Ismail Kamdar – Summary of Juz 4

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The Battle of God, which involved the deaths of multiple leaders of Islam's generation, is a major event that has been largely untapped. The two generation leaders were likely to be executed, and the younger generation is now being taken to Afghanistan to face their father. The history behind the Battle of God, including the involvement of the older generation in obtaining revenge against enemies, is also discussed, along with the importance of obeying Allah's teachings and forgiveness for one's own happiness. The conversation shifts to the importance of unity and acceptance of Islam in the United States, where the speaker emphasizes the need for people to be kind to their followers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello, we are going to go a bit deeper into surah Allah in one. And one of the themes that run throughout the next two to three days of the Quran is the aftermath of the battle overdue. So it's important that we understand what happened at the bacula booth where we can understand both surah Allah imraan and Surah Nisa because these are the next two sutras in the Quran, right surah Allah, Iran, and then Surah Nisa, and these two sutras were revealed around the same time that the bout of surah Allah Iran was revealed at the foot of after the Battle of God, and Surah Nisa was also revealed after the battle, but they both dealt with with very different angles to the battle, that

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surah Allah imraan dealt with the belief aspect, you know, how does the battle would affect our beliefs, the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam lost the battle, that there was a rumor that he had died in that way, or that some of the Sahaba has run away from the battlefield that some had this will be the professor log he was there, many of them were martyred, what were the abida implications of all of this. All of this is covered in what will be recited tonight of diversity of surah Halima surah. Nisa, which we will discuss tomorrow, inshallah, that covers the fifth and social aspects of the aftermath of the Battle of war. So what do we now do with the widows

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and the orphans and the inheritance and all these other things that pop up in the aftermath of 70 men being martyred in the Battle of war? So what is the Battle of God? And what happened? inshallah I think most of us have a basic understanding of what was who exactly which feature we should have learned in madrasa and we would have seen it, you know, in many different series of lectures around the world. But basically, this was the second major battle in the history of Islam. In the year three H, in which the people of Makkah, the enemies of Islam had marched to Medina to get revenge for battle. So the Muslims had won the battle of button, where they have defeated the leaders for

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the enemies, right, the leaders of the enemies were defeated and button. Remember, they were two types of leaders of the enemies of the Muslims. They were the elders, who were who were like hardcore fanatical against Islam. These leaders were killed in the battle. But then there was the next generation of leadership. It Grima Holly being worried I'm not even supposed to be on stage one, even omiya, this generation, with leaders of the enemies now moving forward, all of them eventually converted to Islam and became Sahaba. So there's two separate generation, the older generations with very hardcore against Islam, but the children ended up becoming Sahaba. So the

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Battle of what would allow these youngsters wanting revenge for their fathers and the uncles being murdered. And so they lead the army to Medina, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he takes his army outside Medina to meet the army of the enemies by a mountain called any of you who have been on Route, you have seen this mountain, right, and there's a hill there. And he had the arches standing on the hill, to protect the army from any from being attacked from behind. And his command was, don't leave this post no matter what. But after a while, we looked at your Muslims were we winning, and so the archers left the post to go and collect some of the more booty. And when they

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did that, Khalid, even when you read in charge on the other side, and the Muslim was surrounded, and 70 of the Sahaba were killed, including some of the major Sahaba that comes out and new subliminal mail some of the first to accept Islam in the market that day, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was injured. And what happened was when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself was injured, he went missing. And some of the Sahaba they assume that he had died, and he randomly back to Medina. And so the prophets Weiser was left alone in a mountain with just a small group of Sahaba and Angel Jeeva in defending him. And at that point, he like basically quality drove into too many

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injuries in here from the size of the creation, here many injuries and get on the side side of the poor slums, and the garage run back from Africa. And so this was the only battle in the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that he had lost, but he wasn't a complete defeat, because they weren't exterminated. right he was more of a drone that both sides and injuries images quality today, but it raised a lot of theological issues. Firstly, the main point that flows throughout the surah related to this is that as Muslims we are not always guaranteed victory. now living in this day and age we can understand that unfortunately, we live in the DNA jockey feet, we use them across

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the world are defeated and weak and scattered and facing defeat upon up May Allah remove the situation from us and return us to power but for the bulk of your Muslim history, the time the world

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Here's the apostrophe arguments. Muslims could not imagine such a situation. But Allah give us an example where you are the one with the Battle of God, that just because you are Muslim doesn't mean you're always going to win. It's all about obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that battle, a group of Sahaba had this will be Allah. Now, you go back to another thing that flows out Ramadan, that we are sinners, that Allah wants to forgive our sins. We see this in Surah. Allah Imran Allah reveals many verses stating that those who left a post to the artist and those who ran away from the battlefield that Allah has forgiven them, Allah has forgiven him. So if Allah has forgiven them, we

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can't say anything bad about it. But it gives us hope that Allah can forgive such a major blunder that led to the death of Sahaba the injury of the prophets law, you know, because the people who made that mistake were sincere Muslims can insha Allah, Allah and forgive our sins as well. And one last point from the surah is that there's a lot of verses in this in tonight's Jews that cover the theme of unity with the theme of being united. And in this verse, Allah says to the prophets long in southern that is because of our mercy that you are lenient and tolerant and kind to them had you been harsh they would run away from me. Think about this, a wants to handle I solemnly promise law

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you know, that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was harsh, people wouldn't have accepted this. So what about today? What is our character like? Are we representing the drama of the prophets along the way, so love, you know, interactions with people, or we have to be chasing people away from Islam with our harshness. These are some of the things that we can reflect on in tonight's Association So hang around easily on my cell phone or salon.

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