Ismail Kamdar – The Miraculous Nature of the Quran #02

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the title " miraculous nature of the Quran" as a series of lectures that provide examples of the spiritual presence of Islam, including the holy Spirit of Islam, the holy Spirit of Islam, and the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the holy Spirit of the
AI: Transcript ©
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can show in the Sutter umbrella robola alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabila Karim Allah Allah He was heavy Etchmiadzin we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and sending Peace and blessings upon the final messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the end of time. So this is part two on our series of ages old Quran, the miraculous nature of the Quran. And before we

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get started with this week's presentation, just let's do a brief recap of last week. So can anyone tell me what was one of the main points from last week's presentation?

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One of the main points that that he took away from last week's session

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Okay, something anything from last week's session that was like special or beneficial to you, like something that stood out

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the Arabic language of the Quran. Okay. So the summary of last week's session, we basically stated that when it comes to the miraculous nature of the Quran in,

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in our community, we tend to either go about one of the roots, we either talk only about the Quran being immutable, which is something that our youth can't relate to, when we tell them the Quran can't be imitated, they don't understand that it's very hard to illustrate to them that in the English language. The second route that we go through is we

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describe it as being a scientific medical. Right. And I explained last week, the problems with that approach, to call the Quran a scientific miracle is a problem because you are making science the criterion for truth and falsehood. And science is a it's a human effort. It's constantly changing, it's constantly evolving, we can't make that the means by which we judge the Quran. Right. And the third method that people use for evaluating alternative using our community for judging the miraculous nature of the Quran is that we just think it's obvious, you know, we think our kids just understand it. So many of us, you know, we may just teach the kids that the Quran is a miracle. The

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Quran is the proof that Islam is the true religion. And we don't take it any further that we don't explain to them how or in what way or in what manner. So those are the main points we covered last week. And building upon that, we said that the best approach for discussing the miraculous nature of the Quran is to take a multi dimensional approach to understand that the Quran, there are many layers of its miraculous nature. And for each person, a different part of that will affect the demand for each person a different part of that will grant me a feel for each person a different part of that will stand out. So some people may be drawn to the language of the Quran, the poetry of

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the Quran, the linguistic miracle of the Quran, some people may be drawn to the fact that heaves is a reality that itself is to improve that the Quran is from Allah. Some people may look at things like for example,

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the the message of the Quran as being miraculous, that the coherent

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features fitrah based message of the Quran is something that is definitely from the Creator. Some people may look at the preservation of the Quran, as its miracle. In reality, the miraculous nature of the Quran covers all of these areas and more. This is an actual complete field of study in Islam is not just a subject, it's not just a topic of one of one discussion or one lecture, it is a full on

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series of lectures.

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Right? So this is something you can have a full series of lectures on and we're going to try and summarize it in four lectures. In reality, you can do 10 or 20 lectures on this topic, because the miraculous nature of the Quran is that the people in the past who have who have tackled this, they have written entire books on this topic. And unfortunately, the majority of those books are not available in English. I that that's our problem. The majority of those books are not available in English. So we are not exposed to all of these different dimensions on the miraculous nature of the Quran.

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So what we're going to do, Inshallah, today, is I'm going to take each of these different layers of the vertical of the Quran, and provide one or two examples of each layer of it. I've got about 20

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examples to go through. So I don't know if we can cover them all in an hour. If we are unable to finish it, then we will continue this in our next session, but

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we're going to break it down inshallah into subcategories. So the first category of the miracle of the Quran, the one that we hear about most often is the linguistic miracle.

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Right, the linguistic miracle that the language of the Quran is beyond human. It is not a human way of conveying a message is there's something miraculous in the in the language of the Quran. And the Olimar have spent many, many decades and centuries writing about this, showing how the Quran is perfect, how the Quran is subtle, how the Quran is intricate, how its poetic rhyming, its use of metaphors, its use of parables, its choice of words, its word order. All of this is on a level that no human could have produced, especially when you look at the life circumstance of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi, wasallam, 23 years, go into war, go into exile going on, you know, only having to

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flee his land, dealing with persecution in the middle of all of that, to produce a masterpiece on this level that is beyond human. This is the ultimate truth that this is not from him, this is from Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, the linguistic miracle of the Quran is to me the hardest one to explain in English. Why

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is Arabic medical, right, the linguistic medical is Arabic, you have to understand the grammar, you have to understand the different modes of poetry, Arabic, you have to understand all of these things. This doesn't mean that

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there is no way to explain it, we can give some basic examples. But the truth is, the bulk of the examples

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are not going to work out in English. So I try to find some of the easiest ones to explain in English.

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Understand that almost any verse in the Quran can be explained in a variety of different ways. And verticals sometimes can be pulled out from almost any word of the Quran, that you can look at a word and reflect on it and think on it and end up you know, realizing that there is some miracle behind it. And by the way, that the word that we use for a verse of the Quran is ayat, Ayat actually means a miracle or a sign that each verse of the Quran is itself a sign of Allah subhanho wa taala. So let's look at some examples. That can be explained in English. One example. There are two verses in the Quran where Allah subhana wa Taala says, do not kill your children, we will provide for them and

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you write these two verses like this. The first one says, do not kill your children out of fear of poverty, we will provide for you, for them and you. And the second one says, do not kill your children out of poverty, we will provide for you and then now the scholars notice a very subtle difference between the two verses. Why is it when Allah shahada says do not kill your children out of fear of poverty, he says we will provide for them and you when he says do not kill your children out of poverty, he says we should provide we'll provide for you and then background context of this verse. The Arabs, you know, at that time, would be afraid of having more children because they were

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afraid of the cost of living, right? Can you imagine if they lived in our times, and so our cost of living, I just save some of the argument people have today. If I have more kids, I'm going to afford it. Allah Subhana Allah in this verse is saying that Allah is the provider, each person comes into this world with their own risk their own sustenance, Allah is the provider. But there is a very subtle difference. In one verse, Allah says, I will provide a we will provide for you MDM, and the other says we will provide for them and you what is the difference when a person is already in poverty? Right. So imagine a couple's already in poverty, they already have eight children, and the

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ninth ones on the way. And so Allah szmanda tells them do not kill your children while you are in a state of poverty, because we will provide for you and them. So Allah is first assuring him, Oh yes, I know you're in poverty, but I'm going to provide for you, and I'm going to provide for them. So he's first consoling the person who is in poverty themselves. Now, someone else may not be poor. He may have had nine or 10 children and 11th is on the way we talking about the outcomes at that time. That's why I'm using these numbers. Right? And the 11th One may be on the way. And they may be thinking that,

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you know, if I have this child, then I might become poor. So now it's not poverty, that's causing them to want to kill the child. It's the fear of poverty, that if I have 11 child, you know, might become poor. So Allah is now reassuring them, that child is not going to make you poor, because Allah will provide for the child and Allah will provide for you. So the pronouns are flipped around based on whether the

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person is already experiencing poverty over these three experiencing anxiety about poverty. When the when a person's already in a state of poverty, then the verse is reassuring them first and when the person is afraid about the future, Allah is reassuring them about the children. And so this is a very intricate thing that isn't often thought about when you first read you read these verses on their own. Another example is Surah Juma where I wash my hands, Allah tells

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tells us that

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do not allow trade and entertainment do not allow business and fun to distract you from worshipping Allah. Now, in the first part of the verse, Allah subhana, Allah basically reprimands people for being distracted from Jumar by trade and entertainment. And then he says that that Salah is better than entertainment and trade. So again, the nouns are flipped around. Again, we go back to the reason for revelation, this verse was revealed, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was delivering a footpath. And a trader came to town, and people left the masjid to go and do business. So they were distracted by trade. So in the first part, the prophets, Allah Subhana Allah, He tells

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them, why are you allowing trade and entertainment to distract you? He puts trade first. Why? Because in this specific moment of revelation, the actual distraction was trade. But he mentioned entertainment as well. Why? Because that's the general excuse, why people don't play. It's not trade, it's a detainment. Then we Allah mentions the universal rule, that Salah is more important than business, the entertainment and trade, he mentions entertainment first. Why? Because that's the normal thing that distracts people from worshiping Allah.

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Right? Trade is more important than entertainment. But Salah is more important in trade. So the flipping of the nouns is to indicate in the first case, what is the reason for revelation? And in the second case, to indicate what is more important, right? Or what is the bigger distraction.

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I'm gonna go to these ones a bit faster, because

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you know, we have a lot of examples to cover. A third one, which a lot of people think is a lot of people find confusing about the Quran is a concept known in Arabic is in default, il DevArt means that Allah subhanaw taala we're talking about himself especially, he changes the pronoun mid conversation. Right? Have you ever noticed this? Have you ever noticed this in the Quran, Allah is talking about himself, he changes the pronoun mid conversation, it may be here and it becomes i or it becomes you. It swaps between these three pronouns. Right? Has anyone noticed this?

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Right? Okay, so easy example you all know Surah Katya, all craze is for Allah, god of the words, Allah is addressing or talking about himself in the third person. When you come to the fourth verse, You alone, we worship, this is now second person, it went on all praises for Allah not all praises for you, to you alone, we worship. So what's going on here in English, you you cannot be inconsistent with your pronouns, right? But in Arabic and specifically in the Quran. This shifting in pronouns is a way of drawing attention to the importance of what comes next. So when Allah subhanaw, taala, is talking about himself in the third person, and then he switches to the second

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person, the first person, it's a way of bringing our attention to what comes next. So Allah praises himself in the first reversal of Surah Fatiha, and this is in the third person. But then, in the fourth verse, Allah switches to the second person. Why? Because the fourth verse of Surah Fatiha is the most important verse in the Surah. And perhaps the most important verse in the Quran, You alone we worship, it is the essence of the heat. So Allah is drawing our attention to the essence of the lead. And for that there is a shift in the grammar. And so the scholars, they go through every single point in the Quran, where there is a shift in the grammar. And they notice it's always

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because that verse has an important point to draw an important point to catch your attention. Right? And again, do you think any human being writing a book thinks about this, especially consistently over 23 years? Why dealing with all of the problems of life, about making sure that ill defined in the shifting in the pronouns, you know, when when we try to draw attention to people, these are things that that aren't part of normal human speech patterns?

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And that's another point I wanted to bring to our attention when it comes to the miraculous nature of the Quran. Is that the nature of the speech, when you listen to what's actually being being recited, it doesn't sound human. It does

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Sounds human. It sounds like something else. Right?

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Okay. Again, poetry, the poetic miracle of the Quran is very difficult to explain in the English language. Why is Arabic poetry, but we have some examples where even if you don't understand Arabic, it hits you very hard. The poetry that the rhyming hits you very hard. For example, Surah Surah Surah Rahman, Surah waqia. And my personal favorite Surah, Maria Surah, Maryam has one of the strongest rhythmic patterns ever, like the rhythm of surah. Maryam is on another level, when when you when you when you when you when you look at each verse and how the ending line right around you with the with the verse before it, it's just on an entirely different level. And what makes this

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miraculous is that this whole long Surah has a consistent rhyme to it, while conveying a consistent message about family about the prophets, about compassion about mercy. And it's telling stories, the story of the Korea and the birth of Yahia, followed by the story of Maria followed by the story of Ibrahim Ali Salam followed by the story of Musa Ali Salaam. And each story flows from one story to the next. And there's no break in the rhythm. It never the rhythm doesn't break, it just keeps going. Would would profit flow. To appreciate this vertical, try reading the same suit the same stories in the Bible. And the same story is the story of Mary the story of South Korea, the story of

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Moses, read them in the Bible. And you get a human perspective, right you get a humans, narration of the same events. Then you read it in the Quran, and is this powerful, powerful wining and wine, the powerful Rhyming is going on. This is beautiful stories. And in this beautiful stories. They are these beautiful lessons, and it's consistent themes throughout it. How does someone craft something like that when you think about the fact that Surah Meriam was revealed in the early makan period, while the Sahaba were being persecuted in Makkah, during persecuted so badly they had to some of them had to run away to Abyssinia in all of that. This beautiful, beautiful Surah came down.

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By the way, what's the proof that Surah Mario was revealed in early makan period?

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actually very simple. If you know your sera

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Yes, then the Joshy when the king of Abbot of Abyssinia, Ethiopia today, asked the Sahaba to recite to them some of the verses that the Prophet Salam had received, which were the the Sahaba Jafar

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recite Surah Maria. And this is very early, which means to the meridian was revealed before that, because Jaffa had to hear it in Makkah and memorize it, before going to Abyssinia for it to have been revealed already. So this is a very early surah. Right. And the power of the surah isn't just something we noticed even the Joshy and his ministers noticed it as well.

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And the beauty of the surah isn't even only in the rhyming but the consistency of word choice. One of the most beautiful things about the word choice of the surah is in almost every other surah Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to himself as Allah, and uses these other names at the end of verses, you know, to connect it to the theme of the verse, but in Surah, Maria, Allah subhanho wa Taala consistently from the very beginning, refers to himself as our man. Right? Remember the remember the mercy of our man? Right? He begins with

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talking about our man, even at the very end of the surah when talking about the Christians will call the man who this man has taken a chain. So it begins by talking about a rough man and his relationship with South Korea or Islam and it ends with why using our mind has a son. Why did Allah in this Surah no other Surah use the name of man so many times and he doesn't use it at the end of the verse. He used it as his proper name. And Allah should be handled properly. He calls himself our man throughout the surah because the core theme of the surah is one of mercy and compassion. We see Allah's mercy to Zaccaria a Salam in the birth of Yahya when he was old. We see Allah's Mercy

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tomorrow Molly salami the birth of East La sala we see Allah's mercy to Ibrahim alayhi salam and giving him his heart in his mouth, he left after his half yaku we see Allah's mercy to Harun to Musa alayhis salam when he made his brother Harun a prophet and by the way, again, the team of family all of these Allah's mercy to the children or the brothers or family members, I Allah's Mercy is consistently driven home to outer surah. And so in this surah only Allah subhanaw taala to outer Surah refers to himself as our man. And this is why someone has to ask you

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Which name of Allah is mentioned the most in the Quran? After the word Allah? The answer is a ramen is another suitor where he called himself a ramen. Just like that without any other name attached to it which surah is that Surah Rossmann, the first word allah declares himself to be a Rama. I should this is a proper name of Allah subhanho wa taala. He's second most used name, the name Allah chose for himself. And let's just reflect on that for a second. The name of Allah subhanaw taala chose to, to refer to himself the most after the word Allah is our man, the one with infinite compassion, the one who infinite mercy, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah wants us to have that relationship with Him. That we

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think of Allah in terms of mercy, we think of Allah in terms of compassion, that he is to us our that should be our idea of who Allah is. He's our man. He's the one who has written mercy on himself. Right? As mentioned in the Hadith, good see, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah has made a rule for himself that his wrath will never overcome his mercy. Right, his wrath will never overcome his mercy. This is the rule Allah made for himself. Allah does not need to make rules for himself, but he is a rock man, and out of his Rosmah he has made this rule for himself.

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Okay, one last example of the linguistics and then we move on to other dimensions of the miracle of the Quran. And now we look at choice of words. And this first example actually didn't notice it until I was doing the research for this last week. And it really hit me that's very interesting.

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We know that Musa alayhis salam and Isa Ali salaam were boats into Burma.

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But whenever Musa Ali Salam addresses them in the Quran, it's Jaco me all my people. And whenever he Sally Islam addresses them. It's Europe and Israel. Yeah, Bani Israel or children of Israel. The clearest example is to Rosoff in Surah stuff we have diverse where Allah Subhana Allah says that Musa li sam said, Boys color Musa likoma He Jaco me, oh Musa to his people, oh my people. And the very next verse was called a sub pneumonia. Yeah, Bani Israel, when Jesus the son of Mary said, Oh, children of Israel. So

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this is interesting. Why does Allah subhanho wa taala? When talking about Musa Ali salaam used the words, my people, and when talking about easily exam see all children of Israel? What do you think is the answer The scholars came to what do you think's the conclusion?

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Not I mean, that is one conclusion. But the other one that did the dimension is that

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that is actually one answer. The other answer is that the people of Ghana is ragged by and large, accepted Musa Ali Salam, as a prophet, but they rejected his Ali salah, he only had a handful of followers. So for Musa Islam, these are called me these are my people, these are his followers, right, all been restricted by his followers. But for easily some use, like an outsider is just him and his small group of disciples. Everybody else is just binary. So even to him, they, they don't see him as one of them. And he's still, you know, trying to get along with them, but he rejected him. So even in the, in how they address the people, Allah is conveying to us a message that they

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accepted this messenger and they did not accept that messenger. And this is consistent throughout the Quran whenever these prophets

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addressed the people. Right. Another example, and I might discuss this one in more details. Next week is an interesting one. If you understand Arabic, if you don't understand Arabic, might just fly over your head. But the word corny in Arabic, has two plurals. One plural is like, used to glorify it, and the other is like a normal Quran. Right? When Allah talks about the parable of charity, being like grains of corn, and it's, you know, farming stems, you know, multiple seeds and you know, it springs out to 700 years uses the majestic flora.

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And when Allah talks about the dream that the king of Egypt had, about Korn uses the normal tour. Now a normal author would just use the same floor of a boat, and he's not going to be okay in this place. I'm going to use this one That one will use that one again, I'll give you talking about 23 years. We're talking about once you are being revealed in Makkah, once you are being revealed in Medina, we're talking about the fact that the use what's revealed on the moment that the prophets like some called the toughest day of his life, right? Do you think he's going to be thinking which pleura I'm going to use if he was the water member should I use it was revealed when? In the year of

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sorrow, after the death of Abu Bakr of Olive and Khadija, after he was returning home from Toy Industry, Dubai, the people have died, and he was feeling sad. Allah revealed Surah Yusuf to cheer him up. Right if he was the author of the Quran, you

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He would have brought the stool to cheer himself up and think about all these intricate intricacies like which of the two plural should I use to be consistent with the plural in the other surah and to make sure that it's, you know, it's not the same plural of the same word. This isn't how human beings think that's not how human beings right especially at a time like that.

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James generally, if we are writing books, in a state of sadness, you can feel our sadness in the books that we write. I'm telling you this as an author, right?

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You cannot feel Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam sadness in yourself, because you are using is not fun Rasul Allah is always with us from Allah to cheer him up. It is from Allah to cheer him up. Right and therefore you cannot feel any, you can feel the presence of the author, the author is not Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the author of Allah subhanho wa Taala one last example. And then we move away from the Arabic to other aspects of the miracle.

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We have the word rain, there's actually multiple words for rain in Arabic. And they are three using the Quran and the usage is consistent. When Allah talks about rain as a general blessing uses the word my own and its derivatives, right my own and its derivatives. So this is like Allah tells us about rain being a blessing you know something to make sugar for something to thank Allah for something that's a sign of Allah uses this word, when he talks about rain as divine aid, so maybe after a drought to after somebody, you know which dua for rain or, you know, after a difficult time the rain came down to revive the dead Earth did in these cases, Allah uses the word the highest and

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it's and the various versions of that word. And then when Allah talks about rain as a punishment, he consistently uses the word matar right, and its derivatives. So where Allah talks about the rain that comes upon the people of New LA salaam, certain word is used every time when he talks about the rain coming to help us after a drought a certain word is used every time and when he talks about rain and the general blessing a different word is used. There is consistency in all three patterns throughout the Quran. Consistency. Again,

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we have to think of it in context of the time in which Rasulullah saw some was living and you know, the argument that the non Muslims made that he is the author of the Quran.

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Okay, the next Medeco that I want to discuss is a bit more

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complex. I don't know if everyone's gonna get it. But I think it's worth mentioning. Some people don't like to discuss this topic because they think it's too complicated. I think it helps amplify the miracle of the Quran. And that is the fact that we have today 10 authentic ways of reciting the Quran 10 Tirat. Right, they are today in the world 10 ways of reciting the Quran that go back to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to authentic chains of narrators. The how is this American from many, many different angles from many different angles. This is part of the miraculous nature of the Quran, right? Because between these different recitations, they are different pronunciations

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of the words. They are some words that have multiple meanings. They are some words where there are multiple dialects included. And despite this, despite this, there is no contradiction. You know, when we say there's no contradiction in the Quran, there's not just no contradiction in the Quran. There's no contradiction between any of the chant variants of the Quran.

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Right? There's no contradiction between any of the 10 versions of the Quran. If the verse has been revealed in seven or eight ways, you can read all seven or eight ways and you will not find any contradictions, you will find complementary meanings, you will find additional meanings, but you will not find contradictions, right?

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So this is a miracle from many different angles, number 110 ways of reciting the same book. And there's no contradictions. We know that humans are impossible, you know, for us to write a book over 20 years, and not to contradict ourselves.

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I mean, think about our thoughts, our ideas that evolve over time. I've written books seven years ago that I already feel that the content is outdated, I need to rewrite it. I just just in seven years.

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Now we have 22 years, a book comes down 10 different ways to recite it multiple meanings, no contradictions, right. This is something beyond human.

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Number two, all 10 recitations are preserved with chains of narrators. From today to the prophets, OLALIA Salah for all 10 You will find chains of narrators, not just one, multiple mutawatir chains of Nerijus going back to the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, each of them preserved what the perfect that read with the perfect that read because it did read the first of recitation to recitation, and each of them have a question

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that read based on the recitation. Number three,

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the historical there are people in the world today who have memorized the entire Quran in alternate ways. There are people today if you ask them to recite Surah Al Fatiha in 10 different ways, they will recite all 10 different ways from memory.

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Now heaves itself with American hymns in 10 different ways to recite the same book with perfect that read across all 10 different ways. How is this even possible?

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Take a moment to think how is that even possible?

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And for me, the biggest miracle here is that this isn't something people do. Have you ever heard of someone releasing 10 variants of the book, especially a book claiming to be from God?

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For me what this is, this is a manifestation of the infinite nature of Allah, Allah, Allah subhanaw taala. His column is infinite. And he revealed to us one book, but just to show us the depth of how infinite his speeches, he allowed it to reach us in 10 ways of reciting, which is something that humans can't comprehend. Can't understand. You know, the first time somebody hears this 10 ways to recite the Quran, like, what? Like, that doesn't even make sense to them. You need an entire course to explain to someone, what are the 10 recitations? Where did they come from? Why do they exist? You know why it's a good thing and not a bad thing, because some people think that this is something we

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shouldn't discuss, because I think it's a bad thing. It's not, it is part of the vertical of the Quran, that we have 10 recitations, with no contradiction between them, they can all be memorized, they all have been memorized sometimes by one person, right? Actually, there are 1000s of people like that in the world would perfect that dream. And this is something humans do not do. Humans do not write a book in this manner. at all ever. It's just not something a human does.

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And that takes us to the next vertical hips itself is a vertical hips is a vertical. If you've ever thought about this, a seven year old or eight year old, who does not understand a word of Arabic, can memorize the entire book cover to cover with perfect edge read, write, try doing that to any other book in the world in a language you don't understand.

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Try doing that in a language you do understand, right? In the language you do understand try memorizing an entire English book cover to cover.

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How is it even possible that there are millions of children who have memorized the entire Quran in a book that in any language they do not understand?

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The hips is the miracle you know the word hips means preservation and protection. This is what keeps me it doesn't mean memorization. It means preservation and protection, because this is how Allah preserved the Quran.

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You know, if somehow, the enemies of Islam had to destroy every copy of the Quran in the world, which they can't write, but if they were able to, you could easily reconstruct the entire Quran with alternate ways of recitation from memory, because there are enough people in the world who have memorized the entire Quran. And in every possible recitation. We know in South Africa, we memorize it in one recitation, but there are people who have done it in multiple there are those who are memorizing seven those were memorizing in 10. But the fact is, is the only book in the world that can be reconstructed from memory in this manner.

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And this really is a miracle when you think about not only have people memorized the entire Quran, but they're mult memorized multiple recitations of the Quran. And again, if somebody thinks, oh, it's not a big deal, it's not a very cool yeah, they memorize a book house aeromedical try it. Try memorizing a book.

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Nobody memorizes books besides our Quran, because it's not humanly possible for us to memorize books in this manner unless you have like, no perfect memory. But

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the Quran from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam until today, has been memorized by millions of people, millions of people all of us memorize part of it. Even those of us with the weakest memories have still memorized at least 20 soldiers

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in the language we don't understand.

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This is from Allah. This is from Allah is He part of, of the baraka of the Quran and the development of the divine nature of the Quran, that Allah puts it in the hearts of the believers and keeps it there? Even if they don't understand how.

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And that brings us to the next aspect. The preservation of the Quran is itself a miracle.

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Right and this is a miracle from multiple angles. Allah subhana wa Tada promised in the Quran, that indeed we have revealed the Quran and indeed we are, it's protected or it's guarding or we will, we will preserve it. Allah, Allah refers to himself. Remember, there are four pronouns that Allah uses to refer to himself in the Quran, he, you, I and we, the we, referring to one to Allah, it's the majestic be we it's not the

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means i. So Allah says, I have revealed the Quran and I will protect it. This is in vertical for multiple different levels. Firstly, is the any other book in the world from that point in time there has been preserve the way the Quran has been preserved. Yes, they are older books are still around, right? For example, The Art of War. That's much older than the Quran every skill heavy today translated, but not It's not preserved on this level, where we have copies going back to that time with multiple recitation with full change of narrators with the exact wording, the exact that read the exact pronunciation, where we have

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people who have memorized the entire thing in this manner, right for a 600 page book again, The Art of War is a very tiny book. Right? This is a 600 page book.

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This is a miracle also, because it's a prophecy that came through. So it's a miracle in that the Quran has been preserved, and no other religious scripture has been preserved in that manner. I think about any other religious scripture. If you've studied the history of the Bible or any other religious scripture, you you understand this point better. This is the only only religious scripture has been preserved with this level of thoroughness, where we not only have copies of the Quran, going back to the time of smart rajadamnern, who in the museum's today, but we have all of us who have studied the Quran and memorized the Quran, we have chains of teachers going back to the

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practice law yourself all of who also have memorized the Quran. i This is something that is on a whole nother level. But it's also a miracle because Allah said he was going to do it and Allah, Allah said he was going to preserve the Quran at a time where the Muslims were weak at the time when the Muslims were minority at the time with the Muslim digest in one or two cities. Allah promised to protect the Quran. And today the Quran is in every country in the world.

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It's all over the world, the exact same Quran, there is no one Quran with less surah the one Quran or more sutras is no sewer sewer that people dispute over with is part of the Quran or not, is the exact same Quran in every part of the world. Right. So it's a miracle in that way, as well. The Quran preservation is a miracle, because it has been preserved in writing, in memory, in wording and meaning what is full with all 10 variants would proper that read would the full tafsir with the Heidi's to explain it with the explanation of the Sahaba to explain it, the Hadith have chains of the rageous going back to the prophets of Allah Salam, that's the quotations on the Sahaba have

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chains of narrated going back to them, all of it has been preserved on such a meticulous level that has never been done by any other religion ever.

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In the history of this world, by the science of the preservation of the Quran, and Sunnah is nothing like it. There is nothing like it. And when we look at the, the concept of it's not for example, of having a chain of teachers going back to the prophets like some time again, there is nothing like that, in any other religion. This is part of the miracle of the Quran, the manner in which it has been preserved, it's been preserved in people's memories, it's been preserved in Scripture, it's been preserved in terms of the exact words of Allah subhanaw taala revealed, it's been preserved in terms of its meaning in the books of Tafseer has been preserved with property that read across all

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10 ways of reciting, and has been preserved in terms of how the prophets lie, some explaining how the the Sahaba explaining all of that has been preserved, as well. Nothing like this exists in the world besides our Quran, nothing

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another angle of the miraculous nature of the Quran, and we only have like 15 minutes left, so we won't be able to go to all 20 slides but we'll cover as much as we can. Another angle to look at is the reaction at the time of the Prophet SAW Allah Islam to the revelation of the Quran.

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Remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came as a messenger in Makkah, to a group of people who were the masters of the Arabic language. They were amongst the Quraysh leading poets, leading speakers, people who were the best in the world at that task.

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Yet when the Quran challenged them, what did they do? They literally fought a war against the profits long term instead of trying to meet the challenge. Not only they fight the war, but look at the explanation. You go back to the story of Walid even more hate on the father hadn't even worried and while even while you're

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right, so those two Sahaba did not become a Muslim. Their father Walid was one of the tribal leaders of Makkah at that time, and he was one of the masters of Arabic

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This poetry was his thing. He was a master of poetry. So when the Quran was revealed, and when the prophesy Sam came to the people of Makkah and said, I have a book from your Creator, and the book itself is a proof that is from your Creator.

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He was sent to investigate, what is this book? And what can we say about it? I because the leaders were saying, obviously, we're not going to accept him as a prophet. We're not going to say some Allah, what can we say about it? So what even more VEDA goes, and he listens to the recitation of the Quran, and he comes back to his people. And he says, that's not the speech of any human being the master of the Arabic language, the most fluent person in poetry, he has the Quran, and he says, that's not the speech of a human being.

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So then the people who want so what are we going to say? People are going to start following him if we say that, so he thinks, and he thinks they come up with different ideas. Maybe it's the djinn. Maybe it's some kind of, you know, a poetry and he says, No, it's not poetry. And finally, he says, You know what, it's magic. Let's just call it magic. And that was the excuse that the disbelievers like Abu Jamal and Walid and I will have used not to believe in the Quran. When people ask me, What is this Quran? He didn't say it's a book didn't say something Muhammad, Salah ism wrote, he didn't say it's something that he copied from somebody else. They said, it's magic. Again, I want you to

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think about this. At what point do you ever explain your opponents claim to be magic?

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If someone comes forward and says that they are a messenger from Allah, and this is the vertical, they prove that they are a messenger of Allah. If your only explanation for what they are doing is deaf magic, it means you have no explanation. You know, it's beyond human. You know, it's something a human can't even can't invent. You know that it's something your rationality can understand. But because you don't want to accept it as being from Allah, you just call it magic. Federal, the Federal did the same thing of Mussolini.

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Mussolini threw down his stick and he became a snake. He said, Oh, he's just a chief magician. He says, magic

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is the same. It's the same reply. The proof is there. They don't want to believe the proof. There's no logical or rational explanation. So they just see it's magic.

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And really calling it magic was a self defeat. It was a self defeat, because the younger generation didn't buy it. The younger generation looked at them and said, really? That's what you're saying it is. You're not gonna have any logical explanation. He's his book is magic. This is a man coming with a magic book. Have you ever heard of that in your life? So what leads on children will lead even Waleed and Holly Diwali disorder Allah from the Sahaba right? They didn't buy this eventually they ended up becoming Sahaba themselves. And they did not know Allah mother actually documents is this this conversation of Waleed in the Quran,

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who knows which Surah

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which Surah tells us the compensation of Walid or the internal conversation of what even more Hara coming to the conclusion that is magic.

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Sutra, Buddha said. So Ramadasa is read the translation of Surah Mata see when you go whoa, Allah subhanaw taala is exposing the inner workings of the mind that what? He has the Quran, he doesn't want to lose the status to the people. He doesn't want to accept that it's from ALLAH. So he comes to the conclusion that is magic. He says, Allah says that he said, It's not the speech of a human being, it must be magic. And Allah threatens him to join me to hellfire. Why? Because will lead you to see from Allah, but he refused to believe. So a direct threat came to him in the Quran. But the point here is again, the moment that the enemies of the prophets lies have all said this has to be

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magic. This was a self defeat, because they are admitting this book is not human. This book is beyond human. It is so beyond human that we have to call it a magic book. And so this is itself proof that the Quran is something that is beyond human.

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It is from Allah subhanho wa taala. And even the enemies of Islam knew this at that time, but he didn't want to accept it. So they had to come up with an excuse. So they call it magic. He persecuted the prophets slowly some they tried to bribe him to try to kill him the wage war against him. But not once did they ever try to imitate the Quran because they knew it was beyond human. They knew it was something they just couldn't live up to.

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Okay, one of my favorite proofs of Islam, or the prophecies that came true, and this because today we're talking about the Quran. I'm gonna talk about some of the prophecies mentioned in the Quran. But they are like, a lot of these prophecies prophecies in the Quran they are even more in the Hadith. They are even more in the Hadith. If you have to study every single Hadith where the prophets law some said something

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And it came through 1000 years later, 1400 years later.

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There's no way you can't believe that he's a prophet. The amount of accurate prophecies in the Quran and Sunnah it is amazing. And it's not even small prophecies, you know, the false prophets, then make prophecy like, oh, there'll be peace in 100 years time, or they'll be a war in 50 years time, or there'll be a plague in 100 years time, to the very general things, there's gonna be a plague every 100 years, there will be a war every 50 years, PSAP 50 years, they'll make general prophecies. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam made very, very specific prophecies, he said, There will come a time where nobody can escape from riba from interest based dealings. He said this in Makkah, and

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Medina, at the time we barely anybody besides the Jewish community, were dealing with interest. Right? It was a very small thing, just the money lent itself to the interest. How could he have prophesied the 1400 years later, this should be the standard global economy. Everyone's touched by interest, whether you like it or not, whether you want to get involved with it or not, the proper slides are made so many prophecies that at that time, you couldn't understand what he was saying. But when it happened, you're like, oh, that must be what he was talking about. Right. And there are some studies like this that we can assume it's talking about nowadays, or maybe the future. For

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example, the prophets law exam said that there will come a time where men will have the goobric on his side informing the families. Right, we all carry our bricks around. And they tell us exactly where families are.

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So we all got our phones today, they tell us exactly where people are. Okay, how could something like that have been prophesized? Even the shape of it? I mean, it's, it's a brick, right in terms of its shape, it's a rectangle. It's amazing. But in the Quran, the one prophecy that truly amazes me, is the opening verses of Surah row. Now the opening verses of Surah room again, to understand the miracle and the beauty and the majesty of this of this prophecy, you have to go back to that time understand the politics of that time and what was happening at that time. The two superpowers in the world at that time with

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the Roman Empire, most specifically the Byzantium empire. Right? That's true. The Romans are referred to as the Byzantine Empire. That's the Eastern Roman Empire and on the other side, the Persians, right. So during the early years, while the prophesy ism is in Makkah, trying to call the people to Islam, these two empires at war with each other as empires, all right, they're at war with each other, and the Persians were crushing the Romans. They were crushing the Romans, they had taken over Syria, they had taken over Palestine, they're taken over most of the Roman theologies in that area, it looked like the Roman Empire was done for it looked like he was about to collapse, it

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looked like that's it, the end of of the Byzantine Empire. But

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at that time,

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Allah subhanaw taala revealed the verse saying that the Romans have been defeated in a nearby land, and soon within less the words uses within the next 10 years, they will be victorious. Within the next 10 years, they will be victorious. Now, imagine being one of the Sahaba at a time, the prophets of Allah Islam and he Sahaba a minority in Makkah, a persecuted minority, their entire fate is revolves around this book being American. This book that is a miracle is saying that that empire is getting crushed, that's about to be wiped out, will be victorious within 10 years.

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Right? The entire fate of Islam relies on this happening. If within the next 10 years, the Romans didn't defeat the Persians. That would have been that would have been the end of Islam, people would have left the religion. This is your currency, this never happened. This the stakes were so high with this prophecy. Not only that, Allah subhanaw taala say something was going to happen. He said when it was going to happen, and he was a major global event that affected the entire known world at a time.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:45

And what was interesting is the next verses on that day, you also will be celebrating on that day or in that at that time, you also be celebrating nine and a half years later, nine to nine and a half years later, the entire war flips around. The Romans take back all the territories and the Persians are on the run and the Persians are losing territory and the Romans claim a major victory taking that Palestine from the Persians. Right. That same year. That same year, two same people who are laughing at the Muslims for these verses being revealed,

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lost the battle of battle against the prophets for yourself. The Romans were celebrating the victory over the Persians at the same time. He prophesized Sahaba were celebrating the victory at button. Two prophecies in one came true

00:50:00 --> 00:50:40

We can say three prophecies that the Romans would defeat the Persians, that will happen within 10 years. And that at the same time, the Muslims will also be victorious around the exact same time. And all of this happen nine years later. So again, if you can go into the politics of it, the Persians got involved in the basically self sabotaged the princess style of fighting each other and trying to take over as king and became a big mess. And the Romans took advantage of that and managed to take back their territories. Even more miracles, you can lay upon this more prophecies because the prophets call your solemn after this, he sends letters to both the king of the Romans to Caesar

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and the king of the Persians. And the king of the Romans, he respects the letter of the prophets law he was salam. And, you know, he kind of indicates that he knew is a real prophet, but he was scared to accept Islam because people would rebel against him, the Persian Empire, he taught the letter up, he taught the letter up any basically insulted the prophets of Allah wa salam. The prophets of Allah Alim said that he tore up the letter of quality of his kingdom. Less than two years after the death of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, the Persian Empire was no more. And all of that land belonged to the Muslims, the Romans would last another 600 years. The Romans would last another 600

00:51:21 --> 00:51:48

years, they lost those territories to the Muslims in the other side, but the Byzantium stays constant, Constantinople stayed the base right until the Ottoman times. So the the King who honored the prophets, while you saw them, his his empire lasted for hundreds of years longer, and the one who crushed up the letter, within a few years, God doesn't exist anymore, never to rise up ever again. So again, layer upon layer of prophecies coming through

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another example. So that's an example from the Mako Nero. In the medina Nero. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been exiled from Makkah, he's in state of war with the people of Makkah brother has happened has happened, the Battle of the change will happen, and he has a dream that he is going to enter Makkah, peacefully and perform Umrah. And Allah even reveals a verse about us, right?

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The Allah said, you will indeed enter the Haram safe, having performed your own route without any fear, you will definitely do it. So if we can look at look at the context, at that point in time, when this dream happens, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it looked like it was impossible to go for

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an eating it was hard to go for Oprah during COVID Imagine being that time

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the enemies of Islam were ruling Makkah. And there is

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this literary war going on. How do you perform in that situation, but the prophets also has a dream. He knows it's a true dream. Why? Because the dreams of the Gambia are true. The dreams of the prophets are true. He and the Sahaba put on the Rams the match to Makkah, they get stopped. And they get told to come back next year.

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The Sahaba us dream. They had the dream. It didn't say this year.

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The next year they come back they perform the owner peacefully. They I mean, the enemies of Makkah, literally go outside of Makkah, and just stand there and watch the property. So many Sahaba perform Umrah and don't touch them, because now they have a peace treaty. Before the dream, there was no peace treaty, no one knew there's going to be a peace treaty. A year later the dream is fulfilled. A year later the dream is fulfilled and the profits while your salon was able to perform the camera safely with his Sahaba. Now, again, when you think about how high the stakes were, where the profits are sometimes this How about how did you think you're going to perform at a time when it seemed

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impossible. Had he never been able to perform Umrah after that? There would have been proof against and by the way, Allah subhanaw taala does destroy the false prophets, the false prophets when they make prophecies, the opposite comes true.

00:54:09 --> 00:54:19

Right there was a man not going to mention names not to start any sectarianism. But there was a man in the US who claimed to be a prophet. And one of his prophecies was that nobody will ever kill him.

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A sniper killing.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:37

Right, literally the exact opposite of what he prophesies happened. So when a false prophet makes a prophecy, Allah humiliates them. And when a true prophet mentioned the prophecy from what Allah has revealed to them, it happens it comes through. And

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this topic we can give a whole lecture just on the prophecies of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I literally just read through 50 pages worth of Hadith and Quranic verses, all of which prophesized things to happen in the future that came through. And it was like over 70 things, over 70 things. I mean, some of them, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that his grandsons will you

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be killed by Muslims

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who never imagined at that time at the time of this album, that the prophets awesome grandson would be killed by Muslims. That's right. Oh god, it's something we can't believe actually happened. And it happened. The Prophet saw some total Somalia and and Omen radula one coma that they were going to be marching. As you imagine, both of them were murdered by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made so many prophecies like this. He said that after him they will be rightly guided caliphate for 30 years and after they will be kings.

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Literally, Abu Bakar Omar Osman Ali is exactly that years and after that we have the Kings until today we have kings, right? So specific miracles, so specific prophecies in the Quran and the Sunnah are proved that indeed, this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and the disease Detroit.

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Okay, so we'll stop there and take some questions and inshallah we'll continue from here next week. But we still have another 10 slides to go through. I'll just mention one more medical and then conclude because this one won't take long. But the Quran is also miraculous in its historical accuracy. So Yusuf Ali Salam story, refers to the king of Egypt as a king, while the story of Musa Islam quality mufaddal. Now why is this a miracle? Because the Bible calls both of our fellow The Bible refers to the king of Egypt at the time of use of the salam as a federal. So firstly, those who say that the Prophet saw them copied the Bible. Why do you not copy this? Right? Number two,

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many, many centuries later, historians discovered that the word Pharaoh was only invented a few 100 years after a time of use of acela, it didn't exist at this time. At his time, the rulers were called kings.

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And the Quran is accurate in this in the Bible is not. The Bible makes the mistake of calling the king at the time of Pharaoh. Even though that word did not exist yet. The Quran is consistent in his historical accuracy. How could anyone in Makkah at that time have known that the ruler of Egypt at the time of use of a salaam was called a king and not called a federal because it today, we think that the ancient rulers of Egypt are called Barrows, most of us to think that, but again, this is a level of meticulous accuracy, that at that time, specifically, could only have come from the Creator.

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So this is the final vertical that we will discuss for this week, inshallah will continue in two weeks time with the other half of the slides. As we go into many other aspects of it. Are there any questions?

00:57:41 --> 00:57:42

Everything understandable?

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00:57:51 --> 00:57:52

okay, the interesting question.

00:57:54 --> 00:58:12

Same, yeah. Okay. So there is, the question is the people who followed Musa Islam and easily can make genuine followers, but they call Jews and Christians or are they called Muslims? Technically, they are called Jews and Christians, right? However, if you're going to go with

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the theological beliefs, we would say they were the Muslims of the time. Right? We would say the way the Muslims overtime in that they followed, whoever was the prophet today, people at their time, and they will be judged accordingly and rewarded accordingly. Right. But they didn't use the word Muslim to refer to themselves. They didn't use this exact word. This is an Arabic word, the word Arabs, right? The word Jew refers to the lineage and the word, you know, Christian, refer to them following Jesus Christ. So he saw a Salam. So these were the terms used at that time, in fact, become during even invented by devotees, by other people, but these became the terms associated with them. What we

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do says that the true followers of every prophet will be rewarded for following the Prophet. Now, after the prophets law is on time, any Judeo Christian who hears about him is obligated to believe in Him and follow Him. Right? That is something that's very clear in the Quran and Sunnah. But before his time, they are rewarded accordingly to having followed the profit of the time's, right.

00:59:20 --> 00:59:21

Okay, any other questions?

00:59:28 --> 00:59:36

Okay, we can close off now. There's no other questions, and it's time to continue. So behind our exam it was

00:59:40 --> 00:59:41

okay to

00:59:48 --> 00:59:51

continue. This was part two of the football series in two weeks time.

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