Ismail Kamdar – The Virtues of Hajj

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The upcoming Christmas holiday is a busy day for Muslims, with the Day of Aceah being the 10th of the year. The importance of fasting, confirming the belief in Islam, and building on spiritual pillars is emphasized. The benefits of Dariness, including forgiveness, a means of purification, and humility, are discussed, along with the importance of acceptance of the holy act of worship and helping individuals to benefit from it. The speaker emphasizes the need for acceptance of the act of worship and for individuals to accept debts to others.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know hamdulillah no one has stopped me know that stop Firo

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when I mean golly when I will be like Him into rhodium kusina when we see ya Dr. Marina Mejia de la who for the movie Nala, we may only be Oprah Hadiya my bad

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Hamdulillah we are now in the one of the most blessed times of the year,

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a time in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at the 10 best days of the year

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and this part of the year is often underestimated by us. You know, we give a lot of importance to the last few nights of Ramadan and Eid that follows that.

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But the first 10 days of doula hedger and the aid being on the 10th of those days, these days are equally important. Right the 10 days of zoo hinda I menu is equally important to the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Because the last two nights of Ramadan are described as the greatest nights of the year. And the 10 days of the hijra, are described as the 10 best days of the year. And these have lesser days because during these days, we have the Day of Arafah

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a day in which dewasa answered, and people are forgiven, and in which shaytan disappears. The most important day of the

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day about which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever fast on the Day of Arafah day sins are forgiven for the preceding year and the following year.

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So amazing, amazing day, a very importantly, not just for those who unhedged. But even for us, we can also benefit from the day of arch of the Day of Arafah, simply by fasting and spending the day in a bada. In fact, it is Mr. Hub, it is recommended to fast for all nine days of the week leading up to eight. So just like it is wajib too fast for 29 days before he will veto. It is soon not too fast for nine days leading up to it will add up with the last day, the 90 being the most important the one that we should do even if we can't do the others. So sometimes the importance of these days are lost on us. And sometimes the eagle eyed how we don't give you the same level of hype and

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excitement as we do with them. And that needs to change we need to remind ourselves why these days are important the importance of the * itself the importance of this month, the importance of the Day of Arafah the importance of the Buddha, we need to give ourselves reminded of this so that we can rebuild this excitement for this time of the year. And on the aspect of Hajj itself.

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You know again, the pillars of Islam, we look at all five pillars of Islam. They all serve a very important purpose. And that is to build us up spiritually. Right our Spiritual Development The development of our iman and our taqwa and our piety. And our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is primarily dependent on how we deal with the five pillars of Islam.

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So if someone ignores the five pillars of Islam, and they seek other ways to improve themselves spiritually, then they are heading down a wrong path, a path of innovation. But if you start with the five pillars of Islam, you are standing on a strong spiritual foundation. If you look at all of them, for example, the shahada, they believe that there is no God besides Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam is a messenger of Allah. This is our spiritual foundation. When this comes our belief in the Quran and Sunnah or this comes our purpose of life on this comes our commitment to the path of truth. All of it is founded on this belief, our spiritual path begins with confirming

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this belief. And then building upon that praying five times a day, this is what nurtures and protects our fate on a daily basis. So every day, we face temptation, we face chances, where we may neglect Allah subhanho wa Taala moments we may forget about Islam, right? opportunities that may cause our Imam to decrease, but the five daily salah they keep us reminded, they keep us steadfast, they keep us moving in the right direction.

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Then we have the zakah and the fasting, both of which are once a year. So we have our belief which is constant. We have the Salah, which is every day, and then we have the fasting for a month of the year and there's a QA once a year. And what these do again, they build on that spirituality so we know the fasting is Allah contact the goon so that your taqwa increases, so we have a month of intense worship, that increases our piety. And there's a God plays a similar role that God means to purify from the same root as descale. Right? It is to purify your soul, that when you give your wealth in charity, you're purifying your soul of greed. You're

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If you find your soul of stingy as a miserliness, you provide your soul of looking down upon others, like this is all part of the improvement ourselves spiritually. And then we come to the final pillar of Islam. And the belief from the five pillars of Islam, this is the one that we don't give as much importance to it as we should, because it's once in a lifetime that you have to do it. Right. And for me, many people, they delay it too much. They say I'll do it later in life. And for others, they will do it and they will forget about it, right. But this is a very important pillar of our religion. So the final pillar is once in a lifetime minimum, not maximum minimum. In fact, if you

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read the Hadees, there is strong encouragement to perform as many hygiene aamra as you can, in your lifetime, however much Allah allows you to go for is very strong encouragement in the Sunnah, to go for Omaha as much as possible and to go for hygiene as much as possible. So we need to ask ourselves, what is the spiritual benefit of Hajj? That Allah subhanho wa Taala created a pillar of the religion, what are the five pillars of Islam and something that you have to do once in your lifetime? And something so beneficial? That the reward for it what is the reward for Hajj? That is two rewards mentioned in the Hadith that we want to mention number one, the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said that the reward for an accepted Hajj is gender. That's how important the Hajj is, they will do it properly. It is your part to Jannah

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number two, that you return home purified of your sins like a newborn baby, meaning even your major sins are forgiven. So what is an act of worship? That is so powerful, that it can erase all our sins and lead to gender. The Hajj is a compilation of everything we mentioned before this, right? If we look at the benefits of Salah the benefits of fasting, the benefits of Zakah and the benefits of belief in Islam, Hajj is all four put together, all four on a higher, more powerful, more intense level. The * is so intense in terms of worship and effects, that the prophets of Allah with ease of use, we call it the jihad of woman, meaning women don't need to go for jihad. But this is hard

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enough, right this itself is a jihad and you will get the reward for that. Because it is a very difficult thing to do to go for Hajj and to do a deal with the Hajj, right with what you will find it is a combination of all these acts of worship. So for example, the shahada, they believe in La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, right, your whole Hajj is built around us. The whole Hajj is built around us with the very fact that you have taken so much of your wealth and spend in the power of Allah to go to Makkah at that time of the year shows your belief and then you do every act of worship as per the Sunnah shows you believe in Muhammad Rasool Allah. The Salah is a act of worship

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of physical physically worshiping Allah to increase and maintain our spirituality, the hajis this time turn over because now it's not just the Salah, but there is the tawaf, there is the side, there is the stoning. There is all of this, which is also physical acts of worship, physical acts of worship, that supercharges spirituality to take it to the next level.

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Fasting is an intense period of worship of Allah to increase our Taqwa the Hajj also is a super intense period of worship of Allah to increase our Taqwa. So Ramadan and fasting, you have 29 days to worship Allah, right? It's a marathon to increase your piety. With Heart, you have five days, it's a sprint, it's doing as much Ibadah as possible in five days, it's pushing yourself to the limits for those five days. And then finally, we have this gap. And this is a guy who is spending your wealth in the power of Allah. And * is also spending your wealth in the part of Allah, because we all know how expensive it is. And that money is not wasted. It is spent in the part of

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Allah to such an extent that they are Hadees that indicate that when you go for Hajj or Umrah, Allah will give you wealth in return. But Allah will give you more wealth in return because you are spending your wealth in the power of Allah and the reward of spending your wealth in the power of Allah is that Allah gives it back to you 10 times over and that applies to hajj and umrah just as it applies to sadaqa. So what you see in the Hajj is a combination of all the pillars of Islam in a very intense five day period.

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This is a five day period to prove to yourself, What a Muslim you can be and to unlock your potential to worship Allah to the best of your ability and within a period of intense spiritual transformation. People come back from Hajj a different person, it's just five days. But how many of us know people who went for hijiki

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Lean back completely transformed because of how powerful these five days. So what are the benefits of *? Let's just go through some of the more practical benefits of Hajj that each of us can experience even if you go for camera, but these are more these are felt more in the hatch, right? Number one is the forgiveness of all one's sins. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us many ways to have our sins forgiven, Allah knows that we are sinful creatures, and that a human is not going to live a life without sinning. Right? that sin is part of the human experience. And we should should be trying our best to avoid it. We should be repenting as much as possible, we should be

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trying to improve ourselves. But because humans will eventually fall into all kinds of sins, Allah has given us many ways to make up for it. So praying five times a day makes up for our sins. giving charity makes up for our sins, fasting, the month of Ramadan makes up for our sins, and the prophets of Allah. Allah Himself said from one camera to the next makes any sense in between. And he said that when you go for Hajj, all of your past sins are forgiven. So these acts of worship, one of the primary benefits is to be a means of purification and forgiveness for our sins. And all of us are in need of this. So each of us should make the hygiene priority just for the sake of having our sins

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forgiven. Even if you've been before we should try to go again. The next benefit of the hygiene is humility. One of the most dangerous traps of shaytan is to make us arrogant, to make us prideful to make us think that I am better than others. Shaytan himself use these words, when he was asked to bow to Adam, he said on a fireman, you are invested in him. And he wants us to feel like that as well. And he will use any trick to make us feel arrogant, whether it's from wealthier than him, and from a better race than him a better tribe get him. I have a very social class in here. I'm more pious than him. I'm more knowledgeable than him. All of this are various forms of arrogance. And

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what the Hajj does, it kills an arrogance. It knocks it right out of you. It makes you realize you're not better than anyone else. That when you do a HUD property, and you you know, we're the simplest of clothes and stay in the simplest of conditions. And the rich man and the poor man I bought an Arafa and avoided Metallica. And you have to be one of the people it humbles you. If someone is afraid that arrogance is creeping into their heart. hedge is one of the cures to hurricanes, it's one of those things that can kick it out of you. Number three, which helps to build unity, the unity of the Ummah, to to learn to think beyond national identities and to see each other

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as brothers and sisters in Islam. One of the major problems facing the Ummah today is nationalism, that Muslims born on opposite sides of a border tend to hate each other. Right? That you know you want in this country or in that country, we don't get along. And Hajj can bring people together and make people realize we have more in common than we differ. And so when you go for Hajj, or even for umbra, you are forced to interact with people from all walks of life. You are forced to interact with people from all countries and all races and all backgrounds, all socio economic levels. And you learn to realize and see the good in your Muslim brothers and sisters. And this helps to rebuild

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that unity, that the Ummah is often losing in the modern world. And so, we see this historically, that the Hajj has been a time for rebuilding unity between Muslims. The next benefit of God hajj and umrah is that they are a means of spiritual boost. Now we all need that boost every once in a while our demand is always going up and down. And we all need something to push us to the next level. So Ramadan can give us a spiritual boost. A good lecture could give us a spiritual boost time and righteous company could give us a spiritual boost, but hajj and umrah they do it on another level that these acts of worship. If you go for Hajj, if you go for Umrah, the impact that has on you

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spiritually is like almost nothing else. And this is one of the most important benefits we get out of the Hydra is that it takes your image to another level.

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And that is something that we all seek. Finally, another benefit of the Hajj, which we already mentioned earlier, is that it's the means of increasing your risk of increasing your sustenance. Because when you spend money on Hajj and yes, Hajj is expensive and now it's more expensive than ever before in history. But if you spend money on Hajj, Allah will send you back to you multiple times over because you are spending in the part of Allah. You are spending in the part of Allah and whatever is spent in the part of Allah will always come back to you multiple times over and so if Allah has blessed you with wealth, there is it is better for your soul that you spend some of that

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wealth going for hydrogen on rather than to go for vacations and holidays. This is better

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For you spiritually, and it's better even for the baraka in yoga, we try to visit the holy lands as much as possible to benefit from the Kaaba to benefit from the masjid and doubly to benefit from being in those places where there's so much baraka and so much spirituality. And so even our wealth itself becomes blessed because we are spending it in ways that are pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala. We ask Allah to accept for all of those who are going for Hajj this year, to accept the Hajj from them and to bring them back safely. And we ask Allah to allow all of us here to the opportunity to multiple 100 Omar throughout our lifetime and to accept that from us as well. Subhana rahbek Robin

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is at your mercy foon was salam ala moana saline with hamdulillah

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hamdu Lillahi wa wa Salatu was Salam ala manana

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dck tabula rasa yo have you heard him Hamid sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shown to have

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linked to the Hajj, for those of us who cannot go for Hajj is the only here the slaughtering of an animal on the day of Eid, which in our culture, we call qurbani. Right to just know the word Kobani is not the actual Islamic terminology you won't find in the books of Vic, you won't find in the Quran or Hadith, but it's fine to use it. Right? Just if you read in the classical books and you get confused. This is from our culture, we use the word Corbon. In other cultures, they call it udia. That's the official term that you will find in the Quran and Sunnah. Right? So what is this, this is slaughtering an animal for the sake of Allah

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to be rewarded by Allah subhana wa taala. Now, throughout history, this has never been a controversial practice, right. But in this day and age where everything is controversial, and everybody is upset by something, there are people out there who are offended that Muslims are slaughtering sheep on eating. Right. And, again, that's their understanding of the world. Our our beliefs are quite simple. We know that Allah subhana, Allah created different things for different purposes. And one of the purposes for which he created these animals is to be eaten. Right? It's clear in the Quran, they were created to be eaten, right, that is the purpose. And so it's it's

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against human nature to, to make that seem like something evil, right. And only Allah knows what the long term repercussions will be of trying to change us. So we should not be ashamed of our religion and its rituals, part of our rituals is the slaughtering of the sheep, or camel or a cow, any domestic animal on the day of aid. And the thick of this differs from madhhab to malherbe. Right? The some of the differences in the Hanafi madhhab, it is wajib to slaughter you can afford it. And in the other possibilities. Wooster have to stop them. Right. And in the Hanafi madhhab, each person has to start out on behalf of themselves. And in some of the other month hubs. They say you can

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slaughter one per family, right? So whichever school of thought you follow, that's fine. These are just some of the opinions exist. But either way, it is something strongly encouraged. It's something we should do if you can afford it and something for which there's a lot of reward. Now, what is the purpose of act of worship, like slaughtering an animal? What what is what does this signify for us? Number one, it is a small sacrifice of our wealth for the sake of Allah. So we couldn't go for Hajj, you couldn't sacrifice that much money, right to go for Hajj, we can still sacrifice the sheep, we can still sacrifice the cost is not the same, not as much. But it's still something that you

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spending in the private Allah, you still have to spend your money to buy that animal money that could have been spent elsewhere. But you're still spending money, visa vie the law. So in many ways, the act of slaughtering on the day of an evil adhaar is a way for us to be with the people of * without being by at least imitating some of the practices of what they do, and spending some of our wealth in the path of Allah subhanho wa taala. Furthermore, from the teachings of Islam is that when you slot on the day of Eid, you it is recommended to give part of it in charity, and you spend part of it on your family and friends. Right? And this way, it's not a self a selfish act, right? It's

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not like you're just lodging animal and eating all of it. It's going to others it's benefiting others and both of these things are beneficial. Right when you are giving some of it to the poor, this is sadaqa and this is something that that is beneficial all around. But the other part which we tend to forget is even giving some of this meat to a family member or friend. This is also something very beneficial. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said to give gifts to each other because gifts increased the bond

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of love, gifts increase the love between people. So even the day of Eid, when you are giving a parcel of meat to your cousin, or your sibling, or your parents, or your children, or your neighbors or your friends, this is a means of rebuilding that muhabba love between each other. And this is something that should not be under look, this is something that is very, very important and something that is from the primary benefits of that day.

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So inshallah in a few days time we will have, it'll add Ha, and I hope that we all have made intention, and downloads necessary to slot on that day. Remember, our intention should be for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah, and we should expect our reward only for us to be handled with Allah. And I'll say this much even if you're vegetarian, still slaughter give them me to other people. Right? You still have to slaughter even if you're vegetarian. Yeah, we don't like meat. That's fine. That's your personal thing. But the act of worship still needs to be done. Right? So slowly they give it to the poor, right? They did not foresee you're not gonna say that, you know, you're vegan

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today? No, right give it to someone else. But the act of slaughtering Don't try to change the actual act of worship in Islam. You know, people argue over what is better, actually trying to change one of the rituals of Islam has been so it's watching an animal on the day of Eid is one of the rituals of Islam to reject this or to try and change it or to change it to slaughtering a cucumber or something like that will be better. Right? They will be changing the religion. So even if you're vegetarian, still slaughter, I give to me to somebody else. But do not neglect this act of worship. It is a very, very emphasized sunnah and in some other to different wardrobe. So it's definitely

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something that we should not neglect and something that we should be engaged with. We ask Allah to accept from us we ask Allah to accept all of acts of worship. In his best days, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept the Hajj of those who are going for Hajj and to bring them back safely. We ask Allah to give all of us the opportunities to go for Hajj and Umrah. You ask Allah to allow us to reach the day of Eid and to benefit from the day of Eid, and you accept that worship from the day of Eid. Roberta Artina for dunya Hassan up what will our theory Hassan are working harder but now Subhana rahbek Robin is a DMAC phone or salam ala Salim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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