Ismail Kamdar – Family Lessons From Surah Maryam

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The title " Surah Maria" in the Bible is a surah related to Jesus's life and is important for the rest of the world. The importance of "Grams," meaning everything, is found throughout the scripture, not just in English, and is emphasized. The importance of educating parents and the community is emphasized, and the use of "igrams," meaning everything, is found throughout the scripture. The importance of motherhood is emphasized, and the trend of abandoning desire is discussed. The segment ends with a promise of a return to the sense of family.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah, Karim Allah Allah He was her big money.

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We begin by praising worship of Hannah with the IRA and Arsenal, Lucky cities Peace and blessings upon the final prophet Muhammad, Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the last day.

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So today inshallah I want to share a few words about one of my favorite sutras in the Quran. And that is the 19th Sutra in the Quran. Surah Maria

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Maria terrarium is a very important surah. And many of you may be familiar with it, because it's the only surah in the Quran named after a woman. It's named after the mother of a Sally's around Jesus peace be upon him. It's a sutra we often use in our discussions and our two Christians. And it's a surah that you may be familiar with, because it pops up in the Sierra when you study the life of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. This two of these are very important roles, but you will come to a bit later.

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But what you might not be aware of, is that there are other lessons to take from the surah as well.

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For many of us, this Torah is a surah that we look at primarily as a downwash Torah. We look at the student as a student we use when we talking to Christians.

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And we forget that the Quran was revealed primarily for the Muslims.

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So even though it has messages in it for the rest of humanity, but in every surah, there is benefit for us as well.

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And so when you read through Ramadan, they are very deep and powerful lessons not just related to Akira, but related to other aspects of our life. So

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to get started just a brief background about the surah so that you understand when it was revealed and why surah Maria is one of the early makansutra has revealed very early in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We know this, because of the Syrah because of the lifestyle of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. In a very important incident that occurred during the early years of Islam surah Maria was recited, which is proved that it was revealed before that.

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And that incident was the migration of the Sahaba to Amazonia.

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As a senior was a Christian country, and its ruler was a very righteous and wise Christian man. And when he had called the Sahaba to his court to learn about the message, the leader of the sahaabah of that group, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cousin, Jaffer, Vitaly Burundi Allahu anhu. he recited to refer to he recited Subramaniam to the Christian King, and he's priests and they all began to cry. And that King became a Muslim secretly, and he died a Muslim and the prophets lie some preachers that janazah for him in Medina, even though he was the atmosphere. So this is a very powerful surah and many of us know it because of this story. We know this story about this king and

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how he became a Muslim because of this.

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But the other things we can learn from the surah as well.

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One of the beautiful things mentioned in the books of the Sierra basura Maria, is that in the surah, Allah Subhana Allah beautiful name, our man is mentioned 16 times.

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And the word grandma Mercy is mentioned four times. Our Rama means the Most Merciful. We put it together. Allah mentions his mercy 20 times in this world.

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Because of that, the scholars have said that this surah is actually about allows it to Allah's mercy. And that's why when the very beginning of the surah the second verse, Allah Subhana, Allah says, the glory

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of the Buddha Korea. remember Allah is Rama to his servants of Korea. It begins by talking about the Rama, Allah subhanho wa Taala. So today I want to talk about two important themes that are found in the sutra, both related to Rama, the concept of Rama itself, and the importance of family. Right. These are two themes that are found throughout the sutra. So let's get started with the word Rama. What does it mean? And yeah, I'm going to get a little bit technical because

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I believe the word Rama we don't have a single word in English that can do justice to translating it.

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Very often. You mentioned Rama, what do we say we say mercy, right? We say Allah is most merciful.

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The problem is the word mercy today doesn't mean what he meant 100 years ago, or today when we say mercy, what do you mean?

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We mean he's not going to punish. That's what we mean by Mercy, right? That he has the ability to punish, but he won't do it. We think about the merciful thing. We think about someone who has the ability to punish us, but he will do it. We think of mercy in a very negative context. That is the opposite of punishment by Ron Wyden includes that but includes other meanings as well. Alice Rama is not just about the fact that he may not punish you, because because of his drama, but it also includes his love.

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Rama also means love, love, love for us is included in the word Rama, right? Allah talks about his Rama treat for the believers and for the prophets. He's not just talking about the fact that he won't punish them. But he's talking about the fact that he loves them. And when you see mercy, the meaning of love doesn't come across. He doesn't have the English he doesn't have the meaning of the show. When we hear the word of mouth and hear the name. We need to think deeper. I was not just talking about his mercy, he's talking about his love as well. So that's why I would prefer to use the Arabic word instead of the English word we are talking because there really isn't an English

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word that does justice to the meaning of this word. So what is ramen? Why is it important? This concept of Rama or English we call it mercy. It is something which is found throughout our religion, not just in describing unwatchable Hanover data. But in describing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how did Allah describe it as Google loves lolly Islam? Ramadan Lila mean, he is a Rama for this entire universe. It is found in describing the families that the word for family Arabic comes from the word Rama. It is found in describing parents, right? Where we make our parents that Allah should have mercy on them, like how they had mercy on us when we were younger. The word Rama is

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found in that

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it is found in the Hadees in describing how we should treat our children and those who are younger than us. Then once you're on to the last a lot while he was alone, he was sitting in a public gathering. And one of his grandsons came by him, and he picked up his grandson and kissed him.

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And one of the big one Arabs looked at this very stream, it was very strange. It wasn't part of his culture. You know, the Bedouin Arabs had a very harsh culture. It wasn't part of the culture, romantic kiss he sang in public. But Rasulullah sallallahu came to change that. So this man, he saw this and he commented and he told the Prophet, or a pseudo love Somalia some I have 10 sons. I've never kissed him, ever.

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And Rasulullah replied is to different durations of what he replied, the first generation. He says, What can I do with Allah has removed from your heart.

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The second one even more powerful, he said, Whoever does not show Rama will not be shown.

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And there's two meanings to this. Whoever does not show Rama to the children should not expect their children to be merciful to them, no children.

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If you're going to be treating your children like a tyrant, don't expect them to love you. When you when they grow up, they're going to run away.

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What goes around comes around the other meaning whoever does not show Rama to Allah creation should not expect Russia from Allah.

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What you give is what you will get.

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In another Hadees, the promise of all Islam said that the best of mankind is the one that has the most Rama to mankind.

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The one who is most merciful to mankind, the one who is most beneficial to mankind, the one who is most loving to mankind. This is a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we see this concept is everywhere in our religion, not just the understanding who our Creator is by understanding who the Prophet is understanding what the Quran is, understanding how we treat our families, understanding how we deal with humanity. And that brings me to a very, very important question. Where has the Rama gone?

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Well, we live in a society and a time where children will cry and complain about how their parents neglected how their parents became and how their parents have never said I love you to them in their entire life. And wives complain about that about their husbands. And we have people Muslims come and tell me I don't want to work for a Muslim man because he unmerciful in how he treats us and other work work for a non Muslim.

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What does it say about us?

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As a community? Can we sincerely say that we are following the Sunnah of Ramadan Allah mean if we don't have our hearts.

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So this is rather I wouldn't see this we should now see the see the wider this obligation needs to be revived in our lives.

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Have being merciful to our families, to our workers, to our neighbors, to our communities, we have to revive them. We have to become the oma of Rama once again.

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Remember the early Muslim people converted to Islam not through lectures, but through their character and their personalities. When they saw Rama in action, they became Muslim. When they saw Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the way he treated people that was dry enough for them, that this has to be a true prophet of Allah. When the Sahaba moved to different countries, and the treated the people in those countries with the most drama, that was enough for them to realize that Islam is alive.

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This concept of rockmart is so powerful, and if you make it a part of your life, you will become dour. You won't have to do with your time your actions and lifestyle will be

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your children seeing you as a man of Rama, we want to be better Muslims, your neighbors seeing you as a person of Russia, we want to become Muslims. Because they will see Islam in action. One of the main reasons why our Tao is not effective today is because we don't practice it. We talk about Rasulullah saw a lot more than he was filming Ramadan Malala mean, and then we go back to work, and we oppress our employees.

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Or we cheat in our bosses.

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Or we find a way you know, to take shortcuts at work, even if it hurt somebody else. Like you don't care if you hurt somebody else. Rama is mercy. We have become people who are individualistic, which is completely against the teachings of Islam. Islam, you're supposed to be oma centric, you're supposed to be focused on helping the oma at all times, not just thinking about yourself.

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So Rama needs to come back into our hearts into our lives into the way we deal with our family into the way we deal with our community.

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The other thing, which runs throughout the surah is that a family

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and again these are linked topics. Because the number one thing, which was to the last lesson mentioned in the context of Rama in terms of who we should should refer to is our families. So these are linked topics. Our families are erotica. They are a mercy from Allah, they are a blessing from Allah. They are a gift from Allah. They're a sign of Allah's love to us. And we must treat them with

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so this Surah Surah Maria, it begins with story upon story. And each of these stories are about the prophets and their families.

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The first story is about zakhary alayhis salam, and we do our that we make zaccaria Ali salam, at an old age, had no children yet.

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Now, most of us, if we had to reach that age with our children, we would accept it as this is my cup of tea. You know this, this is the way it's going to be. But zaccaria never lost any hope in Allah's mercy.

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He never lost hope University of Allah. And

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he continued to make dua. So Allah granted him a majida in vertical. And that vertical was when he and his wife were elderly, allow Allah granted him a baby boy, who grew into a prophet of Allah, Prophet, Allah, Allah. Allah calls this Eva as he grew mighty Rob, because

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remember Allah Rama to the servants of

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Allah granting you a child is enough itself.

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There are many people who don't have children. And that is a choice from Allah and a blessing from Allah at the same time.

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And there are many of us who have children that we don't, we don't treat him as a rapper from Allah, we look at him as the burden. And when you look at your children as a burden, you are never going to develop the right type of relationship with them.

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Look at them as a gift from Allah. That is how the prophets treated their children they will gifts from Allah. So Allah was a Rama from Allah, Allah, Allah. This the second story continues with another miraculous birth. And this is the one that has, you know, cause theological problems when higher religion who have misunderstood the story and that is the birth of Jesus of Esau Lee Salah to his mother Marni, Molly saga,

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Mama Maria Ali Salam. She was a righteous woman who had never been married, she had dedicated her life to worshipping Allah. Allah had chosen her for one of the greatest miracles that this world has ever seen that she was going to have a child without a man being involved at all. This has only occurred to one woman in the history of humanity and that is Marty Malia salami. This is her

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stages with Allah and this is why the Buddha is named after him.

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So the surah details the story of how the angel came to her, and the angel, it brought with her this, this good news of a child and how she gave birth and how the community they the presumed the worst, of course, which is natural, Allah protected hatchery medical inject the baby spoke and explained that he is the servant of Allah and the Prophet of Allah.

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And all of this is again a story of a family in mother, a single mother and her son, who grew up to be one of the five greatest prophets of Allah.

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And to the story I want to remind you, of the importance of motherhood in Islam.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, we live in a time where the very concept of motherhood is under attack. Women are being discouraged from having children who have been discouraged from staying at home and taking care of the children. Women have been taught that it's a low thing to be enough to be at home with your children. And you should be working out there somebody else for somebody else's of being at home with your own children, woman or being taught that, you know, if you have more than two children, you have too much have one have to admit to doing any good at caffeine. This morning concept is going around. And what's happening now is we have a young generation of women who say I

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don't want to have children. I don't want to get married. Why we have lost this connection with our religion. We have lost a connection with the fundamentals of Islam, from amongst the fundamentals of Islam is that motherhood is one of the most important aspects of society. Throughout our history, study the life of any great man or woman in history, and you will find that Indian life there was a righteous mother who dedicated a part of her life to raising a child. She dedicated her time for your child. We look at the story of Barbie and he saw the Scylla look into it further down down the line. We look at the stories of of the great scholars of Islam. Mr. Malik Imam Shafi in Ahmedabad,

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Hamburg, Imam Bukhari. All of these stories are stories of young men who were raised by mothers who wanted their sons to become fathers. their mothers play the active role in raising their children. They raise them with high goals and noble aspirations. They taught them the gene, they send them to study under the greatest of scholars, people like Mr. Shafi don't just come out of a vacuum, they are the result of good parenting.

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So to the Sisters of the oma, I see, motherhood is not something to be afraid of, or ashamed of, to become a mother of a love. This is you with a child alive giving you a week agenda. He's giving you a way to a high status. Allah has put you on such a high level that the Prophet was Ahmed stated that Jana is under the feet of the mother.

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That's how high the status of mothers are. The status of a mother is so high that we refer to the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as the mothers of the believers. So let us as a community, revive this understanding of motherhood being a good thing, and it begins in how we educate our daughters. If you need your daughter has to be educated entirely by the disbelievers, then they will grow up with the morals of the disbelievers. It is our duty to teach them Islam. It is our duty to teach them Islamic understanding of this concept. It's our duty to let them know that becoming a mother is a noble thing. And it is something that woman throughout history aspire

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towards. Now I'm not saying every woman must be converted that Allah and Allah decides who has children who does not. But for us to become a community that despise motherhood, they look down upon staying at home moms who look down upon a woman who is home to the children, this is an Islamic, this is wrong. And this attitude has to change. So let's Marie Marie Colombia,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala, Paul Bunyan, Islam, the greatest of woman.

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She was a woman who dedicated her life to worship and raising her son.

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And it was the greatest of woman she should be the role model for all women. If you want to follow in her footsteps do what she did.

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The third story in in Surah Maryam takes us now to how to deal with our parents. Right? This is about dealing with your children or parents. And that is a story of Ibrahim Ali Salah

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Ibrahim Ali Salam had a unique situation. He was a prophet of Allah, but his father was in disbeliever, an idol worshiper.

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And what's interesting about the way the conversation is worded,

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is that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam does our to his father very explicitly does our to his father. He told his father is wrong. But he said

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says it in the most respectful terms possible. For example, instead of saying, Yeah, a B, he says, Yeah,

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yeah, but is the more respectful way of addressing your father in Arabic?

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So what is teaching us? Is that yes, sometimes your parents will be wrong. Sometimes it is very possible that parents can be wrong, and their children can be right. It's possible. If the father grew up in an era where he didn't have access to the madrasa system didn't have access to Islamic knowledge, and his son grows up studying Islam, it is very possible that the son will know things that the father did not

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show in that situation. Ibraheem alehissalaam become the role model for that son. How do you adjust your parents when they are wrong? Unfortunately, I've seen too many cases where when the son realizes his parents are wrong, he goes on the attack, he becomes disrespectful, he may even call his father disbeliever. You know, he may use vulgar terms, he may break family ties, this is an Islamic,

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the proper method is to educate your parents with love and respect, to still adjust him and treat him with the respect that they deserve better parents, understanding that your parents did not have access to the resources that you have. Many of the youngsters don't realize that right? The younger people, you know, if you are growing up with the internet, you are growing up with hundreds of 1000s of Islamic books and lectures available for free online, your parents did not have access to them. So if you know something that they've done, it's no reason to look down upon them. It should be completely restricted to them, regardless of how much more you think you know, when it comes to

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their religion, that respect for parents should not go away just because you have gained some knowledge that they do not have. And so Ibrahim Alayhi Salam in our room will have that. Interesting even in the story of Ibrahim Ali Salaam, we have the miraculous birth of Assad for the third story in a row. YALI Salah born miraculous East polyfilla born miraculously, and then Ibrahim Alayhi Salam he his wife, Sarah, has a son, his halfling Salah, also born miraculously, and is exactly the same that the story of the Korean yahia in that they were at an old age, when they were blessed with a son. three stories in a row of miraculous person you can see the old slide about family is just

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about family of one family of one family.

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Ibrahima II sort of one of the beautiful lessons we can take from this story is that sometimes, if a lot of god bless you with the righteous ancestors, he means to bless you righteous descendants ebrahimian. slumps father, an idol worshiper, his sons, both of the prophets of Allah, his grandson, a prophet of Allah, his great grandson, a prophet of Allah, and every prophet after his time came from his descendants.

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So sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where your forefathers and the people of righteousness

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and you you're patient with them, and you accept your code and you work hard to be a righteous Muslim in spite of all of them. Allow me bless you with descendants. What is

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some people are British righteous parents, some people are chested with parents who tried to stop them from practicing Islam. each person's tests are different. So Ibrahim al Islam story is a reminder to us that Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes he blesses us to righteous parents like how he saw Islam was given mama Islam as a mother. How Islam Hezekiah de Salaam as a father, sometimes you are not bribing son's father was a disbeliever but his descendants were righteous. The next story in Surah Maria is very short, very briefly, it mentions Musa alayhis salam now what's interesting, the story of Musa alayhis salam is the longest story in the Quran. When you Surah Maryam is possibly the

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shortest book alone you mentioned one important point about Musa Lisa link to this topic of family.

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Well, how Allah Medina

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as part of our athma we made his brother Harun a prophet. Again going back to both the teams we spoke about, we say to Rama, Rama and samanya myth about family. And yeah, Allah says that he gave Musashi Salah as a gift and Iraq mercy. He gave you as a gift, a brother who was also a prophet.

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Sometimes we forget the importance of our siblings in our lives. When we are young and we are little kids we spend all the time with our siblings playing together. Suddenly we grow up, get married, we move on our own and sometimes we don't contact each other for months, sometimes even years.

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This is not from Islam. islamically we are supposed to make a concerted effort to maintain family ties.

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If your brother or sister is working in another country today, you don't have an excuse to say, Oh, my brother lives overseas I don't need to contact if you have WhatsApp, you have Facebook, you have all these means to contact him in a second. How do you be to send a message to your brother overseas is Assalamualaikum brother, how are you doing? How's your day is it doesn't take maintaining family heist.

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The profits look at the brothers as a mercy from Allah. Musashi Salam and he became a prophet. He may do either his brother becomes a prophet as well. One thing good for your brothers. Again, the opposite of us today. We now brothers do well we get jealous. We do. Well, we know that we're brothers we have it because you know, we want you to be all for us. Musa Lisa was the opposite. He got something special Newport, he wanted the exact same thing for his brother. And so Allah gave him his brother, he made his brother a prophet. It was beautiful. Let me just say we made a profit users two beautiful words here. The first is what

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we gave him as a gift. Meaning Musashi Salaam, his brother was literally a gift to him. Then you also have a brother with a prophet. Not many people have that. That is a gift from Allah. He gave me the gift Mira Medina, as part of Allah's mercy.

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So how long was the gift any mercy from Allah to his brother, Musashi, Salah.

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And then Allah subhana wa Tada. Very briefly in two verses, he mentioned his family Elisa.

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And again, going back to the topic of family, Allah mentioned, just one important thing about this Mattila de Salam leads to family work on a Yamaha before that he was

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he would command his family to pre Sala and discharge the soccer. And now this brings me to the other side of what I mentioned earlier. Earlier, when we spoke with Maria Maria salam, we spoke about the importance of motherhood in Islam is

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the importance of fatherhood in Islam.

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What is Allah,

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Allah, He taught his children to pray salah and distracted soccer, meaning he played an active role in teaching his children Islam.

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We live in a time where many of us as men think our job is just to provide financially for our kids. And we play no role in their therapy or in their upbringing in teaching them Islam and teaching them anything.

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Some fathers don't even know their children. They like living in different worlds. This is not from Islam, when you read the Quran, every story of a Muslim father in the Quran is one who plays an active role in teaching these children. Look man, salaam and his son, the father teaching his son jacoba salaam and his son's father teaching your children. You're smiling salam, Allah says he taught his family. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the best thing that a father can give his children is good character and good manners. Meaning what it's the father's job to teach his children good character and good manners. How does the father teach your children good

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character and good manners? You teach it number one by doing it yourself. If you don't have good character, no matter what you say, Your son is not going to listen to you. Because he can see that you're being a hypocrite. So number one, you have it yourself. Number two, you make time for your children. How many of us sit with our children, and discuss to them put on hold these stories of the prophets? How many of us sit with our children, tell them listen, we are Muslims. This is how we behave. This is how we treat our neighbors. This is how we treat the poor. This is how we behave in the restroom. This is how we do other people. How many fathers have these conversations with their

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Alicia handler says about smiley Salah. He commanded his family to pray salah and to give his Agha Walker in the robe to him.

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And so his Lord was pleased with him.

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His Lord was pleased with him because of that. As parents, it is our duty to teach our children and this is something which is watching upon us. I want to end in one verse, which comes a bit further the Allah mentioned the stories of all the prophets. And then he gives us a warning, a warning of a trend that has happened throughout history and is happening right now. Allah says Allah

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Allah What about Shahada for Sophia?

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Each of these generations, they came a generation and they will come a generation who adopts Allah the abundance Allah, whatever oshawott and they follow the desires at that generation is headed for the hellfire.

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Illa Manta Bahama no Amina Kalia, except for those who repent and believe into righteousness. Allah mentions only two things that lead to the Hellfire, abandoning salah and following desires. We have to honestly look inside ourselves enough

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Have we become the generation that have abandoned salah and followed our desires?

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If we are that we have to become from altaba Armando Hamza saga from those who repent and believe into righteous deeds, because that's the only way out. That's the only way to save ourselves. Allah has promised that this will happen every three generations. It is our duty to stop it from happening to us and our generation, our children's generation, by teaching ourselves Islam and teaching our families Islam and raising our families upon Islam. So where did they come to the end of this discussion, the hope that we have all benefited from the stories of these righteous ambia original Salam and incredible families. We also were huddled around all of us the ability to fulfill the

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rights of our families and our communities and our society and the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala to continuously benefit from the word of Allah and the teachings of Buddha law. So about what he was alum Baka Dawa, and in Hungary law alameen wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

This is a recording of the Jumah Khutbah delivered at Ridge Road Musalla, Durban on 9 February 2018. Our Sheikh advices us of the relevance of Surah Maryam to us and our family. So many lessons within it – importance of family, Allah’s mercy to us in the form of a mother, a father, a brother. The fact that Allahs mercy is mentioned 20 times in this surah is proof of the need for mercy in our daily lives. The surah also touches on proper manners and speech to adopt with family. Truly, many valuable lessons and advice from Allah within this profound Surah.

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