our times, because we live in a time of xenophobia. Every country, people are scared of immigrants. Every country people don't want immigrants in the community. Right? And we see this even amongst Muslims, that nobody wants immigrants, everybody feels immigrants are stealing their jobs and taking their money and you know, opening up businesses and battling good people, and they look at immigrants in a very negative sense. But with the unsolved, with the unsolved, you see the complete opposite. Not only do they welcome the immigrants into their community, they welcome

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them into their homes. They offer them half of the route. They are willing to die for them. They are willing to die for them. They sit and make dua for them at night. It is mentioned that the answer will make dua in the tahajjud for the Mahajan. They will make dua for the brothers who had moved there from Makkah. They form such a strong brotherhood between the people of Makkah and the people of Medina, between the Mahajan, Luna and Sir They They literally became a practice and literally became red blooded, such an extent that they thought you might have to inherit from each other because they came this close in their love for each other, and they care for each other. And so this

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is the one of the purest examples in history of a community inviting in immigrants and taking care of the immigrants and doing it in such a way that they sacrificed everything for them. And we don't even realize this, but they sacrifice their own political power for the Mohandro. What do we mean by this? These young men were supposed to be the leaders of that city. Or when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam moves to Medina, they choose him to be the leader. And after him Abu Bakr and after him, Omar, and after him are smart, the answer, never attain leadership. They never attain leadership to that level. They sacrifice and give up the very concept of leadership. So they can be

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with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they give support or Sue Larson Allahu alayhi wa sallam, so that they can be from his closest companions. And on that day, when that made it when they made that pledge, they stood there in their mountain in secret with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his uncle Abbas and the toll Rasulullah saw us and they said, we are taking you and your people in and we are going to protect you, we are going to pay for you. What do we get in exchange? We are going to do all of these sacrifices. What do we get in exchange? Surely allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't tell them, you're going to get power, you're going to get money.

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You know, your city is going to become one of the greatest cities in human history, people are going to visit it for 1000s of years after you know, it, only give them one promise in return. If you live up to this promise, if you do what you say you're going to do, and your promise is genuine, you're gonna get channeled, all of them said, this is the best deal. This is the best deal. We will sacrifice everything of this world for Jana. And we see time and time again, the unser honoring this pledge for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not only did it invite the immigrants, into Medina, and the house them in their own houses as guests and offer them half of the wealth and take

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care of them and help them to grow into society and to establish himself in society into society, and the intermarry amongst each other. Even though these are different tribes, you could easily have said, you know, you're not for our tribe, you can't value our daughters. They intermarried with each other, and they became one community, but we see them sacrificing for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam over and over again. And so we come to the first battle, the battle of plateau. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam is sitting with his companions deciding do we fight or do we not fight? The Muhajirs and the people of luck are all standing up one by one and saying, Let's go

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flight. Let's go fight. He prefers the voice exclusively quietly. He's waiting for the answer to speak. And then the leader of the answered stands up and said, we took a pledge with you in that bow today. We're going to fight for you. Today we're going to honor that pledge. And they went and they fought and they died. Many of the islands of the unsolved died they died in a battle the writing on

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the dining shahada, the title matters for the sake of Allah. So this was a community that sacrificed everything for Rasulullah sallallahu I think he was and

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We owe it to them to at least learn their biographies, learn their names, learn their stories, make to offer them, love them, and try and emulate their lifestyles, try to be like them. And this is why over the next few weeks, where every could probably going to take the life of one of the unsub and discuss the details, we're going to go into the lives of those Sahaba who were born in Medina, and were known to be amongst the leaders of the unsolved and go to the biographies in detail so we can understand who these amazing people were, and what was their role in our history, so our love of them can increase. We started the hotbar with the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, that love of the answer is from Iman. Love of the answer is from Mr. And he another Hadith he said that whoever loves the unslung they are believers and whoever hates the answer, they are hypocrites. Now, there is a story behind this. Remember, we said that the answer sacrifice political leadership so that Rasulullah sallallahu live amongst there was one man in Africa in Medina, who was supposed to become the next political leader of Medina. His name was Abdullah even obey even saloon and he he had this in mind and now they're all the elders are dead. I'm next in line. I'm going to rule the city and then suddenly everybody else converts to Islam. The Prophet

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Muhammad Salah is and moves to Medina, they appoint him as the leader. So what does Abdullah even obey do? He pretends to be a Muslim? He pretends to be a Muslim so he can try and destroy Islam from the inside. And he holds deep resentment towards his fellow Medina. It's for the unserved, he has a deep resentment towards the unserved because he feels they took power away from him and gave it to a foreigner. And he and his followers hold a deep hatred for the answer, because they feel that their power was taken away and given to a foreigner. So Rasulullah sallallahu ala user was referring to them specifically when he said that whoever hates the answer is a monastic is a hypocrite. He was

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referring specifically to Abdullah even Obi and his followers. But nonetheless, the Aqeedah point it applies to everyone until the end of time. You cannot love this religion without loving the answer. And you cannot love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without loving his answer, because he loved the answer. Or should Allah says Allah loved him and we love what he loves. Because these are the people if it wasn't for their sacrifice, if it wasn't for them welcoming immigrants to their city, if it wasn't for them, sacrificing all of the lives in the world and everything for the sake of Allah. You would not have had the city of Medina yesterday would have stayed yesterday, different

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or may have opened for Rasulullah saw something in a different city. But Allah chose this group of people to be those heroes will establish this role. So we should learn the names. You should learn their biographies. You should name our children after them. And we should love the answer because love of the answer is from human. We ask Allah to guide us and to protect us will make us from those who love the uncertainty Mahajan and the sahaba. And who follow this he probably should have an Arabic Arabic Israel Maria seafood was salam ala mousseline, but hamdulillah Huracan Rabbil Alameen.

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hamdu Lillahi wa wa Salatu was Salam ala Milani, nada be about the inner circle.

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But you had you had the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam Musharraf morning was to have a Colombo desert in bid Kulu bid attend Allah Allah. Allah Allah

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when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam conquered Baca, the Ansel began to worry.

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Why did they begin to worry?

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Because with NACA now being Muslim Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was free to go home. He was free to go back to the city he became from the city he grew up in his hometown. And we all know if you if someone is exiled from their hometown, and the chance opens up to go back, you're going back. Right? Everyone loves the hometown. So the answer begin to worry. They see the people of Makkah converting to Islam, the same people who used to be the enemies of Islam, they see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, giving the people a marker, a lot of wealth, right to win them over to Islam. And they begin to worry, and they begin to talk amongst themselves and they begin to be

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scared that they're not going to see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam again, so he calls a private meeting with the answer. And he tells them

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that you know, I've done this for you and I've done that for you that I brought Islam to you and given you victory and all of this so what do you have to say? And he kept quiet. And he says you could have you could have said the same thing to me that you're invited me to your home your gave me shelter your gave me a place to stay when I was in exile. But the answer has so much respect for Rasulullah sallallahu somebody didn't mention the favors, they said quietly. And then you say that I have one last thing to give you a coming home with your I'm coming home with your that Medina is my home. She Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam even though

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Even though Mako was not open for him, even though he could go back to market and and he was born in, he spent the rest of his life in Medina he passed away in Medina He is buried in Medina it is called Medina to be the city of the Prophet because of his love of the answer. Because of his love of the answer, or soon allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam loved the unsolved so much that he said if I was not a Mahajan, I would have wanted to be an answer. And he wasn't Mahajan, by default is moving from Makkah to Medina. But he knew that the reward of the unsnap for the sacrifice was so great. He wanted to be one of them. He wanted to be amongst the answer.

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final lesson for all of us. Every single Muslim, at some point in their life has a chance to be and unsolved.

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What do I mean by this? There are many people who migrate to our community, hoping for a better life. They may come from India or Pakistan, or from Malawi, or from many other countries across North Africa and Central Africa. Many people trying to escape poverty trying to escape tyrannical regimes. They come here looking for a better life. The question we need to ask ourselves, Are we welcoming them into our community? Are we an answer to them? Are we cutting them off?

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Are we treating them like we are better than them? are we ignoring them and focusing only on ourselves? Are we answered to the immigrants in our community? Because this may not be an Islamic land, that Allah has blessed us with a strong Western Community. Allah has blessed us with resources, He has blessed us with freedom of religion, his business with influence, are we using it to help the immigrants are we reaching out to the immigrants when you have a family coming from India or Pakistan or Malawi or anywhere else from Egypt, Turkey from anywhere they're coming in, they're settling in Durban, or any of us reaching out to them, or any of us making friends with

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them, or any of us seeing if we can help them.

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Let us be unsalted immigrants. It does not stereotype them. There does not be racist towards them there has to be xenophobic towards them. These our brothers and sisters in Islam, and they many of them are fleeing from very terrible situations to seek a better life will be up and a bit the most. The least we can do for them is to honor the legacy of the answer by being unsolved ourselves.

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I want to end with a word answer whether you come from within this word answer come from when you open Satya Guwahati, a chapter of the virtues of the answer the very first Hadith in that chapter, a man comes to Ansible Maalik and says, Did you call yourselves unsnap? Or the Allah called you answer this question, do you call yourself the answer? Or the Allah call you answer? And honestly, when Malik was one of the answers we will discuss in the coming weeks. He said, Hola, como si Hassan. Allah called us the answer. When you open the Quran, there are many verses, Allah say.

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He calls him the answer. And the word answer using the Quran for two groups of people. The first is the answer of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the second is the answer of Jesus peace be upon him. Where we have the verse in the Quran, when Jesus peace be upon him, he's being attacked by the Romans, and they want to kill him. And he says, Man, I'm sorry, Lola, who's going to be Ansara. Help me for the sake of Allah. We'll call it How are you gonna land on salah? His disciples said we are the answer of Allah. So this term unsolved, those who help the people who need was mentioned in the Quran for two very important and powerful groups of people, to people who sacrifice everything

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for the sake of Allah, the disciples of Jesus peace be upon him, and the unstarred of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So my final message to each and every one of us, let us live lives of unsolved. It is live to be cared for others more than we care for ourselves is live lives where we put our resources into helping the Dow and helping the poor and helping those around us. Let us welcome immigrants and help them to slipping into the community. Let us be the answer of any believer that we meet. That is the least we can do to honor the legacy of the Great answer who helped Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Suhana Rebecca Robin easily MBSE foon was salam ala

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mousseline hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen la camisa

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