Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Alaq Part 2

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The Surah hanging story and the importance of education and the use of the title Message of Jesus are discussed. The culture had no control over their lives and was punished by the Muslims, including being tortured and punished for their actions. The importance of acceptance and rejecting one's views is emphasized, as it is the nature of the world and the student of Islam. The importance of avoiding false accusations and lying about one's actions is also emphasized, along with following the Sun statement and avoiding sinning.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Last week we began our Tafseer of the first sutra to be revealed, which was Torah, Allah. We said that the first five verses of surah Allah, were the first five verses of the Quran and to be revealed, as we looked in detail at the tough scene of these five verses, that they focused on the importance of education, the importance of reading the Quran with understanding,

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and it gave us five reasons why we should worship Allah subhanho wa Taala that He created us, he taught us he gave us the means of knowledge, and he is most merciful to us. And then we went on to look at the next few verses,

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verses six to nine, which discuss Abu Jamal and his rejection of Islam.

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Now, today, inshallah, we're going to move on from verses nine until the end of the surah. inshallah, and basically, the scholars of the field state that although the first five verses were the first verses to be revealed, the remainder of the sutra was revealed much later on during the marking period. And the remainder of the sutra, according to many of the scholars of tafsir is referring directly to Abu Jamal.

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So in order to understand what the surah is talking about, we need to look at a brief biography of who was Abu jihad,

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Abu Jamal, which means the father of ignorance. This was the nickname which he was given by the Muslims. His name was amor in a sham. And his nickname amongst the disbelievers was Abu hukam, the father of wisdom.

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American a sham, or Abu hukam, was the leader of the Quran. In terms of the spiritual leader, the actual leader was Abu Talib. But he seemed to hold a very strong position amongst the college and he was very influential on them. Because the college had this methodology of getting together and having meetings. And very often he would come up strongest in the meetings and people would end up following his opinion. So although I would call him was the official leader of the college at that time,

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it was Abu Jamal or Buddha. Buddha has also become, who was considered the wise man amongst the courage and the one who they should go to for the solutions.

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Now, when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam began to preach Islam in Makkah,

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I will have come in a sham, became the staunchest enemy of Islam.

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He became the staunchest enemy of Islam and he began to do unspeakable things. He began to torture people, murder people. He's responsible for the very first martyrdom in Islam. And that you it was a lady a woman sumiya and a husband, a married nyassa or sadiya husband, Yasser, the son Amar survived. So let's look at the story very briefly, what did I do to the family of Yasser if you look at the story, then inshallah, we'll see a bit of an idea of the kind of individual a Buddha was, so that we can understand why such severe verses were revealed about him in Surah. Allah

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I would journal as we call him.

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He was the leader of the tribe, to which the family of Mr. O'Day allegiance the family of America, essentially a family of freed slaves, and according to the pagan Arab customs, the freed slave was basically still a servant to the family who freed them, they owe them for life. And so they had no control over their own lives.

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So when a man

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and his parents, Yasser and sumiya,

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accepted Islam, they became the victims of much abuse at the hands of Abuja, he would bury them in the sand until only the heads were sticking out of the sand and leave them in the hot desert and torture them. He would heat up blades and put it on their skin to burn the skin and, and to leave marks on it. He would torture them in the most unbelievable manners, with only one purpose that they might give up the worship of Allah and go back to the worship of idols.

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And the family of American Yasser were very strong.

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But unfortunately, the Muslims could not assist him at that time because the Muslims were still a minority. Amongst the Muslims, he was Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu, who was going around freeing the slaves were being tortured. Unfortunately, he could not free the family of Yasser because they were already technically free, but they belonged or they had

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The allegiance to Abuja helps families so only somebody from the family who could help them and nobody stood up from their family to assist them and help them. And so they were tortured at the torture reach very severe levels.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam told them that be patient because your end will be gender will be paradise.

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Finally, when Abu Jamal got tired of torturing them, and Samia, especially, she was very vocal in opposition to oppression. He took a spear and he stabbed up in a private area and killer. And so Samia rajala, who and her became the first martyr in the history of Islam. And Abu Jihad became the criminal responsible for that martyrdom.

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Very shortly thereafter, her husband Yasser, who was a very elderly man, he also passed away due to all the damage sustained from the torture.

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The son, Amar was quite traumatized by what had happened. And I will generally threaten to kill him as well. And this he spoke words of Cooper. So Mr. inasa, spoke these words of Cooper to save his life. Later on, he felt very bad about it. And he went to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and told him what he had said Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam asked Amar, what was the condition of your heart when this happened? And Amar replied that my heart was full of him. And so Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam told him, that if it had to happen again, didn't say it again. Meaning that is permissible when your life is at risk. You know, anything becomes halau, almost anything becomes allowed to save

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your life, including saying words of

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so this is the story of the family of the answer. And from this story, we see what an evil man or Buddha Hall was. And it was the same evil men, a Buddha, who also harmed Abdullah Massoud, who was Abdullah Massoud. He was one of the first 10 people to accept Islam. He was a shepherd, who came to work in Makkah, that look after the sheep of the people that Makkah, he was a very thin and skinny individual.

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And so Abu Jamal would bully him and mock him and make a mockery of his dead legs in front of the rest of the people of Makkah.

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Abdullah Abdullah Massoud would go on to become one of the greatest scholars in the history of Islam.

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We owe a lot of our knowledge of the fear and fear and Hadees to Abdullah ignoramus.

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But during the early days, he's faced a lot of ridicule and hardship at the hands of Abuja.

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I will also on one occasion,

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cause a lot of harm to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it was on this occasion, that verses six to 19 of surah. Allah will reveal the verses which we are discussing at this moment. These verses were revealed

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at the occasion when Abu Jamal

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saw Rasulullah sallallahu, the Assam praying veneer the Kaaba and he totally did not prevent you from playing by the GABA.

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So he decided to try and humiliate Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So he took some dirt and he planned to throw it on Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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And he wanted to step on his neck while he was on set in such town. But as he got near the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his face lit up with horror, and he got frightened and he ran back. When the other disbelievers asked him what had happened, he said that I saw before me a change of fire and horror and wings.

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Rasulullah saw some to the Sahaba if he had come near me, the angels would have torn him apart from them by them.

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It was on this occasion when this evil man Abu Jamal tried to harm Rasulullah sallallahu yourself while he was praying sola right by the Kaaba. The alert revealed the remainder of surah Allah from verses six to 19. So the first five verses were revealed at the very first revelation in the cave of Iran, and the remainder of the surah verses six to 19 were revealed in Makkah on the occasion, where Abu Jihad tried to harm Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he was worshiping Allah

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azza wa jal went on to face a humiliating end at the Battle of Bhutan, where two of the youngsters from amongst the Arabs of amongst the Ansel Mirage, Mr. Mo was in the hammer had injured him and

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color of Allah that Abu Jamal was killed at the Battle of burger by none other than Abdullah Abdullah Massoud the same skinny and thin shepherd who used to believe

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make a mockery of his size and his legs are the same men who defeated him in battle. And a Buddha died a debt which in his view, was a humiliating death, that he died at the hands of a shepherd, someone who he looked down upon. And this is the end of those who have arrogant, Allah will always bring down the aggregate and the evil at the hands of those who they look down upon. Allah with elevate those who worship Him, no matter what they standing in society might be. So this is the story of Abuja Hall. And the reason behind the revelation of these verses, what are the lessons that we can take from the story of Ebola, one of the main lessons that we can take from the story of Abu

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Jamal is that they will always be in this oma enemies of Islam. They will always be in the world, people who hate Islam, and will try to harm the Muslims, the very first individual to do this, what she done himself, as as long as shaytan is in existence, they will always be those who follow Him, and those who do his work. So we shouldn't think that, you know, we live in a time where there's nobody who will hate us, or nobody who will try to harm us, there's always going to be these sources of evil in the world. We need to be psychologically prepared to deal with any harm which comes our way. We see it with so many people throughout history, the Pharaoh and the moon, and Abu Jamal, and

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Abu lahab, and the crusades, and so many other stories, where people massacred and tortured and killed people for no other reasons, except that they believed in the god believe the one God and follow the prophets. So

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keep that in mind that they always will exist enemies of Islam. This is the nature of the world. This is the student of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is part of the test of life because Allah has put us here to test us. Another interesting lesson we can take from the life of Abu Jamal is the importance of not blindly following your father's and of being an individual thinker. Because I will be held son, crema,

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would later go on to accept Islam, and to die a martyr in the Battle of Yarmouk

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crema, the son of the greatest enemy of Islam, a Buddha would go on, to die a martyr fighting for the sake of Allah in the Battle of Yarmouk against the Roman Empire. So, number one, we cannot judge people by their fathers. The statement Like father, like son is not always true in Islam, because the son can be very different from his father, if he chooses not to blindly follow.

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And we do not just accept something as should because it comes from our parents, we have to wait things in light of Revelation. So these are some of the lessons we can take from the life of Abu Jamal. Now, let's go into the exact verses that were revealed. On this occasion where he insulted Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, we already did Tafseer of three of these verses.

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Kala in zanella, yet Oh, Allah Subhana

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Allah, Rebecca Raja, that definitely mankind has transgressed the limit, because he thinks he's independent, but to Allah is his return. So these verses which we discussed in details last week, we are talking about Abuja, that goes into more details and he says, Are Ada Lizzie and her other than Eros Allah? Have you seen the one who stops his slave from worshipping of I'm praying? Have you seen the one who stops the slave from praying? Who is talking about the one who stops the person from praying is Abu Jamal and the abbot the worship of Allah who is trying to pray is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remember the context in which the surah was revealed? So did you see on

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Buddha Hall, the one who stopped Rasulullah sallallahu Lisa from paying our Ada in Ghana, Allah Allah Buddha, Amara be taqwa. Now, some of the scholars say this is referring to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and this is referring to Abu Jamal, we'll go with the interpretation that is referring to Abu Jihad because that's fits in with the rest of the surah. That Have you seen whether he is guided or whether he calls people to righteousness? Allah is asking us a question and look at the Buddha. He's stopping a man from worshiping God. Why would you want to follow someone if he's not calling you towards righteousness or guidance? Or either inconsolable What?

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Have you seen whether he rejects the truth and turns away? Again, why would you want to follow someone like this? Let me allow me and aloha era. Doesn't he know that Allah is watching him? galala ilam yenter he mb nasya know if he doesn't stop, we will grab him by his forelocks the Thea Dinka libertine hodja he will

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Lying sinful fallen foliage, oh Nadia. So let him call his friends let him call his helpers. So that was a banya. We will call the guardians of health for them.

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So do not obey Him, but prostrate and worship Allah. So this is a very, very powerful surah and these verses were revealed very explicitly about a Buddha Hall and the punishment you will face in the afterlife very similar to what was revealed about Abu lahab in Surah Al Masud Surah Al Masud was revealed about Abu lahab and the punishment he would face surah Allah cozy Villa, but Abu Jamal and the punishment that he would face likewise, with the seal speaks about what he did Nimmo Hara the father of Kali, Kali and the punishment that he will face. So all the leaders of the disbelievers who were the primary enemies of Islam in the mcom period, specific verses will reveal about

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punishment that they will have to face in the afterlife. And these end up being predictions that they will not change and they will die upon this belief and this is exactly what ends up happening. So now let's look at these verses in a bit more details. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about Abuja, our EDA, Lizzie and her Abba Danica Sala. Have you seen the one who stops the servant from worshiping from playing? So, once you've had the is pointing out one of the main evil qualities of Abuja, why did he want to harm Rasulullah? sallallahu sometta Kaaba, what does Allah sallallahu Sallam doing at Aqaba? He was worshipping Allah, he was playing solo.

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So he wanted to harm him for no other reason, except that he was worshiping his creator. We were created for the purpose of worshiping Allah. So if someone is trying to stop people for worshiping Allah,

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this is amongst the greatest evils that a person can do.

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Now, as Muslims need to think about this in our own lives.

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Are we responsible for stopping other Muslims from worshipping Allah?

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Do we give our workers time off for Salah?

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Do we take our sons and daughters for Salah five times a day?

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Are we from those parents who tell our children not to go for fudger because they're too young.

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Or because they got exams in the morning?

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Or because they're gonna end up becoming extremists. If we do these things, there was a difference between us in Abu jihad, who stopped Rasulullah slowly suffering Salah Are we not following in the footsteps of the worst of mankind.

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If you are someone who stops your children from playing Salah, or stops your workers from playing Salah, then this verse is talking about you as well. Or at the end of the Nisa Sala. Have you seen the one who stops the worshipers from praying? It's talking about you as well if you fall into this category is putting such people in the same category as Abuja.

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So we need to be careful.

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Human beings were created to worship Allah. And we as Muslims should understand this better than anybody else. We should understand this better than anybody else.

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So how can a Muslim stop another Muslim from worshipping Allah? How can a Muslim stop another Muslim from obeying the creator? This is something that we need to think very seriously about.

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He then goes on state aid in Ghana. alhuda

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Amara taqwa are ATIA in Canada have you seen whether he is rightly guided? Or whether he is calling towards righteousness, Abuja and all the people who obeyed Him and followed him Allah is asking him a question that what is he calling you towards? Is he calling you towards guidance?

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Is he calling you towards righteousness? Is he calling you towards obeying your Creator?

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Or is he calling you towards evil?

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Is he calling you towards torture? Is he calling you towards murder?

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Why would you want to obey someone like that?

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And so this again becomes a lesson for us

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that when someone is in a leadership position in our lives, we don't just follow them.

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We don't just follow someone because they were automatically put into a leadership position. Rather, we need to look at what are they calling us towards? Is it good? Or is it evil?

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This is a question that we need to look at. Are we being called towards obeying Allah and His Messenger sallallahu wasallam?

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Or are we being called towards disobeying a

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We cannot obey anybody in the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala totally makuuchi Mattila Holic, there is no obedience to the creation if it leads to this obedience of the Creator. It doesn't matter if it's our own parents, our spouse, or our boss, it doesn't matter if someone tells you to disobey Allah, we are not allowed to listen to such an individual. This is something which is prohibited. So this is a lesson that we can take from this verse that we, whenever someone calls us towards something, we look at it, we analyze it, in light of Quran and Sunnah. That is this the right thing to do? Is this the right thing that I've been called to watch for is this misguidance

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This is the question that we need to look at and think about.

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The Allah subhana wa tada asked us a third question.

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Our ADA, in Gaza, what Allah Have you seen whether he rejects the truth and turns away?

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Allah Subhana Allah is now highlighting for us the conditions or the signs of arrogance.

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Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has told us in authentic Hadees that nobody will enter

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the noble nobody who has an atom's worth of arrogance will enter Paradise. So the Sahaba wanting to know what's meant by arrogance, asked him that we like to wear nice clothes and you know, look nice. He said, That's not what I'm referring to. arrogance is when you look down upon people, and rejected. So two qualities were highlighted by Rasulullah saw some as qualities of arrogance, number one, looking down upon people. Number two, rejecting the truth. And these are the two qualities highlighted of Abu Jamal. I would look down upon up to live near Massoud for being a shepherd. He looked down upon sumiya and a family for being freed slaves, Hill down upon beloved for being a

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slave. He looked down upon the people of truth and righteousness because of their social standings. And this is arrogance and this is what leads to the hellfire.

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So we need again to ask ourselves the question, do we have the qualities of Abuja are the qualities of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam would sit with anyone who believed in Allah and treat him as his equal, he would sit with anybody who believed in Allah and treat him as his equal.

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He did not worry about the social standing. He did not worry about whether they were slaves, or whether they were poor people are waiting to hear from other races or other tribes, this didn't matter. The only thing that mattered to him is that this is a person of taqwa. This is a Muslim, this is a believer. And therefore, we need to be friends we need to be we need to be good to such people. We need to be good to you and to humanity. And we just had the opposite. I wish he would only associate with the rich and the powerful and the famous.

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Unfortunately, today, amongst the Muslims, there are many of us who choose only to associate with the rich and the powerful.

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So, to any Muslim out there who does this, ask yourself the question. Are you following the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam? Or are you following the Sunnah of Abu Jihad?

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To see the question that needs to be asked.

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So, in this first, we have a very powerful description of some of the biggest evils that Abuja Hall was involved with rejecting the truth. And indeed, Abuja Hall knew it was the truth. How do we know the Buddha knew it was the truth? Well, just look at it the nation of Buddha Hall, told his companions that when he went to attack, Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he saw a fire and horror and wings, he saw an angel. He saw an angel guarding Rasulullah Islam, Allah had shown him the signs. This was the clearest possible evidence that any human being could receive, that the Prophet Muhammad, so the law is that what a true messenger of God I will call with his own eyes. So Angel

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guarding rasulillah, slowly slow, but still, he did not believe why this is arrogance. arrogance, not wanting to admit that he was wrong. And Rasulullah solexa was right. How many of us reject the truth because of arrogance, because we feel that we don't want to admit we are wrong. We don't want to put anybody above us. We do want to lower ourselves before leaving in the footsteps of Abu Jihad if we do so. So Allah Subhana Allah has promised to show everybody the signs of what is the true religion and then leaves it for the individual to decide for themselves and face the consequences of their decision. Allah subhanho wa Taala has promised Surah facilite verse number 43. So new Rahim is

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in a field where he and him had died.

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hoolock we will show them the signs in the universe. Everywhere in the universe, you will see the signs of a law, when fee unforeseen, even inside their own self inside their own souls, they will see the signs of a law, they will feel the signs of a law, they will be given indications until it is clear

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until it is clear to them that this is the truth. So Allah has promised to show us all the signs of what is the truth, and then become the individuals duty to accept the truth. Unfortunately, many people reject the truth either because of arrogance, or blind following to their forefathers, or because it goes against their desires. Each of these are not worthy excuses or the Day of Judgment.

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So as believers, we need to be humble. We need to be from those who submit entirely to our Creator.

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And to be from those who accept the truth. Whoever it comes from wherever it comes from, even if your own child corrects you what your child is saying is the truth and right. Accept it. Don't reject it just because it's coming from a child. accept the truth to every comes from this is the sign of humility. This is the sign of a believer. This is a sign of individual who wants to improve their life and gets closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So let's not be like a Buddha, let's live lives which are opposite to his life.

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So Allah subhanaw taala goes on.

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To ask another question, a fourth question. Now I understand the question is different. This then allows asking a question.

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and, by extension, anybody else who follow his lifestyle who follows his way? Allah subhanaw taala are such people, people who stop others from praying or don't pray themselves? People who are arrogant people who reject the truth, people who call people away from righteousness and guidance. Even if you are a Muslim, and you are doing these things, you are following the footsteps of Abu Jihad to such a person? Allah asks a very important question, Allah, may Allah be under law? Does he know that Allah is watching him?

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Think about this. Whatever evil we might have in our lives. alemi allambee anillo hero, Doesn't he know that Allah is watching? whatever we are doing, whatever we are thinking, whatever we are saying, Allah knows it. Allah knows everything. So how can we live lives which are disobedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we notice,

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how can we live lives in which we call people away from Allah? Muslims, calling other Muslims away from what or being Allah telling them? Don't wear the hijab? don't grow your beard. don't pray in the masjid five times a day you'll be called an extremist. How can you do this? How can you say things like this? If you know that Allah is watching you,

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that you'll be answerable to everything you said on the Day of Judgment.

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So as believers, we need to remember the words and the advice of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam when gonna you know be law he will humans are here for you to hire.

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Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, meaning that you know that Allah sees you and you're gonna judge you in the last day to believe in this polyalkylene only speak that which is good. Oh, yes, motto Keep quiet. This will be the attitude of the believer that we don't talk unnecessarily things. We don't talk loud things which are waste of time. And we especially don't talk about things which are evil, and things which is simple. We either speak what is right, or we remain silent. Silence is better than evil speech. And good speech is what is best for all of us. So this should be

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our motto in life

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that will speak good or remain silent. If we do this, you will save ourselves a lot of harm, because you never know what statement you might say against Allah or against his messenger against your religion, which could seal your fate which could bring down the anger of Allah upon you. Be careful when talking about religion. This is the true religion of God. This is not just something we are born into. This is not just some culture. This is the religion which Allah has revealed to the final prophet.

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So how can a believer How can a Muslim make a mockery of any aspect of this religion?

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So be careful, be careful what we say. Because Allah is watching and whenever you want to see or do something evil or stop people from righteousness, remember the words of Allah insha Allah, Allah May Allah be under law Hira? Doesn't he know that Allah is watching?

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Allah subhana wa Tada. Then goes on, to give one last warning to Abuja,

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a warning about what he's going to do to him in the afterlife and this warning is called

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ilam yenta he that's for Amina Xia. Kala know,

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the ilam yenta. He doesn't stop like giving a last warning if he doesn't stop. It

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doesn't stop doing even if Abu Jamal doesn't stop calling people away from Allah azza wa jal does not stop oppressing the Muslims

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said, we will grab him by his forelocks, we will grab him by his forelocks. And as far as we know, we can grab him by his forelocks by his hair

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will grab him by his hair.

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three minute help, I also had a note giving a very descriptive punishment of what awaits a Buddha in the afterlife.

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Alicia is giving us a grave warning. He's warning anybody, not just a Buddha, anybody who calls people away from Allah, and you cause people away from the worship of Allah. He wants him to stop this evil practice.

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Because if they do not do so, he will grab them by the hair and throw them in the health fire. This is the price that all those who fight against Islam and who tried to stop the Dow I tried to stop people from worshipping the Creator.

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This is the price that they all will have to pay in the afterlife.

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In this life,

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the disbelievers sometimes have the upper hand. Those who try to harm the Muslims have the upper hand. And we wonder, you know, isn't there any justice going to take place? Well, that's what the Day of Judgment is for, it's going to be the day of justice. Anybody who you think got away with evil in this world

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will not get away with it on the Day of Judgment. On that day, they will be answerable and they will pay for all of their crimes. All the harm which they caused to the believers.

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Allah subhanaw taala didn't give two more adjectives to describe a Buddha.

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And he does it in a metaphorical sense describing his forelock. But in reality, it's a description of him. Allah subhanaw taala says naseeruddin Gaya, libertine hottie

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naseeruddin libertine hodja describing a Buddha as a lying, sinful forelock now for naukova is majaz. It is a metaphor, referring to a Buddha himself.

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Right? It's talking about his head, but it is referring to him as a whole, that Abuja *, as well as anyone else who

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harms the believers and torches and he does evil. Any such person is God diva and hodja they are generally people who are liars and sinful. So these are two qualities, again being highlighted by Allah subhanho wa Taala, as qualities of evildoers, lying and being sinful.

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So, in this surah, Allah subhanaw taala has highlighted many of the qualities of a Buddha which we need to make sure that we do not have in our lives. Now, what is Gary Banca diba refers to lies, and lies of different types.

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The worst lie is to lie about Allah

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with its attribute being a son to God, or

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saying that God gave you authority to do something that you don't, or making something haram which Allah has left halaal changing the religion, these are lies against God, and this is the worst type of life.

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So any lie which affects the religion or which affects our relationship with our Creator is the worst type of life. And this is the type which a Buddha has, in a way, of course, all the responsible for in that they had said that they had to worship the idols as intermediaries between them and God, which they had no authority to say.

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Likewise, we find that lies have always been a part of those who call towards evil, because you cannot call people towards evil by only speaking the truth. Because the truth in general, leads to righteousness. So naturally, if you want to call someone away from the truth, if you want to call someone towards evil, then you're going to have to resort to lies. So I'll use the word God veba a liar.

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To describe a Buddha Hall, and anybody else who followed in his footsteps, because this is a natural quality, which you will find in anybody who's calling people away from Allah who's calling people towards evil, the alliance in general, and of course, the accordion sinners, because someone who is righteous is not going to do things like this is only people who are sinful and who loves them, and who have no intention to give up their sin. Do you

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The only type of people who will ever embark upon such a journey to call people away from Allah. Anyone who has an active word of fate in their heart will never think of doing the things which are which are halted.

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These are the deeds of the worst of the worst a person that Abuja, let's go through again the qualities with which Allah has described him.

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God deeba, Leia haltia, sinful alegebra haga says about him, and then we allambee anello Hara Doesn't he know that Allah, Allah can see him? Doesn't he know this? Unless you have a handle with Allah taala describes me as someone who rejects the truth, somebody who rejects the truth, he described him as someone who turns away from righteousness. He he described him as someone who calls people away from the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And who calls people

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away from dakwah from doing good deeds.

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And he described you as a person who stops people from playing.

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Now, if we look at all of these descriptions, although is describing the worst of the disbelievers, a Buddha, unfortunately, many of these qualities can be found in Muslims today.

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Many of these qualities can be found in Muslim stay. I mean, look around this and see, you will find how many of us stop other people from praying? How many of how many Muslims today call other Muslims away from righteousness? Telling them not to obey Allah? How often do we see this? How many times do we reject the truth? Because he doesn't agree with what we were raised upon? Or because he doesn't agree with our desires?

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How many times do we show arrogance, either in how we walk or how we talk or what we see? Or just in rejecting the truth and how we look down upon people?

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How many times how often do we look sexualized as if we don't believe that Allah can see us? I mean, we may see it but our lives are affected.

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How often do we lie?

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Behind the lies have become so common in the oma that people find it hard to believe anyone anymore? If someone doesn't lie, people don't want to believe it, because lies have become such a common part of us. But lies are mentioned here as a description

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as a description of Abuja.

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So we are people who live lives of lies, then what's the difference between us in Abuja

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what the sinful people who love to send people who are not worried about pleasing the Creator, you see, you get two types of sinners. Rasulullah slaughter as tall as a khulumani Otto kata, every son of Adam, every child of Adam commits, mistakes makes sense. So you get two types of sinners. Allah says the eurosystem continue to see but the best of those comparisons are those who repent. So we get those people who are trying to be good, they are sincere, they love the Creator. They're trying to obey the Creator. They're trying to be good people, but they make mistakes. They seem like everybody else. When they do that they make a mistake while they make Toba to try again to be a good

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Muslim. These are the ones who Allah loves Allah so mercy to

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then you get those who live lives of sin,

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with no intention of ever changing,

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with no regret in their hearts for the evil that they do.

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And they themselves try to stop others from doing good deeds.

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This is a completely different type of person. This is the type of person that these verses are referring to.

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We need to look into our own life which category do we fall into? May Allah make us from those who repent and come closer to him?

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So we still have in the surah, three more verses to look at inshallah, next week, we look at the last three verses of surah Allah and then inshallah we'll do the Tafseer of surah, Leela colocado as well. So we look at those sutras next week, inshallah. And the last season let's continue with the last few verses continue with the description of the punishment of Abu Jihad and know how to deal with people like him. So we don't want to rush it in the next four minutes. We will go into details next week, inshallah. So with that we've come to a conclusion of another episode and we ask Allah to help us all to obey Him and to be the opposite of Abuja, how to follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah

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sallallahu wasallam in every aspect of our lives, let us not listen to the deceit every week without it affecting our lives in our hearts, let us be from amongst those who loved the Quran. The Quran is not just that which we read, but it's that which we understand and which we live by. So whatever we have learned today, let us take these verses and make it part of our life to obey Allah, and to do the opposite of whatever a Buddha was described as doing. We will conclude with this stuff. See you next week. I will see you Lynch's Alcala Heron wa

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Davina Anil hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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