Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Lahab

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the history and importance of Islam, including the famous Islam queen's name and the use of bullies in the culture. The narratives of the story involve different narratives, including the use of surahs to prove the legitimacy of the Prophet system and the importance of wealth in one's life. The importance of showing love and being a decent person in public is emphasized, as it is linked to one's life and not just a choice. The book "The book of the beast" is a series of disconnected sentences that do not share the same themes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh today inshallah we are looking at a very important Surah Surah Allah hub, which is one of the early sutras to be revealed. It also goes by the name surah mustard. Now, you might wonder why the sutra of the Quran have more than one name. This is because the names of the sutras were not revealed. The names of the sutra some of them were decided upon by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Some of the names of students were decided by the Sahaba and somebody later scholars, that's why we have sutras with more than one name like Surah Fatiha, which is also called mu Kitab, or Fatiha to get up or Surah Surah, which is also called surah bonito L.

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Likewise, surah Allah, which also has the name surah mustard,

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and the name of the surah are normally taken from important words found within the surah. Now this surah is important because it deals with a very early criminal in the history of Islam, one of the greatest enemies of Islam, the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abu lahab. Now, we want to take a look at who is Abu lahab Why was he specified and chosen for the surah? And what lessons can be learned from this?

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Because Firstly, the first thing we need to realize is that the Quran does not usually mention names. This is something very rare Allah subhanaw taala mentioned someone by name, it's either because a person is very great or very evil, in this case, the latter. And if you look at all the enemies of Islam mentioned in the Quran, the majority of them are not mentioned by name. Allah subhanaw taala did not mention Walid nimbahera by name when he talks about de Mistura. mudassar is he does not mention Abu Jihad by name. But when it comes to Abu lahab, we have an entire studio called Sula surah Allah hub. Right? So if we look at the disbelievers who are mentioned by name in

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the Quran, we have shaytan. We have Pharaoh, we have Abu lahab, and maybe just one or two others. So this is a very small group of what we can call the worst of the worst. Abu lahab needed less he was that bad person. So who was Abu lahab? Why was he regarded as one of the biggest enemies of Islam? Why would the sutra reveal about him? And what can we learn from the surah and apply to our own lives? let's first go into the history and the biography of Abu lahab. Abu lahab, was one of the most famous and wealthiest people of Makkah. He was in fact, in charge of the treasure of Makkah, the treasury of Makkah, he was in charge of it. He was the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

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meaning he was the brother of Abdullah, the Prophet salallahu the slums father.

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His name was Abdul Azhar the was the worshipper of aza, and he gained the nickname Abu lahab, the father of flames, because he was very good looking. And his wife had the nickname Ahmed Jamil, the mother of beauty, because she also was good looking. And so they had these nicknames, indicating the good looks. But, you know, one of the first lessons we learned from you is that good looks don't mean anything, if you have a bad heart, because I will have with one of the best looking Arab men, but he's from the worst of the worst of humanity. So you know, we live in a time where people are obsessed with good looks, we are obsessed with looking our best and how other people think we look.

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And it has become a trend even in doubt in our jobs, even in our quarters that we choose to where we want to look our best. And many, very often we forget about the inside, we forget about making sure that our hearts are beautiful. We forget about making sure that our character is beautiful, that our hearts are pure, that we are from those who people love us for our personality and for our good character and for the way that we love and deal with others. You know, we've become so obsessed with this external beauty, that it has corrupted our understanding of what's right and wrong. But we see a Buddha have a perfect example, that external beauty and being handsome doesn't mean anything if

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the inside of the person is rotten. And so we can take a lesson from that and we can apply to our lives. Let's stop focusing only on the external and let's start working on purifying our hearts and becoming from those who Allah subhanaw taala loves. So I will have was a very good looking person. He would also of course have a very strong lineage being from the Hashimi tribe, the core of the courage. And he was not only the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam but he is also the father in law of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam two daughters, two of his sons we married the two of the daughters of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now, when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam became a prophet David

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Those who accepted him. They were those who said, We'll wait and see the widows who rejected. And then there was a Buddha, who took the strongest stance against him.

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Did even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam climb to the top of Mount Saba. And he shouted, he shouted out, and called the people for a warning. And he warned him about the punishment of the Hellfire, and the importance of worshiping God alone, and believing in the prophets.

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At that point in time, everybody was silent, even those who disbelieved, except for one person, I wish

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I would have said that, but the other way your hands perish. Have you brought us here for this? He mocked Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. One of the nation's he even threw a stone at him, but that narration has some weakness in it

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did not stop there. He became from all the relatives of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam the only one who would not protect him. Now, even according to the pagan laws of Arabs, at that time, protecting your relatives was something which you have to do, right, even the disbelievers. It was part of the way of life. It was part of the culture, that you have to protect your relatives no matter what. And so when Abu lahab said that he's not going to protect Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam instead, he tried to harm him. This was looked upon, even in the disbelieving culture as something bad. That's why even the non Muslims of Makkah, many of them look down upon Abu lahab. And they regard him as

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somebody who was not worthy of, you know, following because he had gone against even their own religion and their own culture in his hatred for Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. A Buddha have had ordered his sons to divorce the daughters of Rasulullah slowly Islam as a means of,

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you know, of insulting him and causing further harm to him and his family. And I would have, he had done so many other things to harm Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that, you know, he was regarded amongst the primary enemies of Islam. But he was not alone in this his wife also was from those who had attacked Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and harmed his wife, known as Omar jameelah, stated Her name was aura.

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She was also from a very wealthy background.

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And, of course, she and her husband were very popular in the city, because they were very good looking and they had very high status. But once they began to attack Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, a lot of people turned against him. And a lot of people began to look down upon them. What did she do? What did they do? Abu lahab and his wife would throw foot in front of the house of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam whenever he would recite Quran, there was one of the things they used to do, they still leave dirt in front of his house. Number two, they had ordered their sons to divorce his daughters.

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Number three when Rasulullah lo Samson, cos he had passed away. And this this year is a bit of weakness in this narration, but when it's in the rage, that when the proper systems costing, sunk costs impacts the way Abu lahab would came out of the house happy and dancing now to be loved. Again, there's a bit of a difference of opinion as to whether that's an authentic narration or not, but the others are authentic. And Abu lahab and his wife used to do whatever they can to make life miserable for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and so Allah subhana wa tada had revealed a surah This is sutra was revealed in the very early days of Islam, and this is the surah which we are

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going to tackle today. The surah is called Surah mahshid or surah. In the Quran, it is the 111 surah. And it the translation of the surah goes as follows Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem In the name of Allah, most Gracious, Most Merciful. The ba da ba ba ba ba ba ba

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Perish the hands of a Buddha hub and indeed he will perish. Ma Hua Hua maka SAP his wealth will not benefit him, nor did anything that he is not nor will anything that he earned benefit him. So yes, la de la hub, he will be thrown, he'll be thrown into a fire of Blazing flames. One or two homological hardtop and his wife, the one who used to carry the wood atones

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Fiji there have Lumi mosaid will have around the neck, a rope of twisted fiber mustard.

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So this is a very strong surah a very strong surah about the punishment

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In the year after for Abu lahab, and his wife or major Mila,

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and why was such a strong sutra revealed about them? It was not only because they had attacked Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and harmed him. But even more so they were his uncle and art, you know, out of all the people they were the ones who you expected to be a bit more softer to him a bit more merciful to him, like his other uncle Abu Talib, who was soft and kinda merciful to him despite not accepting the message of Islam. But Abu lahab he had gone to great extremes to cause harm to Rasul Allah. So, Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Surah Now there's quite a few interesting things about this surah The first thing I want to tackle is that this surah confirms the prophethood of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam how this surah is telling us that Abu lahab and his wife will enter the helpfile meaning that they will die as disbelievers. This sutra was revealed a full 10 years before a Buddha have died.

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So all Abdullah have had to do to prove that the Quran is not from God, to prove that the Prophet system was not a true prophet. If he wanted to prove this, all you had to do was become a Muslim. And he would have proven to Sula to be false. But he didn't become a Muslim I would not have did not become a Muslim. for 10 years he had an opportunity to try and prove the Quran to be false. But he did not why because Allah subhanaw taala knew that Abu lahab will not accept Islam at all, not even pretending to accept Islam, not even accepting Islam for ulterior motives know Allah subhanho wa Taala, the creator of the universe and the one who revealed the Quran knew the Abu lahab will remain

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an arrogant and stubborn disbeliever for the rest of his life. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Surah prophesizing, the Abu lahab will die upon Cooper.

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And I will have only died 10 years later, fulfilling the prophecy of the surah. So the surah stands as evidence for the truthfulness of the message of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and it is a one of the prophecies of the Quran which have come true. There are many other prophecies in the Quran which have come true. This is one of them which were most glaring at that time. It was very glaring to the Arabs because Abu lahab had 10 years to try and turn this around and prove this prophecy to be false, but he didn't do so. So this is the first major point from the surah. That these proof of the prophethood and it's a very good point to bring up in the dour.

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The second thing to look at over here is that when I would have told Rasulullah sallallahu slumped up but he made your hands perish. Allah subhanaw taala responded with the same words who are be the hub whatever that may be the hubs hands perish and he will perish.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is playing on the words of Abu lahab and hitting him back with the same curse that he tried to put a rock less knowledge on them. And in this there is another lesson for us that when you curse someone who is not deserving of that curse, it bounces back at you.

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When you curse someone who is not deserving of that curse when you make do against somebody who is not deserving of it. It bounces back against you. We should be careful as believers as Muslim we should always be making dua for people. We should always be thinking, good people, we should always be trying to ask Allah to guide those who are afraid to forgive those who are sinful, we should make dua for people not against them. Unfortunately, many of us have this habit of cursing others. Do we see this specifically today on the internet on Facebook and Twitter and on the forums. When people get into differences of opinion to debates, the first thing they start doing is cursing each other.

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And this is not from Islam. This is not from Islam rather This is the behavior of Abu lahab. So when we are cursing someone, we need to ask ourselves are we following the Sunnah of Rasulullah slowly some edition of a Buddha hub. So be careful of curses, curses come back to harm those who cursed the innocent people. And Allah subhanaw taala emphasized it and he does not just say that Abu lahab will paraphrase it a Buddha will perish. And indeed, he will he emphasizes, he repeats it. The second verse gives us a very important lesson. The second verse tells us that my ohana on whom Allah who his wealth will not benefit him. His wealth will not benefit him. And in this there is a lesson for

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us. But we need to take one break inshallah. And when we return we will continue with the Tafseer of surah Allah Allahu Allah rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. We are moving on into verse number two. This is the surah revealed about Abu lahab the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was amongst the greatest enemies of Islam, Allah subhanaw taala revealed a very strong surah condemning him and his wife to the hellfire. And in this surah Allah Subhana Allah tells us well, ma

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Humala who Mr. casaba his wealth and his earnings will not benefit him at all. This is not just for our Buddha, but this is something we all can take benefit from.

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And Firstly, before I go into that the word Kassab know, we mentioned his wealth and earnings. Some of you might be wondering, what's the difference or the not to the same thing? Well, some of the scholars have pointed out that gosub over your earnings in this verse refers to his children. So another, another translation would be that his wealth and his children do not benefit him. So yeah, again, let's look at the lesson we can take from this. That, you know, again, as I spoke earlier, one of the things we focus on these days is external beauty. Another thing which we are focused upon a lot these days is wealth. We live in the rat race, we live in a time where everyone is chasing

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after the world. And we spoke about this before with subrata Castle.

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Hakuna Matata castle, to competition to pile up the things of this world has distracted us

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to macabre until you visit the graves meaning until you die. And we spoke about it again in silico as well as in in zanella, Picasa, that by the token of time all of mankind is headed for loss and destruction, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and help each other upon the truth and patience. And now we come to the same topic of healing once again in Surah. Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that if you are not earning your wealth in a righteous way, and spending your way in earning your wealth in a hallway and spending it in a hallway and living a life which is pleasing to Allah, then you can be a millionaire, you can be a multi millionaire, you can be a

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billionaire, when you die, it's not gonna benefit you in the least.

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So why this obey Allah to unweld? Why harm Allah subhana wa tada his religion? Why harm yourself and the people around you for the sake of wealth? How many times today? Do we do this? How many times today when we are put to a test, we choose to follow the prophets the PR o fit is instead of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? How many times today? We have a test where do I take interest? Or do I stay away from it? We choose the one which seems easier even though we know it is this. It is this pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala simply because we feel it will make us more wealth.

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Again, when we do this, then we have forgotten about the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is our reserve. Allah subhanho wa Taala is our reserve. He is the one who provides for everyone, unless you have a handle that has informed us that whatever, whatever Well, you're meant to have. For the rest of your life has already been predestined for us. That's something many of us don't really understand or grasp. Whatever wealth you are meant to have for the rest of your life has already been predestined for you. All we have to decide is do I get it in a hostile way, going the wrong way.

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This is the this is the choice we have to make. Am I earning my wealth in either way, you're going to make the same amount maybe not immediately. Maybe if you choose the Haram route, you get the bigger amount now and the lesser amount later. But if you choose the halaal route, you get the smaller amount now to test you to see your sincerity to see your toughness and you're stubborn, and they don't you get the larger amount. You see, we don't think in these terms, all we see is profits and money. Also understanding the trauma and Humala hamacas of the money is not going to benefit you in the afterlife, if it was accompanied with the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And neither will children, children, who we look upon after Well, the one thing that people pride themselves on is their children. And Allah mentioned this multiple times in the Quran, that the word life of this world has become a competition in wealth and children. People take pride in the children.

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But Allah hunter warns us in the Quran that on that day, the father will run away from the sun, the sun will run away from his father, everyone will be worried about themselves. If you did not raise righteous children, then those children will be a burden against you on the day of judgment because remember, parenting is a responsibility in Islam. If you raised your children to be unrighteous, if you do not teach them Islam, if you taught them to disobey Allah, if you taught your children to mock the hijab, or to mock those who have beards, have you taught your children to mock the people who go to the masjid five times a day and to call them extremists? If you taught your children all

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of these wrong things, they will never the committee since you also receive this and so these type of children who

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raised to be an Islamic were raised to be distributed to Allah subhanho wa Taala they will be a burden on the parents on the Day of Judgment.

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On the other hand, if you taught your children to love and love, and if you taught your children to love Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and to love the deen and to pray five times a day, and to have good character, and to treat people with respect and with mercy and with kindness, and to be a Muslim in every aspect of their lives, if you taught your children this, they will ever since they commit or they own they are not against you, and whatever good they do, you will get the reward for it. So we need to ask ourselves a very important question, how am I raising my children? Am I raising my children to be in a way which is pleasing to Allah or not? Because either way, on the day

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of judgment,

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I will be accountable for my children. If I'm raising them in the way which is pleasing to Allah, then this will be in the scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgment. If I'm raising them in a way which is displeasing to Allah, then this will be on the scale of bad deeds on the Day of Judgment. So be careful. Be careful what you teach your children, racism, lying, stealing, backbiting, gossiping, slander, these are traits which you find passed on from generation to generation in the current era. And these are all things which accumulate on your account of bad deeds on the last day should be very careful with our children.

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If your children were raised unrighteous Lee like the children of Abu lahab, then they will be dragging you down on the last day, I will have raised his children to be unrighteous, and he forced him to divorce the daughters of Rasulullah Islam, and they also face terrible endings.

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And they will also he will also be accountable for the essence of the Day of Judgment for being such a terrible father. And someone and again, in Islam, being a bad father does not mean abusing your child only being a father also means raising your child in a way which raised them to be disobedient to Allah.

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It's interesting to note that

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he boasted about two things. he boasted about his good looks, and he boasted about his wealth. So in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala is telling him that his route is not going to benefit him. As for his good looks, Allah subhanho wa Taala to get away from him towards the end of his life.

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I will have towards the end of his life, what happened to him at the time of the Battle of

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Abu lahab took the cowardly way out. He refused to fight in the battle the battle against the Muslims, even though he was amongst those who hated the Muslims the most. rather he sent somebody in his place.

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And while they were gone, he began to develop a disease of the skin

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until the color of the color of his skin began to change and get extremely rotten. You can say it was a very

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repulsive look developed, he's began to get wounds his face began to get septic. He began to ooze and do a variety of different narrations about what happened to him. But they all agree upon one thing that Abu lahab began to look very ugly. Notice that what did he prides himself on? What did this disbeliever this enemy of Islam, pride himself on his good looks? So how do Allah subhanaw taala punish him in this world by taking away his good looks, and in that there is a lesson for us in that there is a lesson for us that if we attach our pride and our

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success to anything except Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah can take that away from us. If we feel that I am successful because I am intelligent. A lot can take you intelligence away. If you feel I am successful, because I am beautiful. Allah can take your beauty away. If you feel I'm successful, because I am strong, Allah can take your strength away. I would have felt he was successful because of his good looks. He's handsome this.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala took that away from him. And he became so ugly, the people abandoned him. And so when he died, people didn't even know he died. Because he was staying alone in his house. His family had left him

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and they left his body in the house for two or three nights. Nobody wanted to touch his dead body because it was so repulsive. He had such a repulsive state. Nobody even wanted to touch his dead body. Until someone said that this is disgraceful. How can you leave your father rotting? Go and bury him. And so the sleeves went ahead and removed the body and they just shoved it in a hole and buried it outside of Makkah.

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You see the disgraceful end that he reached in this world even at the hands of his fellow disbelievers.

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I would have committed one

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have the greatest claims. Two of the greatest claims. Number one, he disbelieved Allah and worshipped idols. That was surely that is the unforgivable sin. On top of that, he insulted and harmed and cause physical harm to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we spoke about this previously in Surah alcocer, that those who harm Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam will face a severe punishment in the afterlife. Today we have so many enemies of Islam posting articles on the internet, attacking Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam calling him names attacking his marriages.

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If these people do not repent, and if they die with this hatred and this evil are on their chests, then they too will face such evil ends. And we as Muslims need to be careful. We need to be careful that our character, our words, our deeds, are all in keeping with respect to Islam.

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Why do I say this? Because many times we claim to love Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, yet we insult the beard. If Rasulullah slogan was in front of us would we have insulted his beard? We claim to love Rasulullah Islam but we insult the hijab. If the wilds of Rasulullah sallallahu somebody in front of us would be insulted to heat up.

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Understand that when we are attacking aspects of Islam. We are attacking Rasulullah slowly from himself. So you can claim to love him all we want. But if you're attacking his religion, if you're mocking his religion, that's not love. That's not real love. Allah subhana wa tada cintura Arlene Runkle in contempt, a boon Allah for Toby oni yapi como la, si tu mo Muhammad, that if you truly love Allah didn't Follow me Follow the lifestyle it shouldn't have Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and then Allah will now you

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see, this verse is teaching us a few things. Number one he teaching us it's not enough to claim to love Allah and His messenger to love Islam, but you need to earn the love as well. We need to earn the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the righteous people. And this is only true being righteous. And he's teaching us these conditions attached to this love. It doesn't just come from those who say Oh, I love Rasulullah mo I love Allah. Everyone gets it I love, show it in your actions, live the lifestyle which he has chosen for us to live, follow in his footsteps be good Muslims. This is how we show our love than any other form of showing our love become superficial if we are not doing

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So this is a Buddha, but the story is not over and the Tafseer is not over because we still have a few verses to go. Verse number three. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he will throw him into a fire. But look at how Allah Subhana Allah describes the fire. Allah subhanaw taala says, say yes la runza de la, he will throw him in a fire of Blazing flames.

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Know that Allah subhanaw taala

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uses the word la hub to describe the Hellfire in the surah This is the only time in the Quran where Allah uses this word to describe

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the hellfire. Why?

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In a way, he is showing a Buddha hub the irony of his name. Abu lahab was known as Abu lahab, the father of flames, because he was good looking in the afterlife, he will be in the hub in the flames.

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So this is really alert one to shooting a Buddha hub, the irony of his name that you will be from the people of the flames.

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Now this verse of the Quran is again the prophecy that I was speaking about earlier. Allah subhanaw taala is prophesizing. In this verse, the Abu lahab will die arrogant disbelief that he will never convert to Islam. Abdullah have only died 10 years later, you get 10 years to become a Muslim, and then claim that the Quran was wrong.

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That the Quran had made a mistake, but he didn't. Why? Because this is all from Allah knowledge. Allah already knew that he would do that Allah already knew that he was so arrogant that he would never claim to be a Muslim. And so he died and he will be feanor in that Allah hub in a fire of placing claims.

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sutra in the last two verses shifts.

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It shifts away from discussing a Buddha help and he says one more Otto and his wife. He's not only a Buddha Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, his wife Ahmed Jamil,

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she also used to harm him. She also used to cause

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pain to him and his family.

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So Allah subhanaw taala talks about he says to her mother to his wife who used to carry the firewood. Like this was something that she used to do she to carry firewood in the early days. He said as for his wife,

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VG, the gloomy muscle around her neck will be a rope of twisted fiber in the hellfire. Now in your day is a very, very important lesson for us. Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the punishment of Abu lahab separate from the punishment of his wife, because in Islam, the wife is not an extension of the husband. Rather they are both responsible for their own deeds.

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In another part of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala curses, fear own as being amongst the worst disbelievers of all time, but praises your own wife arsia for being amongst the greatest believers of all time.

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Likewise, Allah subhanho wa Taala praises loot Elisa Lam and new Elisa, but mentions their wives in a negative light.

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Why? All of this is showing us something all of this is teaching us a lesson that you cannot go to Paradise just because your husband is pious or your wife is pious or your father is pious or your mother is pious or your children are pious. No going to paradise and * is determined by our own deeds.

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Our CEO was amongst the most righteous of woman. Her husband was amongst the worst of men a lot to get me into account separately, and she is from the people of Paradise, and he is from the people of hellfire. When it comes to Abu lahab he and his wife were both from the worst of people. And so they both will be in the hellfire. So Allah subhanaw taala discusses the punishment of both of them separate separately, wanting us that we are all individually accountable for our deeds. Do not think that just because I am married to someone pious, I am going to paradise No. On the day of judgment, the husband and wife will run away from each other. Each will be standing before Allah accounting

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for their own deeds. So this is something which we need to think about. And something that we need to keep in mind.

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Another one of the sins or major crimes of Abu lahab and his wife was that according to some of the narrations they had, they were the ones who made up the derogatory nickname for Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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We know that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam his name was Muhammad. Muhammad means the most praised the one who is praised a lot. But when he became a prophet, his uncle and art Abu lahab, Ahmed Jamil

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they began to call him was among the one who is disgraced a lot.

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This was what they began to call him. And this was of course, very hurtful. And this was something very disrespectful to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and so this is why the two of them were singled out by the Quran. So again, yo we get to get another lesson. But first we need to go for one last break when we return, we will take our final lesson and conclude the Tafseer of surah hub Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh we had one last lesson to take from Surah lahab and that is the evil of giving people bad nicknames. And this is something which allowed to be handled as speaks about in another suit of the Quran as well. Surah hoogenraad and inshallah one day in the

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future, I hope that we can do a detailed Tafseer of Surah hoogenraad because it is amongst the most important sutras in the Quran for us today because it deals with our luck with our character. And in verse number

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11 of Surah hoogenraad Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, you halogen Amanullah yes for comin comin atcha yagoona roaming home, whether nissa nissa yagoona Hiram in hoonah

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Oh, you will believe no group of people should look down upon or judge or mock another group of people because they might be better than you. And no group of women should look down upon or mock another group of women because they might be better than you.

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Tell me you and Pooja calm and do not

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and do not find faults in each other do not look for faults in each other. Whether the boss will be a cop and do not call each other by offensive nicknames. The SL is small for Mr. Howe evil is a how evil it is to give someone who has a bad nickname or mala Mia to bola Komodo ever does not repent from doing so. is indeed and just very powerful verse in Surah hoogenraad verse number 11

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and we just need to very briefly explain the pick up

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Have nicknames in Islam. There is nothing wrong in Islam or giving person a person a good nickname, which they love. So, for example, Rasulullah sallallahu, some so called Ayesha iosh is called an H and used to call Humira, the one with rosy cheeks. These are good nicknames, which she loved, and so there was nothing wrong with it. Likewise, Abdullah homogenous soccer was given the nickname Abu huraira, the father of a kitten, because he had a pet kitten.

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So there's nothing wrong with these type of nicknames. So we need to understand the difference. There's nothing wrong with

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