Irshaad Sedick – Death #02 How to Handle the Death and Janaza of a Loved One

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of washing one's body, removing clutter, and not allowing anyone to go to death in funeral arrangements. They stress the importance of following the rules and avoiding touching the body. The process is recommended for removing excess water, washing the whole body three times, and removing any waste. caution is advised and the importance of following the process.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Salam Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Obeid Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu. In the previous session, we discussed matters pertaining to the death and the funeral of a loved one, from visiting the sick all the way up until the time of death, which we colloquially often refer to as the Agile from the word Hamza Jim lamb, which means an appointed time or an appointment. Now, what happens immediately after death, this is covered in under two salik in the next segment, which is as follows. When he dies, the person in discussion, it is recommended that the kind list to him of his unmanageable kin people

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who he cannot get married to Muharram, close his eyes, right. So it's, it's a job not for the husband or for the wife, but the closest blood relative,

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that is either going to be the father, or it's going to be the son, or it's going to be the mother or it's going to be the daughter, or the grandfather, the grandson etc. A brother or a sister, depending on the gender of the deceased, closing the eyes is an honor, it is a point of love, it is a it is a gesture of love that we are doing for this deceased person. And we are, we are saying farewell to them, they are now moving over into the afterlife, we should feel honored to do this, don't relinquish this task, or any of the other tasks that will be mentioned ahead to somebody else. Because, oh, I was too emotional to do it. Or I was too busy to do it, or I didn't feel confident

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didn't know how to do it, or I was afraid. These are all fine. I mean, there's nothing wrong with saying this, or even accepting this as an excuse. But what if we could look beyond those excuses and actually stand up, step up and take responsibility that we've been given by the Sharia. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. So now we move on to the second duty of what takes place after the person passes away. That is to close his or her jaws with a wide bandage tied above his head, so his mouth is not left open. Often people use handkerchiefs for this tied around the jaw from the bottom and then tied at the top in in a knot. It doesn't have to be a handkerchief as it says here, you could

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use a bandage, you could use a cloth, etc. Whatever, whatever works, the idea is you don't leave the jaw, and it starts hanging open. And the mouth is then very difficult to maneuver to close after that, because the body starts tightening up, which leads us into the next recommendation, which is to make the person's joints flexible, by bending the forearm to the upper arm, the calf to the thigh and the side to the stomach, then straightening them. And similarly flexing the fingers to facilitate washing and shouting him. If the joints are flexed at this point, they remain flexible. But if not, it becomes impossible afterwards. So yeah, it's a simple matter of bending the arm like

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this a few times, perhaps even at the string also a few times, and then bending the calf to the thigh. So bending the bottom, like when you run up new calf to the thigh, and then bringing the thigh to the upper body, right on both legs. Maneuvering or bending the fingers, right like this. And like that just says to create some flexibility, because if you do it now, that will remain flexible. But if you don't, it tightens up and then it's difficult to do that they're after. So it's a general flexing of the body. I think it would be advisable to ask the family members to exit the room. And only the person who is going to be responsible for washing the body for playing over the

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body of the person responsible to close the eyes. Only that person should remain behind and do these these tasks, they can be a bit difficult for children to look at the can be difficult for other members of the family to look at. It's not an easy thing to do, because this is a loved one.

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But you need to build yourself up emotionally because the person you love the most. The three people you love the most think about them right now alive today.

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Either you are going to die first or one of them.

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Either you would need to be there for them or they're going to need to be there for you. And it's a reality that we need to embrace. So prepare yourself for that. But ask other family members to leave the room because this is something that should be done with dignity and respect for the person who passed away.

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Then after making the joints more flexible number three would be to remove the clutter.

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fields and to cover them with a light cloth, tacking the age and the his head and feet. So they do not become uncovered. Meaning you underestimate. Now the maids body should never become exposed, right, the maids body should be closed at all times. Even when you're washing the meat and shouting the mate the body should never become uncovered. It is haram to expose the aura of the mate. But beyond that, you can cover everything as well. You're in outtakes, you will get the recommendation that you should use a commis like soap and wash under that. And I think that that would be more private in terms of preserving the * and the cover for the disease because it covers underneath

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as well. But a more practical solution would be to use a sheet simple cutting sheet, ideally a dark colored cotton sheet because it gets wet and then it gets it gets see through if it's white or light colored. And then to wash underneath that. But we are not talking about the washing at the moment. At this moment in time, you just get that sheet out, and then take all of the clothing off of the body underneath that sheet. This would allow for facilitation of the washing process and the shouting process which would happen shortly after. But these are in the moments immediately after the person had passed away. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best, an easy way to get the clothes off

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would be to simply cut the clothes off, because that's easier than to undress the the maid as you would undress yourself. And then finally, to play something heavy on the stomach of the mate the abdomen of the mate.

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What is something heavy, and why. So firstly, something heavy would be something that weighs substantially perhaps like a laptop computer, a nice big laptop computer. Or if you remember back in the day, when we had telephone lines installed in our homes, and we had the Yellow Pages and the big white phone book.

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Perhaps you can think of a very thick encyclopedic work and there's like 1000 pages per volume, something of that sort, something weighty now the why.

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The idea behind this is so that you prevent bloating, because it's possible that the the abdomen could become bloated. And the site of that isn't very pleasant. And this is especially possible when these gases or there's some reaction happening in the person's abdomen or in the stomach and in the bloating could take place to to avoid that you play something heavy on the stomach, it is recommended to hasten now. Okay, before we even mentioned this, we are talking about the person who hasn't been washed yet. The person hasn't been shrouded yet to anything of the sort. But one of the early recommendations that are fake points as towards is to hasten in paying off the deceased debts

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or waiving them by creditors. Just think how sort of important not just important, but how dangerous it is to have a whole lot of debt in one's life. It's important for us to to understand the seriousness of it, and to try to avoid going into debt. And if we have a debt with someone, that we should make our family members aware of it, we should write it down.

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What I've seen many people do when it comes to this is to announce at the janazah that if anyone is owed money by my loved one, please inform me so that we can square the date. Right. And this is a good practice. Because at the janazah basically everyone that knows the deceased would traditionally be present. So people who would know about such a date can bring it forward.

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I think it's important for us to take cognizance of the fact that this is such an early recommendation. Why? Because date unfortunately, if it is not seen to then our ROI, our souls are going to be suspended. They are going to be more Aloka they are not going to go through the journey of the afterlife, as they are meant to go through they're going to be held back by the dates. This is quite a serious warning by the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa either early or software sell them so we should take it seriously as such, it is recommended to hurry in implementing the Messiah the bequest now this is not the inheritance. These the Messiah, these were saya are the

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instructions that the deceased had left. For example, they would like to be buried in such a place. They would like for some in terms of wasa yes it is referring to the charitable was soya but not to the inheritance of you know, the the actual estate. This is up to the 1/3 So, bye

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Epson is MSG that they are donating to or it is an orphanage. That's a good deed that you need to Hastin because it is to the benefit of the person who had passed on. And that's something that should be done immediately. So you can you can understand the seriousness of not having a culture of this, it something so out of the ordinary in some cultures, that people may even think badly of you for wanting to do this, because we are busy with the Janaza. And you're talking about throwing money from the bank? And you know, giving it to that place. Can we deal with that at another time?

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If you understand it from the perspective of only the worldly considerations and emotional considerations, that's a valid argument. But if you understand it from the perspective of what is most beneficial for this person who had passed on, now, things become a bit clearer. As far as why somebody would want to do that, how would you attain this with education, bring your family together and speak about what's going to happen the day that so and so passes away with the day that I pass away. These are discussions that are difficult, but necessary, and Allah knows best.

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It is also recommended to hottie in implementing, sorry, in in burying the person to Hastin in doing so, by reading him, which means the hosel and the caffeine. And by burying him, when it is unlikely that the body would rapidly change, then it is recommended. But if it is likely that the body is going to rapidly change, then it is obligatory. This means

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that if the person passes away, it's unlikely that the bodies are going to decompose or that there's going to be a foul odor and the like. If that's the case, then it's recommended to hasten to to try and do everything as soon as possible.

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But if the person passed away and the body is in such a state, that they are practically decomposing already, or they are about to decompose, because the body is in in a bad state, then in this case, it is

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it is recommended that you sir did not take a minute, it is obligatory that you Hastin immediately that you do everything instantly, there's no delay, don't wait for anybody. Now, with this one with that one, it's just a matter of we need to get this done, as soon as possible. When somebody dies, suddenly, who is believed to have died, the body is lifted until it is sure that the person is dead, either by changing odor or the like.

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So if somebody dies, suddenly, just all of a sudden the person fell down. You don't just assume that they are dead and carry on. You have to wait and see. If somebody is believed to have passed away for some reason that can't check with they don't know. Again. Yeah, you have to wait until there's some sort of change. Fortunately, for us, this is quite straightforward because it is necessary to have a doctor coming in, in I think probably most Western countries in South Africa. It's part of our law that the doctor has to come in and certify the death. So the doctor will check the pulse. The doctor will check if there's a heartbeat blood pressure, I don't know what they check, and then

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they certify that the person has passed away and they write out a certificate. So they we don't need to worry too much. Unless it is a different type of situation and odd situation in which case they you have the law to guide you.

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Washing the dead person shrouding him playing over him, carrying him and beating him or communal obligations. This is where capetown gets its colloquial term for a Janaza from we refer to a Jeunesse as a key fight. Now key fight I believe comes from the Arabic key fire because the rituals of the Janaza is considered followed the key fire all of this washing the deceased person shrouding the deceased person playing over the deceased person carrying the deceased person and baiting them. They're all for all the key fire meaning if some members of the community take up the responsibility and fulfill the responsibility of these matters, then the entire community is freed from the

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liability they are freed from the responsibility of fulfilling them. They will not be held accountable by Allah for not fulfilling them and the community will be rewarded also. But when it comes to a situation where nobody in the community fulfills these rights for the deceased person, then the entire community will be blameworthy for neglecting the rights and because it is probably one of the most obvious forms of faulty fire. I think that's how the term key fight came about. And Allah knows best. Now of course we need to get into detail with each and every one of them. And that is what we will do now in the hosel the coffin that Janessa Salah, the hammer and the Dafa

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And those are the five duties that are basically mentioned here. And Allah knows best. The next discussion is about washing the body when it comes to washing the body, there are many myths and there are many misconceptions also about what happens at this stage in the janazah, the body is washed, which is again fortifier, when the deceased is male, the best suited to wash the body. Look, anyone may wash it, but it is not permissible meaning offensive for a non Muslim to wash the body of a Muslim and non Muslim relatives are as though non existent in the following priority list. So who takes the deposition to wash the body, the father of the deceased, then the father's father, then

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the Son, and the sons son, the brother, the father's brother, the son of the father's brother, those named in the sequence given at a different place in this book, meaning the list of Assabet universal A's, those men folk who would become the next left over collector, if I can call them that. So the inheritance is distributed, and in that particular mill takes what is the remaining of that estate, or they will take everything if there are no other is, that's the list of Assabet. The list is mentioned in keytab, on Marathe. But fees are more likely to be the scenarios that you face with the rest of the list is if you don't find the near family members, then mean related to the deceased to

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this would be distant relatives, and then may not relate it to the deceased. This would be like getting what we refer to in Cape Town as it took our money or to come handy. Somebody that is that is appointed in the community to do such work, washing the bodies of those who pass away as a service to the family, the family either formally employs the person to do so. Or informally, right, that could be part of what we what we refer to as a key fight clubs, which is a communal, you know, funeral fund. Everybody pulls money together, and then whatever has the next gen as they get a certain amount of money from that pool, in order to fund the janazah. This is part of Cape culture

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as well.

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This is what is referred to as men not related to him. Now my humble opinion in this regard is we should be the people to bury our loved ones and to take up this responsibility because we have priority. And you don't need to be an island in order to fulfill these duties as this course hopes to illustrate.

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You just need to know the basics and be comfortable with the theory. And you can still have that individual, whoever is responsible for that, or an alum, as a assistant in the room so that they can supervise you and you take the lead as far as the duties are concerned. But that is the list. Then after that another very important one, there's lots of misconceptions around this one, mean not related to the deceased and the number 11, his wife, right, and then number 12, his unmanageable female relatives, meaning women in his family he cannot get married to this is the list. Now, again, this is the list of priority. But as stated earlier, technically, anyone can watch the body the

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rules and regulations in terms of male female that needs to be observed. And only if that cannot be observed. Because you know, those individuals are not found and only women are found, then those rules will be would be mitigated. But the question comes in, can the wife wash the husband's body? Can the husband wash the wife's body? And the answer is based on our fifth? Absolutely, yes. There's some misconceptions around this, the one is obvious that they cannot. The second one is that the marriage comes to an end when the person passes away, and therefore, the husband can no longer touch his wife and the wife can no longer touch the body of the husband, they cannot be in the room

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together. Or if the wife has a hide, then she cannot be present. So that's there's no basis for these claims. related claims perhaps are that if it's women in the room, washing the maid, right for whatever reason, it's a female for example, then no one can have the height. Any woman with the height must leave the room.

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Or a person with the highest can go near to the DCC many things like this, which are basically baseless, there's no there's no grounds for this type of claim. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best there's no shut is no condition that in order for you to be able to watch the deceased body, you must be in a state of horses. Of course, it's good to be in a state of horses, but if you are not, this is not a requirement. If the disease is female, the best suited to wash the body is number

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One one of her female relatives, meaning the women of her immediate family, such as her daughter, or mother. Again, this is the priority list. And it's not wajib that you follow this particular order. Number two, the second in line would be other women. Number three, her husband, number four, and then a member of her unmanageable male relatives Muharram in the above order, and then if the deceased is a non Muslim, then his non Muslim relatives are better suited to wash him. Now, notice that throughout that list, we speaking about individuals, you're not speaking about this one, and this one and this one, because it is recommended that as few people required as possible, should be

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in the room, and no one else. Unfortunately, we find that it is pretty much standard practice that when somebody passes away, and the washes are selected, that it's a matter of honoring people in a way to honor this one. And we need to honor that one. And we need to honor that one. I think that's problematic because it goes against the spirit of the law, and the spirit of the law is to preserve the dignity of the deceased person, and have as few people as possible present. Now, this is not something that I'm going to dictate to people who are in a state of grief or depression or, you know, in emotionally charged state. So at the Janaza, no, I mean, I'd mentioned that, ideally, we

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need as few people as possible, yes. But if people insist that this person and that person, everybody else needs to be the, it's not something that I would fight about. But we need to move towards a culture of respecting the dignity of the deceased over and above

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what culture expects of us, and respecting the dignity of the family members as well. Because it isn't very pleasant that these a whole bunch of strange people are going to be so you know, intimately connected and exposed to my loved ones body. The same thing applies in the masjid for the solitude Jana has another selector Janessa does not have to take place in the match gene. But for the selected Janessa. It is sort of part of the culture that an announcement is made that all the orlimar must come forward, specifically, and often the family members even pushed away. I don't believe that this is the best practice. I think it's good for the alumni to be the but not at the

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expense of the family members. Why should the alumni be there because they can play for the deceased, they can play anyway. But perhaps afterwards, they can say a prayer for the deceased and the like. And they can you know, bring some of them maybe close friends of Allah, they can bring that spirit to the solitaire Janessa. That's great. But again, not at the expense of those who must be as close to the deceased as possible, because it's the it's the moment of grief. But that is somewhat sidetracking. To come back to the issue. Ideally, you should have one person and an assistant if it is required to have perhaps another assistant Bismillah but 456 people, I think that

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is somewhat problematic and Allah knows best. Further, it is recommended that the person watching be trustworthy, so that he can be relied on to watch the deceased completely and so forth. If he notices something good, it is so not to mention it if he notices something bad, it is unlawful to mention it as This is slander. Now, the person that you select to wash the body of your of your loved one, I believe should be yourself, I don't believe we should place anybody else in charge of such a delicate situation. Unless there's a very specific reason for that person to was very close to the deceased, he is an island he knows much better, etc, then fine, but at least the present have

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it that person and yourself. Then I would also like to add here that I would never want you to just forego this responsibility to somebody who is a complete stranger to the family. Because nobody in the family knows what's happening, or has experienced or knows how to do it. So we will just pay somebody else to do it. I really don't like the feel of that. The spirit of that. I think that's something we should try to avoid insha Allah to Allah, and it's very simple. Learn the theory. Ask a scholar or student of Dean or somebody who does this, you know on a regular basis, the washing of the deceased, ask them if you may accompany them for one or two Genesis so as to gain that

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experience, obviously with the permission of the family. Otherwise wait for you know the agenda is in your own family and participate the in if it is appropriate according to what I mentioned a moment ago, it is recommended that the washer be trustworthy but it is also recommended that the person washing be knowledgeable don't just take somebody for the sake of the title that they have or for the ad

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somebody in that room must have studied fic must have studied this fake meaning not from this book necessarily, but an A detailed elaboration of fic. In the particular madhhab that is to be followed in this instance, and is confident in the knowledge of faith. This is why it's important for us to study. Because moments such as this, you don't want to, you know, have people doing weird things and people do weird things. Weird, weird things. People believe that the finest cultural practice of using, you know, cutting the cloth in this way as opposed to that way or tying the knot in this way, as opposed to that way of folding it in this way, as opposed to that with these things are

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important. And then other matters, like exposing the IRA that's not so important, or being delicate with the body, etc. So people have their own understanding of what's right and wrong and good and bad, but none of that matters, except that which comes from the Quran and from the Sunnah. So Fick should dictate exactly what takes place they and nothing else, don't be afraid of taking the responsibility, because you will see it is very straightforward and illogical. to actually do this yourself. It is not complicated at all. Even though people would want to overcomplicate it, much of the of the complications is extra and cultural. The core of what needs to be done for the deceased

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is actually very straightforward and basic, and Allah Subhana Allah knows best.

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It is obligatory for the washer to keep the nakedness of the deceased clothed while washing him. I mentioned that this should be done under a sheet. I think that's one of the easiest and most practical ways to do this. It is so now that no one is present except the washer and his assistant, it is preferable that the body be washed while clothed in an ankle length shirt. That's basically a setup, right?

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I think that that's another good idea. I haven't experienced it, but I'd imagine that it would be somewhat more complicated than a sheet. However, at the same time, it would certainly be more private for the deceased outra than a sheath and Allah knows best.

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And then the washer inserts his hand from the sleeve, if ample enough while pouring water over the garment and washing the body and it if the sleeve is not wide enough for this it is open the seam from the side under the arm, the body must be covered from the navel to the knees. That's the minimum. So one person says okay, and it takes some cotton wool covers the knees and it takes some cotton wool covers the private parts exposes the body and says it's right your navel and the knees. The percentage a complete misunderstanding of the situation and they may even sound funny, but that's something that actually happened. Why because of lack of knowledge. So what we are doing here

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is to try and combat ignorance through learning Bismillah

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the body must be coming from the navel to the knees, that's a minimum incense should be burned from the start of washing to the finish as the Sunnah, it is best to wash the body under a roof meaning a covered area and base that cold water to be used, except when necessary to heat it, such as to clean away fourth that could not otherwise be removed, or when the weather is cold since the deceased suffers from it, the cold water and the cold just as a living person would. So the concept that most other other the misconception most people have in this regard is that you should use lukewarm water. I don't think there's a problem in using lukewarm water in most instances. But the reason why I'll

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fix specifically mentioned cold water

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is that the usage of warm water, especially hot water, could speed up the decomposition process, it could cause the body to decompose quicker. And for that reason it is cold water. So not technically lukewarm water even, but rather look cold water. Right. That's how we should think about it. Most people use lukewarm water and I think that's fine. But we should try to use it should be rather colder than hotter in that sense. And again, why because the deceased suffers from it as a loving person would. That's what we learn from the Sunnah in that regard. So you should treat the body with dignity with kindness with respect with Kay. It's not a loving person. So you don't need to be so

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scared that you're going to hurt the the mate you're not right, but you should care for the mate as you would have for the person if they were living. And Allah knows best. It is unlawful to look at the nakedness of the deceased or touch it. Here what we mean by nakedness is essentially the private parts. And the actual private part is even more sensitive, meaning you should abstain from that even more so except with a cloth. So when you need to make a stranger of the deceased which we'll get to in a moment, you can only do

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So with a cloth wrapped around your hand, and then beyond that, I would also advise to place your hands in medical gloves because

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direct contact without the being something in between is not permissible. And it is recommended sunnah not to look at or directly touch the other parts of the body save with a cloth. So even when you're washing, you should try not to look directly at the body. If you need to, because you are removing specific dirt that you saw on the cloth of the like, Fine, you may do that. But try to avoid looking directly at the body and touching the body directly. This is the reason why many caffeine packages come with rubber gloves inside of them. And then beyond that, rubber gloves, you should also use a cloth to do this.

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The next point is what we refer to as st bra. Now before we get to the details of st bra, I just want to make this very simple.

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My teacher, my labrum have a full half of the whole arm. We simplify this by saying you do for the for the deceased, what you would do for yourself, you wake up in the morning, you go to the bathroom, the first thing you do is you use the toilet you relieve yourself. After you relieve yourself, you make a stranger, then you proceed you wash your hands, you brush your teeth, after you brush your teeth, you continue either you're going to perform a hustle you're going to perform a will do if you're going to perform a hustle, you start the hustle by performing I will do then you wash your entire body, either you're going to do the minimum by washing your whole body once or

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you're going to do the sooner you know by washing the right hand side three times the left hand side 30 times and an author of the middle three times and then you're going to dry yourself off then you're going to get dressed. This is essentially the same thing that we do for the deceased for the magnet. Firstly, we relieve ourselves, you answer the call of nature, we refer to this as st bra. So you you're going to pick up the mate and you're going to press on the abdomen so as to allow any waste matter in the front area private bots to exit. And while that's happening, you're also performing the Stranger by cleaning under the cloth, of course not looking and pouring water at the

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same time. Once you see the cloth is clear, it's clean. Now you proceed to the next phase, you brush the teeth of the deceased by using a cloth, some soap and water and two fingers and just cleaning out the mouth of the deceased. And then you proceed to the widow right hands, mouth, nose in the same way that you would for yourself except for the mouth and the nose. Don't pour water into those cavities. rather keep the head sideways and pour this slightly over those cavities. And then use the fingers covered with a cloth again, to clean the just the front insides of those cavities. Because you don't want the water to get into the body. That could create problems with decomposition, or it

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could come out later and not be pleasant. And alota Allah knows best, then you proceed with the rest of the will do so that's going to be mentioned. Yeah. But again, the simplification is if at this stage, you lift all of that. And you just poured water over the entire body from head to toe and you covered everything with water once after having removed any net Jassa that was evident, then that's a hustle. That's a valid husen if that's all you did, as simple as that it's a valid Huso. In other words, the other matters that you're mentioning is sunnah. So omitting anything by accident or on purpose is not going to invalidate the hustle. It's perfectly fine. So you can see there that you

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can genuinely take responsibility for this. Of course, you want to do all of the Sooners as much as you possibly can.

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But it's not going to be wrong. If you forget something it's not going to be wrong. If you omit something. It's quite simple and straightforward. The same thing applies with the shrouding. As long as the body is shrouded from head to toe at least once and the outline is covered and nothing comes out. That's a valid shrouding. So you can't go wrong you can't do the wrong thing. You'll do all the extras but the extras are exactly that they are extra. So think about it in that way. That's going to save you from the anxiety of how do I handle this situation? I'm not confident this this and then is that and I'm not sure if I'm if I'm going to know what comes next.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

So it is recommended to do is the bra which is to force out the waist from the stomach. How do you do this to clean the private parts of fourth which is recommended when one is not certain anything has exited from those spots, though if it has

00:35:00 --> 00:35:27

As the cleaning it is obligatory, and the 3d to give the body ablution, which is we'll do like the evolution of a living person turning the head When rinsing the mouth and nostrils so that no water reaches the stomach. Number four to make the intention of performing the purificatory bath, the Husam and then to wash the head, beard and body each three times with water. Ideally infused with something like seeded which is low tree

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leaves we often use camphor and other forms of natural oils in the like in the water.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:59

Taking case each time to press the hand on the stomach in a downward stroke, leaning on it to force its contents out but gently so as to not hurt the deceased. If they hear of the head or beard is matted, there's a there's a bit of a mix up here. So, this particular portion in the middle is to come out avidity explained is the bra

00:36:00 --> 00:36:42

This is out of place. But then we go back to this point if the head of the head or beard is matted, it should be gently combed, with a wide tooth combs as to not pull any hair out. If he comes out as a result, the washer should return it and place it in the shroud to be buried with the disease. So these are all recommendations, and so to is the st bra. So you start off with that is the bra. You start off by cleaning the insides to the best of your ability you push down in the abdomen quite, you know quite forcefully. And at the same time picking the body of the upper body of the deceased up placing it on your right knee assuming you are washing alone, holding the head and then placing

00:36:42 --> 00:37:23

out if there is any waste while you're assisting pose over the sheet at the area of the private parts way the waist maybe coming out. And then after the sugar into clean the private parts in that sense. It is sunnah at the place of washing be on an incline so the head is higher than the feet. So the heat is is in the water flows down away from it. And we do that they be incense burners pleasant with incense in it. Number three to put one's right hand on the shoulder of the deceased with the thumb on the nape of the neck so that the head does not allow and place his back up against one's right knee. So essentially, it means you're going to have your knee up, you're going to have the

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person you know sort of up and holding them against you Your thigh like that, holding the neck like this so that he doesn't bother about and then pressing on the abdomen, so as to getting any potential waste to come out. As I said while the other person pause the water.

00:37:42 --> 00:38:22

Number four to have the help of poor abundant water during the process to obviate offensive odors from the waist, leaving the body number five to stroke the stomach firmly and effectively with one's left hand. And number six, when finished to lay the disease down again on his back with his feet towards the direction of the cupola. So that's how you start the process. You haven't washed yet, I mentioned the process of when you're going to wash how you're going to wash. But you're only starting now. So you went to the bathroom, you use the toilet. After you use the toilet, you make a stranger. If the body is not clean after three times, you rewash the body reaching an odd number of

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washes. Why because odd numbers are sooner. If it is clean after an even number of washings the sooner to add another if clean after an odd number one does not add any.

00:38:34 --> 00:39:20

I think in most cases three washes is going to be enough. The only time when it's potentially not enough is if the person had an autopsy or they were in an accident and the some you know extra cases open wounds and the like they in you may find some issues. And in situations such as that, I would say they you need an experienced person in the room with you. So they know how to address the special circumstances in question. The obligatory minimum for this purificatory bath for the hosel is that water reaches all external parts of the body. And that's it, that's the minimum as long as water reach the entire body from the top of the head till the bottoms of the feet at least once and

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there's no magic assets in the body that's actually it

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only the affected not there yet.

00:39:29 --> 00:40:00

And it is obligatory to remove any form so you must take away then a dresser. If there is any present, the body should be dried with a cloth afterwards. And only the affected area must be washed if anything leaves the body of the washing it meaning if after you've not done the hosel and then there's a hole somewhere in the meet and you have forthcoming from that hole. At that point you just wash that area you wipe that area and you know wash it away and you plug the hole and that's it. You don't need to redo the wash

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King, it is not necessary to repeat the ablution of the bath, even if the excretion is from the front or your private parts. So it's not necessary to repeat the will do or the hustle and Allah knows best. Now that concludes this session. Even though we are not done, we still have to do the shrouding of the body, we still have to do the Janessa salah, and then we have to go on to

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the burial. But let's do a revision because we end the session here. What we've covered so far is my Yashraj Route de gehele. Mate what is why you should or what is legislated in in relation to the mate. What is compulsory is only these four things here 123 And four, to wash the deceased

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to shroud the deceased, to prey on the deceased and to bury the deceased in this lesson

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what we've covered so far was the the washing of the disease.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:39

Previously we've also covered the Sooners, my your son know that which is sunnah fee Model D here when the person is sick, and they'd already here when the person is busy dying, and then Bad Demo D after the person had passed away. So those are the three topics we covered previously. In this particular session we covered my Ijebu what is wajib and we only did the hustle so far in in simple terms, the hustle the process, the minimal of which is to cover the entire body with water after removing the energizer.

00:41:41 --> 00:42:03

The ideal is to follow the Sooners that you would follow when you go to the bathroom and you wake up in the morning, relieve oneself make the stranger then perform the will do then perform the hustle by washing the entire body three times and then just adding something to the water and that's it. That's really it drying of the body the after.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:23

Until next time inshallah to Allah, we carry on with the shouting and Janessa Salah itself. I bid you farewell also Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Subhana Allah who will be humbly Subhana Allah Morbihan Nick, Shadow Allah in the federal government to be like a cinema Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

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