Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #37 What’s After Ramadan

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of learning about one's past actions and interests in order to plan for the future is emphasized. Personal growth is also emphasized, including planting seeds and spending time in the middle of busy months. Regular practice is also emphasized, and spending time in a busy month is encouraged. The importance of patient behavior and staying in a good life is emphasized, along with the use of hobbies and interests to develop skills and knowledge. The speaker also discusses his interest in learning about the creation of creatures and the importance of nature in the creation of humans. He plans to update his topic next week and suggests listening to podcasts and trends in the field.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alikum walaikum salam wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Good to see you back on the live show. How's it going? hamdulillah How are you Alhamdulillah doing well how's your eat How was the day Medina Alhamdulillah one was good at hand the light was a bit different but Alhamdulillah your sound

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it was good Alhamdulillah like you said this was different way we didn't have to eat salah and that better hamdulillah we got together as family and it was it was a nice experience you know? I saw your video just not much Allah

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hamdulillah is how long we just got back home now and hamdulillah so yeah,

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yeah, whoa it's good to see the harem open again. And these videos help you know, it's nice to see from from a personal perspective, Mashallah. And handling lotion? No, we had given

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a little vote yesterday where we asked the people what do they want, you know, to be discussed? And we said either between the topic what's what's after Ramadan, or skills and hobbies and you know, interests what people are interested in. And it was quite close, but a lot of the people wanted to wanted us to discuss the topic about what's after Ramadan, what comes next. I think if we look at this topic, we first have to take a step back and ask ourselves, what did we do in Ramadan? What good deed was I doing? If you're able to answer that, then you're able to plan ahead and you're able to see what's after I'm done. So I'll give you an example. In the month of Ramadan, you may have

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been performing a lot more voluntary Salah you may have been reading the Quran a lot more, you may have been doing other good deeds, which you may not necessarily carry out in other months of the year. So if you are able to do those good deeds I think every Muslim on the face of this earth who knows about Armand was believing a lot definitely engaged in a lot more good, a lot more good deeds than they usually would have. So if you're able to see what you're what you were doing, you're able to realize that okay, I did 345 things in Ahmedabad those are now like seeds you are planting those seeds or you have planted them what's after Ramadan now is your job to nurture these seeds. Yes, it

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may be a little bit different in the sense that maybe Ramadan you read one juice a day or you were reading 20 aloka at 10 o'clock at whatever it may have been, you may not be able to maintain that standard if you're able to Alhamdulillah if you not don't go back to your position all the way before Ramadan when you are doing nothing, no take a little bit so you've planted your seed and now start growing slowly

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so so true, you know that's Ramadan should be a teacher for us where we will be learning something that we can implement throughout the years it's like some scholars say it's like boot camp where you go and intensive but that intensity of course you won't carry it throughout the rest of the year but obviously it becomes less and you You carry on with some extra evaluate and worship. So imagine going from strength to strength every year you reach Ramadan, you increase and when you exit that Ramadan you're slightly more and then you move to the next roundabout and so every Rama man you come to eat you're stronger than the year before. You know so i think that that's something that we can

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really learn from from Ramadan, you know, it can really push us in our lives in that way.

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Yes, I think as we mentioned before, you know, people sometimes people got their jobs they busy. During the month of Ramadan, they've tried their best they've taken out a lot of a lot of time to try and do good deeds. I think to simplify it, yes, people have different levels. Let's say you at you know, a level you want to do good. Try and look at all at least one good deed you are doing in the month of Ramadan. Let's take an example. Salah, just one you were reading, for example, for extra units of prayer example, during the month of Ramadan. Now, let's say that's your seed that has been planted and that that will grow into a tree but even if you nurture it, so your job if you want

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the very least after taking care of what's compulsory upon you look at the seed of Salah. Okay, maybe after the month of Ramadan, I'm unable to read for at least to at least two units of prayer, keep it going. So you can plant your seed when you get to Ramadan. The next year, the evening left, you will find that you already into I don't like to call it a habit. But you've got a routine or you've got you used to carrying out this act of worship. So it's your soul

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Are your two units of prayer, and then maybe in the next time upon you look for a new seed to nurture. So you look at your Quran that we'll be talking about people who have or who say they're very busy and they have no time, at least they've made a little bit of an improvement. There are others who did various good deeds. So look at these seeds that you have planted Yes, at the very beginning, you throw your seeds in and you've put a lot of water in your fertilizer, etc, etc. Now, as you're looking after your trees, your your good deeds, try and make them grow. So you were used to reading one Joseph Cochran, in the month of Ramadan. Now maybe you don't have time, at least a

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quarter at least two, three pages. But progress don't become stagnant, don't become stagnant and don't go down.

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It's I think a lot of people lose out here where they get very intense in the month of Ramadan. And the minute it happens, it's like now I'm back to my self that I was before. They don't realize that you know, this should be a madrasa a time that should teach you a lot for the rest of your year. So of course yes, doing good deeds in Ramadan is good, but you should take something away from it for your the rest of your year as well. And this is why we find like straight after Ramadan. Rasulullah saw sentences on some Ramadan.

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Obesity ninja well Kanika zooming down. The one who fasts Ramadan and then follows it up with six fasts. It's as though he's fasted the entire year. So it's like encouraging you that yes, Ramadan has ended, but Allah subhanho wa Taala still be worshiping. And these are the fasts that you can really gain benefit from. And in addition to that, you know, the the general message is that after Ramadan is delivered, there is still worship to be done.

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after Ramadan, not only after Ramadan, but after every single rebounder, there's another a bad and another act of worship to carry out after your Salah, there's something else after your soccer, there's something else to solder up, etc. Another interesting thing to mention when it comes to this point about carrying out good deeds, you spoke about it, six voluntary fasts of shanwa after that people will so if they into it, Mondays and Thursdays

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the middle days of the month of Ramadan, you know, you get into you get into the float, something interesting to mention is that I think we've all seen it when it's come to this academic whatever's going on at the moment. If you look back and rewind, three months, four months ago, before life changed for almost everybody on the face of the earth, you were able to do certain things. And now all of a sudden, you're unable to do them. Or you have to, you know, improvise, you have to do it a little bit differently, where you could go and roam freely, you can't where you could be with everybody you can't. The point I'm getting to, is also when it comes to your acts of worship, you

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don't know when's the last time you'll be able to do it. You don't know when when this opportunity was given to you You didn't take it, you don't know whether it will come back again or not. Not only when it comes to the month of Ramadan, when it comes to your Salah when it comes to your voluntary prayer, you know, when you're still young, you're able to fast, voluntary fast, were you able to recite the Quran much more, who knows, after a few years life around, you may change in such a way where you can't do it anymore, or your health may not be permitted, or you may become busy. So usually you'll find that during your lifetime, is there's a there's a small door that opens a period

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of time where Allah subhanho wa Taala grants you the opportunity and the time to carry out any bad usually not always. But usually you find that as you progress in life, and that opportunity has passed, it generally doesn't come back again.

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That's so true. So true. Because with the social distancing that's happened at the moment, many massages that have been closed completely and it said something that people really miss, you know, where I was just thinking of it, it's been nearly a month or more than a month. Yeah, we haven't performed solid Joomla. And it feels so you know, you feel terrible about it. And that was a door that we that was open where we never ever thought it would be closed. So to panela that opportunity that we've had all our lives was just stopped all of a sudden, and I think that's so relevant with what you're saying that, you know, we don't know this window of opportunity that we have right now.

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When it will close when we won't be able to do things Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best whatever is within our capacity we should do now and try to increase on it. So yes, absolutely.

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Yes, as we touched on the first point when it comes to the month of Ramadan, what after Ramadan, look at the good deeds you are doing and try and try and build on them. Don't be like somebody who as we mentioned our example you planted your seeds and then you leave your tree for them.

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Next 11 months of the year then next year Ramadan, you want to try and plant a new tree. No keep your tree keep it growing basically your good deeds and try and increase and we find as a foreigner, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions many in many if he speaks about how, you know good deeds, they bring about more good deeds also not happy for pseudolus Allah Allah He was Salam. So you do a good deed, and you find the in Illa, Allah subhana wa Taala grants you the trophy to do more good deeds, and the same when it comes to evil a person who does evil, then more sin and more evil becomes easier for him to do.

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Yes, absolutely. I think that's where Milan really boosts the person and like I like your example of trees, you know where you say you grow your tree, plant the seeds and then grow your tree and nurture it and make sure that the next Ramadan it grows even more, you know, that's a time where you can really make sure that there's a growth spurt in that annaleigh. So it really gives you that ability to think of your good deeds as an investment for you that you will reap benefit from. You know, I, I'll tell you something interesting in solar to Alaska, once I was reading with FCL, some years back, and we find in Nepal and a lot of times when Allah subhanho wa Taala is speaking about

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deeds, good deeds, sometimes he uses terms which we know in business. So he says manvel Levy, you could give Allah Hassan Hassan who will give Allah a good loan. It's not because Allah subhanho wa Taala needs a loan. No, the reason why the word loan is mentioned is because that is something that's guaranteed. So if, if you give me some money as a loan, then whether I lose it, whether somebody stole it from me, no matter what I have to pay you back this money that it has to come to you, it's guaranteed. So basically, I must handle what Allah is saying that whoever does these good deeds and comes on the day of PML, these good deeds, his angel or his, you know, his reward is

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guaranteed from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it's an investment you're making. And that is guaranteed. Now let's go to Surah two lassa. When you ponder over the surah, Allah subhana wa Jalla says, we'll also be taking an oath by Allah. So it could be solid philosophy, it could be time in general. He then says in mail in Santa Fe hostel, indeed, people or mankind in general at a loss, we used to hearing profit and loss at a loss in the levina. Amen, except those who believe. And for a person to believe they have to have knowledge of our last panel, which is why I'm so sorry, hat, then they do good deeds, what I've also been happy, and they encourage one another to do good, they

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help each other to remain steadfast, whatever. So the sub encourage one another to be patient. If you ponder over the surah, you'll find the first part is talking about the person himself. So here, our example is similar. You've got your good deeds, you investing, or you you put in your good deeds, and you're planting your trees. After that you didn't go to complete others. So how do you complete others, you help them do good, you tell them to be patient, etc. When you are doing this, think of you think of it as an investment. Let's go to the worldly example. If you put your money yes, you can carry on running behind money and working working, you get something but then you

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invest here and you've got a property here and you've got an asset here, you get so much, you know, wealth, even in lab. without you having done so much work. So same when it comes to your good deeds. There's only so much you can do. But if you teach somebody else and you teach another person and you help another person and they benefit from you, this now becomes like an investment. And as in the heartbeat that every person you teach something good to when they do that could give you also get its reward. So it's very interesting analogy you you mentioned or a very interesting point that it's like an investment.

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That's so true. Because you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala like you're saying he uses this word, Mandela nuclear Allah Cockburn has no, right, who is it that will loan Allah subhanho wa Taala he could live alone. And just the other day, I was thinking of it that, you know, people don't value time. In fact, I heard it from somebody else online where he will say people don't value time. But if we have to quantify that into money, and sit and say, okay, your time is worth X amount of money $50 an hour in two years, three years, how much would you have lost from the number of hours that you waste in a day? So you waste six hours a day, you would have lost X amount of money, maybe

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200,000, maybe $500,000 of money. So if you quantify it into money for a lot of people, they tend to give it real value. So perhaps you know Allah subhanho wa Taala Of course Allah subhanho wa Taala knows our nature, and this is why we find that he says what he Boonen matter who Benjamin that you love wealth

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Every great love is a great love that insan has fought for wealth. So, perhaps this is the reasoning also behind why, you know, such such terms are being used when the lady of gorilla Pokemon has entered. Think of it as alone, you're giving Allah subhanho wa Taala, who are you giving a being who can give you and will give you better than any other? Any anybody else. So why not invest your time in this?

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You know, in such good deeds, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will most definitely return it. So in this dunya, you might invest and there's no guaranteed return. But in the earlier you investing Allah subhanho wa Taala is guaranteed you that return

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true. And I think something we should touch on is with, you know, people's routines, people's schedules, the way life is going at the moment, there's a lot of uncertainty. So you find somebody they may say, during the month of Ramadan, I had the timetable, I had my schedule, then now in the last 10 days, it's I tried to do a bit more. Now life's changed again, I'm getting back to normal life, you know, this, this change and looking for time and opportunity? How does somebody handle this, especially with the current pandemic going around? What advice would you give them, especially somebody who wants to do good deeds, you know, they eager, but they saying that there's a lot of

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change that's going on? I can't really keep up? What advice would you have for them? Well, I think this is a time where a lot of people have more free time on their hands. So even in places where you know, the limitations are being lifted, etc, you're only working limited number of hours, limited amount of work. So you do have a lot of free time. And you know, people who argue and say that we don't have the time, I always tell them that how long do you spend on social media in a day, and the answer is always a few hours, or most of the time, it's a few hours that they spend. So we do have that extra time that we can now utilize. The problem is that sitting down and writing down a

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timetable is important. At this time, I'm going to do this, if you don't want to write it down, at least have a mental idea that when I wake up, I want to be doing this for x amount of time, then I want to move on to this, you know, action because if you don't have that planned out, then whatever comes your way you will be consuming of it, you'll be doing it, you'll be engaged in it. Whereas if you've got a set plan there, it doesn't need to always go according to that plan. But you generally try to stick to it to that and you moving towards certain goals in your life, you're achieving something. So just just the other day I was seeing a brother who was talking about how he accepted

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Islam, and he wanted to understand the Quran. So he actually sat and started writing out the entire Quran. He wrote, and he within two years so panela as far as I'm sure it was two years, he finished writing the entire Quran. And with its meaning at the bottom, you know what the meaning of the words. So now when he's reading the Quran, he understands he's able to easily he doesn't understand he goes to his what is written goes there and, you know, sees the meaning of it so amazing. Absolutely amazing. Imagine this, so many of us who have wanted to do these things in our lives. Now's your time, now's your opportunity. Yes, there's no going to the masjid. Yes, it's sad. But at

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the same time, are you utilizing that time with productive work doing something that can really benefit you and change you?

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You know, you mentioned such a powerful point that basically where there's a will there's a way you've got time, if you say you don't have time and you look for it, you will

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not make time, but you will find time. As long as it's something that's a priority, you have to now make this a priority. You have to say, you know, it needs to get done. And yes, people are different. You know, I was just sitting, writing out a timetable. Yesterday, Today, I was looking

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between us or no, I'm not somebody who can stick to a timetable. I said after I'm about

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I'll sit for a little while. Yeah, I'll do a few things. But slowly, slowly, slowly build up. And I think everybody is different. But even though people are different. The point you mentioned everybody can take away from it is make your plan you know, write it down, say I need to get this done, I need to get this time I need to get this done. Look at the hours you need to consume or the hours that need to be put in behind this project. And then start looking where you can find ours You know, sometimes if it means your day needs to stop early on, if it really means something to you if it's your life mission. Imagine Do you want to be somebody who who dies having had so many ideas?

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You wanted to do this? You wanted to do this? You wanted to do this? Every day you were waking up at 789 o'clock not doing it? No you eventually get to a stage in life.

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Even under, when something means something to you, you even I'm not saying sleep less of deprive yourself, but you will get up on time you will make time for these things at the beginning of your day, you will start with what's extremely important to you.

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Yes, and, you know, Ramadan, I was just thinking of it now that Amman, in and of itself is a teacher of life. Because you know, it comes for a short period of time, and then it's gone, your life is there for a short period of time, and then it's gone. If you compare it in, in comparison to the earth here. I mean, the Euro is everlasting, this is very short in comparison to it. So I'm about to start to think of it your birth as now your um, a lot of the of life has started. And your death is the when you see the moon of it, and it's it's over. Now, it's time for you to enter into the everlasting. The question is, are you going to be happy on that date, when you when you pass on when

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you leave this world? You know, so to, you know, metaphorically calling it a need, of course, it's not a need in and of itself. But you know, are you going to be happy, the same way that you see, and it's something that we can really think of, just today, I was

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talking on another forum, and we were talking about wealth. And, you know, it, it came to me to say that wealth is really just our access to these resources for the number of years that we are in this world. It's the access that Allah subhanaw taala gave us because the wealth stays on, you pass, you pass on and you leave, but the wealth stays and it's inherited. And then other people are now given access to that wealth for some time. So you know, it's been inherited over the centuries and it passes on and on and it's just the time that you have so in everything in our life time is just that little resource that you have for a short while. What are you going to do in it? And then you're

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going to meet your maker to you know, be judged now and I made to Jenna or to everlasting Doom Allah subhanho wa Taala protectors.

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Chef and a quick recap, I think what we mentioned for those joining the stream now we were saying after Ramadan person, firstly, look at the good deeds you are doing in the month of Ramadan, and try to carry on with these good deeds you may not carry on at the same level, but at least a little bit and start nurturing them. We also mentioned that the importance of you know, having a timetable, having a schedule, planning your day out, yes, it's not easy, straight from Amazon to get back into life again, or carry on your whole life. Like it's Ramadan when you're at your peak. That's why it is the day of eat. That's why there's the day of feasting, when you stop fasting, and you know, it's

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a day of enjoyment and happiness, but then slowly you get back into the rhythm of

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Ramadan or doing some of the good deeds you did during a month of Ramadan.

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Lucha zirkel here, I think it's been a good session. It was a short one. I haven't seen any questions. So I don't know, shall we? In the session Alhamdulillah there was one more thing or few things to mention, but one that comes to mind this another topic that a lot of people showed interest in as we mentioned, it was half half. People also wanted us to discuss, you know, hobbies, interests, developing skills. You know, sometimes it's frowned upon where a person thinks that if I'm an island if I want to learn the deen, I mustn't know, for example, how to run my business or how to do a few things in in my worldly life. And the opposite is also true. Sometimes a person

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thinks that if I'm a computer programmer, or if I'm a pilot, or if I'm whatever I may be, this stops me from being you know, more religious, or getting closer to our last panel which I like. So I think there's something important to mention there I think we should leave it for another session. That's a long topic on its own. Maybe we can ask you about some of the hobbies you may have with senior bees Mashallah.

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I'd love to talk about them in Shall I think I've developed quite quite as we relationship with the bees, you know, it's a it's a relationship of love and hate something sometimes they show you. They show you a bit of a you know, Subhanallah I've been stung a few times. It's a very interesting, very interesting hobby Alhamdulillah led to a lot from it.

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What quarter what got you into bees in the first place? I mean, when I was still there, I never ever knew you as being somebody who was interested in bees and that type of, you know, well, I was gifted this hive that's very interesting and it works amazingly. So it's literally honey on tap, you turn the tap and in honey flows out of the hive. But when you

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See the video, it looks just amazing. So when I was gifted this, I thought that, you know, I'm not into beekeeping, but I need to do this, because now I've got this expensive contraption here, it would be a waste. And I've been interested in it ever since I saw the video. So I picked it up and I started. And Subhanallah you know, in the beginning, it was very slow for the bees to come in. It was a very laborious process, but once it started, and it became interesting, you know, when you see the bees first in the hive, and how they entering and exiting, and you, I have a few videos of my early, you know, the start of the journey, so to speak on Instagram as well. And it was very

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interesting for me, I started learning more about it, and I bought some books and I was reading about it and watching videos online. So I was thrown into the deep end, so to speak, you know, I had a hive and I had to start learning now.

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Now speaking about the bees, when we look in the surah as the chapters of the Quran, we find so many of them are named after animals, we've got an apple, you've got an animal, the ants, you've got an anchor both the spider and bakoma, the calf or the cow. And there's a lot that's what there's a lot of times the last panel which Allah mentions, the creation of creatures is created telling us to ponder over these animals, these creatures, whether they may be insects, mosquitoes, bees, flies, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that everybody had to come to bring a fly, you know, to create a fly, they wouldn't be able to everybody along with all the associates. So it's very interesting looking

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around and looking at the creation of our last panel, which I'm always trying to get that nature, or that scenery or something that's beautiful and relating it to the fact that you know, it's from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and that in and of itself is an a burden, as Allah says that those who ponder over the science of Allah subhanho wa Taala basically he praises them.

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Yes, well, I maybe you can tell us some of your your hobbies as well.

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shala we probably go into another session where I'm more interested in

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these days, I read a lot more on business and growth and that type of thing. I think what's interesting that I found in my life, yes, we both hamdulillah studied in Medina, I'm still here inshallah I probably finished this year, as we learned through, we learned the Arabic language, we learn Sharia, we land in Harlem, etc. And what was interesting, there was a turning point that happened in my life. And when we were in, you know, the faculty of Sharia in Munster was satis, the sixth semester, so this is about two years before you finish Sharia. We then moved on to more ama law. So for those who know the Sharia, you would find that people talk about a bad artist event at a

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very important what's your eba your salary, Osaka, your hedge your fasting and before that, obviously, your belief in Allah Subhana, la tauheed, etc. Now there's another aspect of life another aspect of a Muslims life. And that's more ama to you buying and selling, how you interact with others marriage when it comes to judicial system, etc. So when I got way, I found that I had learned Yes, for five, six years. And now somebody was teaching me something completely different. I was more of the type way Yes, I read my books I tried to memorize. I stuck to things if you ask me about something new, so if you told me, You know what, I don't know, the cryptocurrencies or online

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business. At that time, I would have just probably found and just say that, no, you know what, stay away from it, etc. I don't know. And left it at that. Not thinking that there was something wrong with me for not knowing about it. After that, when I got to this point, there was somebody who was teaching us I know him very well. Mashallah. Very good chef.

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He's then teaching us fick of marmelade from a whole different angle. So we went into Islamic Finance, we went into New York, buying and selling you know, new Messiah and what happens if we, if we say that Islam is a complete religion, that means if you have a loyalty card when it comes to the Hilton or any other hotel, this is a how convey this hello and harm involved is something that when you bind online, there's something there so a lot of times we find that people think that your Islam is your Salah, at home or in the masjid and that's it. When you go to your business or when you want to interact with someone or when you're on the internet, the programs you write his Islamic rulings.

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So slowly, I think my my mind started opening them from there. I looked into I was very interested at the time in Islamic finance. I didn't

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wrote the examine, I studied that. I'm currently still studying that. But as with anything, you learn it, I'm not saying something bad of it, I'm appraising it to saying something that I'm saying, you learn and you realize that yes, those who really support it Alhamdulillah they've tried, and they've done a lot. But they themselves will tell you before anything else we've tried, but there's a lot of work to do. And then there are those who completely or they say that stay far away from it. So where do you draw that balance? And in Islam, if we believe that Islam is a complete religion, and we believe that everything that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or everything that we

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need, Allah and His Messenger gave us some sort of guidance, that should be complete, that should have been everything. So when it comes to parenting, whether it comes to teaching people how to give a lecture, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was one of the best of speakers that's why I'm so happy. It's mentioned that when he would speak or address the people, there was a way he spoke, his voice was high and it was as though he was commanding and harming. So in Islam also you learn how to speak you learn how to interact with people, you learn how to do business. And I think that then took me on a journey to which I think I'm currently on at the beginning where I want to

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learn from anybody and everybody, anybody you find you know, sometimes we want to learn especially from those who are the best in the field that's very good. But you will find anybody who you see in life you sit with half an hour an hour this something you will be able to take from them just look for it and you'll find it absolutely, absolutely. Mashallah. That's a topic that I'm also interested in. I've been following what you've been been putting out there, and you had some sessions, podcast sessions on Islamic you know, dealings and morality etc. are you carrying on with that podcast? Yes, inshallah. I think this week, I was off for a little while, but last week, and inshallah once a

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week, so Tafseer I want to go back to Surah Yusuf a little bit and carry on with it once a week and Hadees inshallah we'll carry on with

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heavy theme Sahih al Bukhari keytab, when we were buying and selling, and those are habits, we're looking at them from a more contemporary, you know, looking at contemporary massage rulings given in that yes, absolutely. I really like those podcasts too, as well. It gives me a lot of insight into that part of the you know, aspect etc. So I'm hungry, like it really helps and I think a lot of people do you enjoy listening to these topics as well. So perhaps we'll,

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we'll talk on one of these topics, perhaps one of the sessions inshallah we'll talk about it even in the evening maybe in the next session, we can touch on some of the interests and hobbies etc chef and if you could any last point so a quick recap on what we mentioned what's after Ramadan

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is here so basically we were talking about how Ramadan is a teacher and how it should help you you know through the rest of your year and you build so we were talking about trees and how

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when you plant a seed it should be nurtured and once you've planted the seeds in Ramadan they should be nurtured to the next Ramadan and then grow from there. So these are some of the points that I remember from our discussion so far. And perhaps you can touch on a few more

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Yes, we even Illa I'll tell you something interesting. This last one of them. It was one of my colleagues I had learned with in high school he's not a Muslim, but he messaged me and he said that I want to fast this Ramadan What should I do? So I told him he is into fitness, they own a gym, etc. So had Allah He fasted the whole month of Ramadan and after two three days, he says that yeah, it's nice. I'm used to it. You know, I've got a detox from social media my day literally waking up at five of time. Since my day starts early. He finishes off I get a lot done. So I think I'll ask him now about carrying on with the six fossil shawanna etc. Let's see what he says and inshallah I'll

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update you. Whoa, that's absolutely amazing, absolutely amazing. Insha Allah, may Allah guide him and grant him goodness and from his life. I mean, I'm in my last panel with alligators all unconscious, all goodness chef and any last words.

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Just like I said, it's been lovely being on the session. Once again, I was actually missing this. Now right at the NBA we get to visit so Alhamdulillah it's good to be back. And it's good to be chatting Zack a lot here and hamdulillah we both we all benefiting from this angle in where he came from. I think one of the best things is that if people can be discussing or speaking about Allah Subhana Allah

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Allah some of the verses some of the higher in the poor and some of the heavy giving advice you know if there's nothing that you've got from this except protecting your tongue from saying something bad or looking at something that that in itself is an achievement We ask Allah subhana wa Jalla to grant us acceptance one more thing before we go a lot of people asking is this going to be every day? I think we've agreed for now once a week as things life gets back into order you know the timetables we see how things are going and then maybe we take it from there What do you think? Yes, absolutely inshallah and if it's going well and we were enjoying the sessions, etc, people were benefiting from

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it, maybe we could increase it to two inshallah even even our collateral fee conjures up a love affair and inshallah we will probably see you next week. Next week.

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Time right at the same time or unless we mentioned we agree on another time, we will update it chairman. Yes, insha Allah, Zack Allahu and Sara Malika while you can Salaam off into la houbara cat

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