Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Duha Part 1
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The Surah duha, a powerful message of hope and satisfaction, is revealed in the first foururing serah in the Quran. The message is a remedy for depression and anxiety, and is used to bring joy back to one's life and bring joy to the person they are speaking to. The importance of being patient and not giving up is emphasized, and the need to focus on one's own lives and not let things happen to doom them. The importance of positive thinking and staying in the present to avoid negative emotions is emphasized.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking him to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of his righteous companions, all of the prophets before him and all those who follow the way with righteousness until the last day. It is a rainy and gloomy morning and we are discussing the surah of the bright morning sun. So, this morning inshallah we are going to be looking at one of the most powerful surah in the Quran, and I don't think it will be it will be able to do justice to the surah in just one episode, so we might have to split it over a few episodes
inshallah, this surah is Surah a do her Surah duha, which many of us inshallah have memorized, which I hope we are reciting in our solar, this surah is so so powerful, that I myself, whenever I'm sad whenever I'm feeling down, whenever I feel that things are difficult, I recite the surah. I ponder over it message, and I allow it to affect my heart. Because really the message of the surah is a message of hope. It's a message of optimism. It's a message of Allah's help for the believers. This myth, this surah is in my view, a sutra, which if you understand it, and apply its teachings to your life, it will protect you from depression and anxiety, depression and anxiety. These are two of the
most common problems that the world is facing today. It has been statistically proven that in America alone, there are over 17 million people affected by depression. Nine, 9 million of them have major depression. Wherever you go in the world, you have people saying I'm depressed, I'm sad, we add suicide rates escalating. You know, this has become such a big issue in our times. Why? Because we are disconnected from our Creator, we are disconnected from the source of peace.
You know, if we follow the teachings of Islam, for example, Rasulullah sallallahu. The Islam has taught us a desire to make every day part of the device. We'll be learning middle HMI will HMI Oh Allah I seek your protection from depression and anxiety. The same two things Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam taught us to make dua against it 1400 years ago. And if we understand the Quran, and we apply his teachings to our lives, then inshallah we can overcome depression, we can overcome these problems that we face inside of ourselves. And we can live an optimistic and happy life, because happiness does not lie in anything else, except the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If we are
not connected to Allah, we cannot be happy. This is why we find so many people today who are coming into the fold of Islam, people who had everything in this world, and we call a story I heard recently from a convert, very famous convert in the USA, who said that he had everything he had all the wealth, he had all the cars he had all the woman but he was depressed. And he's only when he gave all of that up and embraced Islam and give up his fame and his celebrity status, that he finally found happiness to happiness lies in Islam and the surah that we are going to tackle today that we are going to inshallah go deep into and you're going to enjoy and understanding as best as
we can. This tool is a surah which helps us to overcome depression and anxiety. This is Surah a duha, the bright morning light and it is the 93rd surah in the Quran. It is actually according to the difference of opinion, either the second or the fourth surah to be revealed. So the sutra we are discussing today was one of the first four sutras to be revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Ali. So it is one from amongst the earliest of Revelation. And that is why it is definitely a Moroccan surah it was revealed right at the beginning.
The scholars are unanimous that ekra surah Allah was the first surah to be revealed. But then there's some difference of opinion was Surah dahar, the village of flora mudassir in Sudan, Mozambique. So you know, the strong opinion seems to be pseudo modesty and was Amelia revealed. And then surah, Doha and surah in Shira and hamdulillah. What we're going to be looking at over the next few weeks today I do have the Shura insurer and attain these three sutras have a combined team of optimism. These three sutras have a combined team of not giving up hope and of knowing that these good to come after the hardships that we are in, so inshallah, by the time we have completed the
Tafseer of these three Sutras, we will be much more healthier inside ourselves will be much more stronger individuals will be able to tackle the problems of life knowing that Allah subhanho wa Taala is on our side.
So let's start off inshallah by looking at the story behind Surah dahar. The reason for its revelation, or as it is referred to in Arabic, the sub the sub A new rule, like we spoke about
In the previous
episode, that many of the students have stories behind why they revealed these stories are called the several unusual The reasons for revelations of those students. And to help us to understand the context in which the surah was revealed to her was revealed in the very early days of Islam, when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam had just received his first revelations, and suddenly the revelation stopped. And this difference of opinion, some deficiency, he did not receive revelation at all for 15 days, some say six months, something few other few months, few days. There's a lot of difference of opinion, what the what the scholars have agreed upon, though, is that there was a
period of time in which Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam did not receive any revelation, not any true dreams, no returns from the angels, he broil nothing. This was a testament to what Allah and this belief will begin to mock him and the disbelievers began to tell him that hevs has your Lord forsaken you has your Lord given up on you and that he has your devil forsaken you. And you know, this time was very saddening for Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam It was a difficult time because not only has he had to deal with the
way that the disbelievers were mocking him, but just not receiving revelation itself was a test because we all know the Quran and the joy it brings to our lives. Imagine the prophets lollies I'm getting to meet with the engine zebra, he, you know, the joy that he felt from the meetings if I'm getting the revelation being disconnected from that, but a lot of sadness dream. And so it was in this state when Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam was feeling very sad. It was at this point in time that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Sula surah Doha with the purpose and the theme behind the surah to re reveal him of the sadness to bring joy back and optimism back into his life. And the
surah has remained in the Quran for each and every one of us that when we are in that same situation, when we are feeling down when we are feeling sad when we're feeling like we can't go on Surah duha recite it and understand it and let it affect you the way it affected rasulillah committee bring that love of Allah and optimism back into our hearts. So what was the sutra that was revealed? What did Allah subhanho wa Taala reveal to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam that cost so much joy to enter his heart and cause him to feel hope and to feel loved by Allah subhanho wa Taala and which inshallah if we recite the sutra we too will feel the same level of love. So what is the
sutra it is Surah duha chapter 93 in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I will do Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim, Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, what do
I swear by the early morning light? While layli either as a job and by the night, we need to still Ma
Ma bucur womma kala, your Lord has not forsaken you and he's not angry. Well Allah zero to hero luck Amina Lula and the afterlife that into that which is yet to come is better for you than that which has already passed. Well so for your deca rabuka Fatah soon your Lord will give you that which will make you happy, alum, big deca demon?
Did he not find you as an orphan and give you shelter? What were jayda dorlin bajada And He found you wondering, and he guided you while we're JDK 11.
And He found you in need of money, and he gives you wealth.
Well, I'm Amelia deema, Paula takahara. So as for the orphan did not treat him badly with
Ebola. And as for the one who asks you for anything, Do not shout him Do not chase him away. What beanie Amati Rob backupper had this and as for that which Allah has blessed you would then talk about it. This surah
literally every single verse of the 11 verses in the surah, a powerful, powerful remedy for depression and anxiety. If you analyze every single verse, every single verse in the sutra deals with this theme. Every single verse in the surah gives us a solution to help us overcome the problems that we are facing right from the beginning. Allah subhanho wa Taala begins the surah by taking two oats he swears by the morning and by the night.
contrasting the morning and night now Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath. It is to show the greatest of something
Also, it is to show the link between that and the end the team which is about to discuss. So we take the oath on the morning and the light, it's to give us hope. Because we all know you know, that light signifies hope we have many of these things amongst us like the light at the end of the tunnel. And you know, the silver lining between the dark clouds, these type of things are to indicate that even in dark times, as always hope Allah subhanho data begins on a similar pattern, that when you look at the sky and the morning light, that's your hope, Allah subhanaw taala will bring you hope inshallah. So we're going to take a break now Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi
wabarakatuh. Today we are looking at a double seal of Surah
Surah Doha a surah reveal at a time when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was feeling sad, as soon as he revealed to make him feel happy and to feeling make him feel positive and full of energy and full of happiness. And the surah has the same effect on any believer who reads it with understanding and so inshallah we are going to spend as much time as possible on the surah to take as much benefits as we can from it, so that we can apply its teachings to our lives. And we too can have this positive mindset when dealing with the challenges of this world. Before we went for the break, we were looking at the first verse of the surah, which is what to her by the morning light.
You know, when we talk about good and evil, we always talk about light and darkness. When we talk about hope and less loss of hope, we talk about light and darkness, unless you have 100 other uses the same metaphorical terminology at the beginning of the sutra by swearing and taking an oath on the morning light and the night when it is still, you know, showing us that the
that the hope that we have should come from the morning light, you know it should be assigned for us. Allah subhanaw taala the same one who brings about the morning light after the darkness of the night is the same one who will bring hope into our lives will bring safety into our lives will bring ease into our lives after the hardship we are currently in. So this is a metaphor which Allah subhanaw taala is using his steadied as an old but the oldest day for us to contemplate over to take benefit from so Allah begins with this old, what do you have what Lily is asked? By the early morning light and the night when it is still. So you can see this picture in your mind the darkness
of the night. And then suddenly the morning comes and the light shines in. That is how our lives are that sometimes everything seems so dark around us so much of evil around us so much of hardships and problems we wonder, when is the help of Allah going to come and then it comes like the morning light the help of Allah comes it takes away our problems. After swearing and out on the morning and the night. The very next verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala consoled Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and everybody else who recites this verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, ma What? aka rabuka wa Kala ma what the aka this is negative ma what the Lord has not forsaken you. This is refuting you know if
you look at it in the historical context, it's refuting what the disbelievers at that time were saying, were they retelling the prophecy of Islam that your Lord has forsaken you? He's not sending any more revelation to you. And that no, this sort of things Honestly, I have not forsaken you.
And the message here is for each and every one of us. Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forsake us. If we stick to the deen if we stick to living lives which is which are pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala if we stick to living our lives in a way, and if we stick to being patient at times of difficulty, and still being good Muslims, no matter what happens in our lives, that Allah will not forsake us. So this is this is a very powerful message of hope. Very often when we are in difficult situations. You know, we look around we see things go wrong, family members might have passed away or someone is suffering an illness or you know, unemployment or whatever it is that you face in your
life. And you wonder why are they doing this to me, you know, Allah forsaken me right? That bad person No, you're not. You're not you're not a bad person that's not Allah does not sin difficulties into our lives because we are bad people. Rather it's the opposite.
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has told us that Allah Subhana Allah has stated lazzarini Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has told us that Allah subhana wa Taala
has said that he will.
That Sorry, I forgot about the state, the other Hadees which are good
to state what rasulillah like Sam said that the most severely tested people on the Day of Judgment, the most severely tested people in this world are those who Allah loves the most severely tested people in this world of the prophets and then those closest to them in piety and in those courses tend to piety. Lila would be mentioned that Hades the first Hadees came back into my mind, and that to the test Ramallah, that there should be some said that when Allah love someone, when Allah Subhana, Allah loves you, he sends tests into your life. This is the Hadees we have lost wonder love someone, he sends them tests. So this is something to think about when you're being tested. Don't
look at it as a punishment. Don't look at it as Allah subhanaw taala has forsaken You don't look at it as Allah Subhana. Allah is, you know, putting you through difficulties or he's punishing, you don't know, Allah is testing you because he loves you. Why? Because it's only two tests and difficulties, that we become better people with only two testing difficulties, that we rise up and we become stronger, and that we reach levels that we never thought we were capable of. Look at the history of anyone throughout the history of this world who has ever accomplished anything, any hero in the history of this world, you will see their life is full of difficulty upon difficulty. But the
reason we remember them and their stories is because of how they overcame the difficulties. You notice everything they went through, made them stronger. And so this is for us as testers, it's a means of building us into better people.
So don't think that Allah has forsaken us, no matter what the aka rabuka your Lord has not forsaken you. Your Lord has not forsaken you wellmark Allah and he is not angry. He is not angry with you. He is not displeased with you. Again, Allah subhanaw taala is reminding us intersperse many of us when things go wrong in our life. We think allies angry with us. We think allies punishing us. We think we must have done something really bad for Allah to bring this into our life. No, I'm not angry. Allah is helping you to get to gender. Why? Because Allah sends test into your life and you make submit and you are patient with those tests. What is the reward for that exceptional. That's what
Allah says, This is not to do a love for seeking us or being angry with us. You know, this is how this verse should relate to us as people. We need to look at this verse and look at it in terms of our own lives. Remember, when you are reciting the Quran recited as if Allah is talking to you directly, because it is Kalam Allah is the speech of Allah to every single person on the face of the earth. So anyone who reads the Quran or even told us to non Muslims, read the Quran as if God is speaking to you, and then you will understand this message. So that helps us you know, imagine you know, it's a day where you're feeling sad, and you're feeling down and you're wondering why me and
then you read my book, Omar, Allah, your Lord has not forsaken. You know, he's angry. Very powerful, very powerful words, which hit the heart and really help you to get back up and to realize the allies on your side. Allah is on your side, as long as I'm being a good Muslim as long as I'm trying my best. As long as I'm repenting for my mistakes, that Allah is on my side. He will not forsake me. He's not angry with me.
And the very next verse, Allah subhanaw taala now gives us something to focus on. Alaska hunter tells us in the very next verse of Surah Taha well, hero to hero luck, Amina Ooh, la wa zero to hero la camino, Lula, the afterlife is better for you than what came before. Now, yeah, alegebra hana what Allah is teaching us how to focus. He's teaching us where to focus. He's teaching us on what we should be
on what we should be keeping our minds on what we should have as our goal in our lives. And that is paradise, gender.
If we have this before us, if we have the idea of gender and paradise in our minds, then whatever we face in this world, becomes easier. Unfortunately, for many of us today, you know, gender has become an abstract term. We talk about it as if it's a myth, or it's something you know, far fetched, but we don't live our lives in accordance to, you know, to that belief, you know, if we believed in Paradise, in Allah 200 agenda, did we be living our lives in a way that we are constantly working towards it? is the fact that we are talking about it, but we are living lives that displeasing to Allah. There's some, you know, there's a problem here. Our lives are not in agreement with what we
believe either that or we don't really believe it. So we need to go back and we need to think to ourselves that do I really believe in gender we need to make have yaqeen in gender we need to have this conviction that yes, if I do good, if I live a righteous life, if I am patient attempted difficulty. I will get paralyzed. I will get gender and gender to behandlar. You know, it's a topic on its own that we can discuss for hours and hours and hours.
Allah has revealed so much details about paradise knowing that this is a primary motivator for the human being. Human beings are motivated by two things, pain and pleasure. So Allah subhanaw taala used both of these motivators in the Quran by talking about both paradise and *, paradise for the pleasure and help for the pain, right. So when we have these two ideas in our mind, it becomes easier for us to focus in the right direction. So in this specific verse, Allah subhanaw, taala, is now giving us direction. And he's telling us, don't worry about the present problems you are in, don't be depressed or anxious, because of something that you are facing right now. Focus on your
goal, right, focus on your goal, focus on paradise on gender.
Don't let anything distract you from that. Because if gender is what you want,
then everything else is immaterial. Everything else is just, you know, something that you have to step over to get there. And then it doesn't bother you anymore. It doesn't bother you. If someone is backbiting about you.
It doesn't bother you. If someone slandering you, it doesn't bother you, when things go wrong. Why? Because you know, if I'm patient, if I'm patient to this difficulty, will come in the afterlife is better, the afterlife is better than what came before the what I have right now, that what happened in the past, you know, almost Mandela is telling us here in clear terms, that the afterlife is or should be our goal. So each and every one of us should focus on
the afterlife. Now there is another explanation for this first, which is what is to come is better than what has passed. Meaning that in the future in this world, you will have things which are better than what has happened in the past. And again, the scholars have reconciled between the same that means both ways. You know, if you're seeing that in the future, you will have better than what you had in the past. The future does include the afterlife, it does include paradise, but includes this world as well. So this is more of a encompassing translation, in that it takes into account an era to refer to the afterlife, as well as our future on this earth, that while you're on this earth,
things will get better, things will get better. You still face tests, but things will get better. So, you know, this is a optimistic verse, letting us know that there is hope that the future is bright, you know, like the morning sunrise, like Doha, the future is bright. So this verse, you know, there's two ways of translating into what our hero the hero like Amina oola, the afterlife is better for you, than what has passed. Or what is to come is better for you than what has passed. Whichever way you translate it, whichever way you use it. Either way, you know, the message is clear that things will get better. That's the main message of this person, things will get better. Don't
be depressed. Don't be anxious. Relax, put your trust in Allah. puja tawakoni Allah, because life will definitely get better if you do so. And they will this verse is full of
emphasis. You know, if you look at the verses in the sutra, there's a lot of emphasis on these points. Unless it was our fear of introducing one up here it says, Well, no, this is a point in Arabic language, which I want you to take note of because this comes very often in the Quran. This love language. It comes for emphasis. It's called in Arabic, the Lamb of the Akita, the Lamb of emphasis, when you see this letter at the beginning of a word, Allah is emphasizing a point, he's emphasizing a point. Now I'm mentioning this because this lamb can be translated into English, you know, in English, we just did. And the afterlife is better for you than what has passed. But did the
emphasis is missing because we don't have this concept in English. So we have to look at it from an Arabic point of view, that Allah is emphasizing this. And you find this throughout the Quran and Islam. For example, Allah talks about the test of life, he says, well, and the blue one, that we will definitely test you with fear and hunger and loss of life and loss of wealth and loss of efforts. Allah says, In the in Santa, lovey hoser definitely, definitely mankind is headed for destruction. So this lamb is very important. Unfortunately, it can't be translated into English, because, you know, there's no concept like it in English, the closest we can see is to translate it
as definitely. So we can see definitely the opposite light is better than what is then what has passed. So when we look at it, with that point of view of the Lamb of Turkey of emphasis, then this is a large Panda, not just giving us hope, but he's telling us, definitely, it's one thing when someone tells you, you know, the future is going to get better. You know, the thing to give you
Hope. But when you're creator, the only one in the entire universe or the only one in existence, who knows the future, your Creator, my Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala when he tells us law, definitely aka the afterlife, and what is to come is better for you than what has passed and uses the word definitely, then you know for sure that wants to come in the future is going to be better if we are from those who please Allah subhanho wa Taala and try our best to be good Muslims. So, this is a very important point here. So 111 what we have looked at thus far, the first four verses of surah to her by the morning lights, and the night when it is still your Lord has not forsaken you noisy
displeased, and definitely the afterlife and what is to come is better for you than what has passed.
This, these verses alone, you know, if our spider had stopped there, it alone would have eased our heart it alone would have elevated our condition and helped us get closer to Allah subhanaw taala and be optimistic and go forward in life with an optimistic mindset. But Allah subhanaw taala does not stop there. He goes on.
And he's helped us even more. The next verse takes us to the past. So in this verse, Allah tells us about the future, to be optimistic about the future. The next verse, Allah takes us to the past, to remind us, you know about his failures of the past. But before he does that, there's one more verse about the future in which Allah panda then says, well, so for your deca rabuka federal law, right so Yo, we have verses four and five, talking about the future optimistically. And in verses six, seven and eight, talk about the past, in a very positive light. So what is Allah say you're in the second verse talking about the future. Well, so far, you're a deca rabuka pata de wala, again, the
emphasis, the love for emphasis, definitely, super soon nearby in the near future. You are deca,
deca rabuka. Your Lord Allah will give you
four daardoor and you will be happy. Now there's so many points to take from this first. Firstly, look at it from an Arabic perspective. You know the amount of emphasis here is amazing. So inshallah, what you're going to do, we're going to take one last commercial break when we return, we'll conclude the Tafseer of Surah Taha Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, we are looking at surah to her, then, chapter which brings us hope, the chapter about the morning light which comes about after the darkness, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that your Lord has not forsaken you know he's displeased. And what is to come in the future and in the afterlife in Paradise is
definitely better for you than what has passed. And as we come down to verse number five, well as to your deca rabuka, bottom door.
And soon your Lord will grant you that which will make you happy.
Now this verse, there's a lot of emphasis in this verse, again, the emphasis is lost in the English language. If you go to the Arabic Allah stuffs of this verse by saying, Well, so far, you're these two words for emphasis, again, the lack of emphasis, which we mentioned, definitely, and so far so far indicates in the future. But you know, when it's brought up in this context, it's brought up here to indicate the near future is translated as soon, soon. So Allah is saying definitely, soon, definitely in the near future, you are eager rabuka your Lord will give you and again, looking at the Arabic language, very powerful wording, Allah subhanaw taala is not saying I will give you he's
not saying Allah will give you he seeing your Lord will give you what what what's the psychology of its comfort? Its closeness, it's personal. You know, when you are feeling sad, you like it when people you know, comforting you and they tell you know what? I love you. You're close to me. We like to have people say these things to us to make us feel happy. Yeah, Allah Subhana Allah is comforting Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and by extension, every believer who reads the surah Allah is comforting us and using the word or rabuka your Lord, you know, Allah Subhana could have just said, soon I will grant you that which will make you happy, or soon Allah will grant you that which will
make you happy, but not unless specifically uses the words. Soon your Lord will grant you that which makes you happy making it personal. The thing I am your Lord, I'm here to provide for you because the word Lord the word Rob, includes provide. It means it means one of its meanings is the one who provides right because Rob, Allah uses the same the verb form of Rob to describe the pain
Rob Bayani that he provided for me and raised me up when I was younger. So this word, Rob means the providers online. See, I am your provider. I am your provider. That's what he's saying. I am your provider, and I will give you, I will give you that which makes you happy. Now for anyone, anyone in the world who is going through any type of sadness, any type of depression, any type of anxiety, any type of worry, if your Lord tells you if Allah tells you, I will give you that which will make you happy, will that not make you feel happy at immediately? Will that not raise your hopes and optimism? Allah Subhana Allah is telling us, he's telling us in the Quran,
when so for your decaro bukata definitely soon your Lord will give you that which makes you happy, he will give you Fatah then you will be happy and you know the word is used. And again, going back to the point of Arabic, you know, in Arabic, there's two words for then for and Summa. Suma is used for then after a while, and for is useful immediately. So if you look at the choice of words y'all are saying that Allah will give you and then immediately you feel happy. I'll use the word fun, and not the word Summa. Again, you know the importance of the Arabic language when we know Arabic, the words of the Quran are so much deeper. If you just look at the translation, soon your Lord will give
you that which makes you happy. But you know the the word love the for the sofa, the usage of rabuka all of these things are lost in the English language. So we have to go to the Arabic to understand the beauty of the words that Allah has chosen, chosen to use in the surah. Allah says and definitely,
definitely soon, he artega rabuka your Lord will give you for 30 and then immediately you'll be happy.
So this verse was revealed to Rasulullah Slocum in a time when he was feeling sad. And again, by extension, it applies to every single one of us, when you are sad, when you are down, read the surah as if Allah is talking to you, as if Allah is telling you, in person, that the afterlife is better for you definitely it will be better for you than what you are facing right now. And soon. Soon, definitely your Lord will give you and then you will be happy.
We need to internalize this. And I need I can't
emphasize this enough that we need to internalize that we need to believe it is not just a matter of saying that this is what the Quran says. But we need to believe it. And you can see those who believe it when they are facing hardships, and they still have that hospital law and yamawaki in their hearts, they still had the walk to Allah, you hear these words coming out of their mouths, you can see that these are the people who have understood, they have understood
that Allah is there for them. And we need to be of those people may Allah make us all from those who put our trust in Him. So lots of 100 Allah says that we will give you that which will make you pleased now in the context of Rasulullah saw some life.
We see this promise coming through, because at that point in time, pursue the solution was facing the task of being the one to bring the message to the world. And the question was, how do we, you know, millions of this believers and non believers, except for a handful. But Allah promised that he will give her a slider which would make him happy. And within a period of 20 years, they were over 10,000 believers, and they had conquered Makkah and Medina and soon the entire Arab peninsula. within a period of 40 years, the message of Islam has reached as far as being in Africa and China and, and India and you know, almost the entire known world at that time.
Allah's promise came true he gave Rasulullah sallallahu some debt, which would make him happy. And this is again, a message for each and every one of us. None of us have been tasked with that big, you know, a job as the messengers of Allah had yesterday is our job to do Dawa. But it's not on the same level as that of the messengers, as they had to say that they were prophets, they had to show miracles, they had to face the difficulties that the people put at their hands, you know, and still Allah granted some such amazing victory and miraculous victory over the people. Do you not think alone will help you in your problems as well? Now some people might say but I'm not the Prophet I'm
so small, while Allah helped me No, don't think like that. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said that Allah is to you as you think of him. Very important Hadith. Allah is to you, as you think of him. So if you're going to think negatively of Allah, then that's what you're going to get. But if you're going to think positively of Allah, that's what you're going to get. And that's why the Hadees or Sula Santos has to always be positive. Is it the believer is optimistic the believer is positive digable Allah subhanho wa Taala we think about his good that's why Allah keeps telling us in the Quran, he always uses the names Rahmani Raheem. It think about every surah Allah Codex
Under the surah, with any of his names, you know, would be similar. He could have added any name after Bismillah, alima, zielke anything but use our Rahmani Raheem, why? To remind us of His mercy. So for those people who are thinking that you know what this verse doesn't apply to me Don't think like that. Don't think like that. That's not the way a believer thinks. The way a believer things is that every verse of the Quran applies to me, because this Quran was revealed for my guidance
to Finnick in this way, and we approach this surah in this way, it will affect our heart in a much more positive light. So just to recap what you mentioned until now, we mentioned the story behind the verse, about Rasulullah sallallahu, the use of not receiving revelation for a while.
We mentioned the oat on a duha and Elaine,
the early dawn and the night. Allah is contrasting the concepts of light and darkness,
to give us hope, to show us that he's the one who brings hope into our lives.
And then we see how Allah controls the believers.
When he says, ma what, aka rabuka Rama Cola, your Lord has not forsaken you he has not given up on you is not abandoned, you will macula and he's not angry, he's not displeased with you. Well, hirato kameena oola. And definitely the afterlife in what is to come is better. It is better for you know what has passed? Well, so far, you are eager rabuka Fatah. And definitely soon your Lord will give you that which will make you pleased. So what we see in the first half of the surah is Allah subhanho wa Taala talking about the future,
painting a bright picture of the future.
And this should be the methodology of each and every one of us when dealing with other people who are going through difficult times, when you have a friend or a family member who is facing depression, who is anxious and worried about the future, who's worried about one day becoming poor one day, in someone dying, or one day becoming unemployed, you've got a friend who's always anxious, you need to do the same thing to them that Allah does force you to talk to her and that is paying for them a positive picture of the future. And the a variety of ways you can do that. You can switch to them? And what are the options that okay, if that had to happen? How can we deal with it. And
this is not the end of the world, there are ways to get through, there are ways that we can push forward. You know, show them the bright side, tell them stories of people who faced the same difficulties and it became good for them. You know, for example, if your friend is afraid of unemployment, then research and find out stories and there are 1000s of stories of people who when they were unemployed, they ended up establishing their own businesses and doing much better. Right, if your friend is afraid of somebody they know in passing away, take him to meet people who have dealt with that, and who have overcome it and have become stronger. You see, we need to focus on the
positives of the future. You know, we don't need to paint a fancy fantasy version of the future where bad things are never going to happen. No. But we need to understand and we need to make other people understand that no matter what happens in the future, no matter what goes wrong. There's always positive is always good that is always as the proverb goes light at the end of the tunnel, there is always the do ha after the nail. So this is the picture we need to paint for the future. When dealing with our own problems, or helping other people overcome their problems. Let us think about the future in a positive light. Because this is also part of thinking good of Allah subhanho
wa Taala because Allah is the one who has written our future Allah is the one in charge of our future.
So as believers, this is the way forward optimism, Think positive. trust in Allah, Allah will grant us that which will make us happy, make this something which you, you know, make it a motto in your life.
Now the second half of the sutra, Allah subhanaw taala. Now adapt, adopts over the next three verses, a different approach, a different approach to
getting rid of depression and anxiety. The approach used in the past by versus was talking about the future and optimism in dealing with the future. The next few verses, talk about the past, and talk about the good things that happen in the past, in a large part that now brings us to the source of the tension and our attention as well to how in the past he helped us.
You know, and again, anyone who's going through any problem in the world, if you look into your past, and you analyze your own history, you will see the times when you faced bigger problems and Allah helped you out of that. So Allah will definitely help you out of the problem you're facing today. And that is exactly the point that Allah draws our attention to in the next three verses in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and no we are almost out of time. So we will go into details about the Tafseer of these three verses.
what you're referring to next week, but just briefly what Allah tells us is lm eg the kya demon for our Allah asked the question, didn't I find you an orphan and gave you shelter?
Again, you know, reminding us of the past that you are in a difficulty, Allah took me out of it. Well, Raja dorlin bajada. And we found you wandering and searching and guided you, we guided you, again, always reminding of Allah favors, or in the past that you know you are in this, you are in the situation, Allah give you the way out.
You learn and we found you in need of wealth. And we granted it to you.
So Allah subhana wa tada
is now, you know, bring our attention to the past. And now he's teaching us how to deal with the past. You see, one of the main causes of depression is when people focus on the bad things that happen in the past. What happens for many people is that they sit when they are alone. And they think of every bad thing that ever happened to them. And it affects their hearts, and it affects their minds and they become depressed. And in doing so, we forget, we forget about all the good things that happened to us in the past. Because definitely in the life of every individual that is both good and bad. We all have good memories and bad memories. Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching
us in Surah, to how to put the bad memories aside and focus on the good memories to put the memories of the hardships repeats we faced in the past to put the memories of those hardships aside and focus on the times that helped us through the hardships. So now Allah is now using the past to create optimism. Right so now we are learning in the surah. Number one how to deal with the future.
Think positive.
Think of Allah is going to help you Allah is going to grant you that which is best for you. And now he's teaching us how to deal with the past. Remember, Allah favors. Remember that when you were in difficulties before, Allah helped you out of that difficulty. So definitely, if he did that, he helped you out of the difficulty you are in today. So this is the main message of surah to her. And it's not over yet. Alhamdulillah there's so much more to talk about in terms of solutions for depression and anxiety in the surah. So much more points to go into in the last six verses, we still have 706 verses to go through in details. And each of these verses, you know has a very powerful
effect in helping us stay positive. So what we're going to do inshallah is next week, we are going to go into the details. Now what does Allah mean by we found you an orphan and gave you a shelter, we're going to look at the history behind that verse with Allah is referring to what Allah is referring to when he said that we found you wandering and searching and we guided you, and what Allah referred to when he said that we found you poor and we gave you wealth, and they were going to look at the other three verses of the surah as well. Note that every single and I mean every single verse of the surah, without any exception, deals with this topic. So with that inshallah, just
before we end, a very quick recap of the main point to take from today's lesson from Surah. Taha, number one, focus on an optimistic view of the future. The future is bright, because Allah is in charge of the future and Allah loves us. So focus on the optimistic view of the future. Number two, when thinking about the past, think about the good. Think about all the times Allah has helped you think about all the times that Allah has blessed you don't worry about the bad things that happen in the past that's in the past. It's over what think about the good and that will help you to stay positive with your present situation as well. Those are the two key lessons from the first half of
the surah We ask Allah subhanho data, as Rasulullah Slocum taught us to ask him every day, how do we learn him in a humble army? We seek protection in Allah from him from depression was the home and from anxiety and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make the Quran the light of our hearts after a while until we meet again. What Salaam Wa Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh