Ibrahim Nuhu – Riyadh Us Saliheen – 17-05-2022

Ibrahim Nuhu
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AI: Summary ©

The loss of joy and frustration for individuals who live a lifestyle that is norm is discussed, as well as the impact of the pandemic on people's health and safety. The importance of praying for someone in public settings and not taking debt is also emphasized. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a medical professional. The history of Islam is also discussed, including predictions of behavior and the importance of praying for someone.

AI: Summary ©

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			so let's
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			since the national
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			last one
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			I was
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			last week
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			talking about
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			virtual misdemeanor
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			last time we stopped
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			for massage
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			so we talk about interpretation at the middle of this week where the professor said there was a
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			complaint last month with
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			Jim gentlemen say I have those weak
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			Muslims and how they say I have
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			the arrogance
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			So, unless
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			the way you see it
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			each and every one of us we prop up proper for those who are inside and see as we
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			know you are my punishment and punishment if you wish from amongst my slaves is different because
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			a sense of respect
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			mercy and use you to show the mercy on those customers whose
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			society to
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			go to gym because of the merciful receive the Word of God which they did.
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			So Allah subhanaw taala each and every one of you has my word
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			and Allah subhanaw taala never it will never break and he promises is going to keep that promise and
his his work so he don't judge me and he told me how I'm going to be looking follows so in the last
part up yo
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			what's up
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			we will be saying to
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			you okay,
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			you grew up saying
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			then there anymore?
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			So the purpose of my talk about
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			Intel is up to me
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			none other than human beings. Did
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			happen to be a criminal
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			crime against himself first and foremost. It means a lot.
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			And it goes back to last
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			is not a Muslim, he will be going to help whatever is the most difficult last one. So what's your
question first, and then take you through
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			from the balance of the means which were not removed by a conference.
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			That's how it was the last one on projects. So enjoy the time
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			this is a hobby and then
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			Help will keep on shouting
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			and will shrink the size of health is going to reduce decrease your wellbeing according to
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			the size of the people who are those who happen to be so the size reduce and it can only accommodate
those who are so what I was going to ask them
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			How about now we'll see means
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			I don't need anymore so that word has been posed with disabilities it tells you how justice
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			lucky thing from
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			this woman he told me about a week ago so he makes it in a way the size can only accommodate looks
so good inside
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			the customer nothing like
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			he doesn't have a right to do this loss long term meeting obligation for himself and if you are
righteous you will never lose that this investment will not
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			will not go to
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			how much
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			hola everyone who's next to me
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			everyone who's supposed to be done next
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			agenda is to love my dogs
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			so there's a lot of
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			space in general which is
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			occupied by anyone.
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			So the problem is that
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			this didn't show us how big was pleased despite
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			us in this
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			fight against because we have
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			a number that person didn't even quoted
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			one of the king he builds a house ready big castle
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			he called that castle
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			the house of eternity
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			instead of
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			it because it says
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			the day you get into the house
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			I have
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			and how these things are created and they will not perish they will remain there for
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			you it is not easy to see the last part of this
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			individual in general, each one of us
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			is not easy to EGC last one
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			is the last one that he has
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			shown us lightness about
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			talking about
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			talking about normal kilometers they go to the 90s How far is between the start
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			and this is all
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			So Allah
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			so you can everyone can make everyone pleased and happy.
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			So gender
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			and gender is demanding
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			so the process I would love
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			for you to shoot Allah.
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			Allah is going to create a new creation.
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			New Patient fresh right after the creation
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			you know the promise for the health Allah will not try to decrease
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			but he reduced the size of the house and the only
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			asked for the car dies. It is the last one he wants
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			This means that you should stop fighting for the dunya
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			fighting for the dunya focus on Africa as a practice that
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			is easy you are able to meet all of your worries one worry
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			this is the body of a tweet a lot
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			of people are in this life is about how can I beat
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			the rest of the world
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			and you know what does that mean a lot is taken care of me you know
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			the good news from the personal loss of offense as he says
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			is we don't see we always rush his
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			patients that everything has been
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			but if you can make
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			only the outreach last month peacefully, the rest of the word is
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			so, my dear friend says this is my personal advice to each and every one of us to look into this
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			and readjust
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			everything you see in this dunya including the dunya itself is temporary. You also
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			see this
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			run of the mill donation of patients and we lost our data in that light which is thrown out
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			it goes beyond any collision
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			after you move to the final destination
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			so therefore that you
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			always worry about
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			what happens
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			to one of the other scholars he said whenever we move on
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			so much
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			it says yes
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			and we didn't like
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			you said yes
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			have fluids
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			because you destroy you.
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			And you mean
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			and obviously nobody would like to stay away from the to destruction
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			situation where
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			all of us we have a shoe of the difference between us and the seller
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			that's why they worry about seeing something different romantic plans what they're thinking Allah
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			is evil from that which they never expected. This is the vast majority of their worries not be
accepted but last night watching
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			even think that much about that in those days. So much
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			about them soon
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			that one is
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			in the medical wards
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			if somebody is in danger of death is necessary
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			he cannot increase his
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			people use things that he wished
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			the peak of righteousness
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			those were they might be taken
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			as a shutdown
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			I'm not saying you should exaggerating the unlimited
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			moderation is is
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			you should turn your light into an answer question every single thing you're doing you should make
sure that you can go and do it correctly. According to the winner
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			wants to be
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			the lover I'm assuming that he's gonna love
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			me without me ever today is in your interlock
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			you might see a person who will come to a loss of judgment and when he is placed on the scale, the
weight of this person would not be equal to the weight of the week.
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			honest with you end up with a mosquito
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			Imagine mr. president his weight is not equal to the weight of mosquito
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			why is that? Because the heart is bleeding
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			heart has been
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			I see a believer
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			and he is so focused on a huge when they put him on this judgment the weight of this person is not
equal to the weight of the week of
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			loss whatever doesn't look the way you do
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			parents Allah doesn't care about we had some immunity
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			know what matters is you actually
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			what matters is
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			was almost a consensus of scholars and not because of the pressure that nothing takes somebody out
of style except that was explicitly
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			out of Islam personally
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			a personal accident
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			the active
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			doesn't mean Mako regional builder, the company that takes part of Islam is probably still fighting
you call them confer
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			an act of
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			if one of them says killing is halal. And somebody told me no Allah says he said
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			to me is Hello, that person becomes caffeine right now. Yeah, that one became careful, but just
fight it doesn't take him out of Islam. That's why Allah Azza prescribed guesthouse for those people
because they are still Muslims as an expiation if they repent
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			is to this My dear brothers and sisters focus on your heart that's due to Nipsey is very important.
This kitchen next is not about talking
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			costs has been organized by people you attend Oh, take you to Nexus about you willing to purify
yourself and after Hammonds a QA nobody can do the test good enough for you you have to
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			tell us my
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			you but so that humbleness that humans did that visiting that the Halacha to vicar you know,
business person, you know, supporting people who are in need. These are the things that grant you
this kitchen of reciting the Quran, you know, doing anything that can increase your taqwa having
strong fear of Allah subhanaw taala all of these together
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			bring to the fore
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			the purification of the soul as well as the as the heart. So on the Day of Judgment, Allah is one to
one right.
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			So massive this they will not give it
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			to on the Day of Judgment, this call has mentioned that judgment.
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			Lee the deal will be will be wait.
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			The person himself also will be placed on this case.
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			And that's the closest opinion
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			on the into the
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			Companions, those who will
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			right good from your heart I
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			thought this
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			Okay, no.
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			Oh, although
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			they will mutton in
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			there was a nice and clean the Muslim, our Shabbat or a young person who used to come to the masjid
and clean the masjid of Rasulullah sallallahu island.
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			He said the jobs that some people are belittling right?
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			To clean the Muslim is one of the greatest job that somebody can do. If he has good intention,
obviously, it
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			is a bad play is
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			every, every place I've got a book in massaged, places of victory
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			place where you
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			Please allow us to make them
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			you know, making the place
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			comfortable for the saline.
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			Imagine how much does this How does this woman have free instruments to come to
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			spend that money she got
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			young person
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			was famous. I mean a few days. The Prophet saw some of the Garcia and he told them actually when he
asked about how he told him she is sick. Right so the prophets Allah sama said if something happens
to her for instance, if she die, please do let me know. Do not take her to the graveyard without
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			the Salah. So he asked about how about him, but God Almighty, Allah is Allah she died, oh he died.
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			Allah FLR quantum of antimony the prophets Allah sama said, Why didn't you tell me?
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			So he got annoyed?
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			Why didn't you tell
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			for the low Africana Sugawara so the prophets Allah is somehow realize that oh, the narrator
realizes that they belittle the effect of this woman
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			because of this woman why do we wake up personally as allies because martyred believe she died that
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			So then we said it looks like they don't give her any any way.
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			In some narration, they told me also Allah she died at night. And we find it very difficult to wake
you up. What did they say? Because of this. If somebody who they see as very important person died,
they will tell the province Allah so only wait for it. But this one nobody cares to cry at night to
the graveyard and they put her there like the way they do with anybody else but they did not inform
us who last
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			and the province allows them ask them, ask them about how cuz she stopped coming to the muzzle
complete. So he said was she they told him that. He says Why didn't you let me know?
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			So they told him the artist who Allah died at night. So he told them, show me they were did the
project, but the Lord our company, so they show him the great salary. So he prayed and this shows
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			the person when he is placed in the inside the gray let's say we realize that nobody prayed for him.
We can pray for him.
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			We can pray for him. Let's call assistance, the prophets Allah somebody already did the prayer for
her. And he repeated for her said it's okay as long as it's not too long. Then many scholars said
they should be avoided right because the prophets Allah Samana and salad.
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			Phil Maccabi are
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			the Quran, Masjid illan McGraw on HANA every place on Earth is the masjid you can pray except the
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			and the bathroom hammer
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			toilets where you go, I mean somebody goes on the issues that
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			that one they call it their house. The one we call in her mama nowadays is is not her mom, her mom
they are talking about those places where people go and take shower. Now is the one that the
prophets Allah Azza wa said any woman who believes in Allah is better in the hereafter she shouldn't
use this is because it's a place which is public place where everyone is used
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			had the ability to go far also they have this segregation, right? Men they have their own toilet and
the female they have their own. They are their own, they have their own bathroom.
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			So let's call a sec to avoid people misbehaving in that place or worshiping those people who are
inside a person should just restrict themselves to pray to that person in the in the masjid or out
of the music wherever the prayer has been done, go and pray with them and then class the thing
already passed. Then go to the grave and and with that, although the prophecy last time I did it and
the scholar said it is okay. If there is a need for a person to go for that. That it should be
sharp. But as I said the Lydia staying away from it is always always
00:26:28 --> 00:26:36
			popular in Hollywood. So he prayed for her and she was inside the grave right? Calling her mom look.
Mom No.
00:26:39 --> 00:26:41
			inheritable mom no and soulmates and
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			these graves usually are full of darkness upon whoever is inside is a very, very dark place. But
Allah subhanaw taala is giving light to the one who is in because of my prayer. It means when I pray
for him, Allah will give them light. Yeah, that's why I bow Qatada. You remember the hadith of Ravi
Qatada? Somebody who died and he he owes somebody money around three Durham's, right? And the
prophets Allah Azza wa said had to recommend kava that he leaves something to use and pay the debt.
Is it no Aerosmith, Allah? The prophets a lot of someone said Salah cycle. He told the Companions he
said you guys should go and pray for him but not not me. Said I will not pray for it but you should
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			one pray for it.
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			So the OMA will not take the debt lightly. Right? Yeah. Nowadays if I borrow money from you as if
this is gift, what I'm going to pay it I feel like I'm going to give you some favor. You know,
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			there are some people, they are known to be a person who is not paying the debt. When he borrows
that means Colosse Subhanallah you know what the prophets Allah Asuma said, but after the
unwillingness, whoever takes money from others, you need to adapt and his intention is to pay back
at the long run. Allah will pay on his behalf. What does that mean? Okay is if he's going to die
before the payment of the debt on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not take from his any words, pave.
00:28:18 --> 00:28:39
			Allah will bring back both of them and then Allah will pay him back we'll make that person happy.
Because my brand says it is tragedy if Allah is going to take from you only word because I have this
question If Allah is what is good to take from God word, and you took from another person wondering
how much from your reward you think can pay that one regular on the Day of Judgment, you have any
clue? No.
00:28:40 --> 00:28:44
			Allah will decide if he takes the whole thing and give it to him.
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			Any objection? No. That's the reason why he says the prophets Allah Salam, he said if you have any
oppression against your brother in this dunya settle that oppression now.
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			reach a day where there is no Durham that is no dinner. No
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			Noria, no anything you know, in the Mahabharata.
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			So what happened is if you have Hasler they will take the exam and pay them back the restitution you
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			you owe them if you have any hassle.
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			We'll take that say you had and put on that person. And what happens after that
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			I mean, and Talia will be live Allah sponsored dinner show mercy upon him to pay but you you are not
able to do it until death. Allah will pay it on your behalf. hamdulillah and he says woman aka
unwell and nurse it's not for her.
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			At least for Hala whatsoever Allah I slept for Hola.
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			If you take the wealth of others
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			And the intention is to destroy it, meaning not to pay it back. Allah will destroy that person and
Allah, Allah will destroy him. Imagine this is a threat from Allah subhanaw taala in this dunya he
will not succeed and when he goes to the day of judgment, He will realize how evil is his attitude
and his behavior.
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			He regrets
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			imagine somebody came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked about Shaheed the Prophet
sal Allahu Allah.
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00:30:30 --> 00:30:36
			Allah, Allah will forgive everything. Allah will forgive him in everything. And then the man
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			the prophets, Allah Sama, call him back.
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			He says,
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			I told that Allah will forgive right?
00:30:47 --> 00:31:04
			He said yes jasola He said in the deen Savani behavior greed anything. Imagine something that caused
you to keep the promise Allah Azza told him everything will be forgiven Jabril came all the way to
make your correction in the day except that
00:31:06 --> 00:31:08
			the Hadith the prophets Allah is Thomas and what
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			not me man who Naja daily ad
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			and maybe this is the reference to the heavy Superbowl Katana because the promise a lot of cinema
refused to pray for this person. He told the complainant to pray for him. So Abu Qatada remember
that if this
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			I mean lose the Somerset My prayer is giving them light in the grid and he's going to lose it for
what? Three? Durham's? Like three years, right? Three
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			because in those days these were their currencies, right? The lowest one that is lower than the
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			So he said yes to Allah, Saleh Ali, WA de no. He said you have some life pray for him.
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			And I will be responsible.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I said how Callegari Mubarak Al Maga Prophet Allah sama said
You mean that the death now is on your show? This person is not responsible anymore. He said yes he
also Liana Who are they are they No. Props are some emphasize on that so that you will know what
he's talking about. He said You mean this man is free now? He said yes. Yes, hola. He is possible.
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			Abu Qatada said whenever I meet the prophets, Allah Allah Salam, one of the first questions you
would ask me after the salaam Is * a data and did you pay the debt? And then he will be saying to
the prophets a lot. So no, until the time you managed to pay the progress a lot of cinema said about
the agenda to only now on the skin of this person become cold.
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			This call is now and they have a job to discover. What does that mean actually? Because if he says
it is cold, it means it wasn't like that before.
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			But Will Allah Allah be the best interpretation since if this person let's say he did not do
anything to deserve punishment, and he tried to settle the debt and he wasn't able to do it?
There'll be no punishment on him. But maybe he is referring to that hadith that says nafcillin
movement Morona to be tiny.
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			And this is really really bad, because you will be detained because of your debt. If you did not pay
it your soul will be stopped from going into paradise. Although you pass the test to pass the
question in the grave but you will not be able to see your paradise. Why because of the debt until
somebody the time somebody pays off the debt. Last the wholesaler guarantees gracias Tofik I guess
the time right. So we stop here in sha Allah if Allah subhanaw taala wish, I will see
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