Ismail Kamdar – Code of Conduct #9 Courage

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of honesty and courage in the face of criticism, fear, and violence is emphasized in Islam. The challenges faced by young people in the past and the importance of speaking the truth to avoid negative consequences are discussed. The speakers emphasize the need for personal comfort and guidance, as well as finding one's courage through planning for worst-case scenarios and not giving up. The importance of building one's courage through actions and planning for worst-case scenarios is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. So in today's video, we're going to discuss the importance of courage in Dawa. And this goes hand in hand with our previous lesson on the importance of honesty in Dawa. Because the truth is better. Very often when calling people to Islam or calling Muslims to practice Islam better, you are going to have to tell people, things that they don't want to hear. You're going to have to convey a message that is distasteful to the people that in their mind and their worldview, and they experience what you saying, is not what they want to hear. But you have to say it anyway. This requires honesty.

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But it also requires courage.

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And I worry that when it comes to the Dawa, today, we have again, two extremes. One extreme, the people involved in the Dawa, who have no courage, who are cowardly. And who will twist the the teachings of Islam to suit the audience because they are afraid of losing the audience, are they afraid of what people are going to say? Are they afraid of having their feelings hurt, or whatever the case may be? That's one side that lack courage. And the other side

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is those who think that being courageous and truthful means not having wisdom, right. So they will say things in a blunt, rude, harsh, crude manner, where technically what they are saying is correct. But the methodology of delivery, may chase people away, or cause more harm than good. So I want to address both of these problems today. The first the problem of do art who lack courage, the second the problem of do art, who think they have courage, but they lack wisdom. So let's begin with some of the evidence is quoted on this

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wall so by hand our dollar tells us in the Quran, Oh, you who believe whoever amongst you turns away from his religion, we will replace him with the people who Allah loves, and they love Allah. And then he describes the the point of this verse over Yup, with ALLAH SubhanA. Allah describes four qualities of the people who Allah loves. Number one, they are merciful to the believers. Number two, they are stern with the disbelievers. Right They are firm on the teachings of a religion. Number three, they do jihad visa vie the law. And number four, and the one that's relevant to our topic today. Number four, what are your core Hoonah low medalla him they do not fear what the critics are

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going to say about them.

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So from this verse, we can deduce that if you are living a life that is pleasing to Allah subhana wa Taala that is dedicated to the cause of Allah that is dedicated towards calling towards the truth. You will have critics who will say all kinds of things about you. You cannot allow that to derail you from speaking the truth.

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That part of the Dawa is you have to deal with critics. And we'll come back to this later and we discuss those who are cowardly because they can't handle criticism. It's very important that we understand the importance of courage and the importance of not fearing the criticism of our critics.

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In other words, Allah subhanaw taala says, Those who deliver the messages of Allah and fear Him and do not fear anyone besides Him. Allah describes the messengers, the prophets as those who deliver the message of Allah, fearing him and not fearing anyone besides Him. Because to deliver the message of Islam requires courage. People will dislike you for it, people will turn against your voice, people will not like what you're going to say.

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And the third evidence I present is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which he says, Let not fear of the people stop you from speaking the truth if you know it. If you know something to be true, you should say it regardless of what the people will do or say in return. You should not allow your fear of people criticizing you blaming you, boycotting you, whatever it is, you shouldn't allow that fear to stop you from speaking the truth.

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So these verses and these are Hadees all indicate that

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that when you are involved in Dawa V Sabina Allah, then you are inevitably going to encounter criticism. And you have to face it with courage. You have to be brave. When conveying the message, courage is necessary in Dawa.

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When calling people towards the truth, you will find yourself at odds with people, because the truth is bitter and difficult to swallow. And it's very difficult to get people to accept that they are wrong. And they need to change their ways and you need to do things in a way that's more pleasing to Allah. So when you choose the path of Dawa, be conscious of the fact that you are choosing a path in which your life will be faced with great criticism, and in some cases, even violence. Right, they have been throughout our history, many dua to have to face violence at the hands of the enemies.

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You have to be prepared to sacrifice visa vie Leila,

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we go back to the Syrah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When he receives the first revelation, and honey jar Rajala one hot takes him to see her cousin, the Christian monk Wanaka Eva Nofal Wanaka tells him that you have received a message similar to what Moses has received and you are a prophet of Allah. And then he tells him i wish i will be alive when your people kick you out so that I can support you

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who at that point in time was the most beloved of people to the markets. He asked who my people actually turned me out, do they actually kick me out? Do they actually turn against me? And Oracle even over replied, I don't know anyone who came in a message like this, except that the people turned against them.

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Take the story, and use this as your

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foundation for your Dawa. That if you are going to do Dawa, if you are going to call non Muslims towards Islam or Muslims towards practicing and understanding Islam better

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than you are in eligibly going to have some people turn against you and try and stop you. They may do so to slander, they may do so to name calling. They may do so to character assassinations, they may do so to boycotts. Some cases may even do so to imprisonment of islands.

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But you have to be prepared for that. And see why I say if you don't have courage, either find your courage or don't do Dawa. Because this is not the part four. This is not the easy part is not the part to the people who want the easy part agenda. This is the hard part. This is the one that has the most rewards. And so when it comes to most trials, and every profit phase trials in the part of Dawa, as I said all of the Sahaba and all of the great preachers throughout our history. We know that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam faced every possible type of opposition to his Dawa

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people slandered him. They called him a magician. They called him possessed, they call them apart. They mocked him. They ridiculed Him. They boycotted him and his companions for three years. They exiled him, they physically attacked him. They waged war against him.

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Yet he remained firm. He remained courageous, and he eventually emerged victorious.

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We know what the Sahaba Abdullah even Massoud when he was the first one to recite Quran in public. He was beaten for this. We know when Samia and her husband Yasser accepted Islam despite being a weak family without any tribal prediction in Makkah, they were murdered by Abu Jaha. But they remained firm on the throat until the very end. During this period, where the great Sahaba were literally being tortured for accepting the message of truth. One of the Sahaba who was tortured the worst was kebab, even our radula one who kebab he goes to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam during this period in which he is being tortured, perhaps more than anyone else, and he only answers

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Shula, Odin Shula ask Allah to help us ask Allah to make make dua to Allah to help us.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him before you in the past, a believer would be seized, a ditch will be done for him and you will be thrown in it. Then they would saw him in half, and his flesh will be torn from his bones. Yet he would never abandon Islam. And then he predicted he said this religion will prevail to such an extent that someone would travel from Yemen to him.

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hadramout without fearing any one besides Allah, but you are being impatient.

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This Hadees

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makes it very clear that the part of the Salah is full of tracks. And the trials we face today are minuscule compared to those before us.

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That they were people in the past who were literally tortured to death just for believing in La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, and we know what the Sahaba went through for believing and propagating La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, You know what Bilal Rajaratnam went through for this. We know what moves up even a male went through for this. We know what hums already and went through for this.

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The part of Dawa is a part of courage and sacrifice. And it wasn't just the first generation, every generation of people who took who took on this responsibility of calling people to that which is better. had to face trials and persecution in that part. In Muhammad Buhari was slandered

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people try to character assassinate him. We know that great scholars that Imam Abu Hanifa even Taymiyah they died in prison for standing firm on what they believe it. We know great scholars like Imam Malik were tortured in prison for being firm on what they believe to be the truth, the correct understanding of Islam. You know what Imam Muhammad Ivana humble went through at the hands of immortal zeolites for remaining firm on the Aqeedah valsiner World GEMA

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when you know the stories, and you know this history, then it should be clear to you that the part of Dawa is not an easy part. It is the part for the courageous only for those who have it within their souls to keep focused on preaching that which is pleasing to Allah, regardless of the consequences.

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And I remind you of the Hadith, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, which jihad is best, and he said Kalamata will have industrial done in January. He said, The best jihad is to speak the truth in the face of a tyrant ruler.

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Why? We know jihad is an act of courage. Why is speaking the truth to a tyrant the ultimate act of courage for the sake of Allah. Because in the battlefield, if you have a sword and your enemy has a sword, you are equal combatants. So it is jihad, but there's an equal chance of winning or losing. But when you are facing a tyrant ruler, and you still tell the ruler, the truth,

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even though all of the weapons and the physical advantage is on his side, and you are literally risking your life to just speak the truth, then this is the ultimate jihad. Because this is the ultimate act of courage, that you are willing to say the truth, even if it cost you your life.

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This is the ultimate act of courage and martyrdom. Now, most of us will not be in a position where we have to speak the truth to a tyrant ruler.

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But you will have to speak the truth to people who dislike us. When doing Dawa, people may boycott us, may may exile us, they may slander us, they may do whatever they can to silence us.

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And we have to remain firm on the truth.

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In my own life, I have faced most of these things. I've been slandered. I've been boycotted,

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I is forced to move to another land because the people completely rejected me at one point, right or today and always knew slammed is floating around to try and character assassinate me.

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But I don't allow any of it to affect me. And I only say this to let you know that this is something we go through today. This isn't stories of the past.

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My teachers went through the same

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one of my teachers is currently in prison for speaking the truth to a tyrant ruler. Another one of my teachers is banned from over 20 countries who speak in Detroit.

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You know, I've seen people who I have studied with having to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah. And my child is a miniscule compared to this. But

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I noticed with this younger generation, there's a lot of people getting involved in Dawa

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who are not going in with the right expectations.

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Right. There are many young people today getting involved in Dawa, who think that if I do Dawa work everyone's going

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To me, if I do Dawa work, I'm going to be famous. If I do our work there, no, people are going to appreciate what I do.

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And so they go into the Dawa with a very naive understanding of what the response will be.

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And when they face their first criticism, when they face harshness when they face slander or enemies, they are very quick to just give up.

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Right? I've seen this happen so many times. I've seen people start Dawa organizations. And as soon as the first criticism comes in, they just give up on Islamic work altogether, saying that, why are people not appreciating my efforts?

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I remember once I was at our organization, and someone criticized, something that the organization did.

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And team members in the meeting actually broke down crying, saying, why are people being mean to us? I'm sorry, if you did our work, people are going to be mean to you. There seems to be a disconnect here, right? Like, because when I was young, this was something my teachers emphasized, and drove home to us. All of my teachers, regardless of the school of thought they from, they all emphasize that the truth is better. It takes courage to speak the truth. And if you aren't going to be a voice of truth, you're going to have to face trial from the people.

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That people are going to not like what you're saying, you may be the imam in the masjid. And the board of directors don't like what you say. So they try to silence you or fire you. It may be that you're a school teacher, and people don't like what you see. So they fire you from the school, or threaten your livelihood. If you don't change your opinions. These are realities. These are things that you will face in the Dawa? Well, for some reason, we now have a generation of the art who didn't, didn't get the memo. No one told him about this, no one told them that this is going to happen. Instead, they go on YouTube. And you see a chef giving a lecture and it has 2 million views.

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And he I want to be like that. So they think they're going to give a lecture and he's going to get 2 million views and everyone's going to love them. That's not how it works. For every share, whose videos get 2 million views, again until there's 100,000 People saying bad things about him and slandering him and lying about the main character assassinating him, and sometimes just disagreeing respectfully. But the fact is, it's not all roses, it's not all glory. This is a very difficult part with very difficult work. It's not for the faint hearted.

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Sadly, what happens today is because some people in the data, lack courage, and lack the ability to handle criticism. This drags down other people as well. So it may be that someone produces something in the Dawa, which needs to be criticized. But everyone's afraid to criticize this person, because they know his feelings get hurt easily. So nobody says anything.

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What this does, is it creates an environment in which more and more people do Dawa in the wrong way, because people are afraid to criticize each other.

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Now, if you are a daddy, who feels the need to criticize another die, there is a methodology to this, they should first be a private conversation, you should be one on one discussion.

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There should be a way to try and fix this behind closed doors first.

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And if that's not possible, then you try criticizing the idea without dragging the other person down. So you may see some people are promoting this idea and it is wrong and you criticize the idea.

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It's very rare

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that there will be a justified case for calling people out by name.

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Very rare, and unfortunately, too many people who do that today. But nonetheless, if you are involved in Dawa, understand, you are challenging people's beliefs, you are challenging people's worldviews. You are challenging people's understanding of right and wrong. Of course, this is going to upset them. Of course, this is going to make them want to do something to silence you. You have to be brave. You have to be fun. If you don't, you might give up. You might change the message. You might hide the truth. You might become somebody's *, meaning that they now you now work for them in a way that because you have no courage you can never stand up to them. So for example,

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some people because of a lack of courage

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They just gave up. I already mentioned example, and others may distort the message. So it may be that they need to tell the audience something. But they know their audience will be upset by what they say. So they either distort the message or they hide the truth. An example of that today would be, you know, for example, when the issue of polygamy comes up, and they know, they need to say certain things, to change the attitude of people towards polygamy, and to give people a more positive attitude towards it, but out of fear of what people will say, or people abandoning them, or losing fans, they may distort the message and say, Oh, this is not a good thing. And, you know, we

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don't have to do this today. And only bad people do it today, they may do something like that. Or they may hide the truth and just never touch the topic at all.

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Or worst of all, we have people today who lack courage, and they become used by other people. Either they become the scholars of the Sudan, or just controlled by the board of directors. So it may be that, you know, that a certain opinion is wrong.

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But certain people pay your salary, and they demand that you promote that opinion. So because you lack courage, you just say what they want you to say. And in doing so you are no longer doing Dawa. You are now somebody else's tool for propaganda. spineless people sell out the Muslims every day, because they lack the courage to speak the truth and handle the consequences of the truth.

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We also know that in our times, there are people who may distort the message of Islam in because they don't want to upset certain people.

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And to those scholars, or do art, who feel the need to distort the message of Islam or to hide the facts about the message of Islam because they don't want to hurt people's feelings, because they want Islam to fit into somebody else's paradigm. I remind you of the Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, whoever is asked for knowledge and conceals it, Allah will clothe him with fire with a bridle of fire on the Day of Judgment.

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It man will be concealment of knowledge is a major sieve,

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especially for a person of knowledge, that if people have put you into a position of authority, when you teach people the religion,

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you have to teach the truth. Regardless of what people think of you, you have to teach the truth. Now, this doesn't mean again, that you be unwise about it. You have to speak the truth with courage. But also with wisdom, all of the qualities we mentioned in this course have to work together.

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We have now a group that went to the opposite extreme.

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So from my understanding of what's been going on in the online Dawa scene over the past few decades, because one group of the art became too soft in the approach, and didn't speak about certain topics or distorted other topics. And because people were scared to criticize them because they worried about hurting their feelings. This created a sort of a monster that created the opposite extreme that now we have a group of do art who have this macho personality, who think that being a die is about just telling it straight. And

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they may speak the truth, but they do it without Adam, without Rosmah. Without hitbox. It's just unfiltered truth in a way that

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doesn't bring people closer to Islam.

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Again, we have to use all these qualities together. You can't pick and choose. That's what's happening to the people that picking and choosing one group of do art want to do the Dow with Rama and hikma but without suit and courage. Another group wants to do Dow which should encourage but without Rama and hikma? No, you have to do it with all of this. You have to be honest, you have to be brave, but you also have to be wise and you have to be understanding and you have to be compassionate towards people. It's not one or the other. You have to have all these qualities. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam had all of his qualities. He was the bravest of people he was the

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Most Merciful of people. He was the wisest of people. He was the most honest of people. It's not one or the other.

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So we we also have this other extreme of thinking that you are now and and folded voice of truth and that you don't need to be wise or compassionate in how you deal with people. This is not the Sunnah. This is not the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or to do art throughout history who were affected.

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That yes, certain things need to be said.

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But this hit mine how you say it

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You understand time, choice of words explaining the wisdom behind what Islam teaches taking people on a journey of knowledge. It's not just telling people you're wrong.

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And I've seen so many examples of this right? I've seen the two extremes. Just to give you one controversial example,

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that I had to deal with myself. So recently with young ladies who attend Islamic Holika adds

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a controversial point to them is whether that a woman have to obey her husband. Right now, the classical Islamic teachings according to the formula, HIV and the Quran, and the hadith is that a husband has authority over his wife, that yes, he must be a loving, affectionate leader. But she also has to listen to Him and obey Him. But now we are hearing two opposite extremes in how people approach this topic. One extreme because people are scared of losing their female audience. They may say things like, oh, he doesn't really have authority over her. It's just a, you know, he can voice his opinion, but he has to make a group discussion and they must decide together. Or they may say

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things like, oh, sometimes you follow Him, sometimes you follow her. They should take turns leading right? Well, this is not what the Quran says. It's not what the Hadith says this is not the classical position. The classical position is that the position of a husband is a leadership role.

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And he needs to embrace the leadership role and his wife and children need to be on board as well. Right? If you if you read carefully, the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah says in surah nisa in the verse about gender roles, or Regina Kawa, Munna Allah Nisa that men have a position of authority of a woman. And then the second half, which almost nobody quotes these days because again, fear or what people will say, what how will Allah describe women in this verse? In this verse, he described woman as well

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was for the heart to call me that, that righteous woman or obedient to the husband's. This is the part of the verse that people don't quote anymore, because of a lack of courage, that righteous women are obedient to their husbands. So we find that the, the men who are afraid of what people are going to think may distort us first. They may say that our redriver were Munna Allah Nisa, they give it a variety of interpretations. The most bizarre I've seen recently was someone saying that men are at the service of woman, which is completely distorting what the verse means if you read any of the classical books of Tafseer. And then when it says righteous woman or obedience, they say it's

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obedient to Allah, but obviously righteous woman obedient to Allah. But this verse is talking about gender roles within the marriage. So you open the books of Tafseer. What does obedience over your mean? Abdullah ibn Abbas, the prophets companion, his cousin, who was the one who understood the Quran, this, he said, obedience in this verse means obedient to the husband.

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And so the correct understanding of this verse is that men have a position of authority in the family, and women are expected to be obedient to their husbands. Now, this doesn't match with the modern, feminist liberal paradigm of marriage. So we have one group of Muslims that have distorted this message, they don't talk about it, they try to change the meaning of the Quran. In doing so they are doing a disservice to the Dawa, you cannot change the religion. You have to be honest about what Islam teaches. While the other extreme, we have people who mentioned the truth, but in a unfiltered, harsh, vulgar way, that just leaves people confused. So I remember once I was attending

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an event, and this question came up, and

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the one of the young ladies who genuinely was confused, what does Islam say on this topic? She asked me if my husband tells me to do something, do I have to obey Him? that specific question, if he wants me to be a stay at home wife? Do I have to obey Him? And the person answering said, Yes. And if you don't listen to him, he can divorce you or take a second wife. And you just left it as that. And this is confusing, right? Because technically, he didn't say anything wrong. Technically, everything is said is right. But there's no Rama, or wisdom or understanding where the other person is coming from, or trying to take him on a journey of knowledge to understand your position. There's

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none of this. It's just, you know, this tough guy style of Yeah, that's what it is, deal with it. That's not how you do that work. That's not how you reach out to someone and help them find a way back to Allah. You have to be courageous, you have to be honest. But you also have to have Rama and wisdom in how you convey the message. So how I approach the topic is I say yes, this is what Islam teaches. And this is why this is how I explained the Islamic structure of marriage and the importance of of authority roles and the importance of authority in Islam that we accept

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obey the Imam and you're supposed to follow our leaders and the whole system is to avoid anarchy and that Allah has given men and women different roles. And when we embrace the roles that Allah has given us, we thrive, because we are doing what comes naturally to us. And the variety or the wisdom that you can explain

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about this. And for example, you could even explain it from a psychological perspective, that women are naturally attracted to men who they see as authority figures. So if a man has this presence of being an authority in his home, he's more likely that his wife will be attracted to him, because that's the kind of manliness that a woman is attracted to. There's a lot of ways to explain this with wisdom, there's a lot of ways to understand the other person's perspective and take them on a journey of knowledge towards the Islamic position. Sadly, today, we seek to extremes, the unfiltered harsh truth in a way that may push that person further away from Islam because you didn't solve the

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actual pain point in your mind. You didn't solve the actual doubt in their mind. They doubt in the mind is not about what Islam teaches. It's about why by not going into the whys, you are just leaving them confused, like if they are coming from a certain paradigm, and you're just telling them the complete opposite without any explanation as to why you're just leaving them with more doubts about the religion than anything else. So it's very important to discuss the whys behind these kinds of rulings because they are very clear wisdoms behind Islamic teachings on this topic. And it's important for us to understand this and to preach with wisdom. So

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I've seen both of these things happen in front of me. I've seen one preacher completely distort and change the meaning of the Quran, to make the woman happy. And I've seen another preacher just blurt out the truth without any explanation in a way that left a woman confused.

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And the correct Islamic approach is to be clear about the truth, but to be merciful and wise in how you convey it, that your job is not just to say the truth, but to take a person on a journey of knowledge so that they can understand the truth and embrace it and follow it. And this requires learning hikma which doesn't come easily.

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And we see this

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with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would take people on a journey of knowledge. Right? He wouldn't just

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he wouldn't just use this unfolded way of just speaking the truth and leaving people to try and figure out for themselves why? We had the example when the young man came to him and said that he wants to commit Zina. Now we get to see her on the JC movie. But no, he took him on a journey of knowledge. He said, Imagine somebody that one of your female relatives, how would you feel disgusted by it. Same with if you do somebody's female relative dig, it's going to have the same effect on their family. So he takes him on a journey of knowledge to understand why it's haram. right within the cultural paradigm within which they lived. And this is wisdom in our courage must be balanced

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with wisdom. The final point I want to make before we close up for today's session is how to find courage. So just say you involved in our work, you've been doing this and you realize that a lot of heat is coming your way. People are criticizing you people are calling you names. People are slandering you. You are scared. How do you find your courage? You just give up? No, you can find your courage. And I would recommend a few things for finding your courage. Number one, do things that scare you. The more you do things that scare you, the more courageous you will become. Right? This is a psychological method for gaining courage, the more often that you do things that are

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outside your comfort zone, things that scare you things that terrify you, things that make you

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really feel terrified on the inside, scared on the inside. The more you push yourself to do things like this, the more courageous you become

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by this concept of feel the fear and then do it anyway. This is something to work on. It's also important to understand that courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is not the absence of fear. It's working through your fear for the sake of Allah. It is working through your fear for the sake of Allah.

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Another thing you can do to help you build your courage is to plan for worst case scenarios. This is something I do all the time I plan for worst case scenarios. So for example, if I am preparing for a lecture on a controversial topic, in my mind

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I go through every possible response from the audience, and how I will deal with it. So whatever ends up happening, I'm already prepared to deal with it. So in my mind, I'm already prepared that when I say this certain segment might get upset, here, the segment might push back, someone might get angry and lash out. So I might call me names or think I'm a deviant, or whatever the case is, how am I going to respond? If you prepare your responses beforehand, you will be more courageous in the moment. Because you got this you planned you prepared, you're not going in the unarmed you're going Indian knowing what you're about to face. And with a game plan if things don't go your way. So

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planning beforehand, especially for worst case scenarios is important to help you to feel courage in the moment. Another thing and perhaps the most important thing to build your courage is to build your relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. Because true Islamic courage comes from. It comes from Tawakkol in Allah, it comes from trusting the plan of Allah, it comes from knowing that nothing can harm you and this Allah wills it, nothing can benefit you and if Allah wills it, so your life must be all about Allah subhanho wa Taala and only what Allah wills will happen, only what Allah wills will happen, and when you have this firm to heed, and this takes us to our next topic, which I

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will cover in the next video, which is the importance of building within yourself through piety, a connection with Allah, true spirituality which is lacking in the Dawa scene today, it's really lacking in the Dawa scene today, this genuine sense of piety and connection with Allah. Right? We are all lacking it. Most of us, you know, maybe some of you all do Pisces for most of us lack of real piety, but it's something we need to work on. It's something we need to build. And one of the best are Hadees that summarizes how to heed and believe in Allah and the Wakulla. And all of these concepts help you to become courageous is the advice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to

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Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu his cousin, and I will end up with this hadith it is one of my favorite Hadith says, and it gives me courage whenever I read on it and reflect it. And the Hadith states the ones Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was riding his camel talking to his young cousin Abdullah even Abbas. And he told him, young man, I want to teach you a few words. Remember Allah and He will protect you. Remember Allah and you will find him would you? If you ask us Allah, if you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that if the entire nation gathered together to benefit you can't benefit you unless Allah has willed it. And if the entire nation gathers to harm you, they

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cannot harm you. Unless Allah has willed it depends are lifted, and the pages are dry, another version of the Hadees He said, Remember Allah and you will find him would you remember Allah in times of ease, and wealth, and you will be there for you in times of difficulty, and know that whatever passed you by was never meant for you, and will never hit you was never meant to miss you.

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And know that victory comes with patience. Relief comes after difficulty. And hardship is always followed by ease. Very powerful words of optimism and hope and courage

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that each of us should reflect on, whenever we feel our courage is waning. So to conclude, when you are out there preaching the word of Islam, whether you are calling non Muslims towards Islam, or you're calling Muslims to understand their practice Islam better understand that people will oppose you. People will not like what you're going to say. Some people will be antagonistic towards you. They may try things to put you down and make you give up. And in some worst case scenarios, they may even be violence involved against you. The DA II remains firm upon preaching the truth with courage, regardless of the worldly consequences, knowing that speaking the truth in the face of a tyrant is

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the greatest Jihad and the de reward is with Allah. And whenever people criticize them, they remember that those who love Allah, La Johar funa Loma de la in, they don't care about the criticism of the critics. They don't fear the criticism of the critics. It doesn't affect them. So grow a thick skin and understand that as long as you are involved in Islamic work, you will always always have critics. It doesn't matter how old you are. Doesn't matter how senior you are in the in the Dawa. It doesn't matter how many millions of followers you have. It doesn't matter what your credentials are. If you are calling to Allah, there is someone out there who is criticizing you, and

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you just have to learn to live with it. And to continue doing your Dawa would cut

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Each and this is essential to keep the Dawa going and to protect you from giving up so find your courage and keep moving forward disaster the Hadron will ask you to Diana and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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