Irshaad Sedick – Purity 101 #02 Ablution – Wudu

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of "medicals in film and how they relate to "will" and personal experiences. They emphasize the need for acutely conscious of the process and learning the "medicals in order to achieve a "medicals." The process of washing and wiping the body is discussed, including the use of a tool and proper washing techniques. The importance of conscious recitation of the words "we" and "we are" is emphasized, along with the use of "so called" in shaping one's body. The transcript also touches on haircuts and cuts, with a brief advertisement for a shower and showering routine.
AI: Transcript ©
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coly superhigh Nica the Milena alum Turner in Nikka n de la de Mille Hakeem Allahumma aluminum ion Farah una when fina Bhima ILM tena was it nightmare mean erotica or Morocco I mean assalam o alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Along mon sun now,

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be saw he Isley was Malong Mossad.

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bass or knee, irony was a Mullah Mossad.

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Mohamed? Yeah, they saw me. He was a Mullah Mossad now either more

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wrong base or he is he was a Mullah Mossad layer either Mohamed Rob base on the IMA was Lima law hoomans. On there is more.

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Of this on the irony was among law, who Mossad Liana Mohamed Rob de saw, he is a he was a Mullah Omar saw

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bass on the ILA he was

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almost certainly will send him a verdict either he went early Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah what other early he was so happy when many standard the Sunnah de la yo meetings

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believe in this class in shallow to either purity 101

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We're in we are learning the text Safina to Naja by Malhotra Rami, we are going to be covering the integrals of will do the integrals of ablution. So to commence, we will read

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the chapter or the sections of the text that we are currently dealing with this evening inshallah to Allah Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Fossen on fee for all it will we'll do a section regarding the integrals of ablution. Now, when we speak, in film terms, generally traditional film is going to be divided into your ID fat. So you're going to open up a discussion the first thing you want to do is define what it is that we are discussing

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then, and I'm speaking in broad terms here, you would you would find that the author will get into the integrals, what are the integrals, the for the integrals are the pillars of a particular act. So, if you speak about the integrals of sila, they are the pillars of the pray, without which there is no Salah when you speak about the integrals of wudu it means those things which the will do requires in order for it to be valid. If you don't have them, then there is no valid will do. Right. So those are integrals. Then in addition to the integrals, you're also going to cover the sooner the sooner the recommended x and we will speak a bit later about the definitions of these terms, what is

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a form? What is wajib? What is Sunnah, etc.

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But whenever you learn about any act of ibadah, it is necessary to come to terms with what are the integrals so that's why we are firstly discussing the integrals of odo FIFA or EA they will will do ferrule will do is it tune the integrals of wudu ablution or six.

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Oh, Willow and Nia to the first is the intention

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assignee hospital watch. The second is washing the face

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of Sally's hospital Lea Dane Merle mirror faircoin washing their hands up to and including the elbows

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Robair the fourth mass who Che E Minar rocks to wipe a part of the head,

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which is very different to what most people are kind of trained in when we were very young, we learned that you must wipe the forehead. But it's not the forehead, it is part of the head, we will define each one as we go along.

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At home is the fifth of Oslo Ridge Lane Malika urbane it is to wash the feet, up to and including the ankles.

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As sad is the sixth integral is at 30. But the sequence the sequence of what we just mentioned. Now, obviously, if you think about your own evolution, your own will do, this is not what you're going to follow, you're going to wash your hands, then your mouth and your nose, then your face, then your arms, then you hit the new feet. What we are defining here are the essential elements of ablution, without which you don't have all the without which you don't have a valid model. So this is why we first learning the integrals. Now we're going to learn this, learn it as logically as you find it in the text for all evil, for all you do is it that the obligatory elements of the ablution are six,

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and then we memorize them the first the intention, the second, washing the face, the third, washing the hands up to and including the elbows, right,

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the fourth washing part of the head or wiping parts of the head rather the fourth, washing the feet up to and including the ankles, and the last one is the sequence. So for the sheriff, you're a school of thought these are the integrals. If you cover each of these six points, you have a valid will do you have a valid occlusion according to the Shafi school of thought

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meaning that if you don't do the rest of the wudu that we normally that we normally would do hands mouth knows that you will do is still valid. Now, this is not saying that we should deliberately omit those things, because we get rewarded for every sunnah that we do,

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but it is good to know for in a time of constraint, right let's say you are in absolute dire straits and you cannot you cannot either due to time or due to lack of water right do everything that you normally would do, then you know as long as I covered the integrals, when I have to do my will do is valid. Notice also that in the integrals mentioned here, there is nothing about washing three times right because each element that we mentioned is once that is integral as for the three times that is Sunnah, okay.

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Now, after having covered the mentioning of the integrals, let's look at the details of each one.

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So firstly, the author says in a separate section for salon Fini, Yeti, what are the deep the section regarding the intention? And the third tip the sequence

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and Nia what is a Nia?

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What is a Nia generally we say it is an intention. But what does it mean to have an intention?

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I think for most Muslims in Cape Town based on our own pedagogy of learning, most Muslims would start reciting an ear is it in a way to follow those who are sunnah Telugu, no way too slowly for the solid, etc.

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But you might be surprised to come to know that that is not your your Nia. That is the verbal expression of your Nia.

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But the NIA as the oath estates and near to cars do che mokhtari Nan be fairly. The NIA is cost.

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Cost means to intend something to move towards something.

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Costs do che to intend something McTiernan accompanied by be fairly he eats action.

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So a Nia is not like a dream or a wish or an aspiration.

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And Nia, in the fifth sense of the word, is to commence with an action. And as you come into the action, you are acutely you're acutely intending to do that action. For example, when we leave here, we

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We'll get into our vehicles and you start your vehicle. And then you drive. The moment you start driving, you have an intention to go to a particular destination probably home. So that acute consciousness that acute awareness of where you are going and what you are doing that is the intention.

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verbalizing, it would be something like I am driving my car to my house now, that would be verbalizing your intention.

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Right? But that's not your intention. What what is on the inside is your intention. So how do we define the intention then?

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Would you mind checking what's happening with the screen? It might just be the power.

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How do you define the intention? A beautiful English way of understanding the intention is an acute consciousness of purpose. Simple,

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acute meaning you are very much conscious, you are sharp consciousness, you are in your mind away purpose of what you're doing.

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So when you start any action, because you're speaking about voodoo, so let's use wudu as an example. So when you wake up in the morning, we tend to go to the bathroom.

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You go to the bathroom and you use the toilet, you relieve yourself. After relieving yourself, you go to the basin, you wash your hands and you wash your hands. After you wash your hands. You take your toothbrush toothpaste, you start brushing your teeth, right?

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You brush your teeth, and then you decide okay, you're going to wash your face also, while you're at it.

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Up until this point, all you were doing is going through the motions of washing their hands, brushing the teeth, and then you happen to wash your face when you rinsed.

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But you will not intending Whoo.

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Right? Can this person that does that can you know decide okay? I washed my hands. I brushed my teeth. There's my mouth. And then I wash my face. I might as well just carry on because these are the acts of will do. So then okay, I wash my face already. Now I'm gonna wash my arms. Can you do that? No. Why? Because he did not have the NIA.

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The NIA is not what he added, but what he was thinking about what he had in his heart. So at the time of starting that will do the actions that will do he didn't intend to do. He only developed his intention after you wash his face and that's too late. So that's as far as the definition is concerned. That's the first element that we need to grasp second, what my Hulu has called the place of the NEA is the heart. The place of the NEA is the heart.

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What they love food Bihar suna tune. Now according to the Shafi school of thought and predominantly throughout the MME it is regarded as a recommendation to make tele food to pronounce to verbally express the NIA.

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mom, so, to verbally express the NIA is regarded as a sunnah. Now, what's interesting is that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he never expressed Nia in the way that we do. For all the acts of a birder. We don't see it in Hadith, it said. Now, way to follow the goo on our way to further Sadat and Mallory, it's not the So why then, do the scholars recommend that we pronounce the NIA what's the where do they get that from? And what's the purpose? Right? Where they get it from is the fact that in some rituals, specifically the hajj when the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam would enter into the state of haram. He would say, Love bake Allahumma hodgen Oh La bake Allahumma Amara

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10 So you would verbalize his expression of the NIA but the NIA is what is in the heart? So because the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam did it in one specific act of worship? The madhhab making key as making analogy on that would say, Well, okay, what is the purpose of mentioning it well, logically, when you express something verbally, you are assisting your mind and your heart to focus. Like think for example, when you have

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Are you Arctic day? Today I had a chaotic day.

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In between work, I was also hosting a podcast with our international guests that we have here. So obviously, that's like a big deal. You want everything to go right, then when that's done back to work, then when that's done your family's home, and then you getting your family ready, and then oh, I need to go to class tonight. So you're rushing for that as well. So when you're in such a chaotic state, sometimes you go on autopilot mode, you never know what you're doing. You get in your car, and why am I going again? We experienced that.

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And then what do you do you say, Oh, yes, I must go to the shop. I need to go and buy bread and integrate milk. You say that? Why do you say that? Because you crazy? No, because by verbalizing it, you are helping your mind and your heart to focus. So for this reason, he says at the left foot behind sooner turn right Lisa a Alison l called so that the tongue can assist the heart that keep that in mind.

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The next point is speaks about in terms of the NIA is well what to her in the Wesley Awali Jews in mineral watch? The what? What's What, what's the meaning of the word what time, the time of it, the time of the NEA is in the house, the only Jews in Minella watch when washing the first portion of the face.

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But the face is not the first act of will do isn't it? It's first hands. So why does he say the first portion of the face.

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Because the face is the first

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is the first one

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is the first followed action of the sila. The first fall or study of the widow the first part of the widow is the knee. The first action that is followed is the washing of the face.

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So we will speak about the NIA before washing the hands but it is necessary that when you start washing the face you are acutely conscious of what it is that you are doing and what are you doing you're performing model you're performing a Ford will do. So the NEA must be the you need to be acutely conscious of what you're doing when you start washing the face. Okay.

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when it comes to the Sooners before the face, the hands, the mouth, the nose. Those are sunnah acts, if you omit them you will do is still intact if everything else is in order.

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So should you not have the NIA when you start? Yes, you should have the NIA when you start washing your hands, your mouth, your nose. Because if you don't, then you're not going to get the reward of doing those sunnah acts of judo. You just washing your hands, washing your mouth, washing your nose, there's no Nia with it. If you have the near of voodoo, right, you'll get the reward of that as well.

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But let's say

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the person starts performing, they will do and they are acutely conscious of what they are doing.

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They finish the nose and they get the phone call. They answer the phone and they start speaking on the phone, right. And now they're on the phone, they're on the phone. And they are completely

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the opposite. They are completely what's the word immersed in the conversation that they are having.

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So their mind is no longer the

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now they just carry on. And they started washing their face while they're still the guys on speakerphone and they washing the face. So he's not acutely conscious of his purpose.

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He forgot what he was doing in the first place. He just happened to find himself in the bathroom. So that could perhaps be an example of somebody who didn't have the near at the time when it was required. So based on that, if you make the knee if you are acutely conscious of your purpose, when you wash your hands, fine. You should do that. But make sure that it lasts until you start with your face. Make sure that you still know exactly what it is that you're doing until you start with your face. If you get distracted after that, it's okay. Because the Sharia according to the Shafi school does not require you to be acutely conscious throughout the activity bad because we human think of

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when you make Salah you make your Nia at the beginning but how many times can you make Salah you get to the third Raka and in your mind you thinking is this the harasser

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but you you knew what you were doing when you started so the mind wandered, the mind can wander. But what's necessary is that when you commence the action, that you must be acutely conscious of the purpose that you're undertaking.

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Okay, with all of that said,

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before we move on to the deep there's something very important here that we can

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Observe, that you can learn.

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Right? And that is

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the core of the NEA is to assist you to do what? To focus, agreed.

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The core of the NEA is to assist you to focus because you need to be present art mind and soul.

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But what happens

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if you become?

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Let's use the word fanatical for lack of a better word if you become fanatical with the verbal expression

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which is what? Compulsory are sunnah?

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sunnah, right, the verbal expression is sunnah was compulsory

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to have it in your heart. So if you become fanatical with the verbal expression, because you are struggling with it, so you don't know the words properly, you haven't memorized it properly, or you are uncertain, you've got maybe some worse worse. So you're repeating yourself, you're getting confused.

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What's going to happen is that because of you fanatical or your obsession with the wording, you're going to lose focus

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which defeats the objective of the NEA.

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So if the NEA is there to assist you in focusing,

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but then you take a secondary matter. You take a secondary matter, which is the verbal expression and you focus on that which as a result you are distracted from focusing, you defeat the purpose. And this is a problem that many people fall into unfortunately, we call this wasa right. And this is what happens when you see a person they starting to solder. And they for like five minutes they're standing and didn't quite get it yet.

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And then do it again.

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No, you start the action. You are acutely aware of what you're doing. I'm playing Margarita soda.

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I'm playing the father of Margarita Saldana.

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Allahu Akbar, and it must be the just for that moment. And that's it. Acute consciousness of purpose. If you wonder your mind wanders off to that, it's okay because the NEA must be present at the time of commencing the action. Is that clear? So don't confuse the matters. Then added to that especially because this is a class aimed at beginners. Now many of you may or may not have memorized the various wording right, the various wording. So you say no way to follow will do but the beginner Muslim.

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It is in my opinion, it is not wise to make a person who's starting out memorize these formally

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because they are secondary and they are not primary matters.

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Instead, they should be memorizing that which is essential for the bad

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and as you will come to learn when we deal with Salah what is essential for the Ibadah

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the Fatiha.

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That Allahu Akbar at the beginning Allah Akbar the Fatiha that Tasha hood, the Salawat and Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah. That's what the person should start off with, and I found many a student

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leaving off the Salah,

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not making Salah beginners, right. Why? Because Marlena, I didn't memorize the NIA. She This is secondary matter. You're not putting first things first. I've heard of somebody not making Fudger because they didn't memorize the Knuth.

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Or at least that's the claim, right? Allah knows best. But again, it's important to learn systematically so you can understand which are the FARA, the integrals, and which are Sunon. Okay, so with that said, there is another note the author speaks about at that deep the sequence. So we said there are six integrals of voodoo. Let's see if we, if you remember the first one was the NIA, the second one was

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washing the face. The third one was washing the hands until the up to and including the elbows, the fourth one was wiping part of the head. The fifth one was washing the feet up to and including the ankles and the sixth one, the sequence so that sequence there is something that you will see featured, especially in the Shafia school of thought in various acts of ibid like the will do. So in the Hanafi school and other mother I probably all

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So they, they don't have sequence as one of the integrals. So if you wash the limbs in a different format in a different sequence in a different order, according to those muda hippo those opinions you will do still valid. But in the Shafi school if you don't follow the sequence you will do is invalid. So where does the sequence come from? The sequence basically means Allah your Kadima, outdoing Allah or doing that you don't proceed lamb that comes later, before a lamb that's supposed to come earlier. And essentially this comes from the verse in the Quran in Allah subhanho wa Taala states me just fast forward to the verse quickly

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by then Akula I will be live in a shaytani rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Yeah,

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Johan ladina.

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Either come to Isla sala de fougasse Lu Would you come? Fell see Lou would you how come why ADEA come l mount off at one sir who will be ru o se como joola Come Ilana campaign Surah Al ma EDA verse number six call Allah azza wa jal Allah says, Oh believers when you stand for the pray

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I'm sorry that the screens gave up on us tonight and you know what's happening just switched off when you stand in other words when you proceed to pray.

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Fellas you Zulu would welcome wash your faces, who are Adi Camila Moravec your hands up to an including your elbows. One Sir Who b2c can wipe your heads who are our jeweler come and wash your feet ill cabin up to an including the ankles. So you can see from the IRA itself, the forward acts of voodoo are highlighted.

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And the sequence is mentioned not by saying sequence but Allah mentioned it in that order. And they are a Hadith from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam in which he stated clearly if there will be my brother, Allah hoobie begin with what Allah had begun. So, Allah mentioned it in this order, the Shafi School of food takes that order as an obligation. So you must follow the sequence but again is if they laugh in the matter. So, it is it is there for us to consider and Allah subhanaw taala knows best but you will see it is a it is a feature of the mother that 13 is always going to feature.

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So, we spoke about the intention now we look at washing the face

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washing the face entails washing what is usually considered as part of the face it is described as being from with the hairline usually starts now gentleman I'm saying usually

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LSVT Musa, sometimes it was unusual.

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You're not going to start a new airline over two years now and right we usually start till beneath the chin and from the one ear to the other, that covers the length and break

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it is necessary to include some of the haze of the head assuming you have again a usual pattern of of a line it is necessary to include some of the haze of the head because without including some of the haze it is impossible to cover the entire

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area of the face that is the obligation in terms of the face

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the hands

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it is necessary to wash up to and including the elbows, right and all that is required as far as the integral is concerned the fault is concerned is to make sure that the entire surface area is weighed, and that it is washed and not just rinsed. What's the difference between wiping washing and rinsing wiping in filk is taking a weight and and passing it over. So this is muscle mass Hashemi interrupts wipe part of the but we saying you must wash the arms up to an including the elbows. Rinsing is just boring the water over

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wiping is not sufficient for the arms. Rinsing is not sufficient for the arms what must be done wash which is to take the water and have the water run over the arm while simultaneously rubbing it with once and once is sufficient to cover the fold. But of course we know the Sunnah is to do it three times. We'll speak a bit about that again. Then

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the next part is muscle shaming or rocks wiping part of the head, right? So the sooner the full sunnah is

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To take weight hands, and to pass it from the front of the head to the back and bring it back over again. Right, that's the full sooner.

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For some reason, there are many people who are under the impression that that's 100. Free Will do. Because the Hanafis require you to wipe, I think it is a quarter of the hit, but I speak under correction for the minimum,

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the Shafia is minimum is far less, because the Shafia a madhhab looks at what is the definition of wiping something of the head.

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And the bare minimum of wiping something of the head is to wipe

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part of a single day. Even that much covers the bare minimum. Now no one is striving for the bare minimum. Yeah, we all want the optimum. So, to wait at least three days. This is why some people say the forehead, but the forehead is not what is required because this is the FoId it is necessary to weight the hay and to wipe it. So to have a weight hands pass over some of the hair on the head.

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Another note that man that one must make here is it must be the hay on the head. So if you have long II, and you can't wipe the hay that year, for example, because that's not on the heat, it's flowing from the but it's not on the heat. You can't wipe the ear for example, it must be on the head itself. But that's just the bare minimum as far as the Sunnah is concerned it is to wipe the whole head.

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Haha slow Ridge Lane Malka bein washing the feet up to an including the ankles, exactly what we spoke in terms of the arm washing applies here as well. So it is not enough to just keep your foot under the tap and make sure the water runs over it. Because I see some some men. Now when we get older,

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that isn't the swam the book, right? It's difficult to pin. So then they just hold the foot and neath the tap like that. I've seen this. That's not enough. That's not enough. If you have trouble with bending in that way, then you either need to sit and perform evolution in that way, or bring the water up to your foot. But you need to have the wiping of the entire foot with water which is together called washing line.

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Although superhigh know what that is. And then the last integral that we mentioned is the sequence. We've already commented on that.

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I've already mentioned the iron, which serves as evidence for what the Shafi school said and we've spoken about the the intention. Now let's look at the wudu as a whole right after you've learned the integrals, the foreign aid what comes next, the sooner the sooner and then you put the whole thing together and then you have the full will do that you would usually recite. Now if we already know the integrals, what I'm about to mention is everything together. So what is not integral is obviously going to be from the Sunnah.

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So to begin, it is sunnah to start by saying are all do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.

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If you are in a bathroom that is a bathroom and a toilet in one, which is a fairly modern, you know feature, generally these these facilities were kept separate. Then obviously you cannot use the name of Allah or any any sort of revered name in the toilet. So what should What should one do then?

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Just have it in your heart. That is sufficient. So in your heart, you recite our audibly laminated honorarium without verbalizing anything that is sufficient. Then Bismillah and ideally Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem in the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful be Especially Merciful. I received an interesting question.

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Yesterday, I think somebody asked should they still recite the bus Mala at the commencement of a rehearsal.

00:34:29 --> 00:34:42

Now, can you can you understand why this is a question? Because when you when you are performing a hosel then that means you are in a state of major ritualistic impurity. So what are you not allowed to do?

00:34:43 --> 00:34:51

You are not allowed to recite Quran. You can make vicar but you're not allowed to recite Quran.

00:34:52 --> 00:35:00

So, the bus Mala by saying Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is a verse of the Quran according to the Shafi school.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

will have thought going into all the modality but the Shafi considers it a part of the beginning of every Surah except surah. October, right

00:35:11 --> 00:35:43

So Imam nawawi states very clearly at the bus Mala, the full Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is still sunnah when you start the hosel. The only difference is you must not intend that you're reciting it as Quran, but rather as a vicar, because it's still permissible today to read the cruel law, even if you are in a state of Janab. Right? Major ritual impurity. So you start our OB laminator on the regime is Smilla rahmanir rahim. Then what remedy this is the full we'll do what comes next.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:51

washing their hands, washing their hands, which is up to and including the wrists, and you do it

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together. So you wash the right hand and the left and right and left and right and left and you don't need to distinguish between the two way as in the other limbs you do, you don't do right and first and then your left and you wash it together. Okay.

00:36:08 --> 00:36:14

Then, when you get to the mouth, it is sunnah to use the seawork the miswak the tooth stick.

00:36:15 --> 00:37:00

A toothbrush can equally fulfill the Sunnah. In this regard, though, scholars obviously expressed that the seawater is closer to the actual sunnah of the Prophet sesam. So even if you do use your toothbrush, still pass the seawater over your your mouth, the Hadith states as Seiwa como Tahara to lil famiIy. When metadata layer, Robbie, the sea work is a means of cleaning the mouth, and it is a means of pleasing the Lord. So we know that the toothbrush also cleans the mouth. But can we say with confidence that it has the same attributes that makes it pleasing to the Lord. And for that reason, you will find that even now, despite advancements in dental technology, it is still

00:37:00 --> 00:37:14

recommended to use this Ewok. Right. It's an easy so now that brings us easy rewards for little effort. So I have a toothbrush a sorry, I have a sidewalk next to your toothbrush. And when you perform Moodle, use it

00:37:16 --> 00:37:57

and use it hygienic ly many people use this Ewok they don't practice good hygiene with a cure. So use this URL, put it in their pocket. Next time they use the game, take it out of the pocket and use it again. But that's not hygienic, and no way in the Sunnah. Does it state that you you must be hygienic. So rinse it before you use it, rinse it after you use it exactly like you would a toothbrush. Then rinse the mouth and the nose three times. And this is an interesting thing that I don't see many people observing. So the way you use it is only with three handfuls of water. One handful, two handfuls, three handfuls for both the mouth and the nose. How do you do that?

00:37:58 --> 00:38:08

One takes in a mouthful from my influence imagine is worth in my hand. So I formed my mouth, then there's still water in my hand, the remaining

00:38:10 --> 00:38:29

I sniff into my nose. And the Sunnah is to actually sniff it up the nose, which is painful. The first couple of times you do it, and they after it's the best thing ever because it clears your sinuses and it really cleans everything on the inside. So you have to get accustomed to it.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:43

But it's really it's gonna make you cry the first two or three times you do this because it goes into your sinuses and it's just overbearing right. But this wisdom minute is wisdom minute.

00:38:45 --> 00:39:06

So that is once one a handful of Ota some in the mouth, the remainder of the nose, and then you expand it by splitting the water out of the mouth and blowing it out of the nose and using your fingers to assist you second time little bit in the mouth, rest in the nose and use your fingers to to get rid of the water they after.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:08


00:39:10 --> 00:39:21

we move on to the the face, the face and also somebody come in that you use the the little finger of the left hand to clean out the nostrils during the process as well

00:39:22 --> 00:39:44

when you get it when you get to the face. This full sunnah is to wash the face from the point where the hairline again usually begins from the top. It is obligatory to wash all the facial hair inner outer as well as the skin beneath the hair. Whether the hair is thick or thin, such as the eyebrows, the mustache and so forth, except for the beard.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:54

It is not necessary to ensure that the water reaches in between the beard behind the beard under the beard on the skin.

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

If you have a thick beard if you have a thin beard

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

I consider my beard like on the on the, on the thin side, and it's getting thicker now.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:20

But it's more on the thin side. So it's easy for me to, to wash my entire beard and soak it with water. But if your beard is thick, like thick would be considered and first, right, it's basically thick.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:48

If it is thick, then you simply need to wash the outside of the beard, like meaning the full outside front back, and then to pass the wet fingers through the beard. That little right. So use your fingers and you comb your beard like that. That's it, that's the faces. But for the person with a thick beard, you do not need to soak the beard. And that also answers the question that came through online as well.

00:40:49 --> 00:41:07

Number five, move on to the arms to wash both arms completely up to and including the elbows three times. And it is sooner to pass the fingers through each other also too little to do that. So the recommendation is to take a handful of water

00:41:09 --> 00:41:15

and then allow the water to flow over the arm while simultaneously washing the arm.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:26

So you use your own hands as a scoop, fill it with water, Let the water flow over the arm and use the left hand towards the right arm the right hand towards the left arm.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:35

We move on to the head, wipe the head by passing weight hands

00:41:37 --> 00:42:18

from the front of the head sliding the paid hands to the back to the nape of the neck and then return them to the point of commencement three times. Interestingly, in more advanced works of the scholars make an exception for a person who has the hair in a particular type of style, like braided or something like that, where if you're going to pass your hair, your hands back over to the front, then you're going to have a disheveled head of a you're going to look the Emeka. So that's taken into consideration and they say they don't wash your hands back over to the front. So that's just an interesting point there.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:20

But that's the full sunnah.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:58

The seventh point is wipe the inside of the ears with the fingertips and the outside with the thumbs. So you have the index fingers going inside not too deep right on puncture your eardrum now, and then your thumbs on the outside with fresh water. According to the translator of Safina to Nigeria, he says three times. And he says with fresh water each time other books state differently, they said one time is sufficient and they don't regard you needing to take fresh water for each time. So Allah knows best.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:49

Both these both is fine, we move on to number eight. To wash the feet up to and including the ankles three times allow the water to pass between the toes by using the little finger of the left hand, beginning with the little toe of the right foot and ending with the little toe of the left foot. So you have your your 10 toes, right, these are my fingers. But imagine everything does. So you'll take your left pinky, your left little finger and you start on the on the right hand side and the little thing and you you pass the finger through the toes one at a time working your way through and then the side until you reach the in some of you you've ensured that the water covers the entire area

00:43:51 --> 00:43:51


00:43:53 --> 00:44:05

during the wudu it is sunnah it is sunnah this is important to wash the limbs successively, what are successively mean? This means one after the other

00:44:06 --> 00:44:08

and to not take breaks in between.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:18

So by saying that it is sunnah automatically, you should understand from that, that if a person does take a break

00:44:19 --> 00:44:21

and it said they started they will do

00:44:22 --> 00:44:30

and then somebody knocked on the door. So they stopped, they dry themselves off, and then when to answer the door.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:35

If they come back, they can simply

00:44:37 --> 00:45:00

continue from where they left off. They don't need to start from the beginning again. Because that interruption will not invalidate the wudu it is recommended that they do not take breaks. But if they do take breaks then they will do remains valid and Allah knows best. Obviously if you did something that would break a will do in between them. Of course you need to stop

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Not from the beginning.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:21

It is sunnah to begin with the right when washing the arms and legs, but your hands, your cheeks, yours, these are washed simultaneously. You don't just you don't go my right ear first and then my left ear, or wash your face my right side first and then my lift that's washed simultaneously

00:45:22 --> 00:45:32

to begin with the top of the face and not to splash the water onto it. So you begin by bringing the water to the top of the face and allow it to flow over and use your hands to wash it

00:45:33 --> 00:45:59

to avoid splashing water onto oneself. Now according to the sheriff a school that would do the will do water that leaves your lungs we refer to that as well do the word for that is while do the water. The used water in other words that flows off from your limbs that's referred to as Waldo. That water is not regarded as najis It's not dirty water. It's regarded as tar here, clean water.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:19

You can't reuse that water for wudu. But you can reuse it for anything else. Like you can wash your dishes with it, you can wash your car with it, etc. You can wash your clothes with it. So it's not a problem. If it splashes onto you. It's perfectly fine. But if you can try to avoid splashing water onto oneself,

00:46:20 --> 00:46:30

it is also recommended to face the Qibla and not to talk except for necessity, and very, very importantly not to waste water.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:38

What is the Sunnah in terms of the amount of water that we should use for an ablution and for a hostel

00:46:39 --> 00:46:48

for a will do the recommended amount of water is approximately 750 milliliters one mood of water

00:46:50 --> 00:47:09

that is slightly more than this bottle this is a 500 milliliter bottle. Your entire will do that including the Sooners that's including the Sooners, you should be able to do it with 750 milliliters of water. I think that this flask is 750 milliliters. Don't judge it by the outside, but on the inside.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:24

So when we were going through a drought year in the Western Cape, some were recommending that people omit the Sooners and that they stick to the fault as as a measure of water conservation.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:57

But I disagree with this approach as a method of conservation Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he taught us this Deen from the middle of a desert in seventh century Arabia where water was one of the most precious commodities that one could come by. And he was acutely aware of conservation efforts to the point that he wouldn't permit wasting water even at a riverbank so a lot less than them. But the farmers are important the Sooners are important as well.

00:47:59 --> 00:48:19

Someone can take a fourth do do listen very carefully somebody can take a far do and use more water than the person who takes a full will do you understand. So if you focus on just do the fourth don't do the Sooners, you miss the point of conservation. Instead, just use less water.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

That's the function.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:48

Another issue that's that might just disturb some people because it's so ubiquitous, especially on Hajj is that it is actually recommended not to use less than 750 milliliters of water. And I find it amazing. It's an homage to people walking around with bottles of this small and they use that for all five walks for do for like three people

00:48:49 --> 00:48:51

then just spray but I

00:48:52 --> 00:49:35

know that that's not enough. The minimum is that you need to use enough water for at least dripping effects to take place the water needs to at least drip off the limbs. That's the bare minimum but it is recommended not to use less than 750 milliliters. So while you shouldn't use more than that, you should also try to not use less than that so as to not be inadequate in terms of your washing and Allah knows best then when you complete the ablution it is sunnah to say goodness that the slide didn't come out so nicely online math for that. The Sunnah is to say, Ash I do Allah Allah illallah wa sallahu luxury color wash I do Ana Mohammed Abdullah who are solo,

00:49:36 --> 00:49:37

which is the Shahada.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:59

Allahumma Geraldine Minato Bina O Allah make me of those who depend which liminal Matata herring Oh Allah make me of those who purify wa jal Lehmann, a birdie Casali Hain and make me of your righteous servants. It is recommended to do this immediately after the wudu but I'd like you to notice that the Sunnah teaches us

00:50:00 --> 00:50:16

that the physical ablution the physical will do is connected to spiritual cleansing. So even though you physically washing the limbs, remember in Allah Allah Yun, Guru Isla suvery Comala, Ella jsme Comala Kenyan guru Isla Kulu. Become

00:50:17 --> 00:51:06

aware doesn't look at your bodies, he doesn't look at your physical shapes. He looks at your heart and he looks at your deeds. So if you think about it, it's almost counterintuitive. Why should I wash my limbs for a spiritual exercise? I'm not a to snap my limbs that's important. But washing of the limbs is a divine injunction. And it is connected to the purification of the heart, which is why we should try to not neglect uttering these words, the words and the Basma at the beginning and the DUA at the end. Some books have recommended to us for each limb, these are not these are not from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So there's no real substance to them. But

00:51:06 --> 00:51:21

this application at the end of the wudu this one we should memorize, and we should make a habit of reciting it. And more importantly, we should be conscious when we recite it. So when you complete you do recite it with meaning and with purpose.

00:51:22 --> 00:51:40

Many people ask the question, How can I focus more and be more away in my salah. And one of the answers that I gave in the class not too long ago in this mosque was that you start when you prepare for Salah you start when you prepare for Salah for the wudu itself.

00:51:42 --> 00:51:52

Don't think of the ablution of the widow as something that you need to get out of the way for it is a divinely revealed activate a bad

00:51:53 --> 00:52:40

in and of itself. Even if you read the Old Testament we've spoken about this in our previous course. They are clear cases of the other Ambia and Rasul Allah salat wa salam. Remember, we don't believe that the Old Testament or the New Testament is in its pristine form today. We don't believe that it has been preserved as the Quran has been preserved. But that doesn't mean that there are no traces of the original thing in there. And it's easy for a Muslim to identify what has been preserved when its message is congruent to what the Quran says. So when Jesus Nabil acla Setosa. Nam is reported to have washed the limbs of the disciples before they entered into the temple to pray. It's very

00:52:40 --> 00:53:07

obvious to us what he's doing. He's teaching them how to take up this right. So what what should this do for you and I, this should make us understand that not only is it a gift that this ummah is blessed with, but it is a divinely revealed gift that all of the prophets of Allah subhana wa Tada taught, it's an ancient act of a bada and it remains sacred.

00:53:08 --> 00:53:29

Don't underestimate the, the strength of this model. Some of the other attributes of voodoo that we should also know about is that the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam said when you are angry, when you become angry, and go and perform will do for the water of the Buddha will extinguish the fire because anger is from fire.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:42

Some of the Sahaba like say now Ali Rhodiola and used to turn pale when you would perform Moodle. And when they asked him why he would say because I'm preparing to have a meeting with Allah.

00:53:44 --> 00:54:07

It is reported that Imam Abu Hanifa Allah be pleased with him. He had no karma. Karma means a miracle that happens to people other than the prophets. It is reported that he could see when people took wudu he could see the sins washed away from the from the limbs. And this is something that exists in the metaphysical world. It's not a logical thing.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:24

And the last point that I want to mention is that we should take real not I don't wanna use the word pride, but we should love the Whoo. You know why? Because when the Sahaba asked the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam about us.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:43

E ra salat wa salam said, I must I long for my loved ones, my beloved. And they said, We right here is in your mind Sahaba you're my companions. It's my beloved, those who they believe in me even though they've never met me.

00:54:45 --> 00:55:00

And then the Sahaba awesome. So how will you recognize them? So he said, I will recognize them by the limbs that will be shining on the day of judgment as a result of the wudu that they took for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala so it's far more than just the washing

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

Have of limbs. It's something sacred that we should, that we should really connect to and Allah knows best. And then finally,

00:55:08 --> 00:55:12

we want to have a brief note on the Sooners of cleaning the body.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:44

It is sunnah to trim the fingernails and toenails regularly. Try to check every Friday. If you if your fingernails and toenails are long on a Friday then with your Joomla hosel trim them. It is sooner to clip the mustache to the extent that the pink of the upper lip is visible so in other words, trim the mustache shorter, shorter. It is not sunnah in the Shafi school to shave it off. Although the Hanafi school regards that as sunnah to some ft Lafley.

00:55:48 --> 00:55:49

It is sunnah

00:55:50 --> 00:55:55

to pluck the hay of the underarms and nostrils.

00:55:56 --> 00:55:58

For those who are used to it.

00:55:59 --> 00:56:06

It is similar to pluck the hay of the underarms in the nostrils. The closest modern convention to plucking

00:56:07 --> 00:56:08

is waxing.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:11

I tried it once

00:56:12 --> 00:56:14

in alila you are in the LA Rajon

00:56:15 --> 00:56:16

noi Trione.

00:56:18 --> 00:56:19

It clearly states in the film

00:56:20 --> 00:56:42

for the one who is used to it so if you do it from you know when you when you grew up with Ed then it's easy to do, but it remains sunnah and Allah knows best. It is sunnah to shave the pubic he also regularly beat some people I dimension a rice grain the length of rice grain, I don't know where that comes from. It may or may not be I've never did it myself.

00:56:43 --> 00:56:44


00:56:45 --> 00:56:47

then the last note is uncircumcision.

00:56:49 --> 00:57:02

Then, just to put it to put it simply circumcision in the Shafi school is is a YG it is followed for both men and women. However, due to historical practices of

00:57:03 --> 00:57:23

genital mutilation, practically no Shafi traditional Shafi scholars in the world recommend that this view be followed of the Shafi school, a practically all the scholars have made that lead on this point to the other mother hip that don't regard it as necessary for women whatsoever. And I would, I would recommend that as well.

00:57:25 --> 00:57:31

And finally, it is considered haram for both men and women to dye the hair black.

00:57:32 --> 00:58:12

It's sooner to dye their hair, it's haram to dye the hair black, except with the intention of jihad. And Allah knows best I know we didn't have the time to get into the nitty gritty of all of that, but it was part of this lesson so I thought I'd mention it in shallow to either in the next lesson we'll commence with firstly what is this sunnah followed wajib permissible haram mcru What exactly do those terminologies mean? We have to have an understanding of that I will save that for the next lesson in sha Allah Allah and then after that we get into other elements of Tahara Allah subhanho data and we will leave some space for questions after which we will come into the surah Bismillah

00:58:15 --> 00:58:16


00:58:20 --> 00:58:20


00:58:22 --> 00:58:23

versus showering

00:58:26 --> 00:58:26

when taking

00:58:29 --> 00:58:29

what you say as

00:58:31 --> 00:58:31


00:58:32 --> 00:58:36

as let's cover as it will do as well, because I think

00:58:37 --> 00:58:37


00:58:43 --> 00:58:44

that's good actus

00:58:46 --> 00:58:48

if you asked and you answered

00:58:54 --> 00:59:03

you can't take a for the hustle. Okay, let me first repeat the question so that others can benefit. So the question is, if you are washing yourself

00:59:04 --> 00:59:10

and you make the intention for the Sunnah hustle, does that automatically include a widow?

00:59:12 --> 00:59:13

And the answer is no.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:22

If it is a follow the hustle, then that automatically includes who but not the Sunnah who so

00:59:26 --> 00:59:38

sorry, I forgot the other point that the other point is you can't entertain the font of the hustle if it's not the font of the hustle, right. In other words, if you don't require a hustle, then it can't be afforded the hustle.

00:59:40 --> 00:59:59

So in the shower, you take wudu in the shower. So after you've showered if you've completed your usual cleansing ritual, then you just do the followed limbs of voodoo, you've already washed everything. So you wash in sequence. The whole point is because you need to observe the sequence so then you do

01:00:00 --> 01:00:06

His arms, head and feet when you know you're covered, and that would be sufficient northerners based.

01:00:09 --> 01:00:25

Yeah, of course the NIA, but he's for me at that point, you know, the NIA is something very natural. Right? You don't need to say anything. The moment you are yes, I'm showering I need to take with you before I leave that is your near ready. That is your new year.

01:00:27 --> 01:00:29

Okay, now the questions.

01:00:31 --> 01:00:32

Don't be shy.

01:00:40 --> 01:00:43

Any color except black? However,

01:00:44 --> 01:00:57

the question was, what colors are permissible to dye your hair with? The answer is any color except black. However, it is it is not permissible to make a clone of yourself in Islam,

01:00:58 --> 01:01:22

if that is what you are alluding to, right, and it's also not permissible for a Muslim to do something that explicitly imitates the non Muslims, or explicitly imitates the opposite gender. Right? It's not allowed. And Allah knows best. That's a sign for us.

01:01:29 --> 01:01:43

Now, it is actually part of the lesson. It's this last section that I mentioned, it forms part of that although not in this text. The question is about haircuts and styles of cuts. In the Shafi school, what is what is considered?

01:01:48 --> 01:01:53

What is considered mcru, which means disliked and not haram

01:01:54 --> 01:01:55

is bizarre.

01:01:57 --> 01:02:06

People often mistake this for a fader. Right? Because that means to shave parts of the hair

01:02:07 --> 01:02:48

and to leave other parts and shaved to shave parts of the hair and to leave other parts and shaved. That is not right. But to have some parts of the hair like the sides slightly shorter than the top. That is not. There's no problem with that. Right? That's not what is referred to by casa. So often you see that is this misinterpretation. The worst thing that you can say about the fader is that it's not so nice to catch up like that. But I could add 100 Other haircuts into that equation. So we shouldn't be we shouldn't be too difficult on people.

01:02:49 --> 01:03:19

I generally like to keep the sides of my age slightly shorter than the top simply because it gets the Amika on the side, like much quicker than men it doesn't the top it's easy to keep the top kind of neat. So that that's that's that I just want to deal with the two or nine questions with the can the black color be mixed with brown or any other? If the black is mixed with brown and is no longer black? And then yes, but if it still black, if you look at it and asked you what color is that he says black? That's not permissible. Right?

01:03:21 --> 01:03:39

This Hikmah in that we didn't have time to get into the details, but often these rulings come straight from Hadith the Prophet says and prohibited you know the dyeing of dyeing the black except in the cases of jihad, but to cover gray haze with dye that is considered as as soon

01:03:41 --> 01:03:42

as soon as the end up summit the back.

01:03:46 --> 01:03:48

Anyone else the sisters,

01:03:49 --> 01:03:51

sisters are all lighting UPS these this evening.

01:03:53 --> 01:04:07

Any other questions? Now we conclude on that note, Zack Manoharan was Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Subhan Allah he will be Hamdi. So behind the Colombo behenic A shadow La ilaha illa. And Nestor if you look at one or two, we like I said Mr. Aleikum, wa Rahmatullah.

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